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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/clang_format into lp:widelands


SirVer has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/clang_format into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

I just pushed up a branch for merge into trunk that contains significant changes to how style in Widelands works:
• It removes a very old style checker written in ada which did not run in years
• it fixes some smaller stuff (const and passing by reference mostly)
• it removes and alters some of the style rules the current style checker uses.
• it introduces a configuration file for clang-format (http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html).

I posted also to widelands-public which is still the place to discuss these things I feel. I also encourage people seeing it here to join the discussion on the mailing list (feel free to drop comments here as well).
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/clang_format into lp:widelands.
=== added file '.clang-format'
--- .clang-format	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .clang-format	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Widelands style file for clang-format:
+# http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html
+AccessModifierOffset: -2
+AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false
+AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
+AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
+AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
+BinPackParameters: false
+ColumnLimit:     100
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
+DerivePointerBinding: false
+IndentCaseLabels: true
+MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
+ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
+PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 75
+PointerBindsToType: true
+SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2
+Standard:        C++03
+IndentWidth:     3
+UseTab:          false
+BreakBeforeBraces: Attach

=== modified file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/const_std_string_by_value'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/const_std_string_by_value	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/const_std_string_by_value	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 This catches std::string constants that are passed by value. They should be
@@ -7,7 +7,37 @@
 error_msg="const std::string must not be passed by value. Pass by reference!"
-regexp=r"""[\( ](?:const +std::string|std::string +const)(?: +[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)?(?: *=.*)?(?:,(?: |$)|\))"""
+regexp=r"""[\(](?:const +std::string|std::string +const)(?: +[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)?(?: *=.*)?(?:,(?: |$)|\))"""
+import re
+_match_re1 = re.compile(r'const\s+string(\s+[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)?(?!\s*&)')
+_match_re2 = re.compile(r'string\s+const(\s+[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*)?(?!\s*&)')
+def evaluate_matches(lines, fn):
+    errors = []
+    for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
+        line = line.strip()
+        line = line.replace("std::", "")
+        if not (
+                line.startswith("(") or
+                line.endswith(",") or
+                line.endswith(")")
+            ):
+                continue
+        if line.startswith("static"):
+            continue
+        if "<const string" in line:
+            continue
+        if (_match_re1.search(line) is not None or
+        _match_re2.search(line) is not None):
+            errors.append((fn, lineno+1, error_msg))
+    return errors
+evaluate_matches = evaluate_matches
 forbidden = [
     '(std::string const,',
@@ -23,6 +53,8 @@
 allowed = [
+    'typedef map<const string,'
+'   const std::string fullname1 = FS_CanonicalizeName(old_name);',
     '(std::string const &,'
     ' std::string const & abc,',
     ' std::string const & = "abc",',

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_brace'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_brace	2010-11-01 12:12:18 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_brace	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-This catches an opening brace followed by a space, but it allows it if a
-comment begins there, such as "{ //  comment".
-error_msg = "No space after opening brace allowed!"
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-import re
-class EvalMatches( object ):
-    REGEXP = re.compile(r"""(?x)
-\{([ ]\s*.*)
-    def __call__(self, lines, fn):
-        errors = []
-        curline = 0
-        for l in lines:
-            l = l.rstrip()
-            curline += 1
-            m = self.REGEXP.search(l)
-            if m:
-                g = m.group(1)
-                if not len(g): continue
-                if g[-1] == '\\': continue
-                errors.append( (fn, curline, error_msg))
-        return errors
-evaluate_matches = EvalMatches()
-forbidden = [
-    '{ /',
-    '{ / /',
-    '{ h',
-    '{ "h"',
-allowed = [
-    "if(blah) {                \\",
-    '\tif ((m_readyflags | thisflag) != 3) {  //  codepath a',
-    r'// { This is ok',
-    r'/// {{{ Like this',
-    r'/* {{{ And this this */',
-    r'{ // And this also',
-    r'{',
-    r'{/',
-    r'{/ /',
-    r'{h',
-    r'{"h"',
-    "namespace Widelands {\n",
-    "//  Do { what we want in comments",
-    "buffer[i] = '{'",
-    r"   // FIXME instead of replacing < with { in chat messages.",
-    "{ /* check number of arguments */",
-    "{ // check number of arguments",

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_bracket'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_bracket	2010-11-01 12:12:18 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_bracket	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-This catches an opening [ followed by a space or end of line.
-error_msg="No space or newline allowed after opening bracket."
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-regexp=r"""\[( |$|\n)"""
-forbidden = [
-	'\tfloat a[ 2];',
-allowed = [
-    '[h',
-    '//[',
-    '// [',
-    '// Do [ what you want ( in comments',

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_parenthesis'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_parenthesis	2010-11-01 12:12:18 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_after_opening_parenthesis	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-This catches an opening parenthesis followed by a space or end of line.
-error_msg="No space or newline allowed after opening parenthesis."
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-regexp=r"""\(( |$|\n)"""
-forbidden = [
-    '( h',
-    '( ',
-    '(',
-    '/(',
-    '/ /(',
-    '/ / (',
-    '/ / /(',
-    '/ / /(\nadjh',
-    # Eriks tests
-    ## illegal_character_after_opening_parenthesis.cc
-    'void f( float) {',
-allowed = [
-    '(h',
-    '//(',
-    '// (',
-    '// (',
-    '/* Convert \n * string blah ( \n */',

=== modified file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_before'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_before	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_space_before	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
 error_msg = "No space before ), }, ; allowed!"
+# strip_comments_and_strings = True
 regexp = r"""^([^/#"']|/([^/"']|"([^"]|\\")*"|'(\\[\'0nt]|[^\'])')|"([^"\]|\\"|\\[^"])*"|'(\\[\'0nt]|[^\'])')*/? []);,]"""
 forbidden = [
     ' )',
     '	/ )',

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_token_after_closing_parenthesis_opened_on_earlier_line'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_token_after_closing_parenthesis_opened_on_earlier_line	2010-11-01 12:45:13 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/illegal_token_after_closing_parenthesis_opened_on_earlier_line	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Make the whitespace_checker detect illegal tokens after a closing
-parenthesis that has its opening parenthesis on a previous line (only
-closing tokens are allowed there until the end of the line).
-import re
-class EvalMatches(object):
-    _closing_parens = re.compile(r'''(?x)
-(\() | # Either an opening or
-(\))[ ]*[)}\],;]*[ ]*([^\s(;]) # Or a closing with an illegal token
-    _error_msg = "Found '%s', but only closing tokens are allowed after closing " \
-        "parenthesis with corresponding opening parenthesis "\
-        "on an earlier line"
-    def __call__(self,lines,fn):
-        errors = []
-        open_parens = 0
-        for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
-            last_opening_parens = open_parens
-            # Find all closing parens
-            open_parens_on_line = 0
-            for m in self._closing_parens.finditer(line):
-                if m.group(1) == '(':
-                    open_parens += 1
-                    open_parens_on_line += 1
-                else:
-                    open_parens -= m.group(0).count(')')
-                    open_parens_on_line -= m.group(0).count(')')
-                    if last_opening_parens and open_parens_on_line < 0 and \
-                       m.group(3) not in ')}],;':
-                        g = m.group(3)
-                        # pure virtual function?
-                        if not line.strip().endswith("= 0;"):
-                            errors.append((fn,lineno+1,self._error_msg % g))
-            open_parens = last_opening_parens + line.count('(') - line.count(')')
-        return errors
-evaluate_matches = EvalMatches()
-strip_macros = True
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-forbidden = [
-# Eriks tests
-## illegal_character_after_closing_brace.cc
-"""bool func(bool const a, bool const b) {
-\t\t\t func(b, a)) == func(b, func(b, a));
-"""bool fund(bool const a, bool const b) {
-\t\t\t \t(a,
-\t\t\t \t func(b, a)), func(b, func(b, a)));
-allowed = [
-"""std::set<std::string> const & operator[] (size_t const i) const {
-\tstd::set<std::string>       & operator[] (size_t const i)       {
-"""(dynamic_cast<Road const *>(pimm) &&
-\t\t\t  fc.field->get_caps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG));""",
-\t\t(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
-\t\t _("%u%% built"), (get_built_per64k() * 100) >> 16);""",
-    (int a, int b,
-    int c) = 0;

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/line_starting_with_space_followed_by_control_structure'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/line_starting_with_space_followed_by_control_structure	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/line_starting_with_space_followed_by_control_structure	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Lines with control structures affect how editors indent the controlled lines
-following them. So an existing line of that kind that is badly indented can
-cause newly added code to become badly indented. Therefore it is especially
-important that the control structures are correctly indented. 
-This does not yet include for loops, because there are still too many of them
-that need fixing and they should eventually be replaced with iteration macros
-I disagree with the macros. I do not think they add to the clarity of the code.
-  -- SirVer
-error_msg = "Bad indentation."
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-regexp=r"""^	* +(\{|case|else|try|(catch|if|switch|while) *\()"""
-forbidden = [
-    '   {',
-    '   else',
-    '   if (a)',
-    '   switch (a)',
-    '   while (a)',
-allowed = [
-    '	{',
-    '	}',
-    '	else',
-    '	if (a)',
-    '	switch (a)',
-    '	while (a)',
-"""#define iterate_players_existing(p, nr_players, egbase, player)               \\
-   iterate_player_numbers(p, nr_players)                                      \\
-      if (Widelands::Player * const player = (egbase).get_player(p))          \\""",

=== modified file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/local_inlude_with_dir'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/local_inlude_with_dir	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/local_inlude_with_dir	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/python -tt
-This checks for 
+This checks for
 #include "somedir/file.h"
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 def evaluate_matches(lines, fn):
     errors = []
     splitted_fn = fn.rsplit('/')
     if len(splitted_fn) == 1:
         return []
     for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
         if not line.startswith("#include"):
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
         if inc[0] != '"':
         inc = inc.strip('"')
         splitted_inc = inc.rsplit('/',1)
         if len(splitted_inc) == 1: # "file.h" not "dir/file.h"
         subdirdepth = splitted_inc[0].count('/') + 1
         dir = '/'.join(splitted_fn[-subdirdepth-1:-1])
         split_dir = splitted_inc[0]
         if split_dir == dir:

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_padding'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_padding	2012-12-15 18:40:59 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_padding	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python -tt
-# encoding: utf-8
-Checking for forbidden padding.
-TypeName* and TypeName& are okay, as are TypeName * and TypeName &.
-error_msg="Missing padding for operator. Needs a space before and after."
-import re
-# It is easier to search for invalids than for 'NOT' invalids
-regexp = re.compile(r"""(?x)
-([^\s>(&*:!{+\-[.](?<!operator)[*&][^*\s>)},])|          # Type*, Type&, operator
-([+\-*/|^&!<]?={1,2}[^\s=])|   # '+= a', 'a== a', 'a!= a'
-([^\s=!+-/^*/&|^<>r%][+\-*/^&|!<>%]?={1,2})|   # ' +=a', ' ==a', ' !=a', doesn't match 'r=' for operator=
-([^-<]>[^\s=&>*(:,);])|    # 'a >b'
-([^\s][/^\%](?!=))|    # '/ a'
-([^\s\-eE([{]-[^\s=\->])|    # -> and -= and unary -, also 8e-1
-([^\s+]\+[^\s=+])      # +=
-def match_function( lines, fn ):
-    errors = []
-    for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
-        line = line.strip()
-        if not len(line) or line[0] == '#':
-            continue
-        lineno += 1
-        if regexp.search(line):
-            errors.append( (fn, lineno, error_msg) )
-    return errors
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-evaluate_matches = match_function
-forbidden = [
-    " a== b",
-    " a ==b",
-    " a !=b",
-    " a!= b",
-    "a>= b",
-    "a >=b",
-    "b<= a",
-    "b <=a",
-    #"b< a",  could also be std::vector<a
-    #"b <a", could also be std::vector<hai>
-    #"b> a", could also be std::vector<hallo> hi;
-    "b >a",
-    ' a&& b',
-    ' a &&b',
-    ' a|| b',
-    ' a ||b',
-    'char a = a^ a;',
-    'char a = a ^a;',
-    # Eriks tests
-    ## missing_padding.cc
-    'char a=a;',
-    'char a = a^a;',
-    'char a = a%a;',
-    'char a = a/a;',
-    'char a = a*a;',
-    'char a = a+a;',
-    'char a = a-a;',
-    'char A =A;',
-    'char A = A^A;',
-    'char A = A%A;',
-    'char A = A/A;',
-    'char A = A*A;',
-    'char A = A+A;',
-    'char A = A-A;',
-    'char b=b;',
-    'char b = b^b;',
-    'char b = b%b;',
-    'char b = b/b;',
-    'char b = b*b;',
-    'char b = b+b;',
-    'char b = b-b;',
-    'char B =B;',
-    'char B = B^B;',
-    'char B = B%B;',
-    'char B = B/B;',
-    'char B = B*B;',
-    'char B = B+B;',
-    'char B = B-B;',
-    'char _ =_;',
-    'char _ = _^_;',
-    'char _ = _%_;',
-    'char _ = _/_;',
-    'char _ = _*_;',
-    'char _ = _+_;',
-    'char _ = _-_;',
-    'char x0 =010;',
-    'char x0 = 010^010;',
-    'char x0 = 010%010;',
-    'char x0 = 010/010;',
-    'char x0 = 010*010;',
-    'char x0 = 010+010;',
-    'char x0 = 010-010;',
-    'char x1 =1;',
-    'char x1 = 1^1;',
-    'char x1 = 1%1;',
-    'char x1 = 1/1;',
-    'char x1 = 1*1;',
-    'char x1 = 1+1;',
-    'char x1 = 1-1;',
-    'char const * str ="";',
-    'char ch =' ';',
-    'a^= a;',
-    'a ^=a;',
-    'a^=a;',
-    'a/g= a;',
-    'a /g=a;',
-    'a/g=a;',
-    'a*= a;',
-    'a *=a;',
-    'a*=a;',
-    'a-= a;',
-    'a -=a;',
-    'a-=a;',
-    'a+= a;',
-    'a +=a;',
-    'a+=a;',
-    'a%=a;',
-    'a%= a;',
-    'a %=a;',
-    'A^= A;',
-    'A ^=A;',
-    'A^=A;',
-    'A/g= A;',
-    'A /g=A;',
-    'A/g=A;',
-    'A*= A;',
-    'A *=A;',
-    'A*=A;',
-    'A-= A;',
-    'A -=A;',
-    'A-=A;',
-    'A+= A;',
-    'A +=A;',
-    'A+=A;',
-    '_^= _;',
-    '_ ^=_;',
-    '_^=_;',
-    '_/g= _;',
-    '_ /g=_;',
-    '_/g=_;',
-    '_*= _;',
-    '_ *=_;',
-    '_*=_;',
-    '_-= _;',
-    '_ -=_;',
-    '_-=_;',
-    '_+= _;',
-    '_ +=_;',
-    '_+=_;',
-allowed = [
-    "char** argv",
-    "AnimationGfx(const IImageLoader&, AnimationData const * data);",
-    "RoutingNode* a;",
-    "Blahtype& b;",
-    "std::vector<RoutingNode*> & nodes",
-    'type_a& aa = aa;',
-    'type_A& AA = AA;',
-    'type_b& bb = bb;',
-    'type_B& BB = BB;',
-    'type_c& cc = cc;',
-    'type_C& CC = AA;',
-    'type_d& dd = dd;',
-    'type_D& DD = DD;',
-    'type_e& ee = ee;',
-    'type_E& EE = EE;',
-    'type_f& ff = ff;',
-    'type_F& FF = FF;',
-    'type_g& gg = gg;',
-    'type_G& GG = GG;',
-    'type_h& hh = hh;',
-    'type_H& HH = HH;',
-    'type_i& ii = ii;',
-    'type_I& II = II;',
-    'type_j& jj = jj;',
-    'type_J& JJ = JJ;',
-    'type_k& kk = kk;',
-    'type_K& KK = KK;',
-    'type_l& ll = ll;',
-    'type_L& LL = LL;',
-    'type_m& mm = mm;',
-    'type_M& MM = MM;',
-    'type_n& nn = nn;',
-    'type_N& NN = NN;',
-    'type_o& oo = oo;',
-    'type_O& OO = OO;',
-    'type_p& pp = pp;',
-    'type_P& PP = PP;',
-    'type_q& qq = qq;',
-    'type_Q& QQ = QQ;',
-    'type_r& rr = rr;',
-    'type_R& RR = RR;',
-    'type_s& ss = ss;',
-    'type_S& SS = SS;',
-    'type_t& tt = tt;',
-    'type_T& TT = TT;',
-    'type_u& uu = uu;',
-    'type_U& UU = UU;',
-    'type_v& vv = vv;',
-    'type_V& VV = VV;',
-    'type_w& ww = ww;',
-    'type_W& WW = WW;',
-    'type_x& xx = xx;',
-    'type_X& XX = XX;',
-    'type_y& yy = yy;',
-    'type_Y& YY = YY;',
-    'type_z& zz = zz;',
-    'type_Z& ZZ = ZZ;',
-    'type_a* aaa;',
-    'type_b* bbb;',
-    'type_c* ccc;',
-    'type_d* ddd;',
-    'type_e* eee;',
-    'type_f* fff;',
-    'type_g* ggg;',
-    'type_h* hhh;',
-    'type_i* iii;',
-    'type_j* jjj;',
-    'type_k* kkk;',
-    'type_l* lll;',
-    'type_m* mmm;',
-    'type_n* nnn;',
-    'type_o* ooo;',
-    'type_p* ppp;',
-    'type_q* qqq;',
-    'type_r* rrr;',
-    'type_s* sss;',
-    'type_t* ttt;',
-    'type_u* uuu;',
-    'type_v* vvv;',
-    'type_w* www;',
-    'type_x* xxx;',
-    'type_y* yyy;',
-    'type_z* zzz;',
-    'type_A* AAA;',
-    'type_B* BBB;',
-    'type_C* CCC;',
-    'type_D* DDD;',
-    'type_E* EEE;',
-    'type_F* FFF;',
-    'type_G* GGG;',
-    'type_H* HHH;',
-    'type_I* III;',
-    'type_J* JJJ;',
-    'type_K* KKK;',
-    'type_L* LLL;',
-    'type_M* MMM;',
-    'type_N* NNN;',
-    'type_O* OOO;',
-    'type_P* PPP;',
-    'type_Q* QQQ;',
-    'type_R* RRR;',
-    'type_S* SSS;',
-    'type_T* TTT;',
-    'type_U* UUU;',
-    'type_V* VVV;',
-    'type_W* WWW;',
-    'type_X* XXX;',
-    'type_Y* YYY;',
-    'type_Z* ZZZ;',
-    "RoutingNode* a;",
-    "Blahtype& b;",
-    "RoutingNode * a;",
-    "Blahtype & b;",
-    "/** Some comment **/",
-    "std::vector<RoutingNode *> & nodes",
-    "if (a && b)",
-    "\tOpen.push(&start);",
-    "\t\t*reinterpret_cast<std::vector<RoutingNode *>*>(&m_flags);",
-    "std::vector<RoutingNode *>& nodes",
-        "/* warehouses can determine max idle priority*/",
-        "blah // I *wanna* do that",
-    "&*m_stack.rbegin()",
-    "(std::set<std::string>, j.current->second, i)",
-    # > <
-    "r = (palette[i].r * shade) >> 8;",
-    "std::vector<High>",
-    "std::vector<State>::iterator it = m_stack.end();",
-    "v->get_string()", # pointers are fine
-    # Allow includes
-    "#include <sys/types.h>",
-    # Ignore strings & comments
-    "\tif (*i.current == '%') {",
-    "if (calc_linewidth(font, cur_word) > (max_width /*/ 2*/)) {",
-    # * Pointer to pointer
-    "func(int **r);",
-    "void (a::*b)",
-    "if (!*ppgrid) {",
-    "void MiniMap::toggle(Layers button) {*m_view.m_flags ^= button;}",
-    "m_loaded_obj[&object] = false;",
-    "m_loaded_obj[*object] = false;",
-    "(_callback_argument_this.*_callback_function)();",
-    "friend struct Table<void *>;",
-    # Unary minus
-    "-1",
-    "func(-1);",
-    "8.46126929e-5",
-    "-8.46126929e-5",
-    # Operator=
-    "int someclass::operator= (int)",
-    "int someclass::operator* (int)",
-    "int someclass::operator== (int)",
-    # increment, decrement
-    "incr++;",
-    "++incr;",
-    "--decr;",
-    "decr--;",
-    "++*digit_to_increment;",
-    # +=, -=
-    "result += it",
-    "result -= it",
-    # Logical
-    "a && b",
-    "a || b",
-    # compares
-    "a == b",
-    "a != b",
-    "a >= b",
-    "b <= a",
-    "b < a",
-    "b > a",
-    "AreaWatcher(const Player_Area<>);",
-    "void func (Player_Area<Area>);",
-    "friend class NoteReceiver<T>;",
-    'a %= a;',
-    'Texture const &  /* f_r_texture */',
-    'int32_t estimate(Map & /* map */, FCoords /* pos */) const {return 0;}',

=== modified file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_space_after_control_structure_keyword'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_space_after_control_structure_keyword	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/missing_space_after_control_structure_keyword	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
 structure keyword, for example "meanwhile(parameter)".
-error_msg ="A space is mandatory after catch/for/if/switch/throw/while."
+error_msg ="A space is mandatory after catch/for/if/switch/while."
 forbidden = [
     '	for(;;)',
     '	catch(...) {',
     '	while(true)',
+allowed = [
     "	throw('\n')",
-allowed = [
     '	meanwhile(true)',
     '	while (true)',
     '	for (;;)',

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/multiline_single-statement-controlling_control-statement_not_wrapped_before_controlled_statement'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/multiline_single-statement-controlling_control-statement_not_wrapped_before_controlled_statement	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/multiline_single-statement-controlling_control-statement_not_wrapped_before_controlled_statement	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-This was added to find some of the stuff that annoys Nicolai, such as:
-   if (a) throw wexception
-      ("Message explaining what went wrong, using format "
-       "argument such as %u, %ill and %s",
-       7, -9380350846789, "hej");
-He requires it to be formatted like this instead:
-   if (a)
-      throw wexception
-         ...
-So a line with "for (a)", "if (a)" or "while (a)" must end with one of the
-characters in the string "){};\". Although a comment at the end is allowed
-(therefore the complex regexp).
-It would indeed be inconsistent to wrap within the controlled statement without
-wrapping before it. A justification to do that would be to save vertical screen
-Do the same for do, else and return statements. Unfortunately it will miss
-lines ending with do or else followed by something very short (a single letter,
-                                                               like "do a" or
-                                                               "else a")
-because it has to allow "do if" and "else if".
-error_msg = """Multiline conditional should break after conditional. if (a) blah... -> if (a) \\n blah"""
-    [^/\#"']|/([^/"']|"([^"\]|\\"|\\[^"])*"|'(\\[\'0nt]|[^\'])')|"([^"]|\\")*"|'(\\[\'0nt]|[^\'])'
-    (^|\t)((do|else)[ ]([^/i]|(i[^f]))|return[ ]+)|(for|if|while)[ ]*\((/[^/*]|[^/])*\)[ ]*
-[^){};\\ \n]$"""
-forbidden = [
-    'do hl',
-    '	do gam',
-    'else hl',
-    '	else gam',
-    'return a ?',
-    '	return hlj',
-    'if (condition) do_something',
-    'if (a) throw wexception',
-allowed = [
-    '	do if',
-    '	do //  something',
-    '	else if',
-    '	else //  something',
-    '	return a ? b : c;',
-    '	return',
-    '\return this is a doxygen comment',
-    '\todo',
-    'if (condition) do_something();',
-    'if (c) throw wexception("Something went wrong.");',
-    'if (c)',
-    '	("calculated value for (%i, %i)",',
-    '\t\treturn m_nb; ',
-    '\t\treturn m_nb;\n',

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/parenthesis_not_closed_before_end_of_line'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/parenthesis_not_closed_before_end_of_line	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/parenthesis_not_closed_before_end_of_line	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python -tt
-# encoding: utf-8
-Catches something like
-blah (kjhdsfjh +
-which should be 
-    (jdhsf + 
-def check_function(lines,fn):
-    errors = []
-    for lineno,line in enumerate(lines):
-        line = line.strip()
-        lineno += 1
-        opening_parens = line.count('(')
-        closing_parens = line.count(')')
-        if opening_parens > closing_parens and line[0] != '(':
-            errors.append( (fn, lineno,
-                "Parenthesis not closed before end of "
-                "line must be at line begin")
-            )
-    return errors
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-evaluate_matches = check_function
-forbidden = [
-"""float g(float, float) {
-\treturn (0.0 +
-\t\tg(1.1, 2.2));
-allowed = [
-"""float g(float, float) {
-\t\t(0.0 +
-\t\t g(1.1, 2.2));
-"""\tstd::string newvisi = s->get_string("newvisi", "");""",
-# Ignore macros
-"""#if (defined(WIN32) || defined (WINDOWS) || \\
-\tdefined (_WINDOWS)) && defined(CALLBACK) && \\
-\tdefined (USEWINDOWS_CALLBACK)""",

=== removed file 'cmake/codecheck/rules/space_as_indentation'
--- cmake/codecheck/rules/space_as_indentation	2010-02-05 01:13:20 +0000
+++ cmake/codecheck/rules/space_as_indentation	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python -tt
-# encoding: utf-8
-Cry when space appears as first character on a line. Indentation should be done with tabs.
-There is no reason to have spaces as the first line
-This is not obligatory for macros, because of the Alignement of the \\ at the end
-error_msg="Use tabs for indentation."
-strip_comments_and_strings = True
-strip_macros = True
-regexp = r"^ +"
-forbidden = [
-    "   if(a)\n",
-allowed = [
-    "if\n",
-    "\tif(a) {\n",
-    "  // Comment is ok",
-    "/*\n * Multiline comment too */",
-    "#in macros\\\nHi\\\n Hi", # \\\n   it's ok too",

=== modified file 'src/HTMLReferences.h'
--- src/HTMLReferences.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/HTMLReferences.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -31,16 +31,23 @@
 #include <string>
 struct HTMLReferences {
-	enum Role {Input, Output, Madeof, Become, Employ, End};
-	const std::set<std::string> & operator[] (size_t const i) const {
-		assert(i < End);
-		return references[i];
-	}
-	std::set<std::string>       & operator[] (size_t const i)       {
-		assert(i < End);
-		return references[i];
-	}
-	std::set<std::string> references[End]; /// indexed by Referencing_Role
+   enum Role {
+      Input,
+      Output,
+      Madeof,
+      Become,
+      Employ,
+      End
+   };
+   const std::set<std::string>& operator[](size_t const i) const {
+      assert(i < End);
+      return references[i];
+   }
+   std::set<std::string>& operator[](size_t const i) {
+      assert(i < End);
+      return references[i];
+   }
+   std::set<std::string> references[End];  /// indexed by Referencing_Role

=== modified file 'src/TribeBasicInfo.h'
--- src/TribeBasicInfo.h	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/TribeBasicInfo.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
 /// Basic information about the tribe that is determined only from the conf
 /// file and needed before the actual game.
 struct TribeBasicInfo {
-	std::string name;
-	/// Relative position of this tribe in a list of tribes.
-	uint8_t uiposition;
-	typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> Initialization;
-	typedef std::vector<Initialization> Initializations;
-	Initializations initializations;
+   std::string name;
+   /// Relative position of this tribe in a list of tribes.
+   uint8_t uiposition;
+   typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> Initialization;
+   typedef std::vector<Initialization> Initializations;
+   Initializations initializations;

=== modified file 'src/ai/ai_help_structs.cc'
--- src/ai/ai_help_structs.cc	2012-09-21 21:36:07 +0000
+++ src/ai/ai_help_structs.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -21,66 +21,59 @@
 #include "logic/player.h"
 #include "upcast.h"
 namespace Widelands {
 // FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad
-bool FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad::accept (const Map &, FCoords fc) const
-	if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, pimm, fc.field->get_immovable()))
-		return
-			pimm->get_economy() != economy
-			and
-			(dynamic_cast<Flag const *>(pimm)
-			 or
-			 (dynamic_cast<Road const *>(pimm) &&
-			  (fc.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)));
-	return false;
+bool FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad::accept(const Map&, FCoords fc) const {
+   if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, pimm, fc.field->get_immovable()))
+      return pimm->get_economy() != economy and(dynamic_cast<Flag const*>(pimm)
+                                                or(dynamic_cast<Road const*>(pimm) &&
+                                                   (fc.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)));
+   return false;
 // CheckStepRoadAI
-bool CheckStepRoadAI::allowed
-	(Map & map, FCoords, FCoords end, int32_t, CheckStep::StepId const id)
-	const
-	uint8_t endcaps = player->get_buildcaps(end);
-	// Calculate cost and passability
-	if (!(endcaps & movecaps))
-		return false;
-	// Check for blocking immovables
-	if (BaseImmovable const * const imm = map.get_immovable(end))
-		if (imm->get_size() >= BaseImmovable::SMALL) {
-			if (id != CheckStep::stepLast && !openend)
-				return false;
-			if (dynamic_cast<Flag const *>(imm))
-				return true;
-			if (not dynamic_cast<Road const *>(imm) || !(endcaps & BUILDCAPS_FLAG))
-				return false;
-		}
-	return true;
+bool CheckStepRoadAI::allowed(Map& map,
+                              FCoords,
+                              FCoords end,
+                              int32_t,
+                              CheckStep::StepId const id) const {
+   uint8_t endcaps = player->get_buildcaps(end);
+   // Calculate cost and passability
+   if (!(endcaps & movecaps))
+      return false;
+   // Check for blocking immovables
+   if (BaseImmovable const* const imm = map.get_immovable(end))
+      if (imm->get_size() >= BaseImmovable::SMALL) {
+         if (id != CheckStep::stepLast && !openend)
+            return false;
+         if (dynamic_cast<Flag const*>(imm))
+            return true;
+         if (not dynamic_cast<Road const*>(imm) || !(endcaps & BUILDCAPS_FLAG))
+            return false;
+      }
+   return true;
-bool CheckStepRoadAI::reachabledest(Map & map, FCoords const dest) const
-	NodeCaps const caps = dest.field->nodecaps();
-	if (!(caps & movecaps)) {
-		if (!((movecaps & MOVECAPS_SWIM) && (caps & MOVECAPS_WALK)))
-			return false;
-		if (!map.can_reach_by_water(dest))
-			return false;
-	}
-	return true;
+bool CheckStepRoadAI::reachabledest(Map& map, FCoords const dest) const {
+   NodeCaps const caps = dest.field->nodecaps();
+   if (!(caps & movecaps)) {
+      if (!((movecaps & MOVECAPS_SWIM) && (caps & MOVECAPS_WALK)))
+         return false;
+      if (!map.can_reach_by_water(dest))
+         return false;
+   }
+   return true;

=== modified file 'src/ai/ai_help_structs.h'
--- src/ai/ai_help_structs.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/ai/ai_help_structs.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -36,244 +36,212 @@
 class MilitarySite;
 struct CheckStepRoadAI {
-	CheckStepRoadAI(Player * const pl, uint8_t const mc, bool const oe)
-		: player(pl), movecaps(mc), openend(oe)
-	{}
-	void set_openend (bool const oe) {openend = oe;}
-	bool allowed
-		(Map &, FCoords start, FCoords end, int32_t dir, CheckStep::StepId)
-		const;
-	bool reachabledest(Map &, FCoords dest) const;
-	Player * player;
-	uint8_t  movecaps;
-	bool     openend;
+   CheckStepRoadAI(Player* const pl, uint8_t const mc, bool const oe)
+       : player(pl), movecaps(mc), openend(oe) {}
+   void set_openend(bool const oe) { openend = oe; }
+   bool allowed(Map&, FCoords start, FCoords end, int32_t dir, CheckStep::StepId) const;
+   bool reachabledest(Map&, FCoords dest) const;
+   Player* player;
+   uint8_t movecaps;
+   bool openend;
 struct FindNodeUnowned {
-	bool accept (const Map &, const FCoords & fc) const {
-		// when looking for unowned terrain to acquire, we are actually
-		// only interested in fields we can walk on.
-		// Fields should either be completely unowned or owned by an opposing player
-		return
-			(fc.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_WALK)
-			&&
-			((fc.field->get_owned_by() == 0)
-			 || player->is_hostile(*game.get_player(fc.field->get_owned_by())))
-			&& (!onlyenemies || (fc.field->get_owned_by() != 0));
-	}
-	//int8_t playernum;
-	Player * player;
-	Game & game;
-	bool onlyenemies;
-	FindNodeUnowned(Player * p, Game & g, bool oe = false)
-		: player(p), game(g), onlyenemies(oe)
-	{}
+   bool accept(const Map&, const FCoords& fc) const {
+      // when looking for unowned terrain to acquire, we are actually
+      // only interested in fields we can walk on.
+      // Fields should either be completely unowned or owned by an opposing player
+      return (fc.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_WALK) &&
+             ((fc.field->get_owned_by() == 0) ||
+              player->is_hostile(*game.get_player(fc.field->get_owned_by()))) &&
+             (!onlyenemies || (fc.field->get_owned_by() != 0));
+   }
+   //int8_t playernum;
+   Player* player;
+   Game& game;
+   bool onlyenemies;
+   FindNodeUnowned(Player* p, Game& g, bool oe = false) : player(p), game(g), onlyenemies(oe) {}
 struct FindNodeWater {
-	bool accept(const Map & map, const FCoords & coord) const {
-		return
-			(map.world().terrain_descr(coord.field->terrain_d()).get_is()
-			||
-			(map.world().terrain_descr(coord.field->terrain_r()).get_is()
-	}
+   bool accept(const Map& map, const FCoords& coord) const {
+      return (map.world().terrain_descr(coord.field->terrain_d()).get_is() & TERRAIN_WATER) ||
+             (map.world().terrain_descr(coord.field->terrain_r()).get_is() & TERRAIN_WATER);
+   }
 struct FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad {
-	Economy * economy;
-	bool accept(const Map &, FCoords) const;
+   Economy* economy;
+   bool accept(const Map&, FCoords) const;
 struct NearFlag {
-	Flag const * flag;
-	int32_t  cost;
-	int32_t  distance;
-	NearFlag (const Flag & f, int32_t const c, int32_t const d) :
-		flag(&f), cost(c), distance(d)
-	{}
-	bool operator< (const NearFlag & f) const {return cost > f.cost;}
-	bool operator== (Flag const * const f) const {return flag == f;}
+   Flag const* flag;
+   int32_t cost;
+   int32_t distance;
+   NearFlag(const Flag& f, int32_t const c, int32_t const d) : flag(&f), cost(c), distance(d) {}
+   bool operator<(const NearFlag& f) const { return cost > f.cost; }
+   bool operator==(Flag const* const f) const { return flag == f; }
 struct CompareDistance {
-	bool operator() (const NearFlag & a, const NearFlag & b) const {
-		return a.distance < b.distance;
-	}
+   bool operator()(const NearFlag& a, const NearFlag& b) const { return a.distance < b.distance; }
 struct WalkableSpot {
-	Coords coords;
-	bool   hasflag;
-	int32_t    cost;
-	void * eco;
-	int16_t  from;
-	int16_t  neighbours[6];
+   Coords coords;
+   bool hasflag;
+   int32_t cost;
+   void* eco;
+   int16_t from;
+   int16_t neighbours[6];
 struct BlockedField {
-	Widelands::FCoords coords;
-	int32_t blocked_until;
+   Widelands::FCoords coords;
+   int32_t blocked_until;
-	BlockedField(Widelands::FCoords c, int32_t until)
-		:
-		coords(c),
-		blocked_until(until)
-	{}
+   BlockedField(Widelands::FCoords c, int32_t until) : coords(c), blocked_until(until) {}
 struct BuildableField {
-	Widelands::FCoords coords;
-	int32_t next_update_due;
-	bool    reachable;
-	bool    preferred;
-	bool    avoid_military;
-	bool    enemy_nearby;
-	uint8_t unowned_land_nearby;
-	uint8_t trees_nearby;
-	uint8_t stones_nearby;
-	uint8_t water_nearby;
-	uint8_t space_consumers_nearby;
-	int16_t military_influence;
-	std::vector<uint8_t> consumers_nearby;
-	std::vector<uint8_t> producers_nearby;
-	BuildableField (const Widelands::FCoords & fc)
-		:
-		coords             (fc),
-		next_update_due    (0),
-		reachable          (false),
-		preferred          (false),
-		avoid_military(0),
-		enemy_nearby(0),
-		unowned_land_nearby(0),
-		trees_nearby       (0),
-		stones_nearby      (0),
-		water_nearby(0),
-		space_consumers_nearby(0),
-		military_influence(0)
-	{}
+   Widelands::FCoords coords;
+   int32_t next_update_due;
+   bool reachable;
+   bool preferred;
+   bool avoid_military;
+   bool enemy_nearby;
+   uint8_t unowned_land_nearby;
+   uint8_t trees_nearby;
+   uint8_t stones_nearby;
+   uint8_t water_nearby;
+   uint8_t space_consumers_nearby;
+   int16_t military_influence;
+   std::vector<uint8_t> consumers_nearby;
+   std::vector<uint8_t> producers_nearby;
+   BuildableField(const Widelands::FCoords& fc)
+       : coords(fc),
+         next_update_due(0),
+         reachable(false),
+         preferred(false),
+         avoid_military(0),
+         enemy_nearby(0),
+         unowned_land_nearby(0),
+         trees_nearby(0),
+         stones_nearby(0),
+         water_nearby(0),
+         space_consumers_nearby(0),
+         military_influence(0) {}
 struct MineableField {
-	Widelands::FCoords coords;
-	int32_t next_update_due;
-	bool    reachable;
-	bool    preferred;
-	int32_t mines_nearby;
-	MineableField (const Widelands::FCoords & fc) :
-		coords         (fc),
-		next_update_due(0),
-		reachable      (false),
-		preferred      (false),
-		mines_nearby(0)
-	{}
+   Widelands::FCoords coords;
+   int32_t next_update_due;
+   bool reachable;
+   bool preferred;
+   int32_t mines_nearby;
+   MineableField(const Widelands::FCoords& fc)
+       : coords(fc), next_update_due(0), reachable(false), preferred(false), mines_nearby(0) {}
 struct EconomyObserver {
-	Widelands::Economy               & economy;
-	std::list<Widelands::Flag const *> flags;
-	int32_t                            next_connection_try;
-	uint32_t                           failed_connection_tries;
+   Widelands::Economy& economy;
+   std::list<Widelands::Flag const*> flags;
+   int32_t next_connection_try;
+   uint32_t failed_connection_tries;
-	EconomyObserver (Widelands::Economy & e) : economy(e) {
-		next_connection_try = 0;
-		failed_connection_tries = 0;
-	}
+   EconomyObserver(Widelands::Economy& e) : economy(e) {
+      next_connection_try = 0;
+      failed_connection_tries = 0;
+   }
 struct BuildingObserver {
-	char                      const * name;
-	Widelands::Building_Index         id;
-	Widelands::Building_Descr const * desc;
-	enum {
-	}                                 type;
-	bool                              is_basic; // is a "must" to have for the ai
-	bool                              prod_build_material;
-	bool                              recruitment; // is "producing" workers?
-	bool                              is_buildable;
-	bool                              need_trees;  // lumberjack = true
-	bool                              need_stones; // quarry = true
-	bool                              need_water;  // fisher, fish_breeder = true
-	bool                              space_consumer; // farm, vineyard... = true
-	bool                              unoccupied;  // >= 1 building unoccupied ?
-	int32_t                           mines;       // type of resource it mines
-	uint16_t                          mines_percent; // % of res it can mine
-	uint32_t                          current_stats;
-	std::vector<int16_t>              inputs;
-	std::vector<int16_t>              outputs;
-	int16_t                           production_hint;
-	int32_t                           cnt_built;
-	int32_t                           cnt_under_construction;
-	int32_t total_count() const {return cnt_built + cnt_under_construction;}
-	bool buildable(Widelands::Player & player) {
-		return is_buildable && player.is_building_type_allowed(id);
-	}
+   char const* name;
+   Widelands::Building_Index id;
+   Widelands::Building_Descr const* desc;
+   enum {
+      BORING,
+      MINE
+   } type;
+   bool is_basic;  // is a "must" to have for the ai
+   bool prod_build_material;
+   bool recruitment;  // is "producing" workers?
+   bool is_buildable;
+   bool need_trees;      // lumberjack = true
+   bool need_stones;     // quarry = true
+   bool need_water;      // fisher, fish_breeder = true
+   bool space_consumer;  // farm, vineyard... = true
+   bool unoccupied;  // >= 1 building unoccupied ?
+   int32_t mines;           // type of resource it mines
+   uint16_t mines_percent;  // % of res it can mine
+   uint32_t current_stats;
+   std::vector<int16_t> inputs;
+   std::vector<int16_t> outputs;
+   int16_t production_hint;
+   int32_t cnt_built;
+   int32_t cnt_under_construction;
+   int32_t total_count() const { return cnt_built + cnt_under_construction; }
+   bool buildable(Widelands::Player& player) {
+      return is_buildable && player.is_building_type_allowed(id);
+   }
 struct ProductionSiteObserver {
-	Widelands::ProductionSite * site;
-	int32_t builttime;
-	uint8_t statszero;
-	BuildingObserver * bo;
+   Widelands::ProductionSite* site;
+   int32_t builttime;
+   uint8_t statszero;
+   BuildingObserver* bo;
 struct MilitarySiteObserver {
-	Widelands::MilitarySite * site;
-	BuildingObserver * bo;
-	uint8_t checks;
+   Widelands::MilitarySite* site;
+   BuildingObserver* bo;
+   uint8_t checks;
 struct WareObserver {
-	uint8_t producers;
-	uint8_t consumers;
-	uint8_t preciousness;
+   uint8_t producers;
+   uint8_t consumers;
+   uint8_t preciousness;

=== modified file 'src/ai/ai_hints.cc'
--- src/ai/ai_hints.cc	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/ai/ai_hints.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -23,29 +23,26 @@
 #include <cstring>
-BuildingHints::~BuildingHints ()
-	free(renews_map_resource);
-	free(mines);
+BuildingHints::~BuildingHints() {
+   free(renews_map_resource);
+   free(mines);
-BuildingHints::BuildingHints (Section * const section) :
-	renews_map_resource(0),
-	mines              (0),
-	basic              (section ? section->get_bool("is_basic")         : false),
-	build_material     (section ? section->get_bool("build_material")   : true),
-	trunkproducer      (section ? section->get_bool("trunkproducer")    : false),
-	stoneproducer      (section ? section->get_bool("stoneproducer")    : false),
-	needs_water        (section ? section->get_bool("needs_water")      : false),
-	recruitment        (section ? section->get_bool("recruitment")      : false),
-	space_consumer     (section ? section->get_bool("space_consumer")   : false),
-	mines_percent      (section ? section->get_int ("mines_percent", 100) : 0)
-	if (section) {
-		if (char const * const s = section->get_string("renews_map_resource"))
-			renews_map_resource = strdup(s);
-		if (char const * const s = section->get_string("mines"))
-			mines               = strdup(s);
-	}
+BuildingHints::BuildingHints(Section* const section)
+    : renews_map_resource(0),
+      mines(0),
+      basic(section ? section->get_bool("is_basic") : false),
+      build_material(section ? section->get_bool("build_material") : true),
+      trunkproducer(section ? section->get_bool("trunkproducer") : false),
+      stoneproducer(section ? section->get_bool("stoneproducer") : false),
+      needs_water(section ? section->get_bool("needs_water") : false),
+      recruitment(section ? section->get_bool("recruitment") : false),
+      space_consumer(section ? section->get_bool("space_consumer") : false),
+      mines_percent(section ? section->get_int("mines_percent", 100) : 0) {
+   if (section) {
+      if (char const* const s = section->get_string("renews_map_resource"))
+         renews_map_resource = strdup(s);
+      if (char const* const s = section->get_string("mines"))
+         mines = strdup(s);
+   }

=== modified file 'src/ai/ai_hints.h'
--- src/ai/ai_hints.h	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/ai/ai_hints.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -30,40 +30,40 @@
 /// buildings conf file. It is used to tell the computer player about the
 /// special properties of a building.
 struct BuildingHints : boost::noncopyable {
-	BuildingHints (Section *);
-	~BuildingHints();
-	char const * get_renews_map_resource() const {return renews_map_resource;}
-	char const * get_mines              () const {return mines;}
-	bool         is_basic               () const {return basic;}
-	bool         prod_build_material    () const {return build_material;}
-	bool         is_trunkproducer       () const {return trunkproducer;}
-	bool         is_stoneproducer       () const {return stoneproducer;}
-	bool         get_needs_water        () const {return needs_water;}
-	bool         for_recruitment        () const {return recruitment;}
-	bool         is_space_consumer      () const {return space_consumer;}
-	uint8_t      get_mines_percent      () const {return mines_percent;}
-	char  * renews_map_resource;
-	char  * mines;
-	bool    basic;
-	bool    build_material; // whether the building produces build material
-	bool    trunkproducer;
-	bool    stoneproducer;
-	bool    needs_water;
-	bool    recruitment; // whether building recruits special workers
-	bool    space_consumer;
-	uint8_t mines_percent;
+   BuildingHints(Section*);
+   ~BuildingHints();
+   char const* get_renews_map_resource() const { return renews_map_resource; }
+   char const* get_mines() const { return mines; }
+   bool is_basic() const { return basic; }
+   bool prod_build_material() const { return build_material; }
+   bool is_trunkproducer() const { return trunkproducer; }
+   bool is_stoneproducer() const { return stoneproducer; }
+   bool get_needs_water() const { return needs_water; }
+   bool for_recruitment() const { return recruitment; }
+   bool is_space_consumer() const { return space_consumer; }
+   uint8_t get_mines_percent() const { return mines_percent; }
+ private:
+   char* renews_map_resource;
+   char* mines;
+   bool basic;
+   bool build_material;  // whether the building produces build material
+   bool trunkproducer;
+   bool stoneproducer;
+   bool needs_water;
+   bool recruitment;  // whether building recruits special workers
+   bool space_consumer;
+   uint8_t mines_percent;

