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ubuntukylin-members team
Mailing list archive
Message #05510
[Merge] lp:~jianhong/ubuntu-manual-tests/jianhong into lp:~ubuntukylin-quality/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntukylin-manual-tests
Xu Jianhong has proposed merging lp:~jianhong/ubuntu-manual-tests/jianhong into lp:~ubuntukylin-quality/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntukylin-manual-tests.
Requested reviews:
Ubuntu Kylin Quality (ubuntukylin-quality)
For more details, see:
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Ubuntu Kylin Quality is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~jianhong/ubuntu-manual-tests/jianhong into lp:~ubuntukylin-quality/ubuntu-manual-tests/ubuntukylin-manual-tests.
=== removed file 'testcases/hardware/1485_Memory Usage'
--- testcases/hardware/1485_Memory Usage 2013-01-23 08:29:30 +0000
+++ testcases/hardware/1485_Memory Usage 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<strong>Memory Detection</strong>
-Case ID: mem-001
-Using Unity
- <dt>Press the Super Windows Key or click on the Ubuntu logo on the Unity panel and search System Monitor.</dt>
- <dt>Ensure that the quantity of memory in the machine tallies with that on the System Tab. </dt>
-Using GNOME Classic
- <dt>Open System Monitor (System->Administration->System Monitor).</dt>
- <dt>Ensure that the quantity of memory in the machine tallies with that on the System Tab. </dt>
- <dd>Verify that the correct amount of memory is reported in the System Monitor.</dd>
-<strong>Open Applications</strong>
-Case ID: mem-002
-Using Unity
- <dt>Once your desktop is installed, open around 10 applications.</dt>
- <dt>Click on Ubuntu Logo and search Terminal.</dt>
- <dt>Type in the terminal top and press Enter.</dt>
- <dt>Leave this to run for a while to check for memory leaks.</dt>
-Using GNOME Classic
- <dt>Once your desktop is installed open around 10 applications.</dt>
- <dt>Open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal).</dt>
- <dt>Type in the terminal top and press Enter.</dt>
- <dt>Leave this to run for a while to check for memory leaks. </dt>
- <dd>Verify that memory usage remains relatively stable when no additional applications are opened. </dd>
-If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'testcases/hardware/1618_System Config Printer'
--- testcases/hardware/1618_System Config Printer 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/hardware/1618_System Config Printer 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+This test will check that the Printers configuration tool opens correctly
+ <dt>Disconnect any locally connected printers from your computer</dt>
+ <dt>Open 'Printers' from your FAMILY menu or enter system-config-printer from a terminal</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Printers - localhost' dialog opens with the message "There are no printers configured yet"</dd>
+ <dd>The status bar at the bottom of the dialog says "Connected to localhost"</dd>
+This test will check that a new printer will be recognized automatically
+ <dt>With the 'Printers - localhost' dialog still open, turn on your printer and connect it to the computer</dt>
+ <dd>The printer is automatically recognized and appears in the dialog window</dd>
+This test will check that the printer prints
+ <dt>Double-click on the printer icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Printer Properties' dialog opens at the Settings page</dd>
+ <dt>Click the 'Print Test Page' button</dt>
+ <dd>A dialog appears and displays "Test page submitted as job x"</dd>
+ <dd>The test page prints</dd>
+This test will check that a new printer can be added
+ <dt>From the menu, select Server->New->Printer</dt>
+ <dd>The 'New Printer' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Under 'Devices', select the existing printer name</dt>
+ <dd>A 'Connection' drop down list appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select the appropriate connection type for your printer (probably already highlighted)</dt>
+ <dt>Click the 'Forward' button</dt>
+ <dd>A 'Searching for drivers' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Depending on the printer, an 'Installable Options' dialog may appear.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the appropriate options and click the 'Forward' button</dt>
+ <dd>A 'Describe Printer' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Enter a unique name and description for the printer and click 'Apply'</dt>
+ <dd>The option to print a test page appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the 'Print Test Page' button</dt>
+ <dd>A dialog appears and displays "Test page submitted as job x"</dd>
+ <dd>The test page prints</dd>
+This test will check that the default printer can be changed
+ <dt>Right-click on the printer icon that does not show a green check mark</dt>
+ <dd>A popup menu appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select 'Set As Default'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set Default Printer' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Set as my personal default printer' option and click OK</dt>
+ <dd>A yellow star appears on the printer icon and the green check mark still shows on the other printer icon</dd>
+ <dt>Right-click on the same printer icon and select 'Set As Default'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set Default Printer' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Set as the system-wide default printer' option</dt>
+ <dt>Leave the 'Clear my personal default setting' checked</dt>
+ <dt>Click OK</dt>
+ <dd>The yellow star is replaced by a green check mark on the printer icon indicating that this is now the system-wide default printer</dd>
+This test will check that printers can be deleted
+ <dt>Right-click on one of the printer icons and select 'Delete' from the menu</dt>
+ <dd>A "Really delete printer 'name'?" confirmation appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the 'Delete' button</dt>
+ <dd>The printer icon disappears</dd>
+ <dt>Repeat with the other printer</dt>
+ <dd>The printer icon disappears and the dialog now indicates 'There are no printers configured yet.'</dd>
+This test will check that a printer can be shared from another computer
+Note: this test is optional and requires a second computer running a *buntu flavor
+ <dt>Connect the printer to the other computer which will act as the "server"</dt>
+ <dt>Open 'Printers' from the FAMILY menu on that computer</dt>
+ <dt>From the menu, select Server->Settings</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Server Settings' dialog opens</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm that 'Publish shared printers connected to this system' is checked</dt>
+ <dt>Click OK</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Server Settings' dialog closes</dd>
+ <dt>Right-click on the printer icon</dt>
+ <dd>A popup menu appears</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm that both 'Enabled' and 'Shared' are checked</dt>
+ <dt>Watch the 'Printers - localhost' dialog on the client computer</dt>
+ <dd>An icon for the shared printer icon should automatically appear</dd>
+ <dt>Double-click the printer icon on the client computer</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Printer Properties' dialog opens</dd>
+ <dt>Click the 'Print Test Page' button</dt>
+ <dd>A test page prints to the printer from the server computer</dd>
+This test will check that the Help system works
+ <dt>From the menu, select Help->Troubleshoot or press F1</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Printing troubleshooter' dialog opens</dd>
+ <dt>Follow the prompts to do some basic troubleshooting to the point where you can print a test page</dt>
+ <dd>The troubleshooting screens appear as expected and a test page prints</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/hardware/1618_System Config Printer' => 'testcases/hardware/1618_System Config Printer.moved'
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1300_Install (entire disk)'
--- testcases/image/1300_Install (entire disk) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1300_Install (entire disk) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
@@ -26,14 +29,46 @@
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Erase disk and install FAMILY</dt>
+ <dd>Installation screen expands to include encryption and LVM options</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>Write changes dialogue appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click continue</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
<dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
<dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
<dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
- <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
- <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
- <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password <em>admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User</em></dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Login options and home folder encryption choices shown</dd>
+ <dd>Continue button becomes available</dd>
+ <dt>Press continue</dt>
<dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
<dd>The slideshow is entirely in your language</dd>
<dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
@@ -41,9 +76,15 @@
<dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
<dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
<dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
<dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY showing username selected at step 13</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1301_Install (auto-resize)'
--- testcases/image/1301_Install (auto-resize) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1301_Install (auto-resize) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
@@ -26,13 +27,49 @@
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+<strong> Check that an existing system is installed and that sufficient disk space is available for an additional system to be installed during the test</strong>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install FAMILY XX.XX alongside SYSTEM YY </dt>
+ <dd>(SYSTEM YY is the name of the system already installed on disk (FAMILY 12.04, Windows 7, ...)</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Continue</dt>
+ <dd>The Screen Install FAMILY XX.XX alongsite SYSTEM YY appears</dd>
+ <dt>Note the drive selected on the Select drive list and the bar state</dt>
+ <strong>If the target drive has a free partition with sufficient freespace, install will proceed without further partitioning intervention</strong>
+ <dd> The drive corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda) and the bar is divided</dd>
+ <dt>Move the greyslider bar that separates the blue sections as appropriate</dt>
+ <dd>The slider bar can be set as appropriate</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dt> A dialog will appear asking if you want to write the changes to disk Select Continue. . </dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
<dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
<dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
<dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
<dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
- <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled and a radio button saying require my password to login is selected, a radio button to log in automatically is not selected and a checkbox for encrypt my home folder is not selected.</dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
<dd>The slideshow is entirely in your language</dd>
@@ -41,9 +78,15 @@
<dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
<dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
<dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
<dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot, select the first option at the grub menu</dt>
+ <dd>Your new installation boots</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1302_Install (manual partitioning)'
--- testcases/image/1302_Install (manual partitioning) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1302_Install (manual partitioning) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
@@ -22,6 +25,31 @@
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Something Else</dt>
+ <dd>A screen showing the current hard disks and partition layouts is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select the drive you wish to partition and use the Add '+', Change 'Change...', and Delete '-' buttons to create your desired scheme</dt>
+ <dd>The screen updates showing your desired partitions and mount points</dd>
+ <dt>Once you have your required partitioning scheme laid out, click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
<dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1303_Live Session'
--- testcases/image/1303_Live Session 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1303_Live Session 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+Test-case Live Session Start
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>FAMILY boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>When ubiquity starts select your language in the left column</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions</dd>
+ <dt>Press "Try FAMILY" and wait for the Live session to start</dt>
+ <dd>The default desktop is displayed</dd>
+Test-case Live Session Usage
+ <dt>Use and execute the default applications found for the desktop enviroment being run</dt>
+ <dd>All applications should function without error</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1303_Live Session' => 'testcases/image/1303_Live Session.moved'
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1305_Install (OEM setup)'
--- testcases/image/1305_Install (OEM setup) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1305_Install (OEM setup) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly</dd>
<dt>When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
@@ -36,6 +39,45 @@
<dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly</dd>
+ <dt>When you see the screen with a solid color with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Select your language and then press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The installer menu is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Press F4 and select ‘OEM Install (for manufacturers)’’ and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The installer menu is displayed again</dd>
+ <dt>Press Enter on the ‘Try FAMILY without installing’ option</dt>
+ <dd>The live session is loaded</dd>
+ <dt>Double Click on ‘Install FAMILY’</dt>
+ <dd>The ubiquity installer starts, with a welcome dialog with language selection</dd>
+ <dt>Type a series name E.G. "QATeam"</dt>
+ <dt>Click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Check Erase Disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Check Erase Disk and install FAMILY' radio button is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase Disk and install FAMILY' is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list correspond to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
@@ -53,6 +95,7 @@
<dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
<dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
<dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
<dt>Execute the following command on the command line to install any updates that may be present <pre>sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade</pre></dt>
@@ -91,5 +134,45 @@
<dd>The timezone, date and time match the settings you selected during installation</dd>
<dt>If you installed a non-english version of FAMILY, note the language used on the desktop</dt>
<dd>The desktop is localized into your language, or it has prompted you upon initial login to install the missing components for your language</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dt>Execute the following command on the command line to install any updates that may be present <pre>sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade</pre></dt>
+ <dd>The system updates and installs new packages (if any exist)</dd>
+ <dt>Restart the computer</dt>
+ <dd>The system restarts and boots into the FAMILY desktop</dd>
+ <dt>Double click the ‘Prepare for shipping to end user’ icon on the desktop</dt>
+ <dd>The OEM config preparation window appears</dd>
+ <dt>Enter your oem password and click ok</dt>
+ <dd>The window is closed</dd>
+ <dt>Shutdown the machine and remove the install disc. Turn the machine back on</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots into the end-user installer (Note that any case where the user is taken out of a graphical experience should be filed as a bug)</dd>
+ <dt>Select a language and click Continue</dt>
+ <dd>The timezone screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select a timezone and click Continue</dt>
+ <dd>Keyboard Layout screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select a keyboard layout and click Continue</dt>
+ <dd>User details screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Add end user details and click Continue</dt>
+ <dd>After a wait, the login screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Type in the ‘end users’ username and password and hit enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine logins successfully</dd>
+ <dt>Execute the following command on the command line: <pre>lsb_release -rd</pre></dt>
+ <dd>Both the description and the release presented matches the version of FAMILY you installed</dd>
+ <dt>Execute the following command on the command line: <pre>arch</pre></dt>
+ <dd>Verify the result correctly lists the architecture of the installation you installed. For example, x86_64 for 64-bit x86 machine.</dd>
+ <dt>Execute the following command on the command line: <pre>sudo sfdisk -l</pre></dt>
+ <dd>Verify the partition scheme displayed matches the partition scheme you chose during installation</dd>
+ <dt>Execute the following command on the command line: <pre>sudo apt-get update</pre></dt>
+ <dd>Apt hits each of the package mirrors and update all of them without error</dd>
+ <dt>Launch 'update-manager' (for quantal this is being renamed to software-updater) and install any updates presented</dt>
+ <dd>The updates are downloaded and installed without error</dd>
+ <dt>Launch 'firefox' and navigate to http://ubuntu.com</dt>
+ <dd>The Ubuntu homepage is loaded and displays properly</dd>
+ <dt>Launch 'Time & Date' settings menu and note the timezone information and local time and date</dt>
+ <dd>The timezone, date and time match the settings you selected during installation</dd>
+ <dt>If you installed a non-english version of FAMILY, note the language used on the desktop</dt>
+ <dd>The desktop is localized into your language, or it has prompted you upon initial login to install the missing components for your language</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1307_Free Software Only'
--- testcases/image/1307_Free Software Only 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1307_Free Software Only 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dd>Language list will appear</dd>
<dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
@@ -33,6 +36,42 @@
<dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will close</dd>
+ <dt>Press F6 and use the down arrow to get to Free software only and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>An X will appear by Free software only</dd>
+ <dt>Press ESC to dismiss the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Menu window will be dismissed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install FAMILY option and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection</dd>
+ <dt>Select language and click continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Check Erase Disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Check Erase Disk and install FAMILY' radio button is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase Disk and install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list correspond to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1309_Install (Screen Reader)'
--- testcases/image/1309_Install (Screen Reader) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1309_Install (Screen Reader) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
This is an installation using the Screen-Reader as done by a visually blind individual. Please cover your monitor, lay it face down or turn it off during this installation. You will require speakers or headphones to hear the screen-reader. As you press Enter to continue on each page, it can take several minutes to advance to the next installer page.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place </dt>
<dt>Wait to hear the drums</dt>
<dt>Press Ctrl+s to start the screen-reader</dt>
@@ -32,6 +36,40 @@
<dt>Once the installer tells you it is finished, Restart the system now by pressing Enter</dt>
<dt>Wait a few seconds for the cd drive to quit spinning, remove the disc and press Enter</dt>
<dt>After restarting, at the desktop, you must restart again. This will start the screen-reader. It will then start at login</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Wait to hear the drums</dt>
+ <dt>Press Ctrl+s to start the screen-reader</dt>
+ <dt>Press Alt+Tab to change to the installer</dt>
+ <dt>Press Up or Down arrow to select your language(default is English)</dt>
+ <dt>Press Tab once to "Try FAMILY"</dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Wait for the Desktop to begin the installation. </dt>
+ <dt>Press Super+1 to begin the installation. Super is the left windows key</dt>
+ <dt>Use up-arrow and down-arrow to select the language you want to the installation to use </dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Use up-arrow and down-arrow to hear the options and spacebar to select them</dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Use up-arrow and down-arrow to hear and select partitioning options </dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Press up-arrow and down-arrow to select the drive to install FAMILY on </dt>
+ <dt>Press Tab three times </dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Press Tab </dt>
+ <dt>Select country either by typing in the name of the country or city or timezone (WARNING: time zones are not read by the screen-reader; the default should be fine)</dt>
+ <dt>Press Tab until you are on Continue</dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Check your keyboard layout is correct or alter </dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password /!\ Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User </dt>
+ <dt>After entering "Confirm your password" </dt>
+ <dt>Press Tab</dt>
+ <dt>Press up-arrow for auto-login </dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter to begin the installation</dt>
+ <dt>Once the installer tells you it is finished, Restart the system now by pressing Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Wait a few seconds for the cd drive to quit spinning, remove the disc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>After restarting, at the desktop, you must restart again. This will start the screen-reader. It will then start at login</dt>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1310_Upgrade'
--- testcases/image/1310_Upgrade 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1310_Upgrade 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
+To execute this test, a pre-existing Ubuntu (or derivative) installation is needed
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Install all updates available for the release you want to upgrade by running update-manager. Click Check if any update is available, and click Install to install them</dt>
<dt>Ensure FAMILY is looking from all new versions by running 'software sources'. Select the updates tab, and make sure the 'Notify me of a new FAMILY version' option has the 'For any new version' selection</dt>
<dt>Run update-manager -d -c from a terminal</dt>
@@ -13,6 +18,32 @@
<li>Are you experiencing any application or background service crashes?</li>
+ <dt>Install all updates available for the release you want to upgrade by running update-manager. Click Check if any update is available, and click Install to install them</dt>
+ <dt>Ensure FAMILY is looking from all new versions by running 'Software & Updates'. Select the updates tab, and make sure the 'Notify me of a new FAMILY version' option has the 'For any new version' selection</dt>
+ <dt>Run update-manager -d -c from a terminal</dt>
+ <dt>Click the upgrade version button</dt>
+ <dt>Watch it upgrade, noting any errors</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot into your new system:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Were any errors encountered during the upgrade?</li>
+ <li>Were any errors encountered after rebooting to new desktop?</li>
+ <li>Does your hardware still work properly?</li>
+ <li>Are you experiencing any application or background service crashes?</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal and enter the command <code>grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</code></dt>
+ <dd>For a <em>normal to normal</em>upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>normal to LTS</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=lts</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>LTS to normal</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>LTS to LTS</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=lts</dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal and enter the command <code>lsb_release -r</code></dt>
+ <dd>Terminal will show the upgraded version</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1311_Non-English Installation Full Network Support'
--- testcases/image/1311_Non-English Installation Full Network Support 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1311_Non-English Installation Full Network Support 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation and that language packs are downloaded and installed correctly from the Internet.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dd>Language list will appear</dd>
<dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
@@ -53,6 +54,61 @@
<dt>Verify that your system is localized</dt>
<dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
<dd>The calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will close.</dd>
+ <dd>The installer is localized from this screen onwards</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds to your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The installer's slideshow slides are completely localized</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized</dt>
+ <dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
+ <dd>The calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1312_Non-English Installation No Network'
--- testcases/image/1312_Non-English Installation No Network 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1312_Non-English Installation No Network 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation, that language packs are installed correctly for those languages in the ISO, and that an informational message is shown prompting users to connect to the Internet to fully install language support for those languages not included.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place and no network connection present. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dd>Language list will appear</dd>
<dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
@@ -52,6 +53,60 @@
<dd>If you aren't using Bengali (bn), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French(fr), Portuguese (pt) or Xhosa (xh) a pop up appears showing saying your language support is not complete</dd>
<dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
<dd>If you are using one of the above languages the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will close.</dd>
+ <dd>The installer is localized from this screen onwards</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds to your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The installer's slideshow slides are completely localized</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized</dt>
+ <dd>If you aren't using Bengali (bn), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French(fr), Portuguese (pt) or Xhosa (xh) a pop up appears showing saying your language support is not complete</dd>
+ <dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
+ <dd>If you are using one of the above languages the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1313_Installation Broken Internet'
--- testcases/image/1313_Installation Broken Internet 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1313_Installation Broken Internet 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation, that language packs are installed correctly for those languages in the ISO. During the lang-packs installation, Internet breaks, and the installer handles it gracefully. After the installation is complete and the new system rebooted an informational message is shown prompting users to connect to the Internet to fully install language support.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place a network connection present. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dd>Language list will appear</dd>
<dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
@@ -53,6 +57,65 @@
<dd>If you aren't using Bengali (bn), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French(fr), Portuguese (pt) or Xhosa (xh) a pop up appears showing saying your language support is not complete</dd>
<dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
<dd>If you are using one of the above languages the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Use arrow keys to select language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will close.</dd>
+ <dd>The installer is localized from this screen onwards</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button should be checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer should skip to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds to your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The installer's slideshow slides are localized</dd>
+ <dt>When the installer is installing the language packs, disconnect the Internet</dt>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized</dt>
+ <dd>If you aren't using Bengali (bn), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French(fr), Portuguese (pt) or Xhosa (xh) a pop up appears showing saying your language support is not complete</dd>
+ <dd>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</dd>
+ <dd>If you are using one of the above languages the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+<<<<<<< TREE
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1314_Non-English Live Session & Installation; No Network'
--- testcases/image/1314_Non-English Live Session & Installation; No Network 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1314_Non-English Live Session & Installation; No Network 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation from a live cd session, that language packs are installed correctly for those languages in the ISO, and that an informational message is shown prompting users to connect to the Internet to fully install language support for those languages not included.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Power up your machine insert the install media</dt>
<dt>Select English as language and press Enter</dt>
<dt>Select Try without any change to your computer and press Enter</dt>
@@ -35,6 +36,42 @@
<dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly (Note: only in languages on the list above)</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Select a non-English language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The boot screen is displayed in the selected language</dd>
+ <dt>Select the Install FAMILY option</dt>
+ <dt>Once Ubiquity starts click on Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select the same non English language from the list and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select your timezone and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Check your keyboard layout is correct or alter click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select Erase and use the entire disk and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
+ <dt>Tick Log in automatically and click on Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Check the details are correct on the final page and click Install</dt>
+ <dt>Once the installer has finished choose to Restart the system now</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Language packs included in the Live CD: Bengali (bn), German (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French(fr), Portuguese (pt), Xhosa (xh) (Note: this list might vary between milestones)</li>
+ <li>If your language is one in the list above:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Common translations are installed as part of language packs</li>
+ <li>A pop up shows saying your language support is not complete</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>If your language is not in the list above:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Common translations in language packs will not be installed</li>
+ <li>A pop up shows saying your language support is not complete</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly (Note: only in languages on the list above)</dt>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1315_Non-English Live Session & Installation; Full Network Support'
--- testcases/image/1315_Non-English Live Session & Installation; Full Network Support 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1315_Non-English Live Session & Installation; Full Network Support 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation from a live cd session and that language packs are downloaded and installed correctly from the Internet.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Power up your machine and insert the install media</dt>
<dt>Select English as language and press Enter</dt>
<dt>Select Try FAMILY without any change to your computer and press Enter</dt>
@@ -27,6 +28,36 @@
<dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Select a non-English language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The boot screen is displayed in the selected language</dd>
+ <dt>Select Try FAMILY without any change to your computer and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Once the live session has started, verify that the system is localized to the previously selected language</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Double click on the Install icon</dt>
+ <dt>Once Ubiquity starts click on Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select the same non English language from the list and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select your timezone and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Check your keyboard layout is correct or alter click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Select Erase and use the entire disk and click Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password Note admin can not be used it is a dedicated Linux User</dt>
+ <dt>Tick Log in automatically and click on Forward</dt>
+ <dt>Check the details are correct on the final page and click Install</dt>
+ <dt>Once the installer has finished choose to Restart the system now</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>For any language, the system has to be fully localized. Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly</dt>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1316_Non-English Installation Full Network Support & CJK Input'
--- testcases/image/1316_Non-English Installation Full Network Support & CJK Input 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1316_Non-English Installation Full Network Support & CJK Input 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation, that language packs are downloaded and installed correctly from the Internet and that the input methods for either Chinese, Japanese or Korean are working.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dd>Language list will appear</dd>
<dt>Use arrow keys to select 中文(简体) (Simplified Chinese), 中文(繁體) (Traditional Chinese), 日本語 (Japanese) or 한국어 (Korean) as language and press Enter</dt>
@@ -101,6 +102,109 @@
<dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly.</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will appear</dd>
+ <dt>Use arrow keys to select 中文(简体) (Simplified Chinese), 中文(繁體) (Traditional Chinese), 日本語 (Japanese) or 한국어 (Korean) as language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language list will close.</dd>
+ <dd>The installer is localized from this screen onwards</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY button</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "安装 FAMILY"</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "安裝 FAMILY"</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "FAMILY をインストール"</li>
+ <li>In Korean "Ubuntu 설치"</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed, click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "继续"</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "繼續"</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "続ける"</li>
+ <li>In Korean "계속"</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the 'Installation type' screen, select Erase disk and install Ubuntu, and click Install Now.</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "清空并使用整个硬盘" (Erase and use the entire disk) and "现在安装(I)" (Install Now)</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "消除並使用整個磁碟" (Erase and use the entire disk) and "立刻安裝(I)" (Install Now)</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "ディスクを削除してUbuntuをインストール" (Erase and use the entire disk) and "インストール(I)" (Install Now)</li>
+ <li>In Korean "디스크를 지우고 Ubuntu 설치" (Erase and use the entire disk) and "지금 설치(I)" (Install Now)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone and click Continue.</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "继续"</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "繼續"</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "続ける"</li>
+ <li>In Korean "계속"</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check if your keyboard layout is correct or alter and click Continue.</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "继续"</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "繼續"</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "続ける"</li>
+ <li>In Korean "계속"</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password. /!\ Note admin can not be used. It is a dedicated Linux User.</dt>
+ <dt>Tick Log in automatically and click on Continue.</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>In Simplified Chinese "自动登录" (Log in automatically) and "继续"</li>
+ <li>In Traditional Chinese "自動登入" (Log in automatically) and "繼續" (Forward)</li>
+ <li>In Japanese "自動的にログインする" (Log in automatically) and "続ける" (Continue)</li>
+ <li>In Korean "자동으로 로그인" (Log in automatically) and "계속" (Forward)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check that the installer's slides are localized.</dt>
+ <dt>Once the installer has finished click the Restart now button.</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press Enter.</dt>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot.</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that your system is localized. For any language, the system has to be fully localized. /!\ Note: the translation coverage of some languages might not be complete.</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that the input method works correctly.</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Simplified Chinese:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Open dash and type gedit into the search box. Click on the editor (文本编辑器) icon.</li>
+ <li>Click on the keyboard icon on the top panel area and select SunPinyin as the input method to switch to.</li>
+ <li>Type renlei in the new gedit document, press Space, and see if it turns out to be 人类</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Traditional Chinese:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Open dash and type gedit into the search box. Click on the editor (文字编辑器) icon.</li>
+ <li>Click on the keyboard icon on the top panel area and select Chewing (酷音) as the input method to switch to. </li>
+ <li>Type bp6xo4 in the new gedit document (or if you have a keyboard with Bopomofo, type ㄖㄣˊㄌㄟˋ), press Enter, and see if it turns out to be 人類</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Japanese:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Open dash and type gedit into the search box. Click on the editor (テキストエディター) icon.</li>
+ <li>Click on the keyboard icon on the notification area, select 日本語 - Anthy as the input method to switch to. </li>
+ <li>Type nihon in the new gedit document, press Enter and see if it turns out to be にほん</li>
+ <li>Type nihon again, then press space and see if it turns out to be 日本 or 二本. Keep pressing space to cycle between the presented options, if necessary</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Korean:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Open dash and type gedit into the search box. Click on the editor (텍스트 편집기) icon.</li>
+ <li>Click on the keyboard icon on the notification area, select Hangul (한국어) as the input method to switch to.</li>
+ <li>Type gks rmf in the new gedit document and see if it turns out to be 한 글</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check that the calendar shows the regional settings correctly.</dt>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1319_Wubi Desktop Install' => 'testcases/image/1319_Wubi Desktop Install.THIS'
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1320_Wubi CD Boot Helper' => 'testcases/image/1320_Wubi CD Boot Helper.THIS'
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1337_Install (Default)'
--- testcases/image/1337_Install (Default) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1337_Install (Default) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed and you can login into it.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -26,6 +30,34 @@
<dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
<dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
<dd>The system reboot, the login prompt appear and you can login into it</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system reboot, the login prompt appear and you can login into it</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1401_Install (Bind9)'
--- testcases/image/1401_Install (Bind9) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1401_Install (Bind9) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it, bind is installable and working.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -35,6 +39,43 @@
<dd>host -T www.ubuntu.com localhost</dd>
<dd>host -6 www.ubuntu.com ip6-localhost</dd>
<dd>host -T -6 www.ubuntu.com ip6-localhost</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "DNS Server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that bind:</dt>
+ <dd>Is running</dd>
+ <dd>pgrep named returns the pid of named</dd>
+ <dt>Is listening for IPv4 and IPv6:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo netstat -atuvpn | egrep '(:53)' | egrep -v '(ESTABLISHED|CLOSE_WAIT|LAST_ACK)' should list named is listening on port 53 for tcp, tcp6, udp and udp6.</dd>
+ <dt>If the system can access the outside world, dns queries against the server at localhost should work</dt>
+ <dd>host www.ubuntu.com localhost</dd>
+ <dd>host -T www.ubuntu.com localhost</dd>
+ <dd>host -6 www.ubuntu.com ip6-localhost</dd>
+ <dd>host -T -6 www.ubuntu.com ip6-localhost</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1402_Install (Default + LVM)'
--- testcases/image/1402_Install (Default + LVM) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1402_Install (Default + LVM) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and rootfs is rightly mounted.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -28,6 +32,36 @@
<dt>Login and run:</dt>
<dd>sudo mount</dd>
<dd>Verify that the root file system is mounted from /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root.</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk and set up LVM"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
+ <dt>Login and run:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dd>Verify that the root file system is mounted from /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root.</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1403_Install (Default + crypted LVM)'
--- testcases/image/1403_Install (Default + crypted LVM) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1403_Install (Default + crypted LVM) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it, rootfs and securityfs are rightly mounted.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -31,6 +35,39 @@
<dt>Enter passphrase, login and run:</dt>
<dd>sudo mount</dd>
<dd>Verify that the root file system is mounted from /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root and securityfs is mounted from /sys/kernel/security.</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>Enter the ecryption passphrase</dt>
+ <dt>Re-enter passphrase</dt>
+ <dt>Change the amount of the volume or let it as default</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
+ <dt>Enter passphrase, login and run:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dd>Verify that the root file system is mounted from /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root and securityfs is mounted from /sys/kernel/security.</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1404_Install (LAMP)'
--- testcases/image/1404_Install (LAMP) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1404_Install (LAMP) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it, Apache and MySQL are working.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -80,3 +84,86 @@
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "LAMP server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Test Apache:</dt>
+ <dd>w3m</dd>
+ <dd>Press q and confirm to exit</dd>
+ <dt>Test MySQL:</dt>
+ <dd>mysql -u root -p</dd>
+ <dd>If you set the MySQL root account with a password, you will be prompted to enter it now. You should then be presented with a mysql prompt mysql> where you can enter some mysql commands:</dd>
+ <pre>show databases; connect mysql; select host,user from user;</pre>
+ <dd>that will produce an output like:
+ <pre>
+ +--------------------+
+ | Database |
+ +--------------------+
+ | information_schema |
+ | mysql |
+ | performace_schema |
+ | test |
+ +--------------------+
+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
+ Reading table information for completion of table and column names
+ You can turn off this feature to get a quicker start up with -A
+ Connection id: 41
+ Current database: mysql
+ +-----------+--------------------------+
+ | host | user |
+ +-----------+--------------------------+
+ | | root |
+ | ::1 | root |
+ | localhost | |
+ | localhost | debian-sys-maint |
+ | localhost | root |
+ | ubuntu | |
+ | ubuntu | root |
+ +-----------+--------------------------+
+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
+ </pre>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Type exit to exit mysql</dt>
+ <dt>Test PHP (command line)</dt>
+ <dd>php -r 'phpinfo();'</dd>
+ <dd>That will produce about 600 lines.</dd>
+ <dt>Test PHP (Apache mod_php)</dt>
+ <dt>Create a file called /var/www/html/phptest.php:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo nano /var/www/html/phptest.php</dd>
+ <dd>add the following text to the file:
+ <pre><?php phpinfo(); ?></pre>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>run it on w3m</dt>
+ <dd>w3m localhost/phptest.php</dd>
+ <dd>Verify it outputs the text from phpinfo()</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1405_Install (Mail server)'
--- testcases/image/1405_Install (Mail server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1405_Install (Mail server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and the mail server is up and running.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -36,6 +40,46 @@
<dt>Try to send a test email:</dt>
<dd>echo foo | mail -s test ${USER}</dd>
<dd>Run mutt and press enter to see the mail, press <strong>q</strong> to exit</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "Mail server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>At Postfix Configuration select "Internet Site"</dt>
+ <dt>At System mail name, let ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>At Configuring dovecot-core select "Yes"</dt>
+ <dt>At Configuring dovecot-core verify the hostname is "localhost" and select "Continue"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot then login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that postfix is running:</dt>
+ <dd>telnet 25</dd>
+ <dd>Has to return: Ubuntu ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu). Type quit to exit</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that dovecot pop3 and imap servers are running:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo netstat -ltnp | grep dovecot</dd>
+ <dd>should list 8 dovecot instances (port 110, 143, 993 and 995) 4 for tcp and 4 tcp6</dd>
+ <dt>Try to send a test email:</dt>
+ <dd>echo foo | mail -s test ${USER}</dd>
+ <dd>Run mutt and press enter to see the mail, press <strong>q</strong> to exit</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1406_Install (OpenSSH server)'
--- testcases/image/1406_Install (OpenSSH server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1406_Install (OpenSSH server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and sshd is up and running.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -29,6 +33,37 @@
<dd>pgrep sshd</dd>
<dd>should return the pid of sshd.</dd>
<dd>If you can, try to connect to the server from a remote client.</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "OpenSSH server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that sshd is running:</dt>
+ <dd>pgrep sshd</dd>
+ <dd>should return the pid of sshd.</dd>
+ <dd>If you can, try to connect to the server from a remote client.</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1407_Install (PostgreSQL database server)'
--- testcases/image/1407_Install (PostgreSQL database server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1407_Install (PostgreSQL database server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and the database is running.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -37,6 +41,45 @@
<dt>Verify that can connect to the database:</dt>
<dd>psql ${USER}_db</dd>
<dd>should start a psql shell connected to the database.</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "PostgreSQL database" </dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that the database is running:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo -u postgres psql -l</dd>
+ <dd>should return a list of databases.</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that can create a database user:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo -u postgres createuser -DRS ${USER}</dd>
+ <dd>should create a user.</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that can create a database:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo -u postgres createdb -O ${USER} ${USER}_db</dd>
+ <dd>should create a database.</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that can connect to the database:</dt>
+ <dd>psql ${USER}_db</dd>
+ <dd>should start a psql shell connected to the database.</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1408_Install (Print server)'
--- testcases/image/1408_Install (Print server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1408_Install (Print server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and cups is running.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -28,6 +32,36 @@
<dt>Verify that cups is running:</dt>
<dd>service cups status</dd>
<dd>should state that the cupsd is running.</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "Print server" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that cups is running:</dt>
+ <dd>service cups status</dd>
+ <dd>should state that the cupsd is running.</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1409_Install (Samba server)'
--- testcases/image/1409_Install (Samba server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1409_Install (Samba server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and samba is running.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -35,6 +39,45 @@
<dd>net usersidlist</dd>
<dd>has to return a line similar to UBUNTU\'your userId'. Other lines will also be shown.</dd>
<dt>NB: The user needs to be added to the samba database by providing the user password at least once to the pam stack. This is automatically done when logging into the system by typing the password.</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "Samba server"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that samba is running:</dt>
+ <dd>echo smbd ; pgrep smbd; echo; echo nmbd; pgrep nmbd; echo ; echo winbindd; pgrep winbindd ; echo</dd>
+ <dd>should return the pid for pgrep smbd, pgrep nmbd, pgrep winbindd.</dd>
+ <dt>Verify the default workgroup name is displayed:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo net getlocalsid</dd>
+ <dd>should return a line similar to sid for domain UBUNTU is S-1-5....</dd>
+ <dt>Verify winbind is responding to requests:</dt>
+ <dd>wbinfo -p</dd>
+ <dd>has to return a line similar to "Ping to winbindd succeeded".</dd>
+ <dt>Verify winbind basic functionality:</dt>
+ <dd>wbinfo --all-domains</dd>
+ <dd>has to return two lines: one with "BUILTIN", the other with the unqualified hostname in uppercase. For example, a hostname like "ubuntu" would be in the wbinfo output text as "UBUNTU".</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1410_Install (Tomcat Java server)'
--- testcases/image/1410_Install (Tomcat Java server) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1410_Install (Tomcat Java server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login into it and Tomcat server is running.
