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Re: U1 iOS Files App contributions roadmap?


Hi Zac,

Yes, I suppose. For the moment I'm adding a "scaled" version for iPad.
This is ok for some parts of the App (like the landing page or the log
in/sign up screens) but not for the file explorer, where a split view
[1] or something more cool [2] are the better options, but I don't
know which are the future plans for the ui.

In the other hand, I have experience with the social networking
integration (facebook, twitter, linkedin...). It's a desired feature?
Do you have plans to port the project to use ARC?

And about Mac... Finder doesn't accept plugins, anyway I also have
experience in the Finder "hacking" (add overlay icons, extra menu
options...) Do you have plans to implement a complete OS X Ubuntu One

[1] http://appshopper.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/tumblr_kzrjkt6sQr1qz4rgr.png
[2] https://github.com/mikefrederick/MFSideMenu

2012/8/27 Zachery Bir <zachery.bir@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi, José! Thanks for the merge proposal. I'm very glad to see contributions come in from the community on this.
> The iPad integration will likely involve our design team, and so hasn't been front-and-center to date.
> Zac