=== modified file 'src/ai/defaultai.cc'
--- src/ai/defaultai.cc	2013-03-05 21:23:00 +0000
+++ src/ai/defaultai.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -58,337 +58,320 @@
 DefaultAI::DefensiveImpl DefaultAI::defensiveImpl;
 /// Constructor of DefaultAI
-DefaultAI::DefaultAI(Game & ggame, Player_Number const pid, uint8_t const t) :
-	Computer_Player              (ggame, pid),
-	type                         (t),
-	m_buildable_changed          (true),
-	m_mineable_changed           (true),
-	player                       (0),
-	tribe                        (0),
-	total_constructionsites      (0),
-	next_road_due                (2000),
-	next_stats_update_due        (30000),
-	next_construction_due        (1000),
-	next_productionsite_check_due(0),
-	next_mine_check_due          (0),
-	next_militarysite_check_due  (0),
-	next_attack_consideration_due(300000),
-	inhibit_road_building        (0),
-	time_of_last_construction    (0),
-	numof_warehouses             (0)
+DefaultAI::DefaultAI(Game& ggame, Player_Number const pid, uint8_t const t)
+    : Computer_Player(ggame, pid),
+      type(t),
+      m_buildable_changed(true),
+      m_mineable_changed(true),
+      player(0),
+      tribe(0),
+      total_constructionsites(0),
+      next_road_due(2000),
+      next_stats_update_due(30000),
+      next_construction_due(1000),
+      next_productionsite_check_due(0),
+      next_mine_check_due(0),
+      next_militarysite_check_due(0),
+      next_attack_consideration_due(300000),
+      inhibit_road_building(0),
+      time_of_last_construction(0),
+      numof_warehouses(0) {}
-	while (not buildable_fields.empty()) {
-		delete buildable_fields.back();
-		buildable_fields.pop_back();
-	}
-	while (not mineable_fields.empty()) {
-		delete mineable_fields.back();
-		mineable_fields.pop_back();
-	}
-	while (not economies.empty()) {
-		delete economies.back();
-		economies.pop_back();
-	}
+DefaultAI::~DefaultAI() {
+   while (not buildable_fields.empty()) {
+      delete buildable_fields.back();
+      buildable_fields.pop_back();
+   }
+   while (not mineable_fields.empty()) {
+      delete mineable_fields.back();
+      mineable_fields.pop_back();
+   }
+   while (not economies.empty()) {
+      delete economies.back();
+      economies.pop_back();
+   }
  * Main loop of computer player "defaultAI"
  * General behaviour is defined here.
-void DefaultAI::think ()
-	if (tribe == 0)
-		late_initialization ();
-	const int32_t gametime = game().get_gametime();
-	if (m_buildable_changed) {
-		// update statistics about buildable fields
-		update_all_buildable_fields(gametime);
-	}
-	if (m_mineable_changed) {
-		// do the same for mineable fields
-		update_all_mineable_fields(gametime);
-	}
-	m_buildable_changed = false;
-	m_mineable_changed = false;
-	// if there are more than one economy try to connect them with a road.
-	if (next_road_due <= gametime) {
-		next_road_due = gametime + 1000;
-		if (construct_roads (gametime)) {
-			m_buildable_changed = true;
-			m_mineable_changed = true;
-			return;
-		}
-	} else
-		// only go on, after defaultAI tried to connect all economies.
-		return;
-	// NOTE Because of the check above, the following parts of think() are used
-	// NOTE only once every second at maximum. This increases performance and as
-	// NOTE human players can not even react that fast, it should not be a
-	// NOTE disadvantage for the defaultAI.
-	// This must be checked every time as changes of bobs in AI area aren't
-	// handled by the AI itself.
-	update_all_not_buildable_fields();
-	// IF defaultAI is AGGRESSIVE - we definitely should consider to attack as
-	// often as possible.
-	if (type == AGGRESSIVE)
-		if (next_attack_consideration_due <= gametime)
-			consider_attack(gametime);
-	// check if anything in the economies changed.
-	// This needs to be done before new buildings are placed, to ensure that no
-	// empty economy is left.
-	if (check_economies())
-		return;
-	// Before thinking about a new construction, update current stats, to have
-	// a better view on current economy.
-	if (next_stats_update_due <= gametime)
-		update_productionsite_stats(gametime);
-	// Now try to build something if possible
-	if (next_construction_due <= gametime) {
-		next_construction_due = gametime + 2000;
-		if (construct_building(gametime)) {
-			time_of_last_construction = gametime;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	// verify that our production sites are doing well
-	if (check_productionsites(gametime))
-		return;
-	// Check the mines and consider upgrading or destroying one
-	if (check_mines(gametime))
-		return;
-	// consider whether a change of the soldier capacity of some militarysites
-	// would make sense.
-	if (check_militarysites(gametime))
-		return;
-	//  Finally consider military actions if defaultAI type is Aggressive or
-	// Normal.
-	if (!(type == DEFENSIVE))
-		if (next_attack_consideration_due <= gametime)
-			consider_attack(gametime);
-	// improve existing roads!
-	// This sounds important, but actually is not as important as the other
-	// actions are. Reasons are the following:
-	//    * The "donkey feature" made economies more stable, even with stupid
-	//      roads.
-	//    * If defaultAI builds too much roads, it will waste good building
-	//      space.
-	if (improve_roads(gametime)) {
-		m_buildable_changed = true;
-		m_mineable_changed = true;
-		inhibit_road_building = gametime + 2500;
-		return;
-	}
+void DefaultAI::think() {
+   if (tribe == 0)
+      late_initialization();
+   const int32_t gametime = game().get_gametime();
+   if (m_buildable_changed) {
+      // update statistics about buildable fields
+      update_all_buildable_fields(gametime);
+   }
+   if (m_mineable_changed) {
+      // do the same for mineable fields
+      update_all_mineable_fields(gametime);
+   }
+   m_buildable_changed = false;
+   m_mineable_changed = false;
+   // if there are more than one economy try to connect them with a road.
+   if (next_road_due <= gametime) {
+      next_road_due = gametime + 1000;
+      if (construct_roads(gametime)) {
+         m_buildable_changed = true;
+         m_mineable_changed = true;
+         return;
+      }
+   } else
+      // only go on, after defaultAI tried to connect all economies.
+      return;
+   // NOTE Because of the check above, the following parts of think() are used
+   // NOTE only once every second at maximum. This increases performance and as
+   // NOTE human players can not even react that fast, it should not be a
+   // NOTE disadvantage for the defaultAI.
+   // This must be checked every time as changes of bobs in AI area aren't
+   // handled by the AI itself.
+   update_all_not_buildable_fields();
+   // IF defaultAI is AGGRESSIVE - we definitely should consider to attack as
+   // often as possible.
+   if (type == AGGRESSIVE)
+      if (next_attack_consideration_due <= gametime)
+         consider_attack(gametime);
+   // check if anything in the economies changed.
+   // This needs to be done before new buildings are placed, to ensure that no
+   // empty economy is left.
+   if (check_economies())
+      return;
+   // Before thinking about a new construction, update current stats, to have
+   // a better view on current economy.
+   if (next_stats_update_due <= gametime)
+      update_productionsite_stats(gametime);
+   // Now try to build something if possible
+   if (next_construction_due <= gametime) {
+      next_construction_due = gametime + 2000;
+      if (construct_building(gametime)) {
+         time_of_last_construction = gametime;
+         return;
+      }
+   }
+   // verify that our production sites are doing well
+   if (check_productionsites(gametime))
+      return;
+   // Check the mines and consider upgrading or destroying one
+   if (check_mines(gametime))
+      return;
+   // consider whether a change of the soldier capacity of some militarysites
+   // would make sense.
+   if (check_militarysites(gametime))
+      return;
+   //  Finally consider military actions if defaultAI type is Aggressive or
+   // Normal.
+   if (!(type == DEFENSIVE))
+      if (next_attack_consideration_due <= gametime)
+         consider_attack(gametime);
+   // improve existing roads!
+   // This sounds important, but actually is not as important as the other
+   // actions are. Reasons are the following:
+   //    * The "donkey feature" made economies more stable, even with stupid
+   //      roads.
+   //    * If defaultAI builds too much roads, it will waste good building
+   //      space.
+   if (improve_roads(gametime)) {
+      m_buildable_changed = true;
+      m_mineable_changed = true;
+      inhibit_road_building = gametime + 2500;
+      return;
+   }
 /// called by Widelands game engine when an immovable changed
-void DefaultAI::receive(const NoteImmovable & note)
-	if (note.lg == LOSE)
-		lose_immovable(*note.pi);
-	else
-		gain_immovable(*note.pi);
+void DefaultAI::receive(const NoteImmovable& note) {
+   if (note.lg == LOSE)
+      lose_immovable(*note.pi);
+   else
+      gain_immovable(*note.pi);
 /// called by Widelands game engine when a field changed
-void DefaultAI::receive(const NoteFieldPossession & note)
-	if (note.lg == GAIN)
-		unusable_fields.push_back(note.fc);
+void DefaultAI::receive(const NoteFieldPossession& note) {
+   if (note.lg == GAIN)
+      unusable_fields.push_back(note.fc);
  * Cares for all variables not initialised during construction
  * When DefaultAI is constructed, some information is not yet available (e.g.
  * world), so this is done after complete loading of the map.
-void DefaultAI::late_initialization ()
-	player = game().get_player(player_number());
-	NoteReceiver<NoteImmovable>::connect(*player);
-	NoteReceiver<NoteFieldPossession>::connect(*player);
-	tribe = &player->tribe();
-	log ("ComputerPlayer(%d): initializing (%u)\n", player_number(), type);
-	Ware_Index const nr_wares = tribe->get_nrwares();
-	wares.resize(nr_wares.value());
-	for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_wares; ++i) {
-		wares.at(i).producers    = 0;
-		wares.at(i).consumers    = 0;
-		wares.at(i).preciousness = tribe->get_ware_descr(i)->preciousness();
-	}
-	// collect information about the different buildings our tribe can construct
-	Building_Index const nr_buildings = tribe->get_nrbuildings();
-	const World & world = game().map().world();
-	for (Building_Index i = Building_Index::First(); i < nr_buildings; ++i) {
-		const Building_Descr & bld = *tribe->get_building_descr(i);
-		const std::string & building_name = bld.name();
-		const BuildingHints & bh = bld.hints();
-		buildings.resize (buildings.size() + 1);
-		BuildingObserver & bo     = buildings.back();
-		bo.name                   = building_name.c_str();
-		bo.id                     = i;
-		bo.desc                   = &bld;
-		bo.type                   = BuildingObserver::BORING;
-		bo.cnt_built              = 0;
-		bo.cnt_under_construction = 0;
-		bo.production_hint        = -1;
-		bo.current_stats          = 100;
-		bo.unoccupied             = false;
-		bo.is_basic               = false;
-		bo.is_buildable           = bld.is_buildable();
-		bo.need_trees             = bh.is_trunkproducer();
-		bo.need_stones            = bh.is_stoneproducer();
-		bo.need_water             = bh.get_needs_water();
-		bo.recruitment            = bh.for_recruitment();
-		bo.space_consumer         = bh.is_space_consumer();
-		if (char const * const s = bh.get_renews_map_resource())
-			bo.production_hint = tribe->safe_ware_index(s).value();
-		// Read all interesting data from ware producing buildings
-		if (typeid(bld) == typeid(ProductionSite_Descr)) {
-			const ProductionSite_Descr & prod =
-				ref_cast<ProductionSite_Descr const, Building_Descr const>(bld);
-			bo.type =
-				bld.get_ismine() ? BuildingObserver::MINE :
-				BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE;
-			container_iterate_const(Ware_Types, prod.inputs(), j)
-				bo.inputs.push_back(j.current->first.value());
-			container_iterate_const
-				(ProductionSite_Descr::Output, prod.output_ware_types(), j)
-				bo.outputs.push_back(j.current->     value());
-			if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
-				// get the resource needed by the mine
-				if (char const * const s = bh.get_mines())
-					bo.mines = world.get_resource(s);
-				bo.mines_percent = bh.get_mines_percent();
-			}
-			bo.is_basic            = bh.is_basic();
-			bo.prod_build_material = bh.prod_build_material();
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (typeid(bld) == typeid(MilitarySite_Descr)) {
-			bo.type = BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (typeid(bld) == typeid(Warehouse_Descr)) {
-			bo.type = BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (typeid(bld) == typeid(TrainingSite_Descr)) {
-			bo.type = BuildingObserver::TRAININGSITE;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (typeid(bld) == typeid(ConstructionSite_Descr)) {
-			bo.type = BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE;
-			continue;
-		}
-	}
-	total_constructionsites       =    0;
-	next_construction_due         =    0;
-	next_road_due                 = 1000;
-	next_productionsite_check_due =    0;
-	inhibit_road_building         =    0;
-	// Add all fields that we own
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	std::set<OPtr<PlayerImmovable> > found_immovables;
-	for (Y_Coordinate y = 0; y < map.get_height(); ++y) {
-		for (X_Coordinate x = 0; x < map.get_width(); ++x) {
-			FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(Coords(x, y));
-			if (f.field->get_owned_by() != player_number())
-				continue;
-			unusable_fields.push_back (f);
-			if (upcast(PlayerImmovable, imm, f.field->get_immovable()))
-				//  Guard by a set - immovables might be on several nodes at once.
-				if (&imm->owner() == player and not found_immovables.count(imm)) {
-					found_immovables.insert(imm);
-					gain_immovable(*imm);
-				}
-		}
-	}
+void DefaultAI::late_initialization() {
+   player = game().get_player(player_number());
+   NoteReceiver<NoteImmovable>::connect(*player);
+   NoteReceiver<NoteFieldPossession>::connect(*player);
+   tribe = &player->tribe();
+   log("ComputerPlayer(%d): initializing (%u)\n", player_number(), type);
+   Ware_Index const nr_wares = tribe->get_nrwares();
+   wares.resize(nr_wares.value());
+   for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_wares; ++i) {
+      wares.at(i).producers = 0;
+      wares.at(i).consumers = 0;
+      wares.at(i).preciousness = tribe->get_ware_descr(i)->preciousness();
+   }
+   // collect information about the different buildings our tribe can construct
+   Building_Index const nr_buildings = tribe->get_nrbuildings();
+   const World& world = game().map().world();
+   for (Building_Index i = Building_Index::First(); i < nr_buildings; ++i) {
+      const Building_Descr& bld = *tribe->get_building_descr(i);
+      const std::string& building_name = bld.name();
+      const BuildingHints& bh = bld.hints();
+      buildings.resize(buildings.size() + 1);
+      BuildingObserver& bo = buildings.back();
+      bo.name = building_name.c_str();
+      bo.id = i;
+      bo.desc = &bld;
+      bo.type = BuildingObserver::BORING;
+      bo.cnt_built = 0;
+      bo.cnt_under_construction = 0;
+      bo.production_hint = -1;
+      bo.current_stats = 100;
+      bo.unoccupied = false;
+      bo.is_basic = false;
+      bo.is_buildable = bld.is_buildable();
+      bo.need_trees = bh.is_trunkproducer();
+      bo.need_stones = bh.is_stoneproducer();
+      bo.need_water = bh.get_needs_water();
+      bo.recruitment = bh.for_recruitment();
+      bo.space_consumer = bh.is_space_consumer();
+      if (char const* const s = bh.get_renews_map_resource())
+         bo.production_hint = tribe->safe_ware_index(s).value();
+      // Read all interesting data from ware producing buildings
+      if (typeid(bld) == typeid(ProductionSite_Descr)) {
+         const ProductionSite_Descr& prod =
+             ref_cast<ProductionSite_Descr const, Building_Descr const>(bld);
+         bo.type = bld.get_ismine() ? BuildingObserver::MINE : BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE;
+         container_iterate_const(Ware_Types, prod.inputs(), j)
+         bo.inputs.push_back(j.current->first.value());
+         container_iterate_const(ProductionSite_Descr::Output, prod.output_ware_types(), j)
+         bo.outputs.push_back(j.current->value());
+         if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
+            // get the resource needed by the mine
+            if (char const* const s = bh.get_mines())
+               bo.mines = world.get_resource(s);
+            bo.mines_percent = bh.get_mines_percent();
+         }
+         bo.is_basic = bh.is_basic();
+         bo.prod_build_material = bh.prod_build_material();
+         continue;
+      }
+      if (typeid(bld) == typeid(MilitarySite_Descr)) {
+         bo.type = BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE;
+         continue;
+      }
+      if (typeid(bld) == typeid(Warehouse_Descr)) {
+         bo.type = BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE;
+         continue;
+      }
+      if (typeid(bld) == typeid(TrainingSite_Descr)) {
+         bo.type = BuildingObserver::TRAININGSITE;
+         continue;
+      }
+      if (typeid(bld) == typeid(ConstructionSite_Descr)) {
+         bo.type = BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE;
+         continue;
+      }
+   }
+   total_constructionsites = 0;
+   next_construction_due = 0;
+   next_road_due = 1000;
+   next_productionsite_check_due = 0;
+   inhibit_road_building = 0;
+   // Add all fields that we own
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   std::set<OPtr<PlayerImmovable> > found_immovables;
+   for (Y_Coordinate y = 0; y < map.get_height(); ++y) {
+      for (X_Coordinate x = 0; x < map.get_width(); ++x) {
+         FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(Coords(x, y));
+         if (f.field->get_owned_by() != player_number())
+            continue;
+         unusable_fields.push_back(f);
+         if (upcast(PlayerImmovable, imm, f.field->get_immovable()))
+            //  Guard by a set - immovables might be on several nodes at once.
+            if (&imm->owner() == player and not found_immovables.count(imm)) {
+               found_immovables.insert(imm);
+               gain_immovable(*imm);
+            }
+      }
+   }
  * Checks ALL available buildable fields.
  * this shouldn't be used often, as it might hang the game for some 100
  * milliseconds if the area the computer owns is big.
-void DefaultAI::update_all_buildable_fields(const int32_t gametime)
-	while
-		(not buildable_fields.empty()
-		 and
-		 buildable_fields.front()->next_update_due <= gametime)
-	{
-		BuildableField & bf = *buildable_fields.front();
-		//  check whether we lost ownership of the node
-		if (bf.coords.field->get_owned_by() != player_number()) {
-			delete &bf;
-			buildable_fields.pop_front();
-			continue;
-		}
-		//  check whether we can still construct regular buildings on the node
-		if ((player->get_buildcaps(bf.coords) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK) == 0) {
-			unusable_fields.push_back (bf.coords);
-			delete &bf;
-			buildable_fields.pop_front();
-			continue;
-		}
-		update_buildable_field (bf);
-		bf.next_update_due = gametime + FIELD_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
-		buildable_fields.push_back (&bf);
-		buildable_fields.pop_front ();
-	}
+void DefaultAI::update_all_buildable_fields(const int32_t gametime) {
+   while (not buildable_fields.empty() and buildable_fields.front()->next_update_due <= gametime) {
+      BuildableField& bf = *buildable_fields.front();
+      //  check whether we lost ownership of the node
+      if (bf.coords.field->get_owned_by() != player_number()) {
+         delete &bf;
+         buildable_fields.pop_front();
+         continue;
+      }
+      //  check whether we can still construct regular buildings on the node
+      if ((player->get_buildcaps(bf.coords) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK) == 0) {
+         unusable_fields.push_back(bf.coords);
+         delete &bf;
+         buildable_fields.pop_front();
+         continue;
+      }
+      update_buildable_field(bf);
+      bf.next_update_due = gametime + FIELD_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
+      buildable_fields.push_back(&bf);
+      buildable_fields.pop_front();
+   }
@@ -397,37 +380,32 @@
  * this shouldn't be used often, as it might hang the game for some 100
  * milliseconds if the area the computer owns is big.
-void DefaultAI::update_all_mineable_fields(const int32_t gametime)
-	while
-		(not mineable_fields.empty()
-		 and
-		 mineable_fields.front()->next_update_due <= gametime)
-	{
-		MineableField * mf = mineable_fields.front();
-		//  check whether we lost ownership of the node
-		if (mf->coords.field->get_owned_by() != player_number()) {
-			delete mf;
-			mineable_fields.pop_front();
-			continue;
-		}
-		//  check whether we can still construct regular buildings on the node
-		if ((player->get_buildcaps(mf->coords) & BUILDCAPS_MINE) == 0) {
-			unusable_fields.push_back (mf->coords);
-			delete mf;
-			mineable_fields.pop_front();
-			continue;
-		}
-		update_mineable_field (*mf);
-		mf->next_update_due = gametime + FIELD_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
-		mineable_fields.push_back (mf);
-		mineable_fields.pop_front ();
-	}
+void DefaultAI::update_all_mineable_fields(const int32_t gametime) {
+   while (not mineable_fields.empty() and mineable_fields.front()->next_update_due <= gametime) {
+      MineableField* mf = mineable_fields.front();
+      //  check whether we lost ownership of the node
+      if (mf->coords.field->get_owned_by() != player_number()) {
+         delete mf;
+         mineable_fields.pop_front();
+         continue;
+      }
+      //  check whether we can still construct regular buildings on the node
+      if ((player->get_buildcaps(mf->coords) & BUILDCAPS_MINE) == 0) {
+         unusable_fields.push_back(mf->coords);
+         delete mf;
+         mineable_fields.pop_front();
+         continue;
+      }
+      update_mineable_field(*mf);
+      mf->next_update_due = gametime + FIELD_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
+      mineable_fields.push_back(mf);
+      mineable_fields.pop_front();
+   }
@@ -435,287 +413,247 @@
  * milliseconds if the area the computer owns is big.
-void DefaultAI::update_all_not_buildable_fields()
-	int32_t const pn = player_number();
-	uint32_t maxchecks = unusable_fields.size();
-	if (maxchecks > 50)
-		maxchecks = 50;
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxchecks; ++i) {
-		//  check whether we lost ownership of the node
-		if (unusable_fields.front().field->get_owned_by() != pn) {
-			unusable_fields.pop_front();
-			continue;
-		}
-		// check whether building capabilities have improved
-		if (player->get_buildcaps(unusable_fields.front()) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK)
-		{
-			buildable_fields.push_back
-				(new BuildableField(unusable_fields.front()));
-			unusable_fields.pop_front();
-			update_buildable_field (*buildable_fields.back());
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (player->get_buildcaps(unusable_fields.front()) & BUILDCAPS_MINE) {
-			mineable_fields.push_back
-				(new MineableField(unusable_fields.front()));
-			unusable_fields.pop_front();
-			update_mineable_field (*mineable_fields.back());
-			continue;
-		}
-		unusable_fields.push_back(unusable_fields.front());
-		unusable_fields.pop_front();
-	}
+void DefaultAI::update_all_not_buildable_fields() {
+   int32_t const pn = player_number();
+   uint32_t maxchecks = unusable_fields.size();
+   if (maxchecks > 50)
+      maxchecks = 50;
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxchecks; ++i) {
+      //  check whether we lost ownership of the node
+      if (unusable_fields.front().field->get_owned_by() != pn) {
+         unusable_fields.pop_front();
+         continue;
+      }
+      // check whether building capabilities have improved
+      if (player->get_buildcaps(unusable_fields.front()) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK) {
+         buildable_fields.push_back(new BuildableField(unusable_fields.front()));
+         unusable_fields.pop_front();
+         update_buildable_field(*buildable_fields.back());
+         continue;
+      }
+      if (player->get_buildcaps(unusable_fields.front()) & BUILDCAPS_MINE) {
+         mineable_fields.push_back(new MineableField(unusable_fields.front()));
+         unusable_fields.pop_front();
+         update_mineable_field(*mineable_fields.back());
+         continue;
+      }
+      unusable_fields.push_back(unusable_fields.front());
+      unusable_fields.pop_front();
+   }
 /// Updates one buildable field
-void DefaultAI::update_buildable_field
-	(BuildableField & field, uint16_t range, bool military)
-	// look if there is any unowned land nearby
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	FindNodeUnowned find_unowned(player, game());
-	Player_Number const pn = player->player_number();
-	field.unowned_land_nearby =
-		map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, range), 0, find_unowned);
-	// collect information about resources in the area
-	std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
-	// Search in a radius of range
-	map.find_immovables (Area<FCoords>(field.coords, range), &immovables);
-	// Is this a general update or just for military consideration
-	// (second is used in check_militarysites)
-	if (!military) {
-		int32_t const tree_attr  = Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("tree");
-		int32_t const stone_attr = Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("stone");
-		field.reachable      = false;
-		field.preferred      = false;
-		field.avoid_military = false;
-		field.enemy_nearby   = false;
-		field.military_influence     = 0;
-		field.trees_nearby           = 0;
-		field.stones_nearby          = 0;
-		field.space_consumers_nearby = 0;
-		field.producers_nearby.clear();
-		field.producers_nearby.resize(wares.size());
-		field.consumers_nearby.clear();
-		field.consumers_nearby.resize(wares.size());
-		std::vector<Coords> water_list;
-		FindNodeWater find_water;
-		map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, 4), &water_list, find_water);
-		field.water_nearby = water_list.size();
-		FCoords fse;
-		map.get_neighbour (field.coords, WALK_SE, &fse);
-		if (BaseImmovable const * const imm = fse.field->get_immovable())
-			if
-				(dynamic_cast<Flag const *>(imm)
-				 or
-				 (dynamic_cast<Road const *>(imm)
-				  &&
-				  (fse.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)))
-			field.preferred = true;
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < immovables.size(); ++i) {
-			const BaseImmovable & base_immovable = *immovables.at(i).object;
-			if (dynamic_cast<const Flag *>(&base_immovable))
-				field.reachable = true;
-			if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, player_immovable, &base_immovable))
-				// TODO  Only continue; if this is an opposing site
-				// TODO  allied sites should be counted for military influence
-				if (player_immovable->owner().player_number() != pn) {
-					if (player->is_hostile(player_immovable->owner()))
-						field.enemy_nearby = true;
-					continue;
-				}
-			if (upcast(Building const, building, &base_immovable)) {
-				if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, building)) {
-					const Building_Descr & target_descr =
-						constructionsite->building();
-					if
-						(upcast
-						 	(MilitarySite_Descr const, target_ms_d, &target_descr))
-					{
-						const int32_t v =
-							target_ms_d->get_conquers()
-							-
-							map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
-						if (0 < v) {
-							field.military_influence += v * (v + 2) * 6;
-							field.avoid_military = true;
-						}
-					}
-					if (dynamic_cast<ProductionSite_Descr const *>(&target_descr))
-						consider_productionsite_influence
-							(field,
-							 immovables.at(i).coords,
-							 get_building_observer(constructionsite->name().c_str()));
-				}
-				if (upcast(MilitarySite const, militarysite, building)) {
-					const int32_t v =
-						militarysite->get_conquers()
-						-
-						map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
-					if (v > 0)
-						field.military_influence +=
-							v * v * militarysite->soldierCapacity();
-				}
-				if (dynamic_cast<const ProductionSite *>(building))
-					consider_productionsite_influence
-						(field,
-						 immovables.at(i).coords,
-						 get_building_observer(building->name().c_str()));
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (immovables.at(i).object->has_attribute(tree_attr))
-				++field.trees_nearby;
-			if (immovables.at(i).object->has_attribute(stone_attr))
-				++field.stones_nearby;
-		}
-	} else { // the small update just for military consideration
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < immovables.size(); ++i) {
-			const BaseImmovable & base_immovable = *immovables.at(i).object;
-			if (upcast(Building const, building, &base_immovable)) {
-				if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, building)) {
-					const Building_Descr & target_descr =
-						constructionsite->building();
-					if
-						(upcast
-						 	(MilitarySite_Descr const, target_ms_d, &target_descr))
-					{
-						const int32_t v =
-							target_ms_d->get_conquers()
-							-
-							map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
-						if (0 < v) {
-							field.military_influence += v * (v + 2) * 6;
-							field.avoid_military = true;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				if (upcast(MilitarySite const, militarysite, building)) {
-					const int32_t v =
-						militarysite->get_conquers()
-						-
-						map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
-					if (v > 0)
-						field.military_influence +=
-							v * v * militarysite->soldierCapacity();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+void DefaultAI::update_buildable_field(BuildableField& field, uint16_t range, bool military) {
+   // look if there is any unowned land nearby
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   FindNodeUnowned find_unowned(player, game());
+   Player_Number const pn = player->player_number();
+   field.unowned_land_nearby = map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, range), 0, find_unowned);
+   // collect information about resources in the area
+   std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
+   // Search in a radius of range
+   map.find_immovables(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, range), &immovables);
+   // Is this a general update or just for military consideration
+   // (second is used in check_militarysites)
+   if (!military) {
+      int32_t const tree_attr = Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("tree");
+      int32_t const stone_attr = Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("stone");
+      field.reachable = false;
+      field.preferred = false;
+      field.avoid_military = false;
+      field.enemy_nearby = false;
+      field.military_influence = 0;
+      field.trees_nearby = 0;
+      field.stones_nearby = 0;
+      field.space_consumers_nearby = 0;
+      field.producers_nearby.clear();
+      field.producers_nearby.resize(wares.size());
+      field.consumers_nearby.clear();
+      field.consumers_nearby.resize(wares.size());
+      std::vector<Coords> water_list;
+      FindNodeWater find_water;
+      map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, 4), &water_list, find_water);
+      field.water_nearby = water_list.size();
+      FCoords fse;
+      map.get_neighbour(field.coords, WALK_SE, &fse);
+      if (BaseImmovable const* const imm = fse.field->get_immovable())
+         if (dynamic_cast<Flag const*>(imm)
+             or(dynamic_cast<Road const*>(imm) && (fse.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)))
+            field.preferred = true;
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < immovables.size(); ++i) {
+         const BaseImmovable& base_immovable = *immovables.at(i).object;
+         if (dynamic_cast<const Flag*>(&base_immovable))
+            field.reachable = true;
+         if (upcast(PlayerImmovable const, player_immovable, &base_immovable))
+            // TODO  Only continue; if this is an opposing site
+            // TODO  allied sites should be counted for military influence
+            if (player_immovable->owner().player_number() != pn) {
+               if (player->is_hostile(player_immovable->owner()))
+                  field.enemy_nearby = true;
+               continue;
+            }
+         if (upcast(Building const, building, &base_immovable)) {
+            if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, building)) {
+               const Building_Descr& target_descr = constructionsite->building();
+               if (upcast(MilitarySite_Descr const, target_ms_d, &target_descr)) {
+                  const int32_t v = target_ms_d->get_conquers() -
+                                    map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
+                  if (0 < v) {
+                     field.military_influence += v * (v + 2) * 6;
+                     field.avoid_military = true;
+                  }
+               }
+               if (dynamic_cast<ProductionSite_Descr const*>(&target_descr))
+                  consider_productionsite_influence(
+                      field,
+                      immovables.at(i).coords,
+                      get_building_observer(constructionsite->name().c_str()));
+            }
+            if (upcast(MilitarySite const, militarysite, building)) {
+               const int32_t v = militarysite->get_conquers() -
+                                 map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
+               if (v > 0)
+                  field.military_influence += v * v * militarysite->soldierCapacity();
+            }
+            if (dynamic_cast<const ProductionSite*>(building))
+               consider_productionsite_influence(
+                   field, immovables.at(i).coords, get_building_observer(building->name().c_str()));
+            continue;
+         }
+         if (immovables.at(i).object->has_attribute(tree_attr))
+            ++field.trees_nearby;
+         if (immovables.at(i).object->has_attribute(stone_attr))
+            ++field.stones_nearby;
+      }
+   } else {  // the small update just for military consideration
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < immovables.size(); ++i) {
+         const BaseImmovable& base_immovable = *immovables.at(i).object;
+         if (upcast(Building const, building, &base_immovable)) {
+            if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, constructionsite, building)) {
+               const Building_Descr& target_descr = constructionsite->building();
+               if (upcast(MilitarySite_Descr const, target_ms_d, &target_descr)) {
+                  const int32_t v = target_ms_d->get_conquers() -
+                                    map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
+                  if (0 < v) {
+                     field.military_influence += v * (v + 2) * 6;
+                     field.avoid_military = true;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            if (upcast(MilitarySite const, militarysite, building)) {
+               const int32_t v = militarysite->get_conquers() -
+                                 map.calc_distance(field.coords, immovables.at(i).coords);
+               if (v > 0)
+                  field.military_influence += v * v * militarysite->soldierCapacity();
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
 /// Updates one mineable field
-void DefaultAI::update_mineable_field (MineableField & field)
-	// collect information about resources in the area
-	std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	map.find_immovables (Area<FCoords>(field.coords, 6), &immovables);
-	field.reachable    = false;
-	field.preferred    = false;
-	field.mines_nearby = 1;
-	FCoords fse;
-	map.get_brn(field.coords, &fse);
-	if (BaseImmovable const * const imm = fse.field->get_immovable())
-		if
-			(dynamic_cast<Flag const *>(imm)
-			 or
-			 (dynamic_cast<Road const *>(imm)
-			  &&
-			  (fse.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)))
-		field.preferred = true;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<ImmovableFound>, immovables, i) {
-		if (dynamic_cast<Flag const *>(i.current->object))
-			field.reachable = true;
-		else if (upcast(Building const, bld, i.current->object)) {
-			if (bld->descr().get_ismine()) {
-				++field.mines_nearby;
-			} else if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, cs, bld)) {
-				if (cs->building().get_ismine())
-					++field.mines_nearby;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+void DefaultAI::update_mineable_field(MineableField& field) {
+   // collect information about resources in the area
+   std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   map.find_immovables(Area<FCoords>(field.coords, 6), &immovables);
+   field.reachable = false;
+   field.preferred = false;
+   field.mines_nearby = 1;
+   FCoords fse;
+   map.get_brn(field.coords, &fse);
+   if (BaseImmovable const* const imm = fse.field->get_immovable())
+      if (dynamic_cast<Flag const*>(imm)
+          or(dynamic_cast<Road const*>(imm) && (fse.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG)))
+         field.preferred = true;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<ImmovableFound>, immovables, i) {
+      if (dynamic_cast<Flag const*>(i.current->object))
+         field.reachable = true;
+      else if (upcast(Building const, bld, i.current->object)) {
+         if (bld->descr().get_ismine()) {
+            ++field.mines_nearby;
+         } else if (upcast(ConstructionSite const, cs, bld)) {
+            if (cs->building().get_ismine())
+               ++field.mines_nearby;
+         }
+      }
+   }
 /// Updates the productionsites statistics needed for construction decision.
 void DefaultAI::update_productionsite_stats(int32_t const gametime) {
-	// Updating the stats every 20 seconds should be enough
-	next_stats_update_due = gametime + 20000;
-	// Reset statistics for all buildings
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i) {
-		if (buildings.at(i).cnt_built > 0)
-			buildings.at(i).current_stats = 0;
-		// If there are no buildings of that type set the current_stats to 100
-		else
-			buildings.at(i).current_stats = 100;
-		buildings.at(i).unoccupied = false;
-	}
-	// Check all available productionsites
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < productionsites.size(); ++i) {
-		assert(productionsites.front().bo->cnt_built > 0);
-		// Add statistics value
-		productionsites.front().bo->current_stats +=
-			productionsites.front().site->get_statistics_percent();
-		// Check whether this building is completely occupied
-		productionsites.front().bo->unoccupied |=
-			!productionsites.front().site->can_start_working();
-		// Now reorder the buildings
-		productionsites.push_back(productionsites.front());
-		productionsites.pop_front();
-	}
-	// Scale statistics down
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i) {
-		if (buildings.at(i).cnt_built > 0)
-			buildings.at(i).current_stats /= buildings.at(i).cnt_built;
-	}
+   // Updating the stats every 20 seconds should be enough
+   next_stats_update_due = gametime + 20000;
+   // Reset statistics for all buildings
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i) {
+      if (buildings.at(i).cnt_built > 0)
+         buildings.at(i).current_stats = 0;
+      // If there are no buildings of that type set the current_stats to 100
+      else
+         buildings.at(i).current_stats = 100;
+      buildings.at(i).unoccupied = false;
+   }
+   // Check all available productionsites
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < productionsites.size(); ++i) {
+      assert(productionsites.front().bo->cnt_built > 0);
+      // Add statistics value
+      productionsites.front().bo->current_stats +=
+          productionsites.front().site->get_statistics_percent();
+      // Check whether this building is completely occupied
+      productionsites.front().bo->unoccupied |= !productionsites.front().site->can_start_working();
+      // Now reorder the buildings
+      productionsites.push_back(productionsites.front());
+      productionsites.pop_front();
+   }
+   // Scale statistics down
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i) {
+      if (buildings.at(i).cnt_built > 0)
+         buildings.at(i).current_stats /= buildings.at(i).cnt_built;
+   }
  * constructs the most needed building
@@ -730,870 +668,814 @@
  * that (should) depend on the initialisation type (Aggressive, Normal,
  * Defensive)
-bool DefaultAI::construct_building (int32_t) // (int32_t gametime)
-	// TODO make this smarter, easier and yet more effective
-	// TODO implement handling of seafaring
-	// Do not have too many constructionsites
-	uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
-	bool onlymissing = false;
-	if (total_constructionsites >= (2 + (producers / 10)))
-		onlymissing = true;
-	//  Just used for easy checking whether a mine or something else was built.
-	bool mine = false;
-	std::vector<int32_t> spots_avail;
-	spots_avail.resize(4);
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		spots_avail.at(i) = 0;
-	for
-		(std::list<BuildableField *>::iterator i = buildable_fields.begin();
-		 i != buildable_fields.end();
-		 ++i)
-		++spots_avail.at((*i)->coords.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK);
-	int32_t expand_factor = 0;
-	if (type != DEFENSIVE) {
-		++expand_factor;
-		// check space and set the need for expansion
-		if
-			(spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG)
-			 <
-			 static_cast<uint16_t>(2 + (productionsites.size() / 50)))
-			expand_factor += 2;
-		if
-			(spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) + spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG)
-			 <
-			 static_cast<uint16_t>(4 + (productionsites.size() / 50)))
-			expand_factor += type;
-		uint32_t spots = spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_SMALL);
-		spots += spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM);
-		spots += spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG);
-		if (type == AGGRESSIVE)
-			spots -= militarysites.size() / 20;
-		if (spots < 16)
-			expand_factor *= 2;
-		if ((type == AGGRESSIVE) && spots < 32)
-			expand_factor *= 2;
-	} else {
-		// check space and set the need for expansion
-		if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) < 7)
-			++expand_factor;
-		if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) + spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) < 12)
-			++expand_factor;
-		if
-			(spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_SMALL)  +
-			 spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) +
-			 spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG)
-			 <
-			 16)
-			expand_factor *= 3;
-	}
-	// don't expand when we have unoccupied military buildings
-	//if (TODO) expand_factor = 0;
-	// Defensive AIs also attack sometimes (when they want to expand)
-	if (type == DEFENSIVE && expand_factor > 1)
-		if (next_attack_consideration_due <= game().get_gametime())
-			consider_attack(game().get_gametime());
-	Building_Index proposed_building;
-	int32_t proposed_priority = 0;
-	Coords proposed_coords;
-	// Remove outdated fields from blocker list
-	for
-		(std::list<BlockedField>::iterator i = blocked_fields.begin();
-		 i != blocked_fields.end();)
-		if (i->blocked_until < game().get_gametime()) {
-			i = blocked_fields.erase(i);
-		}
-		else ++i;
-	// first scan all buildable fields for regular buildings
-	for
-		(std::list<BuildableField *>::iterator i = buildable_fields.begin();
-		 i != buildable_fields.end();
-		 ++i)
-	{
-		BuildableField * const bf = *i;
-		if (!bf->reachable)
-			continue;
-		// Continue if field is blocked at the moment
-		for
-			(std::list<BlockedField>::iterator j = blocked_fields.begin();
-			 j != blocked_fields.end();
-			 ++j)
-			if (j->coords == bf->coords)
-				continue;
-		assert(player);
-		int32_t const maxsize =
-			player->get_buildcaps(bf->coords) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK;
-		// Check all buildable buildings
-		for (uint32_t j = 0; j < buildings.size(); ++j) {
-			BuildingObserver & bo = buildings.at(j);
-			if (!bo.buildable(*player))
-				continue;
-			if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE)
-				continue;
-			// If there are already a lot of constructionsites, only missing
-			// productionsites that produce build material are allowed
-			// (perhaps they are needed to finish the other constructionsites?)
-			if (onlymissing) {
-				if (!(bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE))
-					continue;
-				if ((bo.total_count() > 0) || !bo.prod_build_material)
-					continue;
-			}
-			if (bo.desc->get_size() > maxsize)
-				continue;
-			int32_t prio = 0;
-			if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
-				// Don't build another building of this type, if there is already
-				// one that is unoccupied at the moment
-				if (bo.unoccupied)
-					continue;
-				if (bo.need_trees) {
-					// Priority of woodcutters depend on the number of near trees
-					prio += bf->trees_nearby * 3;
-					prio /= 3 * (1 + bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(0)));
-					// TODO improve this - it's still useless to place lumberjack huts randomly
-					/*if (prio <= 0) // no, sometimes we need wood without having a forest
-						continue;*/
-					// Check if the produced wares are needed
-					Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(0)));
-					container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, l) {
-						// Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
-						if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
-							continue;
-						if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt))
-							prio += 1 + wares.at(bo.outputs.at(0)).preciousness;
-					}
-					if (bo.total_count() < 2) {
-						prio *= 6; // big bonus for the basics
-						if (bo.total_count() == 0)
-							prio *= 4; // even more for the absolute basics
-					}
-				} else if (bo.need_stones) {
-					// Priority of quarries depend on the number of near stones
-					prio += bf->stones_nearby * 3;
-					prio /= 3 * (1 + bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(0)));
-					if (bo.total_count() < 2) {
-						prio *= 6; // big bonus for the basics
-						if (bo.total_count() == 0)
-							prio *= 4; // even more for the absolute basics
-					}
-				} else if (bo.production_hint >= 0) {
-					// production hint (f.e. associate forester with trunks)
-					// Calculate the need for this building
-					int16_t inout = wares.at(bo.production_hint).consumers;
-					if
-						(tribe->safe_ware_index("trunk").value()
-						 ==
-						 bo.production_hint)
-						inout += total_constructionsites / 4;
-					inout -= wares.at(bo.production_hint).producers;
-					if (inout < 1)
-						inout = 1;
-					// the ware they're refreshing
-					Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.production_hint));
-					container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, l) {
-						// Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
-						if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
-							continue;
-						if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
-							prio += wares.at(bo.production_hint).preciousness * inout * 2;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					// Do not build too many of these buildings, but still care
-					// to build at least two.
-					// And add bonus near buildings outputting production_hint ware.
-					prio += (5 * bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.production_hint)) / 2;
-					prio -= bo.total_count() * 2;
-					prio /= bo.total_count() + 1;
-					prio += (bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.production_hint) - 1) * 5;
-					if (bo.total_count() > 2)
-						prio -= bo.total_count();
-					else {
-						prio += wares.at(bo.production_hint).preciousness;
-						prio *= 3;
-					}
-					if (prio < 0)
-						continue;
-				} else if (bo.recruitment) {
-					// "recruitment centeres" like the donkey farm should be build up
-					// as soon as a basic infrastructure was completed.
-					// and of course the defaultAI should think of further
-					// constructions of that type later in game.
-					prio -= 12; // start calculation with an offset
-					prio += productionsites.size() + mines.size();
-					prio -= (bo.total_count()) * 40;
-					prio *= 2;
-					// take care about borders and enemies
-					prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
-				} else { // "normal" productionsites
-					// ToDo: prefer soldier producing things
-					// Ware_Index const soldier_index = tribe().worker_index("soldier");
-					if (bo.is_basic && (bo.total_count() == 0))
-						prio += 100; // for very important buildings
-					// Check if the produced wares are needed
-					container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, l) {
-						// Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
-						if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
-							continue;
-						for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
-							Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(m)));
-							// if we have too much of it (avoids mass storage)
-							if
-								((*l.current)->economy.stock_ware(wt) > 6 *
-								 (*l.current)->economy.ware_target_quantity(wt).permanent)
-								prio -= 20;
-							// if the economy needs this ware
-							if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
-								prio += 1 + wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
-								if (bo.total_count() == 0)
-									// big bonus, this site might be elemental
-									prio += 3 * wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
-							}
-							// we can enhance this building. build more
-							// maybe the enhancement can produce needed ware
-							if (bo.desc->enhancements().size() > 0) {
-								// this code builds more metalworks
-								if (bo.total_count() == 0)
-									prio += 2;
-								if (bo.total_count() == 1)
-									prio += 8;
-							}
-						}
-						for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.inputs.size(); ++m) {
-							Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.inputs.at(m)));
-							// if the economies don't need it: "waste" it
-							if (!(*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
-								if (bo.total_count() == 0 && bo.prod_build_material)
-									// big bonus, this site might be elemental
-									prio += 3 * wares.at(bo.inputs.at(m)).preciousness;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					// If the produced wares are needed
-					if (prio > 0) {
-						int32_t inout_prio = 0;
-						for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
-							inout_prio += bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(k));
-							inout_prio -= bf->consumers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(k)) / 2;
-						}
-						for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k)
-							inout_prio += bf->consumers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(k));
-						prio += 2 * inout_prio;
-						prio = calculate_need_for_ps(bo, prio);
-					} else
-						continue;
-					// take care about borders and enemies
-					prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
-					// do not construct more than one building,
-					// if supply line is already broken.
-					if (!check_supply(bo) && bo.total_count() > 0)
-						prio -= 12;
-				}
-			} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
-				if (!bf->unowned_land_nearby)
-					continue;
-				prio  = bf->unowned_land_nearby * (1 + type);
-				prio -= bf->military_influence * (5 - type);
-				// set to at least 1
-				prio  = prio > 0 ? prio : 1;
-				prio *= expand_factor;
-				prio /= 2;
-				if (bf->enemy_nearby)
-					prio *= 2;
-				else
-					prio -= bf->military_influence * 2;
-				if (bf->avoid_military)
-					prio /= 5;
-				prio -= militarysites.size() - productionsites.size() / (3 - type);
-			} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE) {
-				//  Build one warehouse for ~every 35 productionsites and mines.
-				//  Militarysites are slightly important as well, to have a bigger
-				//  chance for a warehouses (containing waiting soldiers or wares
-				//  needed for soldier training) near the frontier.
-				prio += productionsites.size() + mines.size();
-				prio += militarysites.size() / 3;
-				prio -= (bo.cnt_under_construction + numof_warehouses) * 35;
-				prio *= 2;
-				// take care about borders and enemies
-				prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
-			} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::TRAININGSITE) {
-				// Start building trainingsites when there are already more than 50
-				// other buildings. That should be enough for a working economy.
-				//  On the other hand only build more trainingsites of the same
-				//  type if the economy is really big.
-				prio += productionsites.size() + militarysites.size();
-				prio += mines.size();
-				prio += type * 10; // +0 / +10 / +20 for DEFF/NORM/AGGR
-				prio  = prio / (bo.total_count() + 1);
-				prio -= (bo.total_count() + 1) * 70;
-				// take care about borders and enemies
-				prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
-			}
-			// avoid to have too many construction sites
-			// but still enable the player to build up basic productionsites
-			if
-				(bo.type != BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE ||
-				 !bo.is_basic || bo.total_count() > 0)
-				prio /=
-					1 + bo.cnt_under_construction * (bo.cnt_under_construction + 1);
-			// add big penalty if water is needed, but is not near
-			if (bo.need_water) {
-				if (bf->water_nearby < 3)
-					continue;
-				int effect = bf->water_nearby - 8;
-				prio +=
-					effect > 0 ?
-					static_cast<int>(sqrt(static_cast<double>(effect))) : effect;
-				// if same producers are nearby, then give some penalty
-				for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k)
-					if (bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(k)) > 0)
-						prio -= 3;
-			}
-			// think of space consuming buildings nearby like farms or vineyards
-			prio /= 1 + bf->space_consumers_nearby;
-			// Stop here, if priority is 0 or less.
-			if (prio <= 0)
-				continue;
-			// Prefer road side fields
-			prio += bf->preferred ?  1 : 0;
-			// don't waste good land for small huts
-			prio -= (maxsize - bo.desc->get_size()) * 3;
-			if (prio > proposed_priority) {
-				proposed_building = bo.id;
-				proposed_priority = prio;
-				proposed_coords   = bf->coords;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// then try all mines - as soon as basic economy is build up.
-	for
-		(uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size() && productionsites.size() > 8; ++i)
-	{
-		BuildingObserver & bo = buildings.at(i);
-		if (!bo.buildable(*player) || bo.type != BuildingObserver::MINE)
-			continue;
-		// Don't build another building of this type, if there is already
-		// one that is unoccupied at the moment
-		if (bo.unoccupied)
-			continue;
-		// Only have 2 mines of a type under construction
-		if (bo.cnt_under_construction > 2)
-			continue;
-		if (onlymissing)
-			// Do not build mines twice, as long as other buildings might be more needed
-			if (bo.total_count() > 0)
-				continue;
-		/* - uninteresting if a mine ware is needed - we exploit the raw material
-		// Check if the produced wares are needed
-		bool needed = false;
-		container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, l) {
-			// Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
-			if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
-				continue;
-			for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
-				Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(m)));
-				if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
-					needed = true;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (needed)
-				break;
-		}
-		// Only try to build mines that produce needed wares.
-		if (!needed)
-			continue;
-		*/
-		for
-			(std::list<MineableField *>::iterator j = mineable_fields.begin();
-			 j != mineable_fields.end();
-			 ++j)
-		{
-			int32_t prio = 0;
-			if ((*j)->coords.field->get_resources() != bo.mines)
-				continue;
-			else
-				prio += (*j)->coords.field->get_resources_amount() * 4 / 3;
-			// Only build mines on locations where some material can be mined
-			if (prio < 2)
-				continue;
-			// Continue if field is blocked at the moment
-			bool blocked = false;
-			for
-				(std::list<BlockedField>::iterator k = blocked_fields.begin();
-				 k != blocked_fields.end();
-				 ++k)
-				if ((*j)->coords == k->coords) {
-					blocked = true;
-					break;
-				}
-			if (blocked) continue;
-			// Check if current economy can supply enough food for production.
-			for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
-				prio += wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).producers;
-				prio -= wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).consumers / 2;
-			}
-			// our wares are needed? gimme more
-			uint32_t ioprio = 0;
-			for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
-				ioprio += 5 * wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
-			}
-			// tribes that have enhanceable mines should build more mines
-			prio *= 1 + 100 / bo.mines_percent;
-			// No plus for mines with multiple output
-			ioprio /= bo.outputs.size();
-			prio += ioprio;
-			prio -= 3 * (*j)->mines_nearby * (*j)->mines_nearby;
-			//prio /= 1 + bo.cnt_built * 2;
-			// multiply with current statistics of all other buildings of this
-			// type to avoid constructing buildings where already some are running
-			// on low resources.
-			prio *= 5 + bo.current_stats;
-			prio /= 100;
-			if (onlymissing) // mines aren't *that* important
-				prio /= 3;
-			if (prio > proposed_priority) {
-				proposed_building = bo.id;
-				proposed_priority = prio;
-				proposed_coords = (*j)->coords;
-				mine = true;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (not proposed_building)
-		return false;
-	// do not have too many construction sites
-	if
-		(proposed_priority < static_cast<int32_t>(total_constructionsites)
-		 and not
-		 onlymissing) // only return here, if we do NOT try to build a missing bld
-		return false;
-	// send the command to construct a new building
-	game().send_player_build
-		(player_number(), proposed_coords, proposed_building);
-	// set the type of update that is needed
-	if (mine)
-		m_mineable_changed = true;
-	else
-		m_buildable_changed = true;
-	return true;
+bool DefaultAI::construct_building(int32_t)  // (int32_t gametime)
+    {
+   // TODO make this smarter, easier and yet more effective
+   // TODO implement handling of seafaring
+   // Do not have too many constructionsites
+   uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
+   bool onlymissing = false;
+   if (total_constructionsites >= (2 + (producers / 10)))
+      onlymissing = true;
+   //  Just used for easy checking whether a mine or something else was built.
+   bool mine = false;
+   std::vector<int32_t> spots_avail;
+   spots_avail.resize(4);
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+      spots_avail.at(i) = 0;
+   for (std::list<BuildableField*>::iterator i = buildable_fields.begin();
+        i != buildable_fields.end();
+        ++i)
+      ++spots_avail.at((*i)->coords.field->nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK);
+   int32_t expand_factor = 0;
+   if (type != DEFENSIVE) {
+      ++expand_factor;
+      // check space and set the need for expansion
+      if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) < static_cast<uint16_t>(2 + (productionsites.size() / 50)))
+         expand_factor += 2;
+      if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) + spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) <
+          static_cast<uint16_t>(4 + (productionsites.size() / 50)))
+         expand_factor += type;
+      uint32_t spots = spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_SMALL);
+      spots += spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM);
+      spots += spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG);
+      if (type == AGGRESSIVE)
+         spots -= militarysites.size() / 20;
+      if (spots < 16)
+         expand_factor *= 2;
+      if ((type == AGGRESSIVE) && spots < 32)
+         expand_factor *= 2;
+   } else {
+      // check space and set the need for expansion
+      if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) < 7)
+         ++expand_factor;
+      if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) + spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) < 12)
+         ++expand_factor;
+      if (spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_SMALL) + spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM) +
+              spots_avail.at(BUILDCAPS_BIG) <
+          16)
+         expand_factor *= 3;
+   }
+   // don't expand when we have unoccupied military buildings
+   //if (TODO) expand_factor = 0;
+   // Defensive AIs also attack sometimes (when they want to expand)
+   if (type == DEFENSIVE && expand_factor > 1)
+      if (next_attack_consideration_due <= game().get_gametime())
+         consider_attack(game().get_gametime());
+   Building_Index proposed_building;
+   int32_t proposed_priority = 0;
+   Coords proposed_coords;
+   // Remove outdated fields from blocker list
+   for (std::list<BlockedField>::iterator i = blocked_fields.begin(); i != blocked_fields.end();)
+      if (i->blocked_until < game().get_gametime()) {
+         i = blocked_fields.erase(i);
+      } else
+         ++i;
+   // first scan all buildable fields for regular buildings
+   for (std::list<BuildableField*>::iterator i = buildable_fields.begin();
+        i != buildable_fields.end();
+        ++i) {
+      BuildableField* const bf = *i;
+      if (!bf->reachable)
+         continue;
+      // Continue if field is blocked at the moment
+      for (std::list<BlockedField>::iterator j = blocked_fields.begin(); j != blocked_fields.end();
+           ++j)
+         if (j->coords == bf->coords)
+            continue;
+      assert(player);
+      int32_t const maxsize = player->get_buildcaps(bf->coords) & BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK;
+      // Check all buildable buildings
+      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < buildings.size(); ++j) {
+         BuildingObserver& bo = buildings.at(j);
+         if (!bo.buildable(*player))
+            continue;
+         if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE)
+            continue;
+         // If there are already a lot of constructionsites, only missing
+         // productionsites that produce build material are allowed
+         // (perhaps they are needed to finish the other constructionsites?)
+         if (onlymissing) {
+            if (!(bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE))
+               continue;
+            if ((bo.total_count() > 0) || !bo.prod_build_material)
+               continue;
+         }
+         if (bo.desc->get_size() > maxsize)
+            continue;
+         int32_t prio = 0;
+         if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
+            // Don't build another building of this type, if there is already
+            // one that is unoccupied at the moment
+            if (bo.unoccupied)
+               continue;
+            if (bo.need_trees) {
+               // Priority of woodcutters depend on the number of near trees
+               prio += bf->trees_nearby * 3;
+               prio /= 3 * (1 + bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(0)));
+               // TODO improve this - it's still useless to place lumberjack huts randomly
+               /*if (prio <= 0) // no, sometimes we need wood without having a forest
+                           continue;*/
+               // Check if the produced wares are needed
+               Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(0)));
+               container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, l) {
+                  // Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
+                  if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
+                     continue;
+                  if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt))
+                     prio += 1 + wares.at(bo.outputs.at(0)).preciousness;
+               }
+               if (bo.total_count() < 2) {
+                  prio *= 6;  // big bonus for the basics
+                  if (bo.total_count() == 0)
+                     prio *= 4;  // even more for the absolute basics
+               }
+            } else if (bo.need_stones) {
+               // Priority of quarries depend on the number of near stones
+               prio += bf->stones_nearby * 3;
+               prio /= 3 * (1 + bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(0)));
+               if (bo.total_count() < 2) {
+                  prio *= 6;  // big bonus for the basics
+                  if (bo.total_count() == 0)
+                     prio *= 4;  // even more for the absolute basics
+               }
+            } else if (bo.production_hint >= 0) {
+               // production hint (f.e. associate forester with trunks)
+               // Calculate the need for this building
+               int16_t inout = wares.at(bo.production_hint).consumers;
+               if (tribe->safe_ware_index("trunk").value() == bo.production_hint)
+                  inout += total_constructionsites / 4;
+               inout -= wares.at(bo.production_hint).producers;
+               if (inout < 1)
+                  inout = 1;
+               // the ware they're refreshing
+               Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.production_hint));
+               container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, l) {
+                  // Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
+                  if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
+                     continue;
+                  if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
+                     prio += wares.at(bo.production_hint).preciousness * inout * 2;
+                     break;
+                  }
+               }
+               // Do not build too many of these buildings, but still care
+               // to build at least two.
+               // And add bonus near buildings outputting production_hint ware.
+               prio += (5 * bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.production_hint)) / 2;
+               prio -= bo.total_count() * 2;
+               prio /= bo.total_count() + 1;
+               prio += (bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.production_hint) - 1) * 5;
+               if (bo.total_count() > 2)
+                  prio -= bo.total_count();
+               else {
+                  prio += wares.at(bo.production_hint).preciousness;
+                  prio *= 3;
+               }
+               if (prio < 0)
+                  continue;
+            } else if (bo.recruitment) {
+               // "recruitment centeres" like the donkey farm should be build up
+               // as soon as a basic infrastructure was completed.
+               // and of course the defaultAI should think of further
+               // constructions of that type later in game.
+               prio -= 12;  // start calculation with an offset
+               prio += productionsites.size() + mines.size();
+               prio -= (bo.total_count()) * 40;
+               prio *= 2;
+               // take care about borders and enemies
+               prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
+            } else {  // "normal" productionsites
+               // ToDo: prefer soldier producing things
+               // Ware_Index const soldier_index = tribe().worker_index("soldier");
+               if (bo.is_basic && (bo.total_count() == 0))
+                  prio += 100;  // for very important buildings
+               // Check if the produced wares are needed
+               container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, l) {
+                  // Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
+                  if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
+                     continue;
+                  for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
+                     Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(m)));
+                     // if we have too much of it (avoids mass storage)
+                     if ((*l.current)->economy.stock_ware(wt) >
+                         6 * (*l.current)->economy.ware_target_quantity(wt).permanent)
+                        prio -= 20;
+                     // if the economy needs this ware
+                     if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
+                        prio += 1 + wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
+                        if (bo.total_count() == 0)
+                           // big bonus, this site might be elemental
+                           prio += 3 * wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
+                     }
+                     // we can enhance this building. build more
+                     // maybe the enhancement can produce needed ware
+                     if (bo.desc->enhancements().size() > 0) {
+                        // this code builds more metalworks
+                        if (bo.total_count() == 0)
+                           prio += 2;
+                        if (bo.total_count() == 1)
+                           prio += 8;
+                     }
+                  }
+                  for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.inputs.size(); ++m) {
+                     Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.inputs.at(m)));
+                     // if the economies don't need it: "waste" it
+                     if (!(*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
+                        if (bo.total_count() == 0 && bo.prod_build_material)
+                           // big bonus, this site might be elemental
+                           prio += 3 * wares.at(bo.inputs.at(m)).preciousness;
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               // If the produced wares are needed
+               if (prio > 0) {
+                  int32_t inout_prio = 0;
+                  for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
+                     inout_prio += bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(k));
+                     inout_prio -= bf->consumers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(k)) / 2;
+                  }
+                  for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k)
+                     inout_prio += bf->consumers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(k));
+                  prio += 2 * inout_prio;
+                  prio = calculate_need_for_ps(bo, prio);
+               } else
+                  continue;
+               // take care about borders and enemies
+               prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
+               // do not construct more than one building,
+               // if supply line is already broken.
+               if (!check_supply(bo) && bo.total_count() > 0)
+                  prio -= 12;
+            }
+         } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
+            if (!bf->unowned_land_nearby)
+               continue;
+            prio = bf->unowned_land_nearby * (1 + type);
+            prio -= bf->military_influence * (5 - type);
+            // set to at least 1
+            prio = prio > 0 ? prio : 1;
+            prio *= expand_factor;
+            prio /= 2;
+            if (bf->enemy_nearby)
+               prio *= 2;
+            else
+               prio -= bf->military_influence * 2;
+            if (bf->avoid_military)
+               prio /= 5;
+            prio -= militarysites.size() - productionsites.size() / (3 - type);
+         } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE) {
+            //  Build one warehouse for ~every 35 productionsites and mines.
+            //  Militarysites are slightly important as well, to have a bigger
+            //  chance for a warehouses (containing waiting soldiers or wares
+            //  needed for soldier training) near the frontier.
+            prio += productionsites.size() + mines.size();
+            prio += militarysites.size() / 3;
+            prio -= (bo.cnt_under_construction + numof_warehouses) * 35;
+            prio *= 2;
+            // take care about borders and enemies
+            prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
+         } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::TRAININGSITE) {
+            // Start building trainingsites when there are already more than 50
+            // other buildings. That should be enough for a working economy.
+            //  On the other hand only build more trainingsites of the same
+            //  type if the economy is really big.
+            prio += productionsites.size() + militarysites.size();
+            prio += mines.size();
+            prio += type * 10;  // +0 / +10 / +20 for DEFF/NORM/AGGR
+            prio = prio / (bo.total_count() + 1);
+            prio -= (bo.total_count() + 1) * 70;
+            // take care about borders and enemies
+            prio = recalc_with_border_range(*bf, prio);
+         }
+         // avoid to have too many construction sites
+         // but still enable the player to build up basic productionsites
+         if (bo.type != BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE || !bo.is_basic || bo.total_count() > 0)
+            prio /= 1 + bo.cnt_under_construction * (bo.cnt_under_construction + 1);
+         // add big penalty if water is needed, but is not near
+         if (bo.need_water) {
+            if (bf->water_nearby < 3)
+               continue;
+            int effect = bf->water_nearby - 8;
+            prio += effect > 0 ? static_cast<int>(sqrt(static_cast<double>(effect))) : effect;
+            // if same producers are nearby, then give some penalty
+            for (size_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k)
+               if (bf->producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(k)) > 0)
+                  prio -= 3;
+         }
+         // think of space consuming buildings nearby like farms or vineyards
+         prio /= 1 + bf->space_consumers_nearby;
+         // Stop here, if priority is 0 or less.
+         if (prio <= 0)
+            continue;
+         // Prefer road side fields
+         prio += bf->preferred ? 1 : 0;
+         // don't waste good land for small huts
+         prio -= (maxsize - bo.desc->get_size()) * 3;
+         if (prio > proposed_priority) {
+            proposed_building = bo.id;
+            proposed_priority = prio;
+            proposed_coords = bf->coords;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   // then try all mines - as soon as basic economy is build up.
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size() && productionsites.size() > 8; ++i) {
+      BuildingObserver& bo = buildings.at(i);
+      if (!bo.buildable(*player) || bo.type != BuildingObserver::MINE)
+         continue;
+      // Don't build another building of this type, if there is already
+      // one that is unoccupied at the moment
+      if (bo.unoccupied)
+         continue;
+      // Only have 2 mines of a type under construction
+      if (bo.cnt_under_construction > 2)
+         continue;
+      if (onlymissing)
+         // Do not build mines twice, as long as other buildings might be more needed
+         if (bo.total_count() > 0)
+            continue;
+      /* - uninteresting if a mine ware is needed - we exploit the raw material
+         // Check if the produced wares are needed
+         bool needed = false;
+         container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, l) {
+            // Don't check if the economy has no warehouse.
+            if ((*l.current)->economy.warehouses().empty())
+               continue;
+            for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
+               Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(bo.outputs.at(m)));
+               if ((*l.current)->economy.needs_ware(wt)) {
+                  needed = true;
+                  break;
+               }
+            }
+            if (needed)
+               break;
+         }
+         // Only try to build mines that produce needed wares.
+         if (!needed)
+            continue;
+         */
+      for (std::list<MineableField*>::iterator j = mineable_fields.begin();
+           j != mineable_fields.end();
+           ++j) {
+         int32_t prio = 0;
+         if ((*j)->coords.field->get_resources() != bo.mines)
+            continue;
+         else
+            prio += (*j)->coords.field->get_resources_amount() * 4 / 3;
+         // Only build mines on locations where some material can be mined
+         if (prio < 2)
+            continue;
+         // Continue if field is blocked at the moment
+         bool blocked = false;
+         for (std::list<BlockedField>::iterator k = blocked_fields.begin();
+              k != blocked_fields.end();
+              ++k)
+            if ((*j)->coords == k->coords) {
+               blocked = true;
+               break;
+            }
+         if (blocked)
+            continue;
+         // Check if current economy can supply enough food for production.
+         for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
+            prio += wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).producers;
+            prio -= wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).consumers / 2;
+         }
+         // our wares are needed? gimme more
+         uint32_t ioprio = 0;
+         for (uint32_t m = 0; m < bo.outputs.size(); ++m) {
+            ioprio += 5 * wares.at(bo.outputs.at(m)).preciousness;
+         }
+         // tribes that have enhanceable mines should build more mines
+         prio *= 1 + 100 / bo.mines_percent;
+         // No plus for mines with multiple output
+         ioprio /= bo.outputs.size();
+         prio += ioprio;
+         prio -= 3 * (*j)->mines_nearby * (*j)->mines_nearby;
+         //prio /= 1 + bo.cnt_built * 2;
+         // multiply with current statistics of all other buildings of this
+         // type to avoid constructing buildings where already some are running
+         // on low resources.
+         prio *= 5 + bo.current_stats;
+         prio /= 100;
+         if (onlymissing)  // mines aren't *that* important
+            prio /= 3;
+         if (prio > proposed_priority) {
+            proposed_building = bo.id;
+            proposed_priority = prio;
+            proposed_coords = (*j)->coords;
+            mine = true;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if (not proposed_building)
+      return false;
+   // do not have too many construction sites
+   if (proposed_priority < static_cast<int32_t>(total_constructionsites)
+       and not onlymissing)  // only return here, if we do NOT try to build a missing bld
+      return false;
+   // send the command to construct a new building
+   game().send_player_build(player_number(), proposed_coords, proposed_building);
+   // set the type of update that is needed
+   if (mine)
+      m_mineable_changed = true;
+   else
+      m_buildable_changed = true;
+   return true;
  * This function searches for places where a new road is needed to connect two
  * economies. It then sends the request to build the road.
-bool DefaultAI::construct_roads (int32_t gametime)
-	if (economies.size() < 2) {
-		// only one economy, no need for new roads
-		return false;
-	}
-	uint32_t economies_to_connect = 0;
-	EconomyObserver * eo_to_connect = economies.front(); // dummy initialisation
-	//  fetch first two economies that might be connectable
-	for
-		(std::list<EconomyObserver *>::iterator i = economies.begin();
-		 economies_to_connect < 2 && i != economies.end();
-		 ++i)
-		//  Do not try to connect economies that already failed in last time.
-		if ((*i)->next_connection_try <= gametime) {
-			if (economies_to_connect == 1)
-				eo_to_connect = *i;
-			++economies_to_connect;
-		}
-	// No need to connect, if only one economy
-	if (economies_to_connect < 2)
-		return false;
-	if (eo_to_connect->flags.empty())
-		return check_economies();
-	// Check if the flag is still there and if not care about that situation
-	if (!eo_to_connect->flags.front()) {
-		eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
-		return check_economies();
-	}
-	// Try to connect - this should work fine as in nearly all cases we simply
-	// connect a constructionsite
-	bool done = connect_flag_to_another_economy(*eo_to_connect->flags.front());
-	eo_to_connect->flags.push_back(eo_to_connect->flags.front());
-	eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
-	if (done) {
-		eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries = 0;
-		return true;
-	}
-	// If the economy consists of just one constructionsite, and the defaultAI
-	// failed more than 4 times to connect, we remove the constructionsite
-	if
-		(eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries > 3
-		 and
-		 eo_to_connect->flags.size() == 1)
-	{
-		Building * bld = eo_to_connect->flags.front()->get_building();
-		if (bld) {
-			BuildingObserver & bo = get_building_observer(bld->name().c_str());
-			if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
-				game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag *>(eo_to_connect->flags.front()));
-				eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
-				// Block the field at constructionsites coords for 5 minutes
-				// against new construction tries.
-				BlockedField blocked
-					(game().map().get_fcoords(bld->get_position()),
-					 game().get_gametime() + 300000);
-				blocked_fields.push_back(blocked);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Unable to connect, so we let this economy wait for 30 seconds.
-	eo_to_connect->next_connection_try = gametime + 30000;
-	++eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries;
-	return false;
+bool DefaultAI::construct_roads(int32_t gametime) {
+   if (economies.size() < 2) {
+      // only one economy, no need for new roads
+      return false;
+   }
+   uint32_t economies_to_connect = 0;
+   EconomyObserver* eo_to_connect = economies.front();  // dummy initialisation
+   //  fetch first two economies that might be connectable
+   for (std::list<EconomyObserver*>::iterator i = economies.begin();
+        economies_to_connect < 2 && i != economies.end();
+        ++i)
+      //  Do not try to connect economies that already failed in last time.
+      if ((*i)->next_connection_try <= gametime) {
+         if (economies_to_connect == 1)
+            eo_to_connect = *i;
+         ++economies_to_connect;
+      }
+   // No need to connect, if only one economy
+   if (economies_to_connect < 2)
+      return false;
+   if (eo_to_connect->flags.empty())
+      return check_economies();
+   // Check if the flag is still there and if not care about that situation
+   if (!eo_to_connect->flags.front()) {
+      eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
+      return check_economies();
+   }
+   // Try to connect - this should work fine as in nearly all cases we simply
+   // connect a constructionsite
+   bool done = connect_flag_to_another_economy(*eo_to_connect->flags.front());
+   eo_to_connect->flags.push_back(eo_to_connect->flags.front());
+   eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
+   if (done) {
+      eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries = 0;
+      return true;
+   }
+   // If the economy consists of just one constructionsite, and the defaultAI
+   // failed more than 4 times to connect, we remove the constructionsite
+   if (eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries > 3 and eo_to_connect->flags.size() == 1) {
+      Building* bld = eo_to_connect->flags.front()->get_building();
+      if (bld) {
+         BuildingObserver& bo = get_building_observer(bld->name().c_str());
+         if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
+            game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag*>(eo_to_connect->flags.front()));
+            eo_to_connect->flags.pop_front();
+            // Block the field at constructionsites coords for 5 minutes
+            // against new construction tries.
+            BlockedField blocked(game().map().get_fcoords(bld->get_position()),
+                                 game().get_gametime() + 300000);
+            blocked_fields.push_back(blocked);
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   // Unable to connect, so we let this economy wait for 30 seconds.
+   eo_to_connect->next_connection_try = gametime + 30000;
+   ++eo_to_connect->failed_connection_tries;
+   return false;
 /// improves current road system
-bool DefaultAI::improve_roads (int32_t gametime)
-	// Remove flags of dead end roads, as long as no more wares are stored on them
-	container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, i)
-		container_iterate(std::list<Flag const *>, (*i.current)->flags, j)
-			if ((*j.current)->is_dead_end() && (*j.current)->current_items() == 0) {
-				game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag *>((*j.current)));
-				j.current = (*i.current)->flags.erase(j.current);
-				return true;
-			}
-	// force a split on roads that are longer than 3 parts
-	// actually we do not care for loss of building capabilities - normal maps
-	// should have enough space and the computer can expand it's territory.
-	if (!roads.empty()) {
-		const Path & path = roads.front()->get_path();
-		if (path.get_nsteps() > 3) {
-			const Map & map = game().map();
-			CoordPath cp(map, path);
-			// try to split after two steps
-			CoordPath::Step_Vector::size_type i = cp.get_nsteps() - 1, j = 1;
-			for (; i >= j; --i, ++j) {
-				{
-					const Coords c = cp.get_coords().at(i);
-					if (map[c].nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG) {
-						game().send_player_build_flag (player_number(), c);
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-				{
-					const Coords c = cp.get_coords().at(j);
-					if (map[c].nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG) {
-						game().send_player_build_flag (player_number(), c);
-						return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// Unable to set a flag - perhaps the road was build stupid
-			game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Road *>(roads.front()));
-		}
-		roads.push_back (roads.front());
-		roads.pop_front ();
-	}
-	if (!economies.empty() && inhibit_road_building <= gametime) {
-		EconomyObserver * eco = economies.front();
-		if (!eco->flags.empty()) {
-			bool finish = false;
-			const Flag & flag = *eco->flags.front();
-			// try to connect to another economy
-			if (economies.size() > 1)
-				finish = connect_flag_to_another_economy(flag);
-			// try to improve the roads at this flag
-			//  TODO do this only on useful places - the attempt below
-			//  TODO  unfortunatey did not work as it should...
-			//  if the flag is full of wares or if it is not yet a fork.
-			if (!finish) //&& (!flag.has_capacity() || flag.nr_of_roads() < 3))
-				finish = improve_transportation_ways(flag);
-			// cycle through flags one at a time
-			eco->flags.push_back(eco->flags.front());
-			eco->flags.pop_front();
-			// and cycle through economies
-			economies.push_back(eco);
-			economies.pop_front();
-			return finish;
-		} else
-			// If the economy has no flag, the observers need to be updated.
-			return check_economies();
-	}
-	return false;
+bool DefaultAI::improve_roads(int32_t gametime) {
+   // Remove flags of dead end roads, as long as no more wares are stored on them
+   container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, i)
+   container_iterate(std::list<Flag const*>, (*i.current)->flags, j)
+   if ((*j.current)->is_dead_end() && (*j.current)->current_items() == 0) {
+      game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Flag*>((*j.current)));
+      j.current = (*i.current)->flags.erase(j.current);
+      return true;
+   }
+   // force a split on roads that are longer than 3 parts
+   // actually we do not care for loss of building capabilities - normal maps
+   // should have enough space and the computer can expand it's territory.
+   if (!roads.empty()) {
+      const Path& path = roads.front()->get_path();
+      if (path.get_nsteps() > 3) {
+         const Map& map = game().map();
+         CoordPath cp(map, path);
+         // try to split after two steps
+         CoordPath::Step_Vector::size_type i = cp.get_nsteps() - 1, j = 1;
+         for (; i >= j; --i, ++j) {
+            {
+               const Coords c = cp.get_coords().at(i);
+               if (map[c].nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG) {
+                  game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), c);
+                  return true;
+               }
+            }
+            {
+               const Coords c = cp.get_coords().at(j);
+               if (map[c].nodecaps() & BUILDCAPS_FLAG) {
+                  game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), c);
+                  return true;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         // Unable to set a flag - perhaps the road was build stupid
+         game().send_player_bulldoze(*const_cast<Road*>(roads.front()));
+      }
+      roads.push_back(roads.front());
+      roads.pop_front();
+   }
+   if (!economies.empty() && inhibit_road_building <= gametime) {
+      EconomyObserver* eco = economies.front();
+      if (!eco->flags.empty()) {
+         bool finish = false;
+         const Flag& flag = *eco->flags.front();
+         // try to connect to another economy
+         if (economies.size() > 1)
+            finish = connect_flag_to_another_economy(flag);
+         // try to improve the roads at this flag
+         //  TODO do this only on useful places - the attempt below
+         //  TODO  unfortunatey did not work as it should...
+         //  if the flag is full of wares or if it is not yet a fork.
+         if (!finish)  //&& (!flag.has_capacity() || flag.nr_of_roads() < 3))
+            finish = improve_transportation_ways(flag);
+         // cycle through flags one at a time
+         eco->flags.push_back(eco->flags.front());
+         eco->flags.pop_front();
+         // and cycle through economies
+         economies.push_back(eco);
+         economies.pop_front();
+         return finish;
+      } else
+         // If the economy has no flag, the observers need to be updated.
+         return check_economies();
+   }
+   return false;
 // connects a specific flag to another economy
-bool DefaultAI::connect_flag_to_another_economy (const Flag & flag)
-	FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad functor;
-	CheckStepRoadAI check(player, MOVECAPS_WALK, true);
-	std::vector<Coords> reachable;
-	// first look for possible destinations
-	functor.economy = flag.get_economy();
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	map.find_reachable_fields
-		(Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), 16),
-		 &reachable,
-		 check,
-		 functor);
-	if (reachable.empty())
-		return false;
-	// then choose the one with the shortest path
-	Path * path = new Path();
-	bool found = false;
-	check.set_openend(false);
-	Coords closest;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Coords>, reachable, i) {
-		Path * path2 = new Path();
-		if (map.findpath(flag.get_position(), *i.current, 0, *path2, check) >= 0) {
-			if (!found || path->get_nsteps() > path2->get_nsteps()) {
-				delete path;
-				path = path2;
-				path2 = NULL;
-				closest = *i.current;
-				found = true;
-			}
-		}
-		delete path2;
-	}
-	if (found) {
-		// if we join a road and there is no flag yet, build one
-		if (dynamic_cast<const Road *>(map[closest].get_immovable()))
-			game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), closest);
-		// and finally build the road
-		game().send_player_build_road(player_number(), *path);
-		return true;
-	} else {
-		delete path;
-		return false;
-	}
+bool DefaultAI::connect_flag_to_another_economy(const Flag& flag) {
+   FindNodeWithFlagOrRoad functor;
+   CheckStepRoadAI check(player, MOVECAPS_WALK, true);
+   std::vector<Coords> reachable;
+   // first look for possible destinations
+   functor.economy = flag.get_economy();
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   map.find_reachable_fields(
+       Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(flag.get_position()), 16), &reachable, check, functor);
+   if (reachable.empty())
+      return false;
+   // then choose the one with the shortest path
+   Path* path = new Path();
+   bool found = false;
+   check.set_openend(false);
+   Coords closest;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Coords>, reachable, i) {
+      Path* path2 = new Path();
+      if (map.findpath(flag.get_position(), *i.current, 0, *path2, check) >= 0) {
+         if (!found || path->get_nsteps() > path2->get_nsteps()) {
+            delete path;
+            path = path2;
+            path2 = NULL;
+            closest = *i.current;
+            found = true;
+         }
+      }
+      delete path2;
+   }
+   if (found) {
+      // if we join a road and there is no flag yet, build one
+      if (dynamic_cast<const Road*>(map[closest].get_immovable()))
+         game().send_player_build_flag(player_number(), closest);
+      // and finally build the road
+      game().send_player_build_road(player_number(), *path);
+      return true;
+   } else {
+      delete path;
+      return false;
+   }
 /// adds alternative ways to already existing ones
-bool DefaultAI::improve_transportation_ways (const Flag & flag)
-	// First of all try to remove old building flags to clean up the road web if possible
-	container_iterate(std::list<Widelands::Coords>, flags_to_be_removed, i) {
-		// Maybe the flag was already removed?
-		FCoords f = game().map().get_fcoords(*(i.current));
-		if (upcast(Flag, other_flag, f.field->get_immovable())) {
-			// Check if building is dismantled, but don't waste precious wares
-			if (!other_flag->get_building() && other_flag->current_items() == 0) {
-				game().send_player_bulldoze(*other_flag);
-				flags_to_be_removed.erase(i.current);
-				break;
-			}
-		} else {
-			flags_to_be_removed.erase(i.current);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	std::priority_queue<NearFlag> queue;
-	std::vector<NearFlag> nearflags;
-	queue.push (NearFlag(flag, 0, 0));
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	while (!queue.empty()) {
-		std::vector<NearFlag>::iterator f = find(nearflags.begin(), nearflags.end(), queue.top().flag);
-		if (f != nearflags.end()) {
-			queue.pop();
-			continue;
-		}
-		nearflags.push_back(queue.top());
-		queue.pop();
-		NearFlag & nf = nearflags.back();
-		for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
-			Road * const road = nf.flag->get_road(i);
-			if (!road)
-				continue;
-			Flag * endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
-			if (endflag == nf.flag)
-				endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
-			int32_t dist = map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), endflag->get_position());
-			if (dist > 12) //  out of range
-				continue;
-			queue.push(NearFlag(*endflag, nf.cost + road->get_path().get_nsteps(), dist));
-		}
-	}
-	std::sort (nearflags.begin(), nearflags.end(), CompareDistance());
-	CheckStepRoadAI check(player, MOVECAPS_WALK, false);
-	for (uint32_t i = 1; i < nearflags.size(); ++i) {
-		NearFlag & nf = nearflags.at(i);
-		if (2 * nf.distance + 2 < nf.cost) {
-			Path & path = *new Path();
-			if
-				(map.findpath
-				 	(flag.get_position(), nf.flag->get_position(), 0, path, check)
-				 >=
-				 0
-				 and
-				 static_cast<int32_t>(2 * path.get_nsteps() + 2) < nf.cost)
-			{
-				game().send_player_build_road (player_number(), path);
-				return true;
-			}
-			delete &path;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
+bool DefaultAI::improve_transportation_ways(const Flag& flag) {
+   // First of all try to remove old building flags to clean up the road web if possible
+   container_iterate(std::list<Widelands::Coords>, flags_to_be_removed, i) {
+      // Maybe the flag was already removed?
+      FCoords f = game().map().get_fcoords(*(i.current));
+      if (upcast(Flag, other_flag, f.field->get_immovable())) {
+         // Check if building is dismantled, but don't waste precious wares
+         if (!other_flag->get_building() && other_flag->current_items() == 0) {
+            game().send_player_bulldoze(*other_flag);
+            flags_to_be_removed.erase(i.current);
+            break;
+         }
+      } else {
+         flags_to_be_removed.erase(i.current);
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   std::priority_queue<NearFlag> queue;
+   std::vector<NearFlag> nearflags;
+   queue.push(NearFlag(flag, 0, 0));
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   while (!queue.empty()) {
+      std::vector<NearFlag>::iterator f =
+          find(nearflags.begin(), nearflags.end(), queue.top().flag);
+      if (f != nearflags.end()) {
+         queue.pop();
+         continue;
+      }
+      nearflags.push_back(queue.top());
+      queue.pop();
+      NearFlag& nf = nearflags.back();
+      for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
+         Road* const road = nf.flag->get_road(i);
+         if (!road)
+            continue;
+         Flag* endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
+         if (endflag == nf.flag)
+            endflag = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
+         int32_t dist = map.calc_distance(flag.get_position(), endflag->get_position());
+         if (dist > 12)  //  out of range
+            continue;
+         queue.push(NearFlag(*endflag, nf.cost + road->get_path().get_nsteps(), dist));
+      }
+   }
+   std::sort(nearflags.begin(), nearflags.end(), CompareDistance());
+   CheckStepRoadAI check(player, MOVECAPS_WALK, false);
+   for (uint32_t i = 1; i < nearflags.size(); ++i) {
+      NearFlag& nf = nearflags.at(i);
+      if (2 * nf.distance + 2 < nf.cost) {
+         Path& path = *new Path();
+         if (map.findpath(flag.get_position(), nf.flag->get_position(), 0, path, check) >=
+             0 and static_cast<int32_t>(2 * path.get_nsteps() + 2) < nf.cost) {
+            game().send_player_build_road(player_number(), path);
+            return true;
+         }
+         delete &path;
+      }
+   }
+   return false;
  * Checks if anything in one of the economies changed and takes care for these
  * changes.
  * \returns true, if something was changed.
-bool DefaultAI::check_economies ()
-	while (!new_flags.empty()) {
-		const Flag & flag = *new_flags.front();
-		new_flags.pop_front();
-		get_economy_observer(flag.economy())->flags.push_back (&flag);
-	}
-	container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, i) {
-		// check if any flag has changed its economy
-		std::list<Flag const *> &fl = (*i.current)->flags;
-		for (std::list<Flag const *>::iterator j = fl.begin(); j != fl.end();) {
-			if (&(*i.current)->economy != &(*j)->economy()) {
-				get_economy_observer((*j)->economy())->flags.push_back(*j);
-				j = fl.erase(j);
-			} else
-				++j;
-		}
-		// if there are no more flags in this economy,
-		// we no longer need it's observer
-		if ((*i.current)->flags.empty()) {
-			delete *i.current;
-			economies.erase(i.current);
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	return false;
+bool DefaultAI::check_economies() {
+   while (!new_flags.empty()) {
+      const Flag& flag = *new_flags.front();
+      new_flags.pop_front();
+      get_economy_observer(flag.economy())->flags.push_back(&flag);
+   }
+   container_iterate(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, i) {
+      // check if any flag has changed its economy
+      std::list<Flag const*>& fl = (*i.current)->flags;
+      for (std::list<Flag const*>::iterator j = fl.begin(); j != fl.end();) {
+         if (&(*i.current)->economy != &(*j)->economy()) {
+            get_economy_observer((*j)->economy())->flags.push_back(*j);
+            j = fl.erase(j);
+         } else
+            ++j;
+      }
+      // if there are no more flags in this economy,
+      // we no longer need it's observer
+      if ((*i.current)->flags.empty()) {
+         delete *i.current;
+         economies.erase(i.current);
+         return true;
+      }
+   }
+   return false;
@@ -1602,185 +1484,171 @@
  * \returns true, if something was changed.
-bool DefaultAI::check_productionsites(int32_t gametime)
-	if ((next_productionsite_check_due > gametime) || productionsites.empty())
-		return false;
-	next_productionsite_check_due = gametime + 1300;
-	// Get link to productionsite that should be checked
-	ProductionSiteObserver & site = productionsites.front();
-	bool changed = false;
-	// Get max radius of recursive workarea
-	Workarea_Info::size_type radius = 0;
-	const Workarea_Info & workarea_info = site.bo->desc->m_workarea_info;
-	container_iterate_const(Workarea_Info, workarea_info, i)
-		if (radius < i.current->first)
-			radius = i.current->first;
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	// Lumberjack / Woodcutter handling
-	if
-		(site.bo->need_trees
-		 and
-		 map.find_immovables
-		 	(Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()), radius),
-		 	 0,
-		 	 FindImmovableAttribute(Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("tree")))
-		 ==
-		 0)
-	{
-		if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() == 0) {
-			// Do not destruct the last lumberjack - perhaps some small trees are
-			// near, a forester will plant some trees or some new trees will seed
-			// in reach. Computer players can easily run out of wood if this check
-			// is not done.
-			if (site.bo->cnt_built == 1)
-				return false;
-			// destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
-			// the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
-			// unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
-			flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
-			game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
-			return true;
-		}
-	}
-	// Quarry handling
-	if
-		(site.bo->need_stones
-		 and
-		 map.find_immovables
-		 	(Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()), radius),
-		 	 0,
-		 	 FindImmovableAttribute(Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("stone")))
-		 ==
-		 0)
-	{
-		// destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
-		// the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
-		// unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
-		flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
-		game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
-		return true;
-	}
-	// All other productionsites without input...
-	if
-		(site.bo->inputs.empty() // does not consume anything
-		 and
-		 site.bo->production_hint == -1 // not a renewing building (forester...)
-		 and
-		 site.builttime + 600000 < game().get_gametime() // > 10 minutes old
-		 and
-		 site.site->can_start_working()) // building is occupied
-	{
-		if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() == 0) { // production stats == 0%
-			++site.statszero;
-			// Only continue here, if at least 3 following times, the stats were 0%
-			if (site.statszero >= 3) {
-				// Do not destruct building, if it's basic and the last of this
-				// type left.
-				if (site.bo->is_basic && site.bo->cnt_built <= 1)
-					return false;
-				// If building seems to be useless, think about destructing it and
-				// it's flag (via flag destruction) more or less randomly. The
-				// destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
-				// unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
-				//
-				// Add a bonus if one building of this type is still unoccupied
-				if (((game().get_gametime() % 4) + site.bo->unoccupied) > 2) {
-					flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
-					game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
-					return true;
-				}
-				else
-					return false;
-			}
-			return false;
-		} else
-			site.statszero = 0; // reset zero counter
-	}
-	// Do not have too many constructionsites
-	uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
-	if (total_constructionsites >= (5 + (producers / 10)))
-		return false;
-	// Check whether building is enhanceable and if wares of the enhanced
-	// buildings are needed. If yes consider an upgrade.
-	std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = site.site->enhancements();
-	int32_t maxprio = 0;
-	Building_Index enbld;
-	container_iterate_const(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x) {
-		// Only enhance buildings that are allowed (scenario mode)
-		if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
-			const Building_Descr & bld = *tribe->get_building_descr(*x.current);
-			BuildingObserver & en_bo = get_building_observer(bld.name().c_str());
-			// Don't enhance this building, if there is already one of same type
-			// under construction
-			if (en_bo.cnt_under_construction > 0)
-				continue;
-			// don't upgrade without workers
-			if (!site.site->has_workers(*x.current, game()))
-				continue;
-			int32_t prio = 0; // priority for enhancement
-			// Find new outputs of enhanced building
-			std::vector<int16_t> & current_outputs = site.bo->outputs;
-			std::vector<int16_t> new_outputs;
-			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < en_bo.outputs.size(); ++i) {
-				for (uint16_t j = 0; j < current_outputs.size(); ++j)
-					if (current_outputs.at(j) == en_bo.outputs.at(i)) {
-						Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(current_outputs.at(j)));
-						if (site.site->economy().needs_ware(wt))
-							prio -=
-								(2 + wares.at(current_outputs.at(j)).preciousness) / 2;
-						continue;
-					}
-				new_outputs.push_back(static_cast<int16_t>(i));
-			}
-			// Check if the new wares are needed in economy of the building
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < new_outputs.size(); ++i) {
-				Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(new_outputs.at(i)));
-				if (site.site->economy().needs_ware(wt))
-					prio += 2 + wares.at(new_outputs.at(i)).preciousness;
-			}
-			// Compare the number of buildings of current type with the number
-			// of buildings of enhanced type
-			prio += (site.bo->total_count() - en_bo.total_count()) * 2;
-			// If the new wares are needed
-			if (prio > 0) {
-				prio = calculate_need_for_ps(en_bo, prio);
-				if (prio > maxprio) {
-					maxprio = prio;
-					enbld = (*x.current);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Enhance if enhanced building is useful
-	// additional: we dont want to lose the old building
-	if (maxprio > 0 && site.bo->total_count() > 1) {
-		game().send_player_enhance_building(*site.site, enbld);
-		changed = true;
-	}
-	// Reorder and set new values;
-	productionsites.push_back(productionsites.front());
-	productionsites.pop_front();
-	return changed;
+bool DefaultAI::check_productionsites(int32_t gametime) {
+   if ((next_productionsite_check_due > gametime) || productionsites.empty())
+      return false;
+   next_productionsite_check_due = gametime + 1300;
+   // Get link to productionsite that should be checked
+   ProductionSiteObserver& site = productionsites.front();
+   bool changed = false;
+   // Get max radius of recursive workarea
+   Workarea_Info::size_type radius = 0;
+   const Workarea_Info& workarea_info = site.bo->desc->m_workarea_info;
+   container_iterate_const(Workarea_Info, workarea_info, i)
+   if (radius < i.current->first)
+      radius = i.current->first;
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   // Lumberjack / Woodcutter handling
+   if (site.bo->need_trees and map.find_immovables(
+           Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()), radius),
+           0,
+           FindImmovableAttribute(Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("tree"))) ==
+       0) {
+      if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() == 0) {
+         // Do not destruct the last lumberjack - perhaps some small trees are
+         // near, a forester will plant some trees or some new trees will seed
+         // in reach. Computer players can easily run out of wood if this check
+         // is not done.
+         if (site.bo->cnt_built == 1)
+            return false;
+         // destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
+         // the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
+         // unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
+         flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
+         game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
+         return true;
+      }
+   }
+   // Quarry handling
+   if (site.bo->need_stones and map.find_immovables(
+           Area<FCoords>(map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()), radius),
+           0,
+           FindImmovableAttribute(Map_Object_Descr::get_attribute_id("stone"))) ==
+       0) {
+      // destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
+      // the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
+      // unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
+      flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
+      game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
+      return true;
+   }
+   // All other productionsites without input...
+   if (site.bo->inputs.empty()                  // does not consume anything
+       and site.bo->production_hint ==
+       -1                                       // not a renewing building (forester...)
+               and site.builttime +
+               600000 <
+           game().get_gametime()                // > 10 minutes old
+           and site.site->can_start_working())  // building is occupied
+       {
+      if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() == 0) {  // production stats == 0%
+         ++site.statszero;
+         // Only continue here, if at least 3 following times, the stats were 0%
+         if (site.statszero >= 3) {
+            // Do not destruct building, if it's basic and the last of this
+            // type left.
+            if (site.bo->is_basic && site.bo->cnt_built <= 1)
+               return false;
+            // If building seems to be useless, think about destructing it and
+            // it's flag (via flag destruction) more or less randomly. The
+            // destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
+            // unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
+            //
+            // Add a bonus if one building of this type is still unoccupied
+            if (((game().get_gametime() % 4) + site.bo->unoccupied) > 2) {
+               flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
+               game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
+               return true;
+            } else
+               return false;
+         }
+         return false;
+      } else
+         site.statszero = 0;  // reset zero counter
+   }
+   // Do not have too many constructionsites
+   uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
+   if (total_constructionsites >= (5 + (producers / 10)))
+      return false;
+   // Check whether building is enhanceable and if wares of the enhanced
+   // buildings are needed. If yes consider an upgrade.
+   std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = site.site->enhancements();
+   int32_t maxprio = 0;
+   Building_Index enbld;
+   container_iterate_const(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x) {
+      // Only enhance buildings that are allowed (scenario mode)
+      if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
+         const Building_Descr& bld = *tribe->get_building_descr(*x.current);
+         BuildingObserver& en_bo = get_building_observer(bld.name().c_str());
+         // Don't enhance this building, if there is already one of same type
+         // under construction
+         if (en_bo.cnt_under_construction > 0)
+            continue;
+         // don't upgrade without workers
+         if (!site.site->has_workers(*x.current, game()))
+            continue;
+         int32_t prio = 0;  // priority for enhancement
+         // Find new outputs of enhanced building
+         std::vector<int16_t>& current_outputs = site.bo->outputs;
+         std::vector<int16_t> new_outputs;
+         for (uint16_t i = 0; i < en_bo.outputs.size(); ++i) {
+            for (uint16_t j = 0; j < current_outputs.size(); ++j)
+               if (current_outputs.at(j) == en_bo.outputs.at(i)) {
+                  Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(current_outputs.at(j)));
+                  if (site.site->economy().needs_ware(wt))
+                     prio -= (2 + wares.at(current_outputs.at(j)).preciousness) / 2;
+                  continue;
+               }
+            new_outputs.push_back(static_cast<int16_t>(i));
+         }
+         // Check if the new wares are needed in economy of the building
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < new_outputs.size(); ++i) {
+            Ware_Index wt(static_cast<size_t>(new_outputs.at(i)));
+            if (site.site->economy().needs_ware(wt))
+               prio += 2 + wares.at(new_outputs.at(i)).preciousness;
+         }
+         // Compare the number of buildings of current type with the number
+         // of buildings of enhanced type
+         prio += (site.bo->total_count() - en_bo.total_count()) * 2;
+         // If the new wares are needed
+         if (prio > 0) {
+            prio = calculate_need_for_ps(en_bo, prio);
+            if (prio > maxprio) {
+               maxprio = prio;
+               enbld = (*x.current);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   // Enhance if enhanced building is useful
+   // additional: we dont want to lose the old building
+   if (maxprio > 0 && site.bo->total_count() > 1) {
+      game().send_player_enhance_building(*site.site, enbld);
+      changed = true;
+   }
+   // Reorder and set new values;
+   productionsites.push_back(productionsites.front());
+   productionsites.pop_front();
+   return changed;
@@ -1789,69 +1657,66 @@
  * \returns true, if something was changed.
-bool DefaultAI::check_mines(int32_t const gametime)
-	if ((next_mine_check_due > gametime) || mines.empty())
-		return false;
-	next_mine_check_due = gametime + 1000;
-	// Get link to productionsite that should be checked
-	ProductionSiteObserver & site = mines.front();
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	Field * field = map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()).field;
-	// Don't try to enhance as long as stats are not down to 0% - it is possible,
-	// that some neighbour fields still have resources
-	if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() > 0)
-		return false;
-	// Check if mine ran out of resources
-	uint8_t current = field->get_resources_amount();
-	if (current < 1) {
-		// destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
-		// the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
-		// unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
-		flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
-		game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
-		return true;
-	}
-	// Check whether building is enhanceable. If yes consider an upgrade.
-	std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = site.site->enhancements();
-	int32_t maxprio = 0;
-	Building_Index enbld;
-	bool changed = false;
-	container_iterate_const(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x) {
-		// Only enhance buildings that are allowed (scenario mode)
-		if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
-			// Check if mine needs an enhancement to mine more resources
-			uint8_t const until =
-				field->get_starting_res_amount() * (100 - site.bo->mines_percent)
-				/
-				100;
-			if (until >= current) {
-				// add some randomness - just for the case if more than one
-				// enhancement is available (not in any tribe yet)
-				int32_t const prio = time(0) % 3 + 1;
-				if (prio > maxprio) {
-					maxprio = prio;
-					enbld = (*x.current);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Enhance if enhanced building is useful
-	if (maxprio > 0) {
-		game().send_player_enhance_building(*site.site, enbld);
-		changed = true;
-	}
-	// Reorder and set new values;
-	mines.push_back(mines.front());
-	mines.pop_front();
-	return changed;
+bool DefaultAI::check_mines(int32_t const gametime) {
+   if ((next_mine_check_due > gametime) || mines.empty())
+      return false;
+   next_mine_check_due = gametime + 1000;
+   // Get link to productionsite that should be checked
+   ProductionSiteObserver& site = mines.front();
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   Field* field = map.get_fcoords(site.site->get_position()).field;
+   // Don't try to enhance as long as stats are not down to 0% - it is possible,
+   // that some neighbour fields still have resources
+   if (site.site->get_statistics_percent() > 0)
+      return false;
+   // Check if mine ran out of resources
+   uint8_t current = field->get_resources_amount();
+   if (current < 1) {
+      // destruct the building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
+      // the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have too many
+      // unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild directly.
+      flags_to_be_removed.push_back(site.site->base_flag().get_position());
+      game().send_player_dismantle(*site.site);
+      return true;
+   }
+   // Check whether building is enhanceable. If yes consider an upgrade.
+   std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = site.site->enhancements();
+   int32_t maxprio = 0;
+   Building_Index enbld;
+   bool changed = false;
+   container_iterate_const(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x) {
+      // Only enhance buildings that are allowed (scenario mode)
+      if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
+         // Check if mine needs an enhancement to mine more resources
+         uint8_t const until =
+             field->get_starting_res_amount() * (100 - site.bo->mines_percent) / 100;
+         if (until >= current) {
+            // add some randomness - just for the case if more than one
+            // enhancement is available (not in any tribe yet)
+            int32_t const prio = time(0) % 3 + 1;
+            if (prio > maxprio) {
+               maxprio = prio;
+               enbld = (*x.current);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   // Enhance if enhanced building is useful
+   if (maxprio > 0) {
+      game().send_player_enhance_building(*site.site, enbld);
+      changed = true;
+   }
+   // Reorder and set new values;
+   mines.push_back(mines.front());
+   mines.pop_front();
+   return changed;
@@ -1862,120 +1727,114 @@
  * \returns true if something was changed
-bool DefaultAI::check_militarysites(int32_t gametime)
-	if (next_militarysite_check_due > gametime)
-		return false;
-	// Only useable, if defaultAI owns at least one militarysite
-	if (militarysites.empty())
-		return false;
-	// Check next militarysite
-	bool changed = false;
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	MilitarySite * ms = militarysites.front().site;
-	uint32_t const vision = ms->vision_range();
-	FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(ms->get_position());
-	// look if there is any enemy land nearby
-	FindNodeUnowned find_unowned(player, game(), true);
-	if (map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(f, vision), 0, find_unowned) == 0) {
-		// If no enemy in sight - decrease the number of stationed soldiers
-		// as long as it is > 1 - BUT take care that there is a warehouse in the
-		// same economy where the thrown out soldiers can go to.
-		if (ms->economy().warehouses().size()) {
-			uint32_t const j = ms->soldierCapacity();
-			if (j > 1)
-				game().send_player_change_soldier_capacity(*ms, -1);
-			// if the building is in inner land and other militarysites still
-			// hold the miliary influence of the field, consider to destruct the
-			// building to free some building space.
-			else {
-				// treat this field like a buildable and write military info to it.
-				BuildableField bf(f);
-				update_buildable_field(bf, vision, true);
-				// watch out if there is any unowned land in vision range. If there
-				// is none, there must be another building nearer to the frontier.
-				if (bf.unowned_land_nearby == 0) {
-					// bigger buildings are only checked after all smaller
-					// ones are at least one time checked.
-					if (militarysites.front().checks == 0) {
-						// If the military influence of other near buildings is higher
-						// than the own doubled max SoldierCapacity destruct the
-						// building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
-						// the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have
-						// too many unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild
-						// directly.
-						if (static_cast<int32_t>(ms->maxSoldierCapacity() * 4) < bf.military_influence) {
-							if (ms->get_playercaps() & Widelands::Building::PCap_Dismantle) {
-								flags_to_be_removed.push_back(ms->base_flag().get_position());
-								game().send_player_dismantle(*ms);
-							} else {
-								game().send_player_bulldoze(*ms);
-							}
-						}
-						// Else consider enhancing the building (if possible)
-						else {
-							// Do not have too many constructionsites
-							uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
-							if (total_constructionsites >= (5 + (producers / 10)))
-								goto reorder;
-							std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = ms->enhancements();
-							int32_t maxprio = 10000; // surely never reached
-							Building_Index enbld;
-							container_iterate_const
-								(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x)
-							{
-								// Only enhance building to allowed (scenario mode)
-								if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
-									const Building_Descr & bld =
-										*tribe->get_building_descr(*x.current);
-									BuildingObserver & en_bo =
-										get_building_observer(bld.name().c_str());
-									// Don't enhance this building, if there is
-									// already one of same type under construction
-									if (en_bo.cnt_under_construction > 0)
-										continue;
-									if (en_bo.cnt_built < maxprio) {
-										maxprio = en_bo.cnt_built;
-										enbld = (*x.current);
-									}
-								}
-							}
-							// Enhance if enhanced building is useful
-							if (maxprio < 10000) {
-								game().send_player_enhance_building(*ms, enbld);
-								changed = true;
-							}
-						}
-					} else
-						--militarysites.front().checks;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		// If an enemy is in sight and the number of stationed soldier is not
-		// at maximum - set it to maximum.
-		uint32_t const j = ms->maxSoldierCapacity();
-		uint32_t const k = ms->soldierCapacity();
-		if (j > k)
-			game().send_player_change_soldier_capacity(*ms, j - k);
-		changed = true;
-	}
-	reorder:;
-	militarysites.push_back(militarysites.front());
-	militarysites.pop_front();
-	next_militarysite_check_due = gametime + 1000;
-	return changed;
+bool DefaultAI::check_militarysites(int32_t gametime) {
+   if (next_militarysite_check_due > gametime)
+      return false;
+   // Only useable, if defaultAI owns at least one militarysite
+   if (militarysites.empty())
+      return false;
+   // Check next militarysite
+   bool changed = false;
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   MilitarySite* ms = militarysites.front().site;
+   uint32_t const vision = ms->vision_range();
+   FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(ms->get_position());
+   // look if there is any enemy land nearby
+   FindNodeUnowned find_unowned(player, game(), true);
+   if (map.find_fields(Area<FCoords>(f, vision), 0, find_unowned) == 0) {
+      // If no enemy in sight - decrease the number of stationed soldiers
+      // as long as it is > 1 - BUT take care that there is a warehouse in the
+      // same economy where the thrown out soldiers can go to.
+      if (ms->economy().warehouses().size()) {
+         uint32_t const j = ms->soldierCapacity();
+         if (j > 1)
+            game().send_player_change_soldier_capacity(*ms, -1);
+         // if the building is in inner land and other militarysites still
+         // hold the miliary influence of the field, consider to destruct the
+         // building to free some building space.
+         else {
+            // treat this field like a buildable and write military info to it.
+            BuildableField bf(f);
+            update_buildable_field(bf, vision, true);
+            // watch out if there is any unowned land in vision range. If there
+            // is none, there must be another building nearer to the frontier.
+            if (bf.unowned_land_nearby == 0) {
+               // bigger buildings are only checked after all smaller
+               // ones are at least one time checked.
+               if (militarysites.front().checks == 0) {
+                  // If the military influence of other near buildings is higher
+                  // than the own doubled max SoldierCapacity destruct the
+                  // building and it's flag (via flag destruction)
+                  // the destruction of the flag avoids that defaultAI will have
+                  // too many unused roads - if needed the road will be rebuild
+                  // directly.
+                  if (static_cast<int32_t>(ms->maxSoldierCapacity() * 4) < bf.military_influence) {
+                     if (ms->get_playercaps() & Widelands::Building::PCap_Dismantle) {
+                        flags_to_be_removed.push_back(ms->base_flag().get_position());
+                        game().send_player_dismantle(*ms);
+                     } else {
+                        game().send_player_bulldoze(*ms);
+                     }
+                  }
+                      // Else consider enhancing the building (if possible)
+                      else {
+                     // Do not have too many constructionsites
+                     uint32_t producers = mines.size() + productionsites.size();
+                     if (total_constructionsites >= (5 + (producers / 10)))
+                        goto reorder;
+                     std::set<Building_Index> enhancements = ms->enhancements();
+                     int32_t maxprio = 10000;  // surely never reached
+                     Building_Index enbld;
+                     container_iterate_const(std::set<Building_Index>, enhancements, x) {
+                        // Only enhance building to allowed (scenario mode)
+                        if (player->is_building_type_allowed(*x.current)) {
+                           const Building_Descr& bld = *tribe->get_building_descr(*x.current);
+                           BuildingObserver& en_bo = get_building_observer(bld.name().c_str());
+                           // Don't enhance this building, if there is
+                           // already one of same type under construction
+                           if (en_bo.cnt_under_construction > 0)
+                              continue;
+                           if (en_bo.cnt_built < maxprio) {
+                              maxprio = en_bo.cnt_built;
+                              enbld = (*x.current);
+                           }
+                        }
+                     }
+                     // Enhance if enhanced building is useful
+                     if (maxprio < 10000) {
+                        game().send_player_enhance_building(*ms, enbld);
+                        changed = true;
+                     }
+                  }
+               } else
+                  --militarysites.front().checks;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   } else {
+      // If an enemy is in sight and the number of stationed soldier is not
+      // at maximum - set it to maximum.
+      uint32_t const j = ms->maxSoldierCapacity();
+      uint32_t const k = ms->soldierCapacity();
+      if (j > k)
+         game().send_player_change_soldier_capacity(*ms, j - k);
+      changed = true;
+   }
+   militarysites.push_back(militarysites.front());
+   militarysites.pop_front();
+   next_militarysite_check_due = gametime + 1000;
+   return changed;
  * This function takes care about the unowned and opposing territory and
  * recalculates the priority for none military buildings depending on the
@@ -1986,295 +1845,254 @@
  * \returns the recalculated priority
-int32_t DefaultAI::recalc_with_border_range(const BuildableField & bf, int32_t prio)
-	// Prefer building space in the inner land.
-	prio /= (1 + (bf.unowned_land_nearby / 4));
-	// Especially places near the frontier to the enemies are unlikely
-	//  NOTE take care about the type of computer player. The more
-	//  NOTE aggressive a computer player is, the more important is
-	//  NOTE this check. So we add \var type as bonus.
-	if (bf.enemy_nearby)
-		prio /= (3 + type);
-	return prio;
+int32_t DefaultAI::recalc_with_border_range(const BuildableField& bf, int32_t prio) {
+   // Prefer building space in the inner land.
+   prio /= (1 + (bf.unowned_land_nearby / 4));
+   // Especially places near the frontier to the enemies are unlikely
+   //  NOTE take care about the type of computer player. The more
+   //  NOTE aggressive a computer player is, the more important is
+   //  NOTE this check. So we add \var type as bonus.
+   if (bf.enemy_nearby)
+      prio /= (3 + type);
+   return prio;
  * calculates how much a productionsite of type \arg bo is needed inside it's
  * economy. \arg prio is initial value for this calculation
  * \returns the calculated priority
-int32_t DefaultAI::calculate_need_for_ps(BuildingObserver & bo, int32_t prio)
-	// some randomness to avoid that defaultAI is building always
-	// the same (always == another game but same map with
-	// defaultAI on same coords)
-	prio += time(0) % 3 - 1;
-	// check if current economy can supply enough material for
-	// production.
-	for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
-		prio += 2 * wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).producers;
-		prio -= wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).consumers;
-	}
-	if (bo.inputs.empty())
-		prio += 4;
-	int32_t output_prio = 0;
-	for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k) {
-		WareObserver & wo = wares.at(bo.outputs.at(k));
-		if (wo.consumers > 0) {
-			output_prio += wo.preciousness;
-			output_prio += wo.consumers * 2;
-			output_prio -= wo.producers * 2;
-			if (bo.total_count() == 0)
-				output_prio += 10; // add a big bonus
-		}
-	}
-	if (bo.outputs.size() > 1)
-		output_prio = static_cast<int32_t>
-			(ceil(output_prio / sqrt(static_cast<double>(bo.outputs.size()))));
-	prio += 2 * output_prio;
-	// If building consumes some wares, multiply with current statistics of all
-	// other buildings of this type to avoid constructing buildings where already
-	// some are running on low resources.
-	// Else at least add a part of the stats t the calculation.
-	if (!bo.inputs.empty()) {
-		prio *= bo.current_stats;
-		prio /= 100;
-	} else
-		prio = ((prio * bo.current_stats) / 100) + (prio / 2);
-	return prio;
-void DefaultAI::consider_productionsite_influence
-	(BuildableField & field, Coords coords, const BuildingObserver & bo)
-	if
-		(bo.space_consumer
-		 and
-		 game().map().calc_distance(coords, field.coords) < 4)
-		++field.space_consumers_nearby;
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
-		++field.consumers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(i));
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
-		++field.producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(i));
+int32_t DefaultAI::calculate_need_for_ps(BuildingObserver& bo, int32_t prio) {
+   // some randomness to avoid that defaultAI is building always
+   // the same (always == another game but same map with
+   // defaultAI on same coords)
+   prio += time(0) % 3 - 1;
+   // check if current economy can supply enough material for
+   // production.
+   for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.inputs.size(); ++k) {
+      prio += 2 * wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).producers;
+      prio -= wares.at(bo.inputs.at(k)).consumers;
+   }
+   if (bo.inputs.empty())
+      prio += 4;
+   int32_t output_prio = 0;
+   for (uint32_t k = 0; k < bo.outputs.size(); ++k) {
+      WareObserver& wo = wares.at(bo.outputs.at(k));
+      if (wo.consumers > 0) {
+         output_prio += wo.preciousness;
+         output_prio += wo.consumers * 2;
+         output_prio -= wo.producers * 2;
+         if (bo.total_count() == 0)
+            output_prio += 10;  // add a big bonus
+      }
+   }
+   if (bo.outputs.size() > 1)
+      output_prio =
+          static_cast<int32_t>(ceil(output_prio / sqrt(static_cast<double>(bo.outputs.size()))));
+   prio += 2 * output_prio;
+   // If building consumes some wares, multiply with current statistics of all
+   // other buildings of this type to avoid constructing buildings where already
+   // some are running on low resources.
+   // Else at least add a part of the stats t the calculation.
+   if (!bo.inputs.empty()) {
+      prio *= bo.current_stats;
+      prio /= 100;
+   } else
+      prio = ((prio * bo.current_stats) / 100) + (prio / 2);
+   return prio;
+void DefaultAI::consider_productionsite_influence(BuildableField& field,
+                                                  Coords coords,
+                                                  const BuildingObserver& bo) {
+   if (bo.space_consumer and game().map().calc_distance(coords, field.coords) < 4)
+      ++field.space_consumers_nearby;
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
+      ++field.consumers_nearby.at(bo.inputs.at(i));
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
+      ++field.producers_nearby.at(bo.outputs.at(i));
 /// \returns the economy observer containing \arg economy
-EconomyObserver * DefaultAI::get_economy_observer(Economy & economy)
-	for
-		(std::list<EconomyObserver *>::iterator i = economies.begin();
-		 i != economies.end();
-		 ++i)
-		if (&(*i)->economy == &economy)
-			return *i;
-	economies.push_front (new EconomyObserver(economy));
-	return economies.front();
+EconomyObserver* DefaultAI::get_economy_observer(Economy& economy) {
+   for (std::list<EconomyObserver*>::iterator i = economies.begin(); i != economies.end(); ++i)
+      if (&(*i)->economy == &economy)
+         return *i;
+   economies.push_front(new EconomyObserver(economy));
+   return economies.front();
 /// \returns the building observer
-BuildingObserver & DefaultAI::get_building_observer(char const * const name)
-	if (tribe == 0)
-		late_initialization();
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i)
-		if (!strcmp(buildings.at(i).name, name))
-			return buildings.at(i);
-	throw wexception("Help: I do not know what to do with a %s", name);
+BuildingObserver& DefaultAI::get_building_observer(char const* const name) {
+   if (tribe == 0)
+      late_initialization();
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < buildings.size(); ++i)
+      if (!strcmp(buildings.at(i).name, name))
+         return buildings.at(i);
+   throw wexception("Help: I do not know what to do with a %s", name);
 /// this is called whenever we gain ownership of a PlayerImmovable
-void DefaultAI::gain_immovable(PlayerImmovable & pi)
-	if      (upcast(Building,   building, &pi))
-		gain_building (*building);
-	else if (upcast(Flag const, flag,     &pi))
-		new_flags.push_back (flag);
-	else if (upcast(Road const, road,     &pi))
-		roads    .push_front(road);
+void DefaultAI::gain_immovable(PlayerImmovable& pi) {
+   if (upcast(Building, building, &pi))
+      gain_building(*building);
+   else if (upcast(Flag const, flag, &pi))
+      new_flags.push_back(flag);
+   else if (upcast(Road const, road, &pi))
+      roads.push_front(road);
 /// this is called whenever we lose ownership of a PlayerImmovable
-void DefaultAI::lose_immovable(const PlayerImmovable & pi)
-	if        (upcast(Building const, building, &pi))
-		lose_building (*building);
-	else if   (upcast(Flag     const, flag,     &pi)) {
-		container_iterate_const(std::list<EconomyObserver *>, economies, i)
-			container_iterate(std::list<Flag const *>, (*i.current)->flags, j)
-				if (*j.current == flag) {
-					(*i.current)->flags.erase (j.current);
-					return;
-				}
-		container_iterate(std::list<Flag const *>, new_flags, i)
-			if (*i.current == flag) {
-				new_flags.erase(i.current);
-				return;
-			}
-	} else if (upcast(Road     const, road,     &pi))
-		roads.remove (road);
+void DefaultAI::lose_immovable(const PlayerImmovable& pi) {
+   if (upcast(Building const, building, &pi))
+      lose_building(*building);
+   else if (upcast(Flag const, flag, &pi)) {
+      container_iterate_const(std::list<EconomyObserver*>, economies, i)
+      container_iterate(std::list<Flag const*>, (*i.current)->flags, j)
+      if (*j.current == flag) {
+         (*i.current)->flags.erase(j.current);
+         return;
+      }
+      container_iterate(std::list<Flag const*>, new_flags, i)
+      if (*i.current == flag) {
+         new_flags.erase(i.current);
+         return;
+      }
+   } else if (upcast(Road const, road, &pi))
+      roads.remove(road);
 /// this is called whenever we gain a new building
-void DefaultAI::gain_building(Building & b)
-	BuildingObserver & bo = get_building_observer(b.name().c_str());
-	if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
-		BuildingObserver & target_bo =
-			get_building_observer
-				(ref_cast<ConstructionSite, Building>(b)
-				 .building().name().c_str());
-		++target_bo.cnt_under_construction;
-		++total_constructionsites;
-		// Let defaultAI try to directly connect the constructionsite
-		next_road_due = game().get_gametime();
-	}
-	else {
-		++bo.cnt_built;
-		if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
-			productionsites.push_back (ProductionSiteObserver());
-			productionsites.back().site = &ref_cast<ProductionSite, Building>(b);
-			productionsites.back().bo = &bo;
-			productionsites.back().builttime = game().get_gametime();
-			productionsites.back().statszero = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
-				++wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
-				++wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
-			mines.push_back (ProductionSiteObserver());
-			mines.back().site = &ref_cast<ProductionSite, Building>(b);
-			mines.back().bo = &bo;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
-				++wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
-				++wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
-			militarysites.push_back (MilitarySiteObserver());
-			militarysites.back().site = &ref_cast<MilitarySite, Building>(b);
-			militarysites.back().bo = &bo;
-			militarysites.back().checks = bo.desc->get_size();
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE)
-			++numof_warehouses;
-	}
+void DefaultAI::gain_building(Building& b) {
+   BuildingObserver& bo = get_building_observer(b.name().c_str());
+   if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
+      BuildingObserver& target_bo =
+          get_building_observer(ref_cast<ConstructionSite, Building>(b).building().name().c_str());
+      ++target_bo.cnt_under_construction;
+      ++total_constructionsites;
+      // Let defaultAI try to directly connect the constructionsite
+      next_road_due = game().get_gametime();
+   } else {
+      ++bo.cnt_built;
+      if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
+         productionsites.push_back(ProductionSiteObserver());
+         productionsites.back().site = &ref_cast<ProductionSite, Building>(b);
+         productionsites.back().bo = &bo;
+         productionsites.back().builttime = game().get_gametime();
+         productionsites.back().statszero = 0;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
+            ++wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
+            ++wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
+         mines.push_back(ProductionSiteObserver());
+         mines.back().site = &ref_cast<ProductionSite, Building>(b);
+         mines.back().bo = &bo;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
+            ++wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
+            ++wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
+         militarysites.push_back(MilitarySiteObserver());
+         militarysites.back().site = &ref_cast<MilitarySite, Building>(b);
+         militarysites.back().bo = &bo;
+         militarysites.back().checks = bo.desc->get_size();
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE)
+         ++numof_warehouses;
+   }
 /// this is called whenever we lose a building
-void DefaultAI::lose_building(const Building & b)
-	BuildingObserver & bo = get_building_observer(b.name().c_str());
-	if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
-		BuildingObserver & target_bo =
-			get_building_observer
-				(ref_cast<ConstructionSite const, Building const>(b)
-				 .building().name().c_str());
-		--target_bo.cnt_under_construction;
-		--total_constructionsites;
-	} else {
-		--bo.cnt_built;
-		if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
-			for
-				(std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>::iterator i =
-				 productionsites.begin();
-				 i != productionsites.end();
-				 ++i)
-				if (i->site == &b) {
-					productionsites.erase(i);
-					break;
-				}
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
-				--wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
-				--wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
-			for
-				(std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>::iterator i =
-				 mines.begin();
-				 i != mines.end();
-				 ++i)
-				if (i->site == &b) {
-					mines.erase(i);
-					break;
-				}
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
-				--wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
-				--wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
-			for
-				(std::list<MilitarySiteObserver>::iterator i =
-				 militarysites.begin();
-				 i != militarysites.end();
-				 ++i)
-				if (i->site == &b) {
-					militarysites.erase(i);
-					break;
-				}
-		} else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE) {
-			assert(numof_warehouses > 0);
-			--numof_warehouses;
-		}
-	}
-	m_buildable_changed = true;
-	m_mineable_changed = true;
+void DefaultAI::lose_building(const Building& b) {
+   BuildingObserver& bo = get_building_observer(b.name().c_str());
+   if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::CONSTRUCTIONSITE) {
+      BuildingObserver& target_bo = get_building_observer(
+          ref_cast<ConstructionSite const, Building const>(b).building().name().c_str());
+      --target_bo.cnt_under_construction;
+      --total_constructionsites;
+   } else {
+      --bo.cnt_built;
+      if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::PRODUCTIONSITE) {
+         for (std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>::iterator i = productionsites.begin();
+              i != productionsites.end();
+              ++i)
+            if (i->site == &b) {
+               productionsites.erase(i);
+               break;
+            }
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
+            --wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
+            --wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MINE) {
+         for (std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>::iterator i = mines.begin(); i != mines.end(); ++i)
+            if (i->site == &b) {
+               mines.erase(i);
+               break;
+            }
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.outputs.size(); ++i)
+            --wares.at(bo.outputs.at(i)).producers;
+         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bo.inputs.size(); ++i)
+            --wares.at(bo.inputs.at(i)).consumers;
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::MILITARYSITE) {
+         for (std::list<MilitarySiteObserver>::iterator i = militarysites.begin();
+              i != militarysites.end();
+              ++i)
+            if (i->site == &b) {
+               militarysites.erase(i);
+               break;
+            }
+      } else if (bo.type == BuildingObserver::WAREHOUSE) {
+         assert(numof_warehouses > 0);
+         --numof_warehouses;
+      }
+   }
+   m_buildable_changed = true;
+   m_mineable_changed = true;
 /// Checks that supply line exists for given building.
 /// Recurcsively verify that all inputs have a producer.
 // TODO: this function leads to periodic freezes of ~1 second on big games on my system.
 // TODO: It needs profiling and optimization.
-bool DefaultAI::check_supply(const BuildingObserver & bo)
-	size_t supplied = 0;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<int16_t>, bo.inputs, i)
-		container_iterate_const(std::vector<BuildingObserver>, buildings, j)
-			if
-				(j.current->cnt_built &&
-				 std::find
-				 	(j.current->outputs.begin(), j.current->outputs.end(),
-				 	 *i.current)
-				 !=
-				 j.current->outputs.end()
-				 &&
-				 check_supply(*j.current))
-			{
-				++supplied;
-				break;
-			}
-	return supplied == bo.inputs.size();
+bool DefaultAI::check_supply(const BuildingObserver& bo) {
+   size_t supplied = 0;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<int16_t>, bo.inputs, i)
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<BuildingObserver>, buildings, j)
+   if (j.current->cnt_built &&
+       std::find(j.current->outputs.begin(), j.current->outputs.end(), *i.current) !=
+           j.current->outputs.end() &&
+       check_supply(*j.current)) {
+      ++supplied;
+      break;
+   }
+   return supplied == bo.inputs.size();
  * The defaultAi "considers" via this function whether to attack an
  * enemy, if opposing military buildings are in sight. In case of an attack it
@@ -2283,84 +2101,82 @@
  * \returns true, if attack was started.
 bool DefaultAI::consider_attack(int32_t const gametime) {
-	// Only useable, if it owns at least one militarysite
-	if (militarysites.empty())
-		return false;
-	Map & map = game().map();
-	uint16_t const pn = player_number();
-	// Check next militarysite
-	MilitarySite * ms = militarysites.front().site;
-	uint32_t const vision = ms->vision_range();
-	FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(ms->get_position());
-	Building * target = ms; // dummy initialisation to silence the compiler
-	int32_t    chance    = 0;
-	uint32_t   attackers = 0;
-	uint8_t    retreat   = ms->owner().get_retreat_percentage();
-	// Search in a radius of the vision of the militarysite and collect
-	// information about immovables in the area
-	std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
-	map.find_immovables
-		(Area<FCoords>(f, vision), &immovables, FindImmovableAttackable());
-	for (uint32_t j = 0; j < immovables.size(); ++j)
-		if (upcast(MilitarySite, bld, immovables.at(j).object)) {
-			if (!player->is_hostile(bld->owner()))
-				continue;
-			if (bld->canAttack()) {
-				int32_t ta = player->findAttackSoldiers(bld->base_flag());
-				if (type == NORMAL)
-					ta = ta * 2 / 3;
-				if (ta < 1)
-					continue;
-				int32_t const tc = ta - bld->presentSoldiers().size();
-				if (tc > chance) {
-					target = bld;
-					chance = tc;
-					attackers = ta;
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (upcast(Warehouse, wh, immovables.at(j).object)) {
-			if (!player->is_hostile(wh->owner()))
-				continue;
-			if (wh->canAttack()) {
-				int32_t ta = player->findAttackSoldiers(wh->base_flag());
-				if (ta < 1)
-					continue;
-				// extra priority push!
-				int32_t tc = ta * 2;
-				if (tc > chance) {
-					target = wh;
-					chance = tc;
-					attackers = ta;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// Reenque militarysite at the end of list
-	militarysites.push_back(militarysites.front());
-	militarysites.pop_front();
-	// Return if chance to win is too low
-	if (chance < 3) {
-		next_attack_consideration_due = gametime % 7 * 1000 + gametime;
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (ms->owner().is_retreat_change_allowed()) {
-		// \todo Player is allowed to modify his retreat value
-	}
-	// Attack the selected target.
-	game().send_player_enemyflagaction
-		(target->base_flag(), pn, attackers, retreat);
-	//  Do not attack again too soon - returning soldiers must get healed first.
-	next_attack_consideration_due = (gametime % 51 + 10) * 1000 + gametime;
-	return true;
+   // Only useable, if it owns at least one militarysite
+   if (militarysites.empty())
+      return false;
+   Map& map = game().map();
+   uint16_t const pn = player_number();
+   // Check next militarysite
+   MilitarySite* ms = militarysites.front().site;
+   uint32_t const vision = ms->vision_range();
+   FCoords f = map.get_fcoords(ms->get_position());
+   Building* target = ms;  // dummy initialisation to silence the compiler
+   int32_t chance = 0;
+   uint32_t attackers = 0;
+   uint8_t retreat = ms->owner().get_retreat_percentage();
+   // Search in a radius of the vision of the militarysite and collect
+   // information about immovables in the area
+   std::vector<ImmovableFound> immovables;
+   map.find_immovables(Area<FCoords>(f, vision), &immovables, FindImmovableAttackable());
+   for (uint32_t j = 0; j < immovables.size(); ++j)
+      if (upcast(MilitarySite, bld, immovables.at(j).object)) {
+         if (!player->is_hostile(bld->owner()))
+            continue;
+         if (bld->canAttack()) {
+            int32_t ta = player->findAttackSoldiers(bld->base_flag());
+            if (type == NORMAL)
+               ta = ta * 2 / 3;
+            if (ta < 1)
+               continue;
+            int32_t const tc = ta - bld->presentSoldiers().size();
+            if (tc > chance) {
+               target = bld;
+               chance = tc;
+               attackers = ta;
+            }
+         }
+      } else if (upcast(Warehouse, wh, immovables.at(j).object)) {
+         if (!player->is_hostile(wh->owner()))
+            continue;
+         if (wh->canAttack()) {
+            int32_t ta = player->findAttackSoldiers(wh->base_flag());
+            if (ta < 1)
+               continue;
+            // extra priority push!
+            int32_t tc = ta * 2;
+            if (tc > chance) {
+               target = wh;
+               chance = tc;
+               attackers = ta;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   // Reenque militarysite at the end of list
+   militarysites.push_back(militarysites.front());
+   militarysites.pop_front();
+   // Return if chance to win is too low
+   if (chance < 3) {
+      next_attack_consideration_due = gametime % 7 * 1000 + gametime;
+      return false;
+   }
+   if (ms->owner().is_retreat_change_allowed()) {
+      // \todo Player is allowed to modify his retreat value
+   }
+   // Attack the selected target.
+   game().send_player_enemyflagaction(target->base_flag(), pn, attackers, retreat);
+   //  Do not attack again too soon - returning soldiers must get healed first.
+   next_attack_consideration_due = (gametime % 51 + 10) * 1000 + gametime;
+   return true;

