ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers team mailing list archive
ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers team
Mailing list archive
Message #07960
[Merge] lp:~dpniel/ubuntu-calendar-app/ScrollView2 into lp:ubuntu-calendar-app
Dan Chapman has proposed merging lp:~dpniel/ubuntu-calendar-app/ScrollView2 into lp:ubuntu-calendar-app.
Commit message:
Adds ScrollView component to view Flickables
It's not possible to add the ScrollView to the PathView where used for
horizontal traversing, like in year view as Path doesn't inherit
Flickable. So another solution will Probably be needed for those areas.
Requested reviews:
Ubuntu Calendar Developers (ubuntu-calendar-dev)
For more details, see:
Adds ScrollView component to view Flickables
It's not possible to add the ScrollView to the PathView where used for
horizontal traversing, like in year view as Path doesn't inherit
Flickable. So another solution will Probably be needed for those areas.
Your team Ubuntu Calendar Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~dpniel/ubuntu-calendar-app/ScrollView2 into lp:ubuntu-calendar-app.
=== modified file 'NewEvent.qml'
--- NewEvent.qml 2016-02-02 22:54:03 +0000
+++ NewEvent.qml 2016-02-04 09:42:02 +0000
@@ -344,321 +344,325 @@
- Flickable{
- id: flickable
- clip: true
- property var activeItem: null
- function makeMeVisible(item) {
- if (!item) {
- return
- }
- activeItem = item
- var position = flickable.contentItem.mapFromItem(item, 0, 0);
- // check if the item is already visible
- var bottomY = flickable.contentY + flickable.height
- var itemBottom = position.y + item.height
- if (position.y >= flickable.contentY && itemBottom <= bottomY) {
- return;
- }
- // if it is not, try to scroll and make it visible
- var targetY = position.y + item.height - flickable.height
- if (targetY >= 0 && position.y) {
- flickable.contentY = targetY;
- } else if (position.y < flickable.contentY) {
- // if it is hidden at the top, also show it
- flickable.contentY = position.y;
- }
- flickable.returnToBounds()
- }
+ ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
- contentWidth: width
- contentHeight: column.height + units.gu(10)
- Column {
- id: column
- width: parent.width
- NewEventTimePicker{
- id: startDateTimeInput
- header: i18n.tr("From")
- showTimePicker: !allDayEventCheckbox.checked
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- }
- onDateTimeChanged: {
- startDate = dateTime;
- }
- }
- NewEventTimePicker{
- id: endDateTimeInput
- header: i18n.tr("To")
- showTimePicker: !allDayEventCheckbox.checked
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- }
- onDateTimeChanged: {
- endDate = dateTime;
- }
- }
- ListItem.Standard {
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- }
- text: i18n.tr("All day event")
- showDivider: false
- control: CheckBox {
- objectName: "allDayEventCheckbox"
- id: allDayEventCheckbox
- checked: false
- }
- }
- ListItem.ThinDivider {}
- Column {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: units.gu(1)
- ListItem.Header{
- text: i18n.tr("Event Details")
- }
- TextField {
- id: titleEdit
- objectName: "newEventName"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- placeholderText: i18n.tr("Event Name")
- onFocusChanged: {
- if(titleEdit.focus) {
- flickable.makeMeVisible(titleEdit);
- }
- }
- }
- TextArea{
- id: messageEdit
- objectName: "eventDescriptionInput"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- placeholderText: i18n.tr("Description")
- onFocusChanged: {
- if(messageEdit.focus) {
- flickable.makeMeVisible(messageEdit);
- }
- }
- }
- TextField {
- id: locationEdit
- objectName: "eventLocationInput"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- placeholderText: i18n.tr("Location")
- onFocusChanged: {
- if(locationEdit.focus) {
- flickable.makeMeVisible(locationEdit);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Column {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: units.gu(1)
- ListItem.Header {
- text: i18n.tr("Calendar")
- }
- OptionSelector{
- id: calendarsOption
