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[Merge] lp:~aber/widelands/deleteSomeFilesNow into lp:widelands


David Allwicher has proposed merging lp:~aber/widelands/deleteSomeFilesNow into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #601400 in widelands: "Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = 1 but count is 1, which is not allowed according to the comment for this function"
  Bug #722405 in widelands: "src/graphic/SDL_mng.cc:279: warning: 'jmpbuf' is deprecated (declared at png.h:1104)"

For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~aber/widelands/deleteSomeFilesNow into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'src/economy/request.cc'
--- src/economy/request.cc	2011-03-06 11:12:42 +0000
+++ src/economy/request.cc	2011-04-17 17:41:40 +0000
@@ -301,11 +301,14 @@
 int32_t Request::get_base_required_time
 	(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, uint32_t const nr) const
-	if (m_count <= nr)
-		log
-			("Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = %u but count is %u, "
-			 "which is not allowed according to the comment for this function\n",
-			 nr, m_count);
+	if (m_count <= nr) {
+		if (not(m_count == 1 and nr == 1)) {
+			log
+				("Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = %u but count is %u, "
+				"which is not allowed according to the comment for this function\n",
+				nr, m_count);
+		}
+	}
 	int32_t const curtime = egbase.get_gametime();
 	if (!nr || !m_required_interval)

