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[Merge] lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/dev-migrate-new-listitems into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot


Nekhelesh Ramananthan has proposed merging lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/dev-migrate-new-listitems into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot.

Commit message:
Migrates the following pages to the new SDK list items,
- SettingsPage.qml
- DayDelegate.qml
- Individual settings page like DataProviderPage.qml, RefreshIntervalPage.qml and UnitsPage.qml.
- AddLocationsPage.qml

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Weather Developers (ubuntu-weather-dev)

For more details, see:

Migrates the following pages to the new SDK list items,
- SettingsPage.qml
- DayDelegate.qml
- Individual settings page like DataProviderPage.qml, RefreshIntervalPage.qml and UnitsPage.qml.
- AddLocationsPage.qml

The LocationsPage itself has not been migrated since it involves also migrating the multiselection and reorder features. I rather do that in a separate MP for easier review.
Your team Ubuntu Weather Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~nik90/ubuntu-weather-app/dev-migrate-new-listitems into lp:ubuntu-weather-app/reboot.
=== modified file 'app/components/DayDelegate.qml'
--- app/components/DayDelegate.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/components/DayDelegate.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
-ListItem.Standard {
+ListItem {
     id: dayDelegate
     height: collapsedHeight
     property int collapsedHeight: units.gu(8)
-    property int expandedHeight: collapsedHeight + units.gu(4) + extraInfoColumn.childrenRect.height
+    property int expandedHeight: collapsedHeight + units.gu(4) + extraInfoColumn.height
     property alias day: dayLabel.text
     property alias image: weatherImage.name
@@ -40,9 +39,6 @@
     property alias wind: windForecast.value
     property alias uvIndex: uvIndexForecast.value
-    // Standard divider is not full width so add a ThinDivider to the bottom
-    showDivider: false
     state: "normal"
     states: [
         State {
@@ -101,65 +97,70 @@
-    ListItem.ThinDivider {
-        anchors {
-            bottom: parent.bottom
-        }
-    }
+    Item {
+        id: mainInfo
-    Label {
-        id: dayLabel
+        height: collapsedHeight
         anchors {
             left: parent.left
-            right: weatherImage.left
-            rightMargin: units.gu(1)
-            top: parent.top
-            topMargin: (collapsedHeight - dayLabel.height) / 2
-        }
-        elide: Text.ElideRight
-        font.weight: Font.Light
-        fontSize: "medium"
-    }
-    Icon {
-        id: weatherImage
-        anchors {
-            horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-            verticalCenter: dayLabel.verticalCenter
-        }
-        height: units.gu(3)
-        width: units.gu(3)
-    }
-    Label {
-        id: lowLabel
-        anchors {
-            left: weatherImage.right
-            right: highLabel.left
-            rightMargin: units.gu(1)
-            verticalCenter: dayLabel.verticalCenter
-        }
-        elide: Text.ElideRight
-        font.pixelSize: units.gu(2)
-        font.weight: Font.Light
-        fontSize: "medium"
-        height: units.gu(2)
-        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
-        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop  // AlignTop appears to align bottom?
-    }
-    Label {
-        id: highLabel
-        anchors {
-            bottom: lowLabel.bottom
             right: parent.right
-        }
-        color: UbuntuColors.orange
-        elide: Text.ElideRight
-        font.pixelSize: units.gu(3)
-        font.weight: Font.Normal
-        height: units.gu(3)
-        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop  // AlignTop appears to align bottom?
+            margins: units.gu(2)
+        }
+        Label {
+            id: dayLabel
+            anchors {
+                left: parent.left
+                right: weatherImage.left
+                rightMargin: units.gu(1)
+                top: parent.top
+                topMargin: (collapsedHeight - dayLabel.height) / 2
+            }
+            elide: Text.ElideRight
+            font.weight: Font.Light
+            fontSize: "medium"
+        }
+        Icon {
+            id: weatherImage
+            anchors {
+                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+                verticalCenter: dayLabel.verticalCenter
+            }
+            height: units.gu(3)
+            width: units.gu(3)
+        }
+        Label {
+            id: lowLabel
+            anchors {
+                left: weatherImage.right
+                right: highLabel.left
+                rightMargin: units.gu(1)
+                verticalCenter: dayLabel.verticalCenter
+            }
+            elide: Text.ElideRight
+            font.pixelSize: units.gu(2)
+            font.weight: Font.Light
+            fontSize: "medium"
+            height: units.gu(2)
+            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
+            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop  // AlignTop appears to align bottom?
+        }
+        Label {
+            id: highLabel
+            anchors {
+                bottom: lowLabel.bottom
+                right: parent.right
+            }
+            color: UbuntuColors.orange
+            elide: Text.ElideRight
+            font.pixelSize: units.gu(3)
+            font.weight: Font.Normal
+            height: units.gu(3)
+            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignTop  // AlignTop appears to align bottom?
+        }
     Item {
@@ -168,13 +169,12 @@
             bottom: parent.bottom
             left: parent.left
             right: parent.right
-            top: dayLabel.bottom
-            topMargin: units.gu(2)
+            top: mainInfo.bottom
+            bottomMargin: units.gu(2)
         opacity: 0
         visible: opacity !== 0
         Column {
             id: extraInfoColumn
             anchors {

