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[HG UFL] Corrected sign of rhs.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary ufl repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   664:92c72a7528ff60e30ed73ed4019ff7c0847cef69
tag:         tip
user:        "Martin Sandve Alnæs <martinal@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 02 12:59:15 2009 +0100
files:       ufl/algorithms/formtransformations.py
Corrected sign of rhs.

changeset:   663:19e45f059f603e34c44027f26d997961ef3e8436
user:        "Martin Sandve Alnæs <martinal@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 02 12:24:48 2009 +0100
files:       demo/PoissonDG.ufl demo/VectorLaplaceGradCurl.ufl ufl/algorithms/transformations.py ufl/operators.py ufl/tensors.py
Implemented curl in expand_compounds.
Added behaviour to inner, dot and outer:
applying these to two scalar expressions
a and b now results in a*b.
All demo files pass ufl-analyse.

changeset:   662:f09652f521d9cf4c067dc93f66019c4cbdf5148c
user:        "Martin Sandve Alnæs <martinal@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 02 11:59:44 2009 +0100
files:       demo/Constant.ufl demo/EnergyNorm.ufl demo/Equation.ufl demo/FunctionOperators.ufl demo/Heat.ufl demo/Mass.ufl demo/MixedMixedElement.ufl demo/MixedPoisson.ufl demo/NavierStokes.ufl demo/NeumannProblem.ufl demo/P5tet.ufl demo/P5tri.ufl demo/Poisson.ufl demo/PoissonDG.ufl demo/PoissonSystem.ufl demo/QuadratureElement.ufl demo/SimpleDiff3.ufl demo/SimpleDiff4.ufl demo/SimpleDiff5.ufl demo/Stokes.ufl demo/SubDomain.ufl demo/SubDomains.ufl demo/TensorWeightedPoisson.ufl demo/VectorLaplaceGradCurl.ufl
Merged most of FFC demo/*.ufl with UFL demo files.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/ufl