- objectName: "calendarsOption"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- containerHeight: itemHeight * 4
- model: root.model.getWritableCollections();
- delegate: OptionSelectorDelegate{
- text: modelData.name
- UbuntuShape{
- id: calColor
- width: height
- height: parent.height - units.gu(2)
- color: modelData.color
- anchors.right: parent.right
- anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- }
- }
- onExpandedChanged: Qt.inputMethod.hide();
- }
- }
- Column {
- width: parent.width
- spacing: units.gu(1)
- ListItem.Header {
- text: i18n.tr("Guests")
- }
- Button{
- text: i18n.tr("Add Guest")
- objectName: "addGuestButton"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- onClicked: {
- var popup = PopupUtils.open(Qt.resolvedUrl("ContactChoicePopup.qml"), contactList);
- popup.contactSelected.connect( function(contact) {
- var t = internal.contactToAttendee(contact);
- if( !internal.isContactAlreadyAdded(contact) ) {
- contactModel.append(t);
- contactList.array.push(t);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- UbuntuShape {
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- right: parent.right
- margins: units.gu(2)
- }
- height: contactList.height
- Column{
- id: contactList
- objectName: "guestList"
- spacing: units.gu(1)
- width: parent.width
- clip: true
- property var array: []
- ListModel{
- id: contactModel
- }
- Repeater{
- model: contactModel
- delegate: ListItem.Standard {
- objectName: "eventGuest%1".arg(index)
- height: units.gu(4)
- text: name
- removable: true
- onItemRemoved: {
- contactList.array.splice(index, 1)
- contactModel.remove(index)
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ Flickable{
+ id: flickable
+ clip: true
+ property var activeItem: null
+ function makeMeVisible(item) {
+ if (!item) {
+ return
+ }
+ activeItem = item
+ var position = flickable.contentItem.mapFromItem(item, 0, 0);
+ // check if the item is already visible
+ var bottomY = flickable.contentY + flickable.height
+ var itemBottom = position.y + item.height
+ if (position.y >= flickable.contentY && itemBottom <= bottomY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if it is not, try to scroll and make it visible
+ var targetY = position.y + item.height - flickable.height
+ if (targetY >= 0 && position.y) {
+ flickable.contentY = targetY;
+ } else if (position.y < flickable.contentY) {
+ // if it is hidden at the top, also show it
+ flickable.contentY = position.y;
+ }
+ flickable.returnToBounds()
+ }
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ contentWidth: width
+ contentHeight: column.height + units.gu(10)
+ Column {
+ id: column
+ width: parent.width
+ NewEventTimePicker{
+ id: startDateTimeInput
+ header: i18n.tr("From")
+ showTimePicker: !allDayEventCheckbox.checked
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ }
+ onDateTimeChanged: {
+ startDate = dateTime;
+ }
+ }
+ NewEventTimePicker{
+ id: endDateTimeInput
+ header: i18n.tr("To")
+ showTimePicker: !allDayEventCheckbox.checked
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ }
+ onDateTimeChanged: {
+ endDate = dateTime;
+ }
+ }
+ ListItem.Standard {
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ }
+ text: i18n.tr("All day event")
+ showDivider: false
+ control: CheckBox {
+ objectName: "allDayEventCheckbox"
+ id: allDayEventCheckbox
+ checked: false
+ }
+ }
+ ListItem.ThinDivider {}
+ Column {
+ width: parent.width
+ spacing: units.gu(1)
+ ListItem.Header{
+ text: i18n.tr("Event Details")
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: titleEdit
+ objectName: "newEventName"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ placeholderText: i18n.tr("Event Name")
+ onFocusChanged: {
+ if(titleEdit.focus) {
+ flickable.makeMeVisible(titleEdit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TextArea{
+ id: messageEdit
+ objectName: "eventDescriptionInput"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ placeholderText: i18n.tr("Description")
+ onFocusChanged: {
+ if(messageEdit.focus) {
+ flickable.makeMeVisible(messageEdit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: locationEdit
