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Re: [Merge] lp:~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-viewer into lp:reminders-app


Review: Needs Fixing

Now it's ready, thanks :-)

Just a last little fix, see inline comment

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml	2015-06-11 22:45:32 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/components/EditTagsDialog.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
>                      else {
>                          root.note.tagGuids.push(model.guid);
>                      }
> +                    NotesStore.saveNote(root.note.guid);
>                  }
>              }
>          }
> === added file 'src/app/qml/components/Header.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/components/Header.qml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/components/Header.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
> +import QtQuick 2.2
> +import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
> +import Ubuntu.Components 1.1
> +import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 1.0
> +import Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambiance 1.1
> +import Evernote 0.1
> +
> +
> +Column {
> +    id: root
> +    width: parent.width
> +    height: childrenRect.height
> +
> +    property var note: null
> +
> +    property bool editingEnabled: true
> +
> +    property alias title: titleTextField.text
> +
> +    signal editReminders();
> +    signal editTags();
> +
> +    Notebooks {
> +        id: notebooks
> +    }
> +
> +    Component.onCompleted: setNotebookTimer.start();
> +    onNoteChanged: setNotebookTimer.start();
> +    // in case note is set during creation, the animation breaks if we set selectedIndex. Wait for a eventloop pass
> +    Timer { id: setNotebookTimer; interval: 1; repeat: false; onTriggered: updateNotebook(); }
> +
> +    function updateNotebook() {
> +        if (!root.note) return;
> +        for (var i = 0; i < notebooks.count; i++) {
> +            if (notebooks.notebook(i).guid == root.note.notebookGuid) {
> +                if (notebookSelector.selectedIndex != i) { // Avoid setting it twice as it breaks the animation                    print("setting index:", notebookSelector.selectedIndex, i)

You forgot to delete the print or to insert a newline :-)

> +                    notebookSelector.selectedIndex = i;
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    TextField {
> +        id: titleTextField
> +        height: units.gu(6)
> +        width: parent.width
> +        text: root.note ? root.note.title : ""
> +        placeholderText: i18n.tr("Untitled")
> +        font.pixelSize: units.gu(4)
> +        visible: root.editingEnabled
> +        style: TextFieldStyle {
> +            background: null
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    Label {
> +        height: units.gu(6)
> +        anchors.left: parent.left
> +        anchors.right: parent.right
> +        anchors.margins: units.gu(1)
> +        text: root.note ? root.note.title : ""
> +        visible: !root.editingEnabled
> +        font.pixelSize: units.gu(4)
> +        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
> +    }
> +
> +    ThinDivider {}
> +
> +    ItemSelector {
> +        id: notebookSelector
> +        width: parent.width
> +        model: notebooks
> +
> +        onDelegateClicked: {
> +            var newNotebookGuid = model.notebook(index).guid;
> +            if (newNotebookGuid != root.note.notebookGuid) {
> +                root.note.notebookGuid = newNotebookGuid;
> +                NotesStore.saveNote(root.note.guid)
> +            }
> +        }
> +
> +        delegate: OptionSelectorDelegate {
> +            Rectangle {
> +                anchors.fill: parent
> +                color: "white"
> +
> +                RowLayout {
> +                    anchors {
> +                        fill: parent
> +                        leftMargin: units.gu(1)
> +                        rightMargin: units.gu(1)
> +                        topMargin: units.gu(0.5)
> +                        bottomMargin: units.gu(0.5)
> +                    }
> +
> +                    Item {
> +                        height: parent.height
> +                        width: height
> +                        Icon {
> +                            anchors.fill: parent
> +                            anchors.margins: units.gu(0.5)
> +                            name: "notebook"
> +                            color: preferences.colorForNotebook(model.guid)
> +                        }
> +                    }
> +
> +                    Label {
> +                        text: model.name
> +                        Layout.fillWidth: true
> +                        color: preferences.colorForNotebook(model.guid)
> +                    }
> +                    RtfButton {
> +                        iconName: root.note && root.note.reminder ? "reminder" : "reminder-new"
> +                        height: parent.height
