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"Finding Bug" activity is in full swing


       然而,根据原定活动安排,活动将于2013年9月19日23时59分准时结束,所有的活动参与者应该抓紧时间提交你手头上的Bug,为ubuntukylin 13.10系统的改进和完善做出更多的贡献。在活动截至后,我们将对活动参与者提交的Bug进行统计与公布。有关活动的最新详情请见:


Hello everyone, 

The "Finding Bug" activity organized by UbuntuKylin community is in full swing. So far, over 20 people have participated in this activity, and proposed a lot of very constructive bugs.

However, according to the orginal arrangement, the activity will end at 23:59 on Septermber 19th, 2013. All the particpants should submit the bugs you find before the time,  in order to make more contributions to improve and perfect the system. As the activity is over, we will collect and announce the statistics of the submitted bugs. You can see the latest details about this activity as follows:

   You can see more details of this activity as follows:
   UbuntuKylin’s homepage: http://www.ubuntukylin.com
   Launchpad’s homepage: http://launchpad.net
   “Finding Bug” activity’s homepage: http://www.ubuntukylin.com/Community/show.php?lang=cn&id=158
   Forum of the activity: http://www.ubuntukylin.com/ukylin/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=109

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