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5-a-day Fridays


For those interested, rrittenhouse suggested we have some weekly IRC event
where we just go and attack bugs on Launchpad. We've dubbed this "5-a-day
Fridays," as some of you may have seen on the calendar.

If you've heard of HugDays[1], this is essentially what we're going to be
doing: general bug triage. As I have said time and time before, it's an easy
way to get started with Ubuntu. If you're interested, check out the
following links to get started, then join in on #ubuntu-us-oh:

We'll be starting at 8pm every Friday and going into the night. No reminders
will be on this list except for this one, just show up if you feel like it.
No worries missing a day, because triage can be done at any time. This is
just a specific date to encourage a session of bug triage.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay

Jacob Peddicord