Good evening (GMT+1).
When I have to launch a process, ie for example Process Manager, I
open the Dash by clicking on META key, write "proc" in the search form
and automatically the Dash filters all previous icons and search for
corresponding one: the Process Manager.
When I open the Dash later, i don't see all icons, but the string
"proc" is still there (filtering), and the only icon present is the
Process Manager one. At this point I have to delete that string and
all icons appear.
I think this slows down my work. In my opinion it could be more
performant if at the closing action of the Dash the search form was
automatically cleaned.
This argument can also be applied to lenses: at every closing action
of the Dash, selected lenses should be unselected, in order to offer
more possibilities of work in the next opening.