vm team mailing list archive
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Message #00982
Re: [Bug 605799] Re: Emacs menu doesn't come up right
Tim Cross writes:
> > OK, will add Emacs -> Switch To Emacs menubar. In fact, I think, from
> > memory, this is what it use to be. For consistency, I'll try and add it to
> > the xemacs menus as well. Do you think we should just remove the entry from
> > the help menu as well? It seems a little redundent and I too think it seems
> > a little unintuitive.
My memory is that we used to have menu buttons "[VM]" and "[Emacs]".
It is still that way for XEmacs.
The "[Emacs]" button was moved to the Help menu in VM 8.0.8 according
to the NEWS file, but the "[VM]' button was retained on the menubar
and it is probably broken for GTK users.
I think it is to leave another copy under "Help" because some people
might have gotten used to looking there.
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