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Message #00748
Re: [iOS Files] ARC and Core Data
On Sep 12, 2012, at 11:57 AM, José Expósito <jose.exposito89@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
Hey, José.
Thanks so much for stepping up and contributing to this project. I look forward to seeing more involvement. I've approved your initial i18n branch, and wanted to chime in before you commit too much more work.
> I'm working on port the iOS files App to use ARC:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~jose-exposito89/ubuntuone-ios-files/arc
> All the work is made, it is only necessary change the core data
> generated classes to an actual version to avoid the use of non
> compatible ARC stuffs, like the use of cocoa types in structs.... and
> use the Xcode migration assistant.
> The migration assistant now not works because the generated core data
> source code has some problems with the core data source code, like
> structs with cocoa types.
> Normally generate this files is easiest as delete the old files and
> generate it again, but I see that the U1 Files App has two kind of
> classes, the generated source code, and other classes that inherits
> from the firsts and adds some methods (Why not use categories?)
We're using mogenerator to provide the dual-state model classes.
> The question is, how to generate again the core data source code with
> ARC support??
Paul Hummer is already underway on a branch to address ARC. We'll get with you soon to better coordinate these efforts.
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