> +                        width: height
> +                        iconColor: root.note && note.reminder ? UbuntuColors.blue : Qt.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> +                        visible: index == notebookSelector.selectedIndex
> +                        onClicked: {
> +                            Qt.inputMethod.hide();
> +                            root.editReminders();
> +                        }
> +                    }
> +                    RtfButton {
> +                        id: tagsButton
> +                        iconSource: "../images/tags.svg"
> +                        height: parent.height
> +                        width: height
> +                        visible: index == notebookSelector.selectedIndex
> +                        onClicked: {
> +                            Qt.inputMethod.hide();
> +                            root.editTags();
> +                        }
> +                    }
> +                }
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    ThinDivider {}
> +}
> +
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/reminders.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/reminders.qml	2015-06-12 09:48:22 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/reminders.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> -/*
> +/*
>   * Copyright: 2013 - 2014 Canonical, Ltd
>   *
>   * This file is part of reminders
> @@ -125,13 +125,13 @@
>              } else {
>                  var page = pagestack.push(Qt.createComponent(Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/NotePage.qml")), {readOnly: conflictMode, note: note })
>                  page.editNote.connect(function(note) {root.switchToEditMode(note)})
> -                page.openTaggedNotes.connect(function(title, tagGuid) {pagestack.pop();root.openTaggedNotes(title, tagGuid, true)})
>              }
>          } else {
>              var view;
>              if (!conflictMode && note.conflicting) {
>                  // User wants to open the note even though it is conflicting! Show the Conflict page instead.
>                  notesPage.conflictMode = true;
> +                sideViewLoader.clear();
>                  view = sideViewLoader.embed(Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/NoteConflictView.qml"))
>                  view.displayNote.connect(function(note) {root.displayNote(note,true)})
>                  view.resolveConflict.connect(function(keepLocal) {
> @@ -142,8 +142,9 @@
>                  })
>              } else {
>                  notesPage.conflictMode = conflictMode;
> +                sideViewLoader.clear();
>                  view = sideViewLoader.embed(Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/NoteView.qml"))
> -                view.openTaggedNotes.connect(function(title, tagGuid) {root.openTaggedNotes(title, tagGuid, false)})
> +                view.editNote.connect(function() {root.switchToEditMode(view.note)})
>              }
>              view.note = note;
>          }
> @@ -302,7 +303,7 @@
>      }
>      function openTaggedNotes(title, tagGuid, narrowMode) {
> -        print("opening note page for tag", tagGuid)
> +        print("!!!opening note page for tag", tagGuid)
>          var page = pagestack.push(Qt.createComponent(Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/NotesPage.qml")), {title: title, filterTagGuid: tagGuid, narrowMode: narrowMode});
>          page.selectedNoteChanged.connect(function() {
>              if (page.selectedNote) {
> @@ -555,20 +556,7 @@
>                      onOpenTaggedNotes: {
>                          var tag = NotesStore.tag(tagGuid);
> -                        print("opening note page for tag", tagGuid)
> -                        var page = pagestack.push(Qt.createComponent(Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/NotesPage.qml")), {title: tag.name, filterTagGuid: tagGuid, narrowMode: root.narrowMode});
> -                        page.selectedNoteChanged.connect(function() {
> -                            if (page.selectedNote) {
> -                                root.displayNote(page.selectedNote);
> -                                if (root.narrowMode) {
> -                                    page.selectedNote = null;
> -                                }
> -                            }
> -                        })
> -                        page.editNote.connect(function(note) {
> -                            root.switchToEditMode(note)
> -                        })
> -                        NotesStore.refreshNotes();
> +                        root.openTaggedNotes(tag.name, tag.guid, root.narrowMode)
>                      }
>                      onOpenSearch: root.openSearch();
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml	2015-06-11 19:32:31 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ui/EditNoteView.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -32,24 +32,18 @@
>      property var note
>      onNoteChanged: {