+ objectName: "eventLocationInput"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ placeholderText: i18n.tr("Location")
+ onFocusChanged: {
+ if(locationEdit.focus) {
+ flickable.makeMeVisible(locationEdit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Column {
+ width: parent.width
+ spacing: units.gu(1)
+ ListItem.Header {
+ text: i18n.tr("Calendar")
+ }
+ OptionSelector{
+ id: calendarsOption
+ objectName: "calendarsOption"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ containerHeight: itemHeight * 4
+ model: root.model.getWritableCollections();
+ delegate: OptionSelectorDelegate{
+ text: modelData.name
+ UbuntuShape{
+ id: calColor
+ width: height
+ height: parent.height - units.gu(2)
+ color: modelData.color
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: units.gu(2)
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ }
+ onExpandedChanged: Qt.inputMethod.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ Column {
+ width: parent.width
+ spacing: units.gu(1)
+ ListItem.Header {
+ text: i18n.tr("Guests")
+ }
+ Button{
+ text: i18n.tr("Add Guest")
+ objectName: "addGuestButton"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ onClicked: {
+ var popup = PopupUtils.open(Qt.resolvedUrl("ContactChoicePopup.qml"), contactList);
+ popup.contactSelected.connect( function(contact) {
+ var t = internal.contactToAttendee(contact);
+ if( !internal.isContactAlreadyAdded(contact) ) {
+ contactModel.append(t);
+ contactList.array.push(t);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ UbuntuShape {
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ right: parent.right
+ margins: units.gu(2)
+ }
+ height: contactList.height
+ Column{
+ id: contactList
+ objectName: "guestList"
+ spacing: units.gu(1)
+ width: parent.width
+ clip: true
+ property var array: []
+ ListModel{
+ id: contactModel
+ }
+ Repeater{
+ model: contactModel
+ delegate: ListItem.Standard {
+ objectName: "eventGuest%1".arg(index)
+ height: units.gu(4)
+ text: name
+ removable: true
+ onItemRemoved: {
+ contactList.array.splice(index, 1)
+ contactModel.remove(index)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ListItem.ThinDivider {
+ visible: event.itemType === Type.Event
+ }
+ }
+ ListItem.Subtitled{
+ id:thisHappens
+ objectName :"thisHappens"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ }
+ showDivider: false
+ progression: true
+ visible: event.itemType === Type.Event
+ text: i18n.tr("Repeats")
+ subText: event.itemType === Type.Event ? rule === null ? Defines.recurrenceLabel[0] : eventUtils.getRecurrenceString(rule) : ""
+ onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("EventRepetition.qml"),{"eventRoot": root,"isEdit":isEdit});
ListItem.ThinDivider {
visible: event.itemType === Type.Event
- }
- ListItem.Subtitled{
- id:thisHappens
- objectName :"thisHappens"
- anchors {
- left: parent.left
- }
- showDivider: false
- progression: true
- visible: event.itemType === Type.Event
- text: i18n.tr("Repeats")
- subText: event.itemType === Type.Event ? rule === null ? Defines.recurrenceLabel[0] : eventUtils.getRecurrenceString(rule) : ""
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("EventRepetition.qml"),{"eventRoot": root,"isEdit":isEdit});
- }
- ListItem.ThinDivider {
- visible: event.itemType === Type.Event
- }
- ListItem.Subtitled{
- id:eventReminder
- objectName : "eventReminder"
- anchors.left:parent.left
- showDivider: false
- progression: true
- text: i18n.tr("Reminder")
- RemindersModel {
- id: reminderModel
- }
- subText:{
- if(visualReminder.secondsBeforeStart !== -1) {
- for( var i=0; i<reminderModel.count; i++ ) {
- if(visualReminder.secondsBeforeStart === reminderModel.get(i).value) {
- return reminderModel.get(i).label
+ ListItem.Subtitled{
+ id:eventReminder
+ objectName : "eventReminder"
+ anchors.left:parent.left
+ showDivider: false
+ progression: true
+ text: i18n.tr("Reminder")
+ RemindersModel {
+ id: reminderModel
+ }
+ subText:{
+ if(visualReminder.secondsBeforeStart !== -1) {
+ for( var i=0; i<reminderModel.count; i++ ) {
