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Enriching mixed element



Assume the enriched element defined inside Mini.ufl,

P1 = VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 1)
B = VectorElement("Bubble", triangle, 3)
Q = FiniteElement("CG", triangle, 1)

Mini = (P1 + B)*Q

We Have defined Function Space V on this element and a function u on V,

  Function U(V);

One can access to the sub functions of this mixed space by using

  Function& u = U[0];
  Function& p = U[1];

However, we can't have access to the sub components of u. The problem is
when we define enriched element for the vector elements, ufl assumes

  P1 + B = (P1_x*P1_y) + (B_x*B_y)

Isn't this more natural and consistent, if we interpret this as,

  P1 + B = (P1_x + B_x)*(P1_y + B_y)

If we do so, we can access to the sub functions of u easily.


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