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Message #04524
Re: Indicator-Network
On Dec 30, 2010, at 1:29 PM, cmaglothin <cmaglothin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I do not know whether this is the correct place to post this, but after a couple weeks of using Natty I felt that the current indicator for networking is rather messy. I do not mean that in a way that is harmful, and I feel that this is probably due to the fact that it IS developing software. Nonetheless, I took a little time to make a mockup of my own wishes for the future of indicator-network. My mockup is attached below. Feel free to give criticism and comments, I like feedback.
> <indicator-networkMockup.png>
The current network indicator is big, inefficient, and cluttered. Your mockup looks really good. However, I think mpt's proposed design below solves your problems.

However, I like your idea of showing the IP address. Perhaps that could be added to this setup.
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