+ if(visualReminder.secondsBeforeStart === reminderModel.get(i).value) {
+ return reminderModel.get(i).label
+ }
+ } else {
+ return reminderModel.get(0).label
- } else {
- return reminderModel.get(0).label
+ onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("EventReminder.qml"),
+ {"visualReminder": visualReminder,
+ "audibleReminder": audibleReminder,
+ "reminderModel": reminderModel,
+ "eventTitle": titleEdit.text})
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("EventReminder.qml"),
- {"visualReminder": visualReminder,
- "audibleReminder": audibleReminder,
- "reminderModel": reminderModel,
- "eventTitle": titleEdit.text})
+ ListItem.ThinDivider {}
- ListItem.ThinDivider {}
// used to keep the field visible when the keyboard appear or dismiss
=== modified file 'TimeLineBaseComponent.qml'
--- TimeLineBaseComponent.qml 2016-01-29 14:35:14 +0000
+++ TimeLineBaseComponent.qml 2016-02-04 09:42:02 +0000
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
- interval: 200; running: true; repeat: false
- onTriggered: {
- mainModel = modelComponent.createObject();
- activityLoader.running = Qt.binding( function (){ return mainModel.isLoading;});
- }
+ interval: 200; running: true; repeat: false
+ onTriggered: {
+ mainModel = modelComponent.createObject();
+ activityLoader.running = Qt.binding( function (){ return mainModel.isLoading;});
+ }
Component {
@@ -171,139 +171,140 @@
width: units.gu(0.1)
height: parent.height
- Flickable {
- id: timeLineView
- objectName: "timelineview"
+ ScrollView {
height: parent.height
width: parent.width - units.gu(6)
- boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
- property int delegateWidth: {
- if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
- width/3 - units.gu(1) /*partial visible area*/
- } else {
- width
- }
- }
- contentHeight: units.gu(8) * 24
- contentWidth: {
- if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
- delegateWidth*7
- } else {
- width
- }
- }
- onContentWidthChanged: {
- scrollToCurrentTime();
- scrollTocurrentDate();
- }
- clip: true
- TimeLineBackground{}
- Row {
- id: week
+ Flickable {
+ id: timeLineView
+ objectName: "timelineview"
anchors.fill: parent
- Repeater {
- model: type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ? 7 : 1
- delegate: TimeLineBase {
- property int idx: index
- anchors.top: parent.top
- width: {
- if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
- parent.width / 7
- } else {
- (parent.width)
- }
- }
- height: parent.height
- delegate: comp
- day: startDay.addDays(index)
- model: mainModel
- Connections{
- target: mainModel
- onModelChanged: {
- createEvents();
- }
- }
- DropArea {
- id: dropArea
- objectName: "mouseArea"
- anchors.fill: parent
- function modifyEventForDrag(drag) {
- var event = drag.source.event;
- var diff = event.endDateTime.getTime() - event.startDateTime.getTime();
- var startDate = getTimeFromYPos(drag.y, day);
- var endDate = new Date( startDate.getTime() + diff );
- event.startDateTime = startDate;
- event.endDateTime = endDate;
- return event;
- }
- onDropped: {
- var event = dropArea.modifyEventForDrag(drop);
- model.saveItem(event);
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- dropArea.modifyEventForDrag(drag)
- var eventBubble = drag.source;
- eventBubble.assingnBgColor();
- eventBubble.setDetails();
- if( eventBubble.y + eventBubble.height + units.gu(8) > timeLineView.contentY + timeLineView.height ) {
- var diff = Math.abs((eventBubble.y + eventBubble.height + units.gu(8)) -
- (timeLineView.height + timeLineView.contentY));
- timeLineView.contentY += diff
- if(timeLineView.contentY >= timeLineView.contentHeight - timeLineView.height) {
- timeLineView.contentY = timeLineView.contentHeight - timeLineView.height
- }
- }
- if(eventBubble.y - units.gu(8) < timeLineView.contentY ) {
- var diff = Math.abs((eventBubble.y - units.gu(8)) - timeLineView.contentY);
- timeLineView.contentY -= diff
- if(timeLineView.contentY <= 0) {
- timeLineView.contentY = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Loader{
- objectName: "weekdevider"
