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Message #00146
[Blueprint terminal-tutorial] Ubuntu GNOME - Terminal Tutorial
Blueprint changed by Ivan Ivanov:
Whiteboard changed:
[amjjawad] +1 for this idea.
Note: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal there is already many resources which are already exist. However, if you feel there is a 'must' need for a 'new' Wiki Page, please let me know :)
+ [inivanoff1, 03.01.2014] I suggest to forget this idea for now, because
+ there is enough information on https://help.ubuntu.com/ and we do not
+ need to copy this information. My idea is to create a page with the most
+ useful commands, but this is more a personal idea, not related to Ubuntu
+ GNOME. This can be achieved at some future point. James and I can make
+ such page, but for now we can focus on other things.
Ubuntu GNOME - Terminal Tutorial