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Re: [Merge] lp:~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/document-hub2 into lp:ubuntu-docviewer-app


Review: Needs Fixing code

Last 2403 lines of diff (rev 90). 
Unfortunately they aren't here on Launchpad. So I locally merged this branch in the trunk, then I used qdiff, I report here interesting pieces:

+    Button {
+        objectName:"GOButton"
+        text: i18n.tr("GO!")
+        color: UbuntuColors.orange

Orange isn't anymore suggested by design guidelines[0]. I suggest to use green or gray


Why do you use a TextArea with readOnly: true and not a Label?


Could you please explain what are you trying to achieve with DocumentModel::_q_directoryChanged?
Seems improvable, but I'm not sure I understand how you want to use it

item.dateDiff = 0;
Probably is better to add a ENUM for this

Great work Stefano, congrats!

All issues I pointed out are minor, and the improvement is huge :-)

I'm going to test it

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