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+ property int delegateWidth: {
+ if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
+ width/3 - units.gu(1) /*partial visible area*/
+ } else {
+ width
+ }
+ }
+ contentHeight: units.gu(8) * 24
+ contentWidth: {
+ if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
+ delegateWidth*7
+ } else {
+ width
+ }
+ }
+ onContentWidthChanged: {
+ scrollToCurrentTime();
+ scrollTocurrentDate();
+ }
+ clip: true
+ TimeLineBackground{}
+ Row {
+ id: week
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Repeater {
+ model: type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ? 7 : 1
+ delegate: TimeLineBase {
+ property int idx: index
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ width: {
+ if( type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ) {
+ parent.width / 7
+ } else {
+ (parent.width)
+ }
+ }
height: parent.height
- width: units.gu(0.15)
- sourceComponent: type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ? weekDividerComponent : undefined
- }
- Component {
- id: weekDividerComponent
- SimpleDivider{
+ delegate: comp
+ day: startDay.addDays(index)
+ model: mainModel
+ Connections{
+ target: mainModel
+ onModelChanged: {
+ createEvents();
+ }
+ }
+ DropArea {
+ id: dropArea
+ objectName: "mouseArea"
anchors.fill: parent
- }
- }
- Connections{
- target: mainModel
- onStartPeriodChanged:{
- destroyAllChildren();
+ function modifyEventForDrag(drag) {
+ var event = drag.source.event;
+ var diff = event.endDateTime.getTime() - event.startDateTime.getTime();
+ var startDate = getTimeFromYPos(drag.y, day);
+ var endDate = new Date( startDate.getTime() + diff );
+ event.startDateTime = startDate;
+ event.endDateTime = endDate;
+ return event;
+ }
+ onDropped: {
+ var event = dropArea.modifyEventForDrag(drop);
+ model.saveItem(event);
+ }
+ onPositionChanged: {
+ dropArea.modifyEventForDrag(drag)
+ var eventBubble = drag.source;
+ eventBubble.assingnBgColor();
+ eventBubble.setDetails();
+ if( eventBubble.y + eventBubble.height + units.gu(8) > timeLineView.contentY + timeLineView.height ) {
+ var diff = Math.abs((eventBubble.y + eventBubble.height + units.gu(8)) -
+ (timeLineView.height + timeLineView.contentY));
+ timeLineView.contentY += diff
+ if(timeLineView.contentY >= timeLineView.contentHeight - timeLineView.height) {
+ timeLineView.contentY = timeLineView.contentHeight - timeLineView.height
+ }
+ }
+ if(eventBubble.y - units.gu(8) < timeLineView.contentY ) {
+ var diff = Math.abs((eventBubble.y - units.gu(8)) - timeLineView.contentY);
+ timeLineView.contentY -= diff
+ if(timeLineView.contentY <= 0) {
+ timeLineView.contentY = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Loader{
+ objectName: "weekdevider"
+ height: parent.height
+ width: units.gu(0.15)
+ sourceComponent: type == ViewType.ViewTypeWeek ? weekDividerComponent : undefined
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: weekDividerComponent
+ SimpleDivider{
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ Connections{
+ target: mainModel
+ onStartPeriodChanged:{
+ destroyAllChildren();
+ }
=== modified file 'YearView.qml'
--- YearView.qml 2016-02-03 08:06:25 +0000
+++ YearView.qml 2016-02-04 09:42:02 +0000
@@ -89,15 +89,17 @@
id: delegateComponent
- YearViewDelegate{
- focus: index == yearPathView.currentIndex
- scrollMonth: 0;
- isCurrentItem: index == yearPathView.currentIndex
- year: (currentYear + yearPathView.indexType(index))
+ ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
+ YearViewDelegate{
+ focus: index == yearPathView.currentIndex
+ scrollMonth: 0;
+ isCurrentItem: index == yearPathView.currentIndex
+ year: (currentYear + yearPathView.indexType(index))
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
=== modified file 'po/com.ubuntu.calendar.pot'
--- po/com.ubuntu.calendar.pot 2016-02-03 14:55:42 +0000
+++ po/com.ubuntu.calendar.pot 2016-02-04 09:42:02 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright (C) YEAR Canonical Ltd.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the package.
