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[Branch ~ubuntukylin-members/ubuntukylin-default-settings/trunk] Rev 188: Revert r187, legal notice not complete


revno: 188
committer: Aron Xu <happyaron.xu@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: ubuntukylin-default-settings
timestamp: Tue 2015-03-17 16:39:23 +0800
  Revert r187, legal notice not complete


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=== removed file 'debian/searchingthedashlegalnotice.html'
--- debian/searchingthedashlegalnotice.html	2015-02-12 09:18:03 +0000
+++ debian/searchingthedashlegalnotice.html	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<meta charset="utf-8">
-<title>Dash搜索 - 法律声明 </title>
-<style type="text/css">
-*{ padding:0; margin:0;font-size:16px; }
-.content{ margin:0 auto;  width:780px; line-height:24px;text-align: justify;font-family: '黑体','微软雅黑'; background:#FFF; padding:20px; }
-.content2{ line-height:22px; font-family:'arial','ubuntu'; font-size:14px;}
-<div class="content">
-<p style="text-align:center; line-height:38px;">
-	<strong>Dash搜索 - 法律声明 </strong></p>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 该搜索功能由CCN联合实验室(CCN Joint Lab)提供,CCN联合实验室由国家工信部软件与集成电路促进中心(CSIP)、Canonical集团有限公司(Canonical)和国防科技大学三方组建。此声明及Canonical<a href="http://www.canonical.com/legal";>法律声明</a>(及隐私声明)的相关条款适用于Dash搜索行为。CCN联合实验室非常重视对您的个人隐私保护,有时候我们需要某些信息才能为您提供您请求的服务。为了保障Dash搜索功能的正常使用,我们会记录和存储您的搜索内容及IP地址,并提供给Dash在线搜索的第三方,详情请查看<a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy";>隐私声明</a>。</p>
-    <p>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 如果不希望发送和接收搜索内容到第三方,请通过系统设置或Dash搜索设置找到安全和隐私设置,在其中关闭“包含在线搜索结果”选项。请<a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/privacypolicy/thirdparties";>查阅</a>第三方在线搜索名单。</p>
-	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 随着Dash搜索的功能升级,此声明的内容可由CCN联合实验室随时更新,且毋须另行通知。更新后的法律声明一旦公布即有效代替原来的法律声明。</p>
-<p class="content2">&nbsp;
-	</p>
-<p style="text-align:center;line-height:38px;" class="content2">
-	<strong>Searching in the dash - Legal notice&nbsp;</strong></p>
-<p class="content2">
-	This search function is provided to you by CNN Joint Lab. CCN Joint Lab is founded by China National Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center (CSIP) of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Canonical Group Limited (Canonical) and National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). This legal notice applies to searching in the dash and incorporates the terms of Canonical’s <a href="http://www.canonical.com/legal";>legal notice</a> (and privacy policy). CNN Joint Lab cares about your privacy. We need some information to provide great service. By searching in the dash, we collect your search terms and IP address. We also may send your search terms to selected third parties. Please see the<a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy";>privacy policy </a>for further information. </p>
-    <br/>
-<p class="content2">You may restrict your dash so that we don’t send searches to third parties and you don't receive online search results. To do this go to the Privacy panel and toggle the ‘Include online search results’ option to off. The Privacy panel can be found in your System Settings or via a dash search. For a current list of our selected third parties, please <a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/privacypolicy/thirdparties";>check online</a>.
-	</p>
-    <br/>
-<p class="content2">
-	The Dash search function will upgrade, so CCN Joint Lab may change this legal notice from time to time. No notification will apply when the legal notice is changed. The new legal notice immediately substitutes the previous version and become effective after publishing. </p>

=== modified file 'debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.install'
--- debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.install	2015-02-12 09:18:03 +0000
+++ debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.install	2015-03-17 08:39:23 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 debian/20_ubuntukylin-default-settings.gschema.override usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
-debian/searchingthedashlegalnotice.html /usr/share/unity-control-center/
-debian/searchingthedashlegalnotice.html /usr/share/unity/icons/
 debian/ubuntukylin.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
 debian/master_preferences /usr/lib/chromium-browser/
 debian/pkg_depends /usr/share/language-selector/data/

=== modified file 'debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.postrm'
--- debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.postrm	2015-02-12 09:18:03 +0000
+++ debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.postrm	2015-03-17 08:39:23 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 if [ "$1" = remove -o "$1" = purge ]; then

=== modified file 'debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.preinst'
--- debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.preinst	2015-02-12 09:18:03 +0000
+++ debian/ubuntukylin-default-settings.preinst	2015-03-17 08:39:23 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
 if [ "$1" = install -o "$1" = upgrade ]; then