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
@@ -37,5 +38,76 @@
<dd>should bring a page containing basic arithmetics.</dd>
<dt>NB: w3m basics: moving cursor and hit 'Enter' to follow links, 'B' to come back to the previous page, 'q' to quit</dt>
+This test will check that the Ubuntu Server system is installed and you can login into it
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying a screen with language selection</dd>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language and press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dd>Ubuntu installer main menu is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Select a language' screen is displayed requesting for a language selection to be used for the installation process</dd>
+ <dt>Choose the language to be used during the installation process which will also be the default language for the installed system</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Select your location' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select your location to set your time zone and the system locale</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the keyboard' is displayed requesting to detect the keyboard layout</dd>
+ <dt>Select "No"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the keyboard' is displayed requesting to select the country of origin for the keyboard of your computer</dd>
+ <dt>Choose the correct country of origin for the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the keyboard' is displayed requesting to select the layout matching the keyboard of your computer</dd>
+ <dt>Choose the correct layout for the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>The installer starts</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the network' screen is displayed requesting to enter the hostname for the system</dd>
+ <dt>Select hostname 'ubuntu' as default</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set up users and passwords' screen is displayed requesting to define a user account name</dd>
+ <dt>Enter your desired user account name</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set up users and passwords' screen is displayed requesting to define a username for the user account</dd>
+ <dt>Enter your desired username</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set up users and passwords' screen is displayed requesting to define a password for the new user</dd>
+ <dt>Enter your desired password</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Set up users and passwords' screen is displayed requesting to re-enter the password for verification</dd>
+ <dd>User account, username and password are accepted</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Set up users and passwords' screen is displayed requesting to encrypt user's home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select "No"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the clock' screen is displayed requesting to verify or setup the timezone</dd>
+ <dt>Select the correct location in your time zone</dt>
+ <dd>The installer proceeds with the installation and the 'Partition disks' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Partition disks' screen is displayed requesting to select the disk to partition</dd>
+ <dt>Select the desired disk</dt>
+ <dd>The installer starts the partitioning of the disk and the 'Partition disks' screen is displayed requesting for confirmation before writing the changes to the disk</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that everything is right and select "Yes"</dt>
+ <dd>The installer proceeds with the partitioning of the disk and starts installing the base system</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Configure the package manager' screen is displayed requesting to enter a 'HTTP proxy'</dd>
+ <dt>Leave it blank and press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dd>The installer proceeds with the configuration of the package manager</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Configuration tasksel' screen is displayed requesting to define the upgrades management</dd>
+ <dt>Select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Software selection' screen is displayed requesting to select the software to be installed</dd>
+ <dt>Choose "Tomcat Java server" using the arrows keys, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dd>The installer proceeds with the installation of "Tomcat Java server"</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Install the GRUB boot loader on a hard disk' screen is displayed requesting to install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" and wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CD/DVD or USB key), wait for the reboot of the system</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into login</dd>
+This test will check that the Tomcat Java server is running correctly.
+ <dt>Login and check Tomcat is running entering <code>sudo netstat -ltnp | grep java</code> at the prompt</dt>
+ <dd>It should show a jsvc instance listening on port 8080</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that Tomcat is working properly entering <code>w3m</code> at the prompt</dt>
+ <dd>A "It works !" page should be brought up</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that Tomcat is able to properly display the "Hello World!" example page, entering <code>w3m http:localhost:8080/examples/servletsservlet/HelloWorldExample</code> at the prompt</dt>
+ <dd>A "Hello World!" page should be brought up</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that Tomcat is able to display a page containing basic arithmetics, entering <code>w3m http:localhost:8080/examples/jsp/jsp2/el/basic-arithmetic.jsp</code> at the prompt</dt>
+ <dd>A "JSP 2.0 Expression Language - Basic Arithmetic" page should be brought up</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1411_Install (Virtualization host)'
--- testcases/image/1411_Install (Virtualization host) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1411_Install (Virtualization host) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed, you can login and run VMs.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
<dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
@@ -32,6 +36,40 @@
<dd>has to return that KVM acceleration can be used</dd>
<dt>Verify that the KVM kernel module is loaded</dt>
<dd>lsmod | grep kvm</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, leave it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, choose "Virtual Machine host" with arrows, select it with "space bar" and confirm with "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot, login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that ubuntu-virt-server package is installed:</dt>
+ <dd>dpkg -l ubuntu-virt-server</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that you have KVM-capable hardware:</dt>
+ <dd>kvm-ok</dd>
+ <dd>has to return that KVM acceleration can be used</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the KVM kernel module is loaded</dt>
+ <dd>lsmod | grep kvm</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1413_Install (Preseed)'
--- testcases/image/1413_Install (Preseed) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1413_Install (Preseed) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed in itself starting from the setting hostname step.
<strong> WARNING This test uses pre-selected answers to installation questions (the preseed file). The preseed in use will unilaterally allocate the whole hard drive for the install.
@@ -37,3 +38,46 @@
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed in itself starting from the setting hostname step.
+<strong> WARNING This test uses pre-selected answers to installation questions (the preseed file). The preseed in use will unilaterally allocate the whole hard drive for the install.
+ This will cause the complete loss of any data then in the hard drive. We strongly recommend you to use a 'trash and burn' system -- i.e., a system you do not mind losing the contents of the hard drive(s). Virtual machines are also a good option (and a nice helper to boot an Ubuntu ISO is testdrive). It is also a good idea to disconnect any external hard drive(s) you do not want to participate in the reformatting.
+ On a trash and burn server, boot the Ubuntu Server ISO (or, for VMs, run testdrive, and select either an i386 or an amd64 server image -- should be options 2 or 7).
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language, press F6, Esc, and F8. This will show you the Boot Options line:
+ Boot Options file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed vga=788 initrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet --</dt>
+ <dt>Replace 'file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed' by 'auto
+ url=http://people.canonical.com/~plars/default.cfg auto=true
+ priority=critical'. The Boot Options line should now look like:
+ Boot Options auto url=http://people.canonical.com/~plars/default.cfg auto=true priority=critical vga=788 initrd=/install/initrd.gz quiet --</dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter to accept the boot command line and start the installation</dt>
+ <dt>From this point on, the installation should proceed automatically. Wait until the system reboots. </dt>
+ <dt>At the login insert ubuntu as userid and <strong>ubuntu</strong> as password</dt>
+ <dt>Verify that the server is working executing:</dt>
+ <dd>ntptime</dd>
+ <dd>the output should look like:
+ <pre>
+ njin@quantic:~/Ubuntu$ ntptime
+ ntp_gettime() returns code 0 (OK)
+ time d3d92552.3858c000 Fri, Aug 17 2012 22:17:22.220, (.220104),
+ maximum error 4516 us, estimated error 16 us, TAI offset 0
+ ntp_adjtime() returns code 0 (OK)
+ modes 0x0 (),
+ offset 0.000 us, frequency 0.000 ppm, interval 1 s,
+ maximum error 4516 us, estimated error 16 us,
+ status 0x1 (PLL),
+ time constant 7, precision 1.000 us, tolerance 500 ppm,
+ </pre>
+ </dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1437_Alternate Install (Entire Disk)'
--- testcases/image/1437_Alternate Install (Entire Disk) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1437_Alternate Install (Entire Disk) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
<dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
<dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
@@ -41,6 +44,50 @@
<dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
<dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
<dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish).</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm ( If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one).</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select No for encrypted home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Guided - use entire disk and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see an option to select a disk to install on</dd>
+ <dt>Select the disk to use and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm the action</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request for http proxy information</dd>
+ <dt>Input http proxy info or press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Wait for a while - The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4 (alt + f4).</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to utc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+ <dd>You should be able to log in and the desktop should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Ask the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
+ <dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1438_Alternate Install (Guided)'
--- testcases/image/1438_Alternate Install (Guided) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1438_Alternate Install (Guided) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
<dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
<dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
@@ -42,6 +45,51 @@
<dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
<dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
<dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish).</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm ( If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one).</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select No for encrypted home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Guided - resize "drive details" and use freed space and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see that is has used 50% of the free area</dd>
+ <dt>Sub test case 1: Repeat the test case and select the minimum size for the partition</dt>
+ <dt>Sub test case 2: Repeat the test case and select the maximum size for the partition</dt>
+ <dd>You should see the changes that will be made and verify that it corresponds to what you requested. </dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to the notice and press Enter to write changes to disk</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request for http proxy information</dd>
+ <dt>Input http proxy info or press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Wait for a while - The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4 (alt + f4).</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to utc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+ <dd>You should be able to log in and the desktop should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Ask the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
+ <dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1439_Alternate Install (Encryption)'
--- testcases/image/1439_Alternate Install (Encryption) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1439_Alternate Install (Encryption) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
<dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
<dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
@@ -49,6 +52,58 @@
<dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
<dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
<dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish).</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm ( If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one).</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes for encrypted home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see an option to select a disk to install on</dd>
+ <dt>Select the disk to use and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm the action</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to enter an encryption passphraser</dd>
+ <dt>Enter an encryption passphrase and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm your passphrase</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm your encryption passphrase by entering it again and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to specify an amount of the volume group to use for guided partitioning</dd>
+ <dt>Specify an amount of the volume group to use for guided partitioning and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm writing the changes to disk</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request for http proxy information</dd>
+ <dt>Input http proxy info or press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Wait for a while - The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4 (alt + f4).</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to utc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+ <dd>You should be able to log in and the desktop should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Ask the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
+ <dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1440_Live LTSP'
--- testcases/image/1440_Live LTSP 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1440_Live LTSP 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project. It allows you to set up a diskless workstation environment with not much effort. The Edubuntu DVD ships with a feature called Live LTSP that allows you to try out or demonstrate LTSP without making any permanent changes to a system.
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start Edubuntu from a Live DVD or USB disk and select the "Try Edubuntu without Installing" option from the boot menu to start up to a full desktop session</dt>
<dd>Edubuntu desktop boots up properly</dd>
<dt>Open the dash and type "LTSP Live"</dt>
@@ -8,6 +9,16 @@
<dd>A configuring prompt displays showing progress</dd>
<dt>Boot a thin client and configure it to utilize the live LTSP server</dt>
<dd>Thin client boots and obtains a working desktop from server</dd>
+ <dt>Start Edubuntu from an image and select the "Try Edubuntu without Installing" option from the boot menu to start up to a full desktop session</dt>
+ <dd>Edubuntu desktop boots up properly</dd>
+ <dt>Open the dash and type "LTSP Live"</dt>
+ <dd>"LTSP Live" launches and displays a prompt</dd>
+ <dt>Select an unused network interface</dt>
+ <dd>A configuring prompt displays showing progress</dd>
+ <dt>Boot a thin client and configure it to utilize the live LTSP server</dt>
+ <dd>Thin client boots and obtains a working desktop from server</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1441_Install (No Network Connection)'
--- testcases/image/1441_Install (No Network Connection) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1441_Install (No Network Connection) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to verify that the system is installed and you can login into it.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On a physical server, disconnect the network cable(s); if running KVM, make sure to pass '-net nic,model=virtio -net user,restrict=y' on the Testdrive setting window</dt>
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
@@ -28,6 +32,36 @@
<dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
<dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
<dd>The system reboot, the login prompt appear and you can login into it</dd>
+ <dt>On a physical server, disconnect the network cable(s); if running KVM, make sure to pass '-net nic,model=virtio -net user,restrict=y' on the Testdrive setting window</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Install Ubuntu Server"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>The installer will fail to acquire a DHCP address. Accept Continue, and then select Do not configure network at this time</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dt>Insert the name for the account</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dt>At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dt>Setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dt>At "Write changes to disks", verify that everythings is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dt>At "http proxy" request, let it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dt>At Software selection, press "Enter"</dt>
+ <dt>Select to install Grub in the master boot record</dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key)</dt>
+ <dt>Wait that the system reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system reboot, the login prompt appear and you can login into it</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1443_Rescue Mode'
--- testcases/image/1443_Rescue Mode 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1443_Rescue Mode 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
Scope of this test is to start a recovery session.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot from CD or USB in real hardware or run the image in Testdrive</dt>
<dt>At the main screen press ESC</dt>
<dt>Select "Rescue a broken system"</dt>
@@ -33,6 +37,41 @@
<dd>Select Choose a different root file system</dd>
<dd>Choose your new root file system and press Enter</dd>
<dd>Check the new partition is mounted</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>At the main screen press ESC</dt>
+ <dt>Select "Rescue a broken system"</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the desired language</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure locales</dt>
+ <dt>At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dt>Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dt>Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dt>Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dt>Choose the device to use as root filesystem</dt>
+ <dt>The list of the Rescue operations will be shown:</dt>
+ <dt>Execute a shell /dev/sda1 (or what you have choosed as root filesytem)</dt>
+ <dd>Press Enter to proceed into the rescue mode</dd>
+ <dd>Type in standard commands like ls, cd /usr/games/, ls, cp sol sol1, ls</dd>
+ <dd>Ensure that changes have been made and that there is a new file created</dd>
+ <dd>Type Exit and press Enter to return to the menu</dd>
+ <dt>Execute a shell in the installer environement</dt>
+ <dd>Type in standard commands like ls, chroot /target, ls chroot /target changes the root to the partition you selected as root filesystem</dd>
+ <dd>Ensure that chroot works and that files are listed in both enviroments</dd>
+ <dd>Type Exit and press Enter to return to the menu</dd>
+ <dt>Reinstall GRUB boot loader</dt>
+ <dd>Select Reinstall GRUB boot loader and press Enter. Doing this will remove your Grub config and mbr and place a new automatic version in it's place</dd>
+ <dd>Type in where the boot loader need to be run and press Enter. The default for this will be hd0 or /dev/hda (ide) /dev/sda (scsi)</dd>
+ <dd>From the menu select Reboot the system and press Enter</dd>
+ <dd>Ensure the system boots as expected</dd>
+ <dt>Choose a different root file system</dt>
+ <dd>This case requires more than one root partition</dd>
+ <dd>Select Choose a different root file system</dd>
+ <dd>Choose your new root file system and press Enter</dd>
+ <dd>Check the new partition is mounted</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1444_Mythbuntu Backend & Frontend'
--- testcases/image/1444_Mythbuntu Backend & Frontend 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1444_Mythbuntu Backend & Frontend 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<dt>Once the installed system boots, it will boot into the MythTV frontend. Exit the frontend by hitting escape and selecting "yes, exit now"</dt>
<dt>Download a demo file. I recommend a MP4 trailer (for example, the 480p MP4 trailer at http://www.sintel.org/download ).</dt>
<dt>Once downloaded, move this file to the /srv/ directory (it must be outside your home directory)</dt>
+ <dt>Change ownership on the test file to mythtv:mythtv</dt>
<dt>Open the Applications menu and choose system and then "Mythtv backend setup".</dt>
<dt>Say yes to stop the running mythtv-backend service</dt>
<dt>Once in mythtv-setup, go to "1. General"</dt>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1446_Ubiquity MemTest'
--- testcases/image/1446_Ubiquity MemTest 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1446_Ubiquity MemTest 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Start your machine with the install media in place. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
<dt>Select your language and press <strong>enter</strong></dt>
@@ -8,3 +9,17 @@
<dd>Ensure that the system restarts</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result. If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image. When you see the aubergine screen with an icon at the bottom, press any key to get the menu</dt>
+ <dt>Select your language and press <strong>enter</strong></dt>
+ <dt>From the main menu select <strong>Test Memory</strong> and press <strong>Enter</strong></dt>
+ <dt>Wait until the test finishes</dt>
+ <dd>The test should finish and show any errors</dd>
+ <dt>Press <strong>ESC</strong></dt>
+ <dd>Ensure that the system restarts</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result. If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1447_Ubiquity Disk Defects'
--- testcases/image/1447_Ubiquity Disk Defects 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1447_Ubiquity Disk Defects 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>While the amber screen is showing press any button to enter the main menu</dt>
<dt>Select your language and press <strong>enter</strong></dt>
@@ -7,7 +8,25 @@
<dt>Press <strong>ESC twice</strong></dt>
<dd>Ensure that the system restarts</dd>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dt>Select English as language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>From the main menu select <strong>Check disk for defects</strong> and press <strong>Enter</strong></dt>
+ <dt>Wait for the test to finish</dt>
+ <dd>The test displays <em>check finished: no errors found</em></dd>
+ <dt>Press any key to reboot your system</dt>
+ <dd>System reboots</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.>>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1449_Upgrade Wubi' => 'testcases/image/1449_Upgrade Wubi.THIS'
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1451_Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption)'
--- testcases/image/1451_Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1451_Install (entire disk with lvm and encryption) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
@@ -34,6 +37,43 @@
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Check 'Encrypt the new FAMILY Installation for security' and 'Use LVM with the new FAMILY Installation'</dt>
+ <dd>'Encrypt the new FAMILY Installation for security' and 'Use LVM with the new FAMILY Installation' is checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Choose a security key' screen is displayed with the 'Install now' button greyed out</dd>
+ <dt>Enter a security key and type a different key into the 'confirm a security key' input box</dt>
+ <dd>The installer displays 'Passwords do not match'</dd>
+ <dt>Enter a security key and type the same key into the 'confirm a security key' input box</dt>
+ <dd>The passwords are accepted and the 'Install Now' button can be clicked</dd>
+ <dt>Check 'Overwrite empty disk space' and click the 'Install Now' button</dt>
+ <dd>The screen advances</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 14 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
<dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install Desktop' => 'testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)'
--- testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install Desktop 2013-02-22 11:20:33 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install (ARM Desktop) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
Start by downloading the boot.img-[fb|serial] file from http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/RELEASE/main/installer-armel/current/images/SOC/netboot/ where RELEASE is the current release, SOC is the armel processor (omap, omap4, etc), and either boot.img-fb for console based install or boot.img-serial for serial console (headless) install.
- <dt>sudo dd bs=1024 if=boot.img-[fb|serial] of=<path-to-raw-sdcard-device>.</dt>
- <dt>insert sd card into platform and reboot.</dt>
- <dt>System should boot to the debian installer. Follow prompts to install using the following parameters:
- <ul>
- <li>Guided partitioning - full drive.</li>
- <li>No encryption on home directory</li>
- <li>Pick a task (note not all graphical environments have been tested on armel)</li>
- </ul>
- </dt>
+ <dt>sudo dd bs=1024 if=boot.img-[fb|serial] of="path-to-raw-sdcard-device".</dt>
+ <dt>insert sd card into platform and reboot.</dt>
+ <dt>System should boot to the debian installer. Follow prompts to install using the following parameters:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Guided partitioning - full drive.</li>
+ <li>No encryption on home directory</li>
+ <li>Pick a task (note not all graphical environments have been tested on armel)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
The install will pull the necessary packages from the ports.ubuntu.com repository (alternatively you can pull from a local mirror). Record any failures during the install process. Success is determined when the system completes the installation and reboots into a working image.
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install (ARM Desktop)' => 'testcases/image/1452_Netboot Install (ARM Desktop).moved'
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install Server' => 'testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install (ARM Server)'
--- testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install Server 2013-02-22 11:20:33 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install (ARM Server) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
Start by downloading the boot.img-[fb|serial] file from http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/<release>/main/installer-armel/current/images/<SOC>/netboot/ where <release> is the current release, <SOC> is the armel processor (omap, omap4, etc), and either boot.img-fb for console based install or boot.img-serial for serial console (headless) install.
- <dt>sudo dd bs=1024 if=boot.img-[fb|serial] of=<path-to-raw-sdcard-device>.</dt>
- <dt>insert sd card into platform and reboot.</dt>
- <dt>System should boot to the debian installer. Follow prompts to install using the following parameters:
- <ul>
- <li>Guided partitioning - full drive.</li>
- <li>No encryption on home directory</li>
- <li>Pick a task (note not all graphical environments have been tested on armel)</li>
- </ul>
- </dt>
+ <dt>sudo dd bs=1024 if=boot.img-[fb|serial] of="path-to-raw-sdcard-device"</dt>
+ <dt>insert sd card into platform and reboot.</dt>
+ <dt>System should boot to the debian installer. Follow prompts to install using the following parameters:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Guided partitioning - full drive.</li>
+ <li>No encryption on home directory</li>
+ <li>Pick a task (note not all graphical environments have been tested on armel)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
The install will pull the necessary packages from the ports.ubuntu.com repository (alternatively you can pull from a local mirror). Record any failures during the install process. Success is determined when the system completes the installation and reboots into a working image.
