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Message #00139
[Blueprint ubuntugnome-howtos] HOWTOs for Ubuntu GNOME
Blueprint changed by amjjawad:
Whiteboard changed:
[inivanoff1, 14.12.2013] For all doc-wiki team members I think this is
the task with highest priority to do. As I mentioned to Ali in Facebook,
until April 2014 we have to complete a normally large HowTos section
with enough tutorials for novice and advanced users. I am going to write
a message to the mailing list with some new ideas and I will contact
James in order to organize our work, create some new tutorials and
update the information on the Wiki page.
[amjjawad] Special thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the HOWTOs -
impressive work :D
[jamesvorder] It would appear that everything on the list is complete!
That means our next step is to add to the Work Items, and do those too.
There's enough on the page already to satisfy most needs, but it
certainly could be more inclusive :)
+ [amjjawad] Please confirm if there is anything else that needs to be
+ added?
HOWTOs for Ubuntu GNOME