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Re: [Merge] lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/custom-alarm-sound into lp:ubuntu-clock-app


Review: Needs Information

Some small improvements.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'app/alarm/AlarmSound.qml'
> --- app/alarm/AlarmSound.qml	2015-08-13 13:29:49 +0000
> +++ app/alarm/AlarmSound.qml	2015-08-21 10:50:57 +0000
> @@ -37,6 +42,9 @@
>      // Property to set the alarm sound model in the edit alarm page
>      property var soundModel

Maybe we should rename it to defaultSoundModel, to have common name convention with customSoundModel

> +    // Property to set the custom alarm sound model in the edit alarm page
> +    property var customSoundModel
> +
>      /*
>       Properties to store the previously set alarm sound values to detect
>       if the user changed the alarm sound or not
> @@ -70,22 +83,206 @@
>          }
>      }
> +    ContentTransferHint {
> +        anchors.fill: parent
> +        activeTransfer: _alarmSoundPage.activeTransfer
> +    }
> +
> +    Connections {
> +        target: _alarmSoundPage.activeTransfer
> +        onStateChanged: {
> +            if (_alarmSoundPage.activeTransfer.state === ContentTransfer.Charged) {
> +                _alarmSoundPage.importItems = _alarmSoundPage.activeTransfer.items
> +                console.log("[LOG] Original Custom Alarm Sound URL: " + _alarmSoundPage.importItems[0].url)
> +                _alarmSoundPage.importItems[0].move(customSound.alarmSoundDirectory)
> +                console.log("[LOG] Final Custom Alarm Sound URL: " + _alarmSoundPage.importItems[0].url)
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
>      Audio {
>          id: previewAlarmSound
>          audioRole: MediaPlayer.alert
> +
> +        function controlPlayback(fileURL) {
> +            source = fileURL
> +            if (playbackState === Audio.StoppedState || playbackState === Audio.PausedState) {
> +                play()
> +            } else if (playbackState === Audio.PlayingState) {
> +                stop()
> +            }
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +    CustomAlarmSound {
> +        id: customSound
>      }
>      Flickable {
>          id: _pageFlickable
>          anchors.fill: parent
> -        contentHeight: soundModel.count * units.gu(7)
> +        contentHeight: soundModel.count * units.gu(7) +
> +                       customSoundModel.count * units.gu(7) +
> +                       customSoundListItem.height
>          Column {
>              id: _alarmSoundColumn
>              anchors.fill: parent
> +            ListItem {
> +                id: customSoundListItem
> +                height: units.gu(7)
> +                Button {
> +                    id: customSoundButton
> +                    text: i18n.tr("Add custom sound")
> +                    width: parent.width / 1.1
> +                    anchors.centerIn: parent
> +                    onClicked: {
> +                        pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("MusicAppPicker.qml"), {alarmSoundPage: _alarmSoundPage})
> +                    }
> +                }
> +            }
> +
> +            Repeater {
> +                id: _customAlarmSounds
> +                objectName: "customAlarmSounds"
> +
> +                model: customSoundModel
> +
> +                ListItem {
> +                    id: _customAlarmSoundDelegate
> +
> +                    property alias isChecked: _customSoundStatus.checked
> +
> +                    height: units.gu(7)
> +
> +                    leadingActions: ListItemActions {
> +                        actions: [
> +                            Action {
> +                                iconName: "delete"
> +                                onTriggered: {
> +                                    previewAlarmSound.stop()
> +
> +                                    /*
> +                                     In case the selected custom alarm sound is deleted by the user, then
> +                                     set the alarm sound back to the default sound.
> +                                    */
> +                                    if (_customAlarmSoundDelegate.isChecked) {
> +
> +                                        /*
> +                                         If the oldAlarmSoundName is the deleted custom alarm sound, then
> +                                         set the oldAlarmSound name & url to the default alarm ringtone as well.
> +                                        */
> +                                        if (oldAlarmSoundName === fileName) {
> +                                            alarmSound.subText = "Alarm clock"

We should create some constant string for default sound, as it will be also used in sound preview.

