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Message #03790
Re: persistent awareness
Look at the current software center. People aren't complaining that there's
no progress menu when they close it. The software center just understands -
like a secretary - that you don't want to be bugged about the task at all.
If I wanted, i could go talk to her. aka open the software center back up I
could do so.
So maybe this is heading toward a gshell like experience you say? Closing
something dosen't actually close it? Well to you I say, as a regular guy,
whats the difference?
Why have two locations when you could have one?
"http://live.gnome.org/SummerOfCode2010/SalomonSickert_Tasks"; that is cool
and great and wise, but keep it under the monitor. If I tell a kid to scram
(close button) I know he's not dead, I can call him back from the same place
I pulled him out of.
For nautilus maybe this would mean progress is part of the file window but
whatever. It makes more common sense.