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Hello, Hackers


Hallo (and apologies if this comes through twice),

It has been quiet around these parts.  Just a friendly reminder, we do have
some bugs[1] that need to be taken care of and I'd like your help if you've
got the time.  There's a lot we need to do, aside from what's on this list,

I've gone ahead and adjusted the expected release of 3.1415 (EE) to April
30th[2].  Pretty much all existing bugs that are there now, minus the
wishlist items, should be fixed at the very least.  (I had some nifty things
to say here, but I've since forgotten them.)

Looking forward to those pull requests, Hackers!

[1] http://bugs.whube.com/t/bug-list
[2] https://launchpad.net/whube/+milestone/3.1415

Happy hacking!

tenach | Whube Hacker

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