=== modified file 'app/components/ForecastDetailsDelegate.qml'
--- app/components/ForecastDetailsDelegate.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/components/ForecastDetailsDelegate.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
 Row {
     height: icon.height

=== added file 'app/components/StandardListItem.qml'
--- app/components/StandardListItem.qml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ app/components/StandardListItem.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical Ltd
+ *
+ * This file is part of Ubuntu Weather App
+ *
+ * Ubuntu Weather App is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * Ubuntu Weather App is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.4
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
+import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
+ListItem {
+    id: listItem
+    property alias title: _title.text
+    property alias icon: _icon.name
+    property alias showIcon: _icon.visible
+    RowLayout {
+        anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; margins: units.gu(2) }
+        height: _icon.height
+        spacing: units.gu(2)
+        Label {
+            id: _title
+            anchors.verticalCenter: _icon.verticalCenter
+            elide: Text.ElideRight
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+        }
+        Icon {
+            id: _icon
+            height: units.gu(2); width: height
+            name: "go-next"
+        }
+    }

=== modified file 'app/components/WeatherListItem.qml'
--- app/components/WeatherListItem.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/components/WeatherListItem.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
 ListItemWithActions {
     id: root

=== modified file 'app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml'
--- app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 1.0 as ListItem
 import Ubuntu.Components.Popups 1.0
 import "../components"
 import "../data/CitiesList.js" as Cities
@@ -187,8 +186,14 @@
         section.criteria: ViewSection.FirstCharacter
         section.labelPositioning: ViewSection.InlineLabels
-        section.delegate: ListItem.Header {
-            text: section
+        section.delegate: ListItem {
+            height: headerText.implicitHeight + units.gu(1)
+            Label {
+                id: headerText
+                text: section
+                anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; margins: units.gu(2) }
+                font.weight: Font.DemiBold
+            }
         model: ListModel {
@@ -200,8 +205,8 @@
             onRowsAboutToBeInserted: loading = false
-        delegate: ListItem.Empty {
-            showDivider: false
+        delegate: ListItem {
+            divider.visible: false
             Column {
                 anchors {
                     left: parent.left

=== modified file 'app/ui/LocationPane.qml'
--- app/ui/LocationPane.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/LocationPane.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -162,20 +162,16 @@
             now: locationItem.currentTemp
-        ListItem.ThinDivider {}
+        // TODO: Migrate this to using the new SDK list item when possible.
+        ListItem.ThinDivider { anchors { leftMargin: units.gu(-2); rightMargin: units.gu(-2) } }
     Column {
         id: weekdayColumn
+        anchors.top: locationTop.bottom
+        height: childrenRect.height
         width: parent.width
-        height: childrenRect.height
-        anchors {
-            top: locationTop.bottom
-            left: parent.left
-            leftMargin: units.gu(2)
-            right: parent.right
-            rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-        }
         Repeater {
             id: mainPageWeekdayListView
             model: ListModel{}