> +                                            oldAlarmSoundName = "Alarm clock"
> +                                            for (var i=0; i<soundModel.count; i++) {
> +                                                if (soundModel.get(i,"fileBaseName") === alarmSound.subText) {

missing space after comma

> +                                                    alarm.sound = soundModel.get(i, "fileURL")
> +                                                    oldAlarmSoundUrl = alarm.sound
> +                                                    previewAlarmSound.source = soundModel.get(i, "fileURL")
> +                                                    _alarmSounds.itemAt(i).isChecked = true
> +                                                }
> +                                            }
> +                                        }
> +
> +                                        else {
> +                                            alarmSound.subText = oldAlarmSoundName
> +                                            alarm.sound = oldAlarmSoundUrl
> +                                            previewAlarmSound.source = alarm.sound
> +
> +                                            for (var j=0; j<soundModel.count; j++) {
> +                                                if (soundModel.get(j, "fileBaseName") === alarmSound.subText) {
> +                                                    _alarmSounds.itemAt(j).isChecked = true
> +                                                }
> +                                            }
> +
> +                                            for (j=0; j<customSoundModel.count; j++) {
> +                                                if (soundModel.get(j, "fileBaseName") === alarmSound.subText) {
> +                                                    _customAlarmSounds.itemAt(j).isChecked = true
> +                                                }
> +                                            }
> +                                        }
> +                                    }
> +
> +                                    customSound.deleteAlarmSound(fileName)
> +                                }
> +                            }
> +                        ]
> +                    }
> +
> +                    Label {
> +                        id: _customSoundName
> +                        objectName: "customSoundName" + index
> +
> +                        anchors {
> +                            left: parent.left
> +                            leftMargin: units.gu(2)
> +                            right: _customSoundStatus.left
> +                            rightMargin: units.gu(2)
> +                            verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
> +                        }
> +
> +                        elide: Text.ElideRight
> +                        color: UbuntuColors.midAubergine
> +                        fontSize: "medium"
> +                        text: fileBaseName
> +                    }
> +
> +                    CheckBox {
> +                        id: _customSoundStatus
> +                        objectName: "customSoundStatus" + index
> +
> +                        anchors {
> +                            right: parent.right
> +                            rightMargin: units.gu(2)
> +                            verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
> +                        }
> +
> +                        checked: alarmSound.subText === _customSoundName.text ? true
> +                                                                              : false
> +                        onCheckedChanged: {
> +                            if (checked) {
> +                                previewAlarmSound.controlPlayback(fileURL)
> +                                alarmSound.subText = _customSoundName.text
> +                                alarm.sound = fileURL
> +
> +                                // Ensures only one alarm sound is selected
> +                                for(var i=0; i<customSoundModel.count; i++) {
> +                                    if(_customAlarmSounds.itemAt(i).isChecked &&
> +                                            i !== index) {
> +                                        _customAlarmSounds.itemAt(i).isChecked = false
> +                                    }
> +                                }
> +
> +                                // Ensures only one alarm sound is selected
> +                                for(i=0; i<soundModel.count; i++) {
> +                                    _alarmSounds.itemAt(i).isChecked = false
> +                                }
> +                            }
> +                        }
> +
> +                        onClicked: {
> +                            if (!checked) {
> +                                checked = true
> +                            } else {
> +                                previewAlarmSound.controlPlayback(fileURL)
> +                            }
> +                        }
> +                    }
> +
> +                    onClicked: {
> +                        if (!_customSoundStatus.checked) {
> +                            _customSoundStatus.checked = true
> +                        } else {
> +                            previewAlarmSound.controlPlayback(fileURL)
> +                        }
> +                    }
> +                }
> +            }
> +
>              Repeater {
>                  id: _alarmSounds
>                  objectName: "alarmSounds"

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