#, fuzzy
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-11 21:36+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-02-04 09:32+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
@@ -18,30 +18,39 @@
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: ../AgendaView.qml:51 ../DayView.qml:40 ../MonthView.qml:39
-#: ../WeekView.qml:44 ../YearView.qml:36
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:52 ../DayView.qml:41 ../MonthView.qml:40
+#: ../WeekView.qml:45 ../YearView.qml:43
msgid "Today"
msgstr ""
-#: ../AgendaView.qml:92
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:62 ../calendar.qml:291 ../calendar.qml:512
+msgid "Agenda"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:101
msgid "No upcoming events"
msgstr ""
-#: ../AgendaView.qml:95
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:104
msgid "You have no calendars enabled"
msgstr ""
-#: ../AgendaView.qml:105
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:114
msgid "Enable calendars"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: the first argument (%1) refers to a start time for an event,
#. while the second one (%2) refers to the end time
-#: ../AgendaView.qml:168 ../EventBubble.qml:133
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:177 ../EventBubble.qml:133
#, qt-format
msgid "%1 - %2"
msgstr ""
+#: ../AgendaView.qml:183
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3 %4 %5"
+msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: the first parameter refers to the number of all-day events
#. on a given day. "Ev." is short form for "Events".
#. Please keep the translation of "Ev." to 3 characters only, as the week view
@@ -59,21 +68,21 @@
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
-#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:33 ../EventActions.qml:60
+#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:33 ../EventActions.qml:63
msgid "Calendars"
msgstr ""
-#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:37
+#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:37 ../Settings.qml:32
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: Please translate this string to 15 characters only.
#. Currently ,there is no way we can increase width of action menu currently.
-#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:51 ../EventActions.qml:36
+#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:51 ../EventActions.qml:37
msgid "Sync"
msgstr ""
-#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:51 ../EventActions.qml:36
+#: ../CalendarChoicePopup.qml:51 ../EventActions.qml:37
msgid "Syncing"
msgstr ""
@@ -101,10 +110,16 @@
#. TRANSLATORS: this is a time formatting string,
#. see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtqml-date.html#details for valid expressions.
#. It's used in the header of the month and week views
-#: ../DayView.qml:59 ../MonthView.qml:60 ../WeekView.qml:63
+#: ../DayView.qml:64 ../DayView.qml:157 ../MonthView.qml:62
+#: ../MonthView.qml:149 ../WeekView.qml:68 ../WeekView.qml:180
msgid "MMMM yyyy"
msgstr ""
+#: ../DayView.qml:155 ../MonthView.qml:144 ../WeekView.qml:178
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2"
+msgstr ""
#: ../DeleteConfirmationDialog.qml:31
msgid "Delete Recurring Event"
msgstr ""
@@ -136,7 +151,7 @@
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EditEventConfirmationDialog.qml:29 ../NewEvent.qml:324
+#: ../EditEventConfirmationDialog.qml:29 ../NewEvent.qml:325
msgid "Edit Event"
msgstr ""
@@ -154,10 +169,14 @@
msgid "Edit this"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventActions.qml:50 ../NewEvent.qml:324
+#: ../EventActions.qml:52 ../NewEvent.qml:325
msgid "New Event"
msgstr ""
+#: ../EventActions.qml:75 ../Settings.qml:30
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: the first argument (%1) refers to a time for an event,
#. while the second one (%2) refers to title of event
#: ../EventBubble.qml:144 ../EventBubble.qml:149
@@ -165,35 +184,55 @@
msgid "%1 <b>%2</b>"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:43 ../NewEvent.qml:435
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:44 ../NewEvent.qml:439
msgid "Event Details"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: the first parameter refers to the name of event calendar.
