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Re: [Question #233501]: Sending HTML to a browser on click?


Daniel Barrett writes:

> Hmmm, I am not sure that my message was clear. Let me try again. I don't
> think this is a VM bug, maybe just a misconfirmation in my .vm file?

Still, sending vm-submit-bug-report is the best way of getting help.

>   (setq vm-auto-displayed-mime-content-types '("text" "text/plain"
>   "multipart" "message")) 

This means that all "text" types including text/html will be automatically
displayed, which seems to be the behaviour you are getting.

>   (setq vm-mime-external-content-types-alist nil)

This means that there is no external viewer defined for anything, which
explains why the [display] button isn't working.

Configuring MIME handling is a complicated business.  You need to read
through the manual sections, 3.3.1 onwards, and set all the variables that
it says you should.


Follow ups
