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Precise Pangolin UDS Proceedings Report


Mr. Jono Bacon has posted a round-up of Ubuntu Developer Summit (Precise) proceedings. You can find such here: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2011/11/17/12-04-ubuntu-developer-summit-proceedings/

The round-up is chunky enough as it is. I urge you to read through it to see if there is something you can contribute to during this cycle. Mr. Bacon notes that Mr. Shuttleworth's Ubuntu Vision includes these bullet points:

* The Ubuntu mission of Linux for Human Beings cannot end at the Desktop but needs to take into account the devices that will be used by Human Beings in the years to come.

* Ubuntu will power tablets, phones, TVs and smart screens from the car to the office kitchen by LTS 14.04.

* Unity will be the coherent user interface for all these devices.

* Ubuntu powered personal computing platforms will connect seamlessly to Desktop, Server and Cloud.

* Ubuntu’s personal Cloud – Ubuntu One – will deliver, share and synchronize data and content between Ubuntu powered devices and other devices that are supported by Ubuntu One.

Does anybody across our state have any concrete plans for efforts during the P-cycle?