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On 13/10/2010 19:08, Dylan McCall wrote:
In other cases, however, an active choice was clearly made but that choice doesn't address the element's purpose. Why should a volume control menu be labelled "Mute"? Etc. ...Because that's exactly what the item does. (If the speakers are already muted, it says "Unmute".)The issue suddenly occurred to me. It's one we all know and love :)
Concerning the sound menu; I this sounds as blasphemy;It might be a good idea to look at windows. They have pretty good sound menu. It's useless; clean and possible to find a lot of hidden options if you really want to.
While I like the Play, Pause buttons. I absolutely hate the 'Mute' text. One sound Icon does suffice, this button could be a mute button. It solves multiple problems at once.
I've also seen some mentioning over a icon that doesn't look nice. Use another icon; simply don't re-use something if it doesn't fit the problem.
I hope this helps improving the sound menu. This thread has been dead for a while, but I am just catching up. I think it's easy to improve the sound menu even more.
Jan Hopmans.
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