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Re: [Question #77346]: how can i find C, C++ programme in ubuntu?


Question #77346 on Ubuntu changed:

Tom proposed the following answer:
try going up to the top taskbar and click on

Applications - Accessories - Terminal

and into the terminal/command window/console start typing the name of
one of those C/C++ programs but as you type keep tapping on the "Tab"
key.  A single tab acts a bit like "predictive texting" on a mobile
phone, but a bit more intelligently - a lot of mobile phones run off
very tiny specialist versions of linux ;)  A double-'click' on the tab
key shows a list of all the options that are available from what you've
typed so far.  So using the tab key should help you complete the name of
the command you've installed, or complete a long pathname and is
generally quite hlpful.

If you're entering a command in the terminal console then try typing "
-h" or " --help" after the command to get a quick "cheat sheet" on how
to use the command.  This can also help if you're not quite sure what a
command does and don't really want to run it without finding out.  Try

totem -h

and then try


to see what happens :)

I hope this helps!
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

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