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install (ARM Server)' => 'testcases/image/1453_Netboot Install (ARM Server).moved'
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1456_Install (JeOS on ESX)'
--- testcases/image/1456_Install (JeOS on ESX) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1456_Install (JeOS on ESX) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot the CD on a VMWare-ESX system</dt>
<dt>Press F4 and select Install a minimal virtual system</dt>
<dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
@@ -21,6 +24,30 @@
<dd>du -sh /lib/modules/</dd>
<dt>Check that the size of the installed system is below 800M:</dt>
<dd>df -h</dd>
+ <dt>Boot the CD on a VMWare-ESX system</dt>
+ <dt>Press F4 and select Install a minimal virtual system</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set default hostname: ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Partition disks: Guided use entire disk</dt>
+ <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Boot the newly created guest</dt>
+ <dt>Log in</dt>
+ <dt>Check that the uname -r returns a -virtual kernel:</dt>
+ <dd>uname -r</dd>
+ <dt>Check that the linux-virtual package is installed for the release or the correct hardware enablement stack:</dt>
+ <dd>dpkg -l | grep linux-virtual</dd>
+ <dt>Ping outside network</dt>
+ <dt>Check with the mount command that virtual disk are mounted read-write</dt>
+ <dt>Check that the ubuntu-standard package is not installed:</dt>
+ <dd>dpkg -l ubuntu-standard</dd>
+ <dt>Check that the size of the kernel modules are below 40M:</dt>
+ <dd>du -sh /lib/modules/</dd>
+ <dt>Check that the size of the installed system is below 800M:</dt>
+ <dd>df -h</dd>
If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1457_Install (default + RAID1)'
--- testcases/image/1457_Install (default + RAID1) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1457_Install (default + RAID1) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,244 +1,494 @@
-Server basic RAID1 install
- <dt>NB: A more exhaustive set of test instructions to be used in KVM environments can be found on the <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootDegradedRaid#Implementation">BootDegradedRaid wiki page</a></dt>
- <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
- <dt>Select Install Ubuntu Server or ""Install to Hard Disk""</dt>
- <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
- <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
- <dt>Confirm time zone detection.</dt>
- <dt>Partitioning method: "Manual".</dt>
- <dd>RAID1 array for /</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array for swap</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array for /home (testing non-rootfs raid)</dd>
- <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
- <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
- <dt>No software selection.</dt>
- <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
- <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from md devices:</dt>
- <dd>sudo mount</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device:</dt>
- <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
- <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
- <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>/!\ If you simply disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected - you risk disk corruption; see bug 557429)</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the second disk (disk2) - both disks now connected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that the system boots correctly (there should be no error or delay)</dd>
- <dd>Check the status of the raid arrays:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>All arrays should have been assembled completely again, possibly still syncing.</dd>
- <dd>You may have to add any missing devices back to the RAIDs manually. This is not a bug (see bug 791454)! A manual addition would be:</dd>
- <dd>sudo mdadm --add /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
- <dd>Note that this may fail with a message requiring you to zero the superblock first, this is a result of an added check in mdadm 3.2, and should only happen on precise or later (see bug 943397).</dd>
- <dd>make sure that all disk arrays are synchronized before proceeding, if the array is doing a full re-sync, it may take a few minutes, use</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Poweroff the system.</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
- <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
- <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
- <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
- <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
-Server with LUKS on RAID1 install
- <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
- <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
- <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
- <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
- <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
- <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array for swap (should it get encrypted automatically?)</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /home</dd>
- <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
- <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
- <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
- <dt>No software selection.</dt>
- <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
- <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from luks devices:</dt>
- <dd>sudo mount</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device (and encrypted?):</dt>
- <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the luks devices and /boot use md devices:</dt>
- <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
- <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
- <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected. This results in booting the other half of the array, to see if this array segmentation is detected correctly afterwards. (see Bug #557429)</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Test automatic re-syncing of degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
- <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Power off the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
- <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
- <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
- <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
- <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
- <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
-Server with LVM on LUKS on RAID1 install
- <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
- <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
- <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
- <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
- <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
- <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
- <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it, with LVM on it, for /, /swap and /home</dd>
- <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
- <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
- <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
- <dt>No software selection.</dt>
- <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
- <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from mapper devices:</dt>
- <dd>sudo mount</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a mapper device:</dt>
- <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that lvm uses luks, and luks is using a md device:</dt>
- <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
- <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
- <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
- <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
- <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
- <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
- <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
- <dd>Say yes</dd>
- <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
- <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
- <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
- <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
- <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
- <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
- <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
- <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
- <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
- <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
- <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
- <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
- If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
- If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+<<<<<<< TREE
+Server basic RAID1 install
+ <dt>NB: A more exhaustive set of test instructions to be used in KVM environments can be found on the <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootDegradedRaid#Implementation">BootDegradedRaid wiki page</a></dt>
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu Server or ""Install to Hard Disk""</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Confirm time zone detection.</dt>
+ <dt>Partitioning method: "Manual".</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for swap</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /home (testing non-rootfs raid)</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from md devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>/!\ If you simply disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected - you risk disk corruption; see bug 557429)</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the second disk (disk2) - both disks now connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that the system boots correctly (there should be no error or delay)</dd>
+ <dd>Check the status of the raid arrays:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>All arrays should have been assembled completely again, possibly still syncing.</dd>
+ <dd>You may have to add any missing devices back to the RAIDs manually. This is not a bug (see bug 791454)! A manual addition would be:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm --add /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dd>Note that this may fail with a message requiring you to zero the superblock first, this is a result of an added check in mdadm 3.2, and should only happen on precise or later (see bug 943397).</dd>
+ <dd>make sure that all disk arrays are synchronized before proceeding, if the array is doing a full re-sync, it may take a few minutes, use</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+Server with LUKS on RAID1 install
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for swap (should it get encrypted automatically?)</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /home</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from luks devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device (and encrypted?):</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the luks devices and /boot use md devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected. This results in booting the other half of the array, to see if this array segmentation is detected correctly afterwards. (see Bug #557429)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic re-syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+Server with LVM on LUKS on RAID1 install
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it, with LVM on it, for /, /swap and /home</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from mapper devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a mapper device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that lvm uses luks, and luks is using a md device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+Server basic RAID1 install
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>NB: A more exhaustive set of test instructions to be used in KVM environments can be found on the <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootDegradedRaid#Implementation">BootDegradedRaid wiki page</a></dt>
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu Server or ""Install to Hard Disk""</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Confirm time zone detection.</dt>
+ <dt>Partitioning method: "Manual".</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for swap</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /home (testing non-rootfs raid)</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from md devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>/!\ If you simply disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected - you risk disk corruption; see bug 557429)</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the second disk (disk2) - both disks now connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that the system boots correctly (there should be no error or delay)</dd>
+ <dd>Check the status of the raid arrays:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>All arrays should have been assembled completely again, possibly still syncing.</dd>
+ <dd>You may have to add any missing devices back to the RAIDs manually. This is not a bug (see bug 791454)! A manual addition would be:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm --add /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dd>Note that this may fail with a message requiring you to zero the superblock first, this is a result of an added check in mdadm 3.2, and should only happen on precise or later (see bug 943397).</dd>
+ <dd>make sure that all disk arrays are synchronized before proceeding, if the array is doing a full re-sync, it may take a few minutes, use</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+Server with LUKS on RAID1 install
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for swap (should it get encrypted automatically?)</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it for /home</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from luks devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a md device (and encrypted?):</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the luks devices and /boot use md devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected. This results in booting the other half of the array, to see if this array segmentation is detected correctly afterwards. (see Bug #557429)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic re-syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Power off the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Power on the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+Server with LVM on LUKS on RAID1 install
+ <dt>Boot CD and run the CD self-check (then reboot)</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install to hard disk</dt>
+ <dt>Choose your language, country and keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dt>Set hostname: default - ubuntu</dt>
+ <dt>Partition disks: Custom partition scheme.</dt>
+ <dd>RAID1 array for /boot</dd>
+ <dd>RAID1 array with LUKS on it, with LVM on it, for /, /swap and /home</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Yes" to the "boot degraded?" question</dt>
+ <dt>Select your time zone and set the system clock to UTC</dt>
+ <dt>User account: enter username and password</dt>
+ <dt>No software selection.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot and login.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that the root and home file systems are mounted from mapper devices:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo mount</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the swap partition is mounted from a mapper device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo cat /proc/swaps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that lvm uses luks, and luks is using a md device:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dmsetup deps</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the raid arrays are working:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that grub has been installed on both disks:</dt>
+ <dd>sudo apt-get install -y binutils</dd>
+ <dd>for i in $(sudo mdadm -Q --detail $(df -P /boot | grep ^/dev/ | cut -d" " -f1) | grep " /dev/" | awk '{print $NF}' | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//'); do sudo dd if=$i bs=512 count=1 2>/dev/null | strings -a | grep -q GRUB && echo $i: ok || echo $i: FAIL; done</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "TRUE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk (note that you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for mdadm to time out and boot into degraded mode):</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array on a single disk:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Test automatic syncing of degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for both drives to be back in sync:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Change "Do you want to boot degraded?" answer to "No":</dt>
+ <dd>sudo dpkg-reconfigure mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure that the BOOT_DEGRADED setting is "FALSE" in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm:</dt>
+ <dd>cat /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a cold-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect one of the disk (disk 2) - disk 1 connected, disk2 disconnected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Disconnect the first disk (disk1) and reconnect the second disk (disk2) - disk 1 disconnected, disk 2 connected.</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check that on boot a question to enable and boot from a degraded array is asked.</dd>
+ <dd>Say yes</dd>
+ <dd>Check that system boots correctly from the degraded RAID1 array:</dd>
+ <dd>cat /proc/mdstat</dd>
+ <dt>Re-add/sync the arrays again</dt>
+ <dd>Poweroff the system</dd>
+ <dd>Reconnect the first disk (so both are now connected)</dd>
+ <dd>Poweron the system</dd>
+ <dd>Add the missing drives back to the RAIDs:</dd>
+ <dd>sudo mdadm -a /dev/mdX /dev/MISSING-DEVICE</dd>
+ <dt>Test booting from a hot-degraded array:</dt>
+ <dd>Remove (unplug/fail) one disk from the running system.</dd>
+ <dd>Check if users/admin get a notification message and beep about the failing raid.</dd>
+ <dd>Reboot, verify that system comes up degraded without failure. (BOOT_DEGRADED setting bogus, Bug #539597)</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1458_Install ((JeOS on KVM)'
--- testcases/image/1458_Install ((JeOS on KVM) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1458_Install ((JeOS on KVM) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
<dt>Boot the CD from KVM</dt>
<dt>Press F4 and select Install a minimal virtual machine</dt>
@@ -11,13 +13,13 @@
<dt>Log in</dt>
<dt>Check that the uname -r returns a -generic kernel</dt>
<dd>uname -r</dd>
- <dt>Check that the linux-virtual package is installed:</dt>
- <dd>dpkg -l linux-virtual</dd>
+ <dt>Check that the linux-virtual package is installed for the release or the correct hardware enablement stack:</dt>
+ <dd>dpkg -l | grep linux-virtual</dd>
<dt>Ping outside network</dt>
- <dt>Check with the mount command that virtual disk are mount read-write</dt>
+ <dt>Check with the mount command that virtual disk are mounted read-write</dt>
<dt>Check that the ubuntu-standard package is not installed:</dt>
<dd>dpkg -l ubuntu-standard</dd>
- <dt>Check that the size of the kernel modules is below 40M:</dt>
+ <dt>Check that the size of the kernel modules are below 40M:</dt>
<dd>du -sh /lib/modules/</dd>
<dt>Check that the size of the installed system is below 800M:</dt>
<dd>df -h</dd>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1459_iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation'
--- testcases/image/1459_iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1459_iSCSI Unauthenticated Root Installation 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
<dt>Select a language for the install and press Enter</dt>
<dt>Select a location for the install and press Enter</dt>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1460_iSCSI Authenticated Root Installation'
--- testcases/image/1460_iSCSI Authenticated Root Installation 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1460_iSCSI Authenticated Root Installation 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
<dt>Select a language for the install and press Enter</dt>
<dt>Select a location for the install and press Enter</dt>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1461_MAAS (Installer)'
--- testcases/image/1461_MAAS (Installer) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1461_MAAS (Installer) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,308 +1,621 @@
-These testcases test install MAAS from an image or previously installed system. You can also <a href="http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/install.html">follow the documentation for help</a>. NOTE, if a Virtualbox is used, in network settings bridged adapter must be enabled, promiscuous mode must be enabled, and you must use the PCnet-FAST III adapater.
-Test-case name: maas/maas-001
-This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from packages.
- <dt> Please ensure you have the latest Ubuntu development version in a dedicated machine</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
- <dt> Install MAAS, in a terminal type: "sudo apt-get install maas maas-dhcp maas-dns"</dt>
- <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
- <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
- <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
- <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
- <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
- <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
- <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-002
-This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from the Ubuntu Server iso.
- <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have a dedicated machine</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
- <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
- <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
- <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
- <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
- <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
- <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select your location</dt>
- <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
- <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
- <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
- <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
- <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
- <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
- <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select "Create a new MAAS on this server"</dt>
- <dd>Name window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Insert the name for the new user</dt>
- <dd>User window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Insert the user for the account</dt>
- <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Choose a password</dt>
- <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Reinsert the password</dt>
- <dd>A window asking for encrypting the /home partition is displayed</dd>
- <dt> At encrypt request select NO</dt>
- <dd>Timezone window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
- <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a partition layout</dd>
- <dt> At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
- <dd>Partition window display the disks available</dd>
- <dt> Select disk to partition</dt>
- <dd>A confirmation window is displayed</dd>
- <dt> At "Write changes to disks", verify that everything is right and select YES</dt>
- <dd>Installer downloads and installs packages needed to compute next step</dd>
- <dt> At "http proxy" request, let it blank and press enter</dt>
- <dd>Installer asks to activate the "Automatic updates"</dd>
- <dt> At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
- <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
- <dd>A grub dialog is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Answer 'Yes' to the 'Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?' question</dt>
- <dd>A dialog asking for UTC setup is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Yes' to the 'Is the system clock set to UTC? question</dt>
- <dd>A final dialog is displayed indicating the installation is complete</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Continue'</dt>
- <dd>The computer get restarted</dd>
- <dt> After the machine got restarted, wait for the login screen and enter your user credentials</dt>
- <dt> Type "ifconfig" and look for the ip assigned to the machine</dt>
- <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
- <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
- <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
- <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
- <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created during previously?</dd>
- <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
- <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
- <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
- <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
- <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-003
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-This test will check that an admin can add a new user to the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
- <dt> Fill in the required fields, use 'ubuntuser' as the username</dt>
- <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuser' user</dd>
- <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
- <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuser' and password created previously</dt>
- <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the user created?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-004
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-This test will check that an admin can add an admin user to the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
- <dt> Fill in the required fields and mark the 'MAAS administrator' field, use 'ubuntuadm' as username</dt>
- <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuadm' user, it must have the word 'yes' in the column of 'MAAS Admin'</dd>
- <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
- <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuadm' and password created previously</dt>
- <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the admin user created?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-005
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-depends: maas/maas-003
-This test will check that an admin can edit an user account from the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuser' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
- <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuser' to 'ubuser'</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuser'</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
- <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuser' account</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
- <dt> Mark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed as 'MAAS administrator'</dd>
- <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
- <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuser' and password edited previously</dt>
- <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuser' account?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-006
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-depends: maas/maas-004
-This test will check that an admin can edit an admin account from the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuadm' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
- <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuadm' to 'ubuadm'</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuadm' account</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Unmark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
- <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed as normal user</dd>
- <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
- <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuadm' and password edited previously</dt>
- <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuadm' account?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-007
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-depends: maas/maas-004
-depends: maas/maas-006
-This test will check that an user can't edit nor delete any account from the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the username 'ubuadm' and password defined in maas-004 and maas-006</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Go to http://IP/MAAS/settings/</dt>
- <dd>Do you see a login screen?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-008
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-depends: maas/maas-003
-depends: maas/maas-004
-depends: maas/maas-005
-depends: maas/maas-006
-This test will check that an admin can delete user and admin accounts from the MAAS server.
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
- <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuadm' deleted user</dd>
- <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
- <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
- <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuser' deleted user</dd>
- <dd>Did you successfully deleted both accounts?</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-009
-depends: maas/maas-001
-depends: maas/maas-002
-This test will check that you can do the initial image import
- <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
- <dt> Click the gear or navigate to: http://IP/MAAS/settings</dt>
- <dt> Under cluster controllers, click the "Import boot images" button</dt>
- <dd>A message displayed the import of boot images should appear</dd>
- <dd>This will download boot images, which will take some time to complete (WARNING: This is an large download, 4+ gb)</dd>
- <dd>Eventually the images are available</dd>
-Test-case name: maas/maas-010
-depends: maas/maas-009
-This test will check that you deploy a node for MAAS
- <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
- <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
- <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
- <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
- <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
- <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
- <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select your location</dt>
- <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
- <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
- <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
- <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
- <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
- <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
- <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select "Specify MAAS by name or address "</dt>
- <dd>Enter the ip address of the configured MAAS server</dd>
- <dt> Specify hostname box appears</dt>
- <dd>Leave blank or enter a name</dd>
- <dt> The pc should shut down</dt>
- <dt> Note, if you used virtualbox, please ensure 'network' boot is enabled and is set as the top. For a physical machine, please ensure pxe boot is enabled</dt>
- <dd>The node should be deployed and eventually shown on the http://IP/MAAS screen. The total nodes in the system should now read 1</dd>
- <dt> Click the nodes link in the menu bar</dt>
- <dd>Your new node should be displayed</dd>
- <dt> Click the node</dt>
- <dd>The nodes property page should be displayed</dd>
- <dt> Click accept and commission</dt>
- <dd>The node should now be available for use</dd>
- <dt> In order to test maas+juju, you should add and prepare additional nodes now using the above steps</dt>
- <dd> The total nodes in the system should now correspond to the number of added nodes</dd>
- If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
- If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+<<<<<<< TREE
+These testcases test install MAAS from an image or previously installed system. You can also <a href="http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/install.html">follow the documentation for help</a>. NOTE, if a Virtualbox is used, in network settings bridged adapter must be enabled, promiscuous mode must be enabled, and you must use the PCnet-FAST III adapater.
+Test-case name: maas/maas-001
+This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from packages.
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the latest Ubuntu development version in a dedicated machine</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
+ <dt> Install MAAS, in a terminal type: "sudo apt-get install maas maas-dhcp maas-dns"</dt>
+ <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
+ <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
+ <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from the Ubuntu Server iso.
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a dedicated machine</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
+ <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
+ <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select your location</dt>
+ <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
+ <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select "Create a new MAAS on this server"</dt>
+ <dd>Name window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dd>User window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Insert the user for the account</dt>
+ <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose a password</dt>
+ <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dd>A window asking for encrypting the /home partition is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dd>Timezone window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a partition layout</dd>
+ <dt> At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dd>Partition window display the disks available</dd>
+ <dt> Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dd>A confirmation window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At "Write changes to disks", verify that everything is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads and installs packages needed to compute next step</dd>
+ <dt> At "http proxy" request, let it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>Installer asks to activate the "Automatic updates"</dd>
+ <dt> At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
+ <dd>A grub dialog is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Answer 'Yes' to the 'Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?' question</dt>
+ <dd>A dialog asking for UTC setup is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Yes' to the 'Is the system clock set to UTC? question</dt>
+ <dd>A final dialog is displayed indicating the installation is complete</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The computer get restarted</dd>
+ <dt> After the machine got restarted, wait for the login screen and enter your user credentials</dt>
+ <dt> Type "ifconfig" and look for the ip assigned to the machine</dt>
+ <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created during previously?</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
+ <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-003
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that an admin can add a new user to the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
+ <dt> Fill in the required fields, use 'ubuntuser' as the username</dt>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuser' user</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuser' and password created previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the user created?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that an admin can add an admin user to the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
+ <dt> Fill in the required fields and mark the 'MAAS administrator' field, use 'ubuntuadm' as username</dt>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuadm' user, it must have the word 'yes' in the column of 'MAAS Admin'</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuadm' and password created previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the admin user created?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-005
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-003
+This test will check that an admin can edit an user account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuser' to 'ubuser'</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuser' account</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Mark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed as 'MAAS administrator'</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuser' and password edited previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuser' account?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-006
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-004
+This test will check that an admin can edit an admin account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuadm' to 'ubuadm'</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuadm' account</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Unmark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed as normal user</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuadm' and password edited previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuadm' account?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-007
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-006
+This test will check that an user can't edit nor delete any account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the username 'ubuadm' and password defined in maas-004 and maas-006</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Go to http://IP/MAAS/settings/</dt>
+ <dd>Do you see a login screen?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-008
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-003
+depends: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-005
+depends: maas/maas-006
+This test will check that an admin can delete user and admin accounts from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuadm' deleted user</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuser' deleted user</dd>
+ <dd>Did you successfully deleted both accounts?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-009
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that you can do the initial image import
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Click the gear or navigate to: http://IP/MAAS/settings</dt>
+ <dt> Under cluster controllers, click the "Import boot images" button</dt>
+ <dd>A message displayed the import of boot images should appear</dd>
+ <dd>This will download boot images, which will take some time to complete (WARNING: This is an large download, 4+ gb)</dd>
+ <dd>Eventually the images are available</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-010
+depends: maas/maas-009
+This test will check that you deploy a node for MAAS
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
+ <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
+ <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select your location</dt>
+ <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
+ <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select "Specify MAAS by name or address "</dt>
+ <dd>Enter the ip address of the configured MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Specify hostname box appears</dt>
+ <dd>Leave blank or enter a name</dd>
+ <dt> The pc should shut down</dt>
+ <dt> Note, if you used virtualbox, please ensure 'network' boot is enabled and is set as the top. For a physical machine, please ensure pxe boot is enabled</dt>
+ <dd>The node should be deployed and eventually shown on the http://IP/MAAS screen. The total nodes in the system should now read 1</dd>
+ <dt> Click the nodes link in the menu bar</dt>
+ <dd>Your new node should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Click the node</dt>
+ <dd>The nodes property page should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Click accept and commission</dt>
+ <dd>The node should now be available for use</dd>
+ <dt> In order to test maas+juju, you should add and prepare additional nodes now using the above steps</dt>
+ <dd> The total nodes in the system should now correspond to the number of added nodes</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
+These testcases test install MAAS from an image or previously installed system. You can also <a href="http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/install.html">follow the documentation for help</a>. NOTE, if a Virtualbox is used, in network settings bridged adapter must be enabled, promiscuous mode must be enabled, and you must use the PCnet-FAST III adapater.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-001
+This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from packages.
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the latest Ubuntu development version in a dedicated machine</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
+ <dt> Install MAAS, in a terminal type: "sudo apt-get install maas maas-dhcp maas-dns"</dt>
+ <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
+ <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas-region-admin createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
+ <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that the MAAS server can be installed from the Ubuntu Server iso.
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a dedicated machine</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have full control over the network</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have internet access or a local mirror of the Ubuntu archive</dt>
+ <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
+ <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select your location</dt>
+ <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
+ <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select "Create a new MAAS on this server"</dt>
+ <dd>Name window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Insert the name for the new user</dt>
+ <dd>User window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Insert the user for the account</dt>
+ <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose a password</dt>
+ <dd>Password input window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Reinsert the password</dt>
+ <dd>A window asking for encrypting the /home partition is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At encrypt request select NO</dt>
+ <dd>Timezone window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Verify or setup the timezone</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a partition layout</dd>
+ <dt> At partitioning select "Guided - Use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dd>Partition window display the disks available</dd>
+ <dt> Select disk to partition</dt>
+ <dd>A confirmation window is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At "Write changes to disks", verify that everything is right and select YES</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads and installs packages needed to compute next step</dd>
+ <dt> At "http proxy" request, let it blank and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>Installer asks to activate the "Automatic updates"</dd>
+ <dt> At managing upgrades select "No automatic updates"</dt>
+ <dd>After some minutes, it shows a dialog with the IP of the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Press enter and let it finish the installation</dt>
+ <dd>A grub dialog is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Answer 'Yes' to the 'Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record?' question</dt>
+ <dd>A dialog asking for UTC setup is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Yes' to the 'Is the system clock set to UTC? question</dt>
+ <dd>A final dialog is displayed indicating the installation is complete</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>The computer get restarted</dd>
+ <dt> After the machine got restarted, wait for the login screen and enter your user credentials</dt>
+ <dt> Type "ifconfig" and look for the ip assigned to the machine</dt>
+ <dt> Visit the MAAS interface in your browser http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface display a warning telling no admin user has been created</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas-region-admin createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created during previously?</dd>
+ <dt> Run "sudo maas-region-admin createsuperuser" in your MAAS computer and fill the input fields</dt>
+ <dd>MAAS interface ask your credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Fill the input fields and press "Login"</dt>
+ <dd>Could you login into the MAAS server using the admin account created previously?</dd>
+ <dd>You get a free of warnings index page?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-003
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that an admin can add a new user to the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
+ <dt> Fill in the required fields, use 'ubuntuser' as the username</dt>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuser' user</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuser' and password created previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the user created?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that an admin can add an admin user to the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks the details of a new user</dd>
+ <dt> Fill in the required fields and mark the 'MAAS administrator' field, use 'ubuntuadm' as username</dt>
+ <dt> Click the 'Add user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the new 'ubuntuadm' user, it must have the word 'yes' in the column of 'MAAS Admin'</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click you admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuntuadm' and password created previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the admin user created?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-005
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-003
+This test will check that an admin can edit an user account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuser' to 'ubuser'</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuser' account</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Mark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuser' username is listed as 'MAAS administrator'</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuser' and password edited previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuser' account?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-006
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-004
+This test will check that an admin can edit an admin account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuntuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuntuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the username from 'ubuntuadm' to 'ubuadm'</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed instead of 'ubuntuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Change the password for the 'ubuadm' account</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Change password' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Edit user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows input fields with information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Unmark the 'MAAS administrator' checkbox</dt>
+ <dt> Click in the 'Save user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and the 'ubuadm' username is listed as normal user</dd>
+ <dt> Log out from MAAS, click your admin name (root by default) and select 'logout'</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for login credentials</dd>
+ <dt> Log back in using the username 'ubuadm' and password edited previously</dt>
+ <dd>Did you successfully login into the MAAS server with the 'ubuadm' account?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-007
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-006
+This test will check that an user can't edit nor delete any account from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the username 'ubuadm' and password defined in maas-004 and maas-006</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Go to http://IP/MAAS/settings/</dt>
+ <dd>Do you see a login screen?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-008
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+depends: maas/maas-003
+depends: maas/maas-004
+depends: maas/maas-005
+depends: maas/maas-006
+This test will check that an admin can delete user and admin accounts from the MAAS server.
