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Re: [Question #77500]: error 5 after installing Ubuntu 9.04 next to XP


Question #77500 on grub in ubuntu changed:

Tom proposed the following answer:
When you did "ls" it gave

default fat_stage1_5 menu.220709 minix_stage1_5 stage2
device.map installed-version menu.lst reiserfs_stage1_5 xfs_stage1_5
e2fs_stage1_5 jfs_stage1_5 menu.lst~ stage1

and you can see "menu.lst" in the middle there.  note that "lst" is
lower-case "LST" short for "List".  Maybe you thought "1st" like i did
first time?

Also we don't need the grub command-line - that's just confusing the
issue.  We just want the regular linux command-line which has something
like "desktop:~$" before the cursor, not "grub>" they are very different
command-lines.  Note that when you are on the grub command-line you can
find where it thinks all it's files are by typing commands such as

find /boot/grub/menu.lst

find /boot/grub/stage1

both of these commands should show only 1 result on your system at the
moment.  It should be showing "(hd0,2)" because the boot partition is
sda3 and grub translates that into computer type numbering which starts
from 0 rather than human 'counting' which starts at 'a' or '1' - so a
gets converted to 0 and 3 gets converted to 2 - hence (hd0,2).

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