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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/reworked-readme into lp:widelands


Hans Joachim Desserud has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/reworked-readme into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1203474 in widelands: "Ingame README needs review"

For more details, see:

(Read: request for feedback, not request for merge)

I briefly started with reworking the readme. So far I've thrown it into the first dialog for the atlantean mission, and tweaked it a bit to see how it works. (This will of course be reverted once we have a final version and support for displaying it from the main menu.)

The text itself is untouched, as I figuered it made more sense to get the format down properly, then start rewriting as it will be presented how it will end up.

For now, I would mainly like some replies to the quetions posted in the comments, though general feedback is also welcome.

Work in progress-disclaimer applies. ;)
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/reworked-readme into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2012-12-16 19:08:16 +0000
+++ campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2013-08-11 13:44:55 +0000
@@ -155,19 +155,119 @@
    title = _ "Proudest to the death",
    body = rt(
-      h1(_"Favored by the god") ..
-      p(_
-[[On the hidden and lost island of Atlantis, a proud tribe settled since the
-world was very young. Ruled by the bloodline of King Ajanthul - the first human
-to be empowered by the sea god Lutas to breathe above the sea level - and the
-wise clerics, who provided the link to Lutas - they prospered and became
-      ) .. p(_
-[[This story happens during the regency of King Askandor, the 43rd successor of
-King Ajanthul. He has been a good king, ruling Atlantis with wisdom and
-foresight. But with age, he became afraid of dying and so he began looking for
-a cure to death even though most clerics warned him. Some said, endless life
-was only for the gods and to seek for it was forbidden.]]
+      h1(_"README")
+.. p(_
+-- TODO: add the logo image somehow. Can probably look at how portraits are added and do something similar.
+[[<rt image=pics/wl-logo-64.png image-align=center text-align=center></rt>
+<rt text-align=center><p font-size=38 font-face=Widelands/Widelands font-color=#2F9131>Widelands<br></p></rt>]])
+-- TODO: How to deal with parts which want specific styles (like centered/italics) and still be translatable?
+.. p("<rt text-align=center><p font-size=14 font-style=italic text-align=center>an open source strategy game<br></p>")
+.. p("</rt><rt>")
+.. h2(_"Introduction")
+.. p(_
+[[Widelands is a strategy game aiming for gameplay similar to Settlers II by BlueByte.<br>In this game, you start out on a small piece of land with nothing more than a few useful resources. Using those, you can build yourself an empire with many thousands of inhabitants. On your way towards this goal, you will have to build up an economic infrastructure, explore the lands around you and face enemies who are trying to rule the world just like you.]]) 
+.. h3(_"Check out the Widelands project homepage:") 
+.. p("http://wl.widelands.org";)
+.. p(_"Widelands is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). For more information, see the file 'COPYING' or select the License button from the main menu.")
+.. h3(_"Status")
+.. p(_
+[[Widelands is now on the step of being playable, but to become more playable volunteers are needed. Your contributions (yes, I'm talking to you) are required, especially in the area of graphics, to make Widelands a better game.]])
+.. h2(_"General game control") 
+.. p(_"To close an open window, right click it.")
+.. p(_"To minimize/maximize a window, click on the titlebar of that window either with middle mousebutton or with left mousebutton while holding down CTRL.")
+-- TOOD: I haven't converted all of this section, but I'm not sure how good it
+-- looks with the gaps between the various line breaks. The old layout was a
+-- lot tighter and read like a list rather than a vast number of unrelated 
+-- points. I guess I could have placed it in one paragraph and added <br>s
+-- to them, but then translator would get one huge list for all options,
+-- and I would prefer to split them into separate strings to allow for
+-- individual translations. Any suggestions here?
+-- TODO: Btw, looks like neither spaces, tabs nor \t provides whitespace. 
+.. h2(_"Keyboard shortcuts (in-game)")
+.. p(_"SPACE\tToggle build-help")
+.. p(_"M               Toggle minimap")
+.. p(_"N	Toggle messages ('news')")
+.. p(_"C               Toggle census")