=== modified file 'src/ai/defaultai.h'
--- src/ai/defaultai.h	2013-03-04 00:52:03 +0000
+++ src/ai/defaultai.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -67,132 +67,126 @@
 struct DefaultAI : Computer_Player {
-	DefaultAI(Widelands::Game &, const Widelands::Player_Number, uint8_t);
-	~DefaultAI();
-	virtual void think ();
-	virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteImmovable &);
-	virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteFieldPossession     &);
-	enum {
-		NORMAL     = 1,
-		DEFENSIVE  = 0,
-	};
-	/// Implementation for Aggressive
-	struct AggressiveImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
-		AggressiveImpl() {name = _("Aggressive");}
-		Computer_Player * instantiate
-			(Widelands::Game & game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const
-		{
-			return new DefaultAI(game, p, AGGRESSIVE);
-		}
-	};
-	struct NormalImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
-		NormalImpl() {name = _("Normal");}
-		Computer_Player * instantiate
-			(Widelands::Game & game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const
-		{
-			return new DefaultAI(game, p, NORMAL);
-		}
-	};
-	struct DefensiveImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
-		DefensiveImpl() {name = _("Defensive");}
-		Computer_Player * instantiate
-			(Widelands::Game & game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const
-		{
-			return new DefaultAI(game, p, DEFENSIVE);
-		}
-	};
-	static AggressiveImpl aggressiveImpl;
-	static NormalImpl normalImpl;
-	static DefensiveImpl defensiveImpl;
-	void late_initialization ();
-	void update_all_buildable_fields     (int32_t);
-	void update_all_mineable_fields      (int32_t);
-	void update_all_not_buildable_fields ();
-	void update_buildable_field(BuildableField &, uint16_t = 6, bool = false);
-	void update_mineable_field (MineableField &);
-	void update_productionsite_stats(int32_t);
-	bool construct_building (int32_t);
-	bool construct_roads    (int32_t);
-	bool improve_roads      (int32_t);
-	bool improve_transportation_ways (const Widelands::Flag &);
-	bool connect_flag_to_another_economy (const Widelands::Flag &);
-	bool check_economies       ();
-	bool check_productionsites (int32_t);
-	bool check_mines           (int32_t);
-	bool check_militarysites   (int32_t);
-	int32_t recalc_with_border_range(const BuildableField &, int32_t);
-	int32_t calculate_need_for_ps(BuildingObserver &, int32_t);
-	void consider_productionsite_influence
-		(BuildableField &, Widelands::Coords, const BuildingObserver &);
-	EconomyObserver  * get_economy_observer (Widelands::Economy &);
-	BuildingObserver & get_building_observer(char const *);
-	void gain_immovable (Widelands::PlayerImmovable       &);
-	void lose_immovable (const Widelands::PlayerImmovable &);
-	void gain_building  (Widelands::Building              &);
-	void lose_building  (const Widelands::Building        &);
-	bool check_supply (const BuildingObserver &);
-	bool consider_attack (int32_t);
-	// Variables of default AI
-	uint8_t type;
-	bool m_buildable_changed;
-	bool m_mineable_changed;
-	Widelands::Player                * player;
-	Widelands::Tribe_Descr const     * tribe;
-	std::vector<BuildingObserver>      buildings;
-	uint32_t                           total_constructionsites;
-	std::list<Widelands::FCoords>      unusable_fields;
-	std::list<BuildableField *>        buildable_fields;
-	std::list<BlockedField>          blocked_fields;
-	std::list<MineableField *>         mineable_fields;
-	std::list<Widelands::Flag const *> new_flags;
-	std::list<Widelands::Coords>       flags_to_be_removed;
-	std::list<Widelands::Road const *> roads;
-	std::list<EconomyObserver *>       economies;
-	std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>  productionsites;
-	std::list<ProductionSiteObserver>  mines;
-	std::list<MilitarySiteObserver>    militarysites;
-	std::vector<WareObserver>          wares;
-	int32_t next_road_due;
-	int32_t next_stats_update_due;
-	int32_t next_construction_due;
-	int32_t next_productionsite_check_due;
-	int32_t next_mine_check_due;
-	int32_t next_militarysite_check_due;
-	int32_t next_attack_consideration_due;
-	int32_t inhibit_road_building;
-	int32_t time_of_last_construction;
-	uint16_t numof_warehouses;
+   DefaultAI(Widelands::Game&, const Widelands::Player_Number, uint8_t);
+   ~DefaultAI();
+   virtual void think();
+   virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteImmovable&);
+   virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteFieldPossession&);
+   enum {
+      AGGRESSIVE = 2,
+      NORMAL = 1,
+      DEFENSIVE = 0,
+   };
+   /// Implementation for Aggressive
+   struct AggressiveImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
+      AggressiveImpl() { name = _("Aggressive"); }
+      Computer_Player* instantiate(Widelands::Game& game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const {
+         return new DefaultAI(game, p, AGGRESSIVE);
+      }
+   };
+   struct NormalImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
+      NormalImpl() { name = _("Normal"); }
+      Computer_Player* instantiate(Widelands::Game& game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const {
+         return new DefaultAI(game, p, NORMAL);
+      }
+   };
+   struct DefensiveImpl : public Computer_Player::Implementation {
+      DefensiveImpl() { name = _("Defensive"); }
+      Computer_Player* instantiate(Widelands::Game& game, Widelands::Player_Number const p) const {
+         return new DefaultAI(game, p, DEFENSIVE);
+      }
+   };
+   static AggressiveImpl aggressiveImpl;
+   static NormalImpl normalImpl;
+   static DefensiveImpl defensiveImpl;
+ private:
+   void late_initialization();
+   void update_all_buildable_fields(int32_t);
+   void update_all_mineable_fields(int32_t);
+   void update_all_not_buildable_fields();
+   void update_buildable_field(BuildableField&, uint16_t = 6, bool = false);
+   void update_mineable_field(MineableField&);
+   void update_productionsite_stats(int32_t);
+   bool construct_building(int32_t);
+   bool construct_roads(int32_t);
+   bool improve_roads(int32_t);
+   bool improve_transportation_ways(const Widelands::Flag&);
+   bool connect_flag_to_another_economy(const Widelands::Flag&);
+   bool check_economies();
+   bool check_productionsites(int32_t);
+   bool check_mines(int32_t);
+   bool check_militarysites(int32_t);
+   int32_t recalc_with_border_range(const BuildableField&, int32_t);
+   int32_t calculate_need_for_ps(BuildingObserver&, int32_t);
+   void consider_productionsite_influence(BuildableField&,
+                                          Widelands::Coords,
+                                          const BuildingObserver&);
+   EconomyObserver* get_economy_observer(Widelands::Economy&);
+   BuildingObserver& get_building_observer(char const*);
+   void gain_immovable(Widelands::PlayerImmovable&);
+   void lose_immovable(const Widelands::PlayerImmovable&);
+   void gain_building(Widelands::Building&);
+   void lose_building(const Widelands::Building&);
+   bool check_supply(const BuildingObserver&);
+   bool consider_attack(int32_t);
+ private:
+   // Variables of default AI
+   uint8_t type;
+   bool m_buildable_changed;
+   bool m_mineable_changed;
+   Widelands::Player* player;
+   Widelands::Tribe_Descr const* tribe;
+   std::vector<BuildingObserver> buildings;
+   uint32_t total_constructionsites;
+   std::list<Widelands::FCoords> unusable_fields;
+   std::list<BuildableField*> buildable_fields;
+   std::list<BlockedField> blocked_fields;
+   std::list<MineableField*> mineable_fields;
+   std::list<Widelands::Flag const*> new_flags;
+   std::list<Widelands::Coords> flags_to_be_removed;
+   std::list<Widelands::Road const*> roads;
+   std::list<EconomyObserver*> economies;
+   std::list<ProductionSiteObserver> productionsites;
+   std::list<ProductionSiteObserver> mines;
+   std::list<MilitarySiteObserver> militarysites;
+   std::vector<WareObserver> wares;
+   int32_t next_road_due;
+   int32_t next_stats_update_due;
+   int32_t next_construction_due;
+   int32_t next_productionsite_check_due;
+   int32_t next_mine_check_due;
+   int32_t next_militarysite_check_due;
+   int32_t next_attack_consideration_due;
+   int32_t inhibit_road_building;
+   int32_t time_of_last_construction;
+   uint16_t numof_warehouses;