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Login with the admin account, defined in maas-001 or maas-002</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows 0 as the total number of nodes</dd>
+ <dt> Click the settings icon on the right side</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuadm' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuadm'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuadm' deleted user</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the 'ubuser' user</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about 'ubuser'</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which asks for confirmation</dd>
+ <dt> Click the 'Delete user' button</dt>
+ <dd>A web page is loaded which shows general information about the MAAS server and an announcement about the 'ubuser' deleted user</dd>
+ <dd>Did you successfully deleted both accounts?</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-009
+depends: maas/maas-001
+depends: maas/maas-002
+This test will check that you can do the initial image import
+ <dt> Open the main page to the MAAS server: http://IP/MAAS</dt>
+ <dt> Click the gear or navigate to: http://IP/MAAS/settings</dt>
+ <dt> Under cluster controllers, click the "Import boot images" button</dt>
+ <dd>A message displayed the import of boot images should appear</dd>
+ <dd>This will download boot images, which will take some time to complete (WARNING: This is an large download, 4+ gb)</dd>
+ <dd>Eventually the images are available</dd>
+Test-case name: maas/maas-010
+depends: maas/maas-009
+This test will check that you deploy a node for MAAS
+ <dt> Please ensure you have the <a href="http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/">latest Ubuntu Server development version</a> in an iso</dt>
+ <dt> Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected and string are translated</dd>
+ <dt> In the main boot menu select "Multiple server install with MAAS"</dt>
+ <dd>Language selector for the installer is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Choose your preferred language</dt>
+ <dd>Location selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select your location</dt>
+ <dd>Keyboard selector is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> At configure keyboard page, select NO </dt>
+ <dd>A list with countries is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the country of the keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>A list with keyboard layouts is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select the keyboard layout</dt>
+ <dd>Installer downloads components and later ask for a hostname</dd>
+ <dt> Select hostname ubuntu as default</dt>
+ <dd>A menu asking for listing or creating a new MAAS server is displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select "Specify MAAS by name or address "</dt>
+ <dd>Enter the ip address of the configured MAAS server</dd>
+ <dt> Specify hostname box appears</dt>
+ <dd>Leave blank or enter a name</dd>
+ <dt> The pc should shut down</dt>
+ <dt> Note, if you used virtualbox, please ensure 'network' boot is enabled and is set as the top. For a physical machine, please ensure pxe boot is enabled</dt>
+ <dd>The node should be deployed and eventually shown on the http://IP/MAAS screen. The total nodes in the system should now read 1</dd>
+ <dt> Click the nodes link in the menu bar</dt>
+ <dd>Your new node should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Click the node</dt>
+ <dd>The nodes property page should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Click accept and commission</dt>
+ <dd>The node should now be available for use</dd>
+ <dt> In order to test maas+juju, you should add and prepare additional nodes now using the above steps</dt>
+ <dd> The total nodes in the system should now correspond to the number of added nodes</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1465_Netboot Install PPC'
--- testcases/image/1465_Netboot Install PPC 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1465_Netboot Install PPC 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
<dt>Boot the pc using the installation media (hold down <strong>c</strong> on Macs to boot from a cd).</dt>
<dd>The installer loads</dd>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1468_Install (upgrade)'
--- testcases/image/1468_Install (upgrade) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1468_Install (upgrade) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
- <dt>Boot up the PREVIOUS RELEASE of FAMILY iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session -- alternatively, skip the install steps and start the upgrade step below(step ~17) by booting a pre-existing installation</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the PREVIOUS RELEASE of FAMILY image -- alternatively, skip the install steps and start the upgrade step below(step ~17) by booting a pre-existing installation</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
<dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components</dt>
@@ -12,6 +15,17 @@
<dd>Check marks represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>Select 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' </dt>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1469_Other Features'
--- testcases/image/1469_Other Features 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1469_Other Features 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-<strong>To perform this test you need a an active internet connection, and a wireless card, wireless USB dongle, or mobile network card</strong>
+<<<<<<< TREE
+<strong>To perform this test you need a an active internet connection, and a wireless card, wireless USB dongle, or mobile network card</strong>
+<strong>To perform this test you need a an active internet connection, and a wireless card, wireless USB dongle, or mobile network card</strong>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
- <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
<dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components</dt>
@@ -13,6 +20,17 @@
<li>Is NOT connected to the Internet, check that you have the Network Manager icon in the Notification Area showing as disconnected</li>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Your system have at least the amount a space indicated</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop'). Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Is NOT connected to the Internet, check that you have the Network Manager icon in the Notification Area showing as disconnected</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Wireless' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>Select the 'Connect to this network' radio button and select a Wireless network to connect to from the list under it, and insert the Wireless network's password in the 'Password' field</dt>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1470_Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition)'
--- testcases/image/1470_Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1470_Install (manual partitioning re-using home partition) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
- <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
<dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components<dt>
@@ -12,15 +15,31 @@
<dd>Check marks represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>Select Something Else</dt>
<dd>A screen showing the current hard disks and partition layouts is displayed</dd>
<dt>Select the drive you wish to partition and use the 'Add', 'Change', and 'Delete' buttons to create your desired scheme</dt>
<dd>The screen updates showing your desired partitions and mount points</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Make sure that your scheme also has a separated /home partition included</dt>
<dd>You will need the separated /home partition to re-use it after reboot and verify that re-using /home works after an upgrade of FAMILY</dd>
<dt>Once you have your partitioning scheme laid out and are happy click on Install Now</dt>
+<em>Make sure that your scheme also includes a separate /home partition</em>
+ <dt>Once your partitioning scheme is laid out click on Install Now</dt>
<dd>The partitions and disk layouts are created. Then, the 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area</dd>
@@ -41,6 +60,7 @@
<dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
<dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Login as the user you created, or ensure that you are auto-logged in as the user created during setup if you checked the auto-login option</dt>
<dd>The new user's desktop is presented</dd>
<dt>Create a new folder on the desktop by right clicking on it and title it 'test', open Firefox and browse to a couple of sites</dt>
@@ -84,6 +104,13 @@
<dd>The new user's desktop is presented</dd>
<dt>Check that the 'test' folder created on the first install is still there, open Firefox and check that in the history tab you find the sites you browsed previously then finaly open a Terminal typing CTRL+ALT+T type 'df -h' in it without the quotes and verify that the /home partition is still there</dt>
<dd>You should verify that the /home partition has been re-used and has all the data it had previously to the upgrade of FAMILY</dd>
+ <dt>Login as the user you created</dt>
+ <dd>The new user's desktop is presented</dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal using your FAMILY commands or GUI to do so, in terminal enter <code>df -h</code> and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>Terminal echoes the output of the df command</dd>
+ <dt>Check that / and /home use different partitions</dt>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.<br />
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1471_Install (erase and re-install)'
--- testcases/image/1471_Install (erase and re-install) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1471_Install (erase and re-install) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
- <dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key to a Live Session</dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
<dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components</dt>
@@ -12,6 +15,17 @@
<dd>Check marks represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>Select Something Else</dt>
@@ -49,6 +63,7 @@
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
<dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components<dt>
@@ -57,6 +72,16 @@
<li>Is connected to the Internet</li>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the state of each check mark for the following components</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Your system have at least the amount a space indicated</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop'). Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Is connected to the Internet</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dd>Check marks represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
<dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1497_Install (live session)'
--- testcases/image/1497_Install (live session) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1497_Install (live session) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key</dt>
<dd>FAMILY boot screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>When ubiquity starts select your language in the left column</dt>
@@ -29,6 +32,38 @@
<dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
<dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
<dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>FAMILY boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>When ubiquity starts select your language in the left column</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions</dd>
+ <dt>Press "Try FAMILY" and wait for the Live session to start</dt>
+ <dd>The default desktop is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Use the desktop and open some applications to try FAMILY before installing</dt>
+ <dd>Go to the Install FAMILY icon (usually on the desktop) and install from the Live session </dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Note the state of the 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Erase disk and install FAMILY' radio button should be checked</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer should skip to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
<dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and a city from your area</dd>
<dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
<dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
=== modified file 'testcases/image/1498_Upgrade (image)'
--- testcases/image/1498_Upgrade (image) 2013-09-25 06:30:25 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1498_Upgrade (image) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
+<<<<<<< TREE
To execute this test, a pre-existing ubuntu (or derivative) installation is needed
+To execute this test, a pre-existing ubuntu (or derivative) installation <strong>of an older major version</strong> is needed
+<strong>Upgrade will only be offered as an alternative when there is 1 installed FAMILY system</strong>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Boot up the iso using a CD/DVD or USB Key </dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
<dt>Click on the Install FAMILY button </dt>
@@ -13,6 +23,21 @@
<dd>Check marks represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY button </dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
<dt>Check the box 'Download updates while installing' if a network is available </dt>
<dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
<dd>'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
@@ -34,6 +59,7 @@
<dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
<dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
<dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+<<<<<<< TREE
<dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
<dd>The system boots properly and loads into the new ubuntu (or derivative name)</dd>
<dt>Open a Terminal and enter the command <code>lsb_release -a</code></dt>
@@ -42,3 +68,19 @@
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into the new ubuntu (or derivative name)</dd>
+ <dt>Open a Terminal and enter the command <code>lsb_release -a</code></dt>
+ <dd>New version will be shown on the Description line</dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal and enter the command <code>grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</code></dt>
+ <dd>For a <em>normal to normal</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>normal to LTS</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=lts</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>LTS to normal</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>For a <em>LTS to LTS</em> upgrade, terminal will show Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your pre-upgrade files and installed applications are still present</dt>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1901_ChineseCalendar Tests' => 'testcases/image/1503_Ubuntu Kylin Chinese Calendar'
--- testcases/packages/1901_ChineseCalendar Tests 2013-03-29 15:15:59 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1503_Ubuntu Kylin Chinese Calendar 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,56 +1,54 @@
Test-case name: ChineseCalendar/chi-001
+This test will check that Chinese Calendar can display calendar and the main window may hide.
- This test will check that Chinese Calendar can display calendar and the main window may hide.
- <dt>Find the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar to check whether it autostart</dt>
- <dd>Did Chinese Calendar autostart?</dd>
- <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Hide/Show" menu item</dt>
- <dd>Did the Chinese calendar main window display?</dd>
- <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Hide/Show" menu item again</dt>
- <dd>Did the Chinese calendar main window disappear?</dd>
+ <dt>Find the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar to check whether it autostart</dt>
+ <dd>Did Chinese Calendar autostart?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Hide/Show" menu item</dt>
+ <dd>Did the Chinese calendar main window display?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Hide/Show" menu item again</dt>
+ <dd>Did the Chinese calendar main window disappear?</dd>
Test-case name: ChineseCalendar/chi-002
+This test will check that Chinese Calendar can be configured to show the main window in different mode.
- This test will check that Chinese Calendar can be configured to show the main window in different mode.
- <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Always Top" menu item</dt>
- <dd>Is the main window showed in front of all other windows?</dd>
- <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Always Bottom" menu item</dt>
- <dd>Is the main window showed behind all other windows except the desktop?</dd>
- <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Normal" menu item</dt>
- <dd>Is the main window showed as normal application window?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Always Top" menu item</dt>
+ <dd>Is the main window showed in front of all other windows?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Always Bottom" menu item</dt>
+ <dd>Is the main window showed behind all other windows except the desktop?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon of Chinese Calendar and select "Normal" menu item</dt>
+ <dd>Is the main window showed as normal application window?</dd>
Test-case name: ChineseCalendar/chi-003
+This test will check each basic function of Chinese Calendar.
- This test will check each basic function of Chinese Calendar.
- <dt>Click the non blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar for any date</dt>
- <dd>Are the lunar date, the compatibility and incompatibility of the lunar calendar and the schedule that day showed on the right of the application window correct?</dd>
- <dt>Click the drop-down box of “Year” on the application window to change the current year</dt>
- <dd>Is the modified date showed in the application window correct?</dd>
- <dt>Click the drop-down box of “Month” on the application window change the current month</dt>
- <dd>Is the modified date showed in the application window correct?</dd>
- <dt>Click the button of “Today” on the application window</dt>
- <dd>Is the date information of today correct?</dd>
- <dt>Change the date and time in system setting. Click the "Today" button to update according to system</dt>
- <dd>Did the date and time in the main window change correctly?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the non blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar for any date</dt>
+ <dd>Are the lunar date, the compatibility and incompatibility of the lunar calendar and the schedule that day showed on the right of the application window correct?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the drop-down box of “Year” on the application window to change the current year</dt>
+ <dd>Is the modified date showed in the application window correct?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the drop-down box of “Month” on the application window change the current month</dt>
+ <dd>Is the modified date showed in the application window correct?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the button of “Today” on the application window</dt>
+ <dd>Is the date information of today correct?</dd>
+ <dt>Change the date and time in system setting. Click the "Today" button to update according to system</dt>
+ <dd>Did the date and time in the main window change correctly?</dd>
Test-case name: ChineseCalendar/chi-004
+This test will check the Memo function of Chinese Calendar.
- This test will check the Memo function of Chinese Calendar.
- <dt>Double click the non blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar for any date</dt>
- <dd>Did the Memo editor window pop up?</dd>
- <dt>Double click the blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar</dt>
- <dd>Did the Memo editor window pop up? No respond is right.</dd>
- <dt>Add content to the popped up Memo, then click the green tick</dt>
- <dd>Did the bottom of the application window showed “Have schedule today” for that day?</dd>
- <dd>Did the Memo for that day showed the content what you have just write?</dd>
- <dt>Add content to the popped up Memo, then click the red cross</dt>
- <dd>Did the bottom of the application window showed “No schedule today” for that day?</dd>
- <dd>Did the Memo for that day showed anything?</dd>
- Note:The schedule information on the main window does not update in real time. It will be updated when we click the button for that date.
+ <dt>Double click the non blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar for any date</dt>
+ <dd>Did the Memo editor window pop up?</dd>
+ <dt>Double click the blank part on the application window of Chinese Calendar</dt>
+ <dd>Did the Memo editor window pop up? No respond is right.</dd>
+ <dt>Add content to the popped up Memo, then click the green tick</dt>
+ <dd>Did the bottom of the application window showed “Have schedule today” for that day?</dd>
+ <dd>Did the Memo for that day showed the content what you have just write?</dd>
+ <dt>Add content to the popped up Memo, then click the red cross</dt>
+ <dd>Did the bottom of the application window showed “No schedule today” for that day?</dd>
+ <dd>Did the Memo for that day showed anything?</dd>
+ <dd>Note:The schedule information on the main window does not update in real time. It will be updated when we click the button for that date</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1503_Ubuntu Kylin Chinese Calendar' => 'testcases/image/1503_Ubuntu Kylin Chinese Calendar.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/image/1504_Netboot Install (Desktop)'
--- testcases/image/1504_Netboot Install (Desktop) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1504_Netboot Install (Desktop) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot using the installation media</dt>
+ <dd>The installer loads</dd>
+ <dt>Select <strong>install</strong></dt>
+ <dt>Select your language and press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Select your country and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The detect keyboard layout screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>If you know your layout choose <strong>No</strong> and select it from the list, otherwise choose <strong>yes</strong> and follow the prompts to detect the layout.</dt>
+ <dd>The install starts to detect hardware and the best server to use then shows the <strong>select hostname</strong> screen.</dd>
+ <dt>Type a hostname then press enter.</dt>
+ <dd>The select server window appears.</dd>
+ <dt>Either enter the server info manually or select the recommended server and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a mirror to use and press enter</dt>
+ <dt>If you have a http proxy type its details now, otherwise just press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The installer starts loading additional components</dd>
+ <dt>Type your full name (using capitals) then press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The select username page loads with a capital-less version of your first name</dd>
+ <dt>Choose a username the press enter</dt>
+ <dt>Type then confirm a password that is below 8 character long</dt>
+ <dd>A warning that you have chosen a weak password appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select "No" then type and confirm the password you want to use</dt>
+ <dt>Choose to not encrypt the home directory</dt>
+ <dd>The installer detects your timezone correctly</dd>
+ <dt>Press Yes to confirm your timezone</dt>
+ <dd>The <strong>partition disks</strong> page loads</dd>
+ <dt>Select "Guided - use entire disk"</dt>
+ <dt>Select the disk you would like to use</dt>
+ <dt>Agree to the changes to be made</dt>
+ <dd>The installation begins (this might take a long time on older hardware or slow internet)</dd>
+ <dt>Select to not install updates. The base installation finishes</dt>
+ <dd>The Software selection screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select the desktop FAMILY (or any other for particular installations) with space bar and press enter </dt>
+ <dt>At the GRUB installation prompt, select the value appropiate to your system (in general, the default works)</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The installer prompts "Is the system clock set to UTC?"</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes or No, depending on your setup (select No if your clock is set to localtime)</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The installer prompts to restart and to remove the installation media</dd>
+ <dt>Remove they installation media and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The system restarts and run the choosen FAMILY environement</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1504_Netboot Install (Desktop)' => 'testcases/image/1504_Netboot Install (Desktop).moved'
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1902_IndicatorChinaWeather Tests' => 'testcases/image/1513_Ubuntu Kylin Weather Indicator'
--- testcases/packages/1902_IndicatorChinaWeather Tests 2013-03-29 15:15:59 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1513_Ubuntu Kylin Weather Indicator 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
Test-case name: IndicatorChinaWeather
+This test will check the Indicator China Weather can display the right weather information and you can configure the application rightly.
- This test will check the Indicator China Weather can display the right weather information and you can configure the application rightly.
- <dt>Find the indicator icon of Indicator China Weather</dt>
- <dd>Did the Indicator China Weather autostart?</dd>
- <dt>Configure the Indicator China Weather when first startup</dt>
- <dd>When you firstly startup the Indicator China Weather, you need to configure your location. Click "Configure..." menu,then click "Locale" and click "Add(A)" button,input the location in chinese or in pinyin,click "Search" button and choose a locale then click "Forward(F)" and "Apply(A)" button,then click the "OK(O)" button to finish the configuration.Did the app display the weather information of your locale?</dd>
- <dt>Show the weather forecast of next 6 days</dt>
- <dd>Click the "Weather forecast" menu, did the app show 6 days weather forecast.</dd>
- <dt>Show temperature beside the indicator icon</dt>
- <dd>Click "Configure..." menu, then Click "Show temperature beside icon" checkbox and click "OK(O)" button,did the app display temperature beside the icon?</dd>
- <dt>The weather information update in configured time interval.</dt>
- <dd>Did the weather information update every several minutes according to the configuration?</dd>
- <dt>Add multi-locale and change locale from one to another</dt>
- <dd>Add several locales, did the information change corresponding to the change of locale?</dd>
- <dt>Open configuration dialog of locale. Select a locale and delete it. </dt>
- <dd>Can the locale be deleted?</dd>
+ <dt>Find the indicator icon of Indicator China Weather</dt>
+ <dd>Did the Indicator China Weather autostart?</dd>
+ <dt>When you first startup the Indicator China Weather, you need to configure your location. Click "Configure..." menu,then click "Locale" and click "Add(A)" button,input the location in chinese or in pinyin,click "Search" button and choose a locale then click "Forward(F)" and "Apply(A)" button,then click the "OK(O)" button to finish the configuration. </dt>
+ <dd>Does the application display the weather information of your locale?</dd>
+ <dt>To show the weather forecast for the next 6 days, click the "Weather forecast" menu</dt>
+ <dd>Does the application show the 6 day weather forecast?</dd>
+ <dt>To show temperature beside the indicator icon, click "Configure..." menu, then Click "Show temperature beside icon" checkbox and click "OK(O)" button</dt>
+ <dd>Did the app display temperature beside the icon?</dd>
+ <dt>Check the configured update time interval for the weather information</dt>
+ <dd>Did the weather information update according to the configuration?</dd>
+ <dt>Add multi-locale and change locale from one to another</dt>
+ <dd>Did the information change corresponding to the change of locale?</dd>
+ <dt>Open configuration dialog of locale. Select a locale and delete it. </dt>
+ <dd>Can the locale be deleted?</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1513_Ubuntu Kylin Weather Indicator' => 'testcases/image/1513_Ubuntu Kylin Weather Indicator.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/image/1514_Ubuntu Kylin Music Lens'
--- testcases/image/1514_Ubuntu Kylin Music Lens 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1514_Ubuntu Kylin Music Lens 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Test-case name: DashMusicLensScope
+This test will check basic functions of Dash Music Lens Scope.
+ <dt>Click the button of Dash, select the music icon in Dash. Enter the song name or album name in the search bar</dt>
+ <dd>Did the dash show related results of your search?</dd>
+ <dt>Click one of the search results to download or listen the song</dt>
+ <dd>Did it open the download page of the selected song or album in browser? Can you download or listen the song?</dd>
+ <dt>Right click one of the search results to the "Quick Preview Interface" page to see the detail information of the selected item</dt>
+ <dd>Did the detail information show in Dash?</dd>
+ <dt>Click the picture of the song or album in the "Quick Preview Interface"</dt>
+ <dd>Did it go back to search results page?</dd>
+ <dt>If the buttons ">" and "<" exist in the Quick Preview Interface, click the button ">" or "<"</dt>
+ <dd>Did the item change according to your click?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1514_Ubuntu Kylin Music Lens' => 'testcases/image/1514_Ubuntu Kylin Music Lens.moved'
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1904_Fcitx Tests' => 'testcases/image/1548_Ubuntu Kylin Fcitx Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1904_Fcitx Tests 2013-04-22 09:26:53 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1548_Ubuntu Kylin Fcitx Tests 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Test-case name: Fcitx
+This test will check basic functions and settings of Fcitx input method.
- This test will check basic functions and settings of Fcitx input method.
- <dt> Open gedit from dash or terminal. Use Ctrl + Space to switch input method from English to Fcitx.</dt>
- <dd>Did the input method changed to Fcitx?</dd>
- <dt>In gedit window, type some Chinese words into the opened file</dt>
- <dd>Was it OK to input Chinese words with Fcitx?</dd>
- <dt>Right click the "Fcitx" icon in the float bar of fcitx and select "Google pinyin" item under "Input Method".</dt>
- <dd>Did the input method changed into "Google pinyin"?Is the Chinese words input OK? </dd>
- <dt>Right click the "Fcitx" icon in the float bar of fcitx and select "Wubi pinyin" item under "Input Method".</dt>
- <dd>Did the input method changed into "Wubi pinyin"?Is the Chinese words input OK? </dd>
- <dt>Open Dash and use Ctrl + Space to switch input method from English to Fcitx.</dt>
- <dd>Did the input method changed to Fcitx?Is the Chinese words input OK in Dash?</dd>
+ <dt>Open gedit from dash or terminal. Use Ctrl + Space to switch input method from English to Fcitx.</dt>
+ <dd>Did the input method changed to Fcitx?</dd>
+ <dt>In the gedit window, type some Chinese words into the opened file</dt>
+ <dd>Were the Chinese words input correctly with Fcitx?</dd>
+ <dt>Right click the "Fcitx" icon in the float bar of fcitx and select "Google pinyin" item under "Input Method".</dt>
+ <dd>Did the input method changed into "Google pinyin"? Is the Chinese words input OK? </dd>
+ <dt>Right click the "Fcitx" icon in the float bar of fcitx and select "Wubi pinyin" item under "Input Method".</dt>
+ <dd>Did the input method changed into "Wubi pinyin"? Is the Chinese words input OK? </dd>
+ <dt>Open Dash and use Ctrl + Space to switch input method from English to Fcitx.</dt>
+ <dd>Did the input method changed to Fcitx? Is the Chinese words input OK in Dash?</dd>
<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1548_Ubuntu Kylin Fcitx Tests' => 'testcases/image/1548_Ubuntu Kylin Fcitx Tests.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/image/1552_EC2CloudImages test'
--- testcases/image/1552_EC2CloudImages test 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1552_EC2CloudImages test 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+The following tests are to be run on each candidate AMI (each combination of region, arch, root-device). Some utilities for launching all instances and collecting data is available <a href="https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/ec2-test">lp:~smoser/+junk/ec2-test</a>
+<strong>Test-case EC2CloudImages/MultipleInstanceRun</strong>
+Multiple Instance Run
+ <dt>Start 10 instances ('--instance-count') in the same availability zone. [optional for EBS root]</dt>
+ <dt>Start an instance of <a href="http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/">each type</a> ('--instance-type')</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>i386: m1.small c1.medium.</li>
+ <li>x86_64: m1.large m1.xlarge c1.xlarge.</li>
+ <li>Optional: m2.xlarge m2.2xlarge m2.4xlarge.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Start an instance in each availability zone ('--availability-zone')[optional for EBS root].</dt>
+For each of the running instances, verify it is functional:
+ <dt>'ssh-keyscan -t rsa, dsa $hostname': should differ for each running instance.</dt>
+ <dt>You can ssh to instance as 'ubuntu@${hostname}'</dt>
+ <dt>Ubuntu user can 'sudo' without password prompt, and that 'sudo -l' contains '(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'.</dt>
+ <dt>Attempt to ssh to each running instance as 'root@${hostname}'.</dt>
+ <dd>Access is denied and provides a message suggesting use of 'ubuntu' user.</dd>
+ <dt>Run 'apt-get update' and verify that an ec2 mirror is used.</dt>
+ <dd>ec2 mirror looks like '(region).archive.ubuntu.com'.</dd>
+ <dt>Running 'ec2-get-console-output' returns console output with boot messages</dt>
+For each EBS instance, additionally verify:
+ <dt>Running 'ec2-stop-instances' will stop the instances.</dt>
+ <dd>After a short delay, state is 'stopped' in 'ec2-describe-instances' output.</dd>
+ <dt>Running 'ec2-start-instances' will start the instances.</dt>
+ <dd>The instance will have a different hostname in 'ec2-describe-instances'.</dd>
+ <dt>The remote ssh keys ('ssh-keyscan $hostname') is the same as before the start/stop.</dt>
+ <dt>'ssh ubuntu@${hostname}' functions correctly</dt>
+User data tests are run by starting an instance ('--user-data-file=ud-cloudconfig-01.txt') with a given user-data file and then verifying that the user-data was consumed by the instance in the appropriate manner.
+Test-case EC2CloudImages/UserDataTest
+ <dt>Start an instance passing a user-data script (#!) <a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/annotate/head%3A/user-data/ud-simple-01.txt">ud-simple-01</a> {<a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/download/head%3A/udsimple01.txt-20100406154950-mix31tepga5xj1v3-1/ud-simple-01.txt">download</a>}.</dt>
+ <dd>Verify that:
+ <ul>
+ <li> 'Hello World' message is present on the console.</li>
+ <li> /root/OUTPUT-simple-01.txt file is present in the instance.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Start an instance passing multi-part user-data <a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/annotate/head%3A/user-data/ud-multipart-01.txt">ud-multipart-01</a> {<a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/download/head%3A/udmultipart01.txt-20100318140620-2uyih0q00udaxxn7-5/ud-multipart-01.txt">download</a>}.</dt>
+ <dd> Verify presence of the following files:
+ <ul>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-my-user-script-1.sh</li>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-my-user-script-2.sh</li>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-my-upstart-job.conf</li>
+ <li>/etc/init/my-upstart-job.conf</li>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-upstartjob1.txt</li>
+ <li>/etc/init/upstartjob1.txt.conf</li>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-include-compressed-script-01.txt</li>
+ <li>/root/OUTPUT-include-script-01.txt</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dd>Verify 'pastebinit' package is installed</dd>
+ <dt>Start an instance passing <a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/annotate/head%3A/user-data/ud-cloudconfig-01.txt">ud-cloudconfig-01</a> {<a href="http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmoser/%2Bjunk/ec2-test/download/head%3A/udcloudconfig01.txt-20100318140620-2uyih0q00udaxxn7-4/ud-cloudconfig-01.txt">download</a>}</dt>
+ <dd>Verify each of the following
+ <ul>
+ <li>'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade' were run (output in the console)</li>
+ <li>Mirror used in /etc/apt/sources.list is us.archive.ubuntu.com.</li>
+ <li>'ubuntu-on-ec2/ec2-tools' ppa has been added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ .</li>
+ <li>'alestic' ppa has been added in /etc/apt/sources.list.d .</li>
+ <li>'runurl' and 'pastbinit' packages are installed.</li>
+ <li>ephemeral0 storage is mounted on /opt (run 'df /opt')</li>
+ <li>Swap is disabled, nothing listed in /proc/swaps.</li>
+ <li>'cloudconfig@test' key is present in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys.</li>
+ <li>/root/runcmd.date.txt file exists, and has 'date' output in it.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1552_EC2CloudImages test' => 'testcases/image/1552_EC2CloudImages test.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/image/1611_Live Session Persistence'
--- testcases/image/1611_Live Session Persistence 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1611_Live Session Persistence 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Test-case Live Session Persistence
+Running this testcase depends on a pass for testcase 1303_Live Session and can be run in conjuction with it for FAMILY shipping the application as a default package.
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Create a partition (on a usb stick or regular disk/image) to be used for persistence</dt>
+ <dt>Launch Startup Disk Creator</dt>
+ <dt>Select the source disc image of the build you are testing</dt>
+ <dt>Select the USB disk to use and click "Erase" (all data will be removed)</dt>
+ <dd>Provide password if requested. Pausing at this point should not cause an error</dd>
+ <dt>Select the persistence option to have documents and settings "Stored in reserved extra space"</dt>
+ <dt>Use the slider bar to set up to 4GB for persistence</dt>
+ <dt>Create a bootable USB drive by clicking "Make Startup Disk"</dt>
+ <dd>Provide password if requested. Pausing at this point should not cause an error</dd>
+ <dt>You should see a dialog when it is finished "Installation is complete.</dt>
+ <dd>You may now restart your computer with this USB thumb drive inserted to boot Ubuntu</dd>
+ <dt>Start your machine with the install media in place</dt>
+ <dt>When ubiquity starts select your language in the left column</dt>
+ <dt>Press Try FAMILY</dt>
+ <dt>Browse around to a few websites in the default browser. Save a few as bookmarks</dt>
+ <dt>Create a new text or image file in your favorite editor and save it to you home directory</dt>
+ <dt>Restart live image back into a persistent session</dt>
+ <dd>Your files, browsing history, and bookmarks should all be there</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/image/1611_Live Session Persistence' => 'testcases/image/1611_Live Session Persistence.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/image/1625_Post-Installation Tests (UbuntuKylin)'
--- testcases/image/1625_Post-Installation Tests (UbuntuKylin) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1625_Post-Installation Tests (UbuntuKylin) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <dt>Start your machine, check the grub options</dt>
+ <dd>The Grub background should be customized by the UbuntuKylin and the grub menu item of installed system should be displayed as ”UbuntuKylin”?</dd>
+ <dt>View the boot animation while the UbuntuKylin System is starting up</dt>
+ <dd>The boot animation should be customized by the UbuntuKylin Team </dd>
+ <dt>Log in the system and check the default wallpaper as well as the theme.</dt>
+ <dd>The default wallpaper and theme should be customized as the UbuntuKylin style</dd>
+ <dd>The title in left top corner of the desktop is ”UbuntuKylin Desktop”</dd>
+ <dt>Click the indicator icon on the right top corner and select "About this Computer" menu item.</dt>
+ <dd>The system logo and version in “Overview” page have been changed to the ones of UbuntuKylin</dd>
+ <dt>Click the button of Dash, enter the application names to check whether they are preinstalled: Chinese Calendar, Weather Indicator, Youker Assistant, Fcitx and Chromium.</dt>
+ <dd>All the above applications should be preinstalled and could be started normally</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1628_Xubuntu Post-install'
--- testcases/image/1628_Xubuntu Post-install 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1628_Xubuntu Post-install 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+If options are available, these tests are to be undertaken <em>following</em> a successful install of Xubuntu.
+Network connections
+ <dt>If you have access to more than one method to connect to Internet, connect to them all</dt>
+ <dd>You are able to connect as expected</dd>
+If you have other partitions...
+ <dt>Open Thunar</dt>
+ <dd>Confirm they are listed in <b>Thunar</b></dd>
+ <dd>Confirm you are able to read files from it</dd>
+If you have a USB drive available
+ <dt>If you have a USB drive, plug it in</dt>
+ <dd>The USB drive is mounted, Thunar opens and you can open files from USB</dd>
+<em> Lock and suspend testing</em>
+<em> If unlocking requires more than one password entry - fail the testcase</em>
+<strong>To test desktop locking, a new user should be created with the User and Groups option from Settings menu</strong>
+<strong>Testing on Hardware</strong>
+Test Suspend
+ <dt>Open any application and suspend machine</dt>
+ <dd>Machine suspends</dd>
+ <dt>Restart suspended machine and unlock</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows previously started application</dd>
+Test Desktop Locking
+ <dt>Open any application and lock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop locks</dd>
+ <dt>Unlock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows previously started application</dd>
+Test Lock/new User use/Unlock
+ <dt>Open any application then lock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop locks</dd>
+ <dt>Login as new user</dt>
+ <dt>Logout from new user</dt>
+ <dt>Login to normal user, unlocking</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows previously started application</dd>
+<strong>When testing on virtual machine</strong>
+Test Desktop Locking
+ <dt>Open any application and lock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop locks</dd>
+ <dt>Unlock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows previously started application</dd>
+Test Lock/new user Session use/Unlock
+ <dt>Open any application then lock desktop</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop locks</dd>
+ <dt>Login as new user</dt>
+ <dt>Logout from new user</dt>
+ <dt>Login to normal user, unlocking</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows previously started application</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1634_Kubuntu Localisation Support'
--- testcases/image/1634_Kubuntu Localisation Support 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1634_Kubuntu Localisation Support 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+The goal of this test case is to check that localization support is functional during the installation and that language packs are downloaded and installed correctly from the Internet for Kubuntu.