=== modified file 'app/ui/SettingsPage.qml'
--- app/ui/SettingsPage.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/SettingsPage.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,42 +18,34 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
+import "../components"
 Page {
     title: i18n.tr("Settings")
     Flickable {
-        anchors {
-            fill: parent
-        }
+        clip: true
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        contentHeight: settingsColumn.height
         height: parent.height
-        contentHeight: settingsColumn.childrenRect.height
         Column {
             id: settingsColumn
-            anchors {
-                fill: parent
-            }
-            ListItem.SingleValue {
-                progression: true
-                text: i18n.tr("Units")
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            StandardListItem {
+                title: i18n.tr("Units")
                 onClicked: mainPageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("settings/UnitsPage.qml"))
-            ListItem.SingleValue {
-                progression: true
-                text: i18n.tr("Data Provider")
+            StandardListItem {
+                title: i18n.tr("Data Provider")
                 onClicked: mainPageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("settings/DataProviderPage.qml"))
-            ListItem.SingleValue {
-                progression: true
-                text: i18n.tr("Refresh Interval")
+            StandardListItem {
+                title: i18n.tr("Refresh Interval")
                 onClicked: mainPageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml"))

=== modified file 'app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml'
--- app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
 import "../../components"
 Page {
@@ -33,13 +32,15 @@
     ExpandableListItem {
         id: dataProviderSetting
-        listViewHeight: dataProviderModel.count*units.gu(6) - units.gu(1)
+        listViewHeight: dataProviderModel.count*units.gu(7) - units.gu(1)
         model: dataProviderModel
         text: i18n.tr("Provider")
         subText: settings.service === "weatherchannel" ? "The Weather Channel" : "OpenWeatherMap"
-        delegate: ListItem.Standard {
-            text: model.text
+        delegate: StandardListItem {
+            title: model.text
+            icon: "ok"
+            showIcon: dataProviderSetting.subText === model.text
             onClicked: {
                 if (model.text === "The Weather Channel") {
                     settings.service = "weatherchannel"
@@ -48,16 +49,6 @@
                 refreshData(false, true)
-            Icon {
-                width: units.gu(2)
-                height: width
-                name: "ok"
-                visible: dataProviderSetting.subText === model.text
-                anchors.right: parent.right
-                anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-            }

=== modified file 'app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml'
--- app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
 import "../../components"
 Page {
@@ -38,27 +37,19 @@
     ExpandableListItem {
         id: dataProviderSetting
-        listViewHeight: refreshModel.count*units.gu(6)
+        listViewHeight: refreshModel.count*units.gu(7) - units.gu(1)
         model: refreshModel
         text: i18n.tr("Interval")
         subText: i18n.tr("%1 minute", "%1 minutes", Math.floor(settings.refreshInterval / 60).toString()).arg(Math.floor(settings.refreshInterval / 60).toString())
-        delegate: ListItem.Standard {
-            text: model.text
+        delegate: StandardListItem {
+            title: model.text
+            icon: "ok"
+            showIcon: settings.refreshInterval === model.interval
             onClicked: {
                 settings.refreshInterval = model.interval
                 refreshData(false, true)
-            Icon {
-                width: units.gu(2)
-                height: width
-                name: "ok"
-                visible: settings.refreshInterval === model.interval
-                anchors.right: parent.right
-                anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-            }