=== modified file 'src/align.cc'
--- src/align.cc	2013-02-10 14:55:10 +0000
+++ src/align.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -22,22 +22,21 @@
 namespace UI {
 void correct_for_align(Align align, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, Point* pt) {
-	//Vertical Align
-	if (align & (Align_VCenter | Align_Bottom)) {
-		if (align & Align_VCenter)
-			pt->y -= h / 2;
-		else
-			pt->y -= h;
-	}
+   //Vertical Align
+   if (align & (Align_VCenter | Align_Bottom)) {
+      if (align & Align_VCenter)
+         pt->y -= h / 2;
+      else
+         pt->y -= h;
+   }
-	//Horizontal Align
-	if ((align & Align_Horizontal) != Align_Left) {
-		if (align & Align_HCenter)
-			pt->x -= w / 2;
-		else if (align & Align_Right)
-			pt->x -= w;
-	}
+   //Horizontal Align
+   if ((align & Align_Horizontal) != Align_Left) {
+      if (align & Align_HCenter)
+         pt->x -= w / 2;
+      else if (align & Align_Right)
+         pt->x -= w;
+   }
 }  // namespace UI

=== modified file 'src/align.h'
--- src/align.h	2013-02-10 13:44:17 +0000
+++ src/align.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -25,28 +25,28 @@
 namespace UI {
 enum Align {
-	Align_Left         =  0,
-	Align_HCenter      =  1,
-	Align_Right        =  2,
-	Align_Horizontal   =  3,
-	Align_Top          =  0,
-	Align_VCenter      =  4,
-	Align_Bottom       =  8,
-	Align_Vertical     = 12,
-	Align_TopLeft      =  0,
-	Align_CenterLeft   = Align_VCenter,
-	Align_BottomLeft   = Align_Bottom,
-	Align_TopCenter    = Align_HCenter,
-	Align_Center       = Align_HCenter|Align_VCenter,
-	Align_BottomCenter = Align_HCenter|Align_Bottom,
-	Align_TopRight     = Align_Right,
-	Align_CenterRight  = Align_Right|Align_VCenter,
-	Align_BottomRight  = Align_Right|Align_Bottom,
+   Align_Left = 0,
+   Align_HCenter = 1,
+   Align_Right = 2,
+   Align_Horizontal = 3,
+   Align_Top = 0,
+   Align_VCenter = 4,
+   Align_Bottom = 8,
+   Align_Vertical = 12,
+   Align_TopLeft = 0,
+   Align_CenterLeft = Align_VCenter,
+   Align_BottomLeft = Align_Bottom,
+   Align_TopCenter = Align_HCenter,
+   Align_Center = Align_HCenter | Align_VCenter,
+   Align_BottomCenter = Align_HCenter | Align_Bottom,
+   Align_TopRight = Align_Right,
+   Align_CenterRight = Align_Right | Align_VCenter,
+   Align_BottomRight = Align_Right | Align_Bottom,
 void correct_for_align(Align, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, Point* pt);

=== modified file 'src/backtrace.cc'
--- src/backtrace.cc	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/backtrace.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -26,21 +26,20 @@
+std::string get_backtrace() {
+   std::string result("Backtrace:\n");
+#ifndef WIN32
+#ifndef __APPLE__
-std::string get_backtrace() {
-	std::string result("Backtrace:\n");
-#ifndef WIN32
-#ifndef __APPLE__
-	void * stack[BACKTRACE_STACKSIZE];
-	size_t size = backtrace(stack, BACKTRACE_STACKSIZE);
-	char * * const list = backtrace_symbols(stack, size);
-	for (char * const * it = list; size; --size, ++it) {
-		result += *it;
-		result += '\n';
-	}
-	free(list);
-	return result;
+   void* stack[BACKTRACE_STACKSIZE];
+   size_t size = backtrace(stack, BACKTRACE_STACKSIZE);
+   char** const list = backtrace_symbols(stack, size);
+   for (char* const* it = list; size; --size, ++it) {
+      result += *it;
+      result += '\n';
+   }
+   free(list);
+   return result;

=== modified file 'src/build_info.h'
--- src/build_info.h	2013-01-11 15:33:12 +0000
+++ src/build_info.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@
 ///\return the build id which is automagically created from the checkout's
 ///revision number or the VERSION file
-const std::string & build_id();
+const std::string& build_id();
 ///\return the build type, which is set during compile time (either manually
 ///or to a default value)
-const std::string & build_type();
+const std::string& build_type();

=== modified file 'src/campvis.cc'
--- src/campvis.cc	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/campvis.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -30,163 +30,152 @@
  * Get the path of campaign visibility save-file
-std::string Campaign_visibility_save::get_path()
-	std::string savepath = "save";
-	g_fs->EnsureDirectoryExists(savepath); // Make sure save directory exists
-	savepath += "/campvis"; // add the name of save-file
-	// check if campaigns visibility-save is available
-	if (!(g_fs->FileExists(savepath)))
-		make_campvis(savepath);
-	// check if campaigns visibility-save is up to date
-	Profile ca(savepath.c_str());
-	//  1st version of campvis had no global section
-	if (!ca.get_section("global"))
-		update_campvis(savepath);
-	else {
-		Section & ca_s = ca.get_safe_section("global");
-		Profile cc("campaigns/cconfig");
-		Section & cc_s = cc.get_safe_section("global");
-		if (cc_s.get_int("version") > ca_s.get_int("version"))
-			update_campvis(savepath);
-	}
-	return savepath;
+std::string Campaign_visibility_save::get_path() {
+   std::string savepath = "save";
+   g_fs->EnsureDirectoryExists(savepath);  // Make sure save directory exists
+   savepath += "/campvis";                 // add the name of save-file
+   // check if campaigns visibility-save is available
+   if (!(g_fs->FileExists(savepath)))
+      make_campvis(savepath);
+   // check if campaigns visibility-save is up to date
+   Profile ca(savepath.c_str());
+   //  1st version of campvis had no global section
+   if (!ca.get_section("global"))
+      update_campvis(savepath);
+   else {
+      Section& ca_s = ca.get_safe_section("global");
+      Profile cc("campaigns/cconfig");
+      Section& cc_s = cc.get_safe_section("global");
+      if (cc_s.get_int("version") > ca_s.get_int("version"))
+         update_campvis(savepath);
+   }
+   return savepath;
  * Create the campaign visibility save-file of the user
-void Campaign_visibility_save::make_campvis(const std::string & savepath)
-	// Only prepare campvis-file -> data will be written via update_campvis
-	Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
-	campvis.pull_section("global");
-	campvis.pull_section("campaigns");
-	campvis.pull_section("campmaps");
-	campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), true);
+void Campaign_visibility_save::make_campvis(const std::string& savepath) {
+   // Only prepare campvis-file -> data will be written via update_campvis
+   Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
+   campvis.pull_section("global");
+   campvis.pull_section("campaigns");
+   campvis.pull_section("campmaps");
+   campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), true);
-	update_campvis(savepath);
+   update_campvis(savepath);
  * Update the campaign visibility save-file of the user
-void Campaign_visibility_save::update_campvis(const std::string & savepath)
-	// Variable declaration
-	int32_t i = 0;
-	int32_t imap = 0;
-	char csection[12];
-	char number[4];
-	std::string mapsection;
-	std::string cms;
-	// Prepare cconfig and campvis
-	Profile cconfig("campaigns/cconfig");
-	Section & cconf_s = cconfig.get_safe_section("global");
-	Profile campvisr(savepath.c_str());
-	Profile campvisw(savepath.c_str());
-	// Write down global section
-	campvisw.pull_section("global").set_int("version", cconf_s.get_int("version", 1));
-	// Write down visibility of campaigns
-	Section & campv_c = campvisr.get_safe_section("campaigns");
-	Section & campv_m = campvisr.get_safe_section("campmaps");
-	{
-		Section & vis = campvisw.pull_section("campaigns");
-		sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
-		char cvisible[12];
-		char cnewvisi[12];
-		while (cconf_s.get_string(csection)) {
-			sprintf(cvisible, "campvisi%i", i);
-			sprintf(cnewvisi, "cnewvisi%i", i);
-			bool visible = cconf_s.get_bool(cvisible) || campv_c.get_bool(csection);
-			if (!visible) {
-				const char * newvisi = cconf_s.get_string(cnewvisi, "");
-				if (sizeof(newvisi) > 1) {
-					visible = campv_m.get_bool(newvisi, false) || campv_c.get_bool(newvisi, false);
-				}
-			}
-			vis.set_bool(csection, visible);
-			++i;
-			sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
-		}
-	}
-	// Write down visibility of campaign maps
-	Section & vis = campvisw.pull_section("campmaps");
-	i = 0;
-	sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
-	while (cconf_s.get_string(csection)) {
-		mapsection = cconf_s.get_string(csection);
-		cms = mapsection;
-		sprintf(number, "%02i", imap);
-		cms += number;
-		while (Section * const s = cconfig.get_section(cms.c_str())) {
-			bool visible = s->get_bool("visible") || campv_m.get_bool(cms.c_str());
-			if (!visible) {
-				const char * newvisi = s->get_string("newvisi", "");
-				if (sizeof(newvisi) > 1) {
-					visible = campv_m.get_bool(newvisi, false) || campv_c.get_bool(newvisi, false);
-				}
-			}
-			vis.set_bool (cms.c_str(), visible);
-			++imap;
-			cms = mapsection;
-			sprintf(number, "%02i", imap);
-			cms += number;
-		}
-		++i;
-		sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
-		imap = 0;
-	}
-	campvisw.write(savepath.c_str(), true);
+void Campaign_visibility_save::update_campvis(const std::string& savepath) {
+   // Variable declaration
+   int32_t i = 0;
+   int32_t imap = 0;
+   char csection[12];
+   char number[4];
+   std::string mapsection;
+   std::string cms;
+   // Prepare cconfig and campvis
+   Profile cconfig("campaigns/cconfig");
+   Section& cconf_s = cconfig.get_safe_section("global");
+   Profile campvisr(savepath.c_str());
+   Profile campvisw(savepath.c_str());
+   // Write down global section
+   campvisw.pull_section("global").set_int("version", cconf_s.get_int("version", 1));
+   // Write down visibility of campaigns
+   Section& campv_c = campvisr.get_safe_section("campaigns");
+   Section& campv_m = campvisr.get_safe_section("campmaps");
+   {
+      Section& vis = campvisw.pull_section("campaigns");
+      sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
+      char cvisible[12];
+      char cnewvisi[12];
+      while (cconf_s.get_string(csection)) {
+         sprintf(cvisible, "campvisi%i", i);
+         sprintf(cnewvisi, "cnewvisi%i", i);
+         bool visible = cconf_s.get_bool(cvisible) || campv_c.get_bool(csection);
+         if (!visible) {
+            const char* newvisi = cconf_s.get_string(cnewvisi, "");
+            if (sizeof(newvisi) > 1) {
+               visible = campv_m.get_bool(newvisi, false) || campv_c.get_bool(newvisi, false);
+            }
+         }
+         vis.set_bool(csection, visible);
+         ++i;
+         sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
+      }
+   }
+   // Write down visibility of campaign maps
+   Section& vis = campvisw.pull_section("campmaps");
+   i = 0;
+   sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
+   while (cconf_s.get_string(csection)) {
+      mapsection = cconf_s.get_string(csection);
+      cms = mapsection;
+      sprintf(number, "%02i", imap);
+      cms += number;
+      while (Section* const s = cconfig.get_section(cms.c_str())) {
+         bool visible = s->get_bool("visible") || campv_m.get_bool(cms.c_str());
+         if (!visible) {
+            const char* newvisi = s->get_string("newvisi", "");
+            if (sizeof(newvisi) > 1) {
+               visible = campv_m.get_bool(newvisi, false) || campv_c.get_bool(newvisi, false);
+            }
+         }
+         vis.set_bool(cms.c_str(), visible);
+         ++imap;
+         cms = mapsection;
+         sprintf(number, "%02i", imap);
+         cms += number;
+      }
+      ++i;
+      sprintf(csection, "campsect%i", i);
+      imap = 0;
+   }
+   campvisw.write(savepath.c_str(), true);
  * Set an campaign entry in campvis visible or invisible.
  * If it doesn't exist, create it.
  * \param entry entry to be changed
  * \param visible should the map be visible?
-void Campaign_visibility_save::set_campaign_visibility
-	(const std::string & entry, bool visible)
-	std::string savepath = get_path();
-	Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
-	campvis.pull_section("campaigns").set_bool(entry.c_str(), visible);
-	campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), false);
+void Campaign_visibility_save::set_campaign_visibility(const std::string& entry, bool visible) {
+   std::string savepath = get_path();
+   Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
+   campvis.pull_section("campaigns").set_bool(entry.c_str(), visible);
+   campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), false);
  * Set an campaignmap entry in campvis visible or invisible.
  * If it doesn't exist, create it.
  * \param entry entry to be changed
  * \param visible should the map be visible?
-void Campaign_visibility_save::set_map_visibility
-	(const std::string & entry, bool visible)
-	std::string savepath = get_path();
-	Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
-	campvis.pull_section("campmaps").set_bool(entry.c_str(), visible);
-	campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), false);
+void Campaign_visibility_save::set_map_visibility(const std::string& entry, bool visible) {
+   std::string savepath = get_path();
+   Profile campvis(savepath.c_str());
+   campvis.pull_section("campmaps").set_bool(entry.c_str(), visible);
+   campvis.write(savepath.c_str(), false);

=== modified file 'src/campvis.h'
--- src/campvis.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/campvis.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -24,16 +24,14 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <string>
 struct Campaign_visibility_save {
-	std::string get_path();
-	void set_campaign_visibility(const std::string &, bool);
-	void set_map_visibility     (const std::string &, bool);
+   std::string get_path();
+   void set_campaign_visibility(const std::string&, bool);
+   void set_map_visibility(const std::string&, bool);
-	void make_campvis  (const std::string &);
-	void update_campvis(const std::string &);
+ private:
+   void make_campvis(const std::string&);
+   void update_campvis(const std::string&);

=== modified file 'src/chat.cc'
--- src/chat.cc	2012-12-16 19:08:53 +0000
+++ src/chat.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -23,115 +23,108 @@
 using namespace Widelands;
-std::string ChatMessage::toPrintable() const
-	std::string message = "<p font-color=#33ff33 font-size=9>";
-	// Escape richtext characters
-	// The goal of this code is two-fold:
-	//  1. Assuming an honest game host, we want to prevent the ability of
-	//     clients to use richtext.
-	//  2. Assuming a malicious host or meta server, we want to reduce the
-	//     likelihood that a bug in the richtext renderer can be exploited,
-	//     by restricting the set of allowed richtext commands.
-	//     Most notably, images are not allowed in richtext at all.
-	//
-	// Note that we do want host and meta server to send some richtext code,
-	// as the ability to send formatted commands is nice for the usability
-	// of meta server and dedicated servers, so we're treading a bit of a
-	// fine line here.
-	std::string sanitized;
-	for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < msg.size(); ++pos) {
-		if (msg[pos] == '<') {
-			if (playern < 0) {
-				static const std::string good1 = "</p><p";
-				static const std::string good2 = "<br>";
-				if (!msg.compare(pos, good1.size(), good1)) {
-					std::string::size_type nextclose = msg.find('>', pos + good1.size());
-					if
-						(nextclose != std::string::npos &&
-						(nextclose == pos + good1.size() || msg[pos + good1.size()] == ' '))
-					{
-						sanitized += good1;
-						pos += good1.size() - 1;
-						continue;
-					}
-				} else if (!msg.compare(pos, good2.size(), good2)) {
-					sanitized += good2;
-					pos += good2.size() - 1;
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			sanitized += "&lt;";
-		} else {
-			sanitized += msg[pos];
-		}
-	}
-	// time calculation
-	char ts[13];
-	strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), "[%H:%M] </p>", localtime(&time));
-	message += ts;
-	message += "<p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif font-color=#";
-	message += color();
-	if (recipient.size() && sender.size()) {
-		// Personal message handling
-		if (sanitized.compare(0, 3, "/me")) {
-			message += " font-decoration=underline>";
-			message += sender;
-			message += " @ ";
-			message += recipient;
-			message += ":</p><p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif> ";
-			message += sanitized;
-		} else {
-			message += ">@";
-			message += recipient;
-			message += " >> </p><p font-size=14";
-			message += " font-face=DejaVuSerif font-color=#";
-			message += color();
-			message += " font-style=italic> ";
-			message += sender;
-			message += sanitized.substr(3);
-		}
-	} else {
-		// Normal messages handling
-		if (not sanitized.compare(0, 3, "/me")) {
-			message += " font-style=italic>-> ";
-			if (sender.size())
-				message += sender;
-			else
-				message += "***";
-			message += sanitized.substr(3);
-		} else if (sender.size()) {
-			message += " font-decoration=underline>";
-			message += sender;
-			message += ":</p><p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif> ";
-			message += sanitized;
-		} else {
-			message += " font-weight=bold>*** ";
-			message += sanitized;
-		}
-	}
-	// return the formated message
-	return message + "<br></p>";
-std::string ChatMessage::toPlainString() const
-	return sender + ": " + msg;
-std::string ChatMessage::color() const
-	if ((playern >= 0) && playern < MAX_PLAYERS) {
-		const RGBColor & clr = Player::Colors[playern];
-		char buf[sizeof("ffffff")];
-		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2x%.2x%.2x", clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
-		return buf;
-	}
-	return "999999";
+std::string ChatMessage::toPrintable() const {
+   std::string message = "<p font-color=#33ff33 font-size=9>";
+   // Escape richtext characters
+   // The goal of this code is two-fold:
+   //  1. Assuming an honest game host, we want to prevent the ability of
+   //     clients to use richtext.
+   //  2. Assuming a malicious host or meta server, we want to reduce the
+   //     likelihood that a bug in the richtext renderer can be exploited,
+   //     by restricting the set of allowed richtext commands.
+   //     Most notably, images are not allowed in richtext at all.
+   //
+   // Note that we do want host and meta server to send some richtext code,
+   // as the ability to send formatted commands is nice for the usability
+   // of meta server and dedicated servers, so we're treading a bit of a
+   // fine line here.
+   std::string sanitized;
+   for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < msg.size(); ++pos) {
+      if (msg[pos] == '<') {
+         if (playern < 0) {
+            static const std::string good1 = "</p><p";
+            static const std::string good2 = "<br>";
+            if (!msg.compare(pos, good1.size(), good1)) {
+               std::string::size_type nextclose = msg.find('>', pos + good1.size());
+               if (nextclose != std::string::npos &&
+                   (nextclose == pos + good1.size() || msg[pos + good1.size()] == ' ')) {
+                  sanitized += good1;
+                  pos += good1.size() - 1;
+                  continue;
+               }
+            } else if (!msg.compare(pos, good2.size(), good2)) {
+               sanitized += good2;
+               pos += good2.size() - 1;
+               continue;
+            }
+         }
+         sanitized += "&lt;";
+      } else {
+         sanitized += msg[pos];
+      }
+   }
+   // time calculation
+   char ts[13];
+   strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), "[%H:%M] </p>", localtime(&time));
+   message += ts;
+   message += "<p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif font-color=#";
+   message += color();
+   if (recipient.size() && sender.size()) {
+      // Personal message handling
+      if (sanitized.compare(0, 3, "/me")) {
+         message += " font-decoration=underline>";
+         message += sender;
+         message += " @ ";
+         message += recipient;
+         message += ":</p><p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif> ";
+         message += sanitized;
+      } else {
+         message += ">@";
+         message += recipient;
+         message += " >> </p><p font-size=14";
+         message += " font-face=DejaVuSerif font-color=#";
+         message += color();
+         message += " font-style=italic> ";
+         message += sender;
+         message += sanitized.substr(3);
+      }
+   } else {
+      // Normal messages handling
+      if (not sanitized.compare(0, 3, "/me")) {
+         message += " font-style=italic>-> ";
+         if (sender.size())
+            message += sender;
+         else
+            message += "***";
+         message += sanitized.substr(3);
+      } else if (sender.size()) {
+         message += " font-decoration=underline>";
+         message += sender;
+         message += ":</p><p font-size=14 font-face=DejaVuSerif> ";
+         message += sanitized;
+      } else {
+         message += " font-weight=bold>*** ";
+         message += sanitized;
+      }
+   }
+   // return the formated message
+   return message + "<br></p>";
+std::string ChatMessage::toPlainString() const { return sender + ": " + msg; }
+std::string ChatMessage::color() const {
+   if ((playern >= 0) && playern < MAX_PLAYERS) {
+      const RGBColor& clr = Player::Colors[playern];
+      char buf[sizeof("ffffff")];
+      snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2x%.2x%.2x", clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
+      return buf;
+   }
+   return "999999";

=== modified file 'src/chat.h'
--- src/chat.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/chat.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -29,64 +29,61 @@
  * Represents one chat message.
 struct ChatMessage {
-	/**
-	 * The (real-)time at which the message was received.
-	 */
-	time_t time;
-	/**
-	 * The playercolor. Used to colorize the senders name;
-	 * negative numbers indicate system messages for which richtext is
-	 * allowed.
-	 */
-	int16_t playern;
-	/**
-	 * A string identifying the sender of the message.
-	 *
-	 * This string is empty for system-generated messages.
-	 *
-	 * \note This is a string instead of an ID because the backlog of
-	 * chat messages might contain chat from a player who has since left
-	 * the game.
-	 */
-	std::string sender;
-	/**
-	 * A string identifying the recipient of the message.
-	 *
-	 * This string should only be filled for personal messages.
-	 *
-	 * \note This is a string instead of an ID because the backlog of
-	 * chat messages might contain chat from a player who has since left
-	 * the game.
-	 */
-	std::string recipient;
-	/**
-	 * The actual chat message
-	 */
-	std::string msg;
-	/**
-	 * \return a richtext string that can be displayed to the user.
-	 */
-	std::string toPrintable() const;
-	/**
-	 * \return a plain string containing the sender + message.
-	 */
-	std::string toPlainString() const;
-	/**
-	 * \returns the color of the sender
-	 */
-	std::string color() const;
+   /**
+    * The (real-)time at which the message was received.
+    */
+   time_t time;
+   /**
+    * The playercolor. Used to colorize the senders name;
+    * negative numbers indicate system messages for which richtext is
+    * allowed.
+    */
+   int16_t playern;
+   /**
+    * A string identifying the sender of the message.
+    *
+    * This string is empty for system-generated messages.
+    *
+    * \note This is a string instead of an ID because the backlog of
+    * chat messages might contain chat from a player who has since left
+    * the game.
+    */
+   std::string sender;
+   /**
+    * A string identifying the recipient of the message.
+    *
+    * This string should only be filled for personal messages.
+    *
+    * \note This is a string instead of an ID because the backlog of
+    * chat messages might contain chat from a player who has since left
+    * the game.
+    */
+   std::string recipient;
+   /**
+    * The actual chat message
+    */
+   std::string msg;
+   /**
+    * \return a richtext string that can be displayed to the user.
+    */
+   std::string toPrintable() const;
+   /**
+    * \return a plain string containing the sender + message.
+    */
+   std::string toPlainString() const;
+   /**
+    * \returns the color of the sender
+    */
+   std::string color() const;
  * Provides the chatting interface during a game.
@@ -96,27 +93,25 @@
  * time a new message is received.
 struct ChatProvider : public Widelands::NoteSender<ChatMessage> {
-	virtual ~ChatProvider() {}
-	/**
-	 * Send the given chat message.
-	 *
-	 * The message may or may not appear in subsequent calls to \ref getMessages.
-	 */
-	virtual void send(const std::string &) = 0;
-	/**
-	 * \return a (chronological) list of received chat messages.
-	 * This list need not be stable or monotonic. In other words,
-	 * subsequent calls to this functions may return a smaller or
-	 * greater number of chat messages.
-	 */
-	virtual const std::vector<ChatMessage> & getMessages() const = 0;
-	void send(const ChatMessage & c) {
-		Widelands::NoteSender<ChatMessage>::send(c);
-	}
+   virtual ~ChatProvider() {}
+   /**
+    * Send the given chat message.
+    *
+    * The message may or may not appear in subsequent calls to \ref getMessages.
+    */
+   virtual void send(const std::string&) = 0;
+   /**
+    * \return a (chronological) list of received chat messages.
+    * This list need not be stable or monotonic. In other words,
+    * subsequent calls to this functions may return a smaller or
+    * greater number of chat messages.
+    */
+   virtual const std::vector<ChatMessage>& getMessages() const = 0;
+ protected:
+   void send(const ChatMessage& c) { Widelands::NoteSender<ChatMessage>::send(c); }

=== modified file 'src/compile_assert.h'
--- src/compile_assert.h	2013-02-10 18:47:18 +0000
+++ src/compile_assert.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 // about this shadowing the last assert. This is not too easy, so we use the
 // line number - collisions are not that probable anymore.
 // The concatenation magic is from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1597129/200945
-#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) x ## y
+#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) x##y
 #define TOKENPASTE2(x, y) TOKENPASTE(x, y)
 #define compile_assert(x) typedef bool TOKENPASTE2(COMPILE_ASSERT_, __LINE__)[(x) ? 1 : -1]

=== modified file 'src/compile_diagnostics.h'
--- src/compile_diagnostics.h	2013-01-20 14:25:26 +0000
+++ src/compile_diagnostics.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -25,14 +25,13 @@
  * use in the middle of functions.
 #if ((__GNUC__ * 100) + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 406
-# define GCC_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x)
-# define GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) GCC_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(GCC diagnostic x)
-# define GCC_DIAG_OFF(x) GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(push) \
-         GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(ignored x)
-# define GCC_DIAG_ON(x) GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(pop)
+#define GCC_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
+#define GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) GCC_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(GCC diagnostic x)
+#define GCC_DIAG_OFF(x) GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(push) GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(ignored x)
+#define GCC_DIAG_ON(x) GCC_DIAG_PRAGMA(pop)
-# define GCC_DIAG_OFF(x)
-# define GCC_DIAG_ON(x)
+#define GCC_DIAG_OFF(x)
+#define GCC_DIAG_ON(x)
 /* Macros for disabling Clang warnings and errors
@@ -40,18 +39,17 @@
  * slightly modified.
 #ifdef __clang__
-# define CLANG_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma (#x)
+#define CLANG_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
 // _Pragma is unary operator  #pragma ("")
-# define CLANG_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) CLANG_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(clang diagnostic x)
-		 CLANG_DIAG_PRAGMA(ignored x)
+#define CLANG_DIAG_PRAGMA(x) CLANG_DIAG_DO_PRAGMA(clang diagnostic x)
 // For example: #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wno-unused-variable"
 // For example: #pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wno-unused-variable"
-#else // Ensure these macros do nothing for other compilers.
-# define CLANG_DIAG_OFF(x)
-# define CLANG_DIAG_ON(x)
-# define CLANG_DIAG_PRAGMA(x)
+#else  // Ensure these macros do nothing for other compilers.
+#define CLANG_DIAG_OFF(x)
+#define CLANG_DIAG_ON(x)

=== modified file 'src/computer_player.cc'
--- src/computer_player.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/computer_player.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -21,56 +21,45 @@
 #include "ai/defaultai.h"
-	(Widelands::Game & g, Widelands::Player_Number const pid)
-	: m_game(g), m_player_number(pid)
+Computer_Player::Computer_Player(Widelands::Game& g, Widelands::Player_Number const pid)
+    : m_game(g), m_player_number(pid) {}
 struct EmptyAI : Computer_Player {
-	EmptyAI(Widelands::Game & g, const Widelands::Player_Number pid)
-	: Computer_Player(g, pid) {}
-	void think() {}
-	struct EmptyAIImpl : Implementation {
-		EmptyAIImpl() {name = _("None");}
-		Computer_Player * instantiate
-			(Widelands::Game & g, Widelands::Player_Number const pid) const
-		{
-			return new EmptyAI(g, pid);
-		}
-	};
-	static EmptyAIImpl implementation;
+   EmptyAI(Widelands::Game& g, const Widelands::Player_Number pid) : Computer_Player(g, pid) {}
+   void think() {}
+   struct EmptyAIImpl : Implementation {
+      EmptyAIImpl() { name = _("None"); }
+      Computer_Player* instantiate(Widelands::Game& g, Widelands::Player_Number const pid) const {
+         return new EmptyAI(g, pid);
+      }
+   };
+   static EmptyAIImpl implementation;
 EmptyAI::EmptyAIImpl EmptyAI::implementation;
-const Computer_Player::ImplementationVector &
-	static std::vector<Computer_Player::Implementation const *> impls;
-	if (impls.empty()) {
-		impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::aggressiveImpl);
-		impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::normalImpl);
-		impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::defensiveImpl);
-		impls.push_back(&EmptyAI::implementation);
-	}
-	return impls;
+const Computer_Player::ImplementationVector& Computer_Player::getImplementations() {
+   static std::vector<Computer_Player::Implementation const*> impls;
+   if (impls.empty()) {
+      impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::aggressiveImpl);
+      impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::normalImpl);
+      impls.push_back(&DefaultAI::defensiveImpl);
+      impls.push_back(&EmptyAI::implementation);
+   }
+   return impls;
-const Computer_Player::Implementation * Computer_Player::getImplementation
-	(const std::string & name)
-	const ImplementationVector & vec = getImplementations();
-	container_iterate_const(ImplementationVector, vec, i)
-		if ((*i.current)->name == name)
-			return *i.current;
-	return vec[0];
+const Computer_Player::Implementation* Computer_Player::getImplementation(const std::string& name) {
+   const ImplementationVector& vec = getImplementations();
+   container_iterate_const(ImplementationVector, vec, i)
+   if ((*i.current)->name == name)
+      return *i.current;
+   return vec[0];

=== modified file 'src/computer_player.h'
--- src/computer_player.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/computer_player.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -31,49 +31,44 @@
  * Instances of actual AI implementation can be created via the
  * \ref Implementation interface.
-struct Computer_Player :
-	boost::noncopyable,
-	Widelands::NoteReceiver<Widelands::NoteImmovable>,
-	Widelands::NoteReceiver<Widelands::NoteFieldPossession>
-	Computer_Player(Widelands::Game &, const Widelands::Player_Number);
-	virtual void think () = 0;
-	virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteImmovable &) {}
-	virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteFieldPossession     &) {}
-	Widelands::Game & game() const throw () {return m_game;}
-	Widelands::Player_Number player_number() {return m_player_number;}
-	/**
-	 * Interface to a concrete implementation, used to instantiate AIs.
-	 *
-	 * \see getImplementations()
-	 */
-	struct Implementation {
-		std::string name;
-		virtual ~Implementation() {}
-		virtual Computer_Player * instantiate
-			(Widelands::Game &, Widelands::Player_Number) const = 0;
-	};
-	typedef
-		std::vector<Computer_Player::Implementation const *>
-		ImplementationVector;
-	/**
-	 * Get a list of available AI implementations.
-	 */
-	static const ImplementationVector & getImplementations();
-	/**
-	 * Get the best matching implementation for this name.
-	 */
-	static const Implementation * getImplementation(const std::string & name);
-	Widelands::Game & m_game;
-	Widelands::Player_Number const m_player_number;
+struct Computer_Player : boost::noncopyable,
+                         Widelands::NoteReceiver<Widelands::NoteImmovable>,
+                         Widelands::NoteReceiver<Widelands::NoteFieldPossession> {
+   Computer_Player(Widelands::Game&, const Widelands::Player_Number);
+   virtual void think() = 0;
+   virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteImmovable&) {}
+   virtual void receive(const Widelands::NoteFieldPossession&) {}
+   Widelands::Game& game() const throw() { return m_game; }
+   Widelands::Player_Number player_number() { return m_player_number; }
+   /**
+    * Interface to a concrete implementation, used to instantiate AIs.
+    *
+    * \see getImplementations()
+    */
+   struct Implementation {
+      std::string name;
+      virtual ~Implementation() {}
+      virtual Computer_Player* instantiate(Widelands::Game&, Widelands::Player_Number) const = 0;
+   };
+   typedef std::vector<Computer_Player::Implementation const*> ImplementationVector;
+   /**
+    * Get a list of available AI implementations.
+    */
+   static const ImplementationVector& getImplementations();
+   /**
+    * Get the best matching implementation for this name.
+    */
+   static const Implementation* getImplementation(const std::string& name);
+ private:
+   Widelands::Game& m_game;
+   Widelands::Player_Number const m_player_number;

=== modified file 'src/constants.h'
--- src/constants.h	2013-02-28 15:55:51 +0000
+++ src/constants.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
-#define XRES 800 ///< Fullscreen Menu Width
-#define YRES 600 ///< Fullscreen Menu Height
+#define XRES 800  ///< Fullscreen Menu Width
+#define YRES 600  ///< Fullscreen Menu Height
@@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
 /// \name Fonts
 /// Font constants, defined including size
-#define UI_FONT_NAME_SERIF      "DejaVuSerif.ttf"
-#define UI_FONT_NAME_SANS       "DejaVuSans.ttf"
-#define UI_FONT_NAME_WIDELANDS  "Widelands/Widelands.ttf"
+#define UI_FONT_NAME_SERIF "DejaVuSerif.ttf"
+#define UI_FONT_NAME_SANS "DejaVuSans.ttf"
+#define UI_FONT_NAME_WIDELANDS "Widelands/Widelands.ttf"
-#define UI_FONT_NAME            UI_FONT_NAME_SERIF
-#define UI_FONT_NAME_NO_EXT     "DejaVuSerif"
-#define UI_FONT_SIZE_BIG        22
-#define UI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL      14
+#define UI_FONT_NAME_NO_EXT "DejaVuSerif"
+#define UI_FONT_SIZE_BIG 22
+#define UI_FONT_SIZE_SMALL 14
-#define PROSA_FONT              UI_FONT_NAME_SERIF, 18
 /// \name Font colors
@@ -71,18 +71,18 @@
 /// Global UI font color
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_FG       RGBColor(255, 255,   0)
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_BG       RGBColor(107,  87,  55)
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_FG RGBColor(255, 255, 0)
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_BG RGBColor(107, 87, 55)
 #define UI_FONT_CLR_DISABLED RGBColor(127, 127, 127)
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_WARNING  RGBColor(255,  22,  22)
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_WARNING RGBColor(255, 22, 22)
 /// Prosa font color
-#define PROSA_FONT_CLR_FG    RGBColor(255, 255,   0)
+#define PROSA_FONT_CLR_FG RGBColor(255, 255, 0)
 /// Colors for good/ok/bad
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_BAD_HEX   "ff0000"
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_OK_HEX   "ffff00"
-#define UI_FONT_CLR_GOOD_HEX   "325b1f"
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_BAD_HEX "ff0000"
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_OK_HEX "ffff00"
+#define UI_FONT_CLR_GOOD_HEX "325b1f"
 /** \name Text colors
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@
  * backgrounds.
 /// small is used for ultrasmall, too
 #define UI_FONT_TOOLTIP_CLR RGBColor(255, 255, 0)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
-#define WIDELANDS_PORT               7396
+#define WIDELANDS_PORT 7396
 /// Maximum numbers of players in a game. The game logic code reserves 5 bits
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 /// Constants for user-defined SDL events that get handled by SDL's mainloop
 enum {
@@ -136,6 +136,6 @@
 /// The size of the surface cache in bytes. This is the amount of graphics
 /// memory widelands uses  approximately. Note that not every Surface is also in
 /// the cache, so the actual value will be different - but not by much.
-const uint32_t SURFACE_CACHE_SIZE = 150 << 20;   // shifting converts to MB
+const uint32_t SURFACE_CACHE_SIZE = 150 << 20;  // shifting converts to MB

=== modified file 'src/container_iterate.h'
--- src/container_iterate.h	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/container_iterate.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -26,21 +26,22 @@
 // for (wl_index_range<int> i(1, 10);i;++i)
 //     std::cout << i.current;
-template<typename T>
-struct wl_index_range
-	wl_index_range(const T & beginIndex, const T & endIndex) : current(beginIndex), end(endIndex) {}
-	wl_index_range(const wl_index_range & r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
-	wl_index_range(T & r) : current(r.begin()), end(r.end()) {}
-	T current;
-	wl_index_range & operator++() {++current; return *this;}
-	bool empty() const {return current == end;}
-	operator bool() const {return empty() ? false : true;}
-	T end;
+template <typename T> struct wl_index_range {
+   wl_index_range(const T& beginIndex, const T& endIndex) : current(beginIndex), end(endIndex) {}
+   wl_index_range(const wl_index_range& r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
+   wl_index_range(T& r) : current(r.begin()), end(r.end()) {}
+   T current;
+   wl_index_range& operator++() {
+      ++current;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   bool empty() const { return current == end; }
+   operator bool() const { return empty() ? false : true; }
+ private:
+   T end;
 // Helper structure for representing an iterator range in
 // for loops.
 // Usage:
@@ -48,25 +49,29 @@
 // for (wl_range< std::vector<int> > i(v);i;++i)
 //     std::cout << *i;
-template<typename C>
-struct wl_range
-	wl_range
-		(const typename C::iterator & first, const typename C::iterator & last) :
-			current(first), end(last) {}
-	wl_range(C & container) : current(container.begin()), end(container.end()) {}
-	wl_range(const wl_range & r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
-	typename C::iterator current;
-	wl_range & operator++() {++current; return *this;}
-	wl_range<C> & advance() {++current; return *this;}
-	bool empty() const {return current == end;}
-	operator bool() const {return empty() ? false: true;}
-	typename C::reference front() const {return *current;}
-	typename C::reference operator*() const {return *current;}
-	typename C::pointer operator->() const {return (&**this);}
-	typename C::iterator get_end() {return end;}
-	typename C::iterator end;
+template <typename C> struct wl_range {
+   wl_range(const typename C::iterator& first, const typename C::iterator& last)
+       : current(first), end(last) {}
+   wl_range(C& container) : current(container.begin()), end(container.end()) {}
+   wl_range(const wl_range& r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
+   typename C::iterator current;
+   wl_range& operator++() {
+      ++current;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   wl_range<C>& advance() {
+      ++current;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   bool empty() const { return current == end; }
+   operator bool() const { return empty() ? false : true; }
+   typename C::reference front() const { return *current; }
+   typename C::reference operator*() const { return *current; }
+   typename C::pointer operator->() const { return (&**this); }
+   typename C::iterator get_end() { return end; }
+ private:
+   typename C::iterator end;
 // Helper structure for representing an iterator range in
@@ -76,26 +81,29 @@
 // for (wl_const_range< std::vector<int> > i(v);i;++i)
 //     std::cout << *i;
-template<typename C>
-struct wl_const_range
-	wl_const_range
-		(const typename  C::const_iterator & first,
-		 const typename C::const_iterator & last)
-		: current(first), end(last) {}
-	wl_const_range(const C & container) : current(container.begin()), end(container.end()) {}
-	wl_const_range(const wl_const_range & r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
-	typename C::const_iterator current;
-	wl_const_range & operator++() {++current; return *this;}
-	wl_const_range<C> & advance() {++current; return *this;}
-	bool empty() const {return current == end;}
-	operator bool() const {return empty() ? false: true;}
-	typename C::const_reference front() const {return *current;}
-	typename C::const_reference operator*() const {return *current;}
-	typename C::const_pointer operator->() const {return (&**this);}
-	typename C::const_iterator get_end() {return end;}
-	typename C::const_iterator end;
+template <typename C> struct wl_const_range {
+   wl_const_range(const typename C::const_iterator& first, const typename C::const_iterator& last)
+       : current(first), end(last) {}
+   wl_const_range(const C& container) : current(container.begin()), end(container.end()) {}
+   wl_const_range(const wl_const_range& r) : current(r.current), end(r.end) {}
+   typename C::const_iterator current;
+   wl_const_range& operator++() {
+      ++current;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   wl_const_range<C>& advance() {
+      ++current;
+      return *this;
+   }
+   bool empty() const { return current == end; }
+   operator bool() const { return empty() ? false : true; }
+   typename C::const_reference front() const { return *current; }
+   typename C::const_reference operator*() const { return *current; }
+   typename C::const_pointer operator->() const { return (&**this); }
+   typename C::const_iterator get_end() { return end; }
+ private:
+   typename C::const_iterator end;
 // helper for erasing element in range so that range stays valid.
@@ -103,24 +111,13 @@
 // Returns new range with updated end points.
 // This function could also reside within wl_range class, but
 // that would still require passing container in.
-template <class C>
-wl_erase(C & c, typename C::iterator & w)
-	typename C::iterator it = c.erase(w);
-	return wl_range< C >(it, c.end());
+template <class C> wl_range<C> wl_erase(C& c, typename C::iterator& w) {
+   typename C::iterator it = c.erase(w);
+   return wl_range<C>(it, c.end());
-#define container_iterate_const(type, container, i)                           \
-	for                                                                       \
-	   (wl_const_range< type > i(container);                                  \
-		i;                                                                    \
-		++i)                                                                  \
+#define container_iterate_const(type, container, i) for (wl_const_range<type> i(container); i; ++i)
-#define container_iterate(type, container, i)                                 \
-	for                                                                       \
-	   (wl_range< type > i(container);                                        \
-		i;                                                                    \
-		++i)                                                                  \
+#define container_iterate(type, container, i) for (wl_range<type> i(container); i; ++i)

=== modified file 'src/cookie_priority_queue.h'
--- src/cookie_priority_queue.h	2012-06-06 14:51:03 +0000
+++ src/cookie_priority_queue.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -27,31 +27,29 @@
 #include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-template<typename _Type>
-struct default_cookie_accessor;
-template<typename _Type>
-struct cookie_priority_queue_base {
-	typedef _Type type;
-	typedef std::vector<type *> container;
-	typedef typename container::size_type size_type;
-	struct cookie : boost::noncopyable {
-		cookie() : pos(bad_pos()) {}
-		~cookie() {}
-		/** Returns \c true if the cookie is currently managed by a queue */
-		bool is_active() const {return pos != bad_pos();}
-	private:
-		friend struct cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>;
-		size_type pos;
-	};
-	static size_type & cookie_pos(cookie & cookie) {return cookie.pos;}
-	static size_type bad_pos() {return std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();}
+template <typename _Type> struct default_cookie_accessor;
+template <typename _Type> struct cookie_priority_queue_base {
+   typedef _Type type;
+   typedef std::vector<type*> container;
+   typedef typename container::size_type size_type;
+   struct cookie : boost::noncopyable {
+      cookie() : pos(bad_pos()) {}
+      ~cookie() {}
+      /** Returns \c true if the cookie is currently managed by a queue */
+      bool is_active() const { return pos != bad_pos(); }
+    private:
+      friend struct cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>;
+      size_type pos;
+   };
+ protected:
+   static size_type& cookie_pos(cookie& cookie) { return cookie.pos; }
+   static size_type bad_pos() { return std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max(); }
@@ -71,225 +69,215 @@
  * you have to call \ref decrease_key or \ref increase_key after the change,
  * depending on whether the change caused a decrease or increase, respectively.
-	<typename _Type,
-	 typename _Compare = std::less<_Type>,
-	 typename _CookieAccessor = default_cookie_accessor<_Type> >
+template <typename _Type,
+          typename _Compare = std::less<_Type>,
+          typename _CookieAccessor = default_cookie_accessor<_Type> >
 struct cookie_priority_queue : cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type> {
-	typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::type type;
-	typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::container container;
-	typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::size_type size_type;
-	typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::cookie cookie;
-	typedef cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type> base_type;
-	typedef _Compare compare;
-	typedef _CookieAccessor cookie_accessor;
-	cookie_priority_queue(const compare & _c = compare(), const cookie_accessor & _a = cookie_accessor());
-	~cookie_priority_queue();
-	size_type size() const;
-	bool empty() const;
-	type * top() const;
-	void push(type * elt);
-	void pop(type * elt);
-	void decrease_key(type * elt);
-	void increase_key(type * elt);
-	container d;
-	compare c;
-	cookie_accessor ca;
-	void swap(cookie & a, cookie & b);
-	void selftest();
-	static size_type & cookie_pos(cookie & c) {return base_type::cookie_pos(c);}
-	static size_type bad_pos() {return base_type::bad_pos();}
-	static size_type parent_pos(size_type pos) {return (pos - 1) / 2;}
-	static size_type left_child_pos(size_type pos) {return (2 * pos) + 1;}
-	static size_type right_child_pos(size_type pos) {return (2 * pos) + 2;}
-template<typename _Type>
-struct default_cookie_accessor {
-	typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::cookie cookie;
-	cookie & operator()(_Type * t) {
-		return t->cookie();
-	}
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie_priority_queue
-	(const typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::compare & _c,
-	 const typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie_accessor & _a)
-: c(_c), ca(_a)
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::~cookie_priority_queue()
-	for (typename container::iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); ++it)
-		cookie_pos(ca(*it)) = bad_pos();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::size_type cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::size() const
-	return d.size();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-bool cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::empty() const
-	return d.empty();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type * cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::top() const
-	return *d.begin();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::push
-	(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type * elt)
-	cookie & elt_cookie(ca(elt));
-	assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) == base_type::bad_pos());
-	d.push_back(elt);
-	cookie_pos(elt_cookie) = d.size() - 1;
-	decrease_key(elt);
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::pop
-	(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type * elt)
-	cookie & elt_cookie(ca(elt));
-	assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
-	while (cookie_pos(elt_cookie) > 0) {
-		cookie & parent_cookie = ca(*(d.begin() + parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie))));
-		assert(cookie_pos(parent_cookie) == parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie)));
-		swap(elt_cookie, parent_cookie);
-	}
-	swap(elt_cookie, ca(d.back()));
-	d.pop_back();
-	cookie_pos(elt_cookie) = base_type::bad_pos();
-	if (!d.empty())
-		increase_key(*d.begin());
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::decrease_key
-	(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type * elt)
-	cookie & elt_cookie(ca(elt));
-	assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
-	while (cookie_pos(elt_cookie) != 0) {
-		size_type parent = parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
-		if (!c(*elt, *d[parent]))
-			break;
-		cookie & parent_cookie(ca(d[parent]));
-		assert(cookie_pos(parent_cookie) == parent);
-		swap(elt_cookie, parent_cookie);
-	}
-	//selftest();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::increase_key
-	(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type * elt)
-	cookie & elt_cookie(ca(elt));
-	assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
-	for (;;) {
-		size_type left_child = left_child_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
-		size_type right_child = right_child_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
-		if (left_child >= d.size())
-			break;
-		cookie & left_cookie(ca(d[left_child]));
-		assert(cookie_pos(left_cookie) == left_child);
-		if (c(**(d.begin() + left_child), *elt)) {
-			if (right_child >= d.size() || c(*d[left_child], *d[right_child])) {
-				swap(elt_cookie, left_cookie);
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		if (right_child >= d.size())
-			break;
-		cookie & right_cookie(ca(d[right_child]));
-		assert(cookie_pos(right_cookie) == right_child);
-		if (c(*d[right_child], *elt)) {
-			swap(elt_cookie, right_cookie);
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	//selftest();
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::swap
-	(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie & a,
-	 typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie & b)
-	std::swap(d[cookie_pos(a)], d[cookie_pos(b)]);
-	std::swap(cookie_pos(a), cookie_pos(b));
+   typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::type type;
+   typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::container container;
+   typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::size_type size_type;
+   typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::cookie cookie;
+   typedef cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type> base_type;
+   typedef _Compare compare;
+   typedef _CookieAccessor cookie_accessor;
+   cookie_priority_queue(const compare& _c = compare(),
+                         const cookie_accessor& _a = cookie_accessor());
+   ~cookie_priority_queue();
+   size_type size() const;
+   bool empty() const;
+   type* top() const;
+   void push(type* elt);
+   void pop(type* elt);
+   void decrease_key(type* elt);
+   void increase_key(type* elt);
+ private:
+   container d;
+   compare c;
+   cookie_accessor ca;
+   void swap(cookie& a, cookie& b);
+   void selftest();
+   static size_type& cookie_pos(cookie& c) { return base_type::cookie_pos(c); }
+   static size_type bad_pos() { return base_type::bad_pos(); }
+   static size_type parent_pos(size_type pos) { return (pos - 1) / 2; }
+   static size_type left_child_pos(size_type pos) { return (2 * pos) + 1; }
+   static size_type right_child_pos(size_type pos) { return (2 * pos) + 2; }
+template <typename _Type> struct default_cookie_accessor {
+   typedef typename cookie_priority_queue_base<_Type>::cookie cookie;
+   cookie& operator()(_Type* t) { return t->cookie(); }
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie_priority_queue(
+    const typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::compare& _c,
+    const typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie_accessor& _a)
+    : c(_c), ca(_a) {}
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::~cookie_priority_queue() {
+   for (typename container::iterator it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); ++it)
+      cookie_pos(ca(*it)) = bad_pos();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::size_type
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::size() const {
+   return d.size();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::empty() const {
+   return d.empty();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type*
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::top() const {
+   return *d.begin();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::push(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type* elt) {
+   cookie& elt_cookie(ca(elt));
+   assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) == base_type::bad_pos());
+   d.push_back(elt);
+   cookie_pos(elt_cookie) = d.size() - 1;
+   decrease_key(elt);
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::pop(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type* elt) {
+   cookie& elt_cookie(ca(elt));
+   assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
+   while (cookie_pos(elt_cookie) > 0) {
+      cookie& parent_cookie = ca(*(d.begin() + parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie))));
+      assert(cookie_pos(parent_cookie) == parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie)));
+      swap(elt_cookie, parent_cookie);
+   }
+   swap(elt_cookie, ca(d.back()));
+   d.pop_back();
+   cookie_pos(elt_cookie) = base_type::bad_pos();
+   if (!d.empty())
+      increase_key(*d.begin());
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::decrease_key(
+    typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type* elt) {
+   cookie& elt_cookie(ca(elt));
+   assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
+   while (cookie_pos(elt_cookie) != 0) {
+      size_type parent = parent_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
+      if (!c(*elt, *d[parent]))
+         break;
+      cookie& parent_cookie(ca(d[parent]));
+      assert(cookie_pos(parent_cookie) == parent);
+      swap(elt_cookie, parent_cookie);
+   }
+   //selftest();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::increase_key(
+    typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::type* elt) {
+   cookie& elt_cookie(ca(elt));
+   assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) < d.size());
+   for (;;) {
+      size_type left_child = left_child_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
+      size_type right_child = right_child_pos(cookie_pos(elt_cookie));
+      if (left_child >= d.size())
+         break;
+      cookie& left_cookie(ca(d[left_child]));
+      assert(cookie_pos(left_cookie) == left_child);
+      if (c(**(d.begin() + left_child), *elt)) {
+         if (right_child >= d.size() || c(*d[left_child], *d[right_child])) {
+            swap(elt_cookie, left_cookie);
+            continue;
+         }
+      }
+      if (right_child >= d.size())
+         break;
+      cookie& right_cookie(ca(d[right_child]));
+      assert(cookie_pos(right_cookie) == right_child);
+      if (c(*d[right_child], *elt)) {
+         swap(elt_cookie, right_cookie);
+         continue;
+      }
+      break;
+   }
+   //selftest();
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::swap(typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie& a,
+                                          typename cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::cookie& b) {
+   std::swap(d[cookie_pos(a)], d[cookie_pos(b)]);
+   std::swap(cookie_pos(a), cookie_pos(b));
 // Disable in release builds.
-template<typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
-void cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::selftest()
-	for (size_type pos = 0; pos < d.size(); ++pos) {
-		cookie & elt_cookie(ca(d[pos]));
-		assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) == pos);
-		size_type left_child = left_child_pos(pos);
-		size_type right_child = right_child_pos(pos);
-		if (left_child < d.size()) {
-			assert(!c(*d[left_child], *d[pos]));
-		}
-		if (right_child < d.size()) {
-			assert(!c(*d[right_child], *d[pos]));
-		}
-	}
+template <typename _T, typename _Cw, typename _CA>
+cookie_priority_queue<_T, _Cw, _CA>::selftest() {
+   for (size_type pos = 0; pos < d.size(); ++pos) {
+      cookie& elt_cookie(ca(d[pos]));
+      assert(cookie_pos(elt_cookie) == pos);
+      size_type left_child = left_child_pos(pos);
+      size_type right_child = right_child_pos(pos);
+      if (left_child < d.size()) {
+         assert(!c(*d[left_child], *d[pos]));
+      }
+      if (right_child < d.size()) {
+         assert(!c(*d[right_child], *d[pos]));
+      }
+   }

=== modified file 'src/debugconsole.cc'
--- src/debugconsole.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/debugconsole.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -28,121 +28,95 @@
 namespace DebugConsole {
 struct Console : public ChatProvider, public Handler {
-	typedef std::map<std::string, Handler::HandlerFn> CommandMap;
-	std::vector<ChatMessage> messages;
-	CommandMap commands;
-	Handler::HandlerFn default_handler;
-	Console()
-	{
-		addCommand("help", boost::bind(&Console::cmdHelp, this, _1));
-		addCommand("ls", boost::bind(&Console::cmdLs, this, _1));
-		default_handler = boost::bind(&Console::cmdErr, this, _1);
-	}
-	~Console()
-	{
-	}
-	void cmdHelp(const std::vector<std::string> &)
-	{
-		write("Use 'ls' to list all available commands.");
-	}
-	void cmdLs(const std::vector<std::string> &)
-	{
-		container_iterate_const(CommandMap, commands, i)
-			write(i.current->first);
-	}
-	void cmdErr(const std::vector<std::string> & args) {
-		write("Unknown command: " + args[0]);
-	}
-	void send(const std::string & msg)
-	{
-		std::vector<std::string> arg;
-		std::string::size_type pos = 0;
-		write("# " + msg);
-		while ((pos = msg.find_first_not_of(' ', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
-			std::string::size_type const end = msg.find(' ', pos);
-			arg.push_back(msg.substr(pos, end - pos));
-			pos = end;
-		}
-		if (arg.empty())
-			return;
-		CommandMap::const_iterator it = commands.find(arg[0]);
-		if (it == commands.end()) {
-			default_handler(arg);
-			return;
-		}
-		it->second(arg);
-	}
-	const std::vector<ChatMessage> & getMessages() const
-	{
-		return messages;
-	}
-	void write(const std::string & msg)
-	{
-		ChatMessage cm;
-		cm.time = time(0);
-		cm.msg = msg;
-		messages.push_back(cm);
-		log("*** %s\n", msg.c_str());
-		// Arbitrary choice of backlog size
-		if (messages.size() > 1000)
-			messages.erase(messages.begin(), messages.begin() + 100);
-		ChatProvider::send(cm); // Notify listeners, i.e. the UI
-	}
+   typedef std::map<std::string, Handler::HandlerFn> CommandMap;
+   std::vector<ChatMessage> messages;
+   CommandMap commands;
+   Handler::HandlerFn default_handler;
+   Console() {
+      addCommand("help", boost::bind(&Console::cmdHelp, this, _1));
+      addCommand("ls", boost::bind(&Console::cmdLs, this, _1));
+      default_handler = boost::bind(&Console::cmdErr, this, _1);
+   }
+   ~Console() {}
+   void cmdHelp(const std::vector<std::string>&) {
+      write("Use 'ls' to list all available commands.");
+   }
+   void cmdLs(const std::vector<std::string>&) {
+      container_iterate_const(CommandMap, commands, i)
+      write(i.current->first);
+   }
+   void cmdErr(const std::vector<std::string>& args) { write("Unknown command: " + args[0]); }
+   void send(const std::string& msg) {
+      std::vector<std::string> arg;
+      std::string::size_type pos = 0;
+      write("# " + msg);
+      while ((pos = msg.find_first_not_of(' ', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
+         std::string::size_type const end = msg.find(' ', pos);
+         arg.push_back(msg.substr(pos, end - pos));
+         pos = end;
+      }
+      if (arg.empty())
+         return;
+      CommandMap::const_iterator it = commands.find(arg[0]);
+      if (it == commands.end()) {
+         default_handler(arg);
+         return;
+      }
+      it->second(arg);
+   }
+   const std::vector<ChatMessage>& getMessages() const { return messages; }
+   void write(const std::string& msg) {
+      ChatMessage cm;
+      cm.time = time(0);
+      cm.msg = msg;
+      messages.push_back(cm);
+      log("*** %s\n", msg.c_str());
+      // Arbitrary choice of backlog size
+      if (messages.size() > 1000)
+         messages.erase(messages.begin(), messages.begin() + 100);
+      ChatProvider::send(cm);  // Notify listeners, i.e. the UI
+   }
 Console g_console;
-ChatProvider * getChatProvider()
-	return &g_console;
-void write(const std::string & text)
-	g_console.write(text);
-	// This check is an evil hack to account for the singleton-nature
-	// of the Console
-	if (this != &g_console)
-		container_iterate_const(std::vector<std::string>, m_commands, i)
-			g_console.commands.erase(*i.current);
-void Handler::addCommand(const std::string & cmd, const HandlerFn & fun)
-	g_console.commands[cmd] = fun;
-	m_commands.push_back(cmd);
-void Handler::setDefaultCommand(const HandlerFn & fun)
-	g_console.default_handler = fun;
+ChatProvider* getChatProvider() { return &g_console; }
+void write(const std::string& text) { g_console.write(text); }
+Handler::Handler() {}
+Handler::~Handler() {
+   // This check is an evil hack to account for the singleton-nature
+   // of the Console
+   if (this != &g_console)
+      container_iterate_const(std::vector<std::string>, m_commands, i)
+   g_console.commands.erase(*i.current);
+void Handler::addCommand(const std::string& cmd, const HandlerFn& fun) {
+   g_console.commands[cmd] = fun;
+   m_commands.push_back(cmd);
+void Handler::setDefaultCommand(const HandlerFn& fun) { g_console.default_handler = fun; }

=== modified file 'src/debugconsole.h'
--- src/debugconsole.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/debugconsole.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@
  * runs.
 struct Handler {
-	/**
-	 * Type for command callback functions.
-	 * The passed array contains a list of all (space-separated) components
-	 * of the command, including the command name itself.
-	 */
-	typedef boost::function<void (const std::vector<std::string> &)> HandlerFn;
-	Handler();
-	virtual ~Handler();
-	void addCommand(const std::string &, const HandlerFn &);
-	void setDefaultCommand(const HandlerFn &);
-	std::vector<std::string> m_commands;
+   /**
+    * Type for command callback functions.
+    * The passed array contains a list of all (space-separated) components
+    * of the command, including the command name itself.
+    */
+   typedef boost::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&)> HandlerFn;
+   Handler();
+   virtual ~Handler();
+ protected:
+   void addCommand(const std::string&, const HandlerFn&);
+   void setDefaultCommand(const HandlerFn&);
+ private:
+   std::vector<std::string> m_commands;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
  * the given command string, and the log of messages contains a log
  * of console messages.
-ChatProvider * getChatProvider();
+ChatProvider* getChatProvider();
  * Write some output on the console.
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
  * \ref getChatProvider(). Sending a message via \ref getChatProvider()
  * executes a command, while this function writes to the console.
-void write(const std::string & text);
+void write(const std::string& text);

