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Re: [Calculator] Numpad layout design


As Nekhelesh has written we could use "=". Not sure what to do with "C" in
that case however. I would love to have backspace instead. As well not sure
what to do with "+-" button. Or maybe "+-" must be replaced with backspace
and "C" just cleans current calculation?


On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Octavian Damiean <odamiean@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Dalius <dalius@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Here is what design team proposes for simple calculator:
>> http://design.canonical.com/wp-content/uploads/numpad.png
>> Here is our current implementation:
>> http://i.imgur.com/F2DqWdL.png
>> Design team's proposal has two unnecessary buttons:
>> = - as I don't see any reason why calculations can't be automatic
>> ± - it is simple calculator why we need negative numbers at all?
>> Any other opinions?
>> Regards,
>> Dalius
> I somehow like Canonical's proposal more. It feels more familiar.​​

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