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[Merge] lp:~nskaggs/reminders-app/ap-readme-cleanup into lp:reminders-app


Nicholas Skaggs has proposed merging lp:~nskaggs/reminders-app/ap-readme-cleanup into lp:reminders-app.

Commit message:
AP docs and cleanup

Requested reviews:
  Ubuntu Notes app developers (notes-app-dev)

For more details, see:

AP docs and cleanup
Your team Ubuntu Notes app developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~nskaggs/reminders-app/ap-readme-cleanup into lp:reminders-app.
=== added file 'README-Autopilot.md'
--- README-Autopilot.md	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ README-Autopilot.md	2016-03-07 22:12:47 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Running Autopilot tests
+If you are looking for more info about Autopilot or writing AP tests, here are some useful links to help you:
+- [Ubuntu - Quality](http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/quality)
+- [Autopilot - Python](https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/autopilot/python/1.5.0/)
+For help and options on running tests, see:
+- [Autopilot tests](https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/running-autopilot-tests/)
+Install the following autopilot packages required to run the tests,
+    $ sudo apt-get install python3-autopilot libautopilot-qt ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot python3-autopilot-vis
+Running tests on the desktop
+Using terminal:
+*  Branch the Music app code, for example,
+    $ bzr branch lp:reminders-app
+*  Navigate to the tests/autopilot directory.
+    $ cd tests/autopilot
+*  run all tests.
+    $ autopilot3 run -vv reminders
+* to list all tests:
+    $ autopilot3 list reminders
+ To run only one test
+    $ autopilot3 run -vv reminders.tests.test_name
+* Debugging tests using autopilot vis
+    $ autopilot3 launch -i Qt qmlscene src/app/terminal
+    $ autopilot3 vis
+Running tests using Ubuntu SDK
+Refer this [tutorial](https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/running-autopilot-tests/) to run tests on Ubuntu SDK:
+Running tests on device or emulator:
+Using autopkg:
+*  Branch the Music app code, for example,
+    $ bzr branch lp:reminders-app
+*  Navigate to the source directory.
+    $ cd reminders-app
+*  Build a click package
+    $ click-buddy .
+*  Run the tests on device (assumes only one click package in the directory)
+    $ adt-run . *.click --- ssh -s adb -- -p <PASSWORD>
\ No newline at end of file

=== added file 'README.Mergeproposal.md'
--- README.Mergeproposal.md	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ README.Mergeproposal.md	2016-03-07 22:12:47 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Prerequisites to approving a Merge Proposal (MP)
+Over time, it has been found that insufficient testing by reviewers sometimes leads to reminders trunk not buildable in Qtcreator due to manifest errors, or translation pot file not updated. As such, please follow the checklist below before top-approving a MP.
+*   Does the MP add/remove user visible strings? If Yes, has the pot file been
+    updated?
+*   Does the MP change the UI? If Yes, has it been approved by design?
+*   Did you perform an exploratory manual test run of your code change and any
+    related functionality?
+*   If the MP fixes a bug or implements a feature, are there accompanying unit
+    and autopilot tests?
+*   Is the reminders trunk buildable and runnable using Qtcreator?
+*   Was the debian changelog updated?
+*   Was the copyright years updated if necessary?
+The above checklist is more of a guideline to help reminders trunk stay buildable,
+stable and up to date.
+In addition to manual reviews, merge proposals are subject to being run in jenkins to ensure the application builds and any unit tests are successful. For more information on jenkins and how it works, see the [Core Apps Jenkins Wiki](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Jenkins)

=== modified file 'tests/autopilot/reminders/tests/__init__.py'
--- tests/autopilot/reminders/tests/__init__.py	2016-02-25 20:04:31 +0000
+++ tests/autopilot/reminders/tests/__init__.py	2016-03-07 22:12:47 +0000
@@ -186,12 +186,6 @@
             temp_dir = temp_dir_fixture.path
             temp_xdg_config_home = os.path.join(temp_dir, '.config')
-            # If running under xvfb, as jenkins does,
-            # xsession will fail to start without xauthority file
-            # Thus if the Xauthority file is in the home directory
-            # make sure we copy it to our temp home directory
-            self._copy_xauthority_file(temp_dir)
                 fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('HOME', newvalue=temp_dir))
@@ -202,15 +196,6 @@
             return temp_dir
-    def _copy_xauthority_file(self, directory):
-        """Copy .Xauthority file to directory, if it exists in /home."""
-        xauth = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Xauthority'))
-        if os.path.isfile(xauth):
-            logger.debug("Copying .Xauthority to " + directory)
-            shutil.copyfile(
-                os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Xauthority')),
-                os.path.join(directory, '.Xauthority'))
 class RemindersAppTestCase(BaseTestCaseWithTempHome):

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