=== removed file 'src/graphic/SDL_mng.cc'
--- src/graphic/SDL_mng.cc	2009-11-20 11:52:19 +0000
+++ src/graphic/SDL_mng.cc	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-    SDL_mng:  A library to load MNG files
-    Copyright (C) 2003, Thomas Kircher
-    PNG code based on SDL_png.c, Copyright (C) 1998 Philippe Lavoie
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Library General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include "SDL_mng.h"
-#include <SDL.h>
-#include <SDL_endian.h>
-#include <png.h>
-/* Chunk structure */
-struct chunk_t {
-	unsigned int  chunk_ID;
-	unsigned int  chunk_size;
-	char         * chunk_data;
-	unsigned int  chunk_CRC;
-struct MNG_Frame {
-	SDL_Surface * frame;
-	MNG_Frame   * next;
-/* Some select chunk IDs, from libmng.h */
-#define MNG_UINT_MHDR 0x4d484452L
-#define MNG_UINT_BACK 0x4241434bL
-#define MNG_UINT_PLTE 0x504c5445L
-#define MNG_UINT_tRNS 0x74524e53L
-#define MNG_UINT_IHDR 0x49484452L
-#define MNG_UINT_IDAT 0x49444154L
-#define MNG_UINT_IEND 0x49454e44L
-#define MNG_UINT_MEND 0x4d454e44L
-#define MNG_UINT_FRAM 0x4652414dL
-#define MNG_UINT_LOOP 0x4c4f4f50L
-#define MNG_UINT_ENDL 0x454e444cL
-#define MNG_UINT_TERM 0x5445524dL
-/* Internal MNG functions */
-unsigned char MNG_read_byte     (SDL_RWops *);
-unsigned int  MNG_read_uint32   (SDL_RWops *);
-chunk_t       MNG_read_chunk    (SDL_RWops *);
-MNG_Image   * MNG_iterate_chunks(SDL_RWops *);
-/* Read one MNG frame and return it as an SDL_Surface */
-SDL_Surface * MNG_read_frame(SDL_RWops * src);
-/* Return whether or not the file claims to be an MNG */
-int IMG_isMNG(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	unsigned char buf[8];
-	if (SDL_RWread(src, buf, 1, 8) != 8)
-		return 0;
-	return !memcmp(buf, "\212MNG\r\n\032\n", 8);
-MNG_Image * IMG_loadMNG(char * const file)
-	SDL_RWops * const src = SDL_RWFromFile(file, "rb");
-	if (not src)
-		return 0;
-	/* See whether or not this data source can handle seeking */
-	if (SDL_RWseek(src, 0, SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
-		SDL_SetError("Can not seek in this data source");
-		SDL_RWclose(src);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* Verify MNG signature */
-	if (!IMG_isMNG(src)) {
-		SDL_SetError("File is not an MNG file");
-		SDL_RWclose(src);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return (MNG_iterate_chunks(src));
-/* Read a byte from the src stream */
-unsigned char MNG_read_byte(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	unsigned char ch;
-	SDL_RWread(src, &ch, 1, 1);
-	return ch;
-/* Read a 4-byte uint32 from the src stream */
-unsigned int MNG_read_uint32(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	unsigned char buffer[4];
-	unsigned int value;
-	buffer[0] = MNG_read_byte(src); buffer[1] = MNG_read_byte(src);
-	buffer[2] = MNG_read_byte(src); buffer[3] = MNG_read_byte(src);
-	value  = buffer[0] << 24; value |= buffer[1] << 16;
-	value |= buffer[2] << 8;  value |= buffer[3];
-	return value;
-/* Read an MNG chunk */
-chunk_t MNG_read_chunk(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	chunk_t this_chunk;
-	this_chunk.chunk_size = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	this_chunk.chunk_ID   = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	this_chunk.chunk_data =
-		static_cast<char *>(calloc(sizeof(char), this_chunk.chunk_size));
-	SDL_RWread(src, this_chunk.chunk_data, 1, this_chunk.chunk_size);
-	this_chunk.chunk_CRC = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	return this_chunk;
-/* Read MHDR chunk data */
-MHDR_chunk read_MHDR(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	MHDR_chunk mng_header;
-	mng_header.Frame_width         = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Frame_height        = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Ticks_per_second    = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Nominal_layer_count = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Nominal_frame_count = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Nominal_play_time   = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	mng_header.Simplicity_profile  = MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	/* skip CRC bits */
-	MNG_read_uint32(src);
-	return mng_header;
-/* Iterate through the MNG chunks */
-MNG_Image * MNG_iterate_chunks(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	chunk_t current_chunk;
-	uint32_t byte_count  = 0;
-	uint32_t frame_count = 0;
-	MNG_Frame * start_frame   = 0;
-	MNG_Frame * current_frame = 0;
-	MNG_Image * const image =
-		static_cast<MNG_Image *>(malloc(sizeof(MNG_Image)));
-	do {
-		current_chunk = MNG_read_chunk(src);
-		byte_count   += current_chunk.chunk_size + 12;
-		switch (current_chunk.chunk_ID) {
-			/* Read MHDR chunk, and store in image struct */
-			case MNG_UINT_MHDR:
-				SDL_RWseek(src, -(current_chunk.chunk_size + 4), SEEK_CUR);
-				image->mhdr = read_MHDR(src);
-				break;
-			/* Reset our byte count */
-			case MNG_UINT_IHDR:
-				byte_count = current_chunk.chunk_size + 12;
-				break;
-			/* We've reached the end of a PNG - seek to IHDR and read */
-			case MNG_UINT_IEND:
-				SDL_RWseek(src, -byte_count, SEEK_CUR);
-				/* We don't know how many frames there will be, really. */
-				if (not start_frame) {
-					current_frame =
-						static_cast<MNG_Frame *>(malloc(sizeof(MNG_Frame)));
-					start_frame   = current_frame;
-				} else {
-					current_frame->next =
-						static_cast<MNG_Frame *>(malloc(sizeof(MNG_Frame)));
-					current_frame = current_frame->next;
-				}
-				current_frame->frame = MNG_read_frame(src);
-				++frame_count;
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	} while (current_chunk.chunk_ID != MNG_UINT_MEND);
-	/* Now that we're done, move the frames into our image struct */
-	image->frame_count = frame_count;
-	image->frame =
-		static_cast<SDL_Surface * *>(calloc(sizeof(SDL_Surface *), frame_count));
-	current_frame = start_frame;
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frame_count; ++i) {
-		image->frame[i] = current_frame->frame;
-		current_frame   = current_frame->next;
-	}
-	return image;
-/* png_read_data callback; return <size> bytes from wherever */
-static void png_read_data(png_structp ctx, png_bytep area, png_size_t size)
-	SDL_RWread(static_cast<SDL_RWops *>(png_get_io_ptr(ctx)), area, size, 1);
-/* Read a PNG frame from the MNG file */
-SDL_Surface * MNG_read_frame(SDL_RWops * const src)
-	png_uint_32 width, height;
-	int bit_depth, color_type, interlace_type;
-	Uint32 Rmask;
-	Uint32 Gmask;
-	Uint32 Bmask;
-	Uint32 Amask;
-	SDL_Palette * palette;
-	volatile int ckey = -1;
-	png_color_16 * transv;
-	/* Initialize the data we will clean up when we're done */
-	png_structp png_ptr = 0;
-	png_infop info_ptr = 0;
-	png_bytep * volatile row_pointers = 0;
-	SDL_Surface * volatile surface = 0;