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:68
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:69
#, qt-format
msgid "%1 Calendar"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:129
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:143
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3 - %4 %5 %6 (All Day)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:147
#, qt-format
msgid "%1 - %2 (All Day)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:133
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:153
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3 (All Day)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:156
#, qt-format
msgid "%1 (All Day)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:203
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:162
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3, %4 - %5 %6 %7, %8"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:171
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3, %4 - %5"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:354 ../NewEvent.qml:537
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:389 ../NewEvent.qml:541
msgid "Guests"
msgstr ""
-#: ../EventDetails.qml:397 ../EventReminder.qml:35 ../NewEvent.qml:634
+#: ../EventDetails.qml:432 ../EventReminder.qml:35 ../NewEvent.qml:638
msgid "Reminder"
msgstr ""
@@ -216,7 +255,7 @@
#. TRANSLATORS: this refers to how often a recurrent event repeats
#. and it is shown as the header of the option selector to choose
#. its repetition
-#: ../EventRepetition.qml:242 ../NewEvent.qml:618
+#: ../EventRepetition.qml:242 ../NewEvent.qml:622
msgid "Repeats"
msgstr ""
@@ -247,6 +286,11 @@
msgid "Weekly on %1"
msgstr ""
+#: ../HeaderDateComponent.qml:90
+#, qt-format
+msgid "%1 %2 %3"
+msgstr ""
#: ../LimitLabelModel.qml:25
msgid "Never"
msgstr ""
@@ -259,6 +303,10 @@
msgid "After Date"
msgstr ""
+#: ../MonthComponent.qml:262
+msgid "Wk"
+msgstr ""
#: ../NewEvent.qml:84
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""
@@ -267,43 +315,43 @@
msgid "End time can't be before start time"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:334
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:335
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:336
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:337
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:389
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:393
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:402
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:406
msgid "To"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:419
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:423
msgid "All day event"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:448
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:452
msgid "Event Name"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:466
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:470
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:484
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:488
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:499 com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar.desktop.in.in.h:1
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:503 com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr ""
-#: ../NewEvent.qml:541
+#: ../NewEvent.qml:545
msgid "Add Guest"
msgstr ""
@@ -390,52 +438,56 @@
msgid "2 weeks"
msgstr ""
+#: ../Settings.qml:60
+msgid "Show week numbers"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../Settings.qml:91
+msgid "Show lunar calendar"
+msgstr ""
#: ../TimeLineBase.qml:73
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr ""
#. TRANSLATORS: W refers to Week, followed by the actual week number (%1)
-#: ../TimeLineHeader.qml:54
+#: ../TimeLineHeader.qml:53
#, qt-format
msgid "W%1"
msgstr ""
-#: ../TimeLineHeader.qml:66
+#: ../TimeLineHeader.qml:65
msgid "All Day"
msgstr ""
-#: ../YearView.qml:54
+#: ../YearView.qml:61 ../YearView.qml:114
#, qt-format
msgid "Year %1"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:45
+#: ../calendar.qml:46
msgid ""
"Calendar app accept four arguments: --starttime, --endtime, --newevent and --"
"eventid. They will be managed by system. See the source for a full comment "
"about them"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:354
+#: ../calendar.qml:259 ../calendar.qml:428
msgid "Year"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:388
+#: ../calendar.qml:267 ../calendar.qml:449
msgid "Month"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:421
+#: ../calendar.qml:275 ../calendar.qml:470
msgid "Week"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:459
+#: ../calendar.qml:283 ../calendar.qml:491
msgid "Day"
msgstr ""
-#: ../calendar.qml:491
-msgid "Agenda"
-msgstr ""
#: com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "A calendar for Ubuntu which syncs with online accounts."
msgstr ""
Follow ups