=== modified file 'app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml'
--- app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 import QtQuick 2.4
 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2
-import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItem
 import "../../components"
 Page {
@@ -27,6 +26,7 @@
     flickable: null
     Flickable {
+        clip: true
         anchors.fill: parent
         height: parent.height
         contentHeight: unitsColumn.childrenRect.height
@@ -86,84 +86,60 @@
             ExpandableListItem {
                 id: temperatureSetting
-                listViewHeight: temperatureModel.count*units.gu(6) - units.gu(0.5)
+                listViewHeight: temperatureModel.count*units.gu(7) - units.gu(1)
                 model: temperatureModel
                 text: i18n.tr("Temperature")
                 subText: settings.tempScale === "°C" ? i18n.tr("°C")
                                                      : i18n.tr("°F")
-                delegate: ListItem.Standard {
-                    text: model.text
+                delegate: StandardListItem {
+                    title: model.text
+                    icon: "ok"
+                    showIcon: settings.tempScale === model.value
                     onClicked: {
                         settings.tempScale = model.value
-                    Icon {
-                        width: units.gu(2)
-                        height: width
-                        name: "ok"
-                        visible: settings.tempScale === model.value
-                        anchors.right: parent.right
-                        anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                    }
             ExpandableListItem {
                 id: precipationSetting
-                listViewHeight: precipationModel.count*units.gu(6) - units.gu(0.5)
+                listViewHeight: precipationModel.count*units.gu(7) - units.gu(1)
                 model: precipationModel
                 text: i18n.tr("Precipitation")
                 subText: settings.precipUnits === "mm" ? i18n.tr("mm")
                                                        : i18n.tr("in")
-                delegate: ListItem.Standard {
-                    text: model.text
+                delegate: StandardListItem {
+                    title: model.text
+                    icon: "ok"
+                    showIcon: settings.precipUnits === model.value
                     onClicked: {
                         settings.precipUnits = model.value
-                    Icon {
-                        width: units.gu(2)
-                        height: width
-                        name: "ok"
-                        visible: settings.precipUnits === model.value
-                        anchors.right: parent.right
-                        anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                    }
             ExpandableListItem {
                 id: windSetting
-                listViewHeight: windSpeedModel.count*units.gu(6) - units.gu(0.5)
+                listViewHeight: windSpeedModel.count*units.gu(7) - units.gu(1)
                 model: windSpeedModel
                 text: i18n.tr("Wind Speed")
                 subText: settings.windUnits === "kph" ? i18n.tr("kph")
                                                       : i18n.tr("mph")
-                delegate: ListItem.Standard {
-                    text: model.text
+                delegate: StandardListItem {
+                    title: model.text
+                    icon: "ok"
+                    showIcon: settings.windUnits === model.value
                     onClicked: {
                         settings.windUnits = model.value
-                    Icon {
-                        width: units.gu(2)
-                        height: width
-                        name: "ok"
-                        visible: settings.windUnits === model.value
-                        anchors.right: parent.right
-                        anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
-                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-                    }

=== modified file 'po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot'
--- po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot	2015-06-18 01:42:03 +0000
+++ po/com.ubuntu.weather.pot	2015-06-21 15:05:50 +0000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ubuntu-weather-app\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-09 19:05-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-21 15:00+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -66,35 +66,35 @@
 msgid "Cancel selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:30
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:29
 msgid "Select a city"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:46 ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:68
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:45 ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:67
 msgid "Back"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:53
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:52
 msgid "City"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:95
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:94
 msgid "Search city"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:274
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:279
 msgid "No city found"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:287
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:292
 msgid "Couldn't load weather data, please try later again!"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:297
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:302
 msgid "Location already added."
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:300
+#: ../app/ui/AddLocationPage.qml:305
 msgid "OK"
 msgstr ""
@@ -110,34 +110,34 @@
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:41 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:25
+#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:38 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:24
 msgid "Units"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:48 ../app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml:25
+#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:43 ../app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml:24
 msgid "Data Provider"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:55 ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:25
+#: ../app/ui/SettingsPage.qml:48 ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:24
 msgid "Refresh Interval"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml:38
+#: ../app/ui/settings/DataProviderPage.qml:37
 msgid "Provider"
 msgstr ""
+#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:30
 #: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:31
 #: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:32
 #: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:33
-#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:34
-#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:44
+#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:43
 #, qt-format
 msgid "%1 minute"
 msgid_plural "%1 minutes"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:43
+#: ../app/ui/settings/RefreshIntervalPage.qml:42
 msgid "Interval"
 msgstr ""
@@ -158,28 +158,28 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: The strings are standard measurement units
 #. of precipitation in millimeters and are shown in the settings page.
 #. Only the abbreviated form of millimeters should be used.
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:57 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:120
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:57 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:112
 msgid "mm"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: The strings are standard measurement units
 #. of precipitation in inches and are shown in the settings page.
 #. Only the abbreviated form of inches should be used.
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:62 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:121
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:62 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:113
 msgid "in"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: The strings are standard measurement units
 #. of wind speed in kilometers per hour and are shown in the settings page.
 #. Only the abbreviated form of kilometers per hour should be used.
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:73 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:148
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:73 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:132
 msgid "kph"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: The strings are standard measurement units
 #. of wind speed in miles per hour and are shown in the settings page.
 #. Only the abbreviated form of miles per hour should be used.
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:78 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:149
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:78 ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:133
 msgid "mph"
 msgstr ""
@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@
 msgid "Temperature"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:119
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:111
 msgid "Precipitation"
 msgstr ""
-#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:147
+#: ../app/ui/settings/UnitsPage.qml:131
 msgid "Wind Speed"
 msgstr ""

Follow ups