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Re: [HG UFL] Fixed lhs/rhs bug, turns out it was in the list_tensor handler.


Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Harish Narayanan wrote:
>> Martin Sandve Alnæs wrote:
>>> I fixed _something_...
>>> Now I'm getting:
>>> Visiting Zero: Zero((), (), {})
>>> Zero is not supported (yet).
>>> *** FFC: Zero is not supported (yet).
>>> *** FFC: To get more information about this error, rerun FFC with
>>> --debug.
>>> And sfc fails to compile the form for some other reason.
>> I am just writing to note that the original form I was trying to compile
>> where I noticed this error (it was not a system) is now working.
> What's the status of this? Is it critical enough to hold up a release
> (more to the point, a release of all the other FEniCS components which
> is long overdue)?

I just checked this and the case that Martin mentioned (which has a zero
rhs) still doesn't work.

cell = triangle
d = cell.d
I = Identity(d)

vector = VectorElement("Lagrange", cell, 2)
scalar = FiniteElement("Lagrange", cell, 1)
element = vector + scalar

v, q = TestFunctions(element)
u, p = TrialFunctions(element)

F = inner(grad(v), grad(u) - p*I)*dx

#a = lhs(F)
L = rhs(F)


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