+ <dt>Boot up the image. Follow the steps listed in the Non-English Installation Full Network Support test before proceeding.</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, are all the entries localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the entry labeled 'System Settings', are all the entries in the new window that appears localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Open the entry marked as 'Locale' in the new window, is the correct language selected in the settings?</dt>
+ <dt>Click the tab labeled 'Numbers', is the correct decimal separator chosen for your region?</dt>
+ <dt>In the same tab, has the correct Digit set been chosen for your region?</dt>
+ <dt>Click the tab labeled 'Money', has the correct currency been chosen for your region?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the tab labeled 'Date & Time', has the correct time format been chosen for your system?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the tab labeled 'Other', has the correct measurement system been chosen for your system?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the 'Overview button to go back to System Settings, and open the entry marked as "User Manager"</dt>
+ <dd>Are all the text labels localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the 'Overview button to go back to System Settings, and open the entry marked as "Login Screen"</dt>
+ <dd>Is the text in the ui localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Click on the tab labelled "General", are all labels localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the 'Overview button to go back to System Settings, and open the entry marked as "About System"</dt>
+ <dd>Are all the labels localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the 'Overview button to go back to System Settings, and open the entry marked as "Instant Messaging and VOIP", is the UI localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the button marked as "Add Account" and complete the process to add a IM account, was entire process localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher and then click on the entry marked as "Instant Messenger Contacts" to open your contact list, has the contact list UI been localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Open a conversation window with a friend and send them some messages</dt>
+ <dd>The keyboard layout should be correctly set</dd>
+ <dd>The language that appears on the screen should be localized</dd>
+ <dd>Direction of text should be correct (RTL vs LTR)</dd>
+ <dt>Close/Minimize all windows, right click on the desktop, is the context menu localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the "Default desktop settings" entry, is the new window that appears localized?</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, launch "Muon Discover" via Applications > System > Muon Discover</dt>
+ <dd>Is the toolbar localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Is all the text in the featured application slideshow localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Are all the application category names localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Open an application entry to see it's description in Muon Discover</dt>
+ <dd>Is the application description localized? (This is currently known not to work)</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, launch "Dolphin"</dt>
+ <dd>Is the "Places" panel on the left localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Are the entries on the top panel localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Are the entries in the "Control" menu localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Launch the "Dolphin" settings via the "Control" menu</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, search for "Kamoso" via the search bar and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Click on the wrench icon, are the entries localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Click on the entry marked "Settings", is the "Settings" window localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, search for "Gwenview" via the search bar and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Is the "Places" tab on the right localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Is the "Tags" tab on the right localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Click on the menu item labeled "Edit", are the entries localized?</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the launcher, search for "Muon Update Manager" via the search bar and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Make sure all the strings are localized</dd>
+ <dd>Try and upgrade your system, is the "Download Rate" at the bottom left correctly localized?</dd>
+ <dd>Are all the authentication dialogs correctly localized?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1635_Upgrade LTS'
--- testcases/image/1635_Upgrade LTS 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1635_Upgrade LTS 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+To execute this test, a pre-existing Ubuntu (or derivative) installation is needed
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.</em>
+ <dt>Install all updates available for the release you want to upgrade by running update-manager. Click Check if any update is available, and click Install to install them</dt>
+ <dt>Ensure FAMILY is looking for long-term support versions by navigating to Edit -> Software sources and selecting the updates tab. Make sure the 'Notify me of a new FAMILY version' option has the 'For long-term support versions' value selected</dt>
+ <dt>Run update-manager -d -c from a terminal</dt>
+ <dt>Click the upgrade version button</dt>
+ <dt>Watch it upgrade, noting any errors</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot into your new system:</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Were any errors encountered during the upgrade?</li>
+ <li>Were any errors encountered after rebooting to new desktop?</li>
+ <li>Does your hardware still work properly?</li>
+ <li>Are you experiencing any application or background service crashes?</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal and enter the command <code>grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</code></dt>
+ <dd>Terminal will show Prompt=lts</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1636_Upgrade LTS (Image)'
--- testcases/image/1636_Upgrade LTS (Image) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1636_Upgrade LTS (Image) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+To execute this test, a pre-existing Ubuntu (or derivative) installation is needed
+<strong>Upgrade will only be offered as an alternative when there is 1 installed FAMILY system</strong>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY button </dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Check the box 'Download updates while installing' if a network is available </dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Upgrade FAMILY' option </dt>
+ <dt>Click 'Install Now' button </dt>
+ <dd>'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If connected, verify that your timezone is proposed correctly </dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>'Keyboard layout' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your keyboard layout is set rightly</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>'Who are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Insert all the requested fields and choose if you want autologin or encrypted home</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the Continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine has been rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into the new ubuntu (or derivative name)</dd>
+ <dt>Open a Terminal and enter the command <code>lsb_release -a</code></dt>
+ <dd>New version will be shown on the Description line</dd>
+ <dt>Open a terminal and enter the command <code>grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</code></dt>
+ <dd>Terminal will show Prompt=lts</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that your pre-upgrade files and installed applications are still present</dt>
+ </dl>
+ <strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1639_UbuntuStudio Install'
--- testcases/image/1639_UbuntuStudio Install 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1639_UbuntuStudio Install 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The Ubuntu Studio installation options screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select which options to install</dt>
+ <dd>Check marks only show against selected options</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Erase disk and install FAMILY</dt>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive i displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password (Note admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User)</dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Additionally, the continue button is enabled</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The slideshow is entirely in your language</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1640_Install_Minimal_System'
--- testcases/image/1640_Install_Minimal_System 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1640_Install_Minimal_System 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ <dt>Boot up the server image</dt>
+ <dt>Select language</dt>
+ <dt>Press F4, arrow down, select <em>Install a minimal system</em></dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter, selecting <em>Install FAMILY Server</em></dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure the keyboard</dt>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Select layout, <em>No</em></li>
+ <li>Select country</li>
+ </ul>
+ <dt>Choose a hostname</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a username</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Re-enter password</dt>
+ <dt>Encrypt your home directory, <em>No</em></dt>
+ <dt>Is this time zone correct? <em>Yes</em> or <em>No</em> to setup</dt>
+ <dt>Partitioning method, <em>Guided - Use entire disk</em></dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition, use the listed device</dt>
+ <dt>Write changes to disks, verify targets, if correct, <em>Yes</em> to start</dt>
+ <dt>http proxy request, leave blank</dt>
+ <dt>How do you want to manage upgrades on this system? <em>No automatic updates</em></dt>
+ <dt>Choose software, Tab to <em>continue</em>, no additional selections</dt>
+ <dt>Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record, <em>Yes</em></dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key), then <em>continue</em></dt>
+ <dt>Wait for the system reboot, then login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify Internet access: sudo apt-get update</dt>
+ <dd>Provide sudo password</dd>
+ <dd>apt-get will perform a normal update</dd>
+ <dt>Verify access to tasksel: sudo tasksel</dt>
+ <dd>ncurses GUI will render, listing upgrade options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Tab, then <em>Ok</em> to exit</dt>
+ <dt>Logout</dt>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1641_Install_Minimal_Virtual_System'
--- testcases/image/1641_Install_Minimal_Virtual_System 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1641_Install_Minimal_Virtual_System 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ <dt>Boot up the server image</dt>
+ <dt>Select language</dt>
+ <dt>Press F4, arrow down, select <em>Install a virtual minimal system</em>, press Enter</dt>
+ <dt>Press Enter a 2nd time to <em>Install FAMILY Server</em></dt>
+ <dt>Choose the language</dt>
+ <dt>Select your location</dt>
+ <dt>Configure the keyboard</dt>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Select layout, <em>No</em></li>
+ <li>Select country</li>
+ </ul>
+ <dt>Choose a hostname</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a username</dt>
+ <dt>Choose a password</dt>
+ <dt>Re-enter password</dt>
+ <dt>Encrypt your home directory, <em>No</em></dt>
+ <dt>Is this time zone correct? <em>Yes</em> if correct, <em>No</em> to setup</dt>
+ <dt>Partitioning method, <em>Guided - Use entire disk</em></dt>
+ <dt>Select disk to partition, use the listed device</dt>
+ <dt>Write changes to disks, verify targets, if correct, <em>Yes</em> to start</dt>
+ <dt>http proxy request, leave blank, <em>continue</em></dt>
+ <dt>How do you want to manage upgrades on this system? <em>No automatic updates</em></dt>
+ <dt>Choose software to install, Tab to <em>continue</em>, no additional selections</dt>
+ <dt>Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record, <em>Yes</em></dt>
+ <dt>Remove the installation media (CDROM or USB key), then <em>continue</em></dt>
+ <dt>Wait for the system reboot and login</dt>
+ <dt>Verify internet access with: sudo apt-get update</dt>
+ <dd>When asked, add sudo password</dd>
+ <dd>apt-get will perform a normal update</dd>
+ <dt>Verify access to tasksel: sudo tasksel</dt>
+ <dd>ncurses GUI will render, listing upgrade options</dd>
+ <dt>Hit Tab, then <em>Ok</em> to exit.</dt>
+ <dt>Logout by typing: <em>logout</em></dt>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1642_Server_Upgrade_CLI'
--- testcases/image/1642_Server_Upgrade_CLI 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1642_Server_Upgrade_CLI 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Test-case name: server_upgrade_cli_NEVER
+This will test protection from do-release-upgrade
+ <dt>Login into the system locally, or via SSH</dt>
+ <dt>In the terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will update</dd>
+ <dd>If asked to install files, type <em>Y</em></dd>
+ <dd>New version files install</dd>
+ <dt>Check release-upgrade setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=normal then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=never/Prompt=never/'</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=lts then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=lts/Prompt=never/'</dd>
+ <dt>Check release-setting again: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd> If sed command fails, edit manually, changing to: Prompt=never</dd>
+ <dt>Start the upgrade: sudo do-release-upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>Checking for new Ubuntu release</dd>
+ <dd>No new release be found</dd>
+ <dd>Return to the command prompt</dd>
+Test-case name: server_upgrade_cli_NORMAL
+This will test the next sequential release
+ <dt>Login into the system locally, or via SSH</dt>
+ <dt>In the terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will update</dd>
+ <dd>If asked to install files, type <em>Y</em></dd>
+ <dd>New version files install</dd>
+ <dt>Check release-upgrade setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=never then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=never/Prompt=normal/'</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=lts then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=lts/Prompt=normal/'</dd>
+ <dt>Re-Check release-setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd> If sed command fails, edit manually, changing to: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dt>Check current release: lsb_release -r</dt>
+ <dd>Note the release version</dd>
+ <dt>Start the upgrade: sudo do-release-upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will check release data and update package list</dd>
+ <dd>If a new release is found, APT will add repositories and upgrade</dd>
+ <dt>When asked to start the upgrade, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dt>When asked, restart services during package upgrades without asking, select <em>Yes</em></dt>
+ <dt>When asked, remove obsolete packages, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dt>Login into the system</dt>
+ <dt>Check release version: lsb_release -r</dt>
+ <dd>Compare results to step(5), will be the next sequential release.</dd>
+Test-case name: server_upgrade_cli_LTS
+This will test upgrading LTS to LTS
+ <dt>Login into the system locally, or via SSH</dt>
+ <dt>In the terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will update</dd>
+ <dd>If asked to install files, type <em>Y</em></dd>
+ <dd>New version files install</dd>
+ <dt>Check release-upgrade setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=normal then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=normal/Prompt=lts/'</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=never then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=never/Prompt=lts/'</dd>
+ <dt>Re-Check release-setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd> If sed command fails, edit manually, changing to: Prompt=LTS</dd>
+ <dt>Check current release: lsb_release -r</dt>
+ <dd>Note the release version</dd>
+ <dt>Start the upgrade: sudo do-release-upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will check release data and update package list</dd>
+ <dd>If a new release is found, APT will add repositories and upgrade</dd>
+ <dt>When asked to start the upgrade, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dt>When asked, restart services during package upgrades without asking, select <em>Yes</em></dt>
+ <dt>When asked, Remove obsolete packages, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dt>To finished the upgrade, restart required, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dd>The system will reboot.</dd>
+ <dt>Login into the system</dt>
+ <dt>Check the release version: lsb_release -r</dt>
+ <dd>Compare results to step(5), will be the next sequential LTS release.</dd>
+Test-case name: server_upgrade_cli_DEV
+This will test upgrading to a development release
+ <dt>Login into the system locally, or via SSH</dt>
+ <dt>In the terminal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade</dt>
+ <dd>APT will update</dd>
+ <dd>If asked to install files, type <em>Y</em></dd>
+ <dd>New version files install</dd>
+ <dt>Check release-upgrade setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=never then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=never/Prompt=normal/'</dd>
+ <dd>If Prompt=LTS then: sudo sed -i 's/Prompt=lts/Prompt=normal/'</dd>
+ <dt>Re-Check release-setting: grep '^Prompt=' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades</dt>
+ <dd>Return: Prompt=normal</dd>
+ <dd> If sed command fails, edit manually, changing to: Prompt=LTS</dd>
+ <dt>Check current release: lsb_release -r></dt>
+ <dd>Note the release version</dd>
+ <dt>Start the upgrade: sudo do-release-upgrade -d</dt>
+ <dd>APT will check release data and update package list</dd>
+ <dd>If a new release is found, APT will add new repositories and start the upgrade</dd>
+ <dt>When asked to start the upgrade, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dd>The installation will continue</dd>
+ <dt>When asked, restart services during package upgrades without asking, select <em>Yes</em></dt>
+ <dt>When asked, remove obsolete packages, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dt>To finished the upgrade, restart required, type <em>Y</em></dt>
+ <dd>The system will reboot.</dd>
+ <dt>Login into the system</dt>
+ <dt>Check the release version: lsb_release -r</dt>
+ <dd>Compare results to step(5), will be the next development release.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1655_Xubuntu Core Install tasksel'
--- testcases/image/1655_Xubuntu Core Install tasksel 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1655_Xubuntu Core Install tasksel 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+This test will check installation of xubuntu minimal with tasksel
+ <dt>Boot the image</dt>
+ <dt>Select Install and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Select Language screen displays</dd>
+ <dt>Select your language</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Choose a mirror dialogue displays</dd>
+ <dt>Select an Ubuntu mirror</dt>
+ <dd>HTTP Proxy screen displays</dd>
+ <dt>Either enter proxy information and continue, or continue leaving blank</dt>
+ <dd>Install continues</dd>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish)</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm ( If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one)</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select No for encrypted home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Guided - use entire disk and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see an option to select a disk to install on</dd>
+ <dt>Select the disk to use and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm the action</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <em>The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4</em>
+ <dt>Select to not install updates. The base installation finishes</dt>
+ <dd>The Software selection screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select Xubuntu minimal installation with the space bar and press enter </dt>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to utc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong >
=== added file 'testcases/image/1658_Xubuntu Core Upgrade taskesel'
--- testcases/image/1658_Xubuntu Core Upgrade taskesel 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1658_Xubuntu Core Upgrade taskesel 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+This test will make sure the Xubuntu Core upgrade will not pull in the xubuntu-desktop metapackage.
+ <dt>Install the core task in a current release.</dt>
+ <dt>Obtain all updates for your system.</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure xubuntu-desktop is not installed.</dt>
+ <dt>Upgrade to the development release.</dt>
+ <dd>This should upgrade without installing any metapackages.</dd>
+This test will make sure a Xubuntu upgrade with neither xubuntu-core nor xubuntu-desktop will install xubuntu-core.
+ <dt>Install the core task in a current release.</dt>
+ <dt>Obtain all updates for your system.</dt>
+ <dt>Uninstall both xubuntu-core and xubuntu-desktop, if installed.</dt>
+ <dt>Upgrade to the development release.</dt>
+ <dd>This should install xubuntu-core during upgrade, and you should end up with out the xubuntu-desktop package</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1660_Alternate Install (Unencrypted Home)'
--- testcases/image/1660_Alternate Install (Unencrypted Home) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1660_Alternate Install (Unencrypted Home) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>System boots to Installer language 'Select Language'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install FAMILY and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Language selection windows opens</dd>
+ <dt>Select language for installed system</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish).</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm ( If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one).</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select No for encrypted home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You may be informed that 'the following disks have mounted partitions'. If the intended target drive is affected, you must</dd>
+ <dt>Select 'Yes' to unmount partitions that are in use</dt>
+ <dd>You are informed that your installation medium is ... and what you can and cannot do with that drive.</dd>
+ <dt>'Continue' </dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see an option to select a disk to install on</dd>
+ <dt>Select the disk to use and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm the action</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to enter an encryption passphraser</dd>
+ <dt>Enter an encryption passphrase and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to confirm your passphrase</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm your encryption passphrase by entering it again and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to specify an amount of the volume group to use for guided partitioning</dd>
+ <dt>Specify an amount of the volume group to use for guided partitioning and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm writing the changes to disk</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request for http proxy information</dd>
+ <dt>Input http proxy info or press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Wait for a while - The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4 (alt + f4).</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and a dialog box for your partition information will come up and you can choose target drive from there manually, for example /dev/sda or /dev/sdb.</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to utc and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+ <dd>You should be able to log in and the desktop should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Ask the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
+ <dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1661_Alternate Install (Manual Partitioning)'
--- testcases/image/1661_Alternate Install (Manual Partitioning) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1661_Alternate Install (Manual Partitioning) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>System boots to 'Select Language'</dd>
+ <dt>Select Install Ubuntu and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>System displays 'Select Location'</dd>
+ <dt>Select location and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the layout you wish to use on the keyboard and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>The default for your location and language should already be selected.</dd>
+ <dt>Add a hostname for the machine and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for your name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your name and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted for a user name</dd>
+ <dt>Type in your user name and press Enter (you can accept the default if you wish).</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to enter a password</dd>
+ <dt>Add a password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be prompted to confirm (If you entered a weak password, confirm that you want to keep it or select no and enter a stronger one).</dd>
+ <dt>Confirm password and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked if you wish to encrypt your home directory</dd>
+ <dt>Select No to encrypting your home directory and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see confirmation of your time zone</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the pre-selected time zone is correct or select your time zone and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You will be presented with formatting options</dd>
+ <dt>Select Manual and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see an option to select a disk to install on</dd>
+ <dt>Select the disk to use and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be asked to create a new partition table</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to create the new partition table</dt>
+ <dd>Select the partition and set up the scheme you prefer and the additional options you may want</dd>
+ <dt>Once you have your required partitioning scheme laid out, select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm writing the changes to disk</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to accept the changes and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request for http proxy information</dd>
+ <dt>Input http proxy info or press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>Wait for a while - The install may seem like it has locked at a percentage but is actually working in the background. You can check and see if it is working by switching to tty4 (alt + f4).</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to install grub boot loader to master boot record and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should see a request to confirm date and time</dd>
+ <dt>Select Yes to setting your clock to UTC and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You should be requested to remove the CD / USB key</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the CD / USB key and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>This should then reboot the machine</dd>
+ <dt>Log in and check the desktop is installed</dt>
+ <dd>You should be able to log in and the desktop should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Ask the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>Machine should reboot</dd>
+ <dt>Login and check the system installed correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Menus should be displayed</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1663_Image Boot Test'
--- testcases/image/1663_Image Boot Test 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1663_Image Boot Test 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<em>This testcase only tests that an ISO boots to a livesession desktop</em>
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+Test-case Live Session Start
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>FAMILY boot screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>When ubiquity starts select your language in the left column</dt>
+ <dd>Language is selected, all labels are changed to translated versions</dd>
+ <dt>Press "Try FAMILY" and wait for the Live session to start</dt>
+ <dd>The default desktop is displayed</dd>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1687_Xubuntu Core Install'
--- testcases/image/1687_Xubuntu Core Install 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1687_Xubuntu Core Install 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<em>Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads to the live session desktop</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY Core icon</dt>
+ <dd>The Install dialogue screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Continue</dt>
+ <dd>The Preparing to install FAMILY dialogue shows</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Erase disk and install FAMILY</dt>
+ <dd>Installation screen expands to include encryption and LVM options</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>Write changes dialogue appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click continue</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skips to the 'Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If your system is connected to the network, note the preselected timezone correspond with your timezone and the city indicated in the text box </dt>
+ <dd>The timezone and city displayed match your timezone and the main city from your area</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password <em>admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User</em></dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Login options and home folder encryption choices shown</dd>
+ <dd>Continue button becomes available</dd>
+ <dt>Press continue</dt>
+ <dd>The installation proceeds</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY showing username during installation</dd>
+ <dt>Enter password for user and login</dt>
+ <dd>Desktop shows</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1688_ARM64_Headless_KVM_Guest'
--- testcases/image/1688_ARM64_Headless_KVM_Guest 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1688_ARM64_Headless_KVM_Guest 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ <dt>Setup an arm64 host to boot KVM guests.</dt>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>sudo apt install libvirt-bin qemu-efi qemu-kvm</code></li>
+ <li><code>cat > /tmp/qemu-ifup << EOF</code></li>
+ <li><code>#!/bin/sh</code></li>
+ <li><code></code></li>
+ <li><code>set -e</code></li>
+ <li><code></code></li>
+ <li><code>ip link set "\$1" up</code></li>
+ <li><code>ip link set "\$1" master virbr0</code></li>
+ <li><code>EOF</code></li>
+ <li><code>cat /tmp/qemu-ifup | sudo tee /etc/qemu-ifup</code></li>
+ </ul>
+ <dt>Boot a KVM instance in UEFI mode w/ the test ISO connected.</dt>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>cp /usr/share/AAVMF/* .</code></li>
+ <li><code>qemu-img create -f qcow2 disk.img 18G</code></li>
+ <li><code>sudo qemu-system-aarch64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -cpu host -smp 2 -M virt,gic_version=host -nographic -pflash AAVMF_CODE.fd -pflash AAVMF_VARS.fd -drive if=none,file=disk.img,id=hd0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 -netdev type=tap,id=net0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=net0,mac=ac:67:de:d2:4b:06 -drive file=TEST-ISOFILE-PATH.iso,id=cdrom,if=none,media=cdrom -device virtio-scsi-device -device scsi-cd,drive=cdrom</code></li>
+ </ul>
+ <dt>Proceed through the install and login to the installed OS after reboot.</dt>
+ <dt>Reboot. System should boot up to login prompt without delay.</dt>
+ <dt>Check dmesg for any abnormal messages or errors.</dt>
+ <dd><code>dmesg | less</code></dd>
+ <dt>If an HWE kernel option is available for this release, repeat the above steps while selecting the HWE kernel option from the boot menu.</dt>
+ <strong>
+ If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>.
=== added file 'testcases/image/1689_No Network'
--- testcases/image/1689_No Network 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1689_No Network 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<em>Please ensure that your system has no Internet access before proceeding. Proceed in your native language if you wish. Instructions will remain in English.</em>
+ <dt>Boot up the image</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads the installer displaying the Welcome dialog with language selection and 'Try FAMILY' and 'Install FAMILY' buttons</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Preparing to install FAMILY' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>On the screen Preparing to install FAMILY, note the availability of the following components</dt>
+ <dd>Available options should represent the state of your system accurately</dd>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li>(If network is available (<em>Should be disabled</em>)) Download updates while installing FAMILY</li>
+ <li>(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source</li>
+ <li>Install third-party software ... option available</li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select Erase disk and install FAMILY</dt>
+ <dd>Installation screen expands to include encryption and LVM options</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the continue button (if there is only one hard disk in the system, the button should read 'Install now')</dt>
+ <dd>Write changes dialogue appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click continue</dt>
+ <dd>If there is only one hard disk, the installer skips to the "Where are you?' screen. Otherwise, the 'Installation type' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>If there is only one hard disk, skip to step 10 (On the 'Where are you?' screen...). Otherwise, on the 'Installation type' screen verify that the drive selected on the Select drive list corresponds to the drive on the chart (e.g /dev/sda)</dt>
+ <dd>Selected drive is displayed on the chart</dd>
+ <dt>Verify that the full drive space is allocated</dt>
+ <dd>Full drive space is allocated for installation</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the Install Now button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Where are you?' screen is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>With the system not connected to the network, a US timezone is preselected. Set the timezone to match your local time.</dt>
+ <dd>Timezone and city displayed now match what you have just set it to.</dd>
+ <dt>Select your timezone, and click on the continue button</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Keyboard Layout' screen appears</dd>
+ <dd>The proposed keyboard corresponds with your keyboard</dd>
+ <dt>Select your keyboard layout and click on continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Who are you?' screen appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input your initial user details and password <em>admin can not be used - it is a dedicated Linux User</em></dt>
+ <dd>Name, username and password are accepted. Login options and home folder encryption choices shown</dd>
+ <dd>Continue button becomes available</dd>
+ <dt>Press continue</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Welcome to FAMILY ' slide is displayed</dd>
+ <dd>The slideshow is entirely in your language</dd>
+ <dt>Wait for the installer to finish</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Installation Complete' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click the Restart now button</dt>
+ <dd>GUI is shut down, a prompt to remove media and press Enter appears</dd>
+ <dt>Remove the disc and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The machine is rebooted</dd>
+ <dt>Allow the machine to reboot</dt>
+ <dd>The system boots properly and loads into FAMILY showing username selected at step 13</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1907_kylin-greeter(UbuntuKylin)'
--- testcases/image/1907_kylin-greeter(UbuntuKylin) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1907_kylin-greeter(UbuntuKylin) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ <dt>Log in system using standard user and administrator user</dt>
+ <dd>Log in success.</dd>
+ <dt>Create a new account, set password out of border</dt>
+ <dd>Setting password out of border(ex. password number less than or equal to 5) will fail.</dd>
+ <dt>Create a new account, set password inside border</dt>
+ <dd>Setting password inside the border (ex. password number more than 5)will success.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1908_ukui-menu'
--- testcases/image/1908_ukui-menu 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1908_ukui-menu 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ <dt>Click start menu</dt>
+ <dd>Start menu shows successfully.</dd>
+ <dt>Click all the applications in start menu</dt>
+ <dd>All applications run successfully.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1909_ukui-indicators'
--- testcases/image/1909_ukui-indicators 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1909_ukui-indicators 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ <dt>Click all the applications in indicators</dt>
+ <dd>All applications such as weather, date and sound setting, all run successfully.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1910_ukui-control-center'
--- testcases/image/1910_ukui-control-center 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1910_ukui-control-center 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ <dt>Open control center</dt>
+ <dd>Control center startup successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Open all the applications in control center</dt>
+ <dd>All applications startup successfully.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1911_ukui-screensaver'
--- testcases/image/1911_ukui-screensaver 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1911_ukui-screensaver 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ <dt>Start up screensaver of the system</dt>
+ <dd>Start up screensaver of the system successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Log in to standard user, wait for a setting time</dt>
+ <dd>Screen locks successfully alongside with screensaver.</dd>
+<dt>Log in to administrator user, wait for a setting time</dt>
+ <dd>Screen locks successfully alongside with screensaver.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1912_peony tests'
--- testcases/image/1912_peony tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1912_peony tests 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ <dt>Start up peony</dt>
+ <dd>Start up peony through graphics and commands , peony starts up properly.</dd>
+<dt>Test left view tree</dt>
+ <dd>Click the icon on the left tree, enter the corresponding path properly.</dd>
+<dt>Test external storage device</dt>
+ <dd>Insert a external storage device, device label in the left tree display correctly, the external storage device can be oepned properly by clicking the label in the left tree.</dd>
+<dt>Test Right view</dt>
+ <dd>Switch function of icon view, compact view, list view is correct.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1913_session-manager'
--- testcases/image/1913_session-manager 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1913_session-manager 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <dt>Creat standard user</dt>
+ <dd>Use user account to create a standard user in control center, do following tests using standard user and administrator.</dd>
+<dt>Verify the logout function</dt>
+ <dd>Logout successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Verify that switching user functions</dt>
+ <dd>Switch users successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Verify the shutdown function</dt>
+ <dd>Shutdown successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Verify the restart function</dt>
+ <dd>Restart successfully.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1914_youker-assistant'
--- testcases/image/1914_youker-assistant 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1914_youker-assistant 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<dt>Start up youker-assistant</dt>
+ <dd>Start up youker-assistant through graphics and commands , youker-assistant starts up properly.</dd>
+<dt>Verify the system clean-up function</dt>
+ <dd>Click start scanning, the system cache, cookies and histories can be cleaned up .</dd>
+<dt>Check the system information</dt>
+ <dd>The system information are displayed correctly.</dd>
+<dt>Verify the system feature</dt>
+ <dd>Personalization, desktop, fonts, system options and other functions are OK.</dd>
+<dt>Verify Toolkits</dt>
+ <dd>Youker software center, boot manager, camera, shred manager and other functions are OK.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1915_ubuntu-kylin-software-center'
--- testcases/image/1915_ubuntu-kylin-software-center 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1915_ubuntu-kylin-software-center 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<dt>Start up Ubuntu Kylin software center</dt>
+ <dd>Start up Ubuntu Kylin software center through graphics and commands , Ubuntu Kylin software center starts up properly.</dd>
+<dt>Test software upgrade,installation and uninstall functions</dt>
+ <dd>The software upgrade, installation and uninstall function is OK, the relevant operation records are correct and completed.</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/image/1916_indicator-china-weather'
--- testcases/image/1916_indicator-china-weather 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/image/1916_indicator-china-weather 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<dt>Bootup china-weather</dt>
+ <dd>China-weather bootup automatically.</dd>
+<dt>Add and delete cities</dt>
+ <dd>Add and delete cities successfully.</dd>
+<dt>Temperature and automatic update frequency test</dt>
+ <dd>Display temperature besides the tray icon , set the automatic update frequency successfully.</dt>
+<dt>Other functions test</dt>
+ <dd>The current temperature, temperature range, humidity, wind direction, air quality, weather and other information show correcttly</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1306_Kernel (smoke)'
--- testcases/packages/1306_Kernel (smoke) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1306_Kernel (smoke) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ <dt>Does the system boot properly?</dt>
+ <dt>Is your graphics card recognized?</dt>
+ <dt>Is your networking hardware properly recognized?</dt>
+ <dt>Where applicable, are you able to suspend and resume your system?</dt>
+ <dt>Does all of your hardware work?</dt>
+<strong>If you answer 'yes' to all questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If you answer 'no' to any question, then please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1306_Kernel (smoke)' => 'testcases/packages/1306_Kernel (smoke).moved'
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1306_Kernel Smoke Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1306_Kernel Smoke Tests 2013-02-12 16:41:17 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1306_Kernel Smoke Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- <dt>Does the system boot properly?</dt>
- <dt>Is your graphics card recognized?</dt>
- <dt>Is your networking hardware properly recognized?</dt>
- <dt>Where applicable, are you able to suspend and resume your system?</dt>
- <dt>Does all of your hardware work?</dt>
-<strong>If you answer 'yes' to all questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If you answer 'no' to any question, then please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1308_software-properties (smoke)'
--- testcases/packages/1308_software-properties (smoke) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1308_software-properties (smoke) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Where applicable, please answer the following questions:
+ <dt>Is your graphics card recognized? Is the driver listed?</dt>
+ <dt>Is your networking card recognized? Is the driver listed?</dt>
+ <dt>If you enable the drivers, does your hardware work?</dt>
+ <dt>Does the gui work properly and function well?</dt>
+<strong>If you answer 'yes' to all questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If you answer 'no' to any question, then please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1308_software-properties (smoke)' => 'testcases/packages/1308_software-properties (smoke).moved'
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1308_software-properties Smoke Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1308_software-properties Smoke Tests 2013-02-12 16:41:17 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1308_software-properties Smoke Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Where applicable, please answer the following questions:
- <dt>Is your graphics card recognized? Is the driver listed?</dt>
- <dt>Is your networking card recognized? Is the driver listed?</dt>
- <dt>If you enable the drivers, does your hardware work?</dt>
- <dt>Does the gui work properly and function well?</dt>
-<strong>If you answer 'yes' to all questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If you answer 'no' to any question, then please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio (smoke)'
--- testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio (smoke) 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio (smoke) 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Test-case name: pulseaudio/pulseaudio-001
+Tests should be performed to make sure PulseAudio is properly recognising your audio hardware.
