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Message #01993
[Blueprint desktop-s-ubuntukylin-localization] Localization effort for Saucy
Blueprint changed by Anthony Wong:
Whiteboard changed:
Translation resources
* 小组 Wiki:http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/UbuntuTranslations
* 翻译指南:http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/TranslatorsGuideline
* Instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/
* Team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-china-trans-contributors
* Team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-zh-cn
* Where to work: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu
* Existing mailing lists:
* ubuntu-l10n-zh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* ubuntu-translators@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* People who work in translation should join the above mailing lists and
* Do we need a localization team at LP? Such as ubuntukylin-l10n team
--not currently. we'd better work together with ubuntu-l10n team at the beginning. If we found that there are much work besides ubuntu l10n, we will create a ubuntukylin-l10n team. [Jack]
* Translation cadence
* Saucy translation has been started.
* langpack are released twice per week during development, align it.
* Ubuntukylin Team Wiki for Saucy translation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuKylin/Translations [Lei]
* Need translation plan
* General workflow: Identify what to test -> Test -> Translate/Localize/Bug fix
* what to test (prioritize)?
* how to write test cases for translations?
* who will test?
* can we handle the job or we need third-party translation vendor to help?
* Development
- * Maitian an English-Chinese phrase check list to maintain the translation consistences of the entire system (or the unity Environment at least). [Lei]
+ * Maintain an English-Chinese phrase check list to maintain the translation consistences of the entire system (or the unity Environment at least). [Lei]
* Build an Unity tranlation search engine? [Lei]
-- Do we need it? Rossata generates several suggestion from the Launchpad database for each translatable item automaticlly.
Localization effort for Saucy