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[Reminders] Changes in the project layout and environment setup


Hi all,

Just a heads up and some info about the latest developments in the
Reminders app and how this will affect setting up the environment for those
contributing to the app.

Thanks to many of you, we've seen a flurry of updates in the app next week,
which is quite awesome. Even more when you think this happened in between
UDS sessions!

We saw changes in all fronts: on the backend, we gained a new Evernote
authentication plugin and the first implementation of the API plugin to
talk to the Evernote service. On the frontend, new Notes, Notebooks and
Reminders view. Thank you everyone for your hard work on this, it's really
cool to see the good progress we're making.

So here's a quick overview of some things to bear in mind when doing
development or testing from now on:

1) Evernote account plugin

- You'll need to create an account on https://sandbox.evernote.com
- Install the Evernote authentication plugin and log in
- This works on the desktop and on the phone
- On the phone, you'll need to set it to RW mode

More details:

2) Evernote API plugin

Michael Zanetti has been busy lately creating a C++ QML plugin that does
the work of talking to the Evernote service and passing the notes data back
and forth to/from the QML frontend. For more detail on the work, please
refer to the work items in the blueprint. This landed to trunk on Friday
and has meant a bit of reorganization in the source tree. In summary:

- The Reminders app project now contains both the backend code in C++ and
the frontend code in QML
- The type of project has changed from .qmlproject (QML-only) to .pro
(mixed C++ and QML). The file to open in Qt Creator now is reminders-app.pro
- For core app developers this won't imply any changes: as before, the
focus will be on the QML backend, but we're putting together a task force
to develop the C++ backend code, so if you've got C++ skills too, you'll be
more than welcome to join this effort!.
- To run the app, you'll need to install libssl-dev and libboost-dev. After
that, you just press the "Play" button in Qt Creator and it will take care
of building the backend the first time and to run the app.
- There is a merge proposal pending that will include a script to make it
easy to run the app and the backend on the phone

3) Burn-down chart

The burn-down chart to track the progress and help us prioritizing tasks to
deliver the app this cycle is now up at:


We can talk about it in more detail in the next meeting, but essentially,
it gets the data from the work items in the blueprint, reflecting their
completion status, and our goal is to keep the trend line above the
red/orange TODO items

If you've got any questions, please let us know!
