ubuntukylin-members team mailing list archive
ubuntukylin-members team
Mailing list archive
Message #02252
[Blueprint design-v0.3] Design of the functions of youker assistant V0.3
Blueprint changed by Jack Yu:
Work items changed:
Work items:
Discussion the functions added or improved in V 0.3: DONE
Work for V 0.3.1: DONE
Release V 0.3.1: DONE
Work for V 0.3.2: DONE
Release V 0.3.2: DONE
- Work for V 0.3.3: INPROGRESS
- Release V 0.3.3: TODO
+ Work for V 0.3.3&1.0.1: INPROGRESS
+ Release V 0.3.3&1.0.1: TODO
Design of the functions of youker assistant V0.3