> -        for (var i = 0; i < notebookSelector.values.count; i++) {
> -            if (notebookSelector.values.notebook(i).guid == note.notebookGuid) {
> -                notebookSelector.selectedIndex = i;
> -            }
> -        }
>          note.renderWidth = noteTextArea.width - noteTextArea.textMargin * 2
>      }
>      signal exitEditMode(var note)
>      function saveNote() {
> -        var title = titleTextField.text ? titleTextField.text : i18n.tr("Untitled");
> -        var notebookGuid = notebookSelector.selectedGuid;
> +        var title = header.title ? header.title : i18n.tr("Untitled");
> +        var notebookGuid = header.notebookGuid;
>          var text = noteTextArea.text;
>          if (note) {
>              note.title = title;
> -            note.notebookGuid = notebookGuid;
>              note.richTextContent = text;
>              NotesStore.saveNote(note.guid);
>          } else {
> @@ -120,11 +114,11 @@
>                   function ensureVisible(r)
>                   {
> -                     var staticHeight = titleTextField.height + notebookSelector.height
> +                     var staticHeight = header.height
>                       if (contentX >= r.x)
>                           contentX = r.x;
> -                     else if (contentX +width <= r.x+r.width)
> -                         contentX = r.x+r.width-width;
> +                     else if (contentX + width <= r.x + r.width)
> +                         contentX = r.x + r.width-width;
>                       if (contentY >= r.y)
>                           contentY = r.y;
>                       else if (contentY + height <= r.y + staticHeight + r.height) {
> @@ -137,84 +131,22 @@
>                       width: parent.width
>                       height: childrenRect.height
> -                     TextField {
> -                         id: titleTextField
> -                         height: units.gu(6)
> -                         width: parent.width
> -                         text: root.note ? root.note.title : ""
> -                         placeholderText: i18n.tr("Untitled")
> -                         font.pixelSize: units.gu(4)
> -                         style: TextFieldStyle {
> -                             background: null
> -                         }
> -                     }
> -
> -                     ThinDivider {}
> -
> -                     ValueSelector {
> -                         id: notebookSelector
> -                         width: parent.width
> -                         text: values.notebook(selectedIndex).name
> -                         property string selectedGuid: values.notebook(selectedIndex) ? values.notebook(selectedIndex).guid : ""
> -                         values: Notebooks {}
> -
> -                         // The ValueSelector is not customizable enough, yet we wanna use the expanstion it provides. Let's just paint on top of it
> -
> -                         Rectangle {
> -                             anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; top: parent.top }
> -                             height: units.gu(6)
> -                             color: "white"
> -
> -                             RowLayout {
> -                                 anchors.fill: parent
> -                                 anchors.margins: units.gu(1)
> -
> -                                 Item {
> -                                     height: parent.height
> -                                     width: height
> -                                     Icon {
> -                                         anchors.fill: parent
> -                                         anchors.margins: units.gu(0.5)
> -                                         name: "notebook"
> -                                         color: preferences.colorForNotebook(notebookSelector.values.notebook(notebookSelector.selectedIndex).guid)
> -                                     }
> -                                 }
> -
> -                                 Label {
> -                                     text: notebookSelector.values.notebook(notebookSelector.selectedIndex).name
> -                                     Layout.fillWidth: true
> -                                     color: preferences.colorForNotebook(notebookSelector.values.notebook(notebookSelector.selectedIndex).guid)
> -                                 }
> -                                 RtfButton {
> -                                     iconName: root.note && root.note.reminder ? "reminder" : "reminder-new"
> -                                     height: parent.height
> -                                     width: height
> -                                     iconColor: root.note && note.reminder ? UbuntuColors.blue : Qt.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> -                                     onClicked: {
> -                                         Qt.inputMethod.hide();
> -                                         pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SetReminderPage.qml"), { note: root.note});
