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Re: po/kbluetooth.pot template import


El dt 06 de 10 de 2009 a les 22:09 +0300, en/na Adi Roiban va escriure:
> Hi Anthony,
> I'm checking the kdebluetooth package and it looks like now it only
> contains the  kbluetooth.pot translations template.
> In the past it also used to contain the following templates:
> desktop-playground-network.pot
> kbluetooth4.pot
> kbluetooth4-devicemanager
> kbluetooth4-wizard
> Do you know what happen with them ?
> Were they moved to other packages, droped or merged into other
> templates?
> Many thanks!
> [1]
> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kdebluetooth

Hi Adi,

I think this might be useful: we were discussing this some days ago on
ubuntu-translators [1]. Let me paste the relevant extracts:

<dpm>	ArneGoetje or danilos: we've got a KDE package previously
consisting of 3 templates which have now been merged into one. The 3
templates are still exposed in LP and the new one is in the imports
queue. I guess we just have to approve the new template and disable the
3 old ones, but what's the best way to ensure translations made in LP
for the old templates are not lost?

<dpm>	It's

<danilos>	dpm: the best way atm is to 1. manually download all three
template translations first; 2. move the biggest one to the new template
and block the import, 3. merge the three in the downloaded translations
and upload that, 4. approve imports

<dpm>	danilos: thanks. Just a couple of questions: on 2) by moving the
biggest one you mean renaming it to the new one, I guess. Why is the
step of blocking the template necessary? Will it not sit in the queue
until it is manually approved anyway?

<dpm>	happyaron: as you are working on this right now, do you have any
other doubts? Would you be happy performing the steps Danilo is
describing above?

<happyaron>	dpm: I could do it later, because now I am trying to sort
out pots about kdelibs, really kind of overwhelming

<dpm>	excellent, thanks. If you're working with kde stuff, you might
find this useful ->
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Upstream/KDE/KubuntuTranslationsLifecycle and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Upstream/KDE/


<danilos>	dpm: yes, rename it and adjust the path so auto-approver picks
it up; if auto-approver is going to pick it up, you need to 'block' it
so it doesn't get imported; if you are certain auto-approver won't pick
it up, it's fine to skip that step

<happyaron>	dpm: could you please help me make up kdebluetooth, I think
kdelibs will kill much more time than I've expected

<dpm>	happyaron: sure, but I'll have to start on it later in the evening

Basically, the templates got merged into one, and there were additional
steps required to ensure translations. I didn't have the chance to do
it, but I was planning to.

In any case, please do not let me be a blocker. If someone would like to
do this, please go ahead and notify the list.


[1] http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/free/2009/09/22/%23ubuntu-translators.html

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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