+ <dt>Check the log output of PulseAudio, either in syslog, or following the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log</dt>
+ <dd>The log output should contain references to module-udev-detect detecting either a pci or USB audio device</dd>
+ <dt>Check the output of the command "pactl list"</dt>
+ <dd>The pactl list command should list loaded modules and their parameters, as well as all current sinks, sources, and their current volume, device information, and output profile</dd>
+ <dt>Open up the sound settings window from the sound indicator and check both the output and input pages.</dt>
+ <dd>The output and input pages should list all detected hardware, both internal and USB, and allow for volume adjustment</dd>
+Test-case name: pulseaudio/pulseaudio-002
+General PulseAudio tests.
+ <dt>Does your audio work properly?</dt>
+ <dt>Are you still able to control sound via the sound applet?</dt>
+ <dt>If you use pavucontrol (sudo apt-get install pavucontrol), are you still able to control sound and input devices properly?</dt>
+ <dt>Is your sound hardware recognized properly?</dt>
+ <dt>Does hotplugging a microphone or headset work properly?</dt>
+ <dt>If you have bluetooth audio hardware, does it work properly once paired?</dt>
+ <dt>Overall, does everything function the same or better than the stable version?</dt>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, and you can answer yes to the above questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, or you answer no to any of the above questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio (smoke)' => 'testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio (smoke).moved'
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio Smoke Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio Smoke Tests 2013-02-12 16:41:17 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1336_Pulseaudio Smoke Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- <dt>Does your audio work properly?</dt>
- <dt>Are you still able to control sound via the sound applet?</dt>
- <dt>If you use pavucontrol (sudo apt-get install pavucontrol), are you still able to control sound and input devices properly?</dt>
- <dt>Is your sound hardware recognized properly?</dt>
- <dt>Does hotplugging a microphone or headset work properly?</dt>
- <dt>If you have bluetooth audio hardware, does it work properly once paired?</dt>
- <dt>Overall, does everything function the same or better than the stable version?</dt>
-<strong>If you answer 'yes' to all questions, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If you answer 'no' to any question, then please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup'
--- testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Test-case name: dejadup/dej-001
+This test will check that Dejadup can backup and restore files
+ <dt> Create a test folder in your home directory with one test text file.</dt>
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch backup by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘backup’</dt>
+ <dd>Backup should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Just show my backup settings'</dt>
+ <dd>Tabs list in the sidebar appears, Overview tab is selected by default</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Folders' tab. Remove all folders from 'Folders to backup' list, then add your test folder containing the test document file</dt>
+ <dd>'Folders to backup' list contains your test folder</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Storage' tab and select a valid backup location</dt>
+ <dd>Backup location and folder are specified</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Overview' tab and click 'Back Up Now' button</dt>
+ <dd>A 'Back Up' window launches and starts scanning and backing up your folder</dd>
+ <dt> If 'Back Up' window requests a password, select 'Allow restoring without a password' radio button and click 'Continue'</dt>
+ <dd>Back up process is resumed</dd>
+ <dt> Wait for the backup to end, then delete your test folder from your home directory</dt>
+ <dd>test folder is deleted</dd>
+ <dt> Focus the backup tool window again and click 'Restore'</dt>
+ <dd>Restore window pops up, 'Restore from Where?' step is opened</dd>
+ <dt> Select the folder to restore from and click 'Forward'.</dt>
+ <dd>'Checking For Backups' step appears. After the progress is complete 'Restore from When?' step appears</dd>
+ <dt> Select today's date and click 'Forward'.</dt>
+ <dd>'Restore to Where?' step is opened</dd>
+ <dt> Set the radio button to 'Restore files to original locations' and click 'Forward'.</dt>
+ <dd>'Summary' step is opened</dd>
+ <dt> Check that correct settings are displayed and click 'Restore'</dt>
+ <dd>'Restoring' step with a progress bar is opened. After the process is complete, 'Restore Finished' step is opened</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Close' button on 'Restore is Finished' step.</dt>
+ <dd>Wizard window closes</dd>
+ <dt> Open Nautilus and check that test folder and files are created correctly</dt>
+ <dd>Was your test folder and the test file contained within it restored correctly to your home folder?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: dejadup/dej-001
- This test will check that Dejadup can backup and restore files
- <dt> Create a test folder in your home directory with one test text file.</dt>
- <dt> Open the dash and launch backup by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘backup’</dt>
- <dd>Backup should launch</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Just show my backup settings'</dt>
- <dd>Tabs list in the sidebar appears, Overview tab is selected by default</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Folders' tab. Remove all folders from 'Folders to backup' list, then add your test folder containing the test document file</dt>
- <dd>'Folders to backup' list contains your test folder</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Storage' tab and select a valid backup location</dt>
- <dd>Backup location and folder are specified</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Overview' tab and click 'Back Up Now' button</dt>
- <dd>A 'Back Up' window launches and starts scanning and backing up your folder</dd>
- <dt> If 'Back Up' window requests a password, select 'Allow restoring without a password' radiobutton and click 'Continue'</dt>
- <dd>Back up process is resumed</dd>
- <dt> Wait for the backup to end, then delete your test folder from your home directory</dt>
- <dd>test folder is deleted</dd>
- <dt> Focus the backup tool window again and click 'Restore'</dt>
- <dd>Restore window pops up, 'Restore from Where?' step is opened</dd>
- <dt> Select the folder to restore from and click 'Forward'.</dt>
- <dd>'Checking For Backups' step appears. After the progress is complete 'Restore from When?' step appears</dd>
- <dt> Select today's date and click 'Forward'.</dt>
- <dd>'Restore to Where?' step is opened</dd>
- <dt> Set the radio button to 'Restore files to original locations' and click 'Forward'.</dt>
- <dd>'Summary' step is opened</dd>
- <dt> Check that correct settings are displayed and click 'Restore'</dt>
- <dd>'Restoring' step with a progress bar is opened. After the process is complete, 'Restore Finished' step is opened</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Close' button on 'Restore is Finished' step.</dt>
- <dd>Wizard window closes</dd>
- <dt> Open Nautilus and check that test folder and files are created correctly</dt>
- <dd>Was your test folder and the test file contained within it restored correctly to your home folder?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup' => 'testcases/packages/1414_Deja-Dup.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1415_Empathy'
--- testcases/packages/1415_Empathy 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1415_Empathy 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+This test will check that Empathy can be started
+ <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Is Empathy launched?</dd>
+This test will check that Empathy can send messages via Google Talk
+ <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Empathy should launch</dd>
+ <dd>A new 'Online Accounts' window should be displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Google' in right-hand pane from the 'Online Accounts' window</dt>
+ <dd>New step with Google sign-in box appears</dd>
+ <dt> Fill in your Google credentials, click 'Sign in'</dt>
+ <dd> Google authorization page appears: "Ubuntu desktop is requesting permission ..."</dd>
+ <dt> Click 'Grant access'</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window show the new Google account</dd>
+ <dt> Check contact list</dt>
+ <dd>Contact list displays your online Google contacts</dd>
+ <dt> Check that you can send and receive messages</dt>
+ <dd>Are messages being delivered and displayed correctly?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1415_Empathy Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1415_Empathy Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1415_Empathy Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: empathy/emp-001
- This test will check that Empathy can be started
- <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Is Empathy launched?</dd>
-Test-case name: empathy/emp-002
- depends: empathy/emp-001
- This test will check that Empathy can send messages via Google Talk
- <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Empathy should launch</dd>
- <dd>A new 'Online Accounts' window should be displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Google' in right-hand pane from the 'Online Accounts' window</dt>
- <dd>New step with Google sign-in box appears</dd>
- <dt> Fill in your Google credentials, click 'Sign in'</dt>
- <dd> Google authorization page appears: "Ubuntu desktop is requesting permission ..."</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Grant access'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window show the new Google account</dd>
- <dt> Check contact list</dt>
- <dd>Contact list displays your online Google contacts</dd>
- <dt> Check that you can send and receive messages</dt>
- <dd>Are messages being delivered and displayed correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: empathy/emp-003
- depends: empathy/emp-001
- depends: empathy/emp-002
- This test will check that Empathy can send messages via IRC
- <dt> Please ensure you have 'universe' and 'multiverse' repositories enabled (off by default in live session)</dt>
- <dt> Look for Terminal and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Terminal is opened</dd>
- <dt> Type 'sudo apt-get install account-plugin-irc'</dt>
- <dt> Authenticate when Terminal ask for</dt>
- <dd>'account-plugin-irc' should be installed</dd>
- <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Empathy should launch</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Accounts' from the Empathy menu</dt>
- <dd>A new 'Online Accounts' window should be displayed</dd>
- <dt> Press 'Add account...'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window display a list of services in the right-hand pane</dd>
- <dt> Scroll down the 'Online Accounts' window and select 'IRC'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window request IRC credentials</dd>
- <dt> Fill in nickname, click 'Done'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window show the new IRC account</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Close'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window closes</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Rooms' - 'Join' from the Empathy menu</dt>
- <dd>'Join Room' window appears</dd>
- <dt> Input '#ubuntu' in 'Room' textbox, click Join</dt>
- <dd>'#ubuntu' channel is open</dd>
- <dt> Check that you can send and receive messages</dt>
- <dd>Are messages are being delivered and displayed correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: empathy/emp-004
- depends: empathy/emp-001
- depends: empathy/emp-002
- This test will check that Empathy can send messages via Facebook
- <dt> Look for Empathy and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Empathy should launch</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Accounts' from the Empathy menu</dt>
- <dd>A new 'Online Accounts' window should be displayed</dd>
- <dt> Press 'Add account...'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window display a list of services in the right-hand pane</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Facebook'</dt>
- <dd>New step with Facebook sign-in box appears</dd>
- <dt> Fill in your Facebook credentials, click 'Log In'</dt>
- <dd> Facebook authorization page appears: 'Allow login with Facebook'</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Allow login with Faceboook'</dt>
- <dd> Facebook ask for additional permissions</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Allow'</dt>
- <dd>The 'Online Accounts' window show the new Facebook account</dd>
- <dt> Check contact list</dt>
- <dd>Contact list displays your online Facebook contacts</dd>
- <dt> Check that you can send and receive messages</dt>
- <dd>Are messages being delivered and displayed correctly?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1415_Empathy' => 'testcases/packages/1415_Empathy.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome'
--- testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Test-case name: eog/eog-001
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can display images correctly
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dd>Is the image being displayed correctly?</dd>
+Test-case name: eog/eog-002
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can move images to Trash
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dt> Select edit, move to trash</dt>
+ <dd>Has the image been moved to Trash and the next image in the directory is shown?</dd>
+Test-case name: eog/eog-003
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can show previous and next images
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dt> Press the Previous button</dt>
+ <dt> Press the Next button</dt>
+ <dd>Is the image viewer displaying the previous and next images correctly?</dd>
+Test-case name: eog/eog-004
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can show previous image after restoring from Trash
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dt> Select edit, move to trash</dt>
+ <dt> Click the trash can on the launcher</dt>
+ <dd>trash folder is launched</dd>
+ <dt> Highlight the deleted image file from earlier and select restore. Resume focus on the image viewer application and click the previous button</dt>
+ <dd>Is the restored image once again displayed?</dd>
+Test-case name: eog/eog-005
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can flip images horizontally and vertically
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dt> Select edit, flip horizontal</dt>
+ <dd>The image is flipped horizontally</dd>
+ <dt> Select edit, flip vertically</dt>
+ <dd>The image is flipped vertically</dd>
+ <dt> Select edit, flip vertically</dt>
+ <dd>The image is flipped vertically</dd>
+ <dt> Select edit, flip horizontal</dt>
+ <dd>The image is flipped horizontally</dd>
+ <dd>Is the image that was being flipped correctly and now restored to its original state?</dd>
+Test-case name: eog/eog-006
+This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can flip horizontally and vertically
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
+ <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
+ <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
+ <dt> Select edit, toolbar</dt>
+ <dd>The toolbar editor appears</dd>
+ <dt> Drag and drop the gallery icon onto the image viewer toolbar</dt>
+ <dd>Is the gallery icon now present on the toolbar?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: eog/eog-001
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can display images correctly
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dd>Is the image being displayed correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: eog/eog-002
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can move images to Trash
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dt> Select edit, move to trash</dt>
- <dd>Has the image been moved to Trash and the next image in the directory is shown?</dd>
-Test-case name: eog/eog-003
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can show previous and next images
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dt> Press the Previous button</dt>
- <dt> Press the Next button</dt>
- <dd>Is the image viewer displaying the previous and next images correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: eog/eog-004
- depends:
- <dd>eog/eog-002</dd>
- <dd>eog/eog-003</dd>
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can show previous image after restoring from Trash
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dt> Select edit, move to trash</dt>
- <dt> Click the trash can on the launcher</dt>
- <dd>trash folder is launched</dd>
- <dt> Highlight the deleted image file from earlier and select restore. Resume focus on the image viewer application and click the previous button</dt>
- <dd>Is the restored image once again displayed?</dd>
-Test-case name: eog/eog-005
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can flip images horizontally and vertically
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dt> Select edit, flip horizontial</dt>
- <dd>The image is flipped horizontially</dd>
- <dt> Select edit, flip vertically</dt>
- <dd>The image is flipped vertically</dd>
- <dt> Select edit, flip vertically</dt>
- <dd>The image is flipped vertically</dd>
- <dt> Select edit, flip horizontial</dt>
- <dd>The image is flipped horizontially</dd>
- <dd>Is the image that was being flipped correctly and now restored to its original state?</dd>
-Test-case name: eog/eog-006
- This test will check that Eye Of Gnome can flip horizontally and vertically
- <dt> Open the dash and launch Image Viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘Image Viewer’</dt>
- <dd>Image Viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open an image file by selecting file, open and then choosing an image file</dt>
- <dt> Select edit, toolbar</dt>
- <dd>The toolbar editor appears</dd>
- <dt> Drag and drop the gallery icon onto the image viewer toolbar</dt>
- <dd>Is the gallery icon now present on the toolbar?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome' => 'testcases/packages/1416_Eye of Gnome.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1417_Evince'
--- testcases/packages/1417_Evince 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1417_Evince 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Test-case name: evince/evn-001
+This test will check that Evince can display PDFs correctly
+ <dt>Open Document viewer</dt>
+ <dd>Document viewer launches</dd>
+ <dt>Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
+ <dd>The selected PDF is displayed correctly</dd>
+Test-case name: evince/evn-002
+This test will check that Evince functions normally
+ <dt>Open a pdf by selecting file --> open then choosing a pdf file</dt>
+ <dt>Make sure that Evince is not in fullscreen mode</dt>
+ <dt>Press F11</dt>
+ <dd>Evince enters fullscreen mode</dd>
+ <dt>Press F11 again</dt>
+ <dd>Evince exits fullscreen mode and restores the window size and position correctly</dd>
+ <dt>Make sure sidebar is displayed</dt>
+ <dt>Press F9</dt>
+ <dd>Evince hides the sidebar</dd>
+ <dt>Press F9</dt>
+ <dd>Evince displays a sidebar with page thumbnails or the document index</dd>
+ <dt>Press ctrl+left</dt>
+ <dd>The pdf is rotated left</dd>
+ <dt>Press ctrl+right</dt>
+ <dd>The pdf is rotated right</dd>
+ <dd>Evince displays the rotated document correctly</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1417_Evince Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1417_Evince Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1417_Evince Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: evince/evn-001
- This test will check that Evince can display PDFs correctly
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dd>Is the selected PDF displayed correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: evince/evn-002
- This test will check that Evince can enter fullscreen mode via F11
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dt> Make sure that Evince is not in fullscreen mode</dt>
- <dt> Press F11</dt>
- <dd>Does Evince enter fullscreen mode?</dd>
-Test-case name: evince/evn-003
- This test will check that Evince can enter exit fullscreen mode via F11
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dt> Make sure that Evince is in fullscreen mode</dt>
- <dt> Press F11</dt>
- <dd>Does Evince exit fullscreen mode and restore the window size and position correctly?</dd>
-Test-case name: evince/evn-004
- This test will check that Evince can hide sidebar
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dt> Make sure sidebar is displayed</dt>
- <dt> Press F9</dt>
- <dd>Did Evince hide the sidebar?</dd>
-Test-case name: evince/evn-005
- This test will check that Evince can display sidebar
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dt> Make sure sidebar is hiddes</dt>
- <dt> Press F9</dt>
- <dd>Does Evince display a sidebar with page thumbnails or the document index?</dd>
-Test-case name: evince/evn-005
- This test will check that Evince can rotate a document
- <dt> Open the dash and launch document viewer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘document viewer’</dt>
- <dd>document viewer should launch</dd>
- <dt> Open a pdf by selecting file, open and choosing a pdf file</dt>
- <dt> Press ctrl+left</dt>
- <dd>The pdf is rotated left</dd>
- <dt> Press ctrl+right</dt>
- <dd>The pdf is rotated right</dd>
- <dd>Does Evince display the rotated document correctly?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1417_Evince' => 'testcases/packages/1417_Evince.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller'
--- testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Test-case name: fileroller/flr-001
+This test will check that File Roller can archive and extract files
+ <dt>Open Fileroller</dt>
+ <dd>File-roller launches</dd>
+ <dt>Click 'New' button from the toolbar</dt>
+ <dd>The 'New' file save dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Input any test name for archive, select 'Tar compressed with gzip' from available formats combobox, click 'Create' button</dt>
+ <dd>A new empty archive with specified name and format is created</dd>
+ <dt>Click 'Add files to archive' button from toolbar</dt>
+ <dd>'Add Files' file open dialog is displayed</dd>
+ <dt>Select any files and/or folders to be added to the archive, click 'Add' button</dt>
+ <dd>Selected files and/or folders are displayed in the archive contents list</dd>
+ <dt>Close file-roller, open nautilus and navigate to the folder where the archive has been created</dt>
+ <dd>Archive is present in the folder</dd>
+ <dt>Open the archive using file-roller</dt>
+ <dd>Archive contents is displayed correctly in file-roller</dd>
+ <dt>Click 'Extract' button from toolbar</dt>
+ <dd>'Extract' folder open dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Select any folder to extract files to, click 'Extract' button</dt>
+ <dd>Dialog closes. 'Extracting files from archive' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>Wait until extracting process is complete</dt>
+ <dd>'Extraction completed successfully' label appears</dd>
+ <dt>Open Nautilus and navigate to the selected extract folder</dt>
+ <dd>The files and folders from archive extracted correctly in the selected folder</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller Tests 2013-03-01 15:35:42 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: fileroller/flr-001
- This test will check that File Roller can archive and extract files
- <dt> Open the dash and launch file-roller by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘file-roller’</dt>
- <dd>file-roller should launch</dd>
- <dt> Click 'New' button from the toolbar</dt>
- <dd>'New' file save dialog appears</dd>
- <dt> Input any test name for archive, select 'Tar compressed with gzip' from available formats combobox, click 'Create' button</dt>
- <dd>A new empty archive with specified name and format is created</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Add files to archive' button from toolbar</dt>
- <dd>'Add Files' file open dialog is displayed</dd>
- <dt> Select any files and/or folders to be added to the archive, click 'Add' button</dt>
- <dd>Selected files and/or folders are displayed in the archive contents list</dd>
- <dt> Close file-roller, open nautilus and navigate to the folder where the archive has been created</dt>
- <dd>Archive is present in the folder</dd>
- <dt> Open the archive using file-roller</dt>
- <dd>Archive contents is displayed correctly in file-roller</dd>
- <dt> Click 'Extract' button from toolbar</dt>
- <dd>'Extract' folder open dialog appears</dd>
- <dt> Select any folder to extract files to, click 'Extract' button</dt>
- <dd>Dialog closes. 'Extracting files from archive' dialog appears</dd>
- <dt> Wait until extracting process is complete</dt>
- <dd>'Extraction completed successfully' label appears</dd>
- <dt> Open Nautilus and navigate to the selected extract folder</dt>
- <dd>Are the files and folders from archive extracted correctly in the selected folder?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller' => 'testcases/packages/1418_Fileroller.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1419_Firefox'
--- testcases/packages/1419_Firefox 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1419_Firefox 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+This test will enable the menu bar
+ <dt>Do you use an Ubuntu flavour (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu)? If no, skip this test. The unity desktop provides the menu in its top panel by hovering over it</dt>
+ <dt>Right click next to your opened tabs</dt>
+ <dd>A context menu appears</dd>
+ <dt>If there is no check mark next to "menu bar", click on "menu bar"</dt>
+ <dd>The menu bar appears</dd>
+This test will check that Firefox can display websites and save them as bookmarks.
+ <dt>Click on the address field and fill in "wikipedia.org". Press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The website "wikipedia.org" opens</dd>
+ <dt>In the menu bar, click on "Bookmarks", then "Bookmark this page"</dt>
+ <dd>A small window opens, with details for the bookmark</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Done"</dt>
+ <dd>The window closes. The website "wikipedia" is added to your bookmarks</dd>
+ <dt>Now Click on "Bookmarks" in menu bar, then on "Recently Bookmarked"</dt>
+ <dd>In the context menu you see the new entry of your bookmark</dd>
+This test will check that Firefox can display search suggestions and results for a query
+ <dt>In the Search area, select "Wikipedia (en)"</dt>
+ <dd>The background of the search field has changed to "Wikipedia (en)"</dd>
+ <dt>Enter "ubuntu" into the search field</dt>
+ <dd>A list with suggestions appears</dd>
+ <dt>Hit enter</dt>
+ <dd>A website opens, showing the search result for "ubuntu" in Wikipedia</dd>
+This test will check that Firefox can install addons and themes.
+ <dt>In menu bar, click on "Tools" and "Add-ons"</dt>
+ <dd>A overview of your installed Add-ons appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Get add-ons" on the left</dt>
+ <dd>Firefox's main add-ons page opens</dd>
+ <dt>In the upper right corner is a search window. Enter "noscript" and press enter</dt>
+ <dd>The window shows the search results of your inquiry</dd>
+ <dt>Look for the entry "NoScript Security Suite" and click on "install"</dt>
+ <dd>The Add-on is downloaded and installed. The entry changes the color</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "restart now"</dt>
+ <dd>Firefox is restarted</dd>
+ <dt>In menu bar, click on "Tools" and "Add-ons"</dt>
+ <dd>The main add-on page opens</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "extensions"</dt>
+ <dd>An overview with your installed add-ons is shown. "Noscript" is be installed and enabled</dd>
+ <dt>Click on"remove"</dt>
+ <dd>A security warning is shown</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Yes, remove all protections"</dt>
+ <dd>The entry of NoScript changes to "NoScript has been removed"</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Restart now"</dt>
+ <dd>Firefox is restarted</dd>
+ <dt>In menu bar, click on "Tools" and "Add-ons"</dt>
+ <dd>The main add-on page opens</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "extensions"</dt>
+ <dd>An overview with your installed add-ons is shown. "Noscript" is not listed</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Get Add-ons"</dt>
+ <dd>The main add-on page opens.</dd>
+ <dt>On the right side, you can see a box with "Featured themes". Choose one of them and click on it</dt>
+ <dd>A tab with information about the tab opens</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Add to Firefox"</dt>
+ <dd>An information about the installation pops up below your tabs</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "allow"</dt>
+ <dd>The selected theme is installed and shown in Firefox.</dd>
+ <dt>Close the add-ons tab</dt>
+ <dd>You now see your start page</dd>
+This test will check that Firefox can search in browsing history.
+ <dt>Into the address field, type "wiki"</dt>
+ <dd>A list opens below the address field, showing the bookmark you have set and other fitting entries</dd>
+ <dt>Click on the bookmark of "wikipedia.org"</dt>
+ <dd>The page "wikipedia.org" opens</dd>
+This test will check that Firefox can print websites.