> -                                     }
> -                                 }
> -                                 RtfButton {
> -                                     id: tagsButton
> -                                     iconSource: "../images/tags.svg"
> -                                     height: parent.height
> -                                     width: height
> -                                     onClicked: {
> -                                         Qt.inputMethod.hide();
> -                                         PopupUtils.open(tagsDialog)
> -                                     }
> -                                 }
> -                             }
> -                         }
> -                     }
> -
> -                     ThinDivider {}
> +                     Header {
> +                        id: header
> +                        note: root.note
> +
> +                        onEditReminders: {
> +                            pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SetReminderPage.qml"), { note: root.note});
> +                        }
> +                        onEditTags: {
> +                            PopupUtils.open(Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/EditTagsDialog.qml"), root, { note: root.note, pageHeight: root.height});
> +                        }
> +                     }
>                       TextEdit {
>                           id: noteTextArea
>                           width: flick.width
> -                         height: Math.max(flick.height - notebookSelector.height - titleTextField.height, paintedHeight)
> +                         height: Math.max(flick.height - header.height, paintedHeight)
>                           focus: true
>                           wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
>                           textFormat: TextEdit.RichText
> @@ -415,11 +347,6 @@
>          }
>      }
> -    Component {
> -        id: tagsDialog
> -        EditTagsDialog { note: root.note; pageHeight: parent.height }
> -    }
> -
>      Rectangle {
>          anchors.fill: toolbox
>          color: "#efefef"
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/NotePage.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ui/NotePage.qml	2015-05-27 22:45:53 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ui/NotePage.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -28,42 +28,15 @@
>      property bool readOnly: false
>      signal editNote(var note)
> -    signal openTaggedNotes(string title, string tagGuid)
> -    head {
> -        actions: !root.readOnly ? normalActions : []
> -        property list<Action> normalActions: [
> -            Action {
> -                text: i18n.tr("Edit")
> -                iconName: "edit"
> -                onTriggered: {
> -                    root.editNote(root.note)
> -                }
> -            },
> -            Action {
> -                text: note.reminder ? i18n.tr("Edit reminder") : i18n.tr("Set reminder")
> -                iconName: note.reminder ? "reminder" : "reminder-new"
> -                onTriggered: {
> -                    pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SetReminderPage.qml"), { note: root.note});
> -                }
> -            },
> -            Action {
> -                text: i18n.tr("Delete")
> -                iconName: "delete"
> -                onTriggered: {
> -                    NotesStore.deleteNote(note.guid);
> -                    pagestack.pop();
> -                }
> -            }
> -        ]
> -    }
>      NoteView {
>          id: noteView
>          anchors.fill: parent
> +        canClose: true
> -        onOpenTaggedNotes: {
> -            root.openTaggedNotes(title, tagGuid);
> +        onEditNote: {
> +            root.editNote(root.note)
>          }
>      }
>  }
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/NoteView.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ui/NoteView.qml	2015-05-27 21:04:57 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ui/NoteView.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -17,19 +17,21 @@
>   */
>  import QtQuick 2.3
> +import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
>  import Ubuntu.Components 1.1
> -import com.canonical.Oxide 1.0
> +import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 1.0
> +import Ubuntu.Components.Popups 1.0
> +import com.canonical.Oxide 1.5
>  import Ubuntu.Content 1.0
>  import Evernote 0.1
>  import "../components"
>  Item {
>      id: root
> -    property string title: contentPeerPicker.visible ? ""
> -                            : (note && note.title) ? note.title : i18n.tr("Untitled")
>      property var note: null
> +    property bool canClose: false
> -    signal openTaggedNotes(string title, string tagGuid)
> +    signal editNote()
>      BouncingProgressBar {
>          anchors.top: parent.top
> @@ -48,10 +50,39 @@
>          ]
>      }
> +    Rectangle {
> +        id: locationBar
