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BQ E4.5 OTA-15: Dekko mangles mail addrs on reply


I tried to reply to a mail in my INBOX this morning. The original mail
contains as headers:

  Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 22:38:37 +0100
  From: Klxxxxx Rixxxxx <post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  To: Matthias Apitz <guru@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Olxxxxx Maxxxxx <epxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  Cc: JW%Lexxxxx-MUC@xxxxx.xxxxx
  Subject: Re: Fwd: WG: Leserbrief

and on reply it gives in the Sent folder:

  Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 06:36:21 +0100
  From: Matthias Apitz <guru@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  To: Klxxxxx Rixxxxx <post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Cc: Olxxxxx Maxxxxx <epxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <@[]>
  Subject: Re: Fwd: WG: Leserbrief

but sending is denied due to a broken mail addr in Cc: header, of course it's broken,
see the addr `<@[]>´. It seems, that Dekko can not handle the mail addr
correctly which was in Cc: JW%Lexxxxx-MUC@xxxxx.xxxxx

In addition, Dekko pops up a message box with the error (to fast to make
a screen shoot of it) and just drops the edited text without any chance
to save the text and/or correct the broken mail addr. Lucky I could
fetch it with my MUA from the IMAP Sent folder.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  ☎ +49-176-38902045
Aus "Nie wieder Krieg!" wurde "Nie wieder Krieg ohne Deutschlands Truppen"
The "No wars anymore!" changed now to "No wars anymore without German battle groups!"
El "¡Nunca jamás guerra!" ha cambiado a "¡Nunca jamás guerra sin tropas alemanas!"