=== modified file 'src/descr_maintainer.h'
--- src/descr_maintainer.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/descr_maintainer.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -28,111 +28,92 @@
  * Worker_Descr and so on.
 template <typename T> struct Descr_Maintainer {
-	Descr_Maintainer() : capacity(0), nitemsw(0), items(0) {}
-	~Descr_Maintainer();
-	static typename T::Index invalid_index() {
-		return std::numeric_limits<typename T::Index>::max();
-	}
-	T * exists(char const * name) const;
-	int32_t add(T *);
-	typename T::Index get_nitems() const throw () {return nitemsw;}
-	struct Nonexistent {};
-	int32_t get_index(const std::string & name) const throw (Nonexistent)
-	{
-		for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
-			if (name == items[i]->name())
-				return i;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int32_t get_index(const char * const name) const throw (Nonexistent)
-	{
-		for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
-			if (name == items[i]->name())
-				return i;
-		return -1;
-	}
-	T * get(int32_t const idx) const {
-		return idx >= 0 and idx < static_cast<int32_t>(nitemsw) ? items[idx] : 0;
-	}
-	typename T::Index capacity;
-	typename T::Index nitemsw;
-	T * * items;
-	void reserve(const typename T::Index n) {
-		T * * const new_items =
-			static_cast<T * *>(realloc(items, sizeof(T *) * n));
-		if (not new_items)
-			throw std::bad_alloc();
-		items = new_items;
-		capacity = n;
-	}
+   Descr_Maintainer() : capacity(0), nitemsw(0), items(0) {}
+   ~Descr_Maintainer();
+   static typename T::Index invalid_index() {
+      return std::numeric_limits<typename T::Index>::max();
+   }
+   T* exists(char const* name) const;
+   int32_t add(T*);
+   typename T::Index get_nitems() const throw() { return nitemsw; }
+   struct Nonexistent {
+   };
+   int32_t get_index(const std::string& name) const throw(Nonexistent) {
+      for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
+         if (name == items[i]->name())
+            return i;
+      return -1;
+   }
+   int32_t get_index(const char* const name) const throw(Nonexistent) {
+      for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
+         if (name == items[i]->name())
+            return i;
+      return -1;
+   }
+   T* get(int32_t const idx) const {
+      return idx >= 0 and idx < static_cast<int32_t>(nitemsw) ? items[idx] : 0;
+   }
+ private:
+   typename T::Index capacity;
+   typename T::Index nitemsw;
+   T** items;
+   void reserve(const typename T::Index n) {
+      T** const new_items = static_cast<T**>(realloc(items, sizeof(T*) * n));
+      if (not new_items)
+         throw std::bad_alloc();
+      items = new_items;
+      capacity = n;
+   }
-template <typename T>
-int32_t Descr_Maintainer<T>::add(T * const item) {
-	int32_t const result = nitemsw;
-	if (++nitemsw >= capacity)
-		reserve(nitemsw);
-	items[result] = item;
-	return result;
+template <typename T> int32_t Descr_Maintainer<T>::add(T* const item) {
+   int32_t const result = nitemsw;
+   if (++nitemsw >= capacity)
+      reserve(nitemsw);
+   items[result] = item;
+   return result;
 /// Returns the element if it exists, 0 otherwise.
-template <typename T>
-T * Descr_Maintainer<T>::exists(char const * const name) const {
-	for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
-		if (name == items[i]->name())
-			return items[i];
-	return 0;
+template <typename T> T* Descr_Maintainer<T>::exists(char const* const name) const {
+   for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
+      if (name == items[i]->name())
+         return items[i];
+   return 0;
-template<typename T> Descr_Maintainer<T>::~Descr_Maintainer() {
-	for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
-		delete items[i];
-	free(items);
+template <typename T> Descr_Maintainer<T>::~Descr_Maintainer() {
+   for (typename T::Index i = 0; i < nitemsw; ++i)
+      delete items[i];
+   free(items);
 /// This template is used to have a typesafe maintainer for Bob_Descr,
 /// Worker_Descr and so on. This version uses boxed Index type for indexing.
 /// Usage: Indexed_Descr_Maintainer<Worker_Descr, Ware_Index> workers;
-template <typename T, typename T_Index> struct Indexed_Descr_Maintainer :
-private Descr_Maintainer<T>
-	T * exists(char const * const name) {
-		return Descr_Maintainer<T>::exists(name);
-	}
-	T_Index add(T * const t) {
-		return
-			T_Index
-				(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>
-				 	(Descr_Maintainer<T>::add(t)));
-	}
-	T_Index get_nitems() const throw () {
-		return T_Index(Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_nitems());
-	}
-	T_Index get_index(const std::string & name) const throw () {
-		int32_t idx = Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_index(name);
-		return
-			idx == -1 ? T_Index::Null() :
-			T_Index(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>(idx));
-	}
-	T_Index get_index(const char * const name) const throw () {
-		int32_t idx = Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_index(name);
-		return
-			idx == -1 ? T_Index::Null() :
-			T_Index(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>(idx));
-	}
-	T * get(T_Index const idx) const {
-		return idx ? Descr_Maintainer<T>::get(idx.value()) : 0;
-	}
+template <typename T, typename T_Index>
+struct Indexed_Descr_Maintainer : private Descr_Maintainer<T> {
+   T* exists(char const* const name) { return Descr_Maintainer<T>::exists(name); }
+   T_Index add(T* const t) {
+      return T_Index(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>(Descr_Maintainer<T>::add(t)));
+   }
+   T_Index get_nitems() const throw() { return T_Index(Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_nitems()); }
+   T_Index get_index(const std::string& name) const throw() {
+      int32_t idx = Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_index(name);
+      return idx == -1 ? T_Index::Null() : T_Index(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>(idx));
+   }
+   T_Index get_index(const char* const name) const throw() {
+      int32_t idx = Descr_Maintainer<T>::get_index(name);
+      return idx == -1 ? T_Index::Null() : T_Index(static_cast<typename T_Index::value_t>(idx));
+   }
+   T* get(T_Index const idx) const { return idx ? Descr_Maintainer<T>::get(idx.value()) : 0; }

=== modified file 'src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.cc'
--- src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -28,22 +28,21 @@
 namespace Widelands {
-	(int32_t const starttime, Economy * const economy, uint32_t const timerid)
-	: GameLogicCommand(starttime)
-	m_flag = &economy->get_arbitrary_flag();
-	m_timerid = timerid;
+Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance(int32_t const starttime,
+                                                   Economy* const economy,
+                                                   uint32_t const timerid)
+    : GameLogicCommand(starttime) {
+   m_flag = &economy->get_arbitrary_flag();
+   m_timerid = timerid;
  * Called by Cmd_Queue as requested by start_request_timer().
  * Call economy functions to balance supply and request.
-void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::execute(Game & game)
-	if (Flag * const flag = m_flag.get(game))
-		flag->get_economy()->balance(m_timerid);
+void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::execute(Game& game) {
+   if (Flag* const flag = m_flag.get(game))
+      flag->get_economy()->balance(m_timerid);
@@ -51,55 +50,53 @@
  * Read and write
-void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::Read
-	(FileRead & fr, Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Loader & mol)
-	try {
-		uint16_t const packet_version = fr.Unsigned16();
-		if (packet_version == CURRENT_CMD_CALL_ECONOMY_VERSION) {
-			GameLogicCommand::Read(fr, egbase, mol);
-			uint32_t serial = fr.Unsigned32();
-			if (serial)
-				m_flag = &mol.get<Flag>(serial);
-			m_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
-		} else if (packet_version == 1 || packet_version == 2) {
-			GameLogicCommand::Read(fr, egbase, mol);
-			uint8_t const player_number = fr.Unsigned8();
-			if (Player * const player = egbase.get_player(player_number)) {
-				if (not fr.Unsigned8())
-					throw wexception("0 is not allowed here");
-				uint16_t const economy_number = fr.Unsigned16();
-				if (economy_number < player->get_nr_economies())
-					m_flag =
-						&player->get_economy_by_number(economy_number)
-						->get_arbitrary_flag();
-				else
-					throw wexception("invalid economy number %u", economy_number);
-			} else
-				throw wexception("invalid player number %u", player_number);
-			if (packet_version >= 2)
-				m_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
-			else
-				m_timerid = 0;
-		} else
-			throw game_data_error
-				(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), packet_version);
-	} catch (const _wexception & e) {
-		throw wexception(_("call economy balance: %s"), e.what());
-	}
+void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::Read(FileRead& fr,
+                                    Editor_Game_Base& egbase,
+                                    Map_Map_Object_Loader& mol) {
+   try {
+      uint16_t const packet_version = fr.Unsigned16();
+      if (packet_version == CURRENT_CMD_CALL_ECONOMY_VERSION) {
+         GameLogicCommand::Read(fr, egbase, mol);
+         uint32_t serial = fr.Unsigned32();
+         if (serial)
+            m_flag = &mol.get<Flag>(serial);
+         m_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
+      } else if (packet_version == 1 || packet_version == 2) {
+         GameLogicCommand::Read(fr, egbase, mol);
+         uint8_t const player_number = fr.Unsigned8();
+         if (Player* const player = egbase.get_player(player_number)) {
+            if (not fr.Unsigned8())
+               throw wexception("0 is not allowed here");
+            uint16_t const economy_number = fr.Unsigned16();
+            if (economy_number < player->get_nr_economies())
+               m_flag = &player->get_economy_by_number(economy_number)->get_arbitrary_flag();
+            else
+               throw wexception("invalid economy number %u", economy_number);
+         } else
+            throw wexception("invalid player number %u", player_number);
+         if (packet_version >= 2)
+            m_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
+         else
+            m_timerid = 0;
+      } else
+         throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), packet_version);
+   }
+   catch (const _wexception & e) {
+      throw wexception(_("call economy balance: %s"), e.what());
+   }
-void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::Write
-	(FileWrite & fw, Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Saver & mos)
+void Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance::Write(FileWrite& fw,
+                                     Editor_Game_Base& egbase,
+                                     Map_Map_Object_Saver& mos) {
-	// Write Base Commands
-	GameLogicCommand::Write(fw, egbase, mos);
-	if (Flag * const flag = m_flag.get(egbase))
-		fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*flag));
-	else
-		fw.Unsigned32(0);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_timerid);
+   // Write Base Commands
+   GameLogicCommand::Write(fw, egbase, mos);
+   if (Flag* const flag = m_flag.get(egbase))
+      fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*flag));
+   else
+      fw.Unsigned32(0);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_timerid);

=== modified file 'src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.h'
--- src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/cmd_call_economy_balance.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -30,26 +30,23 @@
 struct Map_Map_Object_Loader;
 struct Map_Map_Object_Loader;
 struct Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance : public GameLogicCommand {
-	Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance () : GameLogicCommand(0), m_timerid(0) {} ///< for load and save
-	Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance (int32_t starttime, Economy *, uint32_t timerid);
-	void execute (Game &);
-	virtual uint8_t id() const {return QUEUE_CMD_CALL_ECONOMY_BALANCE;}
-	void Write(FileWrite &, Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Saver  &);
-	void Read (FileRead  &, Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Loader &);
-	OPtr<Flag> m_flag;
-	uint32_t m_timerid;
+   Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance() : GameLogicCommand(0), m_timerid(0) {}  ///< for load and save
+   Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance(int32_t starttime, Economy*, uint32_t timerid);
+   void execute(Game&);
+   virtual uint8_t id() const { return QUEUE_CMD_CALL_ECONOMY_BALANCE; }
+   void Write(FileWrite&, Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Saver&);
+   void Read(FileRead&, Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Loader&);
+ private:
+   OPtr<Flag> m_flag;
+   uint32_t m_timerid;

=== modified file 'src/economy/economy.cc'
--- src/economy/economy.cc	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/economy.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -39,64 +39,55 @@
 namespace Widelands {
-Economy::Economy(Player & player) :
-	m_owner(player),
-	m_request_timerid(0)
-	const Tribe_Descr & tribe = player.tribe();
-	Ware_Index const nr_wares   = tribe.get_nrwares();
-	Ware_Index const nr_workers = tribe.get_nrworkers();
-	m_wares.set_nrwares(nr_wares);
-	m_workers.set_nrwares(nr_workers);
-	player.add_economy(*this);
-	m_ware_target_quantities   = new Target_Quantity[nr_wares  .value()];
-	for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_wares; ++i) {
-		Target_Quantity tq;
-		tq.permanent =
-			tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->default_target_quantity();
-		tq.last_modified = 0;
-		m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()] = tq;
-	}
-	m_worker_target_quantities = new Target_Quantity[nr_workers.value()];
-	for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_workers; ++i) {
-		Target_Quantity tq;
-		tq.permanent =
-			tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->default_target_quantity();
-		tq.last_modified = 0;
-		m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()] = tq;
-	}
-	m_router =
-		 new Router(boost::bind(&Economy::_reset_all_pathfinding_cycles, this));
-	m_owner.remove_economy(*this);
-	if (m_requests.size())
-		log("Warning: Economy still has requests left on destruction\n");
-	if (m_flags.size())
-		log("Warning: Economy still has flags left on destruction\n");
-	if (m_warehouses.size())
-		log("Warning: Economy still has warehouses left on destruction\n");
-	delete[] m_ware_target_quantities;
-	delete[] m_worker_target_quantities;
-	delete m_router;
+Economy::Economy(Player& player) : m_owner(player), m_request_timerid(0) {
+   const Tribe_Descr& tribe = player.tribe();
+   Ware_Index const nr_wares = tribe.get_nrwares();
+   Ware_Index const nr_workers = tribe.get_nrworkers();
+   m_wares.set_nrwares(nr_wares);
+   m_workers.set_nrwares(nr_workers);
+   player.add_economy(*this);
+   m_ware_target_quantities = new Target_Quantity[nr_wares.value()];
+   for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_wares; ++i) {
+      Target_Quantity tq;
+      tq.permanent = tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->default_target_quantity();
+      tq.last_modified = 0;
+      m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()] = tq;
+   }
+   m_worker_target_quantities = new Target_Quantity[nr_workers.value()];
+   for (Ware_Index i = Ware_Index::First(); i < nr_workers; ++i) {
+      Target_Quantity tq;
+      tq.permanent = tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->default_target_quantity();
+      tq.last_modified = 0;
+      m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()] = tq;
+   }
+   m_router = new Router(boost::bind(&Economy::_reset_all_pathfinding_cycles, this));
+Economy::~Economy() {
+   m_owner.remove_economy(*this);
+   if (m_requests.size())
+      log("Warning: Economy still has requests left on destruction\n");
+   if (m_flags.size())
+      log("Warning: Economy still has flags left on destruction\n");
+   if (m_warehouses.size())
+      log("Warning: Economy still has warehouses left on destruction\n");
+   delete[] m_ware_target_quantities;
+   delete[] m_worker_target_quantities;
+   delete m_router;
  * \return an arbitrary flag in this economy, or 0 if no flag exists
-Flag & Economy::get_arbitrary_flag()
-	assert(m_flags.size());
-	return *m_flags[0];
+Flag& Economy::get_arbitrary_flag() {
+   assert(m_flags.size());
+   return *m_flags[0];
@@ -105,90 +96,86 @@
  * Since we could merge into both directions, we preserve the economy that is
  * currently bigger (should be more efficient).
-void Economy::check_merge(Flag & f1, Flag & f2)
-	Economy * e1 = f1.get_economy();
-	Economy * e2 = f2.get_economy();
-	if (e1 != e2) {
-		if (e1->get_nrflags() < e2->get_nrflags())
-			std::swap(e1, e2);
-		e1->_merge(*e2);
-	}
+void Economy::check_merge(Flag& f1, Flag& f2) {
+   Economy* e1 = f1.get_economy();
+   Economy* e2 = f2.get_economy();
+   if (e1 != e2) {
+      if (e1->get_nrflags() < e2->get_nrflags())
+         std::swap(e1, e2);
+      e1->_merge(*e2);
+   }
  * Notify the economy that there may no longer be a connection between
  * the given flags in the road and seafaring network.
-void Economy::check_split(Flag & f1, Flag & f2)
-	assert(&f1 != &f2);
-	assert(f1.get_economy() == f2.get_economy());
-	Economy * e = f1.get_economy();
-	// No economy in the editor.
-	if (not e)
-		return;
-	e->m_split_checks.push_back(std::make_pair(OPtr<Flag>(&f1), OPtr<Flag>(&f2)));
-	e->rebalance_supply(); // the real split-checking is done during rebalance
-void Economy::_check_splits()
-	Editor_Game_Base & egbase = owner().egbase();
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	while (m_split_checks.size()) {
-		Flag * f1 = m_split_checks.back().first.get(egbase);
-		Flag * f2 = m_split_checks.back().second.get(egbase);
-		m_split_checks.pop_back();
-		if (!f1 || !f2) {
-			if (!f1 && !f2)
-				continue;
-			if (!f1)
-				f1 = f2;
-			if (f1->get_economy() != this)
-				continue;
-			// Handle the case when two or more roads are removed simultaneously
-			RouteAStar<AStarZeroEstimator> astar(*m_router, wwWORKER, AStarZeroEstimator());
-			astar.push(*f1);
-			std::set<OPtr<Flag> > reachable;
-			while (RoutingNode * current = astar.step())
-				reachable.insert(&current->base_flag());
-			if (reachable.size() != m_flags.size())
-				_split(reachable);
-			continue;
-		}
-		// If one (or both) of the flags have already been split off, we do not need to re-check
-		if (f1->get_economy() != this || f2->get_economy() != this)
-			continue;
-		// Start an A-star searches from f1 with a heuristic bias towards f2,
-		// because we do not need to do anything if f1 is still connected to f2.
-		// If f2 is not reached by the search, split off all the nodes that have been
-		// reached from f1. These nodes induce a connected subgraph.
-		// This means that the newly created economy, which contains all the
-		// flags that have been split, is already connected.
-		RouteAStar<AStarEstimator> astar(*m_router, wwWORKER, AStarEstimator(map, *f2));
-		astar.push(*f1);
-		std::set<OPtr<Flag> > reachable;
-		for (;;) {
-			RoutingNode * current = astar.step();
-			if (!current) {
-				_split(reachable);
-				break;
-			} else if (current == f2)
-				break;
-			reachable.insert(&current->base_flag());
-		}
-	}
+void Economy::check_split(Flag& f1, Flag& f2) {
+   assert(&f1 != &f2);
+   assert(f1.get_economy() == f2.get_economy());
+   Economy* e = f1.get_economy();
+   // No economy in the editor.
+   if (not e)
+      return;
+   e->m_split_checks.push_back(std::make_pair(OPtr<Flag>(&f1), OPtr<Flag>(&f2)));
+   e->rebalance_supply();  // the real split-checking is done during rebalance
+void Economy::_check_splits() {
+   Editor_Game_Base& egbase = owner().egbase();
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   while (m_split_checks.size()) {
+      Flag* f1 = m_split_checks.back().first.get(egbase);
+      Flag* f2 = m_split_checks.back().second.get(egbase);
+      m_split_checks.pop_back();
+      if (!f1 || !f2) {
+         if (!f1 && !f2)
+            continue;
+         if (!f1)
+            f1 = f2;
+         if (f1->get_economy() != this)
+            continue;
+         // Handle the case when two or more roads are removed simultaneously
+         RouteAStar<AStarZeroEstimator> astar(*m_router, wwWORKER, AStarZeroEstimator());
+         astar.push(*f1);
+         std::set<OPtr<Flag> > reachable;
+         while (RoutingNode* current = astar.step())
+            reachable.insert(&current->base_flag());
+         if (reachable.size() != m_flags.size())
+            _split(reachable);
+         continue;
+      }
+      // If one (or both) of the flags have already been split off, we do not need to re-check
+      if (f1->get_economy() != this || f2->get_economy() != this)
+         continue;
+      // Start an A-star searches from f1 with a heuristic bias towards f2,
+      // because we do not need to do anything if f1 is still connected to f2.
+      // If f2 is not reached by the search, split off all the nodes that have been
+      // reached from f1. These nodes induce a connected subgraph.
+      // This means that the newly created economy, which contains all the
+      // flags that have been split, is already connected.
+      RouteAStar<AStarEstimator> astar(*m_router, wwWORKER, AStarEstimator(map, *f2));
+      astar.push(*f1);
+      std::set<OPtr<Flag> > reachable;
+      for (;;) {
+         RoutingNode* current = astar.step();
+         if (!current) {
+            _split(reachable);
+            break;
+         } else if (current == f2)
+            break;
+         reachable.insert(&current->base_flag());
+      }
+   }
  * Calculate a route between two flags.
@@ -196,23 +183,21 @@
  * This functionality has been moved to Router(). This is currently
  * merely a delegator.
-bool Economy::find_route
-	(Flag & start, Flag & end,
-	 Route * const route,
-	 WareWorker const type,
-	 int32_t const cost_cutoff)
-	assert(start.get_economy() == this);
-	assert(end  .get_economy() == this);
-	Map & map = owner().egbase().map();
-	return
-		m_router->find_route(start, end, route, type, cost_cutoff, map);
+bool Economy::find_route(Flag& start,
+                         Flag& end,
+                         Route* const route,
+                         WareWorker const type,
+                         int32_t const cost_cutoff) {
+   assert(start.get_economy() == this);
+   assert(end.get_economy() == this);
+   Map& map = owner().egbase().map();
+   return m_router->find_route(start, end, route, type, cost_cutoff, map);
 struct ZeroEstimator {
-	int32_t operator()(RoutingNode & /* node */) const {return 0;}
+   int32_t operator()(RoutingNode& /* node */) const { return 0; }
@@ -227,91 +212,85 @@
  * \param cost_cutoff if positive, find paths of at most
  * that length (in milliseconds)
-Warehouse * Economy::find_closest_warehouse
-	(Flag & start, WareWorker type, Route * route, uint32_t cost_cutoff,
-	 const Economy::WarehouseAcceptFn & acceptfn)
-	if (!warehouses().size())
-		return 0;
-	// A-star with zero estimator = Dijkstra
-	RouteAStar<ZeroEstimator> astar(*m_router, type);
-	astar.push(start);
-	while (RoutingNode * current = astar.step()) {
-		if
-			(cost_cutoff && current->mpf_realcost >
-			 static_cast<int32_t>(cost_cutoff))
-			return 0;
-		Flag & flag = current->base_flag();
-		if (upcast(Warehouse, warehouse, flag.get_building())) {
-			if (!acceptfn || acceptfn(*warehouse)) {
-				if (route)
-					astar.routeto(flag, *route);
-				return warehouse;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
+Warehouse* Economy::find_closest_warehouse(Flag& start,
+                                           WareWorker type,
+                                           Route* route,
+                                           uint32_t cost_cutoff,
+                                           const Economy::WarehouseAcceptFn& acceptfn) {
+   if (!warehouses().size())
+      return 0;
+   // A-star with zero estimator = Dijkstra
+   RouteAStar<ZeroEstimator> astar(*m_router, type);
+   astar.push(start);
+   while (RoutingNode* current = astar.step()) {
+      if (cost_cutoff && current->mpf_realcost > static_cast<int32_t>(cost_cutoff))
+         return 0;
+      Flag& flag = current->base_flag();
+      if (upcast(Warehouse, warehouse, flag.get_building())) {
+         if (!acceptfn || acceptfn(*warehouse)) {
+            if (route)
+               astar.routeto(flag, *route);
+            return warehouse;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return 0;
  * Add a flag to the flag array.
  * Only call from Flag init and split/merger code!
-void Economy::add_flag(Flag & flag)
-	assert(flag.get_economy() == 0);
-	m_flags.push_back(&flag);
-	flag.set_economy(this);
-	flag.reset_path_finding_cycle();
+void Economy::add_flag(Flag& flag) {
+   assert(flag.get_economy() == 0);
+   m_flags.push_back(&flag);
+   flag.set_economy(this);
+   flag.reset_path_finding_cycle();
  * Remove a flag from the flag array.
  * Only call from Flag cleanup and split/merger code!
-void Economy::remove_flag(Flag & flag)
-	assert(flag.get_economy() == this);
-	_remove_flag(flag);
-	// automatically delete the economy when it becomes empty.
-	if (m_flags.empty())
-		delete this;
+void Economy::remove_flag(Flag& flag) {
+   assert(flag.get_economy() == this);
+   _remove_flag(flag);
+   // automatically delete the economy when it becomes empty.
+   if (m_flags.empty())
+      delete this;
  * Remove the flag, but don't delete the economy automatically.
  * This is called from the merge code.
-void Economy::_remove_flag(Flag & flag)
-	flag.set_economy(0);
+void Economy::_remove_flag(Flag& flag) {
+   flag.set_economy(0);
-	// fast remove
-	container_iterate(Flags, m_flags, i)
-		if (*i.current == &flag) {
-			*i.current = *(i.get_end() - 1);
-			return m_flags.pop_back();
-		}
-	throw wexception("trying to remove nonexistent flag");
+   // fast remove
+   container_iterate(Flags, m_flags, i)
+   if (*i.current == &flag) {
+      *i.current = *(i.get_end() - 1);
+      return m_flags.pop_back();
+   }
+   throw wexception("trying to remove nonexistent flag");
  * Callback for the incredibly rare case that the \ref Router pathfinding
  * cycle wraps around.
-void Economy::_reset_all_pathfinding_cycles()
-	container_iterate(Flags, m_flags, i)
-		(*i.current)->reset_path_finding_cycle();
+void Economy::_reset_all_pathfinding_cycles() {
+   container_iterate(Flags, m_flags, i)
+   (*i.current)->reset_path_finding_cycle();
@@ -321,27 +300,21 @@
  * This is called from Cmd_ResetTargetQuantity and Cmd_SetTargetQuantity
-void Economy::set_ware_target_quantity
-	(Ware_Index const ware_type,
-	 uint32_t   const permanent,
-	 Time       const mod_time)
-	Target_Quantity & tq = m_ware_target_quantities[ware_type.value()];
-	tq.permanent = permanent;
-	tq.last_modified = mod_time;
-void Economy::set_worker_target_quantity
-	(Ware_Index const ware_type,
-	 uint32_t   const permanent,
-	 Time       const mod_time)
-	Target_Quantity & tq = m_worker_target_quantities[ware_type.value()];
-	tq.permanent = permanent;
-	tq.last_modified = mod_time;
+void Economy::set_ware_target_quantity(Ware_Index const ware_type,
+                                       uint32_t const permanent,
+                                       Time const mod_time) {
+   Target_Quantity& tq = m_ware_target_quantities[ware_type.value()];
+   tq.permanent = permanent;
+   tq.last_modified = mod_time;
+void Economy::set_worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index const ware_type,
+                                         uint32_t const permanent,
+                                         Time const mod_time) {
+   Target_Quantity& tq = m_worker_target_quantities[ware_type.value()];
+   tq.permanent = permanent;
+   tq.last_modified = mod_time;
  * Call this whenever some entity created a ware, e.g. when a lumberjack
@@ -349,23 +322,21 @@
  * This is also called when a ware is added to the economy through trade or
  * a merger.
-void Economy::add_wares(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count)
-	//log("%p: add(%i, %i)\n", this, id, count);
-	m_wares.add(id, count);
-	_start_request_timer();
-	// TODO: add to global player inventory?
+void Economy::add_wares(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count) {
+   //log("%p: add(%i, %i)\n", this, id, count);
+   m_wares.add(id, count);
+   _start_request_timer();
+   // TODO: add to global player inventory?
-void Economy::add_workers(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count)
-	//log("%p: add(%i, %i)\n", this, id, count);
-	m_workers.add(id, count);
-	_start_request_timer();
-	// TODO: add to global player inventory?
+void Economy::add_workers(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count) {
+   //log("%p: add(%i, %i)\n", this, id, count);
+   m_workers.add(id, count);
+   _start_request_timer();
+   // TODO: add to global player inventory?
@@ -374,14 +345,13 @@
  * This is also called when a ware is removed from the economy through trade or
  * a split of the Economy.
-void Economy::remove_wares(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count)
-	assert(id < m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares());
-	//log("%p: remove(%i, %i) from %i\n", this, id, count, m_wares.stock(id));
-	m_wares.remove(id, count);
-	// TODO: remove from global player inventory?
+void Economy::remove_wares(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count) {
+   assert(id < m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares());
+   //log("%p: remove(%i, %i) from %i\n", this, id, count, m_wares.stock(id));
+   m_wares.remove(id, count);
+   // TODO: remove from global player inventory?
@@ -389,13 +359,12 @@
  * This is also called when a worker is removed from the economy through
  * a split of the Economy.
-void Economy::remove_workers(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count)
-	//log("%p: remove(%i, %i) from %i\n", this, id, count, m_workers.stock(id));
-	m_workers.remove(id, count);
-	// TODO: remove from global player inventory?
+void Economy::remove_workers(Ware_Index const id, uint32_t const count) {
+   //log("%p: remove(%i, %i) from %i\n", this, id, count, m_workers.stock(id));
+   m_workers.remove(id, count);
+   // TODO: remove from global player inventory?
@@ -403,622 +372,564 @@
  * This also adds the wares in the warehouse to the economy. However, if wares
  * are added to the warehouse in the future, add_wares() must be called.
-void Economy::add_warehouse(Warehouse & wh)
-	m_warehouses.push_back(&wh);
+void Economy::add_warehouse(Warehouse& wh) { m_warehouses.push_back(&wh); }
  * Remove the warehouse and its wares from the economy.
-void Economy::remove_warehouse(Warehouse & wh)
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_warehouses.size(); ++i)
-		if (m_warehouses[i] == &wh) {
-			m_warehouses[i] = *m_warehouses.rbegin();
-			m_warehouses.pop_back();
-			return;
-		}
-	//  This assert was modified, since on loading, warehouses might try to
-	//  remove themselves from their own economy, though they weren't added
-	//  (since they weren't initialized)
-	assert(m_warehouses.empty());
+void Economy::remove_warehouse(Warehouse& wh) {
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_warehouses.size(); ++i)
+      if (m_warehouses[i] == &wh) {
+         m_warehouses[i] = *m_warehouses.rbegin();
+         m_warehouses.pop_back();
+         return;
+      }
+   //  This assert was modified, since on loading, warehouses might try to
+   //  remove themselves from their own economy, though they weren't added
+   //  (since they weren't initialized)
+   assert(m_warehouses.empty());
  * Consider the request, try to fulfill it immediately or queue it for later.
  * Important: This must only be called by the \ref Request class.
-void Economy::add_request(Request & req)
-	assert(req.is_open());
-	assert(!_has_request(req));
-	assert(&owner());
-	m_requests.push_back(&req);
-	// Try to fulfill the request
-	_start_request_timer();
+void Economy::add_request(Request& req) {
+   assert(req.is_open());
+   assert(!_has_request(req));
+   assert(&owner());
+   m_requests.push_back(&req);
+   // Try to fulfill the request
+   _start_request_timer();
  * \return true if the given Request is registered with the \ref Economy, false
  * otherwise
-bool Economy::_has_request(Request & req)
-	return
-		std::find(m_requests.begin(), m_requests.end(), &req)
-		!=
-		m_requests.end();
+bool Economy::_has_request(Request& req) {
+   return std::find(m_requests.begin(), m_requests.end(), &req) != m_requests.end();
  * Remove the request from this economy.
  * Important: This must only be called by the \ref Request class.
-void Economy::remove_request(Request & req)
-	RequestList::iterator const it =
-		std::find(m_requests.begin(), m_requests.end(), &req);
-	if (it == m_requests.end()) {
-		log("WARNING: remove_request(%p) not in list\n", &req);
-		return;
-	}
-	*it = *m_requests.rbegin();
-	m_requests.pop_back();
+void Economy::remove_request(Request& req) {
+   RequestList::iterator const it = std::find(m_requests.begin(), m_requests.end(), &req);
+   if (it == m_requests.end()) {
+      log("WARNING: remove_request(%p) not in list\n", &req);
+      return;
+   }
+   *it = *m_requests.rbegin();
+   m_requests.pop_back();
  * Add a supply to our list of supplies.
-void Economy::add_supply(Supply & supply)
-	m_supplies.add_supply(supply);
-	_start_request_timer();
+void Economy::add_supply(Supply& supply) {
+   m_supplies.add_supply(supply);
+   _start_request_timer();
  * Remove a supply from our list of supplies.
-void Economy::remove_supply(Supply & supply)
-	m_supplies.remove_supply(supply);
+void Economy::remove_supply(Supply& supply) { m_supplies.remove_supply(supply); }
 bool Economy::needs_ware(Ware_Index const ware_type) const {
-	uint32_t const t = ware_target_quantity(ware_type).permanent;
-	uint32_t quantity = 0;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Warehouse *>, m_warehouses, wh) {
-		quantity += (*wh)->get_wares().stock(ware_type);
-		if (t <= quantity)
-			return false;
-	}
-	return true;
+   uint32_t const t = ware_target_quantity(ware_type).permanent;
+   uint32_t quantity = 0;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Warehouse*>, m_warehouses, wh) {
+      quantity += (*wh)->get_wares().stock(ware_type);
+      if (t <= quantity)
+         return false;
+   }
+   return true;
 bool Economy::needs_worker(Ware_Index const worker_type) const {
-	uint32_t const t = worker_target_quantity(worker_type).permanent;
-	uint32_t quantity = 0;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Warehouse *>, m_warehouses, wh) {
-		quantity += (*wh)->get_workers().stock(worker_type);
-		if (t <= quantity)
-			return false;
-	}
-	return true;
+   uint32_t const t = worker_target_quantity(worker_type).permanent;
+   uint32_t quantity = 0;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Warehouse*>, m_warehouses, wh) {
+      quantity += (*wh)->get_workers().stock(worker_type);
+      if (t <= quantity)
+         return false;
+   }
+   return true;
  * Add e's flags to this economy.
  * Also transfer all wares and wares request. Try to resolve the new ware
  * requests if possible.
-void Economy::_merge(Economy & e)
-	for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares().value(); i;) {
-		--i;
-		Target_Quantity other_tq = e.m_ware_target_quantities[i];
-		Target_Quantity & this_tq = m_ware_target_quantities[i];
-		if (this_tq.last_modified < other_tq.last_modified)
-			this_tq = other_tq;
-	}
-	for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrworkers().value(); i;) {
-		--i;
-		Target_Quantity other_tq = e.m_worker_target_quantities[i];
-		Target_Quantity & this_tq = m_worker_target_quantities[i];
-		if (this_tq.last_modified < other_tq.last_modified)
-			this_tq = other_tq;
-	}
-	//  If the options window for e is open, but not the one for *this, the user
-	//  should still have an options window after the merge. Create an options
-	//  window for *this where the options window for e is, to give the user
-	//  some continuity.
-	if
-		(e.m_optionswindow_registry.window and
-		 not m_optionswindow_registry.window)
-	{
-		m_optionswindow_registry.x = e.m_optionswindow_registry.x;
-		m_optionswindow_registry.y = e.m_optionswindow_registry.y;
-		show_options_window();
-	}
-	for (std::vector<Flag *>::size_type i = e.get_nrflags() + 1; --i;) {
-		assert(i == e.get_nrflags());
-		Flag & flag = *e.m_flags[0];
-		e._remove_flag(flag); // do not delete other economy yet!
-		add_flag(flag);
-	}
-	// Remember that the other economy may not have been connected before the merge
-	m_split_checks.insert(m_split_checks.end(), e.m_split_checks.begin(), e.m_split_checks.end());
-	// implicitly delete the economy
-	delete &e;
+void Economy::_merge(Economy& e) {
+   for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares().value(); i;) {
+      --i;
+      Target_Quantity other_tq = e.m_ware_target_quantities[i];
+      Target_Quantity& this_tq = m_ware_target_quantities[i];
+      if (this_tq.last_modified < other_tq.last_modified)
+         this_tq = other_tq;
+   }
+   for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrworkers().value(); i;) {
+      --i;
+      Target_Quantity other_tq = e.m_worker_target_quantities[i];
+      Target_Quantity& this_tq = m_worker_target_quantities[i];
+      if (this_tq.last_modified < other_tq.last_modified)
+         this_tq = other_tq;
+   }
+   //  If the options window for e is open, but not the one for *this, the user
+   //  should still have an options window after the merge. Create an options
+   //  window for *this where the options window for e is, to give the user
+   //  some continuity.
+   if (e.m_optionswindow_registry.window and not m_optionswindow_registry.window) {
+      m_optionswindow_registry.x = e.m_optionswindow_registry.x;
+      m_optionswindow_registry.y = e.m_optionswindow_registry.y;
+      show_options_window();
+   }
+   for (std::vector<Flag*>::size_type i = e.get_nrflags() + 1; --i;) {
+      assert(i == e.get_nrflags());
+      Flag& flag = *e.m_flags[0];
+      e._remove_flag(flag);  // do not delete other economy yet!
+      add_flag(flag);
+   }
+   // Remember that the other economy may not have been connected before the merge
+   m_split_checks.insert(m_split_checks.end(), e.m_split_checks.begin(), e.m_split_checks.end());
+   // implicitly delete the economy
+   delete &e;
  * Split the given set of flags off into a new economy.
-void Economy::_split(const std::set<OPtr<Flag> > & flags)
-	assert(!flags.empty());
-	Economy & e = *new Economy(m_owner);
-	for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares  ().value(); i;) {
-		--i;
-		e.m_ware_target_quantities[i] = m_ware_target_quantities[i];
-	}
-	for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrworkers().value(); i;) {
-		--i;
-		e.m_worker_target_quantities[i] = m_worker_target_quantities[i];
-	}
-	container_iterate_const(std::set<OPtr<Flag> >, flags, it) {
-		Flag & flag = *it.current->get(owner().egbase());
-		remove_flag(flag);
-		e.add_flag(flag);
-	}
-	// As long as rebalance commands are tied to specific flags, we
-	// need this, because the flag that rebalance commands for us were
-	// tied to might have been moved into the other economy
-	_start_request_timer();
+void Economy::_split(const std::set<OPtr<Flag> >& flags) {
+   assert(!flags.empty());
+   Economy& e = *new Economy(m_owner);
+   for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrwares().value(); i;) {
+      --i;
+      e.m_ware_target_quantities[i] = m_ware_target_quantities[i];
+   }
+   for (Ware_Index::value_t i = m_owner.tribe().get_nrworkers().value(); i;) {
+      --i;
+      e.m_worker_target_quantities[i] = m_worker_target_quantities[i];
+   }
+   container_iterate_const(std::set<OPtr<Flag> >, flags, it) {
+      Flag& flag = *it.current->get(owner().egbase());
+      remove_flag(flag);
+      e.add_flag(flag);
+   }
+   // As long as rebalance commands are tied to specific flags, we
+   // need this, because the flag that rebalance commands for us were
+   // tied to might have been moved into the other economy
+   _start_request_timer();
  * Make sure the request timer is running.
-void Economy::_start_request_timer(int32_t const delta)
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &m_owner.egbase()))
-		game->cmdqueue().enqueue
-			(new Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance
-			 	(game->get_gametime() + delta, this, m_request_timerid));
+void Economy::_start_request_timer(int32_t const delta) {
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &m_owner.egbase()))
+      game->cmdqueue().enqueue(
+          new Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance(game->get_gametime() + delta, this, m_request_timerid));
  * Find the supply that is best suited to fulfill the given request.
  * \return 0 if no supply is found, the best supply otherwise
-Supply * Economy::_find_best_supply
-	(Game & game, const Request & req, int32_t & cost)
-	assert(req.is_open());
-	Route buf_route0, buf_route1;
-	Supply * best_supply = 0;
-	Route  * best_route  = 0;
-	int32_t  best_cost   = -1;
-	Flag & target_flag = req.target_flag();
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_supplies.get_nrsupplies(); ++i) {
-		Supply & supp = m_supplies[i];
-		// Check requirements
-		if (!supp.nr_supplies(game, req))
-			continue;
-		Route * const route =
-			best_route != &buf_route0 ? &buf_route0 : &buf_route1;
-		// will be cleared by find_route()
-		if
-			(!
-			 find_route
-			 	(supp.get_position(game)->base_flag(),
-			 	 target_flag,
-			 	 route,
-			 	 req.get_type(),
-			 	 best_cost))
-		{
-			if (!best_route)
-				throw wexception
-					("Economy::find_best_supply: COULD NOT FIND A ROUTE!");
-			continue;
-		}
-		best_supply = &supp;
-		best_route = route;
-		best_cost = route->get_totalcost();
-	}
-	if (!best_route)
-		return 0;
-	cost = best_cost;
-	return best_supply;
+Supply* Economy::_find_best_supply(Game& game, const Request& req, int32_t& cost) {
+   assert(req.is_open());
+   Route buf_route0, buf_route1;
+   Supply* best_supply = 0;
+   Route* best_route = 0;
+   int32_t best_cost = -1;
+   Flag& target_flag = req.target_flag();
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < m_supplies.get_nrsupplies(); ++i) {
+      Supply& supp = m_supplies[i];
+      // Check requirements
+      if (!supp.nr_supplies(game, req))
+         continue;
+      Route* const route = best_route != &buf_route0 ? &buf_route0 : &buf_route1;
+      // will be cleared by find_route()
+      if (!find_route(supp.get_position(game)->base_flag(),
+                      target_flag,
+                      route,
+                      req.get_type(),
+                      best_cost)) {
+         if (!best_route)
+            throw wexception("Economy::find_best_supply: COULD NOT FIND A ROUTE!");
+         continue;
+      }
+      best_supply = &supp;
+      best_route = route;
+      best_cost = route->get_totalcost();
+   }
+   if (!best_route)
+      return 0;
+   cost = best_cost;
+   return best_supply;
 struct RequestSupplyPair {
-	TrackPtr<Request> request;
-	TrackPtr<Supply>  supply;
-	int32_t priority;
-	/**
-	 * pairid is an explicit tie-breaker for comparison.
-	 *
-	 * Without it, the pair priority queue would use an implicit, system
-	 * dependent tie breaker, which in turn causes desyncs.
-	 */
-	uint32_t pairid;
-	struct Compare {
-		bool operator()
-			(const RequestSupplyPair & p1, const RequestSupplyPair & p2)
-		{
-			return
-				p1.priority == p2.priority ? p1.pairid < p2.pairid :
-				p1.priority <  p2.priority;
-		}
-	};
+   TrackPtr<Request> request;
+   TrackPtr<Supply> supply;
+   int32_t priority;
+   /**
+    * pairid is an explicit tie-breaker for comparison.
+    *
+    * Without it, the pair priority queue would use an implicit, system
+    * dependent tie breaker, which in turn causes desyncs.
+    */
+   uint32_t pairid;
+   struct Compare {
+      bool operator()(const RequestSupplyPair& p1, const RequestSupplyPair& p2) {
+         return p1.priority == p2.priority ? p1.pairid < p2.pairid : p1.priority < p2.priority;
+      }
+   };
-	std::priority_queue
-	<RequestSupplyPair,
-	std::vector<RequestSupplyPair>,
-	RequestSupplyPair::Compare>
-	RSPairQueue;
+typedef std::priority_queue<RequestSupplyPair,
+                            std::vector<RequestSupplyPair>,
+                            RequestSupplyPair::Compare> RSPairQueue;
 struct RSPairStruct {
-	RSPairQueue queue;
-	uint32_t pairid;
-	int32_t nexttimer;
+   RSPairQueue queue;
+   uint32_t pairid;
+   int32_t nexttimer;
-	RSPairStruct() : pairid(0), nexttimer(0) {}
+   RSPairStruct() : pairid(0), nexttimer(0) {}
  * Walk all Requests and find potential transfer candidates.
-void Economy::_process_requests(Game & game, RSPairStruct & s)
-	container_iterate_const(RequestList, m_requests, i) {
-		Request & req = **i.current;
-		// We somehow get desynced request lists that don't trigger desync
-		// alerts, so add info to the sync stream here.
-		{
-			::StreamWrite & ss = game.syncstream();
-			ss.Unsigned8 (req.get_type  ());
-			ss.Unsigned8 (req.get_index ().value());
-			ss.Unsigned32(req.target    ().serial());
-		}
-		int32_t cost; // estimated time in milliseconds to fulfill Request
-		Supply * const supp = _find_best_supply(game, req, cost);
-		if (!supp)
-			continue;
-		if (!supp->is_active()) {
-			// Calculate the time the building will be forced to idle waiting
-			// for the request
-			int32_t const idletime =
-				game.get_gametime() + 15000 + 2 * cost - req.get_required_time();
-			// If the building wouldn't have to idle, we wait with the request
-			if (idletime < -200) {
-				if (s.nexttimer < 0 || s.nexttimer > -idletime)
-					s.nexttimer = -idletime;
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		int32_t const priority = req.get_priority (cost);
-		if (priority < 0)
-			continue;
-		// Otherwise, consider this request/supply pair for queueing
-		RequestSupplyPair rsp;
-		rsp.request  = &req;
-		rsp.supply = supp;
-		rsp.priority = priority;
-		rsp.pairid = ++s.pairid;
-		s.queue.push(rsp);
-	}
+void Economy::_process_requests(Game& game, RSPairStruct& s) {
+   container_iterate_const(RequestList, m_requests, i) {
+      Request& req = **i.current;
+      // We somehow get desynced request lists that don't trigger desync
+      // alerts, so add info to the sync stream here.
+      {
+         ::StreamWrite& ss = game.syncstream();
+         ss.Unsigned8(req.get_type());
+         ss.Unsigned8(req.get_index().value());
+         ss.Unsigned32(req.target().serial());
+      }
+      int32_t cost;  // estimated time in milliseconds to fulfill Request
+      Supply* const supp = _find_best_supply(game, req, cost);
+      if (!supp)
+         continue;
+      if (!supp->is_active()) {
+         // Calculate the time the building will be forced to idle waiting
+         // for the request
+         int32_t const idletime = game.get_gametime() + 15000 + 2 * cost - req.get_required_time();
+         // If the building wouldn't have to idle, we wait with the request
+         if (idletime < -200) {
+            if (s.nexttimer < 0 || s.nexttimer > -idletime)
+               s.nexttimer = -idletime;
+            continue;
+         }
+      }
+      int32_t const priority = req.get_priority(cost);
+      if (priority < 0)
+         continue;
+      // Otherwise, consider this request/supply pair for queueing
+      RequestSupplyPair rsp;
+      rsp.request = &req;
+      rsp.supply = supp;
+      rsp.priority = priority;
+      rsp.pairid = ++s.pairid;
+      s.queue.push(rsp);
+   }
  * Try to fulfill open requests with available supplies.
-void Economy::_balance_requestsupply(Game & game)
-	RSPairStruct rsps;
-	rsps.nexttimer = -1;
-	//  Try to fulfill Requests.
-	_process_requests(game, rsps);
-	//  Now execute request/supply pairs.
-	while (!rsps.queue.empty()) {
-		RequestSupplyPair rsp = rsps.queue.top();
-		rsps.queue.pop();
-		if
-			(!rsp.request                ||
-			 !rsp.supply                 ||
-			 !_has_request(*rsp.request) ||
-			 !rsp.supply->nr_supplies(game, *rsp.request))
-		{
-			rsps.nexttimer = 200;
-			continue;
-		}
-		rsp.request->start_transfer(game, *rsp.supply);
-		rsp.request->set_last_request_time(game.get_gametime());
-		//  for multiple wares
-		if (rsp.request && _has_request(*rsp.request))
-			rsps.nexttimer = 200;
-	}
-	if (rsps.nexttimer > 0) //  restart the timer, if necessary
-		_start_request_timer(rsps.nexttimer);
+void Economy::_balance_requestsupply(Game& game) {
+   RSPairStruct rsps;
+   rsps.nexttimer = -1;
+   //  Try to fulfill Requests.
+   _process_requests(game, rsps);
+   //  Now execute request/supply pairs.
+   while (!rsps.queue.empty()) {
+      RequestSupplyPair rsp = rsps.queue.top();
+      rsps.queue.pop();
+      if (!rsp.request || !rsp.supply || !_has_request(*rsp.request) ||
+          !rsp.supply->nr_supplies(game, *rsp.request)) {
+         rsps.nexttimer = 200;
+         continue;
+      }
+      rsp.request->start_transfer(game, *rsp.supply);
+      rsp.request->set_last_request_time(game.get_gametime());
+      //  for multiple wares
+      if (rsp.request && _has_request(*rsp.request))
+         rsps.nexttimer = 200;
+   }
+   if (rsps.nexttimer > 0)  //  restart the timer, if necessary
+      _start_request_timer(rsps.nexttimer);
  * Check whether there is a supply for the given request. If the request is a
  * worker request without supply, attempt to create a new worker in a warehouse.
-void Economy::_create_requested_worker(Game & game, Ware_Index index)
-	unsigned demand = 0;
-	container_iterate_const(RequestList, m_requests, j) {
-		const Request & req = **j.current;
-		if (req.get_type() != wwWORKER || req.get_index() != index)
-			continue;
-		// need to check for each request separately, because esp. soldier
-		// requests have different specific requirements
-		if (m_supplies.have_supplies(game, req))
-			continue;
-		demand += req.get_open_count();
-	}
-	if (!demand)
-		return;
-	// We have worker demand that is not fulfilled by supplies
-	// Find warehouses where we can create the required workers,
-	// and collect stats about existing build prerequisites
-	const Tribe_Descr & tribe = owner().tribe();
-	const Worker_Descr & w_desc = *tribe.get_worker_descr(index);
-	const Worker_Descr::Buildcost & cost = w_desc.buildcost();
-	std::vector<uint32_t> total_available;
-	uint32_t total_planned = 0;
-	total_available.insert(total_available.begin(), cost.size(), 0);
-	for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
-		Warehouse * wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
-		uint32_t planned = wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
-		total_planned += planned;
-		while (wh->can_create_worker(game, index)) {
-			wh->create_worker(game, index);
-			if (!--demand)
-				return;
-		}
-		std::vector<uint32_t> wh_available =
-			wh->calc_available_for_worker(game, index);
-		assert(wh_available.size() == total_available.size());
-		for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < total_available.size(); ++idx)
-			total_available[idx] += wh_available[idx];
-	}
-	// Couldn't create enough workers now.
-	// Let's see how many we have resources for that may be scattered
-	// throughout the economy.
-	uint32_t can_create = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
-	uint32_t idx = 0;
-	uint32_t scarcest_idx = 0;
-	container_iterate_const(Worker_Descr::Buildcost, cost, bc) {
-		uint32_t cc = total_available[idx] / bc.current->second;
-		if (cc <= can_create) {
-			scarcest_idx = idx;
-			can_create = cc;
-		}
-		idx++;
-	}
-	if (total_planned > can_create) {
-		// Eliminate some excessive plans, to make sure we never request more than
-		// there are supplies for (otherwise, cyclic transportation might happen)
-		// Note that supplies might suddenly disappear outside our control because
-		// of loss of land or silly player actions.
-		for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
-			Warehouse * wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
-			uint32_t planned = wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
-			uint32_t reduce = std::min(planned, total_planned - can_create);
-			wh->plan_workers(game, index, planned - reduce);
-			total_planned -= reduce;
-		}
-	} else if (total_planned < demand) {
-		uint32_t plan_goal = std::min(can_create, demand);
-		for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
-			Warehouse * wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
-			uint32_t supply =
-				wh->calc_available_for_worker(game, index)[scarcest_idx];
-			total_planned -= wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
-			uint32_t plan = std::min(supply, plan_goal - total_planned);
-			wh->plan_workers(game, index, plan);
-			total_planned += plan;
-		}
-	}
+void Economy::_create_requested_worker(Game& game, Ware_Index index) {
+   unsigned demand = 0;
+   container_iterate_const(RequestList, m_requests, j) {
+      const Request& req = **j.current;
+      if (req.get_type() != wwWORKER || req.get_index() != index)
+         continue;
+      // need to check for each request separately, because esp. soldier
+      // requests have different specific requirements
+      if (m_supplies.have_supplies(game, req))
+         continue;
+      demand += req.get_open_count();
+   }
+   if (!demand)
+      return;
+   // We have worker demand that is not fulfilled by supplies
+   // Find warehouses where we can create the required workers,
+   // and collect stats about existing build prerequisites
+   const Tribe_Descr& tribe = owner().tribe();
+   const Worker_Descr& w_desc = *tribe.get_worker_descr(index);
+   const Worker_Descr::Buildcost& cost = w_desc.buildcost();
+   std::vector<uint32_t> total_available;
+   uint32_t total_planned = 0;
+   total_available.insert(total_available.begin(), cost.size(), 0);
+   for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
+      Warehouse* wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
+      uint32_t planned = wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
+      total_planned += planned;
+      while (wh->can_create_worker(game, index)) {
+         wh->create_worker(game, index);
+         if (!--demand)
+            return;
+      }
+      std::vector<uint32_t> wh_available = wh->calc_available_for_worker(game, index);
+      assert(wh_available.size() == total_available.size());
+      for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < total_available.size(); ++idx)
+         total_available[idx] += wh_available[idx];
+   }
+   // Couldn't create enough workers now.
+   // Let's see how many we have resources for that may be scattered
+   // throughout the economy.
+   uint32_t can_create = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+   uint32_t idx = 0;
+   uint32_t scarcest_idx = 0;
+   container_iterate_const(Worker_Descr::Buildcost, cost, bc) {
+      uint32_t cc = total_available[idx] / bc.current->second;
+      if (cc <= can_create) {
+         scarcest_idx = idx;
+         can_create = cc;
+      }
+      idx++;
+   }
+   if (total_planned > can_create) {
+      // Eliminate some excessive plans, to make sure we never request more than
+      // there are supplies for (otherwise, cyclic transportation might happen)
+      // Note that supplies might suddenly disappear outside our control because
+      // of loss of land or silly player actions.
+      for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
+         Warehouse* wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
+         uint32_t planned = wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
+         uint32_t reduce = std::min(planned, total_planned - can_create);
+         wh->plan_workers(game, index, planned - reduce);
+         total_planned -= reduce;
+      }
+   } else if (total_planned < demand) {
+      uint32_t plan_goal = std::min(can_create, demand);
+      for (uint32_t n_wh = 0; n_wh < warehouses().size(); ++n_wh) {
+         Warehouse* wh = m_warehouses[n_wh];
+         uint32_t supply = wh->calc_available_for_worker(game, index)[scarcest_idx];
+         total_planned -= wh->get_planned_workers(game, index);
+         uint32_t plan = std::min(supply, plan_goal - total_planned);
+         wh->plan_workers(game, index, plan);
+         total_planned += plan;
+      }
+   }
  * Walk all Requests and find requests of workers than aren't supplied. Then
  * try to create the worker at warehouses.
-void Economy::_create_requested_workers(Game & game)
-	if (!warehouses().size())
-		return;
-	const Tribe_Descr & tribe = owner().tribe();
-	for
-		(Ware_Index index = Ware_Index::First();
-		 index < tribe.get_nrworkers(); ++index)
-	{
-		if (!owner().is_worker_type_allowed(index))
-			continue;
-		if (!tribe.get_worker_descr(index)->is_buildable())
-			continue;
-		_create_requested_worker(game, index);
-	}
+void Economy::_create_requested_workers(Game& game) {
+   if (!warehouses().size())
+      return;
+   const Tribe_Descr& tribe = owner().tribe();
+   for (Ware_Index index = Ware_Index::First(); index < tribe.get_nrworkers(); ++index) {
+      if (!owner().is_worker_type_allowed(index))
+         continue;
+      if (!tribe.get_worker_descr(index)->is_buildable())
+         continue;
+      _create_requested_worker(game, index);
+   }
  * Helper function for \ref _handle_active_supplies
-static bool accept_warehouse_if_policy
-	(Warehouse & wh, WareWorker type,
-	 Ware_Index ware, Warehouse::StockPolicy policy)
-	return wh.get_stock_policy(type, ware) == policy;
+static bool accept_warehouse_if_policy(Warehouse& wh,
+                                       WareWorker type,
+                                       Ware_Index ware,
+                                       Warehouse::StockPolicy policy) {
+   return wh.get_stock_policy(type, ware) == policy;
  * Send all active supplies (wares that are outside on the road network without
  * being sent to a specific request) to a warehouse.
-void Economy::_handle_active_supplies(Game & game)
-	if (!warehouses().size())
-		return;
-	typedef std::vector<std::pair<Supply *, Warehouse *> > Assignments;
-	Assignments assignments;
-	for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < m_supplies.get_nrsupplies(); ++idx) {
-		Supply & supply = m_supplies[idx];
-		if (supply.has_storage())
-			continue;
-		WareWorker type;
-		Ware_Index ware;
-		supply.get_ware_type(type, ware);
-		bool haveprefer = false;
-		bool havenormal = false;
-		for (uint32_t nwh = 0; nwh < m_warehouses.size(); ++nwh) {
-			Warehouse * wh = m_warehouses[nwh];
-			Warehouse::StockPolicy policy = wh->get_stock_policy(type, ware);
-			if (policy == Warehouse::SP_Prefer) {
-				haveprefer = true;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (policy == Warehouse::SP_Normal)
-				havenormal = true;
-		}
-		if (!havenormal && !haveprefer && type == wwWARE)
-			continue;
-		Warehouse * wh = find_closest_warehouse
-			(supply.get_position(game)->base_flag(), type, 0, 0,
-			 (!haveprefer && !havenormal)
-			 ?
-			 WarehouseAcceptFn()
-			 :
-			 boost::bind
-				(&accept_warehouse_if_policy,
-				 _1, type, ware,
-				 haveprefer ? Warehouse::SP_Prefer : Warehouse::SP_Normal));
-		if (!wh) {
-			log
-				("Warning: Economy::_handle_active_supplies "
-				 "didn't find warehouse\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		assignments.push_back(std::make_pair(&supply, wh));
-	}
-	// Actually start with the transfers in a separate second phase,
-	// to avoid potential future problems caused by the m_supplies changing
-	// under us in some way.
-	::StreamWrite & ss = game.syncstream();
-	ss.Unsigned32(0x02decafa); // appears as facade02 in sync stream
-	ss.Unsigned32(assignments.size());
-	container_iterate_const(Assignments, assignments, it) {
-		ss.Unsigned32(it.current->first->get_position(game)->serial());
-		ss.Unsigned32(it.current->second->serial());
-		it.current->first->send_to_storage(game, it.current->second);
-	}
+void Economy::_handle_active_supplies(Game& game) {
+   if (!warehouses().size())
+      return;
+   typedef std::vector<std::pair<Supply*, Warehouse*> > Assignments;
+   Assignments assignments;
+   for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < m_supplies.get_nrsupplies(); ++idx) {
+      Supply& supply = m_supplies[idx];
+      if (supply.has_storage())
+         continue;
+      WareWorker type;
+      Ware_Index ware;
+      supply.get_ware_type(type, ware);
+      bool haveprefer = false;
+      bool havenormal = false;
+      for (uint32_t nwh = 0; nwh < m_warehouses.size(); ++nwh) {
+         Warehouse* wh = m_warehouses[nwh];
+         Warehouse::StockPolicy policy = wh->get_stock_policy(type, ware);
+         if (policy == Warehouse::SP_Prefer) {
+            haveprefer = true;
+            break;
+         }
+         if (policy == Warehouse::SP_Normal)
+            havenormal = true;
+      }
+      if (!havenormal && !haveprefer && type == wwWARE)
+         continue;
+      Warehouse* wh = find_closest_warehouse(
+          supply.get_position(game)->base_flag(),
+          type,
+          0,
+          0,
+          (!haveprefer && !havenormal)
+              ? WarehouseAcceptFn()
+              : boost::bind(&accept_warehouse_if_policy,
+                            _1,
+                            type,
+                            ware,
+                            haveprefer ? Warehouse::SP_Prefer : Warehouse::SP_Normal));
+      if (!wh) {
+         log("Warning: Economy::_handle_active_supplies "
+             "didn't find warehouse\n");
+         return;
+      }
+      assignments.push_back(std::make_pair(&supply, wh));
+   }
+   // Actually start with the transfers in a separate second phase,
+   // to avoid potential future problems caused by the m_supplies changing
+   // under us in some way.
+   ::StreamWrite& ss = game.syncstream();
+   ss.Unsigned32(0x02decafa);  // appears as facade02 in sync stream
+   ss.Unsigned32(assignments.size());
+   container_iterate_const(Assignments, assignments, it) {
+      ss.Unsigned32(it.current->first->get_position(game)->serial());
+      ss.Unsigned32(it.current->second->serial());
+      it.current->first->send_to_storage(game, it.current->second);
+   }
  * Balance Requests and Supplies by collecting and weighing pairs, and
  * starting transfers for them.
-void Economy::balance(uint32_t const timerid)
-	if (m_request_timerid != timerid)
-		return;
-	++m_request_timerid;
-	Game & game = ref_cast<Game, Editor_Game_Base>(owner().egbase());
-	_check_splits();
-	_create_requested_workers (game);
-	_balance_requestsupply(game);
-	_handle_active_supplies(game);
+void Economy::balance(uint32_t const timerid) {
+   if (m_request_timerid != timerid)
+      return;
+   ++m_request_timerid;
+   Game& game = ref_cast<Game, Editor_Game_Base>(owner().egbase());
+   _check_splits();
+   _create_requested_workers(game);
+   _balance_requestsupply(game);
+   _handle_active_supplies(game);

