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Application Menu in Unity Panel


There might have already been discussion about this, and this issue might
have been resolved, but I would just like to make sure.

Currently, when using compiz-unity, the top panel shows the application name
by default, and the menu only when I fade over it. For me, at least, this
causes some confusion. Since I have no indication of where my menu will be,
I am not inclined to try the application name. The only reason I discovered
this feature is because I knew it was coming. I'm pretty sure that users who
don't know anything about unity will not know it is there. (Usability
testing would be nice here.)

Basically, there should be some indication that the menu is hidden there.

What I propose is showing the menu behind the title.

The title will always be placed directly to the left of the close buttons.
If the space between the end of the title and the start of the indicators is
enough for the menu, the menu will be placed directly to the left of the
If not, the menu's right edge will be next to the left edge of the
indicators. Normally, the menu will fade out near where the title starts.
On hover, the menu will fade in, and the title would fade out where the menu

For example, for terminal, where there is space for both, it would look like

[  U  OOO *appi@appi-mini:~*  File Edit View Search Terminal
Help                      A A A A A S S S ]

For Rhythmbox, where there isn't enough space, it would look like this

[  U  OOO *Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World* *ew T*ools
Control Help  A A A A A S S S ]
[  U  OOO *Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to R *Music Edit View Tools
Control Help  A A A A A S S S ]

If the title is too big, I recommend fading it out to allow the last menu
item to remain visible.

   - U = ubuntu button
   - OOO = Close/Min/Max
   - *Bold Text* = Title text
   - *Underlined* = fade out.
   - Normal Text = Menu
   - A = Application indicator
   - S = System Indicator

With this method, the menu is always visible when it can be, and somewhat
visible when it can't, but visible nonetheless, thus showing the user where
it is.

If this issue has already been resolved, great!

If it hasn't, then let the conversation on this thread find a solution to
this problem (IMO).