+ <dt>Open the website "wiki.ubuntu.com"</dt>
+ <dd>The website opens, showing the wiki</dd>
+ <dt>In menu bar, click on "File", then "Print Preview"</dt>
+ <dd>A window opens, which shows the Preview of the website in printing format</dd>
+ <dt>Click on "Print"</dt>
+ <dd>The printing dialogue opens</dd>
+ <dt>Select "print to file" as printer and enter "firefox.pdf" as filename. Select your home folder as location. Then click on "Print"</dt>
+ <dd>A window opens, showing the progress of the print</dd>
+ <dt>Open your file manager and open the created file "firefox.pdf"</dt>
+ <dd>The pdf shows the same document as seen in the print preview</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1419_Firefox Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1419_Firefox Tests 2013-02-22 17:17:53 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1419_Firefox Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: firefox/fir-001
- This test will check that Firefox can display webpages
- <dt>Open Firefox</dt>
- <dd>Did Firefox open?</dd>
- <dt>Go to ubuntu.com</dt>
- <dd>Did the web site open?</dd>
-Test-case name: firefox/fir-002
- This test will check that Firefox can display search suggestions and results for a query
- <dt>In the Search area, type a word</dt>
- <dd>Are relevant suggestions for this query displayed?</dd>
- <dt>Hit Enter</dt>
- <dd>Do all search engines display search suggestions and a results page for query?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1419_Firefox' => 'testcases/packages/1419_Firefox.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1420_Gedit'
--- testcases/packages/1420_Gedit 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1420_Gedit 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Test-case name: gedit/ged-001
+This test will check that Gedit can save files
+ <dt>Open Gedit</dt>
+ <dd>Gedit launchs</dd>
+ <dt>Type in "The quick brown foxes jumps over the lazy dog"</dt>
+ <dd>Text appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins. Then ensure the "File Browser Panel" plugin is checked. Close the window</dt>
+ <dd>The Preferences window is closed</dd>
+ <dt>Press F9</dt>
+ <dd>The side panel appears with the file browser panel included</dd>
+ <dt>Press F9 again</dt>
+ <dd>The side panel opens and closes properly</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Save</dt>
+ <dd>'Save as' window appears</dd>
+ <dt>Type in 'gedit.txt' for the name of the file, select any folder and press the save button</dt>
+ <dd>'Save as' window closes</dd>
+ <dt>Close the text editor by pressing the 'x' in the left hand corner</dt>
+ <dd>Gedit closes</dd>
+ Test-case name: gedit/ged-002
+ This will test that Gedit can find, highlight and replace words
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Open File manager</dt>
+ <dd>File manager launches</dd>
+ <dt>Navigate to the directory where you saved the file gedit.txt and double click it to launch gedit</dt>
+ <dd>Gedit launches and the displays the text "The quick brown foxes jumps over the lazy dog"</dd>
+ <dt> Type in "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"</dt>
+ <dd>Text appears</dd>
+ <dt>Press 'Ctrl+F'</dt>
+ <dd>The search box appears, input focus is in search box</dd>
+ <dt>Type 't'</dt>
+ <dd>All 't' letters in the document are highlighted</dd>
+ <dt>Type 'he'</dt>
+ <dd>All 'the' or 'The' words in the document are highlighted</dd>
+ <dt>Click the down arrow button in the search box</dt>
+ <dd>Text cursor moves to grey-highlighted 'the' in 'over the lazy dog'</dd>
+ <dt>Click the up arrow button in the search box</dt>
+ <dd>Text cursor moves to grey-highlighted 'The' in 'The quick brown'..</dd>
+ <dt>Press the ESC button</dt>
+ <dd>The search box closes and focus returns to the document, with the search term still highlighted</dd>
+ <dt>Press "Ctrl+H"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Replace' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dt>In the 'Search for' box type 'fox', and in the 'Replace with' box, type 'potato'. Then click "Replace all"</dt>
+ <dd>The 'Replace' dialog is not closed</dd>
+ <dd>The text displayed now reads "The quick brown potato jumps over the lazy dog"</dd>
+Test-case name: gedit/ged-003
+This test will check that Gedit can save HTML files correctly
+ <dt>Open Gedit</dt>
+ <dd>Gedit launches</dd>
+ <dt>Type in <pre><a href="http://www.ubuntu.com">Link To Ubuntu<a/a></pre></dt>
+ <dd>Text appears</dd>
+ <dt>Click on Save</dt>
+ <dd>'Save as' window appears</dd>
+ <dt>Type in gedit.html for the name of the file, select any folder and press the save button</dt>
+ <dd>'Save as' window closes</dd>
+ <dt>Close the text editor by pressing the 'x' in the left hand corner</dt>
+ <dd>Gedit closes</dd>
+ <dt>Open File manager</dt>
+ <dd>File manager launches</dd>
+ <dt>Navigate to the directory where you saved the file and double click it to launch the default browser and display the html file</dt>
+ <dd>Your default browser launches and displays a page with a link to the ubuntu website</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1420_Gedit Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1420_Gedit Tests 2013-02-22 22:46:01 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1420_Gedit Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: gedit/ged-001
- This test will check that GEdit can save and open saved files
- <dt> Open the dash and launch gedit by pressing the super key, and then entering 'gedit'</dt>
- <dd>Gedit should launch</dd>
- <dt> Type in "The quick brown foxes jump over the lazy dog"</dt>
- <dd>Text appears</dd>
- <dt> Click on Save</dt>
- <dd>'Save as' window appears</dd>
- <dt> Type in 'gedit.txt' for the name of the file, select any folder and press the save button</dt>
- <dd>'Save as' window closes</dd>
- <dt> Close the text editor by pressing the 'x' in the left hand corner</dt>
- <dd>Gedit closes</dd>
- <dt> Open the dash and launch nautilus by pressing the super key, and then entering 'nautilus'</dt>
- <dd>nautilus should launch</dd>
- <dt> Navigate to the directory where you saved the file and double click it to launch gedit</dt>
- <dd>Does gedit launch and the display the the file with the text "The quick brown foxes jump over the lazy dog"?</dd>
-Test-case name: gedit/ged-002
- This test will check that GEdit can save HTML files correctly
- <dt> Open the dash and launch gedit by pressing the super key, and then entering 'gedit'</dt>
- <dd>Gedit should launch</dd>
- <dt> Type in <pre><a href="http://www.ubuntu.com">Link To Ubuntu<a/a></pre></dt>
- <dd>Text appears</dd>
- <dt> Click on Save</dt>
- <dd>'Save as' window appears</dd>
- <dt> Type in gedit.html for the name of the file, select any folder and press the save button</dt>
- <dd>'Save as' window closes</dd>
- <dt> Close the text editor by pressing the 'x' in the left hand corner</dt>
- <dd>Gedit closes</dd>
- <dt> Open the dash and launch nautilus by pressing the super key, and then entering 'nautilus'</dt>
- <dd>nautilus should launch</dd>
- <dt> Navigate to the directory where you saved the file and double the file it to launch the default browser and display the html file</dt>
- <dd>Does your default browser launch and the display a page with a link to the ubuntu website?</dd>
-Test-case name: gedit/ged-003
- This test will check that GEdit can replace text
- <dt> Open the dash and launch gedit by pressing the super key, and then entering 'gedit'</dt>
- <dd>Gedit should launch</dd>
- <dt> Type in "The quick brown foxes jump over the lazy dog"</dt>
- <dd>Text appears</dd>
- <dt> Press "Ctrl+H"</dt>
- <dd>'Replace' dialog appears</dd>
- <dt> In the 'Search for' box type 'foxes', and in the 'Replace with' box, type 'fox'. Then click "Replace all"</dt>
- <dd>'Replace' dialog is not closed</dd>
- <dd>Does the text displayed now read "The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog"?</dd>
-Test-case name: gedit/ged-004
- This test will check that GEdit can find and hightlight searched text
- <dt> Open the dash and launch gedit by pressing the super key, and then entering 'gedit'</dt>
- <dd>Gedit should launch</dd>
- <dt> Type in "The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog"</dt>
- <dd>Text appears</dd>
- <dt> Press 'Ctrl+F'</dt>
- <dd>the search box appears, input focus is in search box</dd>
- <dt> Type 't'</dt>
- <dd>all 't' letters in the document are highlighted</dd>
- <dt> Type 'he'</dt>
- <dd>all 'the' or 'The' words in the document are highlighted</dd>
- <dt> Click down arrow button in the search box</dt>
- <dd>text cursor moves to grey-highlighted 'the' in 'over the lazy dog'</dd>
- <dt> Click up arrow button in the search box</dt>
- <dd>text cursor moves to grey-highlighted 'The' in 'The quick brown'..</dd>
- <dt> Press ESC button</dt>
- <dd>Did the search box close and focus return to the document, with the search term highlighted?</dd>
-Test-case name: gedit/ged-005
- This test will check that GEdit can display File Browser panel
- <dt> Open the dash and launch gedit by pressing the super key, and then entering 'gedit'</dt>
- <dd>Gedit should launch</dd>
- <dt> Click on Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins. Then ensure the "File Browser Panel" plugin is checked. Close the window by pressing close.</dt>
- <dd>Preferences window is closed</dd>
- <dt> Press F9</dt>
- <dd>The side panel appears with the file browser panel included</dd>
- <dt> Press F9 again</dt>
- <dd>Did the side panel open and close properly?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1420_Gedit' => 'testcases/packages/1420_Gedit.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot'
--- testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-001
+This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of the whole screen
+ <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
+ <dt> Select Grab the whole desktop</dt>
+ <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
+ <dt> Name it shot1.png</dt>
+ <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
+ <dt> Click Save</dt>
+ <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your screen?</dd>
+Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-002
+This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of selected window
+ <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
+ <dt> Select Grab the current window</dt>
+ <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
+ <dt> Name it shot2.png</dt>
+ <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
+ <dt> Click Save</dt>
+ <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your selected window?</dd>
+Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-003
+This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of selected window
+ <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
+ <dt> Select Grab the current window</dt>
+ <dt> Select Drop shadow from the Apply effect drop down menu</dt>
+ <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
+ <dt> Name it shot2.png</dt>
+ <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
+ <dt> Click Save</dt>
+ <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your selected window, with the drop shadow effect?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-001
- This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of the whole screen
- <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
- <dt> Select Grab the whole desktop</dt>
- <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
- <dt> Name it shot1.png</dt>
- <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
- <dt> Click Save</dt>
- <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your screen?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-002
- This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of selected window
- <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
- <dt> Select Grab the current window</dt>
- <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
- <dt> Name it shot2.png</dt>
- <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
- <dt> Click Save</dt>
- <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your selected window?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnomescreenshot/gns-003
- This test will check that Gnome Screenshot can save screenshot of selected window
- <dt> Open gnome-screenshot using the dash, and typing 'screenshot'</dt>
- <dt> Select Grab the current window</dt>
- <dt> Select Drop shadow from the Apply effect drop down menu</dt>
- <dt> Click on Take Screenshot</dt>
- <dt> Name it shot2.png</dt>
- <dt> Select your home folder for the image to be saved to</dt>
- <dt> Click Save</dt>
- <dd>Is the screenshot image saved to your home directory? Is it a valid image file containing your selected window, with the drop shadow effect?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot' => 'testcases/packages/1421_Gnome Screenshot.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal'
--- testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+This test will check that basic terminal commands work in Gnome Terminal
+ <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
+ <dt> Type in sudo apt-get update and press Enter</dt>
+ <dd>You are asked for [sudo] password for USER: (where USER is your user name).</dd>
+ <dt> Enter your password and wait for the command to complete.</dt>
+ <dd>Command finishes and leaves you at an empty prompt</dd>
+ <dt> Enter "ls -al"</dt>
+ <dd>This should list all file in full in the folder you are currently in</dd>
+ <dt> Press the up arrow on your keyboard</dt>
+ <dd>Does the ls -al command you just entered appear?</dd>
+This test will check that terminal colors and zoom level can be changed
+ <dt>Open the Terminal application</dt>
+ <dt>Click on "Edit", select "Profile Preferences", select "Colors" tab and uncheck "Use colors from system theme" checkbox</dt>
+ <dt>Using the options contained in the "Colors" tab modify the "Text and Background Color" section, choosing some non-default colors or a different color scheme</dt>
+ <dd>The colors in your terminal match your modifications</dd>
+ <dt> Change the Zoom Level using the key combination "Ctrl++" and "Ctrl+-"</dt>
+ <dd>Did the zoom level change in terminal?</dd>
+This test will check that terminal coloring is active
+ <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
+ <dt> Type "touch text1.txt"</dt>
+ <dt> type "ls"</dt>
+ <dt>Remember the color of "text1.txt"</dt>
+ <dt> Type "chmod 777 text1.txt"</dt>
+ <dt> Type "ls"</dt>
+ <dd>Has the color of "text1.txt" changed?</dd>
+This test will check that the terminal tab launches successfully
+ <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
+ <dt> Press "Ctrl+Alt+T"</dt>
+ <dd>Is an instance of gnome-terminal with the title 'user@hostname: ~' opened, with the current directory set to the users home directory?</dd>
+This test will check that the terminal full screen mode works
+ <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
+ <dt> From the main menu select 'View > Full Screen...'</dt>
+ <dd>Terminal goes into full screen mode</dd>
+ <dt>Press right click in terminal, from drop-down menu press "Leave Full Screen" option</dt>
+ <dd>Terminal returns to the previous windowed state</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal Tests 2013-03-04 23:00:07 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-001
- This test will check that basic terminal commands work in Gnome Terminal
- <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
- <dt> Type in sudo apt-get update and press Enter</dt>
- <dd>You are asked for [sudo] password for USER: (where USER is your user name).</dd>
- <dt> Enter your password and wait for the command to complete.</dt>
- <dd>Command finishes and leaves you at an empty prompt</dd>
- <dt> Enter "ls -al"</dt>
- <dd>This should list all file in full in the folder you are currently in</dd>
- <dt> Press the up arrow on your keyboard</dt>
- <dd>Does the ls -al command you just entered appear?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-002
- This test will check that terminal colors and zoom level can be changed
- <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
- <dt>Click on Edit, select Profiles, select Edit and select "Colors"</dt>
- <dt>Using the options contained in the "Colors" tab modify the color palette, choosing some non-default colors or a different color scheme</dt>
- <dd>The colors in your terminal match your modifications</dd>
- <dt>Click on Edit, select Profiles, select Edit and select "Background"</dt>
- <dt> Set the terminal choosing the option "Background Image"</dt>
- <dd>Terminal background changes to the current wallpaper</dd>
- <dt> Change the Zoom Level using the key combination "Ctrl++" and "Ctrl--"</dt>
- <dd>Did the zoom level change in terminal?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-003
- This test will check that terminal coloring is active
- <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
- <dt> Type "touch text1.txt"</dt>
- <dt> type "ls"</dt>
- <dt>txt is in black</dt>
- <dt> Type "chmod 777 text1.txt"</dt>
- <dt> Type "ls"</dt>
- <dd>text1.txt is enlighten in green?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-004
- This test will check that the terminal tab launches succesfully
- <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
- <dt> Press "Ctrl+Alt+T"</dt>
- <dd>Is an instance of gnome-terminal with the title 'user@hostname: ~' opened, with the current directory set to the users home directory?</dd>
-Test-case name: gnometerminal/ter-005
- This test will check that the terminal can be given a new title
- <dt> Open the Terminal application</dt>
- <dt> From the main menu select 'Terminal > Set Title...'</dt>
- <dd>The Set Title dialog appears</dd>
- <dt> Enter 'Test Title' and click OK</dt>
- <dd>Is the title of the window now 'Test Title'?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal' => 'testcases/packages/1422_Gnome Terminal.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice'
--- testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-001
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be started
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Calc by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘calc’</dt>
+ <dd>Did LibreOffice Calc launch?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-002
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can be started
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Impress by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘impress’</dt>
+ <dd>Did LibreOffice Impress launch?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-003
+This test will check that LibreOffice Math can be started
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice equation editor by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘math’</dt>
+ <dd>Did LibreOffice Math launch?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-004
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can be started
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Writer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘writer’</dt>
+ <dd>Did LibreOffice Writer launch?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-005
+This test will check that LibreOffice Draw can be started
+ <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Draw by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘draw’</dt>
+ <dd>Did LibreOffice Draw launch?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-006
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can open and save ODF files
+ <dt> Open a new text document</dt>
+ <dd>A new unnamed text document appears.</dd>
+ <dt> Add text and save it in ODF format</dt>
+ <dd>After inserting some text, the "Save" icon is enabled.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the saved file again.</dt>
+ <dd>The save dialog lets you save the file.</dd>
+ <dt> Close the file and open the saved file again</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened again after closing properly?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-007
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can check spelling
+ <dt> Download the test document: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/test-files/plain/writer/litmus/language-test-en.odt</dt>
+ <dt> Open the test file with libreoffice</dt>
+ <dd>There are Red and Blue wave lines under misspelled words and those containing grammar mistakes over the whole document.</dd>
+ <dt> Press F7</dt>
+ <dd>The window titled with "Spelling and Grammar: [Language'" pops up; In the spell and grammar check window, the "Text language" is set to the same of document language type; All buttons are available to click; There should be some suggestion words in the suggestions list.</dd>
+ <dt> Select a word from the suggestion list and press "Change" button</dt>
+ <dd>The word in the document is replaced with the one you selected from the suggestion list, and it should be no longer marked with a red wave line in the document.</dd>
+ <dt> Press Change many times to get through the entire document</dt>
+ <dd>Did all the correction of misspelling and grammar mistakes work smoothly and finally after the overall change did the entire document no longer contain wave lines any more?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-008
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can hypenate words
+ <dt> Download the test document: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/test-files/plain/writer/litmus/language-test-en.odt?id=2bdb4b89359632865b359435b20807b9fbc0889f</dt>
+ <dt> Open the test file with libreoffice</dt>
+ <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
+ <dd>The hyphenation dialog should pop up</dd>
+ <dt> Press button in the dialog "Hyphenate"</dt>
+ <dd>The corresponding word is split across two lines separated by a hyphen. Next word to be hyphenated is shown in the dialog box.</dd>
+ <dt> Press button in the dialog "Skip"</dt>
+ <dd>The corresponding word should not be split across two lines.</dd>
+ <dt> Press "Hyphenate" several times until the check finished</dt>
+ <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
+ <dt> Press button "Remove" several times until the check finished</dt>
+ <dd>All of the hyphenated words are changed back without hyphens</dd>
+ <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
+ <dt> Press button in the dialog "Hyphenate All"</dt>
+ <dd>Did all words needing to be hyphenated, split by hyphens at one time?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-009
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can save and open files
+ <dt> Open a new Calc document.</dt>
+ <dd>A new blank spreadsheet is opened.</dd>
+ <dt> Add numeric values, date values, calculations, cell references, different formatting.</dt>
+ <dd>After editing the first cell, the "Save" icon is available.</dd>
+ <dt> Add content in your language, specially characters and formatting typical of your language.</dt>
+ <dd>The "Save" dialog lets you save the file.</dd>
+ <dt> Test and save it in ODF format.</dt>
+ <dt> Open the saved file again.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened properly again after closing?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-010
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can display special characters
+ <dt> Open a OpenDocument presentation (.odp) file containing special characters in your language</dt>
+ <dd>The presentation (OpenDocument and PowerPoint) should run as an on-screen presentation, displaying all the pages with transitions and animations.</dd>
+ <dt> Choose Presentation-Presentation.</dt>
+ <dd>Special characters in your language should display correctly</dd>
+ <dt> Do the same with an MS PowerPoint file.</dt>
+ <dd>Was the content not altered?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-011
+This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new databases
+ <dt> Open a new database file (New - Database) and check [Create a database' then click on Next button.</dt>
+ <dd>The database wizard open: all strings in the dialog box and window are correctly localized.</dd>
+ <dt> Check [Yes, I want the wizard to register the database' and [Open the database for edition' and click on Finish.</dt>
+ <dt> Enter a name for the database (using special characters in your language) in the dialog box and click OK.</dt>
+ <dd>Does the database application appear?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-012
+This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new tables and fields
+ <dt> Click on the Table icon in the database panel.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on [Create a table in Design mode...' in the [Tasks' panel.</dt>
+ <dt> Enter the name, address and telephone number as field names.</dt>
+ <dt> Call this table "Table1" as a reference for the following tests.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the [Save' icon - enter the table name (containing special characters) - click on Yes to create a primary key.</dt>
+ <dt> Click [Index Design' - Click on Close.</dt>
+ <dt> Close the window.</dt>
+ <dd>Is Table1 properly created? Did the designer work without error?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-013
+This test will check that LibreOffice Math can create new formulas
+ <dt> Call the menu 'File - New - Formula' the formula editor.</dt>
+ <dd>Is the module called and two parts (formula and input window) displayed and are all menu items, tool tips and context menus translated?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-014
+This test will check that LibreOffice Math can save and open formulas
+ <dt> Enter different formula values, for example: lllint from{1} to{x} (1 over sum from {k > j} (d_(j)+arccot(nroot{32 }X^{11})))+1</dt>
+ <dd>There should be a mathematical formula in Math.</dd>
+ <dt> Click in the upper window in the formula.</dt>
+ <dd>The cursor goes to the input window when the Formula window, the individual sections of the formula are marked.</dd>
+ <dt> Save the formula from.</dt>
+ <dd>The formula is saved, the editor closes.</dd>
+ <dt> Complete the formula and open it again.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the formula be opened once?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-015
+This test will check that LibreOffice Draw can open and save files
+ <dt> Open a new Draw document.</dt>
+ <dd>A new file is opened.</dd>
+ <dt> Add a few different forms, including text boxes, font, etc. Work</dt>
+ <dd>You can insert various shapes without problems.</dd>
+ <dt> Using Edit - Undo different steps to reverse. Position using Edit - Redo restores previously deleted items.</dt>
+ <dd>You can undo steps previously made. The Edit dialog shows the undo steps correctly translated. Even the restoration works without difficulty and is displayed correctly under Edit.</dd>
+ <dt> Save the drawing as an ODF file (in. Odg) from.</dt>
+ <dd>The Save As dialog opens and lets you save the document.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the saved document.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the document be opened again after closing properly?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-016
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can convert Word documents to ODF
+ <dt> Open a Word document format .doc or .docx and save it in ODF format.</dt>
+ <dd>The file can be opened and saved correctly in the revised format.</dd>
+ <dt> Then open the document again.</dt>
+ <dd>After the closing and opening, do the contents look the same in the different file formats?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-017
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can convert ODF to Word files
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .doc file format.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-018
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can export to PDF
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
+ <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
+ <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? Does it appear properly?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-019
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can display Word files correctly
+ <dt> Open a Word document (in. Docx or. Doc) written in your own language character</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened in the revised format, in which the contents look the same as you expected?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-020
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can open and save ODF files in revised format
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .doc .docx file formats.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-021
+This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can export to PDF/A-1a
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
+ <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
+ <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-022
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be convert Excel files to ODF format
+ <dt> Open a document in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) and save it in ODF format.</dt>
+ <dd>The file can be opened and saved in the revised format.</dd>
+ <dt> Then reopen the document.</dt>
+ <dd>After closing and reopening do the contents remain the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-023
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be convert ODF to Excel format
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .xls file format.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-024
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be export to PDF/A-1a format
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
+ <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
+ <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-025
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be copy and paste contents
+ <dt> Download the attachment: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=52470</dt>
+ <dt> Open the attached test data source.ods</dt>
+ <dt> Select the chart in Sheet1 and 'Edit' - 'Copy'</dt>
+ <dt> Create a new spreadsheet file</dt>
+ <dt> 'Edit' - 'Paste' (vp.1)</dt>
+ <dd>The chart can be pasted without problem</dd>
+ <dt> Double click the pasted chart (vp.2)</dt>
+ <dd>Can you get into the edit mode without data loss?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-026
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be open and save Excel documents
+ <dt> Open an Excel document containing special characters in your own language (in. xls or. xlsx).</dt>
+ <dd>The document opens.</dd>
+ <dt> Save it as ODF file (in. Ods) from.</dt>
+ <dd>The document can be saved in the changed format.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the document again.</dt>
+ <dd>After closing and reopening does the content looks the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-027
+This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be open and save documents in revised format
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .xls file format.</dt>
+ <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-028
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can export to PDF
+ <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
+ <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
+ <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-029
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can open and save Powerpoint files
+ <dt> Open an MS .ppt file format in your language (containing special characters in your language)</dt>
+ <dd>The PowerPoint file should open correctly in LibreOffice.</dd>
+ <dd>The layout, the display of characters, bullets and numbering should display correctly.</dd>
+ <dt> Save to OpenDocument file format (.odp)</dt>
+ <dd>File should be saved without problem and reopened the same way.</dd>
+ <dt> Reopen the document.</dt>
+ <dd>Is the content not altered?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-030
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can convert ODF to Powerpoint
+ <dt> Open an OpenDocument presentation (.odp) file containing special characters in your language</dt>
+ <dd>The file should save correctly.</dd>
+ <dt> Save the file to MS PowerPoint (.ppt) file format.</dt>
+ <dd>When reopening the file, the content should display correctly in PowerPoint application or the viewer.</dd>
+ <dt> Reopen the file in PowerPoint or in PowerPoint viewer.</dt>
+ <dd>Is the content not altered?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-031
+This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can convert Powerpoint to ODF
+ <dt> Open an MS .ppt file format in your language (containing special characters in your language)</dt>
+ <dd>The PowerPoint file should open correctly in LibreOffice; The layout, the display of characters, bullets and numbering should display correctly.</dd>
+ <dt> Save to OpenDocument file format (.odp)</dt>
+ <dd>File should be saved without problem and reopened the same way.</dd>
+ <dt> Reopen the document.</dt>
+ <dd>IS the content not altered?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-032
+This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new tables
+ <dt> Click on the Table icon in the database panel.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on [Create a table in Design mode...' in the [Tasks' panel.</dt>
+ <dt> Enter the name, address and telephone number as field names.</dt>
+ <dt> Call this table "Table1" as a reference for the following tests.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the [Save' icon - enter the table name (containing special characters) - click on Yes to create a primary key.</dt>
+ <dt> Click [Index Design' - Click on Close.</dt>
+ <dt> Close the window.</dt>
+ <dd>Is the table created without any error?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-033
+This test will check that LibreOffice Base can open created tables
+ <dt> Double click on the icon for the database table created during the Base-1 test</dt>
+ <dt> Enter several records containing special characters in your language and click on the "Save the current record" icon.</dt>
+ <dd>Do all the strings display correctly and specially those containing special characters?</dd>
+Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-034
+This test will check that LibreOffice Base can export to PDF
+ <dt> Open an ODF document (in. Odg) and export this as PDF file:</dt>
+ <dt> Over the symbol "Direct Export as PDF"</dt>
+ <dd>This opens the Export dialog. The document can be exported.</dd>
+ <dt> On the menu item "File - Export as PDF ...". Change the tab "General" setting on "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
+ <dd>It will open the PDF Options dialog. the desired Settings can be made, the file can be exported. The message that the document is displayed in PDF / A mode.</dd>
+ <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer (s).</dt>
+ <dd>Can the exported file be opened in PDF viewer?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice Tests 2013-02-20 08:45:34 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-001
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be started
- <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Calc by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘calc’</dt>
- <dd>Did LibreOffice Calc launch?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-002
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can be started
- <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Impress by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘impress’</dt>
- <dd>Did LibreOffice Impress launch?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-003
- This test will check that LibreOffice Math can be started
- <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice equation editor by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘math’</dt>
- <dd>Did LibreOffice Math launch?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-004
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can be started
- <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Writer by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘writer’</dt>
- <dd>Did LibreOffice Writer launch?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-005
- This test will check that LibreOffice Draw can be started
- <dt> Open the dash and launch LibreOffice Draw by pressing the super key, and then entering ‘draw’</dt>
- <dd>Did LibreOffice Draw launch?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-006
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can open and save ODF files
- <dt> Open a new text document</dt>
- <dd>A new unnamed text document appears.</dd>
- <dt> Add text and save it in ODF format</dt>
- <dd>After inserting some text, the "Save" icon is enabled.</dd>
- <dt> Open the saved file again.</dt>
- <dd>The save dialog lets you save the file.</dd>
- <dt> Close the file and open the saved file again</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened again after closing properly?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-007
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can check spelling
- <dt> Download the test document: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/test-files/plain/writer/litmus/language-test-en.odt</dt>
- <dt> Open the test file with libreoffice</dt>
- <dd>There are Red and Blue wave lines under mispelt words and those containing grammar mistake over the whole document.</dd>
- <dt> Press F7</dt>
- <dd>The window titled with "Spellling and Grammar: [Language'" pops up; In the spell and grammar check window, the "Text language" is set to the same of document language type; All buttons are availble to click; There should be some suggestion words in the suggestions list.</dd>
- <dt> Select a word from the suggestion list and press "Change" button</dt>
- <dd>The word in the document is replaced with the one you selected from the suggestion list, and it should be no longer marked with a red wave line in the document.</dd>
- <dt> Press Change many times to get through the entire document</dt>
- <dd>Did all the correction of misspelling and grammar mistakes work smoothly and finally after the overall change did the entire document no longer contain wave lines any more?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-008
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can hypenate words
- <dt> Download the test document: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/test-files/plain/writer/litmus/language-test-en.odt?id=2bdb4b89359632865b359435b20807b9fbc0889f</dt>
- <dt> Open the test file with libreoffice</dt>
- <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
- <dd>The hyphenation dialog should pop up</dd>
- <dt> Press button in the dialog "Hyphenate"</dt>
- <dd>The corresponding word is split across two lines seprated by a hyphen. Next word to be hyphenized is shown in the dialog box.</dd>
- <dt> Press button in the dialog "Skip"</dt>
- <dd>The corresponding word should not be split across two lines.</dd>
- <dt> Press "Hyphenate" several times until the check finished</dt>
- <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
- <dt> Press button "Remove" several times until the check finished</dt>
- <dd>All of the hyphenated words are changed back without hyphens</dd>
- <dt> Select from menu Tools-Language-Hyphenation...</dt>
- <dt> Press button in the dialog "Hyphenate All"</dt>
- <dd>Did all words needing to be hyphenated, split by hyphens at one time?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-009
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can save and open files
- <dt> Open a new Calc document.</dt>
- <dd>A new blank spreadsheet is opened.</dd>
- <dt> Add numeric values, date values, calculations, cell references, different formatting.</dt>
- <dd>After editing the first cell, the "Save" icon is available.</dd>
- <dt> Add content in your language, specially characters and formatting typical of your language.</dt>
- <dd>The "Save" dialog lets you save the file.</dd>
- <dt> Test and save it in ODF format.</dt>
- <dt> Open the saved file again.</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened properly again after closing?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-010
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can display special characters
- <dt> Open a OpenDocument presentation (.odp) file containing special characters in your language</dt>
- <dd>The presentation (OpenDocument and PowerPoint) should run as an on-screen presentation, displaying all the pages with transitions and animations.</dd>
- <dt> Choose Presentation-Presentation.</dt>
- <dd>Special characters in your language should display correctly</dd>
- <dt> Do the same with an MS PowerPoint file.</dt>
- <dd>Was the content not altered?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-011
- This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new databases
- <dt> Open a new database file (New - Database) and check [Create a database' then click on Next button.</dt>
- <dd>The database wizard open: all strings in the dialog box and window are correctly localized.</dd>
- <dt> Check [Yes, I want the wizard to register the database' and [Open the database for edition' and click on Finish.</dt>
- <dt> Enter a name for the database (using special characters in your language) in the dialog box and click OK.</dt>
- <dd>Does the database application appear?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-012
- This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new tables and fields
- <dt> Click on the Table icon in the database panel.</dt>
- <dt> Click on [Create a table in Design mode...' in the [Tasks' panel.</dt>
- <dt> Enter the name, address and telephone number as field names.</dt>
- <dt> Call this table "Table1" as a reference for the following tests.</dt>
- <dt> Click on the [Save' icon - enter the table name (containing special characters) - click on Yes to create a primary key.</dt>
- <dt> Click [Index Design' - Click on Close.</dt>
- <dt> Close the window.</dt>
- <dd>Is Table1 properly created? Did the designer work without error?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-013