=== modified file 'src/economy/economy.h'
--- src/economy/economy.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/economy.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "logic/warelist.h"
 #include "logic/wareworker.h"
 namespace Widelands {
 struct Player;
 struct Game;
@@ -69,162 +68,154 @@
  * on the assumption that they are, with fallbacks for when they aren't.
 class Economy : boost::noncopyable {
-	friend class EconomyDataPacket;
-	/// Configurable target quantity for the supply of a ware type in the
-	/// economy.
-	///
-	/// This affects the result of \ref needs_ware and thereby the demand checks
-	/// in production programs. A ware type is considered to be needed if there
-	/// are less than the permanent target quantity stored in warehouses in the
-	/// economy.
-	///
-	/// The last_modified time is used to determine which setting to use when
-	/// economies are merged. The setting that was modified most recently will
-	/// be used for the merged economy.
-	struct Target_Quantity {
-		uint32_t permanent;
-		Time     last_modified;
-	};
-	Economy(Player &);
-	~Economy();
-	Player & owner() const throw () {return m_owner;}
-	static void check_merge(Flag &, Flag &);
-	static void check_split(Flag &, Flag &);
-	bool find_route
-		(Flag & start, Flag & end,
-		 Route * route,
-		 WareWorker type,
-		 int32_t cost_cutoff = -1);
-	typedef boost::function<bool (Warehouse &)> WarehouseAcceptFn;
-	Warehouse * find_closest_warehouse
-		(Flag & start, WareWorker type = wwWORKER, Route * route = 0,
-		 uint32_t cost_cutoff = 0,
-		 const WarehouseAcceptFn & acceptfn = WarehouseAcceptFn());
-	std::vector<Flag *>::size_type get_nrflags() const {return m_flags.size();}
-	void    add_flag(Flag &);
-	void remove_flag(Flag &);
-	Flag & get_arbitrary_flag();
-	void set_ware_target_quantity  (Ware_Index, uint32_t, Time);
-	void set_worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index, uint32_t, Time);
-	void    add_wares  (Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
-	void remove_wares  (Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
-	void    add_workers(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
-	void remove_workers(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
-	void    add_warehouse(Warehouse &);
-	void remove_warehouse(Warehouse &);
-	const std::vector<Warehouse *>& warehouses() const {return m_warehouses;}
-	void    add_request(Request &);
-	void remove_request(Request &);
-	void    add_supply(Supply &);
-	void remove_supply(Supply &);
-	/// information about this economy
-	WareList::count_type stock_ware  (Ware_Index const i) {
-		return m_wares  .stock(i);
-	}
-	WareList::count_type stock_worker(Ware_Index const i) {
-		return m_workers.stock(i);
-	}
-	/// Whether the economy needs more of this ware type.
-	/// Productionsites may ask this before they produce, to avoid depleting a
-	/// ware type by overproducing another from it.
-	bool needs_ware(Ware_Index) const;
-	/// Whether the economy needs more of this worker type.
-	/// Productionsites may ask this before they produce, to avoid depleting a
-	/// ware type by overproducing a worker type from it.
-	bool needs_worker(Ware_Index) const;
-	const Target_Quantity & ware_target_quantity  (Ware_Index const i) const {
-		return m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
-	}
-	Target_Quantity       & ware_target_quantity  (Ware_Index const i)       {
-		return m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
-	}
-	const Target_Quantity & worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i) const {
-		return m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
-	}
-	Target_Quantity       & worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i)       {
-		return m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
-	}
-	void show_options_window();
-	UI::UniqueWindow::Registry m_optionswindow_registry;
-	const WareList & get_wares  () const {return m_wares;}
-	const WareList & get_workers() const {return m_workers;}
-	///< called by \ref Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance
-	void balance(uint32_t timerid);
-	void rebalance_supply() {_start_request_timer();}
-/* Functions */
-	void _remove_flag(Flag &);
-	void _reset_all_pathfinding_cycles();
-	void _merge(Economy &);
-	void _check_splits();
-	void _split(const std::set<OPtr<Flag> > &);
-	void _start_request_timer(int32_t delta = 200);
-	Supply * _find_best_supply(Game &, const Request &, int32_t & cost);
-	void _process_requests(Game &, RSPairStruct &);
-	void _balance_requestsupply(Game &);
-	void _handle_active_supplies(Game &);
-	void _create_requested_workers(Game &);
-	void _create_requested_worker(Game &, Ware_Index);
-	bool   _has_request(Request &);
-/* Variables */
-	typedef std::vector<Request *> RequestList;
-	Player & m_owner;
-	typedef std::vector<Flag *> Flags;
-	Flags m_flags;
-	WareList m_wares;     ///< virtual storage with all wares in this Economy
-	WareList m_workers;   ///< virtual storage with all workers in this Economy
-	std::vector<Warehouse *> m_warehouses;
-	RequestList m_requests; ///< requests
-	SupplyList m_supplies;
-	Target_Quantity        * m_ware_target_quantities;
-	Target_Quantity        * m_worker_target_quantities;
-	Router                 * m_router;
-	typedef std::pair<OPtr<Flag>, OPtr<Flag> > SplitPair;
-	std::vector<SplitPair> m_split_checks;
-	/**
-	 * ID for the next request balancing timer. Used to throttle
-	 * excessive calls to the request/supply balancing logic.
-	 */
-	uint32_t m_request_timerid;
+ public:
+   friend class EconomyDataPacket;
+   /// Configurable target quantity for the supply of a ware type in the
+   /// economy.
+   ///
+   /// This affects the result of \ref needs_ware and thereby the demand checks
+   /// in production programs. A ware type is considered to be needed if there
+   /// are less than the permanent target quantity stored in warehouses in the
+   /// economy.
+   ///
+   /// The last_modified time is used to determine which setting to use when
+   /// economies are merged. The setting that was modified most recently will
+   /// be used for the merged economy.
+   struct Target_Quantity {
+      uint32_t permanent;
+      Time last_modified;
+   };
+   Economy(Player&);
+   ~Economy();
+   Player& owner() const throw() { return m_owner; }
+   static void check_merge(Flag&, Flag&);
+   static void check_split(Flag&, Flag&);
+   bool find_route(Flag& start, Flag& end, Route* route, WareWorker type, int32_t cost_cutoff = -1);
+   typedef boost::function<bool(Warehouse&)> WarehouseAcceptFn;
+   Warehouse* find_closest_warehouse(Flag& start,
+                                     WareWorker type = wwWORKER,
+                                     Route* route = 0,
+                                     uint32_t cost_cutoff = 0,
+                                     const WarehouseAcceptFn& acceptfn = WarehouseAcceptFn());
+   std::vector<Flag*>::size_type get_nrflags() const { return m_flags.size(); }
+   void add_flag(Flag&);
+   void remove_flag(Flag&);
+   Flag& get_arbitrary_flag();
+   void set_ware_target_quantity(Ware_Index, uint32_t, Time);
+   void set_worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index, uint32_t, Time);
+   void add_wares(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
+   void remove_wares(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
+   void add_workers(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
+   void remove_workers(Ware_Index, uint32_t count = 1);
+   void add_warehouse(Warehouse&);
+   void remove_warehouse(Warehouse&);
+   const std::vector<Warehouse*>& warehouses() const { return m_warehouses; }
+   void add_request(Request&);
+   void remove_request(Request&);
+   void add_supply(Supply&);
+   void remove_supply(Supply&);
+   /// information about this economy
+   WareList::count_type stock_ware(Ware_Index const i) { return m_wares.stock(i); }
+   WareList::count_type stock_worker(Ware_Index const i) { return m_workers.stock(i); }
+   /// Whether the economy needs more of this ware type.
+   /// Productionsites may ask this before they produce, to avoid depleting a
+   /// ware type by overproducing another from it.
+   bool needs_ware(Ware_Index) const;
+   /// Whether the economy needs more of this worker type.
+   /// Productionsites may ask this before they produce, to avoid depleting a
+   /// ware type by overproducing a worker type from it.
+   bool needs_worker(Ware_Index) const;
+   const Target_Quantity& ware_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i) const {
+      return m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
+   }
+   Target_Quantity& ware_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i) {
+      return m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
+   }
+   const Target_Quantity& worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i) const {
+      return m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
+   }
+   Target_Quantity& worker_target_quantity(Ware_Index const i) {
+      return m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
+   }
+   void show_options_window();
+   UI::UniqueWindow::Registry m_optionswindow_registry;
+   const WareList& get_wares() const { return m_wares; }
+   const WareList& get_workers() const { return m_workers; }
+   ///< called by \ref Cmd_Call_Economy_Balance
+   void balance(uint32_t timerid);
+   void rebalance_supply() { _start_request_timer(); }
+ private:
+   /*************/
+   /* Functions */
+   /*************/
+   void _remove_flag(Flag&);
+   void _reset_all_pathfinding_cycles();
+   void _merge(Economy&);
+   void _check_splits();
+   void _split(const std::set<OPtr<Flag> >&);
+   void _start_request_timer(int32_t delta = 200);
+   Supply* _find_best_supply(Game&, const Request&, int32_t& cost);
+   void _process_requests(Game&, RSPairStruct&);
+   void _balance_requestsupply(Game&);
+   void _handle_active_supplies(Game&);
+   void _create_requested_workers(Game&);
+   void _create_requested_worker(Game&, Ware_Index);
+   bool _has_request(Request&);
+   /*************/
+   /* Variables */
+   /*************/
+   typedef std::vector<Request*> RequestList;
+   Player& m_owner;
+   typedef std::vector<Flag*> Flags;
+   Flags m_flags;
+   WareList m_wares;    ///< virtual storage with all wares in this Economy
+   WareList m_workers;  ///< virtual storage with all workers in this Economy
+   std::vector<Warehouse*> m_warehouses;
+   RequestList m_requests;  ///< requests
+   SupplyList m_supplies;
+   Target_Quantity* m_ware_target_quantities;
+   Target_Quantity* m_worker_target_quantities;
+   Router* m_router;
+   typedef std::pair<OPtr<Flag>, OPtr<Flag> > SplitPair;
+   std::vector<SplitPair> m_split_checks;
+   /**
+    * ID for the next request balancing timer. Used to throttle
+    * excessive calls to the request/supply balancing logic.
+    */
+   uint32_t m_request_timerid;

=== modified file 'src/economy/economy_data_packet.cc'
--- src/economy/economy_data_packet.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/economy_data_packet.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -26,108 +26,95 @@
 #include "logic/tribe.h"
 #include "logic/player.h"
 namespace Widelands {
-void EconomyDataPacket::Read(FileRead & fr)
-	uint16_t const version = fr.Unsigned16();
+void EconomyDataPacket::Read(FileRead& fr) {
+   uint16_t const version = fr.Unsigned16();
-	try {
-		if (1 <= version and version <= CURRENT_ECONOMY_VERSION) {
-			if (2 <= version)
-				try {
-					const Tribe_Descr & tribe = m_eco->owner().tribe();
-					while (Time const last_modified = fr.Unsigned32()) {
-						char const * const type_name = fr.CString();
-						uint32_t const permanent = fr.Unsigned32();
-						if (version <= 2)
-							fr.Unsigned32();
-						if (Ware_Index i = tribe.ware_index(type_name)) {
-							if
-								(tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->default_target_quantity()
-								 ==
-								 std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
-								log
-									("WARNING: target quantity configured for %s, "
-									 "which should not have target quantity, "
-									 "ignoring\n",
-									 type_name);
-							else {
-								Economy::Target_Quantity & tq =
-									m_eco->m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
-								if (tq.last_modified)
-									throw game_data_error
-										(_("duplicated entry for %s"), type_name);
-								tq.permanent         = permanent;
-								tq.last_modified     = last_modified;
-							}
-						} else if ((i = tribe.worker_index(type_name))) {
-							if
-								(tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->default_target_quantity()
-								 ==
-								 std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
-								log
-									("WARNING: target quantity configured for %s, "
-									 "which should not have target quantity, "
-									 "ignoring\n",
-									 type_name);
-							else {
-								Economy::Target_Quantity & tq =
-									m_eco->m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
-								if (tq.last_modified)
-									throw game_data_error
-										(_("duplicated entry for %s"), type_name);
-								tq.permanent         = permanent;
-								tq.last_modified     = last_modified;
-							}
-						} else
-							log
-								("WARNING: target quantity configured for \"%s\", "
-								 "which is not a ware or worker type defined in tribe "
-								 "%s, ignoring\n",
-								 type_name, tribe.name().c_str());
-					}
-				} catch (const _wexception & e) {
-					throw game_data_error(_("target quantities: %s"), e.what());
-				}
-			m_eco->m_request_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
-		} else {
-			throw game_data_error(_("unknown version %u"), version);
-		}
-	} catch (const std::exception & e) {
-		throw game_data_error(_("economy: %s"), e.what());
-	}
+   try {
+      if (1 <= version and version <= CURRENT_ECONOMY_VERSION) {
+         if (2 <= version)
+            try {
+               const Tribe_Descr& tribe = m_eco->owner().tribe();
+               while (Time const last_modified = fr.Unsigned32()) {
+                  char const* const type_name = fr.CString();
+                  uint32_t const permanent = fr.Unsigned32();
+                  if (version <= 2)
+                     fr.Unsigned32();
+                  if (Ware_Index i = tribe.ware_index(type_name)) {
+                     if (tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->default_target_quantity() ==
+                         std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+                        log("WARNING: target quantity configured for %s, "
+                            "which should not have target quantity, "
+                            "ignoring\n",
+                            type_name);
+                     else {
+                        Economy::Target_Quantity& tq = m_eco->m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
+                        if (tq.last_modified)
+                           throw game_data_error(_("duplicated entry for %s"), type_name);
+                        tq.permanent = permanent;
+                        tq.last_modified = last_modified;
+                     }
+                  } else if ((i = tribe.worker_index(type_name))) {
+                     if (tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->default_target_quantity() ==
+                         std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+                        log("WARNING: target quantity configured for %s, "
+                            "which should not have target quantity, "
+                            "ignoring\n",
+                            type_name);
+                     else {
+                        Economy::Target_Quantity& tq = m_eco->m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
+                        if (tq.last_modified)
+                           throw game_data_error(_("duplicated entry for %s"), type_name);
+                        tq.permanent = permanent;
+                        tq.last_modified = last_modified;
+                     }
+                  } else
+                     log("WARNING: target quantity configured for \"%s\", "
+                         "which is not a ware or worker type defined in tribe "
+                         "%s, ignoring\n",
+                         type_name,
+                         tribe.name().c_str());
+               }
+            }
+         catch (const _wexception & e) {
+            throw game_data_error(_("target quantities: %s"), e.what());
+         }
+         m_eco->m_request_timerid = fr.Unsigned32();
+      } else {
+         throw game_data_error(_("unknown version %u"), version);
+      }
+   }
+   catch (const std::exception & e) {
+      throw game_data_error(_("economy: %s"), e.what());
+   }
-void EconomyDataPacket::Write(FileWrite & fw)
-	const Tribe_Descr & tribe = m_eco->owner().tribe();
-	for (Ware_Index i = tribe.get_nrwares(); i.value();) {
-		--i;
-		const Economy::Target_Quantity & tq =
-			m_eco->m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
-		if (Time const last_modified = tq.last_modified) {
-			fw.Unsigned32(last_modified);
-			fw.CString(tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->name());
-			fw.Unsigned32(tq.permanent);
-		}
-	}
-	for (Ware_Index i = tribe.get_nrworkers(); i.value();) {
-		--i;
-		const Economy::Target_Quantity & tq =
-			m_eco->m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
-		if (Time const last_modified = tq.last_modified) {
-			fw.Unsigned32(last_modified);
-			fw.CString(tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->name());
-			fw.Unsigned32(tq.permanent);
-		}
-	}
-	fw.Unsigned32(0); //  terminator
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_eco->m_request_timerid);
+void EconomyDataPacket::Write(FileWrite& fw) {
+   const Tribe_Descr& tribe = m_eco->owner().tribe();
+   for (Ware_Index i = tribe.get_nrwares(); i.value();) {
+      --i;
+      const Economy::Target_Quantity& tq = m_eco->m_ware_target_quantities[i.value()];
+      if (Time const last_modified = tq.last_modified) {
+         fw.Unsigned32(last_modified);
+         fw.CString(tribe.get_ware_descr(i)->name());
+         fw.Unsigned32(tq.permanent);
+      }
+   }
+   for (Ware_Index i = tribe.get_nrworkers(); i.value();) {
+      --i;
+      const Economy::Target_Quantity& tq = m_eco->m_worker_target_quantities[i.value()];
+      if (Time const last_modified = tq.last_modified) {
+         fw.Unsigned32(last_modified);
+         fw.CString(tribe.get_worker_descr(i)->name());
+         fw.Unsigned32(tq.permanent);
+      }
+   }
+   fw.Unsigned32(0);  //  terminator
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_eco->m_request_timerid);

=== modified file 'src/economy/economy_data_packet.h'
--- src/economy/economy_data_packet.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/economy_data_packet.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -30,18 +30,16 @@
 struct Map_Map_Object_Saver;
 class EconomyDataPacket {
-	public:
-		EconomyDataPacket(Economy * e) : m_eco(e) {}
-		void Read(FileRead &);
-		void Write(FileWrite &);
-	private:
-		Economy * m_eco;
+ public:
+   EconomyDataPacket(Economy* e) : m_eco(e) {}
+   void Read(FileRead&);
+   void Write(FileWrite&);
+ private:
+   Economy* m_eco;

=== modified file 'src/economy/flag.cc'
--- src/economy/flag.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/flag.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -45,310 +45,269 @@
  * Create the flag. Initially, it doesn't have any attachments.
-Flag::Flag() :
-m_items(new PendingItem[m_item_capacity]),
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) m_roads[i] = 0;
+    : PlayerImmovable(g_flag_descr),
+      m_animstart(0),
+      m_building(0),
+      m_item_capacity(8),
+      m_item_filled(0),
+      m_items(new PendingItem[m_item_capacity]),
+      m_always_call_for_flag(0) {
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      m_roads[i] = 0;
  * Shouldn't be necessary to do anything, since die() always calls
  * cleanup() first.
-	if (m_item_filled)
-		log("Flag: ouch! items left\n");
-	delete[] m_items;
-	if (m_building)
-		log("Flag: ouch! building left\n");
-	if (m_flag_jobs.size())
-		log("Flag: ouch! flagjobs left\n");
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
-		if (m_roads[i])
-			log("Flag: ouch! road left\n");
+Flag::~Flag() {
+   if (m_item_filled)
+      log("Flag: ouch! items left\n");
+   delete[] m_items;
+   if (m_building)
+      log("Flag: ouch! building left\n");
+   if (m_flag_jobs.size())
+      log("Flag: ouch! flagjobs left\n");
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      if (m_roads[i])
+         log("Flag: ouch! road left\n");
-void Flag::load_finish(Editor_Game_Base & egbase) {
-	CapacityWaitQueue & queue = m_capacity_wait;
-	for (wl_range<CapacityWaitQueue > r(queue); r;)
-	{
-		Worker & worker = *r->get(egbase);
-		Bob::State const * const state =
-			worker.get_state(Worker::taskWaitforcapacity);
-		if (not state)
-			log
-				("WARNING: worker %u is in the capacity wait queue of flag %u but "
-				 "does not have a waitforcapacity task! Removing from queue.\n",
-				 worker.serial(), serial());
-		else if (state->objvar1 != this)
-			log
-				("WARNING: worker %u is in the capacity wait queue of flag %u but "
-				 "its waitforcapacity task is for map object %u! Removing from "
-				 "queue.\n",
-				 worker.serial(), serial(), state->objvar1.serial());
-		else {
-			++r;
-			continue;
-		}
-		r = wl_erase(queue, r.current);
-	}
+void Flag::load_finish(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   CapacityWaitQueue& queue = m_capacity_wait;
+   for (wl_range<CapacityWaitQueue> r(queue); r;) {
+      Worker& worker = *r->get(egbase);
+      Bob::State const* const state = worker.get_state(Worker::taskWaitforcapacity);
+      if (not state)
+         log("WARNING: worker %u is in the capacity wait queue of flag %u but "
+             "does not have a waitforcapacity task! Removing from queue.\n",
+             worker.serial(),
+             serial());
+      else if (state->objvar1 != this)
+         log("WARNING: worker %u is in the capacity wait queue of flag %u but "
+             "its waitforcapacity task is for map object %u! Removing from "
+             "queue.\n",
+             worker.serial(),
+             serial(),
+             state->objvar1.serial());
+      else {
+         ++r;
+         continue;
+      }
+      r = wl_erase(queue, r.current);
+   }
  * Create a flag at the given location
-	(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Player & owning_player, Coords const coords)
-	:
-	PlayerImmovable       (g_flag_descr),
-	m_building            (0),
-	m_item_capacity       (8),
-	m_item_filled         (0),
-	m_items               (new PendingItem[m_item_capacity]),
-	m_always_call_for_flag(0)
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) m_roads[i] = 0;
-	set_owner(&owning_player);
-	set_flag_position(coords);
-	upcast(Road, road, egbase.map().get_immovable(coords));
-	upcast(Game, game, &egbase);
-	if (game) {
-		//  we split a road, or a new, standalone flag is created
-		(road ? road->get_economy() : new Economy (owning_player))
-				->add_flag(*this);
-		if (road)
-			road->presplit(*game, coords);
-	}
-	init(egbase);
-	if (road and game)
-			road->postsplit(*game, *this);
-void Flag::set_flag_position(Coords coords) {
-	m_position = coords;
-int32_t Flag::get_type() const throw ()
-	return FLAG;
-int32_t Flag::get_size() const throw ()
-	return SMALL;
-bool Flag::get_passable() const throw ()
-	return true;
+Flag::Flag(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Player& owning_player, Coords const coords)
+    : PlayerImmovable(g_flag_descr),
+      m_building(0),
+      m_item_capacity(8),
+      m_item_filled(0),
+      m_items(new PendingItem[m_item_capacity]),
+      m_always_call_for_flag(0) {
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      m_roads[i] = 0;
+   set_owner(&owning_player);
+   set_flag_position(coords);
+   upcast(Road, road, egbase.map().get_immovable(coords));
+   upcast(Game, game, &egbase);
+   if (game) {
+      //  we split a road, or a new, standalone flag is created
+      (road ? road->get_economy() : new Economy(owning_player))->add_flag(*this);
+      if (road)
+         road->presplit(*game, coords);
+   }
+   init(egbase);
+   if (road and game)
+      road->postsplit(*game, *this);
+void Flag::set_flag_position(Coords coords) { m_position = coords; }
+int32_t Flag::get_type() const throw() { return FLAG; }
+int32_t Flag::get_size() const throw() { return SMALL; }
+bool Flag::get_passable() const throw() { return true; }
 static std::string const flag_name = "flag";
-const std::string & Flag::name() const throw () {return flag_name;}
-Flag & Flag::base_flag()
-	return *this;
+const std::string& Flag::name() const throw() { return flag_name; }
+Flag& Flag::base_flag() { return *this; }
  * Call this only from Economy code!
-void Flag::set_economy(Economy * const e)
-	Economy * const old = get_economy();
-	if (old == e)
-		return;
-	PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
-		m_items[i].item->set_economy(e);
-	if (m_building)
-		m_building->set_economy(e);
-	container_iterate_const(FlagJobs, m_flag_jobs, i)
-		i.current->request->set_economy(e);
-	for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-		if (m_roads[i])
-			m_roads[i]->set_economy(e);
-	}
+void Flag::set_economy(Economy* const e) {
+   Economy* const old = get_economy();
+   if (old == e)
+      return;
+   PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
+      m_items[i].item->set_economy(e);
+   if (m_building)
+      m_building->set_economy(e);
+   container_iterate_const(FlagJobs, m_flag_jobs, i)
+   i.current->request->set_economy(e);
+   for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+      if (m_roads[i])
+         m_roads[i]->set_economy(e);
+   }
  * Call this only from the Building init!
-void Flag::attach_building(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Building & building)
-	assert(!m_building || m_building == &building);
-	m_building = &building;
-	const Map & map = egbase.map();
-	egbase.set_road
-		(map.get_fcoords(map.tl_n(m_position)), Road_SouthEast, Road_Normal);
-	building.set_economy(get_economy());
+void Flag::attach_building(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Building& building) {
+   assert(!m_building || m_building == &building);
+   m_building = &building;
+   const Map& map = egbase.map();
+   egbase.set_road(map.get_fcoords(map.tl_n(m_position)), Road_SouthEast, Road_Normal);
+   building.set_economy(get_economy());
  * Call this only from the Building cleanup!
-void Flag::detach_building(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	assert(m_building);
-	m_building->set_economy(0);
-	const Map & map = egbase.map();
-	egbase.set_road
-		(map.get_fcoords(map.tl_n(m_position)), Road_SouthEast, Road_None);
-	m_building = 0;
- * Call this only from the Road init!
-void Flag::attach_road(int32_t const dir, Road * const road)
-	assert(!m_roads[dir - 1] || m_roads[dir - 1] == road);
-	m_roads[dir - 1] = road;
-	m_roads[dir - 1]->set_economy(get_economy());
- * Call this only from the Road init!
-void Flag::detach_road(int32_t const dir)
-	assert(m_roads[dir - 1]);
-	m_roads[dir - 1]->set_economy(0);
-	m_roads[dir - 1] = 0;
+void Flag::detach_building(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   assert(m_building);
+   m_building->set_economy(0);
+   const Map& map = egbase.map();
+   egbase.set_road(map.get_fcoords(map.tl_n(m_position)), Road_SouthEast, Road_None);
+   m_building = 0;
+ * Call this only from the Road init!
+void Flag::attach_road(int32_t const dir, Road* const road) {
+   assert(!m_roads[dir - 1] || m_roads[dir - 1] == road);
+   m_roads[dir - 1] = road;
+   m_roads[dir - 1]->set_economy(get_economy());
+ * Call this only from the Road init!
+void Flag::detach_road(int32_t const dir) {
+   assert(m_roads[dir - 1]);
+   m_roads[dir - 1]->set_economy(0);
+   m_roads[dir - 1] = 0;
  * Return all positions we occupy on the map. For a Flag, this is only one
-BaseImmovable::PositionList Flag::get_positions
-	(const Editor_Game_Base &) const throw ()
-	PositionList rv;
-	rv.push_back(m_position);
-	return rv;
+BaseImmovable::PositionList Flag::get_positions(const Editor_Game_Base&) const throw() {
+   PositionList rv;
+   rv.push_back(m_position);
+   return rv;
  * Return neighbouring flags.
-void Flag::get_neighbours(WareWorker type, RoutingNodeNeighbours & neighbours)
-	for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-		Road * const road = m_roads[i];
-		if (!road)
-			continue;
-		Flag * f = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
-		int32_t nb_cost;
-		if (f != this) {
-			nb_cost = road->get_cost(Road::FlagStart);
-		} else {
-			f = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
-			nb_cost = road->get_cost(Road::FlagEnd);
-		}
-		if (type == wwWARE) {
-			nb_cost += nb_cost * (get_waitcost() + f->get_waitcost()) / 2;
-		}
-		RoutingNodeNeighbour n(f, nb_cost);
-		assert(n.get_neighbour() != this);
-		neighbours.push_back(n);
-	}
-	if (m_building && m_building->descr().get_isport()) {
-		Warehouse * wh = static_cast<Warehouse *>(m_building);
-		if (PortDock * pd = wh->get_portdock()) {
-			pd->add_neighbours(neighbours);
-		}
-	}
+void Flag::get_neighbours(WareWorker type, RoutingNodeNeighbours& neighbours) {
+   for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+      Road* const road = m_roads[i];
+      if (!road)
+         continue;
+      Flag* f = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
+      int32_t nb_cost;
+      if (f != this) {
+         nb_cost = road->get_cost(Road::FlagStart);
+      } else {
+         f = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
+         nb_cost = road->get_cost(Road::FlagEnd);
+      }
+      if (type == wwWARE) {
+         nb_cost += nb_cost * (get_waitcost() + f->get_waitcost()) / 2;
+      }
+      RoutingNodeNeighbour n(f, nb_cost);
+      assert(n.get_neighbour() != this);
+      neighbours.push_back(n);
+   }
+   if (m_building && m_building->descr().get_isport()) {
+      Warehouse* wh = static_cast<Warehouse*>(m_building);
+      if (PortDock* pd = wh->get_portdock()) {
+         pd->add_neighbours(neighbours);
+      }
+   }
  * Return the road that leads to the given flag.
-Road * Flag::get_road(Flag & flag)
-	for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
-		if (Road * const road = m_roads[i])
-			if
-				(&road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart) == &flag ||
-				 &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd)   == &flag)
-				return road;
+Road* Flag::get_road(Flag& flag) {
+   for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+      if (Road* const road = m_roads[i])
+         if (&road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart) == &flag || &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd) == &flag)
+            return road;
-	return 0;
+   return 0;
 /// returns the number of roads connected to the flag
 uint8_t Flag::nr_of_roads() const {
-	uint8_t counter = 0;
-	for (uint8_t road_id = 6; road_id; --road_id)
-		if (get_road(road_id) != NULL)
-			++counter;
-	return counter;
+   uint8_t counter = 0;
+   for (uint8_t road_id = 6; road_id; --road_id)
+      if (get_road(road_id) != NULL)
+         ++counter;
+   return counter;
 bool Flag::is_dead_end() const {
-	if (get_building())
-		return false;
-	Flag const * first_other_flag = 0;
-	for (uint8_t road_id = 6; road_id; --road_id)
-		if (Road * const road = get_road(road_id)) {
-			Flag & start = road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
-			Flag & other = this == &start ? road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd) : start;
-			if (first_other_flag) {
-				if (&other != first_other_flag)
-					return false;
-			} else
-				first_other_flag = &other;
-		}
-	return true;
+   if (get_building())
+      return false;
+   Flag const* first_other_flag = 0;
+   for (uint8_t road_id = 6; road_id; --road_id)
+      if (Road* const road = get_road(road_id)) {
+         Flag& start = road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
+         Flag& other = this == &start ? road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd) : start;
+         if (first_other_flag) {
+            if (&other != first_other_flag)
+               return false;
+         } else
+            first_other_flag = &other;
+      }
+   return true;
  * Returns true if the flag can hold more items.
-bool Flag::has_capacity() const
-	return (m_item_filled < m_item_capacity);
+bool Flag::has_capacity() const { return (m_item_filled < m_item_capacity); }
  * Signal the given bob by interrupting its task as soon as capacity becomes
@@ -356,51 +315,45 @@
  * The capacity queue is a simple FIFO queue.
-void Flag::wait_for_capacity(Game &, Worker & bob)
-	m_capacity_wait.push_back(&bob);
+void Flag::wait_for_capacity(Game&, Worker& bob) { m_capacity_wait.push_back(&bob); }
  * Remove the worker from the list of workers waiting for free capacity.
-void Flag::skip_wait_for_capacity(Game &, Worker & w)
-	CapacityWaitQueue::iterator const it =
-		std::find(m_capacity_wait.begin(), m_capacity_wait.end(), &w);
-	if (it != m_capacity_wait.end())
-		m_capacity_wait.erase(it);
+void Flag::skip_wait_for_capacity(Game&, Worker& w) {
+   CapacityWaitQueue::iterator const it =
+       std::find(m_capacity_wait.begin(), m_capacity_wait.end(), &w);
+   if (it != m_capacity_wait.end())
+      m_capacity_wait.erase(it);
-void Flag::add_item(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, WareInstance & item)
-	assert(m_item_filled < m_item_capacity);
-	PendingItem & pi = m_items[m_item_filled++];
-	pi.item     = &item;
-	pi.pending  = false;
-	pi.nextstep = 0;
-	pi.priority = 0;
-	Transfer * trans = item.get_transfer();
-	if (trans) {
-		uint32_t trans_steps = trans->get_steps_left();
-		if (trans_steps < 3)
-			pi.priority = 2;
-		else if (trans_steps == 3)
-			pi.priority = 1;
-		Request * req = trans->get_request();
-		if (req)
-			pi.priority = pi.priority + req->get_transfer_priority();
-	}
-	item.set_location(egbase, this);
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
-		item.update(*game); //  will call call_carrier() if necessary
+void Flag::add_item(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, WareInstance& item) {
+   assert(m_item_filled < m_item_capacity);
+   PendingItem& pi = m_items[m_item_filled++];
+   pi.item = &item;
+   pi.pending = false;
+   pi.nextstep = 0;
+   pi.priority = 0;
+   Transfer* trans = item.get_transfer();
+   if (trans) {
+      uint32_t trans_steps = trans->get_steps_left();
+      if (trans_steps < 3)
+         pi.priority = 2;
+      else if (trans_steps == 3)
+         pi.priority = 1;
+      Request* req = trans->get_request();
+      if (req)
+         pi.priority = pi.priority + req->get_transfer_priority();
+   }
+   item.set_location(egbase, this);
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
+      item.update(*game);  //  will call call_carrier() if necessary
@@ -409,59 +362,58 @@
  * \note Due to fetch_from_flag() semantics, this function makes no sense
  * for a  building destination.
-bool Flag::has_pending_item(Game &, Flag & dest) {
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (!m_items[i].pending)
-			continue;
-		if (m_items[i].nextstep != &dest)
-			continue;
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
+bool Flag::has_pending_item(Game&, Flag& dest) {
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (!m_items[i].pending)
+         continue;
+      if (m_items[i].nextstep != &dest)
+         continue;
+      return true;
+   }
+   return false;
  * Clamp the maximal value of \ref PendingItem::priority.
  * After reaching this value, the pure FIFO approach is applied
  * Called by carrier code to indicate that the carrier is moving to pick up an
  * item. Item with highest transfer priority is chosen.
  * \return true if an item is actually waiting for the carrier.
-bool Flag::ack_pickup(Game &, Flag & destflag) {
-	int32_t highest_pri = -1;
-	int32_t i_pri = -1;
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (!m_items[i].pending)
-			continue;
-		if (m_items[i].nextstep != &destflag)
-			continue;
-		if (m_items[i].priority > highest_pri) {
-			highest_pri = m_items[i].priority;
-			i_pri = i;
-			// Increase item priority, it matters only if the ware has to wait.
-			if (m_items[i].priority < MAX_TRANSFER_PRIORITY)
-				m_items[i].priority++;
-		}
-	}
-	if (i_pri >= 0) {
-		m_items[i_pri].pending = false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
+bool Flag::ack_pickup(Game&, Flag& destflag) {
+   int32_t highest_pri = -1;
+   int32_t i_pri = -1;
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (!m_items[i].pending)
+         continue;
+      if (m_items[i].nextstep != &destflag)
+         continue;
+      if (m_items[i].priority > highest_pri) {
+         highest_pri = m_items[i].priority;
+         i_pri = i;
+         // Increase item priority, it matters only if the ware has to wait.
+         if (m_items[i].priority < MAX_TRANSFER_PRIORITY)
+            m_items[i].priority++;
+      }
+   }
+   if (i_pri >= 0) {
+      m_items[i_pri].pending = false;
+      return true;
+   }
+   return false;
  * Called by the carriercode when the carrier is called away from his job
@@ -469,43 +421,42 @@
  * to be picked by another carrier. Returns true if an item was indeed
  * made pending again
-bool Flag::cancel_pickup(Game & game, Flag & destflag) {
-	int32_t lowest_prio = MAX_TRANSFER_PRIORITY + 1;
-	int32_t i_pri = -1;
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (m_items[i].pending)
-			continue;
-		if (m_items[i].nextstep != &destflag)
-			continue;
-		if (m_items[i].priority < lowest_prio) {
-			lowest_prio = m_items[i].priority;
-			i_pri = i;
-		}
-	}
-	if (i_pri >= 0) {
-		m_items[i_pri].pending = true;
-		m_items[i_pri].item->update(game); //  will call call_carrier() if necessary
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
+bool Flag::cancel_pickup(Game& game, Flag& destflag) {
+   int32_t lowest_prio = MAX_TRANSFER_PRIORITY + 1;
+   int32_t i_pri = -1;
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (m_items[i].pending)
+         continue;
+      if (m_items[i].nextstep != &destflag)
+         continue;
+      if (m_items[i].priority < lowest_prio) {
+         lowest_prio = m_items[i].priority;
+         i_pri = i;
+      }
+   }
+   if (i_pri >= 0) {
+      m_items[i_pri].pending = true;
+      m_items[i_pri].item->update(game);  //  will call call_carrier() if necessary
+      return true;
+   }
+   return false;
  * Wake one sleeper from the capacity queue.
-void Flag::wake_up_capacity_queue(Game & game)
-	while (!m_capacity_wait.empty()) {
-		Worker * const w = m_capacity_wait[0].get(game);
-		m_capacity_wait.erase(m_capacity_wait.begin());
-		if (w and w->wakeup_flag_capacity(game, *this))
-			break;
-	}
+void Flag::wake_up_capacity_queue(Game& game) {
+   while (!m_capacity_wait.empty()) {
+      Worker* const w = m_capacity_wait[0].get(game);
+      m_capacity_wait.erase(m_capacity_wait.begin());
+      if (w and w->wakeup_flag_capacity(game, *this))
+         break;
+   }
@@ -515,35 +466,34 @@
  * This function may return 0 even if \ref ack_pickup() has already been
  * called successfully.
-WareInstance * Flag::fetch_pending_item(Game & game, PlayerImmovable & dest)
-	int32_t best_index = -1;
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (m_items[i].nextstep != &dest)
-			continue;
-		// We prefer to retrieve items that have already been acked
-		if (best_index < 0 || !m_items[i].pending)
-			best_index = i;
-	}
-	if (best_index < 0)
-		return 0;
-	// move the other items up the list and return this one
-	WareInstance * const item = m_items[best_index].item;
-	--m_item_filled;
-	memmove
-		(&m_items[best_index], &m_items[best_index + 1],
-		 sizeof(m_items[0]) * (m_item_filled - best_index));
-	item->set_location(game, 0);
-	// wake up capacity wait queue
-	wake_up_capacity_queue(game);
-	return item;
+WareInstance* Flag::fetch_pending_item(Game& game, PlayerImmovable& dest) {
+   int32_t best_index = -1;
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (m_items[i].nextstep != &dest)
+         continue;
+      // We prefer to retrieve items that have already been acked
+      if (best_index < 0 || !m_items[i].pending)
+         best_index = i;
+   }
+   if (best_index < 0)
+      return 0;
+   // move the other items up the list and return this one
+   WareInstance* const item = m_items[best_index].item;
+   --m_item_filled;
+   memmove(&m_items[best_index],
+           &m_items[best_index + 1],
+           sizeof(m_items[0]) * (m_item_filled - best_index));
+   item->set_location(game, 0);
+   // wake up capacity wait queue
+   wake_up_capacity_queue(game);
+   return item;
@@ -551,38 +501,33 @@
  * the result value to stay valid and do not change them
 Flag::Wares Flag::get_items() {
-	Wares rv;
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
-		rv.push_back(m_items[i].item);
-	return rv;
+   Wares rv;
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
+      rv.push_back(m_items[i].item);
+   return rv;
  * Force a removal of the given item from this flag.
  * Called by \ref WareInstance::cleanup()
-void Flag::remove_item(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, WareInstance * const item)
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (m_items[i].item != item)
-			continue;
-		--m_item_filled;
-		memmove
-			(&m_items[i], &m_items[i + 1],
-			 sizeof(m_items[0]) * (m_item_filled - i));
-		if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
-			wake_up_capacity_queue(*game);
-		return;
-	}
-	throw wexception
-		("MO(%u): Flag::remove_item: item %u not on flag",
-		 serial(), item->serial());
+void Flag::remove_item(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, WareInstance* const item) {
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (m_items[i].item != item)
+         continue;
+      --m_item_filled;
+      memmove(&m_items[i], &m_items[i + 1], sizeof(m_items[0]) * (m_item_filled - i));
+      if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
+         wake_up_capacity_queue(*game);
+      return;
+   }
+   throw wexception("MO(%u): Flag::remove_item: item %u not on flag", serial(), item->serial());
@@ -599,84 +544,80 @@
  * update_items() to ensure that new carriers are called when roads are
  * split, for example.
-void Flag::call_carrier
-	(Game & game, WareInstance & item, PlayerImmovable * const nextstep)
-	PendingItem * pi = 0;
-	int32_t i = 0;
-	// Find the PendingItem entry
-	for (; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-		if (m_items[i].item != &item)
-			continue;
-		pi = &m_items[i];
-		break;
-	}
-	assert(pi);
-	// Deal with the non-moving case quickly
-	if (!nextstep) {
-		pi->nextstep = 0;
-		pi->pending = true;
-		return;
-	}
-	// Find out whether we need to do anything
-	if (pi->nextstep == nextstep && pi->nextstep != m_always_call_for_flag)
-		return; // no update needed
-	pi->nextstep = nextstep;
-	pi->pending = false;
-	// Deal with the building case
-	if (nextstep == get_building()) {
-		molog
-			("Flag::call_carrier(%u): Tell building to fetch this item\n",
-			 item.serial());
-		if (!get_building()->fetch_from_flag(game)) {
-			pi->item->cancel_moving();
-			pi->item->update(game);
-		}
-		return;
-	}
-	// Deal with the normal (flag) case
-	ref_cast<Flag const, PlayerImmovable const>(*nextstep);
-	for (int32_t dir = 1; dir <= 6; ++dir) {
-		Road * const road = get_road(dir);
-		Flag *       other;
-		Road::FlagId flagid;
-		if (!road)
-			continue;
-		if (&road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart) == this) {
-			flagid = Road::FlagStart;
-			other = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
-		} else {
-			flagid = Road::FlagEnd;
-			other = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
-		}
-		if (other != nextstep)
-			continue;
-		// Yes, this is the road we want; inform it
-		if (road->notify_ware(game, flagid))
-			return;
-		// If the road doesn't react to the ware immediately, we try other roads:
-		// They might lead to the same flag!
-	}
-	// Nothing found, just let it be picked up by somebody
-	pi->pending = true;
-	return;
+void Flag::call_carrier(Game& game, WareInstance& item, PlayerImmovable* const nextstep) {
+   PendingItem* pi = 0;
+   int32_t i = 0;
+   // Find the PendingItem entry
+   for (; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+      if (m_items[i].item != &item)
+         continue;
+      pi = &m_items[i];
+      break;
+   }
+   assert(pi);
+   // Deal with the non-moving case quickly
+   if (!nextstep) {
+      pi->nextstep = 0;
+      pi->pending = true;
+      return;
+   }
+   // Find out whether we need to do anything
+   if (pi->nextstep == nextstep && pi->nextstep != m_always_call_for_flag)
+      return;  // no update needed
+   pi->nextstep = nextstep;
+   pi->pending = false;
+   // Deal with the building case
+   if (nextstep == get_building()) {
+      molog("Flag::call_carrier(%u): Tell building to fetch this item\n", item.serial());
+      if (!get_building()->fetch_from_flag(game)) {
+         pi->item->cancel_moving();
+         pi->item->update(game);
+      }
+      return;
+   }
+   // Deal with the normal (flag) case
+   ref_cast<Flag const, PlayerImmovable const>(*nextstep);
+   for (int32_t dir = 1; dir <= 6; ++dir) {
+      Road* const road = get_road(dir);
+      Flag* other;
+      Road::FlagId flagid;
+      if (!road)
+         continue;
+      if (&road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart) == this) {
+         flagid = Road::FlagStart;
+         other = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagEnd);
+      } else {
+         flagid = Road::FlagEnd;
+         other = &road->get_flag(Road::FlagStart);
+      }
+      if (other != nextstep)
+         continue;
+      // Yes, this is the road we want; inform it
+      if (road->notify_ware(game, flagid))
+         return;
+      // If the road doesn't react to the ware immediately, we try other roads:
+      // They might lead to the same flag!
+   }
+   // Nothing found, just let it be picked up by somebody
+   pi->pending = true;
+   return;
@@ -689,66 +630,63 @@
  * fragile.
  * A similar thing can happen when a road is split.
-void Flag::update_items(Game & game, Flag * const other)
-	m_always_call_for_flag = other;
-	for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
-		m_items[i].item->update(game);
-	m_always_call_for_flag = 0;
+void Flag::update_items(Game& game, Flag* const other) {
+   m_always_call_for_flag = other;
+   for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i)
+      m_items[i].item->update(game);
+   m_always_call_for_flag = 0;
-void Flag::init(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
-	set_position(egbase, m_position);
-	m_animstart = egbase.get_gametime();
+void Flag::init(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
+   set_position(egbase, m_position);
+   m_animstart = egbase.get_gametime();
  * Detach building and free roads.
-void Flag::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	//molog("Flag::cleanup\n");
-	while (!m_flag_jobs.empty()) {
-		delete m_flag_jobs.begin()->request;
-		m_flag_jobs.erase(m_flag_jobs.begin());
-	}
-	while (m_item_filled) {
-		WareInstance & item = *m_items[--m_item_filled].item;
-		item.set_location(egbase, 0);
-		item.destroy     (egbase);
-	}
-	//molog("  items destroyed\n");
-	if (m_building) {
-		m_building->remove(egbase); //  immediate death
-		assert(!m_building);
-	}
-	for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-		if (m_roads[i]) {
-			m_roads[i]->remove(egbase); //  immediate death
-			assert(!m_roads[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (Economy * e = get_economy())
-		e->remove_flag(*this);
-	unset_position(egbase, m_position);
-	//molog("  done\n");
-	PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
+void Flag::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   //molog("Flag::cleanup\n");
+   while (!m_flag_jobs.empty()) {
+      delete m_flag_jobs.begin()->request;
+      m_flag_jobs.erase(m_flag_jobs.begin());
+   }
+   while (m_item_filled) {
+      WareInstance& item = *m_items[--m_item_filled].item;
+      item.set_location(egbase, 0);
+      item.destroy(egbase);
+   }
+   //molog("  items destroyed\n");
+   if (m_building) {
+      m_building->remove(egbase);  //  immediate death
+      assert(!m_building);
+   }
+   for (int8_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+      if (m_roads[i]) {
+         m_roads[i]->remove(egbase);  //  immediate death
+         assert(!m_roads[i]);
+      }
+   }
+   if (Economy* e = get_economy())
+      e->remove_flag(*this);
+   unset_position(egbase, m_position);
+   //molog("  done\n");
+   PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
@@ -758,82 +696,74 @@
  * \ref Flag::cleanup(). This function is needed to ensure a fire is created
  * when a player removes a flag.
-void Flag::destroy(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	if (m_building) {
-		m_building->destroy(egbase);
-		assert(!m_building);
-	}
+void Flag::destroy(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   if (m_building) {
+      m_building->destroy(egbase);
+      assert(!m_building);
+   }
-	PlayerImmovable::destroy(egbase);
+   PlayerImmovable::destroy(egbase);
  * Add a new flag job to request the worker with the given ID, and to execute
  * the given program once it's completed.
-void Flag::add_flag_job
-	(Game &, Ware_Index const workerware, const std::string & programname)
-	FlagJob j;
-	j.request =
-		new Request
-			(*this, workerware, Flag::flag_job_request_callback, wwWORKER);
-	j.program = programname;
-	m_flag_jobs.push_back(j);
+void Flag::add_flag_job(Game&, Ware_Index const workerware, const std::string& programname) {
+   FlagJob j;
+   j.request = new Request(*this, workerware, Flag::flag_job_request_callback, wwWORKER);
+   j.program = programname;
+   m_flag_jobs.push_back(j);
  * This function is called when one of the flag job workers arrives on
  * the flag. Give him his job.
-void Flag::flag_job_request_callback
-	(Game            &       game,
-	 Request         &       rq,
-	 Ware_Index,
-	 Worker          * const w,
-	 PlayerImmovable &       target)
-	Flag & flag = ref_cast<Flag, PlayerImmovable>(target);
-	assert(w);
-	container_iterate(FlagJobs, flag.m_flag_jobs, i)
-		if (i.current->request == &rq) {
-			delete &rq;
-			w->start_task_program(game, i.current->program);
-			flag.m_flag_jobs.erase(i.current);
-			return;
-		}
-	flag.molog("BUG: flag_job_request_callback: worker not found in list\n");
-void Flag::log_general_info(const Widelands::Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	molog("Flag at %i,%i\n", m_position.x, m_position.y);
-	Widelands::PlayerImmovable::log_general_info(egbase);
-	if (m_item_filled) {
-		molog("Wares at flag:\n");
-		for (int i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
-			PendingItem & pi = m_items[i];
-			molog
-				(" %i/%i: %s(%i), nextstep %i, %s\n",
-				 i + 1, m_item_capacity,
-				 pi.item->descr().name().c_str(), pi.item->serial(),
-				 pi.nextstep.serial(),
-				 pi.pending ? "pending" : "acked by carrier");
-		}
-	} else {
-		molog("No wares at flag.\n");
-	}
+void Flag::flag_job_request_callback(Game& game,
+                                     Request& rq,
+                                     Ware_Index,
+                                     Worker* const w,
+                                     PlayerImmovable& target) {
+   Flag& flag = ref_cast<Flag, PlayerImmovable>(target);
+   assert(w);
+   container_iterate(FlagJobs, flag.m_flag_jobs, i)
+   if (i.current->request == &rq) {
+      delete &rq;
+      w->start_task_program(game, i.current->program);
+      flag.m_flag_jobs.erase(i.current);
+      return;
+   }
+   flag.molog("BUG: flag_job_request_callback: worker not found in list\n");
+void Flag::log_general_info(const Widelands::Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   molog("Flag at %i,%i\n", m_position.x, m_position.y);
+   Widelands::PlayerImmovable::log_general_info(egbase);
+   if (m_item_filled) {
+      molog("Wares at flag:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < m_item_filled; ++i) {
+         PendingItem& pi = m_items[i];
+         molog(" %i/%i: %s(%i), nextstep %i, %s\n",
+               i + 1,
+               m_item_capacity,
+               pi.item->descr().name().c_str(),
+               pi.item->serial(),
+               pi.nextstep.serial(),
+               pi.pending ? "pending" : "acked by carrier");
+      }
+   } else {
+      molog("No wares at flag.\n");
+   }

=== modified file 'src/economy/flag.h'
--- src/economy/flag.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/flag.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
 struct Road;
 class WareInstance;
  * Flag represents a flag, obviously.
  * A flag itself doesn't do much. However, it can have up to 6 roads attached
@@ -50,120 +48,118 @@
  * WALK_xx in all "direction" parameters.
 struct Flag : public PlayerImmovable, public RoutingNode {
-	typedef std::vector<const WareInstance *> Wares;
-	friend class Economy;
-	friend struct Router;
-	friend class FlagQueue;
-	friend struct Map_Ware_Data_Packet;     // has to look at pending items
-	friend struct Map_Waredata_Data_Packet; // has to look at pending items
-	friend struct Map_Flagdata_Data_Packet; // has to read/write this to a file
-	Flag(); /// empty flag for savegame loading
-	Flag(Editor_Game_Base &, Player & owner, Coords); /// create a new flag
-	virtual ~Flag();
-	void load_finish(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void destroy(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual int32_t  get_type    () const throw ();
-	char const * type_name() const throw () {return "flag";}
-	virtual int32_t  get_size    () const throw ();
-	virtual bool get_passable() const throw ();
-	const std::string & name() const throw ();
-	virtual Flag & base_flag();
-	const Coords & get_position() const {return m_position;}
-	virtual PositionList get_positions (const Editor_Game_Base &) const throw ();
-	void get_neighbours(WareWorker type, RoutingNodeNeighbours &);
-	int32_t get_waitcost() const {return m_item_filled;}
-	virtual void set_economy(Economy *);
-	Building * get_building() const {return m_building;}
-	void attach_building(Editor_Game_Base &, Building &);
-	void detach_building(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	bool has_road() const {
-		return
-			m_roads[0] or m_roads[1] or m_roads[2] or
-			m_roads[3] or m_roads[4] or m_roads[5];
-	}
-	Road * get_road(uint8_t const dir) const {return m_roads[dir - 1];}
-	uint8_t nr_of_roads() const;
-	void attach_road(int32_t dir, Road *);
-	void detach_road(int32_t dir);
-	Road * get_road(Flag &);
-	bool is_dead_end() const;
-	bool has_capacity() const;
-	uint32_t total_capacity() {return m_item_capacity;}
-	uint32_t current_items() const {return m_item_filled;}
-	void wait_for_capacity(Game &, Worker &);
-	void skip_wait_for_capacity(Game &, Worker &);
-	void add_item(Editor_Game_Base &, WareInstance &);
-	bool has_pending_item(Game &, Flag & destflag);
-	bool ack_pickup(Game &, Flag & destflag);
-	bool cancel_pickup(Game &, Flag & destflag);
-	WareInstance * fetch_pending_item(Game &, PlayerImmovable & dest);
-	Wares get_items();
-	void call_carrier(Game &, WareInstance &, PlayerImmovable * nextstep);
-	void update_items(Game &, Flag * other);
-	void remove_item(Editor_Game_Base &, WareInstance * const);
-	void add_flag_job(Game &, Ware_Index workerware, const std::string & programname);
-	virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void draw(const Editor_Game_Base &, RenderTarget &, FCoords, Point);
-	void wake_up_capacity_queue(Game &);
-	static void flag_job_request_callback(Game &, Request &, Ware_Index, Worker *, PlayerImmovable &);
-	void set_flag_position(Coords coords);
-	struct PendingItem {
-		WareInstance    * item;     ///< the item itself
-		bool              pending;  ///< if the item is pending
-		int32_t           priority;  ///< carrier prefers the item with highest priority
-		OPtr<PlayerImmovable> nextstep; ///< next step that this item is sent to
-	};
-	struct FlagJob {
-		Request *   request;
-		std::string program;
-	};
-	Coords       m_position;
-	int32_t      m_animstart;
-	Building    * m_building; ///< attached building (replaces road WALK_NW)
-	Road        * m_roads[6]; ///< WALK_xx - 1 as index
-	int32_t      m_item_capacity; ///< size of m_items array
-	int32_t      m_item_filled; ///< number of items currently on the flag
-	PendingItem * m_items;    ///< items currently on the flag
-	/// call_carrier() will always call a carrier when the destination is
-	/// the given flag
-	Flag        * m_always_call_for_flag;
-	typedef std::vector<OPtr<Worker> > CapacityWaitQueue;
-	CapacityWaitQueue m_capacity_wait; ///< workers waiting for capacity
-	typedef std::list<FlagJob> FlagJobs;
-	FlagJobs m_flag_jobs;
+   typedef std::vector<const WareInstance*> Wares;
+   friend class Economy;
+   friend struct Router;
+   friend class FlagQueue;
+   friend struct Map_Ware_Data_Packet;      // has to look at pending items
+   friend struct Map_Waredata_Data_Packet;  // has to look at pending items
+   friend struct Map_Flagdata_Data_Packet;  // has to read/write this to a file
+   Flag();                                          /// empty flag for savegame loading
+   Flag(Editor_Game_Base&, Player& owner, Coords);  /// create a new flag
+   virtual ~Flag();
+   void load_finish(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual void destroy(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual int32_t get_type() const throw();
+   char const* type_name() const throw() { return "flag"; }
+   virtual int32_t get_size() const throw();
+   virtual bool get_passable() const throw();
+   const std::string& name() const throw();
+   virtual Flag& base_flag();
+   const Coords& get_position() const { return m_position; }
+   virtual PositionList get_positions(const Editor_Game_Base&) const throw();
+   void get_neighbours(WareWorker type, RoutingNodeNeighbours&);
+   int32_t get_waitcost() const { return m_item_filled; }
+   virtual void set_economy(Economy*);
+   Building* get_building() const { return m_building; }
+   void attach_building(Editor_Game_Base&, Building&);
+   void detach_building(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   bool has_road() const {
+      return m_roads[0] or m_roads[1] or m_roads[2] or m_roads[3] or m_roads[4] or m_roads[5];
+   }
+   Road* get_road(uint8_t const dir) const { return m_roads[dir - 1]; }
+   uint8_t nr_of_roads() const;
+   void attach_road(int32_t dir, Road*);
+   void detach_road(int32_t dir);
+   Road* get_road(Flag&);
+   bool is_dead_end() const;
+   bool has_capacity() const;
+   uint32_t total_capacity() { return m_item_capacity; }
+   uint32_t current_items() const { return m_item_filled; }
+   void wait_for_capacity(Game&, Worker&);
+   void skip_wait_for_capacity(Game&, Worker&);
+   void add_item(Editor_Game_Base&, WareInstance&);
+   bool has_pending_item(Game&, Flag& destflag);
+   bool ack_pickup(Game&, Flag& destflag);
+   bool cancel_pickup(Game&, Flag& destflag);
+   WareInstance* fetch_pending_item(Game&, PlayerImmovable& dest);
+   Wares get_items();
+   void call_carrier(Game&, WareInstance&, PlayerImmovable* nextstep);
+   void update_items(Game&, Flag* other);
+   void remove_item(Editor_Game_Base&, WareInstance* const);
+   void add_flag_job(Game&, Ware_Index workerware, const std::string& programname);
+   virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base&);
+ protected:
+   virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual void draw(const Editor_Game_Base&, RenderTarget&, const FCoords&, const Point&);
+   void wake_up_capacity_queue(Game&);
+   static void flag_job_request_callback(Game&, Request&, Ware_Index, Worker*, PlayerImmovable&);
+   void set_flag_position(Coords coords);
+ private:
+   struct PendingItem {
+      WareInstance* item;              ///< the item itself
+      bool pending;                    ///< if the item is pending
+      int32_t priority;                ///< carrier prefers the item with highest priority
+      OPtr<PlayerImmovable> nextstep;  ///< next step that this item is sent to
+   };
+   struct FlagJob {
+      Request* request;
+      std::string program;
+   };
+   Coords m_position;
+   int32_t m_animstart;
+   Building* m_building;  ///< attached building (replaces road WALK_NW)
+   Road* m_roads[6];      ///< WALK_xx - 1 as index
+   int32_t m_item_capacity;  ///< size of m_items array
+   int32_t m_item_filled;    ///< number of items currently on the flag
+   PendingItem* m_items;     ///< items currently on the flag
+   /// call_carrier() will always call a carrier when the destination is
+   /// the given flag
+   Flag* m_always_call_for_flag;
+   typedef std::vector<OPtr<Worker> > CapacityWaitQueue;
+   CapacityWaitQueue m_capacity_wait;  ///< workers waiting for capacity
+   typedef std::list<FlagJob> FlagJobs;
+   FlagJobs m_flag_jobs;