> +        y: noteTextArea.locationBarController.offset
> +        anchors.left: parent.left
> +        anchors.right: parent.right
> +        height: headerContent.height
> +        color: "white"
> +        z: 2
> +
> +        Header {
> +            id: headerContent
> +            note: root.note
> +            editingEnabled: false
> +
> +            onEditReminders: {
> +                print("pushing reminderspage", root.note.reminder)
> +                pagestack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SetReminderPage.qml"), { note: root.note});
> +            }
> +            onEditTags: {
> +                PopupUtils.open(Qt.resolvedUrl("../components/EditTagsDialog.qml"), root, { note: root.note, pageHeight: root.height });
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
>      WebView {
>          id: noteTextArea
> -        width: parent.width
> -        height: parent.height - tagsRow.height - (tagsRow.height > 0 ? units.gu(2) : 0)
> +        anchors.fill: parent
> +        anchors.bottomMargin: buttonPanel.height
> +
> +        locationBarController {
> +            height: locationBar.height
> +            mode: Oxide.LocationBarController.ModeAuto
> +        }
>          property string html: root.note ? note.htmlContent : ""
> @@ -104,38 +135,46 @@
>          ]
>      }
> -    ListView {
> -        id: tagsRow
> -        anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom; margins: units.gu(1) }
> -        model: root.note ? root.note.tagGuids.length : undefined
> -        orientation: ListView.Horizontal
> -        spacing: units.gu(1)
> -        height: visible ? units.gu(3) : 0
> -        visible: root.note ? root.note.tagGuids.length > 0 ? true : false : false
> -
> -        delegate: Rectangle {
> -            id: rectangle
> -            radius: units.gu(1)
> -            color: "white"
> -            border.color: preferences.colorForNotebook(root.note.notebookGuid)
> -
> -            Text {
> -                text: NotesStore.tag(root.note.tagGuids[index]).name
> -                color: preferences.colorForNotebook(root.note.notebookGuid)
> -                Component.onCompleted: {
> -                    rectangle.width = width + units.gu(2)
> -                    rectangle.height = height + units.gu(1)
> -                    anchors.centerIn = parent
> +    Item {
> +        id: buttonPanel
> +        anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom }
> +        height: units.gu(6)
> +
> +        RowLayout {
> +            anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; fill: parent }
> +            anchors.margins: units.gu(1)
> +            height: units.gu(4)
> +
> +            RtfButton {
> +                iconName: "tick"
> +                // TRANSLATORS: Button to close the note viewer
> +                text: i18n.tr("Close")
> +                height: parent.height
> +                iconColor: UbuntuColors.green
> +                visible: root.canClose
> +                onClicked: {
> +                    pageStack.pop()
>                  }
>              }
> -            MouseArea {
> -                anchors.fill: parent
> +            RtfSeparator {
> +                visible: root.canClose
> +            }
> +
> +            Item {
> +                Layout.fillWidth: true
> +            }
> +
> +            RtfSeparator {}
> +
> +            RtfButton {
> +                iconName: "edit"
> +                // TRANSLATORS: Button to go from note viewer to note editor
> +                text: i18n.tr("Edit")
> +                height: parent.height
> +                iconColor: UbuntuColors.green
>                  onClicked: {
> -                    if (!narrowMode) {
> -                        sideViewLoader.clear();
> -                    }
> -                    root.openTaggedNotes(NotesStore.tag(root.note.tagGuids[index]).name, NotesStore.tag(root.note.tagGuids[index]).guid)
> +                    root.editNote()
>                  }
>              }
>          }
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/SetReminderPage.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ui/SetReminderPage.qml	2014-09-23 12:39:27 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ui/SetReminderPage.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
>      title: setReminderView.title
>      property alias note: setReminderView.note
> -    signal editNote(var note)
> -
>      SetReminderView {
>          id: setReminderView
>          anchors.fill: parent
> === modified file 'src/app/qml/ui/TagsPage.qml'
> --- src/app/qml/ui/TagsPage.qml	2015-03-15 20:00:21 +0000
> +++ src/app/qml/ui/TagsPage.qml	2015-06-21 16:58:10 +0000
> @@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
>                  height: units.gu(10)
>                  onItemClicked: {
> -                    print("selected tag:", model.guid)
>                      root.openTaggedNotes(model.guid)
>                  }
>                  onDeleteTag: {

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