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Re: Meeting on *Sunday* at 4pm


Hello again,

Great meeting today, for those who were there thanks for coming! For
those that missed it, here's a summary:

 * The Road to OLF
  * System76 will be shipping out laptops shortly
  * OLF promotional event in #ohiolinux on irc.oftc.net
  * Signups to work the booth will be posted on wiki
  * Keysigning information (if you want to)
   * Bring at least one, preferably two forms of valid gov't ID
(drivers, student/university, passport, anything with name & photo)
   * Bring your GPG key fingerpring (`gpg --fingerprint`)
   * Write down people's keys you will sign on paper (the convention
center has '''no''' internet access
   * Check for OLF keysigning event
  * Meetup the Friday before (25th) from 8pm - midnight
   * Ad-hoc, maybe some bug fixing, packaging, etc
   * Possible video tutorials/skits?
 * UbuntuGlobalJam
  * Will discuss more on mailing list
 * Next meeting to be determined: mid-October

The full meeting log is available on:

Another mail will be sent out soon for Ubuntu Global Jam.

As always, if you have any questions or forgot to bring something up
for the meeting, feel free to send it right to this list. :)

Jacob Peddicord