=== modified file 'src/economy/fleet.cc'
--- src/economy/fleet.cc	2013-05-06 18:03:22 +0000
+++ src/economy/fleet.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -45,255 +45,235 @@
  * instance, then add themselves \em before calling the \ref init function.
  * The Fleet takes care of merging with existing fleets, if any.
-Fleet::Fleet(Player & player) :
-	Map_Object(&fleet_descr),
-	m_owner(player),
-	m_act_pending(false),
-	m_port_roundrobin(0)
-int32_t Fleet::get_type() const throw ()
-	return FLEET;
-char const * Fleet::type_name() const throw ()
-	return "fleet";
+Fleet::Fleet(Player& player)
+    : Map_Object(&fleet_descr), m_owner(player), m_act_pending(false), m_port_roundrobin(0) {}
+int32_t Fleet::get_type() const throw() { return FLEET; }
+char const* Fleet::type_name() const throw() { return "fleet"; }
  * Whether the fleet is in fact useful for transporting goods.
-bool Fleet::active() const
-	return !m_ships.empty() && m_ports.size() >= 2;
+bool Fleet::active() const { return !m_ships.empty() && m_ports.size() >= 2; }
  * Inform the Fleet about the change of @ref Economy of one of the docks.
  * Note that we always associate ourselves with the economy of the first dock.
-void Fleet::set_economy(Economy * e)
-	if (!m_ships.empty()) {
-		if (!m_ports.empty()) {
-			e = m_ports[0]->get_economy();
-		}
+void Fleet::set_economy(Economy* e) {
+   if (!m_ships.empty()) {
+      if (!m_ports.empty()) {
+         e = m_ports[0]->get_economy();
+      }
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-		else
-			assert(e == 0);
+          else
+         assert(e == 0);
-		if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
-			container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship *>, m_ships, shipit) {
-				(*shipit.current)->set_economy(*game, e);
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
+         container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship*>, m_ships, shipit) {
+            (*shipit.current)->set_economy(*game, e);
+         }
+      }
+   }
  * Initialize the fleet, including a search through the map
  * to rejoin with the next other fleet we can find.
-void Fleet::init(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	Map_Object::init(egbase);
-	if (m_ships.empty() && m_ports.empty()) {
-		molog("Empty fleet initialized; disband immediately\n");
-		remove(egbase);
-		return;
-	}
-	find_other_fleet(egbase);
-	if (active())
-		update(egbase);
+void Fleet::init(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Map_Object::init(egbase);
+   if (m_ships.empty() && m_ports.empty()) {
+      molog("Empty fleet initialized; disband immediately\n");
+      remove(egbase);
+      return;
+   }
+   find_other_fleet(egbase);
+   if (active())
+      update(egbase);
 struct StepEvalFindFleet {
-	int32_t estimate(Map & /* map */, FCoords /* pos */) const {return 0;}
-	int32_t stepcost(Map & /* map */, FCoords from, int32_t fromcost, WalkingDir /* dir */, FCoords to) const {
-		if (!(to.field->nodecaps() & (MOVECAPS_SWIM | MOVECAPS_WALK)))
-			return -1;
-		if (!(from.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_SWIM)) {
-			// We are allowed to land on and leave the shore,
-			// but not in the middle of a path
-			if (fromcost > 0)
-				return -1;
-			return 1;
-		}
-		return 1;
-	}
+   int32_t estimate(Map& /* map */, FCoords /* pos */) const { return 0; }
+   int32_t stepcost(Map& /* map */,
+                    FCoords from,
+                    int32_t fromcost,
+                    WalkingDir /* dir */,
+                    FCoords to) const {
+      if (!(to.field->nodecaps() & (MOVECAPS_SWIM | MOVECAPS_WALK)))
+         return -1;
+      if (!(from.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_SWIM)) {
+         // We are allowed to land on and leave the shore,
+         // but not in the middle of a path
+         if (fromcost > 0)
+            return -1;
+         return 1;
+      }
+      return 1;
+   }
  * Search the map, starting at our ships and ports, for another fleet
  * of the same player.
-void Fleet::find_other_fleet(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	MapAStar<StepEvalFindFleet> astar(map, StepEvalFindFleet());
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship *>, m_ships, it) {
-		astar.push((*it.current)->get_position());
-	}
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock *>, m_ports, it) {
-		BaseImmovable::PositionList pos = (*it.current)->get_positions(egbase);
-		container_iterate_const(BaseImmovable::PositionList, pos, posit) {
-			astar.push(*posit.current);
-		}
-	}
-	int32_t cost;
-	FCoords cur;
-	while (astar.step(cur, cost)) {
-		if (BaseImmovable * imm = cur.field->get_immovable()) {
-			if (imm->get_type() == PORTDOCK) {
-				if (upcast(PortDock, dock, imm)) {
-					if (dock->get_fleet() != this && dock->get_owner() == get_owner()) {
-						dock->get_fleet()->merge(egbase, this);
-						return;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		for (Bob * bob = cur.field->get_first_bob(); bob != 0; bob = bob->get_next_bob()) {
-			if (bob->get_bob_type() != Bob::SHIP)
-				continue;
-			if (upcast(Ship, ship, bob)) {
-				if (ship->get_fleet() != this && ship->get_owner() == get_owner()) {
-					ship->get_fleet()->merge(egbase, this);
-					return;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+void Fleet::find_other_fleet(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   MapAStar<StepEvalFindFleet> astar(map, StepEvalFindFleet());
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship*>, m_ships, it) {
+      astar.push((*it.current)->get_position());
+   }
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock*>, m_ports, it) {
+      BaseImmovable::PositionList pos = (*it.current)->get_positions(egbase);
+      container_iterate_const(BaseImmovable::PositionList, pos, posit) {
+         astar.push(*posit.current);
+      }
+   }
+   int32_t cost;
+   FCoords cur;
+   while (astar.step(cur, cost)) {
+      if (BaseImmovable* imm = cur.field->get_immovable()) {
+         if (imm->get_type() == PORTDOCK) {
+            if (upcast(PortDock, dock, imm)) {
+               if (dock->get_fleet() != this && dock->get_owner() == get_owner()) {
+                  dock->get_fleet()->merge(egbase, this);
+                  return;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      for (Bob* bob = cur.field->get_first_bob(); bob != 0; bob = bob->get_next_bob()) {
+         if (bob->get_bob_type() != Bob::SHIP)
+            continue;
+         if (upcast(Ship, ship, bob)) {
+            if (ship->get_fleet() != this && ship->get_owner() == get_owner()) {
+               ship->get_fleet()->merge(egbase, this);
+               return;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
  * Merge the @p other fleet into this fleet, and remove the other fleet.
-void Fleet::merge(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Fleet * other)
-	if (m_ports.empty() and not other->m_ports.empty()) {
-		other->merge(egbase, this);
-		return;
-	}
-	while (!other->m_ships.empty()) {
-		Ship * ship = other->m_ships.back();
-		other->m_ships.pop_back();
-		add_ship(ship);
-	}
-	uint32_t old_nrports = m_ports.size();
-	m_ports.insert(m_ports.end(), other->m_ports.begin(), other->m_ports.end());
-	m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
-	for (uint32_t j = 1; j < other->m_ports.size(); ++j) {
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
-			portpath(old_nrports + i, old_nrports + j) = other->portpath(i, j);
-		}
-	}
-	for (uint32_t idx = old_nrports; idx < m_ports.size(); ++idx) {
-		m_ports[idx]->set_fleet(this);
-	}
-	if (!m_ships.empty() && !m_ports.empty())
-		check_merge_economy();
-	other->m_ports.clear();
-	other->m_portpaths.clear();
-	other->remove(egbase);
-	update(egbase);
+void Fleet::merge(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Fleet* other) {
+   if (m_ports.empty() and not other->m_ports.empty()) {
+      other->merge(egbase, this);
+      return;
+   }
+   while (!other->m_ships.empty()) {
+      Ship* ship = other->m_ships.back();
+      other->m_ships.pop_back();
+      add_ship(ship);
+   }
+   uint32_t old_nrports = m_ports.size();
+   m_ports.insert(m_ports.end(), other->m_ports.begin(), other->m_ports.end());
+   m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
+   for (uint32_t j = 1; j < other->m_ports.size(); ++j) {
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
+         portpath(old_nrports + i, old_nrports + j) = other->portpath(i, j);
+      }
+   }
+   for (uint32_t idx = old_nrports; idx < m_ports.size(); ++idx) {
+      m_ports[idx]->set_fleet(this);
+   }
+   if (!m_ships.empty() && !m_ports.empty())
+      check_merge_economy();
+   other->m_ports.clear();
+   other->m_portpaths.clear();
+   other->remove(egbase);
+   update(egbase);
  * If we have ports and ships, ensure that all ports belong to the same economy.
-void Fleet::check_merge_economy()
-	if (m_ports.empty() || m_ships.empty())
-		return;
-	Flag & base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
-	for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
-		// Note: economy of base flag may of course be changed by the merge!
-		base.get_economy()->check_merge(base, m_ports[i]->base_flag());
-	}
-void Fleet::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	while (!m_ports.empty()) {
-		PortDock * pd = m_ports.back();
-		m_ports.pop_back();
-		pd->set_fleet(0);
-		if (!m_ports.empty() && !m_ships.empty()) {
-			// This is required when, during end-of-game cleanup,
-			// the fleet gets removed before the ports
-			Flag & base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
-			Economy::check_split(base, pd->base_flag());
-		}
-	}
-	m_portpaths.clear();
-	while (!m_ships.empty()) {
-		m_ships.back()->set_fleet(0);
-		m_ships.pop_back();
-	}
-	Map_Object::cleanup(egbase);
-Fleet::PortPath & Fleet::portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j)
-	assert(i < j);
-	return m_portpaths[((j - 1) * j) / 2 + i];
-const Fleet::PortPath & Fleet::portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) const
-	assert(i < j);
-	return m_portpaths[((j - 1) * j) / 2 + i];
-Fleet::PortPath & Fleet::portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool & reverse)
-	reverse = false;
-	if (i > j) {
-		reverse = true;
-		std::swap(i, j);
-	}
-	return portpath(i, j);
-const Fleet::PortPath & Fleet::portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool & reverse) const
-	reverse = false;
-	if (i > j) {
-		reverse = true;
-		std::swap(i, j);
-	}
-	return portpath(i, j);
+void Fleet::check_merge_economy() {
+   if (m_ports.empty() || m_ships.empty())
+      return;
+   Flag& base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
+   for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
+      // Note: economy of base flag may of course be changed by the merge!
+      base.get_economy()->check_merge(base, m_ports[i]->base_flag());
+   }
+void Fleet::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   while (!m_ports.empty()) {
+      PortDock* pd = m_ports.back();
+      m_ports.pop_back();
+      pd->set_fleet(0);
+      if (!m_ports.empty() && !m_ships.empty()) {
+         // This is required when, during end-of-game cleanup,
+         // the fleet gets removed before the ports
+         Flag& base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
+         Economy::check_split(base, pd->base_flag());
+      }
+   }
+   m_portpaths.clear();
+   while (!m_ships.empty()) {
+      m_ships.back()->set_fleet(0);
+      m_ships.pop_back();
+   }
+   Map_Object::cleanup(egbase);
+Fleet::PortPath& Fleet::portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) {
+   assert(i < j);
+   return m_portpaths[((j - 1) * j) / 2 + i];
+const Fleet::PortPath& Fleet::portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) const {
+   assert(i < j);
+   return m_portpaths[((j - 1) * j) / 2 + i];
+Fleet::PortPath& Fleet::portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool& reverse) {
+   reverse = false;
+   if (i > j) {
+      reverse = true;
+      std::swap(i, j);
+   }
+   return portpath(i, j);
+const Fleet::PortPath& Fleet::portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool& reverse) const {
+   reverse = false;
+   if (i > j) {
+      reverse = true;
+      std::swap(i, j);
+   }
+   return portpath(i, j);
@@ -301,122 +281,117 @@
  * @return true if successful, or false if the docks are not actually part of the fleet.
-bool Fleet::get_path(PortDock & start, PortDock & end, Path & path)
-	uint32_t startidx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &start) - m_ports.begin();
-	uint32_t endidx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &end) - m_ports.begin();
-	if (startidx >= m_ports.size() || endidx >= m_ports.size())
-		return false;
-	bool reverse;
-	const PortPath & pp(portpath_bidir(startidx, endidx, reverse));
-	if (pp.cost < 0)
-		connect_port(owner().egbase(), startidx);
-	if (pp.cost < 0)
-		return false;
-	path = *pp.path;
-	if (reverse)
-		path.reverse();
-	return true;
-void Fleet::add_neighbours(PortDock & pd, std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour> & neighbours)
-	uint32_t idx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &pd) - m_ports.begin();
-	for (uint32_t otheridx = 0; otheridx < m_ports.size(); ++otheridx) {
-		if (idx == otheridx)
-			continue;
-		bool reverse;
-		PortPath & pp(portpath_bidir(idx, otheridx, reverse));
-		if (pp.cost < 0) {
-			// Lazily discover routes between ports
-			connect_port(owner().egbase(), idx);
-		}
-		if (pp.cost >= 0) {
-			// TODO: keep statistics on average transport time instead of using the arbitrary 2x factor
-			RoutingNodeNeighbour neighb(&m_ports[otheridx]->base_flag(), 2 * pp.cost);
-			neighbours.push_back(neighb);
-		}
-	}
-void Fleet::add_ship(Ship * ship)
-	m_ships.push_back(ship);
-	ship->set_fleet(this);
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
-		if (m_ports.empty())
-			ship->set_economy(*game, 0);
-		else
-			ship->set_economy(*game, m_ports[0]->get_economy());
-	}
-	if (m_ships.size() == 1) {
-		check_merge_economy();
-	}
-void Fleet::remove_ship(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Ship * ship)
-	std::vector<Ship *>::iterator it = std::find(m_ships.begin(), m_ships.end(), ship);
-	if (it != m_ships.end()) {
-		*it = m_ships.back();
-		m_ships.pop_back();
-	}
-	ship->set_fleet(0);
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
-		ship->set_economy(*game, 0);
-	if (ship->get_destination(egbase))
-		update(egbase);
-	if (m_ships.empty()) {
-		if (m_ports.empty()) {
-			remove(egbase);
-		} else {
-			Flag & base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
-			for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
-				// since two ports can be connected by land, it is possible that
-				// disconnecting a previous port also disconnects later ports
-				if (base.get_economy() == m_ports[i]->base_flag().get_economy())
-					Economy::check_split(base, m_ports[i]->base_flag());
-			}
-		}
-	}
+bool Fleet::get_path(PortDock& start, PortDock& end, Path& path) {
+   uint32_t startidx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &start) - m_ports.begin();
+   uint32_t endidx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &end) - m_ports.begin();
+   if (startidx >= m_ports.size() || endidx >= m_ports.size())
+      return false;
+   bool reverse;
+   const PortPath& pp(portpath_bidir(startidx, endidx, reverse));
+   if (pp.cost < 0)
+      connect_port(owner().egbase(), startidx);
+   if (pp.cost < 0)
+      return false;
+   path = *pp.path;
+   if (reverse)
+      path.reverse();
+   return true;
+void Fleet::add_neighbours(PortDock& pd, std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour>& neighbours) {
+   uint32_t idx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), &pd) - m_ports.begin();
+   for (uint32_t otheridx = 0; otheridx < m_ports.size(); ++otheridx) {
+      if (idx == otheridx)
+         continue;
+      bool reverse;
+      PortPath& pp(portpath_bidir(idx, otheridx, reverse));
+      if (pp.cost < 0) {
+         // Lazily discover routes between ports
+         connect_port(owner().egbase(), idx);
+      }
+      if (pp.cost >= 0) {
+         // TODO: keep statistics on average transport time instead of using the arbitrary 2x factor
+         RoutingNodeNeighbour neighb(&m_ports[otheridx]->base_flag(), 2 * pp.cost);
+         neighbours.push_back(neighb);
+      }
+   }
+void Fleet::add_ship(Ship* ship) {
+   m_ships.push_back(ship);
+   ship->set_fleet(this);
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
+      if (m_ports.empty())
+         ship->set_economy(*game, 0);
+      else
+         ship->set_economy(*game, m_ports[0]->get_economy());
+   }
+   if (m_ships.size() == 1) {
+      check_merge_economy();
+   }
+void Fleet::remove_ship(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Ship* ship) {
+   std::vector<Ship*>::iterator it = std::find(m_ships.begin(), m_ships.end(), ship);
+   if (it != m_ships.end()) {
+      *it = m_ships.back();
+      m_ships.pop_back();
+   }
+   ship->set_fleet(0);
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
+      ship->set_economy(*game, 0);
+   if (ship->get_destination(egbase))
+      update(egbase);
+   if (m_ships.empty()) {
+      if (m_ports.empty()) {
+         remove(egbase);
+      } else {
+         Flag& base = m_ports[0]->base_flag();
+         for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
+            // since two ports can be connected by land, it is possible that
+            // disconnecting a previous port also disconnects later ports
+            if (base.get_economy() == m_ports[i]->base_flag().get_economy())
+               Economy::check_split(base, m_ports[i]->base_flag());
+         }
+      }
+   }
 struct StepEvalFindPorts {
-	struct Target {
-		uint32_t idx;
-		Coords pos;
-	};
-	std::vector<Target> targets;
-	int32_t estimate(Map & map, FCoords pos) const
-	{
-		int32_t est = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
-		container_iterate_const(std::vector<Target>, targets, it) {
-			est = std::min(est, map.calc_cost_estimate(pos, it.current->pos));
-		}
-		return std::max(0, est - 5 * map.calc_cost(0));
-	}
-	int32_t stepcost(Map & map, FCoords from, int32_t /* fromcost */, WalkingDir dir, FCoords to) const
-	{
-		if (!(to.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_SWIM))
-			return -1;
-		return map.calc_bidi_cost(from, dir);
-	}
+   struct Target {
+      uint32_t idx;
+      Coords pos;
+   };
+   std::vector<Target> targets;
+   int32_t estimate(Map& map, FCoords pos) const {
+      int32_t est = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
+      container_iterate_const(std::vector<Target>, targets, it) {
+         est = std::min(est, map.calc_cost_estimate(pos, it.current->pos));
+      }
+      return std::max(0, est - 5 * map.calc_cost(0));
+   }
+   int32_t
+   stepcost(Map& map, FCoords from, int32_t /* fromcost */, WalkingDir dir, FCoords to) const {
+      if (!(to.field->nodecaps() & MOVECAPS_SWIM))
+         return -1;
+      return map.calc_bidi_cost(from, dir);
+   }
@@ -425,126 +400,121 @@
  * Note that this is done lazily, i.e. the first time a path is actually requested,
  * because path finding is flaky during map loading.
-void Fleet::connect_port(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, uint32_t idx)
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	StepEvalFindPorts se;
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
-		if (i == idx)
-			continue;
-		bool reverse;
-		if (portpath_bidir(i, idx, reverse).cost >= 0)
-			continue;
-		StepEvalFindPorts::Target tgt;
-		tgt.idx = i;
-		tgt.pos = m_ports[i]->get_warehouse()->get_position();
-		se.targets.push_back(tgt);
-	}
-	if (se.targets.empty())
-		return;
-	MapAStar<StepEvalFindPorts> astar(map, se);
-	BaseImmovable::PositionList src(m_ports[idx]->get_positions(egbase));
-	container_iterate_const(BaseImmovable::PositionList, src, it) {
-		astar.push(*it.current);
-	}
-	int32_t cost;
-	FCoords cur;
-	while (!se.targets.empty() && astar.step(cur, cost)) {
-		BaseImmovable * imm = cur.field->get_immovable();
-		if (!imm || imm->get_type() != PORTDOCK)
-			continue;
-		if (upcast(PortDock, pd, imm)) {
-			if (pd->get_owner() != get_owner())
-				continue;
-			if (pd->get_fleet() && pd->get_fleet() != this) {
-				log("Fleet::connect_port: different fleets despite reachability\n");
-				continue;
-			}
-			uint32_t otheridx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), pd) - m_ports.begin();
-			if (idx == otheridx)
-				continue;
-			bool reverse;
-			PortPath & ppath(portpath_bidir(idx, otheridx, reverse));
-			if (ppath.cost >= 0)
-				continue;
-			ppath.cost = cost;
-			ppath.path.reset(new Path);
-			astar.pathto(cur, *ppath.path);
-			if (reverse)
-				ppath.path->reverse();
-			container_iterate(std::vector<StepEvalFindPorts::Target>, se.targets, it) {
-				if (it.current->idx == otheridx) {
-					*it.current = se.targets.back();
-					se.targets.pop_back();
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (!se.targets.empty()) {
-		log("Fleet::connect_port: Could not reach all ports!\n");
-	}
-void Fleet::add_port(Editor_Game_Base & /* egbase */, PortDock * port)
-	m_ports.push_back(port);
-	port->set_fleet(this);
-	if (m_ports.size() == 1) {
-		set_economy(m_ports[0]->get_economy());
-	} else {
-		if (!m_ships.empty())
-			m_ports[0]->get_economy()->check_merge(m_ports[0]->base_flag(), port->base_flag());
-	}
-	m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
-void Fleet::remove_port(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, PortDock * port)
-	std::vector<PortDock *>::iterator it = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), port);
-	if (it != m_ports.end()) {
-		uint32_t gap = it - m_ports.begin();
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gap; ++i) {
-			portpath(i, gap) = portpath(i, m_ports.size() - 1);
-		}
-		for (uint32_t i = gap + 1; i < m_ports.size() - 1; ++i) {
-			portpath(gap, i) = portpath(i, m_ports.size() - 1);
-			if (portpath(gap, i).path)
-				portpath(gap, i).path->reverse();
-		}
-		m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
-		*it = m_ports.back();
-		m_ports.pop_back();
-	}
-	port->set_fleet(0);
-	if (m_ports.empty()) {
-		set_economy(0);
-	} else {
-		set_economy(m_ports[0]->get_economy());
-		if (!m_ships.empty())
-			Economy::check_split(m_ports[0]->base_flag(), port->base_flag());
-	}
-	if (m_ships.empty() && m_ports.empty())
-		remove(egbase);
+void Fleet::connect_port(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, uint32_t idx) {
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   StepEvalFindPorts se;
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_ports.size(); ++i) {
+      if (i == idx)
+         continue;
+      bool reverse;
+      if (portpath_bidir(i, idx, reverse).cost >= 0)
+         continue;
+      StepEvalFindPorts::Target tgt;
+      tgt.idx = i;
+      tgt.pos = m_ports[i]->get_warehouse()->get_position();
+      se.targets.push_back(tgt);
+   }
+   if (se.targets.empty())
+      return;
+   MapAStar<StepEvalFindPorts> astar(map, se);
+   BaseImmovable::PositionList src(m_ports[idx]->get_positions(egbase));
+   container_iterate_const(BaseImmovable::PositionList, src, it) { astar.push(*it.current); }
+   int32_t cost;
+   FCoords cur;
+   while (!se.targets.empty() && astar.step(cur, cost)) {
+      BaseImmovable* imm = cur.field->get_immovable();
+      if (!imm || imm->get_type() != PORTDOCK)
+         continue;
+      if (upcast(PortDock, pd, imm)) {
+         if (pd->get_owner() != get_owner())
+            continue;
+         if (pd->get_fleet() && pd->get_fleet() != this) {
+            log("Fleet::connect_port: different fleets despite reachability\n");
+            continue;
+         }
+         uint32_t otheridx = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), pd) - m_ports.begin();
+         if (idx == otheridx)
+            continue;
+         bool reverse;
+         PortPath& ppath(portpath_bidir(idx, otheridx, reverse));
+         if (ppath.cost >= 0)
+            continue;
+         ppath.cost = cost;
+         ppath.path.reset(new Path);
+         astar.pathto(cur, *ppath.path);
+         if (reverse)
+            ppath.path->reverse();
+         container_iterate(std::vector<StepEvalFindPorts::Target>, se.targets, it) {
+            if (it.current->idx == otheridx) {
+               *it.current = se.targets.back();
+               se.targets.pop_back();
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if (!se.targets.empty()) {
+      log("Fleet::connect_port: Could not reach all ports!\n");
+   }
+void Fleet::add_port(Editor_Game_Base& /* egbase */, PortDock* port) {
+   m_ports.push_back(port);
+   port->set_fleet(this);
+   if (m_ports.size() == 1) {
+      set_economy(m_ports[0]->get_economy());
+   } else {
+      if (!m_ships.empty())
+         m_ports[0]->get_economy()->check_merge(m_ports[0]->base_flag(), port->base_flag());
+   }
+   m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
+void Fleet::remove_port(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, PortDock* port) {
+   std::vector<PortDock*>::iterator it = std::find(m_ports.begin(), m_ports.end(), port);
+   if (it != m_ports.end()) {
+      uint32_t gap = it - m_ports.begin();
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < gap; ++i) {
+         portpath(i, gap) = portpath(i, m_ports.size() - 1);
+      }
+      for (uint32_t i = gap + 1; i < m_ports.size() - 1; ++i) {
+         portpath(gap, i) = portpath(i, m_ports.size() - 1);
+         if (portpath(gap, i).path)
+            portpath(gap, i).path->reverse();
+      }
+      m_portpaths.resize((m_ports.size() * (m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
+      *it = m_ports.back();
+      m_ports.pop_back();
+   }
+   port->set_fleet(0);
+   if (m_ports.empty()) {
+      set_economy(0);
+   } else {
+      set_economy(m_ports[0]->get_economy());
+      if (!m_ships.empty())
+         Economy::check_split(m_ports[0]->base_flag(), port->base_flag());
+   }
+   if (m_ships.empty() && m_ports.empty())
+      remove(egbase);
@@ -552,38 +522,35 @@
  * @return the dock, or 0 if not found.
-PortDock * Fleet::get_dock(Flag & flag) const
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock *>, m_ports, portit) {
-		if (&(*portit.current)->base_flag() == &flag)
-			return *portit.current;
-	}
+PortDock* Fleet::get_dock(Flag& flag) const {
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock*>, m_ports, portit) {
+      if (&(*portit.current)->base_flag() == &flag)
+         return *portit.current;
+   }
-	return 0;
+   return 0;
  * @return an arbitrary dock of the fleet, or 0 if the fleet has no docks
-PortDock * Fleet::get_arbitrary_dock() const
-	if (m_ports.empty())
-		return 0;
-	return m_ports[0];
+PortDock* Fleet::get_arbitrary_dock() const {
+   if (m_ports.empty())
+      return 0;
+   return m_ports[0];
  * Trigger an update of ship scheduling
-void Fleet::update(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	if (m_act_pending)
-		return;
+void Fleet::update(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   if (m_act_pending)
+      return;
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
-		schedule_act(*game, 100);
-		m_act_pending = true;
-	}
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
+      schedule_act(*game, 100);
+      m_act_pending = true;
+   }
@@ -592,194 +559,186 @@
  * @note Do not call this directly; instead, trigger it via @ref update
-void Fleet::act(Game & game, uint32_t /* data */)
-	m_act_pending = false;
-	if (!active())
-		return;
-	molog("Fleet::act\n");
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship *>, m_ships, shipit) {
-		Ship & ship = **shipit.current;
-		if (ship.get_nritems() > 0 && !ship.get_destination(game)) {
-			molog("Ship %u has items\n", ship.serial());
-			container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, ship.m_items, it) {
-				PortDock * dst = it->get_destination(game);
-				if (dst) {
-					molog("... sending to portdock %u\n", dst->serial());
-					ship.set_destination(game, *dst);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (m_port_roundrobin >= m_ports.size())
-		m_port_roundrobin = 0;
-	uint32_t rr = m_port_roundrobin;
-	do {
-		PortDock & pd = *m_ports[rr];
-		if (pd.get_need_ship()) {
-			molog("Port %u needs ship\n", pd.serial());
-			bool success = false;
-			container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship *>, m_ships, shipit) {
-				Ship & ship = **shipit.current;
-				PortDock * dst = ship.get_destination(game);
-				if (dst && dst != &pd)
-					continue;
-				if (ship.get_nritems() >= ship.get_capacity())
-					continue;
-				molog("... ship %u takes care of it\n", ship.serial());
-				if (!dst)
-					ship.set_destination(game, pd);
-				success = true;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (!success)
-				break;
-		}
-		if (++rr >= m_ports.size())
-			rr = 0;
-	} while (rr != m_port_roundrobin);
+void Fleet::act(Game& game, uint32_t /* data */) {
+   m_act_pending = false;
+   if (!active())
+      return;
+   molog("Fleet::act\n");
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship*>, m_ships, shipit) {
+      Ship& ship = **shipit.current;
+      if (ship.get_nritems() > 0 && !ship.get_destination(game)) {
+         molog("Ship %u has items\n", ship.serial());
+         container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, ship.m_items, it) {
+            PortDock* dst = it->get_destination(game);
+            if (dst) {
+               molog("... sending to portdock %u\n", dst->serial());
+               ship.set_destination(game, *dst);
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if (m_port_roundrobin >= m_ports.size())
+      m_port_roundrobin = 0;
+   uint32_t rr = m_port_roundrobin;
+   do {
+      PortDock& pd = *m_ports[rr];
+      if (pd.get_need_ship()) {
+         molog("Port %u needs ship\n", pd.serial());
+         bool success = false;
+         container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship*>, m_ships, shipit) {
+            Ship& ship = **shipit.current;
+            PortDock* dst = ship.get_destination(game);
+            if (dst && dst != &pd)
+               continue;
+            if (ship.get_nritems() >= ship.get_capacity())
+               continue;
+            molog("... ship %u takes care of it\n", ship.serial());
+            if (!dst)
+               ship.set_destination(game, pd);
+            success = true;
+            break;
+         }
+         if (!success)
+            break;
+      }
+      if (++rr >= m_ports.size())
+         rr = 0;
+   } while (rr != m_port_roundrobin);
-void Fleet::log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	Map_Object::log_general_info(egbase);
+void Fleet::log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Map_Object::log_general_info(egbase);
-	molog
-		("%"PRIuS" ships and %"PRIuS" ports\n",  m_ships.size(), m_ports.size());
+   molog("%" PRIuS " ships and %" PRIuS " ports\n", m_ships.size(), m_ports.size());
-void Fleet::Loader::load(FileRead & fr, uint8_t version)
-	Map_Object::Loader::load(fr);
-	Fleet & fleet = get<Fleet>();
-	uint32_t nrships = fr.Unsigned32();
-	m_ships.resize(nrships);
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nrships; ++i)
-		m_ships[i] = fr.Unsigned32();
-	uint32_t nrports = fr.Unsigned32();
-	m_ports.resize(nrports);
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nrports; ++i)
-		m_ports[i] = fr.Unsigned32();
-	if (version >= 2) {
-		fleet.m_act_pending = fr.Unsigned8();
-		if (version < 3)
-			fleet.m_act_pending = false;
-		fleet.m_port_roundrobin = fr.Unsigned32();
-	}
-void Fleet::Loader::load_pointers()
-	Map_Object::Loader::load_pointers();
-	Fleet & fleet = get<Fleet>();
-	// Act commands created during loading are not persistent, so we need to undo any
-	// changes to the pending state.
-	bool save_act_pending = fleet.m_act_pending;
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<uint32_t>, m_ships, it) {
-		fleet.m_ships.push_back(&mol().get<Ship>(*it));
-		fleet.m_ships.back()->set_fleet(&fleet);
-	}
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<uint32_t>, m_ports, it) {
-		fleet.m_ports.push_back(&mol().get<PortDock>(*it));
-		fleet.m_ports.back()->set_fleet(&fleet);
-	}
-	fleet.m_portpaths.resize((fleet.m_ports.size() * (fleet.m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
-	fleet.m_act_pending = save_act_pending;
-void Fleet::Loader::load_finish()
-	Map_Object::Loader::load_finish();
-	Fleet & fleet = get<Fleet>();
-	if (!fleet.m_ports.empty()) {
-		if (!fleet.m_ships.empty())
-			fleet.check_merge_economy();
-		fleet.set_economy(fleet.m_ports[0]->get_economy());
-	}
-Map_Object::Loader * Fleet::load
-		(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Loader & mol, FileRead & fr)
-	std::auto_ptr<Loader> loader(new Loader);
-	try {
-		// The header has been peeled away by the caller
-		uint8_t const version = fr.Unsigned8();
-		if (1 <= version && version <= FLEET_SAVEGAME_VERSION) {
-			Player_Number owner_number = fr.Unsigned8();
-			if (!owner_number || owner_number > egbase.map().get_nrplayers())
-				throw game_data_error
-					("owner number is %u but there are only %u players",
-					 owner_number, egbase.map().get_nrplayers());
-			Player * owner = egbase.get_player(owner_number);
-			if (!owner)
-				throw game_data_error("owning player %u does not exist", owner_number);
-			loader->init(egbase, mol, *(new Fleet(*owner)));
-			loader->load(fr, version);
-		} else
-			throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
-	} catch (const std::exception & e) {
-		throw wexception(_("loading portdock: %s"), e.what());
-	}
-	return loader.release();
-void Fleet::save(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Saver & mos, FileWrite & fw)
-	fw.Unsigned8(header_Fleet);
-	fw.Unsigned8(m_owner.player_number());
-	Map_Object::save(egbase, mos, fw);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_ships.size());
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship *>, m_ships, it) {
-		fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(**it));
-	}
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_ports.size());
-	container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock *>, m_ports, it) {
-		fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(**it));
-	}
-	fw.Unsigned8(m_act_pending);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_port_roundrobin);
-} // namespace Widelands
+Fleet::Loader::Loader() {}
+void Fleet::Loader::load(FileRead& fr, uint8_t version) {
+   Map_Object::Loader::load(fr);
+   Fleet& fleet = get<Fleet>();
+   uint32_t nrships = fr.Unsigned32();
+   m_ships.resize(nrships);
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nrships; ++i)
+      m_ships[i] = fr.Unsigned32();
+   uint32_t nrports = fr.Unsigned32();
+   m_ports.resize(nrports);
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nrports; ++i)
+      m_ports[i] = fr.Unsigned32();
+   if (version >= 2) {
+      fleet.m_act_pending = fr.Unsigned8();
+      if (version < 3)
+         fleet.m_act_pending = false;
+      fleet.m_port_roundrobin = fr.Unsigned32();
+   }
+void Fleet::Loader::load_pointers() {
+   Map_Object::Loader::load_pointers();
+   Fleet& fleet = get<Fleet>();
+   // Act commands created during loading are not persistent, so we need to undo any
+   // changes to the pending state.
+   bool save_act_pending = fleet.m_act_pending;
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<uint32_t>, m_ships, it) {
+      fleet.m_ships.push_back(&mol().get<Ship>(*it));
+      fleet.m_ships.back()->set_fleet(&fleet);
+   }
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<uint32_t>, m_ports, it) {
+      fleet.m_ports.push_back(&mol().get<PortDock>(*it));
+      fleet.m_ports.back()->set_fleet(&fleet);
+   }
+   fleet.m_portpaths.resize((fleet.m_ports.size() * (fleet.m_ports.size() - 1)) / 2);
+   fleet.m_act_pending = save_act_pending;
+void Fleet::Loader::load_finish() {
+   Map_Object::Loader::load_finish();
+   Fleet& fleet = get<Fleet>();
+   if (!fleet.m_ports.empty()) {
+      if (!fleet.m_ships.empty())
+         fleet.check_merge_economy();
+      fleet.set_economy(fleet.m_ports[0]->get_economy());
+   }
+Map_Object::Loader* Fleet::load(Editor_Game_Base& egbase,
+                                Map_Map_Object_Loader& mol,
+                                FileRead& fr) {
+   std::auto_ptr<Loader> loader(new Loader);
+   try {
+      // The header has been peeled away by the caller
+      uint8_t const version = fr.Unsigned8();
+      if (1 <= version && version <= FLEET_SAVEGAME_VERSION) {
+         Player_Number owner_number = fr.Unsigned8();
+         if (!owner_number || owner_number > egbase.map().get_nrplayers())
+            throw game_data_error("owner number is %u but there are only %u players",
+                                  owner_number,
+                                  egbase.map().get_nrplayers());
+         Player* owner = egbase.get_player(owner_number);
+         if (!owner)
+            throw game_data_error("owning player %u does not exist", owner_number);
+         loader->init(egbase, mol, *(new Fleet(*owner)));
+         loader->load(fr, version);
+      } else
+         throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
+   }
+   catch (const std::exception & e) {
+      throw wexception(_("loading portdock: %s"), e.what());
+   }
+   return loader.release();
+void Fleet::save(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Map_Map_Object_Saver& mos, FileWrite& fw) {
+   fw.Unsigned8(header_Fleet);
+   fw.Unsigned8(m_owner.player_number());
+   Map_Object::save(egbase, mos, fw);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_ships.size());
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<Ship*>, m_ships, it) {
+      fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(**it));
+   }
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_ports.size());
+   container_iterate_const(std::vector<PortDock*>, m_ports, it) {
+      fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(**it));
+   }
+   fw.Unsigned8(m_act_pending);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_port_roundrobin);
+}  // namespace Widelands

=== modified file 'src/economy/fleet.h'
--- src/economy/fleet.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/fleet.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -51,92 +51,91 @@
  * properly at the moment.
 struct Fleet : Map_Object {
-	struct PortPath {
-		int32_t cost;
-		boost::shared_ptr<Path> path;
-		PortPath() : cost(-1) {}
-	};
-	Fleet(Player & player);
-	Player * get_owner() const {return &m_owner;}
-	Player & owner() const {return m_owner;}
-	PortDock * get_dock(Flag & flag) const;
-	PortDock * get_arbitrary_dock() const;
-	void set_economy(Economy * e);
-	bool active() const;
-	virtual int32_t get_type() const throw ();
-	virtual char const * type_name() const throw ();
-	virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	void update(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	void add_ship(Ship * ship);
-	void remove_ship(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Ship * ship);
-	void add_port(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, PortDock * port);
-	void remove_port(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, PortDock * port);
-	virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base &);
-	bool get_path(PortDock & start, PortDock & end, Path & path);
-	void add_neighbours(PortDock & pd, std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour> & neighbours);
-	virtual void act(Game &, uint32_t data);
-	void find_other_fleet(Editor_Game_Base & egbase);
-	void merge(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Fleet * other);
-	void check_merge_economy();
-	void connect_port(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, uint32_t idx);
-	PortPath & portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j);
-	const PortPath & portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) const;
-	PortPath & portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool & reverse);
-	const PortPath & portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool & reverse) const;
-	Player & m_owner;
-	std::vector<Ship *> m_ships;
-	std::vector<PortDock *> m_ports;
-	bool m_act_pending;
-	uint32_t m_port_roundrobin;
-	/**
-	 * Store all pairs shortest paths between port docks
-	 *
-	 * Let i < j, then the path from m_ports[i] to m_ports[j] is stored in
-	 * m_portpaths[binom(j,2) + i]
-	 */
-	std::vector<PortPath> m_portpaths;
-	// saving and loading
-	struct Loader : Map_Object::Loader {
-		Loader();
-		void load(FileRead &, uint8_t version);
-		virtual void load_pointers();
-		virtual void load_finish();
-	private:
-		std::vector<uint32_t> m_ships;
-		std::vector<uint32_t> m_ports;
-	};
-	virtual bool has_new_save_support() {return true;}
-	virtual void save(Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Saver &, FileWrite &);
-	static Map_Object::Loader * load
-		(Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Loader &, FileRead &);
+   struct PortPath {
+      int32_t cost;
+      boost::shared_ptr<Path> path;
+      PortPath() : cost(-1) {}
+   };
+   Fleet(Player& player);
+   Player* get_owner() const { return &m_owner; }
+   Player& owner() const { return m_owner; }
+   PortDock* get_dock(Flag& flag) const;
+   PortDock* get_arbitrary_dock() const;
+   void set_economy(Economy* e);
+   bool active() const;
+   virtual int32_t get_type() const throw();
+   virtual char const* type_name() const throw();
+   virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   void update(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   void add_ship(Ship* ship);
+   void remove_ship(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Ship* ship);
+   void add_port(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, PortDock* port);
+   void remove_port(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, PortDock* port);
+   virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base&);
+   bool get_path(PortDock& start, PortDock& end, Path& path);
+   void add_neighbours(PortDock& pd, std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour>& neighbours);
+ protected:
+   virtual void act(Game&, uint32_t data);
+ private:
+   void find_other_fleet(Editor_Game_Base& egbase);
+   void merge(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Fleet* other);
+   void check_merge_economy();
+   void connect_port(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, uint32_t idx);
+   PortPath& portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j);
+   const PortPath& portpath(uint32_t i, uint32_t j) const;
+   PortPath& portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool& reverse);
+   const PortPath& portpath_bidir(uint32_t i, uint32_t j, bool& reverse) const;
+   Player& m_owner;
+   std::vector<Ship*> m_ships;
+   std::vector<PortDock*> m_ports;
+   bool m_act_pending;
+   uint32_t m_port_roundrobin;
+   /**
+    * Store all pairs shortest paths between port docks
+    *
+    * Let i < j, then the path from m_ports[i] to m_ports[j] is stored in
+    * m_portpaths[binom(j,2) + i]
+    */
+   std::vector<PortPath> m_portpaths;
+   // saving and loading
+ protected:
+   struct Loader : Map_Object::Loader {
+      Loader();
+      void load(FileRead&, uint8_t version);
+      virtual void load_pointers();
+      virtual void load_finish();
+    private:
+      std::vector<uint32_t> m_ships;
+      std::vector<uint32_t> m_ports;
+   };
+ public:
+   virtual bool has_new_save_support() { return true; }
+   virtual void save(Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Saver&, FileWrite&);
+   static Map_Object::Loader* load(Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Loader&, FileRead&);
-} // namespace Widelands
+}  // namespace Widelands
-#endif // ECONOMY_FLEET_H
+#endif  // ECONOMY_FLEET_H

=== modified file 'src/economy/idleworkersupply.cc'
--- src/economy/idleworkersupply.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/idleworkersupply.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -36,104 +36,75 @@
  * Automatically register with the worker's economy.
-IdleWorkerSupply::IdleWorkerSupply(Worker & w) : m_worker (w), m_economy(0)
-	set_economy(w.get_economy());
+IdleWorkerSupply::IdleWorkerSupply(Worker& w) : m_worker(w), m_economy(0) {
+   set_economy(w.get_economy());
  * Automatically unregister from economy.
-	set_economy(0);
+IdleWorkerSupply::~IdleWorkerSupply() { set_economy(0); }
  * Add/remove this supply from the Economy as appropriate.
-void IdleWorkerSupply::set_economy(Economy * const e)
-	if (m_economy != e) {
-		if (m_economy)
-			m_economy->remove_supply(*this);
-		if ((m_economy = e))
-			m_economy->   add_supply(*this);
-	}
+void IdleWorkerSupply::set_economy(Economy* const e) {
+   if (m_economy != e) {
+      if (m_economy)
+         m_economy->remove_supply(*this);
+      if ((m_economy = e))
+         m_economy->add_supply(*this);
+   }
  * Worker is walking around the road network, so active by definition.
-bool IdleWorkerSupply::is_active() const throw ()
-	return true;
-bool IdleWorkerSupply::has_storage() const throw ()
-	return m_worker.get_transfer();
-void IdleWorkerSupply::get_ware_type(WareWorker & type, Ware_Index & ware) const
-	type = wwWORKER;
-	ware = m_worker.worker_index();
+bool IdleWorkerSupply::is_active() const throw() { return true; }
+bool IdleWorkerSupply::has_storage() const throw() { return m_worker.get_transfer(); }
+void IdleWorkerSupply::get_ware_type(WareWorker& type, Ware_Index& ware) const {
+   type = wwWORKER;
+   ware = m_worker.worker_index();
  * Return the worker's position.
-PlayerImmovable * IdleWorkerSupply::get_position(Game & game)
-	return m_worker.get_location(game);
-uint32_t IdleWorkerSupply::nr_supplies(const Game &, const Request & req) const
-	assert
-		(req.get_type() != wwWORKER or
-		 req.get_index() < m_worker.descr().tribe().get_nrworkers());
-	if
-		(req.get_type() == wwWORKER &&
-		 m_worker.descr().can_act_as(req.get_index()) &&
-		 req.get_requirements().check(m_worker))
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
-WareInstance & IdleWorkerSupply::launch_item(Game &, const Request &)
-	throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply::launch_item() makes no sense.");
+PlayerImmovable* IdleWorkerSupply::get_position(Game& game) { return m_worker.get_location(game); }
+uint32_t IdleWorkerSupply::nr_supplies(const Game&, const Request& req) const {
+   assert(req.get_type() != wwWORKER or req.get_index() < m_worker.descr().tribe().get_nrworkers());
+   if (req.get_type() == wwWORKER && m_worker.descr().can_act_as(req.get_index()) &&
+       req.get_requirements().check(m_worker))
+      return 1;
+   return 0;
+WareInstance& IdleWorkerSupply::launch_item(Game&, const Request&) {
+   throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply::launch_item() makes no sense.");
  * No need to explicitly launch the worker.
-Worker & IdleWorkerSupply::launch_worker(Game &, const Request & req)
-	if (req.get_type() != wwWORKER)
-		throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply: not a worker request");
-	if
-		(!m_worker.descr().can_act_as(req.get_index()) ||
-		 !req.get_requirements().check(m_worker))
-		throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply: worker type mismatch");
+Worker& IdleWorkerSupply::launch_worker(Game&, const Request& req) {
+   if (req.get_type() != wwWORKER)
+      throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply: not a worker request");
+   if (!m_worker.descr().can_act_as(req.get_index()) || !req.get_requirements().check(m_worker))
+      throw wexception("IdleWorkerSupply: worker type mismatch");
-	return m_worker;
+   return m_worker;
-void IdleWorkerSupply::send_to_storage(Game & game, Warehouse * wh)
-	assert(!has_storage());
+void IdleWorkerSupply::send_to_storage(Game& game, Warehouse* wh) {
+   assert(!has_storage());
-	Transfer * t = new Transfer(game, m_worker);
-	t->set_destination(*wh);
-	m_worker.start_task_transfer(game, t);
+   Transfer* t = new Transfer(game, m_worker);
+   t->set_destination(*wh);
+   m_worker.start_task_transfer(game, t);

=== modified file 'src/economy/idleworkersupply.h'
--- src/economy/idleworkersupply.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/idleworkersupply.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -31,24 +31,24 @@
 class Economy;
 struct IdleWorkerSupply : public Supply {
-	IdleWorkerSupply(Worker &);
-	~IdleWorkerSupply();
-	void set_economy(Economy *);
-	virtual PlayerImmovable * get_position(Game &);
-	virtual bool is_active() const throw ();
-	virtual bool has_storage() const throw ();
-	virtual void get_ware_type(WareWorker & type, Ware_Index & ware) const;
-	virtual void send_to_storage(Game &, Warehouse * wh);
-	virtual uint32_t nr_supplies(const Game &, const Request &) const;
-	virtual WareInstance & launch_item(Game &, const Request &);
-	virtual Worker & launch_worker(Game &, const Request &);
-	Worker  & m_worker;
-	Economy * m_economy;
+   IdleWorkerSupply(Worker&);
+   ~IdleWorkerSupply();
+   void set_economy(Economy*);
+   virtual PlayerImmovable* get_position(Game&);
+   virtual bool is_active() const throw();
+   virtual bool has_storage() const throw();
+   virtual void get_ware_type(WareWorker& type, Ware_Index& ware) const;
+   virtual void send_to_storage(Game&, Warehouse* wh);
+   virtual uint32_t nr_supplies(const Game&, const Request&) const;
+   virtual WareInstance& launch_item(Game&, const Request&);
+   virtual Worker& launch_worker(Game&, const Request&);
+ private:
+   Worker& m_worker;
+   Economy* m_economy;

=== modified file 'src/economy/iroute.h'
--- src/economy/iroute.h	2012-03-03 19:23:20 +0000
+++ src/economy/iroute.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
  * interface
 struct IRoute {
-	virtual ~IRoute() {};
+   virtual ~IRoute() {}
-	virtual void init(int32_t) = 0;
-	virtual void insert_as_first(RoutingNode * node) = 0;
+   virtual void init(int32_t) = 0;
+   virtual void insert_as_first(RoutingNode* node) = 0;

=== modified file 'src/economy/itransport_cost_calculator.h'
--- src/economy/itransport_cost_calculator.h	2012-02-15 21:25:34 +0000
+++ src/economy/itransport_cost_calculator.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
  * but most economy code doesn't need all of maps functionality
 struct ITransportCostCalculator : boost::noncopyable {
-	virtual ~ITransportCostCalculator() {}
+   virtual ~ITransportCostCalculator() {}
-	virtual int32_t calc_cost_estimate(Coords, Coords) const = 0;
+   virtual int32_t calc_cost_estimate(Coords, Coords) const = 0;

=== modified file 'src/economy/portdock.cc'
--- src/economy/portdock.cc	2013-02-11 18:01:26 +0000
+++ src/economy/portdock.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -35,13 +35,8 @@
 Map_Object_Descr portdock_descr("portdock", "Port Dock");
-PortDock::PortDock() :
-	PlayerImmovable(portdock_descr),
-	m_fleet(0),
-	m_warehouse(0),
-	m_need_ship(false)
+    : PlayerImmovable(portdock_descr), m_fleet(0), m_warehouse(0), m_need_ship(false) {}
  * Add a position where ships may dock.
@@ -53,19 +48,15 @@
  * @note This only works properly when called before @ref init
-void PortDock::add_position(Coords where)
-	m_dockpoints.push_back(where);
+void PortDock::add_position(Coords where) { m_dockpoints.push_back(where); }
  * Set the @ref Warehouse buddy of this dock. May only be called once.
-void PortDock::set_warehouse(Warehouse * wh)
-	assert(!m_warehouse);
+void PortDock::set_warehouse(Warehouse* wh) {
+   assert(!m_warehouse);
-	m_warehouse = wh;
+   m_warehouse = wh;
@@ -73,51 +64,30 @@
  * @warning This should only be called via @ref Fleet itself.
-void PortDock::set_fleet(Fleet * fleet)
-	m_fleet = fleet;
-int32_t PortDock::get_size() const throw ()
-	return SMALL;
-bool PortDock::get_passable() const throw ()
-	return true;
-int32_t PortDock::get_type() const throw ()
-	return PORTDOCK;
-char const * PortDock::type_name() const throw ()
-	return "portdock";
-PortDock::PositionList PortDock::get_positions
-	(const Editor_Game_Base &) const throw ()
-	return m_dockpoints;
-Flag & PortDock::base_flag()
-	return m_warehouse->base_flag();
+void PortDock::set_fleet(Fleet* fleet) { m_fleet = fleet; }
+int32_t PortDock::get_size() const throw() { return SMALL; }
+bool PortDock::get_passable() const throw() { return true; }
+int32_t PortDock::get_type() const throw() { return PORTDOCK; }
+char const* PortDock::type_name() const throw() { return "portdock"; }
+PortDock::PositionList PortDock::get_positions(const Editor_Game_Base&) const throw() {
+   return m_dockpoints;
+Flag& PortDock::base_flag() { return m_warehouse->base_flag(); }
  * Return the dock that has the given flag as its base, or 0 if no dock of our fleet
  * has the given flag.
-PortDock * PortDock::get_dock(Flag & flag) const
-	if (m_fleet)
-		return m_fleet->get_dock(flag);
-	return 0;
+PortDock* PortDock::get_dock(Flag& flag) const {
+   if (m_fleet)
+      return m_fleet->get_dock(flag);
+   return 0;
@@ -126,345 +96,309 @@
  * Called by @ref Warehouse::set_economy, and responsible for forwarding the
  * change to @ref Fleet.
-void PortDock::set_economy(Economy * e)
-	if (e == get_economy())
-		return;
-	PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
-	if (m_fleet)
-		m_fleet->set_economy(e);
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
-		container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-			it->set_economy(*game, e);
-		}
-	}
-void PortDock::draw
-		(const Editor_Game_Base &, RenderTarget &, const FCoords, const Point)
-	// do nothing
-const std::string & PortDock::name() const throw ()
-	static const std::string name_("portdock");
-	return name_;
-void PortDock::init(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
-	container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) {
-		set_position(egbase, *it.current);
-	}
-	init_fleet(egbase);
+void PortDock::set_economy(Economy* e) {
+   if (e == get_economy())
+      return;
+   PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
+   if (m_fleet)
+      m_fleet->set_economy(e);
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &owner().egbase())) {
+      container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) { it->set_economy(*game, e); }
+   }
+void PortDock::draw(const Editor_Game_Base&, RenderTarget&, const FCoords&, const Point&) {
+   // do nothing
+const std::string& PortDock::name() const throw() {
+   static const std::string name_("portdock");
+   return name_;
+void PortDock::init(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
+   container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) { set_position(egbase, *it.current); }
+   init_fleet(egbase);
  * Create our initial singleton @ref Fleet. The fleet code ensures
  * that we merge with a larger fleet when possible.
-void PortDock::init_fleet(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	Fleet * fleet = new Fleet(owner());
-	fleet->add_port(egbase, this);
-	fleet->init(egbase);
-	// Note: the Fleet calls our set_fleet automatically
+void PortDock::init_fleet(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Fleet* fleet = new Fleet(owner());
+   fleet->add_port(egbase, this);
+   fleet->init(egbase);
+   // Note: the Fleet calls our set_fleet automatically
-void PortDock::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	if (m_warehouse)
-		m_warehouse->m_portdock = 0;
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
-		container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-			it.current->remove(*game);
-		}
-	}
-	if (m_fleet)
-		m_fleet->remove_port(egbase, this);
-	container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) {
-		unset_position(egbase, *it.current);
-	}
-	PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
+void PortDock::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   if (m_warehouse)
+      m_warehouse->m_portdock = 0;
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
+      container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) { it.current->remove(*game); }
+   }
+   if (m_fleet)
+      m_fleet->remove_port(egbase, this);
+   container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) { unset_position(egbase, *it.current); }
+   PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
  * Add the flags of all ports that can be reached via this dock.
-void PortDock::add_neighbours(std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour> & neighbours)
-	if (m_fleet && m_fleet->active())
-		m_fleet->add_neighbours(*this, neighbours);
+void PortDock::add_neighbours(std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour>& neighbours) {
+   if (m_fleet && m_fleet->active())
+      m_fleet->add_neighbours(*this, neighbours);
  * The given @p ware enters the dock, waiting to be transported away.
-void PortDock::add_shippingitem(Game & game, WareInstance & ware)
-	m_waiting.push_back(ShippingItem(ware));
-	ware.set_location(game, this);
-	ware.update(game);
+void PortDock::add_shippingitem(Game& game, WareInstance& ware) {
+   m_waiting.push_back(ShippingItem(ware));
+   ware.set_location(game, this);
+   ware.update(game);
  * The given @p ware, which is assumed to be inside the dock, has updated
  * its route.
-void PortDock::update_shippingitem(Game & game, WareInstance & ware)
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-		if (it.current->m_object.serial() == ware.serial()) {
-			_update_shippingitem(game, it.current);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
+void PortDock::update_shippingitem(Game& game, WareInstance& ware) {
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
+      if (it.current->m_object.serial() == ware.serial()) {
+         _update_shippingitem(game, it.current);
+         return;
+      }
+   }
  * The given @p worker enters the dock, waiting to be transported away.
-void PortDock::add_shippingitem(Game & game, Worker & worker)
-	m_waiting.push_back(ShippingItem(worker));
-	worker.set_location(this);
-	update_shippingitem(game, worker);
+void PortDock::add_shippingitem(Game& game, Worker& worker) {
+   m_waiting.push_back(ShippingItem(worker));
+   worker.set_location(this);
+   update_shippingitem(game, worker);
  * The given @p worker, which is assumed to be inside the dock, has
  * updated its route.
-void PortDock::update_shippingitem(Game & game, Worker & worker)
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-		if (it.current->m_object.serial() == worker.serial()) {
-			_update_shippingitem(game, it.current);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
+void PortDock::update_shippingitem(Game& game, Worker& worker) {
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
+      if (it.current->m_object.serial() == worker.serial()) {
+         _update_shippingitem(game, it.current);
+         return;
+      }
+   }
-void PortDock::_update_shippingitem(Game & game, std::vector<ShippingItem>::iterator it)
-	it->fetch_destination(game, *this);
-	PortDock * dst = it->get_destination(game);
-	assert(dst != this);
-	if (dst) {
-		set_need_ship(game, true);
-	} else {
-		it->set_location(game, m_warehouse);
-		it->end_shipping(game);
-		*it = m_waiting.back();
-		m_waiting.pop_back();
-		if (m_waiting.empty())
-			set_need_ship(game, false);
-	}
+void PortDock::_update_shippingitem(Game& game, std::vector<ShippingItem>::iterator it) {
+   it->fetch_destination(game, *this);
+   PortDock* dst = it->get_destination(game);
+   assert(dst != this);
+   if (dst) {
+      set_need_ship(game, true);
+   } else {
+      it->set_location(game, m_warehouse);
+      it->end_shipping(game);
+      *it = m_waiting.back();
+      m_waiting.pop_back();
+      if (m_waiting.empty())
+         set_need_ship(game, false);
+   }
  * A ship has arrived at the dock. Clear all items designated for this dock,
  * and load the ship.
-void PortDock::ship_arrived(Game & game, Ship & ship)
-	std::vector<ShippingItem> items;
-	ship.withdraw_items(game, *this, items);
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, items, it) {
-		it->set_location(game, m_warehouse);
-		it->end_shipping(game);
-	}
-	if (ship.get_nritems() < ship.get_capacity() && !m_waiting.empty()) {
-		uint32_t nrload = std::min<uint32_t>(m_waiting.size(), ship.get_capacity() - ship.get_nritems());
-		while (nrload--) {
-			ship.add_item(game, m_waiting.back());
-			m_waiting.pop_back();
-		}
-		if (m_waiting.empty())
-			set_need_ship(game, false);
-	}
-	m_fleet->update(game);
+void PortDock::ship_arrived(Game& game, Ship& ship) {
+   std::vector<ShippingItem> items;
+   ship.withdraw_items(game, *this, items);
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, items, it) {
+      it->set_location(game, m_warehouse);
+      it->end_shipping(game);
+   }
+   if (ship.get_nritems() < ship.get_capacity() && !m_waiting.empty()) {
+      uint32_t nrload =
+          std::min<uint32_t>(m_waiting.size(), ship.get_capacity() - ship.get_nritems());
+      while (nrload--) {
+         ship.add_item(game, m_waiting.back());
+         m_waiting.pop_back();
+      }
+      if (m_waiting.empty())
+         set_need_ship(game, false);
+   }
+   m_fleet->update(game);
-void PortDock::set_need_ship(Game & game, bool need)
-	molog("set_need_ship(%s)\n", need ? "true" : "false");
-	if (need == m_need_ship)
-		return;
-	m_need_ship = need;
-	if (m_fleet) {
-		molog("... trigger fleet update\n");
-		m_fleet->update(game);
-	}
+void PortDock::set_need_ship(Game& game, bool need) {
+   molog("set_need_ship(%s)\n", need ? "true" : "false");
+   if (need == m_need_ship)
+      return;
+   m_need_ship = need;
+   if (m_fleet) {
+      molog("... trigger fleet update\n");
+      m_fleet->update(game);
+   }
  * Return the number of wares or workers of the given type that are waiting at the dock.
-uint32_t PortDock::count_waiting(WareWorker waretype, Ware_Index wareindex)
-	uint32_t count = 0;
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-		WareInstance * ware;
-		Worker * worker;
-		it.current->get(owner().egbase(), ware, worker);
-		if (waretype == wwWORKER) {
-			if (worker && worker->worker_index() == wareindex)
-				count++;
-		} else {
-			if (ware && ware->descr_index() == wareindex)
-				count++;
-		}
-	}
-	return count;
+uint32_t PortDock::count_waiting(WareWorker waretype, Ware_Index wareindex) {
+   uint32_t count = 0;
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
+      WareInstance* ware;
+      Worker* worker;
+      it.current->get(owner().egbase(), ware, worker);
+      if (waretype == wwWORKER) {
+         if (worker && worker->worker_index() == wareindex)
+            count++;
+      } else {
+         if (ware && ware->descr_index() == wareindex)
+            count++;
+      }
+   }
+   return count;
-void PortDock::log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	PlayerImmovable::log_general_info(egbase);
-	Coords pos(m_warehouse->get_position());
-	molog
-		("PortDock for warehouse %u (at %i,%i) in fleet %u, need_ship: %s, waiting: %"PRIuS"\n",
-		 m_warehouse ? m_warehouse->serial() : 0, pos.x, pos.y,
-		 m_fleet ? m_fleet->serial() : 0,
-		 m_need_ship ? "true" : "false",
-		 m_waiting.size());
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-		molog
-			("  IT %u, destination %u\n",
-			 it.current->m_object.serial(),
-			 it.current->m_destination_dock.serial());
-	}
+void PortDock::log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   PlayerImmovable::log_general_info(egbase);
+   Coords pos(m_warehouse->get_position());
+   molog("PortDock for warehouse %u (at %i,%i) in fleet %u, need_ship: %s, waiting: %" PRIuS "\n",
+         m_warehouse ? m_warehouse->serial() : 0,
+         pos.x,
+         pos.y,
+         m_fleet ? m_fleet->serial() : 0,
+         m_need_ship ? "true" : "false",
+         m_waiting.size());
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
+      molog("  IT %u, destination %u\n",
+            it.current->m_object.serial(),
+            it.current->m_destination_dock.serial());
+   }
-PortDock::Loader::Loader() : m_warehouse(0)
-void PortDock::Loader::load(FileRead & fr, uint8_t version)
-	PlayerImmovable::Loader::load(fr);
-	PortDock & pd = get<PortDock>();
-	m_warehouse = fr.Unsigned32();
-	uint16_t nrdockpoints = fr.Unsigned16();
-	pd.m_dockpoints.resize(nrdockpoints);
-	for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nrdockpoints; ++i) {
-		pd.m_dockpoints[i] = fr.Coords32(egbase().map().extent());
-		pd.set_position(egbase(), pd.m_dockpoints[i]);
-	}
-	if (version >= 2) {
-		pd.m_need_ship = fr.Unsigned8();
-		m_waiting.resize(fr.Unsigned32());
-		container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem::Loader>, m_waiting, it) {
-			it->load(fr);
-		}
-	}
-void PortDock::Loader::load_pointers()
-	PlayerImmovable::Loader::load_pointers();
-	PortDock & pd = get<PortDock>();
-	pd.m_warehouse = &mol().get<Warehouse>(m_warehouse);
-	pd.m_waiting.resize(m_waiting.size());
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_waiting.size(); ++i) {
-		pd.m_waiting[i] = m_waiting[i].get(mol());
-	}
-void PortDock::Loader::load_finish()
-	PlayerImmovable::Loader::load_finish();
-	PortDock & pd = get<PortDock>();
-	if (pd.m_warehouse->get_portdock() != &pd) {
-		log("Inconsistent PortDock <> Warehouse link\n");
-		if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase()))
-			pd.schedule_destroy(*game);
-	}
-	// This shouldn't be necessary, but let's check just in case
-	if (!pd.m_fleet)
-		pd.init_fleet(egbase());
-Map_Object::Loader * PortDock::load
-	(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Loader & mol, FileRead & fr)
-	std::auto_ptr<Loader> loader(new Loader);
-	try {
-		// The header has been peeled away by the caller
-		uint8_t const version = fr.Unsigned8();
-		if (1 <= version && version <= PORTDOCK_SAVEGAME_VERSION) {
-			loader->init(egbase, mol, *new PortDock);
-			loader->load(fr, version);
-		} else
-			throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
-	} catch (const std::exception & e) {
-		throw wexception(_("loading portdock: %s"), e.what());
-	}
-	return loader.release();
-void PortDock::save(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, Map_Map_Object_Saver & mos, FileWrite & fw)
-	fw.Unsigned8(header_PortDock);
-	PlayerImmovable::save(egbase, mos, fw);
-	fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*m_warehouse));
-	fw.Unsigned16(m_dockpoints.size());
-	container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) {
-		fw.Coords32(*it);
-	}
-	fw.Unsigned8(m_need_ship);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_waiting.size());
-	container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) {
-		it->save(egbase, mos, fw);
-	}
-} // namespace Widelands
+PortDock::Loader::Loader() : m_warehouse(0) {}
+void PortDock::Loader::load(FileRead& fr, uint8_t version) {
+   PlayerImmovable::Loader::load(fr);
+   PortDock& pd = get<PortDock>();
+   m_warehouse = fr.Unsigned32();
+   uint16_t nrdockpoints = fr.Unsigned16();
+   pd.m_dockpoints.resize(nrdockpoints);
+   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nrdockpoints; ++i) {
+      pd.m_dockpoints[i] = fr.Coords32(egbase().map().extent());
+      pd.set_position(egbase(), pd.m_dockpoints[i]);
+   }
+   if (version >= 2) {
+      pd.m_need_ship = fr.Unsigned8();
+      m_waiting.resize(fr.Unsigned32());
+      container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem::Loader>, m_waiting, it) { it->load(fr); }
+   }
+void PortDock::Loader::load_pointers() {
+   PlayerImmovable::Loader::load_pointers();
+   PortDock& pd = get<PortDock>();
+   pd.m_warehouse = &mol().get<Warehouse>(m_warehouse);
+   pd.m_waiting.resize(m_waiting.size());
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_waiting.size(); ++i) {
+      pd.m_waiting[i] = m_waiting[i].get(mol());
+   }
+void PortDock::Loader::load_finish() {
+   PlayerImmovable::Loader::load_finish();
+   PortDock& pd = get<PortDock>();
+   if (pd.m_warehouse->get_portdock() != &pd) {
+      log("Inconsistent PortDock <> Warehouse link\n");
+      if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase()))
+         pd.schedule_destroy(*game);
+   }
+   // This shouldn't be necessary, but let's check just in case
+   if (!pd.m_fleet)
+      pd.init_fleet(egbase());
+Map_Object::Loader* PortDock::load(Editor_Game_Base& egbase,
+                                   Map_Map_Object_Loader& mol,
+                                   FileRead& fr) {
+   std::auto_ptr<Loader> loader(new Loader);
+   try {
+      // The header has been peeled away by the caller
+      uint8_t const version = fr.Unsigned8();
+      if (1 <= version && version <= PORTDOCK_SAVEGAME_VERSION) {
+         loader->init(egbase, mol, *new PortDock);
+         loader->load(fr, version);
+      } else
+         throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
+   }
+   catch (const std::exception & e) {
+      throw wexception(_("loading portdock: %s"), e.what());
+   }
+   return loader.release();
+void PortDock::save(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Map_Map_Object_Saver& mos, FileWrite& fw) {
+   fw.Unsigned8(header_PortDock);
+   PlayerImmovable::save(egbase, mos, fw);
+   fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*m_warehouse));
+   fw.Unsigned16(m_dockpoints.size());
+   container_iterate_const(PositionList, m_dockpoints, it) { fw.Coords32(*it); }
+   fw.Unsigned8(m_need_ship);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_waiting.size());
+   container_iterate(std::vector<ShippingItem>, m_waiting, it) { it->save(egbase, mos, fw); }
+}  // namespace Widelands

