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Re: [Merge] lp:~emailgirishrawat/ubuntu-calendar-app/READMEs into lp:ubuntu-calendar-app


See comments in line

Diff comments:

> === added file 'README.autopilot'
> --- README.autopilot	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ README.autopilot	2015-12-13 17:18:24 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
> +Running Autopilot tests
> +=======================
> +
> +Ubuntu Calendar App follows a test driven development where autopilot tests are run before every merge into trunk.
> +If you are submitting your bugfix/patch to the calendar app, please follow the following steps below to ensure that all tests pass before proposing a merge request.
> +
> +If you are looking for more info about Autopilot or writing AP tests for the calendar app, here are some useful links to help you:
> +
> +* http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/quality
> +* https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/autopilot/python/1.5.0/
> +
> +For help and options on running tests, see:
> +
> +* https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/running-autopilot-tests/
> +
> +Prerequisites
> +=============
> +
> +Install the following autopilot packages required to run the tests,
> +    $ sudo apt-get install python3-autopilot libautopilot-qt ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot python3-autopilot-vis
> +
> +address-book-service-testability package may also be required if not already installed
> +   $ sudo apt-get install address-book-service-testability
> +
> +Running tests on the desktop
> +============================
> +
> +Using terminal:
> +
> +*  Branch the calendar app code,
> +    $ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app
> +
> +*  Build the calendar app,
> +    $ mkdir builddir && cd builddir
> +    $ cmake .. && cmake --build . -- -j 3

make -j3 here as well?

> +    $ cd ..
> +
> +*  Navigate to the tests/autopilot directory.
> +    $ cd tests/autopilot
> +
> +*  run all tests.
> +    $ autopilot3 run -vv ubuntu_calendar_app
> +
> +    to list all tests:
> +    $ autopilot3 list ubuntu_calendar_app
> +
> +    To run only one test (for instance: test_change_week_across_year in TestWeekview.py):
> +    $ autopilot3 run -vv ubuntu_calendar_app.tests.test_weekview.TestWeekview.test_change_week_across_year 
> +
> +    Debugging tests using autopilot vis
> +    $ autopilot3 launch -i Qt qmlscene ../../app/ubuntu-calendar-app.qml  -I ../../builddir/backend/

Calendar doesn't have any backend modules to import so the -I ../../buildir/backend is useless here, as that directory doesn't even exist. You probably want to make sure it's not in the other docs as well.

> +    $ autopilot3 vis
> +
> +
> +Running tests on device or emulator
> +===================================
> +
> +Using autopkg:
> +
> +1. navigate to the directory where the ubuntu-calendar-app branch is and run:
> +  $ adt-run ubuntu-calendar-app --click=com.ubuntu.calendar --- ssh -s adb -p YOURPASSWORD
> === added file 'README.developers'
> --- README.developers	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ README.developers	2015-12-13 17:18:24 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
> +Building and running on Vivid Desktop (15.04)
> +=============================================
> +
> +Building and running the Ubuntu Calendar App is quite simple. You will require
> +Ubuntu 15.04 and higher to run on the desktop.
> +
> +   $ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app branch-name
> +   $ cd branch-name
> +   $ mkdir builddir && cd builddir
> +   $ cmake .. && cmake --build . -- -j 3

make -j3 :-)

> +   $ qmlscene ../app/ubuntu-calendar-app.qml -I backend/
> +
> +Submitting a patch upstream
> +===========================
> +
> +If you want to submit a bug fix you can do so by branching the code as shown
> +above, implementing the fixes and running to see if it fixed the issue. We also
> +request that you run the Autopilot and Unit tests to check if anything
> +regressed due to the bug fix.
> +
> +If the tests fail, you will have to fix them before your bug fix can be
> +approved and merged into trunk. If the tests pass then commit and push your
> +code by,
> +
> +   $ bzr commit -m "Implemented bug fix" --fixes lp:bug-number
> +   $ bzr push lp:~launchpadid/ubuntu-calendar-app/branch-name
> +
> +Running Tests
> +=============
> +
> +Please check README.autopilot and README.unittest on how to run the tests.
> +They are quite explanatory and will help you get started.
> +
> +Code Style
> +==========
> +
> +We are trying to use a common code style throughout the code base to maintain
> +uniformity and improve code clarity. Listed below are the code styles guides
> +that will be followed based on the language used.
> +
> +* QML        - http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-codingconventions.html 
> +* JS, C++    - https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml
> +* Python     - Code should follow PEP8 and Flake regulations
> +
> +Note: In the QML code convention, ignore the Javascript code section guidelines.
> +So the sections that should be taken into account in the QML conventions are QML 
> +Object Declarations, Grouped Properties and Lists.
> +
> +Debugging
> +=========
> + 
> +GDB allows one to see what is going on `inside' another program while it executes, 
> +or what another program was doing at the moment it crashed. It is a pretty niffty tool which allows you 
> +to get the crash log that can help a developer pin point the cause of the crash.
> +Before reproducing crash it is good to create symbols table for gdb, by using command:
> +
> +   $ cd branch-name
> +   $ mkdir builddir && cd builddir
> +   $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. && cmake --build . -- -j 3

make -j3 here as well?

> +
> +To run GDB:
> +
> +   $ gdb qmlscene
> +
> +At this point, you are inside the gdb prompt. Run your application as you normally would.
> +
> +     run ../app/ubuntu-calendar-app.qml -I backend
> +
> +Your app is now running and monitored by GDB. Reproduce the steps in your app to make it crash. Once it does crash,
> +
> +     bt
> +
> +That's about it. To quit GDB, type quit to return back to the normal terminal console.
> +
> +     quit
> +
> +
> +
> === added file 'README.mergeproposal'
> --- README.mergeproposal	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ README.mergeproposal	2015-12-13 17:18:24 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
> +Prerequisites to approving a Merge Proposal (MP)
> +================================================
> +
> +Over time, it has been found that insufficient testing by reviewers sometimes
> +leads to calendar app trunk not buildable in Qtcreator due to manifest errors, or
> +translation pot file not updated. As such, please follow the checklist below
> +before top-approving a MP.
> +
> +Checklist
> +=========
> +
> +*   Does the MP add/remove user visible strings? If Yes, has the pot file been
> +    updated?
> +
> +*   Does the MP change the UI? If Yes, has it been approved by design?
> +
> +*   Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change and any
> +    related functionality?
> +
> +*   If the MP fixes a bug or implements a feature, are there accompanying unit
> +    and autopilot tests?
> +
> +*   Is the calendar app trunk buildable and runnable using Qtcreator?
> +
> +*   Was the debian changelog updated?
> +
> +*   Was the copyright years updated if necessary?
> +
> +The above checklist is more of a guideline to help calendar app trunk stay buildable,
> +stable and up to date.
> +
> +Note: As of vivid 15.04, the autopilot tests are broken in trunk As such autopilot failures
> +can be excused until they are fixed.

The autopilot tests are working for me here (minus a few that seem a bit broken) so I don't get why this is here. :-/

Your team Ubuntu Calendar Developers is subscribed to branch lp:ubuntu-calendar-app.