+.. p(_"S               Toggle statistics")
+.. p(_"I               Toggle stock inventory display")
+.. p(_"O               Toggle objectives display")
+.. p(_"F               Toggle Fullscreen")
+.. p(_"Home        Center main mapview on starting location")
+.. p(_
+[[_", / .       Go to previous / next location"
+_"(CTRL+) 0-9  Remember and go to previously remembered locations"
+_"PAGEUP         Increase gamespeed"
+_"PAGEDOWN    Decrease gamespeed"
+_"PAUSE         Pauses the game (only for local games)"
+_"F6           Shows the debug console (only in debug-builds)"
+_"Ctrl+F10    Quit the game immediately"
+_"F11         Take a screenshot"
+_"When finishing a road, if Ctrl is down, place flags along the road. Default is to place flags from end to start. If Shift is also down, place flags from start to end instead."
+_"When removing a road, if Ctrl is pressed all flags up to the first junction are removed."
+_"In the message window, the following additional shortcuts are available:"
+_"G           Go to location corresponding to current message"
+_"DELETE      Archive the current message"]]
+) .. h2(_"Online Help")
+.. p(_"If you need documentation or help for Widelands or the Widelands Editor, be sure to visit our homepage. You can find an up to date online help at:")
+.. p("http://wl.widelands.org/wiki/";)
+.. h2(_"Reporting Bugs") .. p(_
+[[_"If you want to report bugs, please send your report to the mailing list, <widelands-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx><br>To subscribe, visit the following page:"
+_"Please provide enough background information. Tell us:"
+_"- what version of Widelands did you use (i.e. the build number, or whether it's<br>a custom compile from SVN)"
+_"- how to reproduce the bug"
+_"- which map you were playing"
+_"- send us a compressed (zip, gzip, bzip2) replay if the bug appeared in-game. For more explanation, see the section on Replays below."
+_"- send us a compressed (zip, gzip, bzip2) session record if possible, unless the<br>bug is trivial to reproduce. In fact, it may be a good idea to always record<br>your sessions in case a bug surfaces. For more explanation, see below."
+]]) .. h2(_"Replays") ..p(_
+[[_"Widelands records every game you play in two files. One of these files has a .wrpl.wgf extension and contains an initial savegame. The other file has just a .wrpl extension and contains all commands that were issued by all players, such as building a road or attacking an enemy. The rest of the filenames will tell you the time you started the game."
+_"Using the Watch Replay option in the main menu, a previously played game will be precisely reconstructed for you to watch. Note, however, that even small changes in the game data files or the Widelands executable can cause a replay to become incompatible and to 'go out of sync'. This is similar to how network games will suffer from desynchronization problems if one of the players has a different version of the game."
+_"Replays are a very useful tool to find bugs in the game logic code, so we ask you to attach replay files to all bug reports that you submit. The replay files are saved in the ~/.widelands/replays directory in your home on Linux and in the replays subdirectory of your Widelands installation on Windows."]]) .. h2(_"Creating a Session Record") .. p(_
+[["<p line-spacing=3 font-size=12>"
+_"Widelands can record all your keypresses and mouse movements to a file. It can then replay an entire session from starting the game to exiting it. This is really helpful for debugging problems."
+_"To create a session record, start the game with the --record parameter. On Linux, simply start Widelands like so: $ ./widelands --record=filename.rec"
+_"On Windows, create a shortcut to the file widelands.exe (right-click on widelands.exe and choose Create Shortcut). Then edit the shortcut (right-click on the newly created shortcut and choose Properties). The Target field should read something like c:\games\widelands\widelands.exe. Change this to c:\games\widelands\widelands.exe --record=filename.rec."
+_"A binary file called filename.rec will be created. To play it back, perform the same steps as outlined above, but replace --record with --playback."
+_"Note that while recorded files are platform independent, they generally won't work across different versions of Widelands, because the user interface and the order in which low-level functions can be called may change between versions. Session records are not intended to serve as demo files; they are mostly a debugging tool which helps us to track down bugs."

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