=== modified file 'src/economy/portdock.h'
--- src/economy/portdock.h	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/portdock.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -58,83 +58,80 @@
  * implemented at the moment.
 struct PortDock : PlayerImmovable {
-	PortDock();
-	void add_position(Widelands::Coords where);
-	void set_warehouse(Warehouse * wh);
-	Warehouse * get_warehouse() const {return m_warehouse;}
-	Fleet * get_fleet() const {return m_fleet;}
-	PortDock * get_dock(Flag & flag) const;
-	bool get_need_ship() const {return m_need_ship;}
-	virtual void set_economy(Economy *);
-	virtual int32_t get_size() const throw ();
-	virtual bool get_passable() const throw ();
-	virtual int32_t get_type() const throw ();
-	virtual char const * type_name() const throw ();
-	virtual Flag & base_flag();
-	virtual PositionList get_positions
-		(const Editor_Game_Base &) const throw ();
-	virtual void draw
-		(const Editor_Game_Base &, RenderTarget &, const FCoords, const Point);
-	virtual const std::string & name() const throw ();
-	virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base &);
-	void add_neighbours(std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour> & neighbours);
-	void add_shippingitem(Game &, WareInstance &);
-	void update_shippingitem(Game &, WareInstance &);
-	void add_shippingitem(Game &, Worker &);
-	void update_shippingitem(Game &, Worker &);
-	void ship_arrived(Game &, Ship &);
-	virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base &);
-	uint32_t count_waiting(WareWorker waretype, Ware_Index wareindex);
-	friend struct Fleet;
-	void init_fleet(Editor_Game_Base & egbase);
-	void set_fleet(Fleet * fleet);
-	void _update_shippingitem(Game &, std::vector<ShippingItem>::iterator);
-	void set_need_ship(Game &, bool need);
-	Fleet * m_fleet;
-	Warehouse * m_warehouse;
-	PositionList m_dockpoints;
-	std::vector<ShippingItem> m_waiting;
-	bool m_need_ship;
-	// saving and loading
-	struct Loader : PlayerImmovable::Loader {
-		Loader();
-		void load(FileRead &, uint8_t version);
-		virtual void load_pointers();
-		virtual void load_finish();
-	private:
-		uint32_t m_warehouse;
-		std::vector<ShippingItem::Loader> m_waiting;
-	};
-	virtual bool has_new_save_support() {return true;}
-	virtual void save(Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Saver &, FileWrite &);
-	static Map_Object::Loader * load
-		(Editor_Game_Base &, Map_Map_Object_Loader &, FileRead &);
+   PortDock();
+   void add_position(Widelands::Coords where);
+   void set_warehouse(Warehouse* wh);
+   Warehouse* get_warehouse() const { return m_warehouse; }
+   Fleet* get_fleet() const { return m_fleet; }
+   PortDock* get_dock(Flag& flag) const;
+   bool get_need_ship() const { return m_need_ship; }
+   virtual void set_economy(Economy*);
+   virtual int32_t get_size() const throw();
+   virtual bool get_passable() const throw();
+   virtual int32_t get_type() const throw();
+   virtual char const* type_name() const throw();
+   virtual Flag& base_flag();
+   virtual PositionList get_positions(const Editor_Game_Base&) const throw();
+   virtual void draw(const Editor_Game_Base&, RenderTarget&, const FCoords&, const Point&);
+   virtual const std::string& name() const throw();
+   virtual void init(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   virtual void cleanup(Editor_Game_Base&);
+   void add_neighbours(std::vector<RoutingNodeNeighbour>& neighbours);
+   void add_shippingitem(Game&, WareInstance&);
+   void update_shippingitem(Game&, WareInstance&);
+   void add_shippingitem(Game&, Worker&);
+   void update_shippingitem(Game&, Worker&);
+   void ship_arrived(Game&, Ship&);
+   virtual void log_general_info(const Editor_Game_Base&);
+   uint32_t count_waiting(WareWorker waretype, Ware_Index wareindex);
+ private:
+   friend struct Fleet;
+   void init_fleet(Editor_Game_Base& egbase);
+   void set_fleet(Fleet* fleet);
+   void _update_shippingitem(Game&, std::vector<ShippingItem>::iterator);
+   void set_need_ship(Game&, bool need);
+   Fleet* m_fleet;
+   Warehouse* m_warehouse;
+   PositionList m_dockpoints;
+   std::vector<ShippingItem> m_waiting;
+   bool m_need_ship;
+   // saving and loading
+ protected:
+   struct Loader : PlayerImmovable::Loader {
+      Loader();
+      void load(FileRead&, uint8_t version);
+      virtual void load_pointers();
+      virtual void load_finish();
+    private:
+      uint32_t m_warehouse;
+      std::vector<ShippingItem::Loader> m_waiting;
+   };
+ public:
+   virtual bool has_new_save_support() { return true; }
+   virtual void save(Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Saver&, FileWrite&);
+   static Map_Object::Loader* load(Editor_Game_Base&, Map_Map_Object_Loader&, FileRead&);
-} // namespace Widelands
+}  // namespace Widelands

=== modified file 'src/economy/request.cc'
--- src/economy/request.cc	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/request.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 #include "logic/warehouse.h"
 #include "logic/worker.h"
 namespace Widelands {
@@ -48,50 +47,46 @@
-	(PlayerImmovable & _target,
-	 Ware_Index const index,
-	 callback_t const cbfn,
-	 WareWorker const w)
-	:
-	m_type             (w),
-	m_target           (_target),
-	m_target_building  (dynamic_cast<Building *>(&_target)),
-	m_target_productionsite  (dynamic_cast<ProductionSite *>(&_target)),
-	m_target_warehouse (dynamic_cast<Warehouse *>(&_target)),
-	m_target_constructionsite (dynamic_cast<ConstructionSite *>(&_target)),
-	m_economy          (_target.get_economy()),
-	m_index            (index),
-	m_count            (1),
-	m_callbackfn       (cbfn),
-	m_required_time    (_target.owner().egbase().get_gametime()),
-	m_required_interval(0),
-	m_last_request_time(m_required_time)
-	assert(m_type == wwWARE or m_type == wwWORKER);
-	if (w == wwWARE and _target.owner().tribe().get_nrwares() <= index)
-		throw wexception
-			("creating ware request with index %u, but tribe has only %u "
-			 "ware types",
-			 index.value(), _target.owner().tribe().get_nrwares  ().value());
-	if (w == wwWORKER and _target.owner().tribe().get_nrworkers() <= index)
-		throw wexception
-			("creating worker request with index %u, but tribe has only %u "
-			 "worker types",
-			 index.value(), _target.owner().tribe().get_nrworkers().value());
-	if (m_economy)
-		m_economy->add_request(*this);
+Request::Request(PlayerImmovable& _target,
+                 Ware_Index const index,
+                 callback_t const cbfn,
+                 WareWorker const w)
+    : m_type(w),
+      m_target(_target),
+      m_target_building(dynamic_cast<Building*>(&_target)),
+      m_target_productionsite(dynamic_cast<ProductionSite*>(&_target)),
+      m_target_warehouse(dynamic_cast<Warehouse*>(&_target)),
+      m_target_constructionsite(dynamic_cast<ConstructionSite*>(&_target)),
+      m_economy(_target.get_economy()),
+      m_index(index),
+      m_count(1),
+      m_callbackfn(cbfn),
+      m_required_time(_target.owner().egbase().get_gametime()),
+      m_required_interval(0),
+      m_last_request_time(m_required_time) {
+   assert(m_type == wwWARE or m_type == wwWORKER);
+   if (w == wwWARE and _target.owner().tribe().get_nrwares() <= index)
+      throw wexception("creating ware request with index %u, but tribe has only %u "
+                       "ware types",
+                       index.value(),
+                       _target.owner().tribe().get_nrwares().value());
+   if (w == wwWORKER and _target.owner().tribe().get_nrworkers() <= index)
+      throw wexception("creating worker request with index %u, but tribe has only %u "
+                       "worker types",
+                       index.value(),
+                       _target.owner().tribe().get_nrworkers().value());
+   if (m_economy)
+      m_economy->add_request(*this);
-	// Remove from the economy
-	if (is_open() and m_economy)
-		m_economy->remove_request(*this);
+Request::~Request() {
+   // Remove from the economy
+   if (is_open() and m_economy)
+      m_economy->remove_request(*this);
-	// Cancel all ongoing transfers
-	while (m_transfers.size())
-		cancel_transfer(0);
+   // Cancel all ongoing transfers
+   while (m_transfers.size())
+      cancel_transfer(0);
 // Modified to allow Requirements and SoldierRequests
@@ -105,223 +100,205 @@
  * might have been initialized. We have to kill them and replace
  * them through the data in the file
-void Request::Read
-	(FileRead & fr, Game & game, Map_Map_Object_Loader & mol)
-	try {
-		bool fudged_type = false;
-		uint16_t const version = fr.Unsigned16();
-		if (2 <= version and version <= REQUEST_VERSION) {
-			const Tribe_Descr & tribe = m_target.owner().tribe();
-			if (version <= 3) {
-				//  Unfortunately, old versions wrote the index. The best thing
-				//  that we can do with that is to look it up in a table.
-				WareWorker newtype = static_cast<WareWorker>(fr.Unsigned8());
-				if (newtype != wwWARE and newtype != wwWORKER)
-					throw wexception
-						("type is %u but must be %u (ware) or %u (worker)",
-						 m_type, wwWARE, wwWORKER);
-				uint32_t const legacy_index = fr.Unsigned32();
-				if (newtype == wwWORKER) {
-					m_type = wwWORKER;
-					m_index = Legacy::worker_index
-						(tribe,
-						 m_target.descr().descname(),
-						 "requests",
-						 legacy_index);
-				} else {
-					Ware_Index newindex = Legacy::ware_index
-						(tribe,
-						 m_target.descr().descname(),
-						 "requests",
-						 legacy_index);
-					if (newindex) {
-						m_type = wwWARE;
-						m_index = newindex;
-					} else {
-						log("Request::Read: Legacy ware no longer exists, sticking with default\n");
-						fudged_type = true;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				char const * const type_name = fr.CString();
-				if (Ware_Index const wai = tribe.ware_index(type_name)) {
-					m_type = wwWARE;
-					m_index = wai;
-				} else if (Ware_Index const woi = tribe.worker_index(type_name)) {
-					m_type = wwWORKER;
-					m_index = woi;
-				} else {
-					log
-						("Request::Read: unknown type '%s', stick with default %i/%i\n",
-						 type_name, m_type, m_index.value());
-					fudged_type = true;
-				}
-			}
-			if (version <= 5)
-				fr.Unsigned8(); // was m_idle
-			m_count             = fr.Unsigned32();
-			m_required_time     = fr.Unsigned32();
-			m_required_interval = fr.Unsigned32();
-			if (3 <= version)
-				m_last_request_time = fr.Unsigned32();
-			assert(m_transfers.empty());
-			uint16_t const nr_transfers = fr.Unsigned16();
-			for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nr_transfers; ++i)
-				try {
-					if (version >= 6) {
-						Map_Object * obj = &mol.get<Map_Object>(fr.Unsigned32());
-						Transfer * transfer;
-						if (upcast(Worker, worker, obj)) {
-							transfer = worker->get_transfer();
-							if (m_type != wwWORKER || !worker->descr().can_act_as(m_index)) {
-								log("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type\n");
-								if (!fudged_type)
-									throw wexception
-										("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type");
-								transfer->has_failed();
-								transfer = 0;
-							}
-						} else if (upcast(WareInstance, ware, obj)) {
-							transfer = ware->get_transfer();
-							if (m_type != wwWARE || ware->descr_index() != m_index) {
-								log("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type\n");
-								if (!fudged_type)
-									throw wexception
-										("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type");
-								transfer->has_failed();
-								transfer = 0;
-							}
-						} else
-							throw wexception
-								("transfer target %u is neither ware nor worker",
-								 obj->serial());
-						if (!transfer) {
-							log
-								("WARNING: loading request, transferred object "
-								 "%u has no transfer\n",
-								 obj->serial());
-						} else {
-							transfer->set_request(this);
-							m_transfers.push_back(transfer);
-						}
-					} else {
-						uint8_t const what_is = fr.Unsigned8();
-						if (what_is != wwWARE and what_is != wwWORKER and what_is != 2)
-							throw wexception
-								("type is %u but must be one of {%u (WARE), %u "
-								 "(WORKER), %u (SOLDIER)}",
-								 what_is, wwWARE, wwWORKER, 2);
-						uint32_t const reg = fr.Unsigned32();
-						if (not mol.is_object_known(reg))
-							throw wexception("%u is not known", reg);
-						Transfer * const trans =
-							what_is == wwWARE ?
-							new Transfer(game, *this, mol.get<WareInstance>(reg)) :
-							new Transfer(game, *this, mol.get<Worker>      (reg));
-						fr.Unsigned8(); // was: is_idle
-						m_transfers.push_back(trans);
-						if (version < 5)
-							if (fr.Unsigned8())
-								m_requirements.Read (fr, game, mol);
-					}
-				} catch (const _wexception & e) {
-					throw wexception("transfer %u: %s", i, e.what());
-				}
-			if (version >= 5)
-				m_requirements.Read (fr, game, mol);
-			if (!is_open() && m_economy)
-				m_economy->remove_request(*this);
-		} else
-			throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
-	} catch (const _wexception & e) {
-		throw wexception("request: %s", e.what());
-	}
+void Request::Read(FileRead& fr, Game& game, Map_Map_Object_Loader& mol) {
+   try {
+      bool fudged_type = false;
+      uint16_t const version = fr.Unsigned16();
+      if (2 <= version and version <= REQUEST_VERSION) {
+         const Tribe_Descr& tribe = m_target.owner().tribe();
+         if (version <= 3) {
+            //  Unfortunately, old versions wrote the index. The best thing
+            //  that we can do with that is to look it up in a table.
+            WareWorker newtype = static_cast<WareWorker>(fr.Unsigned8());
+            if (newtype != wwWARE and newtype != wwWORKER)
+               throw wexception(
+                   "type is %u but must be %u (ware) or %u (worker)", m_type, wwWARE, wwWORKER);
+            uint32_t const legacy_index = fr.Unsigned32();
+            if (newtype == wwWORKER) {
+               m_type = wwWORKER;
+               m_index = Legacy::worker_index(
+                   tribe, m_target.descr().descname(), "requests", legacy_index);
+            } else {
+               Ware_Index newindex =
+                   Legacy::ware_index(tribe, m_target.descr().descname(), "requests", legacy_index);
+               if (newindex) {
+                  m_type = wwWARE;
+                  m_index = newindex;
+               } else {
+                  log("Request::Read: Legacy ware no longer exists, sticking with default\n");
+                  fudged_type = true;
+               }
+            }
+         } else {
+            char const* const type_name = fr.CString();
+            if (Ware_Index const wai = tribe.ware_index(type_name)) {
+               m_type = wwWARE;
+               m_index = wai;
+            } else if (Ware_Index const woi = tribe.worker_index(type_name)) {
+               m_type = wwWORKER;
+               m_index = woi;
+            } else {
+               log("Request::Read: unknown type '%s', stick with default %i/%i\n",
+                   type_name,
+                   m_type,
+                   m_index.value());
+               fudged_type = true;
+            }
+         }
+         if (version <= 5)
+            fr.Unsigned8();  // was m_idle
+         m_count = fr.Unsigned32();
+         m_required_time = fr.Unsigned32();
+         m_required_interval = fr.Unsigned32();
+         if (3 <= version)
+            m_last_request_time = fr.Unsigned32();
+         assert(m_transfers.empty());
+         uint16_t const nr_transfers = fr.Unsigned16();
+         for (uint16_t i = 0; i < nr_transfers; ++i)
+            try {
+               if (version >= 6) {
+                  Map_Object* obj = &mol.get<Map_Object>(fr.Unsigned32());
+                  Transfer* transfer;
+                  if (upcast(Worker, worker, obj)) {
+                     transfer = worker->get_transfer();
+                     if (m_type != wwWORKER || !worker->descr().can_act_as(m_index)) {
+                        log("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type\n");
+                        if (!fudged_type)
+                           throw wexception("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type");
+                        transfer->has_failed();
+                        transfer = 0;
+                     }
+                  } else if (upcast(WareInstance, ware, obj)) {
+                     transfer = ware->get_transfer();
+                     if (m_type != wwWARE || ware->descr_index() != m_index) {
+                        log("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type\n");
+                        if (!fudged_type)
+                           throw wexception("Request::Read: incompatible transfer type");
+                        transfer->has_failed();
+                        transfer = 0;
+                     }
+                  } else
+                     throw wexception("transfer target %u is neither ware nor worker",
+                                      obj->serial());
+                  if (!transfer) {
+                     log("WARNING: loading request, transferred object "
+                         "%u has no transfer\n",
+                         obj->serial());
+                  } else {
+                     transfer->set_request(this);
+                     m_transfers.push_back(transfer);
+                  }
+               } else {
+                  uint8_t const what_is = fr.Unsigned8();
+                  if (what_is != wwWARE and what_is != wwWORKER and what_is != 2)
+                     throw wexception("type is %u but must be one of {%u (WARE), %u "
+                                      "(WORKER), %u (SOLDIER)}",
+                                      what_is,
+                                      wwWARE,
+                                      wwWORKER,
+                                      2);
+                  uint32_t const reg = fr.Unsigned32();
+                  if (not mol.is_object_known(reg))
+                     throw wexception("%u is not known", reg);
+                  Transfer* const trans =
+                      what_is == wwWARE ? new Transfer(game, *this, mol.get<WareInstance>(reg))
+                                        : new Transfer(game, *this, mol.get<Worker>(reg));
+                  fr.Unsigned8();  // was: is_idle
+                  m_transfers.push_back(trans);
+                  if (version < 5)
+                     if (fr.Unsigned8())
+                        m_requirements.Read(fr, game, mol);
+               }
+            }
+         catch (const _wexception & e) {
+            throw wexception("transfer %u: %s", i, e.what());
+         }
+         if (version >= 5)
+            m_requirements.Read(fr, game, mol);
+         if (!is_open() && m_economy)
+            m_economy->remove_request(*this);
+      } else
+         throw game_data_error(_("unknown/unhandled version %u"), version);
+   }
+   catch (const _wexception & e) {
+      throw wexception("request: %s", e.what());
+   }
  * Write this request to a file
-void Request::Write
-	(FileWrite & fw, Game & game, Map_Map_Object_Saver & mos) const
-	fw.Unsigned16(REQUEST_VERSION);
-	//  Target and econmy should be set. Same is true for callback stuff.
-	assert(m_type == wwWARE or m_type == wwWORKER);
-	const Tribe_Descr & tribe = m_target.owner().tribe();
-	assert(m_type != wwWARE   or m_index < tribe.get_nrwares  ());
-	assert(m_type != wwWORKER or m_index < tribe.get_nrworkers());
-	fw.CString
-		(m_type == wwWARE                        ?
-		 tribe.get_ware_descr  (m_index)->name() :
-		 tribe.get_worker_descr(m_index)->name());
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_count);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_required_time);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_required_interval);
-	fw.Unsigned32(m_last_request_time);
-	fw.Unsigned16(m_transfers.size()); //  Write number of current transfers.
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) {
-		Transfer & trans = *m_transfers[i];
-		if (trans.m_item) { //  write ware/worker
-			assert(mos.is_object_known(*trans.m_item));
-			fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*trans.m_item));
-		} else if (trans.m_worker) {
-			assert(mos.is_object_known(*trans.m_worker));
-			fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*trans.m_worker));
-		}
-	}
-	m_requirements.Write (fw, game, mos);
+void Request::Write(FileWrite& fw, Game& game, Map_Map_Object_Saver& mos) const {
+   fw.Unsigned16(REQUEST_VERSION);
+   //  Target and econmy should be set. Same is true for callback stuff.
+   assert(m_type == wwWARE or m_type == wwWORKER);
+   const Tribe_Descr& tribe = m_target.owner().tribe();
+   assert(m_type != wwWARE or m_index < tribe.get_nrwares());
+   assert(m_type != wwWORKER or m_index < tribe.get_nrworkers());
+   fw.CString(m_type == wwWARE ? tribe.get_ware_descr(m_index)->name()
+                               : tribe.get_worker_descr(m_index)->name());
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_count);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_required_time);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_required_interval);
+   fw.Unsigned32(m_last_request_time);
+   fw.Unsigned16(m_transfers.size());  //  Write number of current transfers.
+   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) {
+      Transfer& trans = *m_transfers[i];
+      if (trans.m_item) {  //  write ware/worker
+         assert(mos.is_object_known(*trans.m_item));
+         fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*trans.m_item));
+      } else if (trans.m_worker) {
+         assert(mos.is_object_known(*trans.m_worker));
+         fw.Unsigned32(mos.get_object_file_index(*trans.m_worker));
+      }
+   }
+   m_requirements.Write(fw, game, mos);
  * Figure out the flag we need to deliver to.
-Flag & Request::target_flag() const
-	return target().base_flag();
+Flag& Request::target_flag() const { return target().base_flag(); }
  * Return the point in time at which we want the item of the given number to
  * be delivered. nr is in the range [0..m_count[
-int32_t Request::get_base_required_time
-	(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, uint32_t const nr) const
-	if (m_count <= nr) {
-		if (not(m_count == 1 and nr == 1)) {
-			log
-				("Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = %u but count is %u, "
-				"which is not allowed according to the comment for this function\n",
-				nr, m_count);
-		}
-	}
-	int32_t const curtime = egbase.get_gametime();
-	if (!nr || !m_required_interval)
-		return m_required_time;
-	if ((curtime - m_required_time) > (m_required_interval * 2)) {
-		if (nr == 1)
-			return m_required_time + (curtime - m_required_time) / 2;
-		assert(2 <= nr);
-		return curtime + (nr - 2) * m_required_interval;
-	}
-	return m_required_time + nr * m_required_interval;
+int32_t Request::get_base_required_time(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, uint32_t const nr) const {
+   if (m_count <= nr) {
+      if (not(m_count == 1 and nr == 1)) {
+         log("Request::get_base_required_time: WARNING nr = %u but count is %u, "
+             "which is not allowed according to the comment for this function\n",
+             nr,
+             m_count);
+      }
+   }
+   int32_t const curtime = egbase.get_gametime();
+   if (!nr || !m_required_interval)
+      return m_required_time;
+   if ((curtime - m_required_time) > (m_required_interval * 2)) {
+      if (nr == 1)
+         return m_required_time + (curtime - m_required_time) / 2;
+      assert(2 <= nr);
+      return curtime + (nr - 2) * m_required_interval;
+   }
+   return m_required_time + nr * m_required_interval;
@@ -329,178 +306,153 @@
  * Can be in the past, indicating that we have been idling, waiting for the
  * ware.
-int32_t Request::get_required_time() const
-	return
-		get_base_required_time(m_economy->owner().egbase(), m_transfers.size());
+int32_t Request::get_required_time() const {
+   return get_base_required_time(m_economy->owner().egbase(), m_transfers.size());
 //#define MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY           100
-#define PRIORITY_MAX_COST         50000
-#define COST_WEIGHT_IN_PRIORITY       1
+#define PRIORITY_MAX_COST 50000
  * Return the request priority used to sort requests or -1 to skip request
-int32_t Request::get_priority (int32_t cost) const
-	int MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY = 100;
-	bool is_construction_site = false;
-	int32_t modifier = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
-	if (m_target_building) {
-		if (m_target_productionsite && m_target_productionsite->is_stopped())
-			return -1;
-		modifier = m_target_building->get_priority(get_type(), get_index());
-		if (m_target_constructionsite)
-			is_construction_site = true;
-		else if (m_target_warehouse)
-			// if warehouse calculated a priority use it
-			// else lower priority based on cost
-			return
-				modifier != 100 ? modifier :
-				std::max
-					(1,
-					 -
-	}
-	if (cost > PRIORITY_MAX_COST)
-	// priority is higher if building waits for ware a long time
-	// additional factor - cost to deliver, so nearer building
-	// with same priority will get ware first
-	//  make sure that idle request are lower
-	return
-		+
-		std::max
-			(1,
-			 ((m_economy->owner().egbase().get_gametime() -
-			   (is_construction_site ?
-			    get_required_time() : get_last_request_time()))
-			  *
-			  +
-			 *
-			 modifier);
+int32_t Request::get_priority(int32_t cost) const {
+   int MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY = 100;
+   bool is_construction_site = false;
+   int32_t modifier = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
+   if (m_target_building) {
+      if (m_target_productionsite && m_target_productionsite->is_stopped())
+         return -1;
+      modifier = m_target_building->get_priority(get_type(), get_index());
+      if (m_target_constructionsite)
+         is_construction_site = true;
+      else if (m_target_warehouse)
+         // if warehouse calculated a priority use it
+         // else lower priority based on cost
+         return modifier != 100
+                    ? modifier
+                    : std::max(1, MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY - cost * MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY / PRIORITY_MAX_COST);
+   }
+   if (cost > PRIORITY_MAX_COST)
+      cost = PRIORITY_MAX_COST;
+   // priority is higher if building waits for ware a long time
+   // additional factor - cost to deliver, so nearer building
+   // with same priority will get ware first
+   //  make sure that idle request are lower
+   return MAX_IDLE_PRIORITY +
+          std::max(1,
+                   ((m_economy->owner().egbase().get_gametime() -
+                     (is_construction_site ? get_required_time() : get_last_request_time())) *
+                        WAITTIME_WEIGHT_IN_PRIORITY +
+                    (PRIORITY_MAX_COST - cost) * COST_WEIGHT_IN_PRIORITY) *
+                       modifier);
  * Return the transfer priority, based on the priority set at the destination
-uint32_t Request::get_transfer_priority() const
-	uint32_t pri = 0;
-	if (m_target_building) {
-		if (m_target_productionsite && m_target_productionsite->is_stopped())
-			return 0;
-		pri = m_target_building->get_priority(get_type(), get_index());
-		if (m_target_constructionsite)
-			return pri + 3;
-		else if (m_target_warehouse)
-			return pri - 2;
-	}
-	return pri;
+uint32_t Request::get_transfer_priority() const {
+   uint32_t pri = 0;
+   if (m_target_building) {
+      if (m_target_productionsite && m_target_productionsite->is_stopped())
+         return 0;
+      pri = m_target_building->get_priority(get_type(), get_index());
+      if (m_target_constructionsite)
+         return pri + 3;
+      else if (m_target_warehouse)
+         return pri - 2;
+   }
+   return pri;
  * Change the Economy we belong to.
-void Request::set_economy(Economy * const e)
-	if (m_economy != e) {
-		if (m_economy && is_open())
-			m_economy->remove_request(*this);
-		m_economy = e;
-		if (m_economy && is_open())
-			m_economy->   add_request(*this);
-	}
+void Request::set_economy(Economy* const e) {
+   if (m_economy != e) {
+      if (m_economy && is_open())
+         m_economy->remove_request(*this);
+      m_economy = e;
+      if (m_economy && is_open())
+         m_economy->add_request(*this);
+   }
  * Change the number of wares we need.
-void Request::set_count(uint32_t const count)
-	bool const wasopen = is_open();
-	m_count = count;
-	// Cancel unneeded transfers. This should be more clever about which
-	// transfers to cancel. Then again, this loop shouldn't execute during
-	// normal play anyway
-	while (m_count < m_transfers.size())
-		cancel_transfer(m_transfers.size() - 1);
-	// Update the economy
-	if (m_economy) {
-		if (wasopen && !is_open())
-			m_economy->remove_request(*this);
-		else if (!wasopen && is_open())
-			m_economy->add_request(*this);
-	}
+void Request::set_count(uint32_t const count) {
+   bool const wasopen = is_open();
+   m_count = count;
+   // Cancel unneeded transfers. This should be more clever about which
+   // transfers to cancel. Then again, this loop shouldn't execute during
+   // normal play anyway
+   while (m_count < m_transfers.size())
+      cancel_transfer(m_transfers.size() - 1);
+   // Update the economy
+   if (m_economy) {
+      if (wasopen && !is_open())
+         m_economy->remove_request(*this);
+      else if (!wasopen && is_open())
+         m_economy->add_request(*this);
+   }
  * Change the time at which the first item to be delivered is needed.
  * Default is the gametime of the Request creation.
-void Request::set_required_time(int32_t const time)
-	m_required_time = time;
+void Request::set_required_time(int32_t const time) { m_required_time = time; }
  * Change the time between desired delivery of items.
-void Request::set_required_interval(int32_t const interval)
-	m_required_interval = interval;
+void Request::set_required_interval(int32_t const interval) { m_required_interval = interval; }
  * Begin transfer of the requested ware from the given supply.
  * This function does not take ownership of route, i.e. the caller is
  * responsible for its deletion.
-void Request::start_transfer(Game & game, Supply & supp)
-	assert(is_open());
-	::StreamWrite & ss = game.syncstream();
-	ss.Unsigned32(0x01decafa); // appears as facade01 in sync stream
-	ss.Unsigned32(target().serial());
-	ss.Unsigned32(supp.get_position(game)->serial());
-	Transfer * t;
-	if (get_type() == wwWORKER) {
-		//  Begin the transfer of a soldier or worker.
-		//  launch_worker() creates or starts the worker
-		Worker & s = supp.launch_worker(game, *this);
-		ss.Unsigned32(s.serial());
-		t = new Transfer(game, *this, s);
-	} else {
-		//  Begin the transfer of an item. The item itself is passive.
-		//  launch_item() ensures the WareInstance is transported out of the
-		//  warehouse. Once it's on the flag, the flag code will decide what to
-		//  do with it.
-		WareInstance & item = supp.launch_item(game, *this);
-		ss.Unsigned32(item.serial());
-		t = new Transfer(game, *this, item);
-	}
-	m_transfers.push_back(t);
-	if (!is_open())
-		m_economy->remove_request(*this);
+void Request::start_transfer(Game& game, Supply& supp) {
+   assert(is_open());
+   ::StreamWrite& ss = game.syncstream();
+   ss.Unsigned32(0x01decafa);  // appears as facade01 in sync stream
+   ss.Unsigned32(target().serial());
+   ss.Unsigned32(supp.get_position(game)->serial());
+   Transfer* t;
+   if (get_type() == wwWORKER) {
+      //  Begin the transfer of a soldier or worker.
+      //  launch_worker() creates or starts the worker
+      Worker& s = supp.launch_worker(game, *this);
+      ss.Unsigned32(s.serial());
+      t = new Transfer(game, *this, s);
+   } else {
+      //  Begin the transfer of an item. The item itself is passive.
+      //  launch_item() ensures the WareInstance is transported out of the
+      //  warehouse. Once it's on the flag, the flag code will decide what to
+      //  do with it.
+      WareInstance& item = supp.launch_item(game, *this);
+      ss.Unsigned32(item.serial());
+      t = new Transfer(game, *this, item);
+   }
+   m_transfers.push_back(t);
+   if (!is_open())
+      m_economy->remove_request(*this);
@@ -508,25 +460,24 @@
  * This will call a callback function in the target, which is then responsible
  * for removing and deleting the request.
-void Request::transfer_finish(Game & game, Transfer & t)
-	Worker * const w = t.m_worker;
-	if (t.m_item)
-		t.m_item->destroy(game);
-	t.m_worker = 0;
-	t.m_item = 0;
-	remove_transfer(find_transfer(t));
-	set_required_time(get_base_required_time(game, 1));
-	--m_count;
-	// the callback functions are likely to delete us,
-	// therefore we musn't access member variables behind this
-	// point
-	(*m_callbackfn)(game, *this, m_index, w, m_target);
+void Request::transfer_finish(Game& game, Transfer& t) {
+   Worker* const w = t.m_worker;
+   if (t.m_item)
+      t.m_item->destroy(game);
+   t.m_worker = 0;
+   t.m_item = 0;
+   remove_transfer(find_transfer(t));
+   set_required_time(get_base_required_time(game, 1));
+   --m_count;
+   // the callback functions are likely to delete us,
+   // therefore we musn't access member variables behind this
+   // point
+   (*m_callbackfn)(game, *this, m_index, w, m_target);
@@ -535,54 +486,48 @@
  * Re-open the request.
-void Request::transfer_fail(Game &, Transfer & t) {
-	bool const wasopen = is_open();
-	t.m_worker = 0;
-	t.m_item = 0;
-	remove_transfer(find_transfer(t));
-	if (!wasopen)
-		m_economy->add_request(*this);
+void Request::transfer_fail(Game&, Transfer& t) {
+   bool const wasopen = is_open();
+   t.m_worker = 0;
+   t.m_item = 0;
+   remove_transfer(find_transfer(t));
+   if (!wasopen)
+      m_economy->add_request(*this);
 /// Cancel the transfer with the given index.
 /// \note This does *not* update whether the \ref Request is registered with
 /// the \ref Economy or not.
-void Request::cancel_transfer(uint32_t const idx)
-	remove_transfer(idx);
+void Request::cancel_transfer(uint32_t const idx) { remove_transfer(idx); }
  * Remove and free the transfer with the given index.
  * This does not update the Transfer's worker or item, and it does not update
  * whether the Request is registered with the Economy.
-void Request::remove_transfer(uint32_t const idx)
-	Transfer * const t = m_transfers[idx];
-	m_transfers.erase(m_transfers.begin() + idx);
-	delete t;
+void Request::remove_transfer(uint32_t const idx) {
+   Transfer* const t = m_transfers[idx];
+   m_transfers.erase(m_transfers.begin() + idx);
+   delete t;
  * Lookup a \ref Transfer in the transfers array.
  * \throw wexception if the \ref Transfer is not registered with us.
-uint32_t Request::find_transfer(Transfer & t)
-	TransferList::const_iterator const it =
-		std::find(m_transfers.begin(), m_transfers.end(), &t);
-	if (it == m_transfers.end())
-		throw wexception("Request::find_transfer(): not found");
-	return it - m_transfers.begin();
+uint32_t Request::find_transfer(Transfer& t) {
+   TransferList::const_iterator const it = std::find(m_transfers.begin(), m_transfers.end(), &t);
+   if (it == m_transfers.end())
+      throw wexception("Request::find_transfer(): not found");
+   return it - m_transfers.begin();

=== modified file 'src/economy/request.h'
--- src/economy/request.h	2013-04-22 20:15:00 +0000
+++ src/economy/request.h	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -58,85 +58,86 @@
  * The required time has no meaning for idle requests.
 struct Request : public Trackable {
-	friend class Economy;
-	friend class RequestList;
-	typedef void (*callback_t)
-		(Game &, Request &, Ware_Index, Worker *, PlayerImmovable &);
-	Request(PlayerImmovable & target, Ware_Index, callback_t, WareWorker);
-	~Request();
-	PlayerImmovable & target() const throw () {return m_target;}
-	Ware_Index get_index() const {return m_index;}
-	WareWorker get_type() const {return m_type;}
-	uint32_t get_count() const {return m_count;}
-	uint32_t get_open_count() const {return m_count - m_transfers.size();}
-	bool is_open() const {return m_transfers.size() < m_count;}
-	Economy * get_economy() const throw () {return m_economy;}
-	int32_t get_required_time() const;
-	int32_t get_last_request_time() const {return m_last_request_time;}
-	int32_t get_priority(int32_t cost) const;
-	uint32_t get_transfer_priority() const;
-	uint32_t get_num_transfers() const {return m_transfers.size();}
-	Flag & target_flag() const;
-	void set_economy(Economy *);
-	void set_count(uint32_t);
-	void set_required_time(int32_t time);
-	void set_required_interval(int32_t interval);
-	void set_last_request_time(int32_t const time) {m_last_request_time = time;}
-	void start_transfer(Game &, Supply &);
-	void Read (FileRead  &, Game &, Map_Map_Object_Loader &);
-	void Write(FileWrite &, Game &, Map_Map_Object_Saver  &) const;
-	Worker * get_transfer_worker();
-	//  callbacks for WareInstance/Worker code
-	void transfer_finish(Game &, Transfer &);
-	void transfer_fail  (Game &, Transfer &);
-	void set_requirements (const Requirements & r) {m_requirements = r;}
-	const Requirements & get_requirements () const {return m_requirements;}
-	int32_t get_base_required_time(Editor_Game_Base &, uint32_t nr) const;
-	void cancel_transfer(uint32_t idx);
-	void remove_transfer(uint32_t idx);
-	uint32_t find_transfer(Transfer &);
-	typedef std::vector<Transfer *> TransferList;
-	WareWorker m_type;
-	PlayerImmovable & m_target;            //  who requested it?
-	//  Copies of m_target of various pointer types, to avoid expensive
-	//  dynamic casting at runtime. Variables with an incompatible type
-	//  are filled with nulls.
-	Building        * m_target_building;
-	ProductionSite  * m_target_productionsite;
-	Warehouse       * m_target_warehouse;
-	ConstructionSite * m_target_constructionsite;
-	Economy         * m_economy;
-	Ware_Index        m_index;             //  the index of the ware descr
-	uint32_t          m_count;             //  how many do we need in total
-	callback_t        m_callbackfn;        //  called on request success
-	//  when do we need the first ware (can be in the past)
-	int32_t           m_required_time;
-	int32_t           m_required_interval; //  time between items
-	int32_t           m_last_request_time;
-	TransferList      m_transfers;         //  maximum size is m_count
-	Requirements m_requirements;
+   friend class Economy;
+   friend class RequestList;
+   typedef void (*callback_t)(Game&, Request&, Ware_Index, Worker*, PlayerImmovable&);
+   Request(PlayerImmovable& target, Ware_Index, callback_t, WareWorker);
+   ~Request();
+   PlayerImmovable& target() const throw() { return m_target; }
+   Ware_Index get_index() const { return m_index; }
+   WareWorker get_type() const { return m_type; }
+   uint32_t get_count() const { return m_count; }
+   uint32_t get_open_count() const { return m_count - m_transfers.size(); }
+   bool is_open() const { return m_transfers.size() < m_count; }
+   Economy* get_economy() const throw() { return m_economy; }
+   int32_t get_required_time() const;
+   int32_t get_last_request_time() const { return m_last_request_time; }
+   int32_t get_priority(int32_t cost) const;
+   uint32_t get_transfer_priority() const;
+   uint32_t get_num_transfers() const { return m_transfers.size(); }
+   Flag& target_flag() const;
+   void set_economy(Economy*);
+   void set_count(uint32_t);
+   void set_required_time(int32_t time);
+   void set_required_interval(int32_t interval);
+   void set_last_request_time(int32_t const time) { m_last_request_time = time; }
+   void start_transfer(Game&, Supply&);
+   void Read(FileRead&, Game&, Map_Map_Object_Loader&);
+   void Write(FileWrite&, Game&, Map_Map_Object_Saver&) const;
+   Worker* get_transfer_worker();
+   //  callbacks for WareInstance/Worker code
+   void transfer_finish(Game&, Transfer&);
+   void transfer_fail(Game&, Transfer&);
+   void set_requirements(const Requirements& r) { m_requirements = r; }
+   const Requirements& get_requirements() const { return m_requirements; }
+ private:
+   int32_t get_base_required_time(Editor_Game_Base&, uint32_t nr) const;
+ public:
+   void cancel_transfer(uint32_t idx);
+ private:
+   void remove_transfer(uint32_t idx);
+   uint32_t find_transfer(Transfer&);
+   typedef std::vector<Transfer*> TransferList;
+   WareWorker m_type;
+   PlayerImmovable& m_target;  //  who requested it?
+                               //  Copies of m_target of various pointer types, to avoid expensive
+                               //  dynamic casting at runtime. Variables with an incompatible type
+                               //  are filled with nulls.
+   Building* m_target_building;
+   ProductionSite* m_target_productionsite;
+   Warehouse* m_target_warehouse;
+   ConstructionSite* m_target_constructionsite;
+   Economy* m_economy;
+   Ware_Index m_index;  //  the index of the ware descr
+   uint32_t m_count;    //  how many do we need in total
+   callback_t m_callbackfn;  //  called on request success
+   //  when do we need the first ware (can be in the past)
+   int32_t m_required_time;
+   int32_t m_required_interval;  //  time between items
+   int32_t m_last_request_time;
+   TransferList m_transfers;  //  maximum size is m_count
+   Requirements m_requirements;

=== modified file 'src/economy/road.cc'
--- src/economy/road.cc	2013-02-10 19:36:24 +0000
+++ src/economy/road.cc	2013-05-18 05:56:27 +0000
@@ -38,224 +38,187 @@
 // dummy instance because Map_Object needs a description
 const Map_Object_Descr g_road_descr("road", "Road");
-bool Road::IsRoadDescr(Map_Object_Descr const * const descr)
-	return descr == &g_road_descr;
+bool Road::IsRoadDescr(Map_Object_Descr const* const descr) { return descr == &g_road_descr; }
  * Most of the actual work is done in init.
-Road::Road() :
-	PlayerImmovable  (g_road_descr),
-	m_busyness            (0),
-	m_busyness_last_update(0),
-	m_type           (0),
-	m_idle_index(0)
-	m_flags[0] = m_flags[1] = 0;
-	m_flagidx[0] = m_flagidx[1] = -1;
+    : PlayerImmovable(g_road_descr),
+      m_busyness(0),
+      m_busyness_last_update(0),
+      m_type(0),
+      m_idle_index(0) {
+   m_flags[0] = m_flags[1] = 0;
+   m_flagidx[0] = m_flagidx[1] = -1;
-	/*
-	 * Initialize the worker slots for the road
-	 * TODO: make this configurable
-	 */
-	CarrierSlot slot;
-	m_carrier_slots.push_back(slot);
-	m_carrier_slots.push_back(slot);
-	m_carrier_slots[0].carrier_type = 1;
-	m_carrier_slots[1].carrier_type = 2;
+   /*
+    * Initialize the worker slots for the road
+    * TODO: make this configurable
+    */
+   CarrierSlot slot;
+   m_carrier_slots.push_back(slot);
+   m_carrier_slots.push_back(slot);
+   m_carrier_slots[0].carrier_type = 1;
+   m_carrier_slots[1].carrier_type = 2;
-Road::CarrierSlot::CarrierSlot() :
-	carrier (0),
-	carrier_request(0),
-	carrier_type(0)
-	{}
+Road::CarrierSlot::CarrierSlot() : carrier(0), carrier_request(0), carrier_type(0) {}
  * Most of the actual work is done in cleanup.
-	container_iterate_const(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i)
-		delete i.current->carrier_request;
+Road::~Road() {
+   container_iterate_const(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i)
+   delete i.current->carrier_request;
  * Create a road between the given flags, using the given path.
-Road & Road::create
-	(Editor_Game_Base & egbase,
-	 Flag & start, Flag & end, const Path & path)
-	assert(start.get_position() == path.get_start());
-	assert(end  .get_position() == path.get_end  ());
-	assert(start.get_owner   () == end .get_owner());
-	Player & owner          = start.owner();
-	Road & road             = *new Road();
-	road.set_owner(&owner);
-	road.m_type             = Road_Normal;
-	road.m_flags[FlagStart] = &start;
-	road.m_flags[FlagEnd]   = &end;
-	// m_flagidx is set when attach_road() is called, i.e. in init()
-	road._set_path(egbase, path);
-	road.init(egbase);
-	return road;
-int32_t Road::get_type() const throw ()
-	return ROAD;
-int32_t Road::get_size() const throw ()
-	return SMALL;
-bool Road::get_passable() const throw ()
-	return true;
-BaseImmovable::PositionList Road::get_positions
-	(const Editor_Game_Base & egbase) const throw ()
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	Coords curf = map.get_fcoords(m_path.get_start());
-	PositionList rv;
-	const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
-	for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps <  nr_steps + 1; ++steps)
-	{
-		if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
-			rv.push_back(curf);
-		if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
-			map.get_neighbour(curf, m_path[steps], &curf);
-	}
-	return rv;
+Road& Road::create(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, Flag& start, Flag& end, const Path& path) {
+   assert(start.get_position() == path.get_start());
+   assert(end.get_position() == path.get_end());
+   assert(start.get_owner() == end.get_owner());
+   Player& owner = start.owner();
+   Road& road = *new Road();
+   road.set_owner(&owner);
+   road.m_type = Road_Normal;
+   road.m_flags[FlagStart] = &start;
+   road.m_flags[FlagEnd] = &end;
+   // m_flagidx is set when attach_road() is called, i.e. in init()
+   road._set_path(egbase, path);
+   road.init(egbase);
+   return road;
+int32_t Road::get_type() const throw() { return ROAD; }
+int32_t Road::get_size() const throw() { return SMALL; }
+bool Road::get_passable() const throw() { return true; }
+BaseImmovable::PositionList Road::get_positions(const Editor_Game_Base& egbase) const throw() {
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   Coords curf = map.get_fcoords(m_path.get_start());
+   PositionList rv;
+   const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
+   for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps < nr_steps + 1; ++steps) {
+      if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
+         rv.push_back(curf);
+      if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
+         map.get_neighbour(curf, m_path[steps], &curf);
+   }
+   return rv;
 static std::string const road_name = "road";
-const std::string & Road::name() const throw () {return road_name;}
-Flag & Road::base_flag()
-	return *m_flags[FlagStart];
+const std::string& Road::name() const throw() { return road_name; }
+Flag& Road::base_flag() { return *m_flags[FlagStart]; }
  * Return the cost of getting from fromflag to the other flag.
-int32_t Road::get_cost(FlagId fromflag)
-	return m_cost[fromflag];
+int32_t Road::get_cost(FlagId fromflag) { return m_cost[fromflag]; }
  * Set the new path, calculate costs.
  * You have to set start and end flags before calling this function.
-void Road::_set_path(Editor_Game_Base & egbase, const Path & path)
-	assert(path.get_nsteps() >= 2);
-	assert(path.get_start() == m_flags[FlagStart]->get_position());
-	assert(path.get_end() == m_flags[FlagEnd]->get_position());
-	m_path = path;
-	egbase.map().calc_cost(path, &m_cost[FlagStart], &m_cost[FlagEnd]);
-	// Figure out where carriers should idle
-	m_idle_index = path.get_nsteps() / 2;
+void Road::_set_path(Editor_Game_Base& egbase, const Path& path) {
+   assert(path.get_nsteps() >= 2);
+   assert(path.get_start() == m_flags[FlagStart]->get_position());
+   assert(path.get_end() == m_flags[FlagEnd]->get_position());
+   m_path = path;
+   egbase.map().calc_cost(path, &m_cost[FlagStart], &m_cost[FlagEnd]);
+   // Figure out where carriers should idle
+   m_idle_index = path.get_nsteps() / 2;
  * Add road markings to the map
-void Road::_mark_map(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	FCoords curf = map.get_fcoords(m_path.get_start());
-	const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
-	for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps <  nr_steps + 1; ++steps)
-	{
-		if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
-			set_position(egbase, curf);
-		// mark the road that leads up to this field
-		if (steps > 0) {
-			const Direction dir  = get_reverse_dir(m_path[steps - 1]);
-			Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
-			if (rdir <= 4)
-				egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, m_type);
-		}
-		// mark the road that leads away from this field
-		if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps()) {
-			const Direction dir  = m_path[steps];
-			Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
-			if (rdir <= 4)
-				egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, m_type);
-			map.get_neighbour(curf, dir, &curf);
-		}
-	}
+void Road::_mark_map(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   FCoords curf = map.get_fcoords(m_path.get_start());
+   const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
+   for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps < nr_steps + 1; ++steps) {
+      if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
+         set_position(egbase, curf);
+      // mark the road that leads up to this field
+      if (steps > 0) {
+         const Direction dir = get_reverse_dir(m_path[steps - 1]);
+         Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
+         if (rdir <= 4)
+            egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, m_type);
+      }
+      // mark the road that leads away from this field
+      if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps()) {
+         const Direction dir = m_path[steps];
+         Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
+         if (rdir <= 4)
+            egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, m_type);
+         map.get_neighbour(curf, dir, &curf);
+      }
+   }
  * Remove road markings from the map
-void Road::_unmark_map(Editor_Game_Base & egbase) {
-	Map & map = egbase.map();
-	FCoords curf(m_path.get_start(), &map[m_path.get_start()]);
-	const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
-	for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps < nr_steps + 1; ++steps)
-	{
-		if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
-			unset_position(egbase, curf);
-		// mark the road that leads up to this field
-		if (steps > 0) {
-			const Direction dir  = get_reverse_dir(m_path[steps - 1]);
-			Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
-			if (rdir <= 4)
-				egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, Road_None);
-		}
-		// mark the road that leads away from this field
-		if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps()) {
-			const Direction  dir = m_path[steps];
-			Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
-			if (rdir <= 4)
-				egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, Road_None);
-			map.get_neighbour(curf, dir, &curf);
-		}
-	}
+void Road::_unmark_map(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   Map& map = egbase.map();
+   FCoords curf(m_path.get_start(), &map[m_path.get_start()]);
+   const Path::Step_Vector::size_type nr_steps = m_path.get_nsteps();
+   for (Path::Step_Vector::size_type steps = 0; steps < nr_steps + 1; ++steps) {
+      if (steps > 0 && steps < m_path.get_nsteps())
+         unset_position(egbase, curf);
+      // mark the road that leads up to this field
+      if (steps > 0) {
+         const Direction dir = get_reverse_dir(m_path[steps - 1]);
+         Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
+         if (rdir <= 4)
+            egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, Road_None);
+      }
+      // mark the road that leads away from this field
+      if (steps < m_path.get_nsteps()) {
+         const Direction dir = m_path[steps];
+         Direction const rdir = 2 * (dir - WALK_E);
+         if (rdir <= 4)
+            egbase.set_road(curf, rdir, Road_None);
+         map.get_neighbour(curf, dir, &curf);
+      }
+   }
  * Initialize the road.
-void Road::init(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
+void Road::init(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   PlayerImmovable::init(egbase);
-	if (2 <= m_path.get_nsteps())
-		_link_into_flags(egbase);
+   if (2 <= m_path.get_nsteps())
+      _link_into_flags(egbase);
@@ -265,88 +228,82 @@
  * we needed to have this road already registered
  * as Map Object, thats why this is moved
-void Road::_link_into_flags(Editor_Game_Base & egbase) {
-	assert(m_path.get_nsteps() >= 2);
-	// Link into the flags (this will also set our economy)
-	{
-		const Direction dir = m_path[0];
-		m_flags[FlagStart]->attach_road(dir, this);
-		m_flagidx[FlagStart] = dir;
-	}
-	const Direction dir =
-		get_reverse_dir(m_path[m_path.get_nsteps() - 1]);
-	m_flags[FlagEnd]->attach_road(dir, this);
-	m_flagidx[FlagEnd] = dir;
-	Economy::check_merge(*m_flags[FlagStart], *m_flags[FlagEnd]);
-	// Mark Fields
-	_mark_map(egbase);
-	/*
-	 * Iterate over all Carrierslots
-	 * If a carrier is set assign it to this road, else
-	 * request a new carrier
-	 */
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
-	container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
-		if (Carrier * const carrier = i.current->carrier.get(*game)) {
-			//  This happens after a road split. Tell the carrier what's going on.
-			carrier->set_location    (this);
-			carrier->update_task_road(*game);
-		} else if
-			(not i.current->carrier_request and
-			 (i.current->carrier_type == 1 or
-			  m_type == Road_Busy))
-			_request_carrier(*i.current);
-	}
+void Road::_link_into_flags(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   assert(m_path.get_nsteps() >= 2);
+   // Link into the flags (this will also set our economy)
+   {
+      const Direction dir = m_path[0];
+      m_flags[FlagStart]->attach_road(dir, this);
+      m_flagidx[FlagStart] = dir;
+   }
+   const Direction dir = get_reverse_dir(m_path[m_path.get_nsteps() - 1]);
+   m_flags[FlagEnd]->attach_road(dir, this);
+   m_flagidx[FlagEnd] = dir;
+   Economy::check_merge(*m_flags[FlagStart], *m_flags[FlagEnd]);
+   // Mark Fields
+   _mark_map(egbase);
+   /*
+    * Iterate over all Carrierslots
+    * If a carrier is set assign it to this road, else
+    * request a new carrier
+    */
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase))
+      container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
+         if (Carrier* const carrier = i.current->carrier.get(*game)) {
+            //  This happens after a road split. Tell the carrier what's going on.
+            carrier->set_location(this);
+            carrier->update_task_road(*game);
+         } else if (not i.current->carrier_request and(i.current->carrier_type == 1 or m_type ==
+                                                       Road_Busy))
+            _request_carrier(*i.current);
+      }
  * Cleanup the road
-void Road::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base & egbase)
-	container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
-		delete i.current->carrier_request;
-		i.current->carrier_request = 0;
-		// carrier will be released via PlayerImmovable::cleanup
-		i.current->carrier = 0;
-	}
-	// Unmark Fields
-	_unmark_map(egbase);
-	// Unlink from flags (also clears the economy)
-	m_flags[FlagStart]->detach_road(m_flagidx[FlagStart]);
-	m_flags[FlagEnd]->detach_road(m_flagidx[FlagEnd]);
-	Economy::check_split(*m_flags[FlagStart], *m_flags[FlagEnd]);
-	if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
-		m_flags[FlagStart]->update_items(*game, m_flags[FlagEnd]);
-		m_flags[FlagEnd]->update_items(*game, m_flags[FlagStart]);
-	}
-	PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
+void Road::cleanup(Editor_Game_Base& egbase) {
+   container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
+      delete i.current->carrier_request;
+      i.current->carrier_request = 0;
+      // carrier will be released via PlayerImmovable::cleanup
+      i.current->carrier = 0;
+   }
+   // Unmark Fields
+   _unmark_map(egbase);
+   // Unlink from flags (also clears the economy)
+   m_flags[FlagStart]->detach_road(m_flagidx[FlagStart]);
+   m_flags[FlagEnd]->detach_road(m_flagidx[FlagEnd]);
+   Economy::check_split(*m_flags[FlagStart], *m_flags[FlagEnd]);
+   if (upcast(Game, game, &egbase)) {
+      m_flags[FlagStart]->update_items(*game, m_flags[FlagEnd]);
+      m_flags[FlagEnd]->update_items(*game, m_flags[FlagStart]);
+   }
+   PlayerImmovable::cleanup(egbase);
  * Workers' economies are fixed by PlayerImmovable, but we need to handle
  * any requests ourselves.
-void Road::set_economy(Economy * const e)
-	PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
+void Road::set_economy(Economy* const e) {
+   PlayerImmovable::set_economy(e);
-	container_iterate_const(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i)
-		if (i.current->carrier_request)
-			i.current->carrier_request->set_economy(e);
+   container_iterate_const(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i)
+   if (i.current->carrier_request)
+      i.current->carrier_request->set_economy(e);
@@ -355,107 +312,93 @@
  * Only call this if the road can handle a new carrier, and if no request has
  * been issued.
-void Road::_request_carrier(CarrierSlot & slot)
-	if (slot.carrier_type == 1)
-		slot.carrier_request =
-			new Request
-				(*this,
-				 owner().tribe().safe_worker_index("carrier"),
-				 Road::_request_carrier_callback,
-				 wwWORKER);
-	else
-		slot.carrier_request =
-			new Request
-				(*this,
-				 owner().tribe().carrier2(),
-				 Road::_request_carrier_callback,
-				 wwWORKER);
+void Road::_request_carrier(CarrierSlot& slot) {
+   if (slot.carrier_type == 1)
+      slot.carrier_request = new Request(*this,
+                                         owner().tribe().safe_worker_index("carrier"),
+                                         Road::_request_carrier_callback,
+                                         wwWORKER);
+   else
+      slot.carrier_request =
+          new Request(*this, owner().tribe().carrier2(), Road::_request_carrier_callback, wwWORKER);
  * The carrier has arrived successfully.
-void Road::_request_carrier_callback
-	(Game            &       game,
-	 Request         &       rq,
-	 Ware_Index,
-	 Worker          * const w,
-	 PlayerImmovable &       target)
-	assert(w);
-	Road    & road    = ref_cast<Road,    PlayerImmovable>(target);
-	container_iterate(SlotVector, road.m_carrier_slots, i)
-		if (i.current->carrier_request == &rq) {
-			Carrier & carrier = ref_cast<Carrier, Worker> (*w);
-			i.current->carrier_request = 0;
-			i.current->carrier = &carrier;
-			carrier.start_task_road(game);
-			delete &rq;
-			return;
-		}
-	/*
-	 * Oops! We got a request_callback but don't have the request.
-	 * Try to send him home.
-	 */
-	log
-		("Road(%u): got a request_callback but do not have the request\n",
-		 road.serial());
-	delete &rq;
-	w->start_task_gowarehouse(game);
+void Road::_request_carrier_callback(Game& game,
+                                     Request& rq,
+                                     Ware_Index,
+                                     Worker* const w,
+                                     PlayerImmovable& target) {
+   assert(w);
+   Road& road = ref_cast<Road, PlayerImmovable>(target);
+   container_iterate(SlotVector, road.m_carrier_slots, i)
+   if (i.current->carrier_request == &rq) {
+      Carrier& carrier = ref_cast<Carrier, Worker>(*w);
+      i.current->carrier_request = 0;
+      i.current->carrier = &carrier;
+      carrier.start_task_road(game);
+      delete &rq;
+      return;
+   }
+   /*
+    * Oops! We got a request_callback but don't have the request.
+    * Try to send him home.
+    */
+   log("Road(%u): got a request_callback but do not have the request\n", road.serial());
+   delete &rq;
+   w->start_task_gowarehouse(game);
  * If we lost our carrier, re-request it.
-void Road::remove_worker(Worker & w)
-	Editor_Game_Base & egbase = owner().egbase();
-	container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
-		Carrier const * carrier = i.current->carrier.get(egbase);
-		if (carrier == &w) {
-			i.current->carrier = 0;
-			carrier            = 0;
-			_request_carrier(*i.current);
-		}
-	}
-	PlayerImmovable::remove_worker(w);
+void Road::remove_worker(Worker& w) {
+   Editor_Game_Base& egbase = owner().egbase();
+   container_iterate(SlotVector, m_carrier_slots, i) {
+      Carrier const* carrier = i.current->carrier.get(egbase);
+      if (carrier == &w) {
+         i.current->carrier = 0;
+         carrier = 0;
+         _request_carrier(*i.current);
+      }
+   }
+   PlayerImmovable::remove_worker(w);
  * A carrier was created by someone else (e.g. Scripting Engine)
  * and should now be assigned to this road.
-void Road::assign_carrier(Carrier & c, uint8_t slot)
-	assert(slot <= 1);
-	// Send the worker home if it occupies our slot
-	CarrierSlot & s = m_carrier_slots[slot];
-	delete s.carrier_request;
-	s.carrier_request = 0;
-	if (Carrier * const current_carrier = s.carrier.get(owner().egbase()))
-		current_carrier->set_location(0);
-	m_carrier_slots[slot].carrier = &c;
-	m_carrier_slots[slot].carrier_request = 0;
+void Road::assign_carrier(Carrier& c, uint8_t slot) {
+   assert(slot <= 1);
+   // Send the worker home if it occupies our slot
+   CarrierSlot& s = m_carrier_slots[slot];
+   delete s.carrier_request;
+   s.carrier_request = 0;
+   if (Carrier* const current_carrier = s.carrier.

Follow ups