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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/fix-bug-1208130 into lp:widelands


Review: Resubmit

Hi, I have now merged trunk/6711 to this branch for a re-review.

About the merge conflict:
There was a line saying    " if ( !workarea_info.size()  ) return ; show_workarea();"
code checker complained about it.
I had changed that to      " if (  workarea_info.empty() ) return ; show_workarea();"
In trunk it was changed to " if ( !workarea_info.empty() ) return ; show_workarea();"
As these two modifications applied to the same line were not the same, there was a conflict.

I prefer my fix in the conflicting line better, as in current trunk the workarea is shown only when there is no workarea, while here it works, as before. Of course, my view could be biased.

Do you see it a bad thing, if people like me piggy-back some compiler/codechecker warning fixes to other fixes?


What was changed:

- Removed dead code from buildingwindow (methods void act_prefer_rookies() and act_prefer_heroes() )
- Changed the soldier list so that only player can click the preference button
- Changed the soldier to use the command relay function instead of directly changing the militarysite, to avoid desyncs in multiplayer games.
- Something I did not do, presumably Charly also figured out to keep the preference-tab up-to-date for observers ?

Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/fix-bug-1208130.