- This test will check that LibreOffice Math can create new formulas
- <dt> Call the menu 'File - New - Formula' the formula editor.</dt>
- <dd>Is the module called and two parts (formula and input window) displayed and are all menu items, tool tips and context menus translated?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-014
- This test will check that LibreOffice Math can save and open formulas
- <dt> Enter different formula values, for example: lllint from{1} to{x} (1 over sum from {k > j} (d_(j)+arccot(nroot{32 }X^{11})))+1</dt>
- <dd>There should be a mathematical formula in Math.</dd>
- <dt> Click in the upper window in the formula.</dt>
- <dd>The cursor goes to the input window when the Formula window, the individual sections of the formula are marked.</dd>
- <dt> Save the formula from.</dt>
- <dd>The formula is saved, the editor closes.</dd>
- <dt> Complete the formula and open it again.</dt>
- <dd>Can the formula be opened once?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-015
- This test will check that LibreOffice Draw can open and save files
- <dt> Open a new Draw document.</dt>
- <dd>A new file is opened.</dd>
- <dt> Add a few different forms, including text boxes, font, etc. Work</dt>
- <dd>You can insert various shapes without problems.</dd>
- <dt> Using Edit - Undo different steps to reverse. Position using Edit - Redo restores previously deleted items.</dt>
- <dd>You can undo steps previously made. The Edit dialog shows the undo steps correctly translated. Even the restoration works without difficulty and is displayed correctly under Edit.</dd>
- <dt> Save the drawing as an ODF file (in. Odg) from.</dt>
- <dd>The Save As dialog opens and lets you save the document.</dd>
- <dt> Open the saved document.</dt>
- <dd>Can the document be opened again after closing properly?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-016
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can convert Word documents to ODF
- <dt> Open a Word document format .doc or .docx and save it in ODF format.</dt>
- <dd>The file can be opened and saved correctly in the revised format.</dd>
- <dt> Then open the document again.</dt>
- <dd>After the closing and opening, do the contents look the same in the different file formats?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-017
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can convert ODF to Word files
- <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .doc file format.</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-018
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can export to PDF
- <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
- <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
- <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
- <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? Does it appear properly?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-019
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can display Word files correctly
- <dt> Open a Word document (in. Docx or. Doc) written in your own language character</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened in the revised format, in which the contents look the same as you expected?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-020
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can open and save ODF files in revised format
- <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .doc .docx file formats.</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-021
- This test will check that LibreOffice Writer can export to PDF/A-1a
- <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
- <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
- <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
- <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-022
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be convert Excel files to ODF format
- <dt> Open a document in Excel format (.xls or .xlsx) and save it in ODF format.</dt>
- <dd>The file can be opened and saved in the revised format.</dd>
- <dt> Then reopen the document.</dt>
- <dd>After closing and reopening do the contents remain the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-023
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be convert ODF to Excel format
- <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .xls file format.</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-024
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be export to PDF/A-1a format
- <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
- <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
- <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
- <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-025
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be copy and paste contents
- <dt> Download the attachment: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=52470</dt>
- <dt> Open the attached test data source.ods</dt>
- <dt> Select the chart in Sheet1 and 'Edit' - 'Copy'</dt>
- <dt> Create a new spreadsheet file</dt>
- <dt> 'Edit' - 'Paste' (vp.1)</dt>
- <dd>The chart can be pasted without problem</dd>
- <dt> Double click the pasted chart (vp.2)</dt>
- <dd>Can you get into the edit mode without data loss?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-026
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be open and save Excel documents
- <dt> Open an Excel document containing special characters in your own language (in. xls or. xlsx).</dt>
- <dd>The document opens.</dd>
- <dt> Save it as ODF file (in. Ods) from.</dt>
- <dd>The document can be saved in the changed format.</dd>
- <dt> Open the document again.</dt>
- <dd>After closing and reopening does the content looks the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-027
- This test will check that LibreOffice Calc can be open and save documents in revised format
- <dt> Open an ODF file and save it as .xls file format.</dt>
- <dd>Can the file be opened and saved in the revised format? You will see a warning message regarding the revised format, is the warning message translated into your language? After closing and reopening, do the contents remain the same?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-028
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can export to PDF
- <dt> Open an ODF file and export is as PDF file format via menu "File - Export as PDF...". Change the tab "General" setting to "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
- <dd>This will open the PDF Options dialog. The required settings can be made, the file can be exported.</dd>
- <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer(s).</dt>
- <dd>Can the exported file be opened in your PDF viewer? For the exported file using the second method, does it also display properly in a PDF viewer?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-029
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can open and save Powerpoint files
- <dt> Open an MS .ppt file format in your language (containing special characters in your language)</dt>
- <dd>The PowerPoint file should open correctly in LibreOffice.</dd>
- <dd>The layout, the display of characters, bullets and numbering should display correctly.</dd>
- <dt> Save to OpenDocument file format (.odp)</dt>
- <dd>File should be saved without problem and reopened the same way.</dd>
- <dt> Reopen the document.</dt>
- <dd>Is the content not altered?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-030
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can convert ODF to Powerpoint
- <dt> Open an OpenDocument presentation (.odp) file containing special characters in your language</dt>
- <dd>The file should save correctly.</dd>
- <dt> Save the file to MS PowerPoint (.ppt) file format.</dt>
- <dd>When reopening the file, the content should display correctly in PowerPoint application or the viewer.</dd>
- <dt> Reopen the file in PowerPoint or in PowerPoint viewer.</dt>
- <dd>Is the content not altered?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-031
- This test will check that LibreOffice Impress can convert Powerpoint to ODF
- <dt> Open an MS .ppt file format in your language (containing special characters in your language)</dt>
- <dd>The PowerPoint file should open correctly in LibreOffice; The layout, the display of characters, bullets and numbering should display correctly.</dd>
- <dt> Save to OpenDocument file format (.odp)</dt>
- <dd>File should be saved without problem and reopened the same way.</dd>
- <dt> Reopen the document.</dt>
- <dd>IS the content not altered?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-032
- This test will check that LibreOffice Base can create new tables
- <dt> Click on the Table icon in the database panel.</dt>
- <dt> Click on [Create a table in Design mode...' in the [Tasks' panel.</dt>
- <dt> Enter the name, address and telephone number as field names.</dt>
- <dt> Call this table "Table1" as a reference for the following tests.</dt>
- <dt> Click on the [Save' icon - enter the table name (containing special characters) - click on Yes to create a primary key.</dt>
- <dt> Click [Index Design' - Click on Close.</dt>
- <dt> Close the window.</dt>
- <dd>Is the table created without any error?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-033
- This test will check that LibreOffice Base can open created tables
- <dt> Double click on the icon for the database table created during the Base-1 test</dt>
- <dt> Enter several records containing special characters in your language and click on the "Save the current record" icon.</dt>
- <dd>Do all the strings display correctly and specially those containing special characters?</dd>
-Test-case name: libreoffice/lbc-034
- This test will check that LibreOffice Base can export to PDF
- <dt> Open an ODF document (in. Odg) and export this as PDF file:</dt>
- <dt> Over the symbol "Direct Export as PDF"</dt>
- <dd>This opens the Export dialog. The document can be exported.</dd>
- <dt> On the menu item "File - Export as PDF ...". Change the tab "General" setting on "PDF/A-1a".</dt>
- <dd>It will open the PDF Options dialog. the desired Settings can be made, the file can be exported. The message that the document is displayed in PDF / A mode.</dd>
- <dt> Open the exported file in one (or more) PDF viewer (s).</dt>
- <dd>Can the exported file be opened in PDF viewer?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice' => 'testcases/packages/1423_LibreOffice.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus'
--- testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+<b>This test case will ensure Nautilus works properly. To execute this testcase, ensure Nautilus is installed on your system.</b>
+This test will check that user can create files in Nautilus:
+ <dt> Look for Nautilus and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Nautilus is opened, Home is selected</dd>
+ <dt> In Home folder right click on a blank section and select New Document, Empty Document. Name the resulting file 'moveme.txt'</dt>
+ <dd>Empty document moveme.txt is created</dd>
+ <dd>Was the empty document moveme.txt created?</dd>
+This test will check that user can create folders in Nautilus:
+ <dt> In Home Folder right click on a blank section and select 'New Folder'.</dt>
+ <dd>A folder named 'Untitled Folder' appears in the directory</dd>
+ <dt> Rename the folder to 'test'</dt>
+ <dd>Was the folders name changed to 'test'?</dd>
+This test will check that user can move files to folders:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Drag moveme.txt and drop into the folder test.</dt>
+ <dd>Is the file moveme.txt now located in 'test' folder?</dd>
+This test will check that user can delete files and folders to Trash:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Right click on 'test' folder and select Move to Trash</dt>
+ <dd>test folder is removed. Trash folder icon is changed to Not empty</dd>
+ <dt> Click the Trash Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>Does the Trash show the 'test' folder inside of it?</dd>
+This test will check that user can recover delete files and folders from Trash:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Trash Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>test folder is showed.</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'test' folder and click 'Restore' in the top of the window</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>The 'test' folder was recovered successfully?</dd>
+This test will check that the search functionality works:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Search Icon in the top</dt>
+ <dt> Input 'test'</dt>
+ <dd>the 'test' folder was shown?</dd>
+This test will check the Recent functionality works:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Double click in the 'test' folder</dt>
+ <dt> Double click in the 'moveme.txt' file</dt>
+ <dd>A black file should be shown in the Editor</dd>
+ <dt> Close the Editor</dt>
+ <dd>'moveme.txt' should be selected</dd>
+ <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>The 'moveme.txt' file is shown?</dd>
+This test will check the clean Recent functionality works:
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>The 'moveme.txt' file is shown</dd>
+ <dt> Select the file</dt>
+ <dt> Right click and select 'Remove from Recent'</dt>
+ <dd>Recent place should be empty</dd>
+ <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
+ <dd>Is the 'moveme.txt' file gone?</dd>
+This test will check that new files can be added to the "New Document" submenu:
+ <dt> Look for the Terminal application and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>The Terminal applications is open and a prompt displayed</dd>
+ <dt> Type FIELD=`cat ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | grep XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR | sed 's/XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/'` && eval "touch $FIELD/Another\ Empty\ Document"</dt>
+ <dd>The Terminal returns the prompt and a new file called "Another Empty Document" is created in the templates directory</dd>
+ <dt> Look for Nautilus and launch it</dt>
+ <dd>Nautilus is opened, Home is selected</dd>
+ <dt> In Home folder right click on a blank section and select New Document -> Another Empty Document. Name the resulting file 'another.txt'</dt>
+ <dd>Empty document another.txt is created</dd>
+ <dd>Was the empty document another.txt created?</dd>
+This test will check that user can connect to Samba shares and copy files from the share:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have access to a samba share containing a file</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> On a local network, press 'Browse Network' in Nautilus and later 'Windows Network'</dt>
+ <dd>Default Share Group should be shown</dd>
+ <dt> Press the Default Share Group and later 'DESKTOP'</dt>
+ <dd>Shared directories are shown</dd>
+ <dt> Select a document from the share, righ click on it and choose 'Copy', left click on the 'Documents' section, right click in a empty space and select 'Paste'</dt>
+ <dd>File is copied from shared folder to user computer</dd>
+ <dt> Open the copied document</dt>
+ <dd>Did the copied file is open correctly, with it's contents the same as in the file on the share?</dd>
+This test will check that user can connect to the Samba share and copy files to the share:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have access to a samba writable system</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar and double click on 'Examples' and later on 'Ubuntu_Free_Culture_Showcase'</dt>
+ <dt> Select one file, right click on it and choose 'Copy'</dt>
+ <dt> On a local network, press 'Browse Network' in Nautilus and later 'Windows Network'</dt>
+ <dd>Default Share Group should be shown</dd>
+ <dt> Press the Default Share Group and later 'DESKTOP'</dt>
+ <dd>Shared directories are shown</dd>
+ <dt> Double click on a Shared directory, right click on a blank section an select 'Paste'</dt>
+ <dd>File is copied from the user computer to the shared folder</dd>
+ <dt> Open the copied document on the share</dt>
+ <dd>Did the copied file is open correctly, with it's contents the same as in the file on the share?</dd>
+This test will check that user can share documents to another system using Samba:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have access to an Internet connection</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure you have access to an extern samba system</dt>
+ <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
+ <dt> Right click on the 'test' folder and select 'Sharing Options'</dt>
+ <dd>A new window called 'Folder Sharing' is shown</dd>
+ <dt> Enable the 'Share this folder' option</dt>
+ <dd>A warning message is shown asking for installing the Sharing service</dd>
+ <dt> Select install service</dt>
+ <dd>A new window asking for installing additional software is shown</dd>
+ <dt> Select 'Install'</dt>
+ <dd>A window asking for authentication is shown</dd>
+ <dt> Input your password</dt>
+ <dt> Select 'Authenticate'</dt>
+ <dd>A new window will be shown 'Applying changes'</dd>
+ <dd>The new window will close itself and the previous window will take the focus</dd>
+ <dt> Enable the 'Guest access' option</dt>
+ <dt> Select 'Create Share'</dt>
+ <dt> From an extern Samba | Windows system go to shares</dt>
+ <dd>'test' folder is visible in the local network</dd>
+ <dt> Double click on 'test' folder, right click on 'moveme.txt' file and select 'copy'</dt>
+ <dt> Go to the local drive of the extern system and paste 'moveme.txt' there</dt>
+ <dd>is 'moveme.txt' pasted?</dd>
+ <dd>have the same content?</dd>
+This test will check that a mounted USB drive appears in Nautilus:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a USB drive available and the system under test has available USB ports.</dt>
+ <dt> Insert the USB drive into the USB port of the system under test</dt>
+ <dd>A new window of Nautilus should be open with the contents of the USB</dd>
+ <dd>The 'Devices' section should show the USB drive that was just inserted.</dd>
+ <dt> Click on 'Documents' and then right back to the USB drive entry in 'Devices' section</dt>
+ <dd>Are the USB drive contents displayed?</dd>
+This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears when plugging in a music device:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a USB drive available that contains music files and system under test has available USB ports. In addition it is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
+ <dt> Insert the player into the USB port of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Open' dialog window will appear offering you options.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Rhythmbox Music Player' application, if not already selected</dt>
+ <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
+ <dd>Did Rhythmbox open with the Music Device displayed as a separate entry in the left panel tree?</dd>
+This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears when inserting a DVD:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Video DVD available and system under test has DVD drive. Also ensure you have installed dvd playback support in ubuntu (if needed for DRM DVD). In addition it is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
+ <dt> Insert the DVD into the DVD drive of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Open' dialog window will appear offering you options.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Movie Player (Totem)' application, if not already selected</dt>
+ <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
+ <dd>Did DVD playback start in Totem?</dd>
+This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears on inserting an Audio CD:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have an Audio CD available and system under test has CD drive. It is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
+ <dt> Insert the Audio CD into the CD drive of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Open' dialog window will appear offering you options.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Rhythmbox Music Player' application, if not already selected</dt>
+ <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
+ <dd>Did Rhythmbox open with the Audio CD displayed in left panel tree?</dd>
+This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears on inserting a camera:
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a camera available. It is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
+ <dt> Plug in the camera to the system under test and wait for new dialog to appear.</dt>
+ <dd>An 'Open' dialog window will appear offering you options.</dd>
+ <dt>Select the 'Shotwell' application, if not already selected.</dt>
+ <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
+ <dd>Did Shotwell open with the camera displayed in left panel tree?</dd>
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+ If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== removed file 'testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus Tests'
--- testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus Tests 2013-02-22 11:20:33 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus Tests 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-001
- This test will check that user can create files in Nautilus
- <dt> Look for Terminal and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Terminal is opened</dd>
- <dt> Type FIELD=`cat ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | grep XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR |sed 's/XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/'` && eval "touch $FIELD/Empty Document.txt"</dt>
- <dd>Terminal returns the prompt</dd>
- <dt> Look for Nautilus and launch it</dt>
- <dd>Nautilus is opened, Home is selected</dd>
- <dt> In Home folder right click on a blank section and select New Document, Empty Document. Name the resulting file 'moveme.txt'</dt>
- <dd>Empty document moveme.txt is created</dd>
- <dd>Was the empty document moveme.txt created?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-002
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-001
- This test will check that user can create folders in Nautilus
- <dt> In Home Folder right click on a blank section and select 'Create New Folder'.</dt>
- <dd>A folder named 'Untitled Folder' appears in the directory</dd>
- <dt> Rename the folder to 'test'</dt>
- <dd>Was the folders name changed to 'test'?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-003
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-002
- This test will check that user can move files to folders.
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Drag moveme.txt and drop into the folder test.</dt>
- <dd>Is the file moveme.txt now located in 'test' folder?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-004
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-003
- This test will check that user can delete files and folders to Trash
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Right click on 'test' folder and select Move to Trash</dt>
- <dd>test folder is removed. Trash folder icon is changed to Not empty</dd>
- <dt> Click the Trash Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>Does the Trash show the 'test' folder inside of it?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-005
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-004
- This test will check that user can recover delete files and folders from Trash
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Click the Trash Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>test folder is showed.</dd>
- <dt> Select 'test' folder and click 'Restore' in the top of the window</dt>
- <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>The 'test' folder was recovered successfully?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-006
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-005
- This test will check that the search functionality works
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Click the Search Icon in the top</dt>
- <dt> Input 'test'</dt>
- <dd>the 'test' folder was shown?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-007
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-005
- This test will check the Recent functionality works
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Double click in the 'test' folder</dt>
- <dt> Double click in the 'moveme.txt' file</dt>
- <dd>A black file should be shown in the Editor</dd>
- <dt> Close the Editor</dt>
- <dd>'moveme.txt' should be selected</dd>
- <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>The 'moveme.txt' file is shown?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-008
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-007
- This test will check the clean Recent functionality works
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>The 'moveme.txt' file is shown</dd>
- <dt> Select the file</dt>
- <dt> Right click and select 'Delete'</dt>
- <dd>Recent place should be empty</dd>
- <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dt> Click the Recent Icon in the sidebar</dt>
- <dd>Is the 'moveme.txt' file gone?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-009
- This test will check that the view modes works
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Click the List Icon in the top</dt>
- <dd>Items should be shown in a list</dd>
- <dt> Click the Grid Icon in the top</dt>
- <dd>Items are shown in a grid view?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-010
- This test will check that user can connect to Samba shares and copy files from the share
- <dt> Please ensure you have access to a samba share containing a file</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> On a local network, press 'Browse Network' in Nautilus and later 'Windows Network'</dt>
- <dd>Default Share Group should be shown</dd>
- <dt> Press the Default Share Group and later 'DESKTOP'</dt>
- <dd>Shared directories are shown</dd>
- <dt> Select a document from the share, righ click on it and choose 'Copy', left click on the 'Documents' section, right click in a empty space and select 'Paste'</dt>
- <dd>File is copied from shared folder to user computer</dd>
- <dt> Open the copied document</dt>
- <dd>Did the copied file is open correctly, with it's contents the same as in the file on the share?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-011
- This test will check that user can connect to the Samba share and copy files to the share
- <dt> Please ensure you have access to a samba writable system</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Click the Home Icon in the sidebar and double click on 'Examples' and later on 'Ubuntu_Free_Culture_Showcase'</dt>
- <dt> Select one file, right click on it and choose 'Copy'</dt>
- <dt> On a local network, press 'Browse Network' in Nautilus and later 'Windows Network'</dt>
- <dd>Default Share Group should be shown</dd>
- <dt> Press the Default Share Group and later 'DESKTOP'</dt>
- <dd>Shared directories are shown</dd>
- <dt> Double click on a Shared directory, right click on a blank section an select 'Paste'</dt>
- <dd>File is copied from the user computer to the shared folder</dd>
- <dt> Open the copied document on the share</dt>
- <dd>Did the copied file is open correctly, with it's contents the same as in the file on the share?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-012
- depends: nautilus/TC-NFM-005
- This test will check that user can share documents to another system using Samba
- <dt> Please ensure you have access to an Internet connection</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure you have access to an extern samba system</dt>
- <dt> Please ensure the Nautilus window is running and the Nautilus window is focused</dt>
- <dt> Right click on the 'test' folder and select 'Sharing Options'</dt>
- <dd>A new window called 'Folder Sharing' is shown</dd>
- <dt> Enable the 'Share this folder' option</dt>
- <dd>A warning message is shown asking for installing the Sharing service</dd>
- <dt> Select install service</dt>
- <dd>A new window asking for installing additional software is shown</dd>
- <dt> Select 'Install'</dt>
- <dd>A window asking for authentication is shown</dd>
- <dt> Input your password</dt>
- <dt> Select 'Authenticate'</dt>
- <dd>A new window will be shown 'Applying changes'</dd>
- <dd>The new window will close itself and the previous window will take the focus</dd>
- <dt> Enable the 'Guest access' option</dt>
- <dt> Select 'Create Share'</dt>
- <dt> From an extern Samba | Windows system go to shares</dt>
- <dd>'test' folder is visible in the local network</dd>
- <dt> Double click on 'test' folder, right click on 'moveme.txt' file and select 'copy'</dt>
- <dt> Go to the local drive of the extern system and paste 'moveme.txt' there</dt>
- <dd>is 'moveme.txt' pasted?</dd>
- <dd>have the same content?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-013
- This test will check that a mounted USB drive appears in Nautilus
- <dt> Please ensure you have a USB drive available and the system under test has available USB ports.</dt>
- <dt> Insert the USB drive into the USB port of the system under test</dt>
- <dd>A new window of Nautilus should be open with the contents of the USB</dd>
- <dd>The 'Devices' section should show the USB drive that was just inserted.</dd>
- <dt> Click on 'Documents' and then right back to the USB drive entry in 'Devices' section</dt>
- <dd>Are the USB drive contents displayed?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-014
- This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears when plugging in a music device
- <dt> Please ensure you have a USB drive available that contains music files and system under test has available USB ports. In addition it is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
- <dt> Insert the player into the USB port of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
- <dd>'Open' dialog appears with 'Rhythmbox Music Player' application selected</dd>
- <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
- <dd>Did Rhythmbox open with the Music Device displayed as a separate entry in the left panel tree?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-015
- This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears when inserting a DVD
- <dt> Please ensure you have a Video DVD available and system under test has DVD drive. Also ensure you have installed dvd playback support in ubuntu (if needed for DRM DVD). In addition it is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
- <dt> Insert the DVD into the DVD drive of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
- <dd>'Open' dialog appears with 'Movie Player (Totem)' application selected</dd>
- <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
- <dd>Did DVD playback start in Totem?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-016
- This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears on inserting an Audio CD
- <dt> Please ensure you have an Audio CD available and system under test has CD drive. It is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
- <dt> Insert the Audio CD into the CD drive of the system under tests and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
- <dd>'Open' dialog appears with 'Rhythmbox Music Player' application selected</dd>
- <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
- <dd>Did Rhythmbox open with the Audio CD displayed in left panel tree?</dd>
-Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-017
- This test will check that 'Open' dialog appears on inserting a camera
- <dt> Please ensure you have a camera available. It is assumed the Removable Media settings are unchanged from default, and will 'Ask what to do' for all media types when inserted.</dt>
- <dt> Plug in the camera to the system under test and wait for new dialog to appear</dt>
- <dd>'Open' dialog appears with 'Shotwell' application selected</dd>
- <dt> Click OK button in the dialog box</dt>
- <dd>Did Shotwell open with the camera displayed in left panel tree?</dd>
-<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
-If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> 'failed' and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result</strong>
=== renamed file 'testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus' => 'testcases/packages/1424_Nautilus.moved'
=== added file 'testcases/packages/1425_Network Manager'
--- testcases/packages/1425_Network Manager 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ testcases/packages/1425_Network Manager 2017-07-21 07:17:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish an ethernet connection
+ <dt> Plug in the cable in ethernet port</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon swirls and then changes to "ethernet connection up" icon (2 arrows, 1 pointing up and 1 pointing down by default)</dd>
+ <dt> Wait till notification appears</dt>
+ <dd>Notification on established connection appears</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the applet, select 'Connection Information'</dt>
+ <dd>'Connection Information' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Does the information presented in the dialog make sense in your environment?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a WPA/WPA2 encrypted Wi-Fi connection
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Wi-Fi card with installed drivers, switched on and a WPA/WPA2 encrypted Wi-Fi AP available</dt>
+ <dt> Open the applet and select WPA/WPA2 encrypted network</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon swirls. 'Enter password' window appears</dd>
+ <dt> Enter AP password</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon changes to "encrypted wireless connection up" icon (4 half-circles with a small lock on the bottom-right corner icon by default)</dd>
+ <dt> Wait till notification appears</dt>
+ <dd>Notification on established connection appears</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the applet, select 'Connection Information'</dt>
+ <dd>'Connection Information' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Does the information presented in the dialog make sense in your environment?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a WEP encrypted Wi-Fi connection
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Wi-Fi card with installed drivers, switched on and a WEP encrypted Wi-Fi AP available</dt>
+ <dt> Open the applet and select WEP encrypted network</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon swirls. 'Enter password' window appears</dd>
+ <dt> Enter AP password</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon changes to "encrypted wireless connection up" icon (4 half-circles with a small lock on the bottom-right corner icon by default)</dd>
+ <dt> Wait till notification appears</dt>
+ <dd>Notification on established connection appears</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the applet, select 'Connection Information'</dt>
+ <dd>'Connection Information' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Does the information presented in the dialog make sense in your environment?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish an unencrypted Wi-Fi connection
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Wi-Fi card with installed drivers, switched on and an unencrypted Wi-Fi AP available</dt>
+ <dt> Open the applet and select an unencrypted network</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon swirls and then changes to "unencrypted wireless connection up" icon (4 half-circles icon by default)</dd>
+ <dt> Wait till notification appears</dt>
+ <dd>Notification on established connection appears</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the applet, select 'Connection Information'</dt>
+ <dd>'Connection Information' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Does the information presented in the dialog make sense in your environment?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a 3G connection
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a 3G card/dongle with installed drivers, switched on and a good 3G signal from your service provider</dt>
+ <dt> Plug in the 3G dongle</dt>
+ <dd>NetworkManager's icon swirls and then changes to "unencrypted wireless connection up" icon (4 half-circles icon by default)</dd>
+ <dt> Wait till notification appears</dt>
+ <dd>Notification on established connection appears</dd>
+ <dt> Click on the applet, select 'Connection Information'</dt>
+ <dd>'Connection Information' dialog appears</dd>
+ <dd>Does the information presented in the dialog make sense in your environment?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a connection to Cisco VPN
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Cisco VPN to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Install the network-manager-vpnc package, make sure both network-manager-vpnc and network-manager-vpnc-gnome get installed.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Add, then select the correct type of VPNplugin.</dt>
+ <dt> Create settings for your VPN connection</dt>
+ <dt> When done, close the connection manager window.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click on your VPN profile under "VPN Connections"</dt>
+ <dt> Enter credentials if prompted.</dt>
+ <dd>The NetworkManager icon will "swirl", then you should see a small lock at the bottom right corner of the normal connection icon (half-circles or arrows).</dd>
+ <dd>Are you now able to access resources restricted to your VPN?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can export and import Cisco VPN connections
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Cisco VPN to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Select a VPN profile and click Export.</dt>
+ <dt> Verify that you can properly export a profile to a file on your hard drive.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Import.</dt>
+ <dd>Does the profile import properly?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a connection to OpenVPN
+ <dt> Please ensure you have an OpenVPN server to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Install the network-manager-openvpn package, make sure both network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome get installed.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Add, then select the correct type of VPNplugin.</dt>
+ <dt> Create settings for your VPN connection</dt>
+ <dt> When done, close the connection manager window.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click on your VPN profile under "VPN Connections"</dt>
+ <dt> Enter credentials if prompted.</dt>
+ <dd>The NetworkManager icon will "swirl", then you should see a small lock at the bottom right corner of the normal connection icon (half-circles or arrows).</dd>
+ <dd>Are you able to access the resources provided by your VPN?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can export and import OpenVPN connections
+ <dt> Please ensure you have an OpenVPN server to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Select a VPN profile and click Export.</dt>
+ <dt> Verify that you can properly export a profile to a file on your hard drive.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Import.</dt>
+ <dd>Does the profile import properly?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a connection to PPTP VPN
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a PPTP VPN gateway to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Install the network-manager-pptp package, make sure both network-manager-pptp and network-manager-pptp-gnome get installed.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Add, then select the correct type of VPNplugin.</dt>
+ <dt> Create settings for your VPN connection</dt>
+ <dt> When done, close the connection manager window.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click on your VPN profile under "VPN Connections"</dt>
+ <dt> Enter credentials if prompted.</dt>
+ <dd>The NetworkManager icon will "swirl", then you should see a small lock at the bottom right corner of the normal connection icon (half-circles or arrows).</dd>
+ <dd>Are you able to access the resources provided by your VPN?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can export and import PPTP connections
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a PPTP VPN gateway to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Select a VPN profile and click Export.</dt>
+ <dt> Verify that you can properly export a profile to a file on your hard drive.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Import.</dt>
+ <dd>Does the profile import properly?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can establish a connection to OpenConnect VPN
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Cisco AnyConnect VPN gateway to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Install the network-manager-openconnect package, make sure both network-manager-openconnect and network-manager-openconnect-gnome get installed.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections...</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Click Add, then select the correct type of VPNplugin.</dt>
+ <dt> Create settings for your VPN connection</dt>
+ <dt> When done, close the connection manager window.</dt>
+ <dt> Click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click on your VPN profile under "VPN Connections"</dt>
+ <dt> Enter credentials if prompted.</dt>
+ <dd>The NetworkManager icon will "swirl", then you should see a small lock at the bottom right corner of the normal connection icon (half-circles or arrows).</dd>
+ <dd>Are you able to access the resources provided by your VPN?</dd>
+This test will check that Network Manager can export and import OpenConnect VPN connections
+ <dt> Please ensure you have a Cisco AnyConnect VPN gateway to connect to.</dt>
+ <dt> Right-click on the NetworkManager icon</dt>
+ <dt> Click Edit Connections</dt>
+ <dt> Click the VPN tab.</dt>
+ <dt> Select a VPN profile and click Export</dt>
+ <dt> Verify that you can properly export a pro
Follow ups