-	/* Check to make sure we have something to do */
-	if (! src)
-		goto done;
-	/* Create the PNG loading context structure */
-	png_ptr = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
-	if (not png_ptr) {
-		SDL_SetError("Could not allocate memory for PNG file");
-		goto done;
-	}
-	//  Allocate/initialize the memory for image information.  REQUIRED.
-	info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
-	if (not info_ptr) {
-		SDL_SetError("Could not create image information for PNG file");
-		goto done;
-	}
-	/* Set error handling if you are using setjmp/longjmp method (this is
-	 * the normal method of doing things with libpng).  REQUIRED unless you
-	 * set up your own error handlers in png_create_read_struct() earlier.
-	 */
-	if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
-		SDL_SetError("Error reading the PNG file.");
-		goto done;
-	}
-	/* Set up the input control */
-	png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, src, png_read_data);
-	/* tell PNG not to read the signature */
-	png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8);
-	/* Read PNG header info */
-	png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
-	png_get_IHDR
-		(png_ptr, info_ptr,
-		 &width, &height,
-		 &bit_depth,
-		 &color_type, &interlace_type,
-		 0, 0);
-	/* tell libpng to strip 16 bit/color files down to 8 bits/color */
-	png_set_strip_16(png_ptr);
-	/* Extract multiple pixels with bit depths of 1, 2, and 4 from a single
-	 * byte into separate bytes (useful for paletted and grayscale images).
-	 */
-	png_set_packing(png_ptr);
-	/* scale greyscale values to the range 0..255 */
-	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)
-		png_set_expand(png_ptr);
-	/* For images with a single "transparent colour", set colour key;
-	   if more than one index has transparency, or if partially transparent
-	   entries exist, use full alpha channel */
-	if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) {
-		int num_trans;
-		Uint8 * trans;
-		png_get_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, &trans, &num_trans, &transv);
-		if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
-			/* Check if all tRNS entries are opaque except one */
-			uint32_t i = 0;
-			int32_t  t = -1;
-			for (; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(num_trans); ++i)
-				if (trans[i] == 0) {
-					if (t >= 0)
-						break;
-					t = i;
-				} else if (trans[i] != 255)
-					break;
-			if (i == static_cast<uint32_t>(num_trans)) {
-				/* exactly one transparent index */
-				ckey = t;
-			} else {
-				/* more than one transparent index, or translucency */
-				png_set_expand(png_ptr);
-			}
-		} else
-			ckey = 0; //  actual value will be set later
-	}
-	if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
-		png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr);
-	png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
-	png_get_IHDR
-		(png_ptr, info_ptr,
-		 &width, &height,
-		 &bit_depth,
-		 &color_type, &interlace_type,
-		 0, 0);
-	/* Allocate the SDL surface to hold the image */
-	Rmask = Gmask = Bmask = Amask = 0;
-	if (color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
-			Rmask = 0x000000FF;
-			Gmask = 0x0000FF00;
-			Bmask = 0x00FF0000;
-			Amask = (info_ptr->channels == 4) ? 0xFF000000 : 0;
-		} else {
-			int const s = (info_ptr->channels == 4) ? 0 : 8;
-			Rmask = 0xFF000000 >> s;
-			Gmask = 0x00FF0000 >> s;
-			Bmask = 0x0000FF00 >> s;
-			Amask = 0x000000FF >> s;
-		}
-	}
-	surface =
-		SDL_AllocSurface
-			 width, height,
-			 bit_depth * info_ptr->channels,
-			 Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask);
-	if (not surface) {
-		SDL_SetError("Out of memory");
-		goto done;
-	}
-	if (ckey != -1) {
-		if (color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
-			/* FIXME: Should these be truncated or shifted down? */
-			ckey =
-				SDL_MapRGB
-					(surface->format,
-					 static_cast<Uint8>(transv->red),
-					 static_cast<Uint8>(transv->green),
-					 static_cast<Uint8>(transv->blue));
-		SDL_SetColorKey(surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, ckey);
-	}
-	/* Create the array of pointers to image data */
-	row_pointers = static_cast<png_bytep *>(malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * height));
-	if (not row_pointers) {
-		SDL_SetError("Out of memory");
-		SDL_FreeSurface(surface);
-		surface = 0;
-		goto done;
-	}
-	for (uint32_t row = 0; row < height; ++row)
-		row_pointers[row] =
-			static_cast<png_bytep>(static_cast<Uint8 *>(surface->pixels)) +
-			row * surface->pitch;
-	/* Read the entire image in one go */
-	png_read_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
-	/* read rest of file, get additional chunks in info_ptr - REQUIRED */
-	png_read_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
-	/* Load the palette, if any */
-	if ((palette = surface->format->palette)) {
-		if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY) {
-			palette->ncolors = 256;
-			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
-				palette->colors[i].r = i;
-				palette->colors[i].g = i;
-				palette->colors[i].b = i;
-			}
-		} else if (info_ptr->num_palette > 0) {
-			palette->ncolors = info_ptr->num_palette;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info_ptr->num_palette; ++i) {
-				palette->colors[i].b = info_ptr->palette[i].blue;
-				palette->colors[i].g = info_ptr->palette[i].green;
-				palette->colors[i].r = info_ptr->palette[i].red;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-done:    /* Clean up and return */
-	png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, info_ptr ? &info_ptr : 0, 0);
-	free(row_pointers);
-	return (surface);

=== removed file 'src/graphic/SDL_mng.h'
--- src/graphic/SDL_mng.h	2009-11-01 07:13:59 +0000
+++ src/graphic/SDL_mng.h	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-    SDL_mng:  A library to load MNG files
-    Copyright (C) 2003, Thomas Kircher
-    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    Library General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
-    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#ifndef __SDL_mng_h__
-#define __SDL_mng_h__
-#include <SDL.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-typedef struct
-	unsigned int Frame_width;
-	unsigned int Frame_height;
-	unsigned int Ticks_per_second;
-	unsigned int Nominal_layer_count;
-	unsigned int Nominal_frame_count;
-	unsigned int Nominal_play_time;
-	unsigned int Simplicity_profile;
-/* MNG_Image type */
-typedef struct
-	MHDR_chunk    mhdr;
-	unsigned int  frame_count;
-	SDL_Surface * * frame;
-/* Check for MNG signature */
-int IMG_isMNG(SDL_RWops *);
-/* Read and return an MNG image */
-MNG_Image * IMG_loadMNG(char const * file);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __SDL_mng_h__ */

Follow ups