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Icon/artwork to link to app store + redirect behavior


Hello list,

I finally published my first app to the app store this weekend. I was 
looking for a good way to link from the website to the store, but I 
couldn't find any kind of recommended artwork or HTML snippet to do so. 
So this is what I ended up doing - https://bartist.org (button at the 

Would it make sense to have:

- some icons/artwork and/or HTML snippet that says "get it on Ubuntu 
Touch" or something similar to Google play and Apple's app store that 
many websites have: see here - https://www.bart.gov/schedules/appcenter 
for a bunch of them

- a redirector on the Canonical server side that either goes to the app 
in the store (if using an Ubuntu device) or shows a web page for all 
other traffic

On the other hand, maybe that's a feature for uappexplorer since the 
official store doesn't have any web interface [yet]?

Just throwing out some ideas. Thank you.