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Re: Opening URL's that point at downloadable objects


On 05/06/10 17:02, Frederik Nnaji wrote:
> Hi Jeremy ;)
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 19:24, Jeremy Nickurak <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Is this by design? Or would it make more sense for the desktop to
>     poke the web server, get the mime-type of the content, and then
>     open the relevant app? The desktop could even download the
>     content, and continue streaming it to the application...
> sounds good to me..
> to NOT make this an entirely firefox depenent issue, i would suggest
> to re-integrate epiphany.
> That way, we would have more flexibility on whether or not to open an
> extra app window or not for such an operation.

Yes, I think it's reasonable for apps to get the system to poke at the
URL to establish file types, and then decide what app to pass the
content to.

I also think the overhead could be quite small, as in general
connections can be kept alive. So the initial HEAD could then be
followed by a GET to retrieve the content without having to re-establish
the connection, meanwhile opening the correct application in order to
pass the content on to it.

However, on the point of Epiphany, the current plan is to use Chrome on
the netbook edition and evaluate options for 11.04 again.
Epiphany-webkit might have a better chance.


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