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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands


GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)

For more details, see:

Various string fixes for issues reported on Transifex.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 10:45:53 +0000
+++ campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
       title = _"Sidolus Seeks Out Jundlina",
       body = sidolus(
-			_([[May Satul warm you, Jundlina. Have you considered mining for resources in the mountains around us? We are running short of quartz, crystal and diamonds for our buildings. Also we could use more iron, gold and especially coal. If we find an ample supply of those commodities, we could start producing weapons and tools; this would help enormously. Of course, we would need smelters, a weapon smithy, an armor smithy and a toolsmithy. And maybe even more.]]))
+			_([[May Satul warm you, Jundlina. Have you considered mining for resources in the mountains around us? We are running short of quartz and diamonds for our buildings. Also, we could use more iron, gold and especially coal. If we find an ample supply of those commodities, we could start producing weapons and tools; this would help enormously. Of course, we would need smelters, a weapon smithy, an armor smithy and a toolsmithy. And maybe even more.]]))
       title = _"Jundlina Replies",

=== modified file 'campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 11:05:38 +0000
+++ campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
    number = 2,
    body = objective_text(_"Build coal and iron ore mines",
       listitem_bullet(_"Build a coal mine and an iron ore mine.") ..
-      listitem_arrow(_"To do so, place a flag up on the mountain’s flank to the east (on mountain terrain though, not mountain meadow). When you click on the new flag, you can send geologists there. Because the flag is on a mountain, the geologists will search for ores; otherwise, they would search for water. Then build a mine for both kinds of resources that he will find, choosing the appropriate mine to be built:") ..
+      listitem_arrow(_"To do so, place a flag up on the mountain’s flank to the east (on mountain terrain though, not mountain meadow). When you click on the new flag, you can send geologists there. Because the flag is on a mountain, the geologists will search for ores; otherwise, they would search for water. Then build a mine for both kinds of resources that they will find, choosing the appropriate mine to be built:") ..
 		"</rt>" ..
 		rt("image=tribes/barbarians/resi_coal1/resi_00.png", p(_"a bit of coal")) ..
 		rt("image=tribes/barbarians/resi_coal2/resi_00.png", p(_"a lot of coal")) ..

=== modified file 'campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-25 18:16:31 +0000
+++ campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
 obj_build_mining_infrastructure = {
    name = "build_mining_infrastructure ",
-   title =_"Build a stonemason and mining infrastructure",
+   title =_"Build a stonemason’s house and mining infrastructure",
    number = 7,
-   body = objective_text(_"Stonemason and Mining Infrastructure",
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Build a stonemason and then a complete mining and production infrastructure (coal mine and / or charcoal kiln, iron ore mine, toolsmithy, weapon smithy, armor smithy and smelting works).]])
+   body = objective_text(_"Stonemason’s house and Mining Infrastructure",
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Build a stonemason’s house and then a complete mining and production infrastructure (coal mine and / or charcoal kiln, iron ore mine, toolsmithy, weapon smithy, armor smithy and smelting works).]])
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
    body= saledus(_"Saledus is excited",
 		_([[By the Gods, this is an unbelievable stroke of fortune! There are two more mountains, and it seems that one has a large quantity of coal and the other of iron ore. I advise you to immediately build iron ore and coal mines (or at least charcoal kilns), smelting works, toolsmithies, armor and weapon smithies.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
-		_([[However: for all these bigger buildings, we need better and more elegant building materials. So you have to build a stonemason, who will cut columns from marble.]])
+		_([[However: for all these bigger buildings, we need better and more elegant building materials. So you have to build a house for the stonemason, who will cut columns from marble.]])
 		.. paragraphdivider() ..
 		_([[After everything, we can now begin to live like we did in Fremil.]]))
 		.. new_objectives(obj_build_mining_infrastructure)

=== modified file 'campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-26 10:48:55 +0000
+++ campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
    obj_title = _"Archive all messages in your inbox",
    obj_body = rt(
       h1(_"Archive Your Inbox Messages") ..
-      p(_[[The message window is central to fully controlling your tribe’s fortune. However, you will get a lot of messages in a real game. To keep your head straight, you should try to keep the inbox empty. ]]) ..
+      p(_[[The message window is central to fully controlling your tribe’s fortune. However, you will get a lot of messages in a real game. To keep your head straight, you should try to keep the inbox empty.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Archive all your messages in your inbox now.]]) ..
       listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, open the message window by pressing ‘n’ or clicking the rightmost button at the very bottom of the screen. Then mark all messages by checking the check box in front of them. Then, click the ‘Archive All’ button.]])

=== modified file 'maps/MP Scenarios/Smugglers.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- maps/MP Scenarios/Smugglers.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2014-10-03 20:16:29 +0000
+++ maps/MP Scenarios/Smugglers.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 welcome_msg = rt(
    h1(_"Smugglers") ..
    h2(_"Rules") ..
-   p(_([[Smugglers is a fun map for 4 players. You and your partner start diagonally from each other on a point symmetric island. There are plenty of smuggling tunnels on this island, each consisting of a receiving and a sending end. ]]) ..
-   _([[To establish a smuggling route, you need to build a warehouse on a sending/receiving spot while your team mate has to build one on the corresponding receiving/sending spot. A ware is then transported every 10 seconds. ]]) ..
+   p(_([[Smugglers is a fun map for 4 players. You and your partner start diagonally from each other on a point symmetric island. There are plenty of smuggling tunnels on this island, each consisting of a receiving and a sending end.]])) ..
+   p(_([[To establish a smuggling route, you need to build a warehouse on a sending/receiving spot while your team mate has to build one on the corresponding receiving/sending spot. A ware is then transported every 10 seconds.]])) ..
 -- TRANSLATORS: %s = '<number> points'
-	_([[For harder to defend smuggling routes, you get 2 or 3 points per ware smuggled. The first team to collect %s wins.]])) ..
+	p(_([[For harder to defend smuggling routes, you get 2 or 3 points per ware smuggled. The first team to collect %s wins.]])) ..
 	rt(h2(_"A sending spot")) .. rt("image=map:send_spot.png", p(" ")) ..
 	rt(h2(_"A receiving spot")) .. rt("image=map:recv_spot.png", p(" ")) ..
 	rt(h2(_"Notes") ..

=== modified file 'maps/Trident of Fire.wmf/elemental'
--- maps/Trident of Fire.wmf/elemental	2014-10-08 19:52:48 +0000
+++ maps/Trident of Fire.wmf/elemental	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 name=_"Trident of Fire"
 descr=_"In the vicinity of three major volcanoes, six lovely islands are inviting settlers to start a new life. Deserts and a quickly growing forest wait to be discovered. But only by becoming a naval power will your tribe be able to explore enough resources to compete with its opponents."
-hint=_"Suggested teams: red vs. green | (blue, yellow) vs. (green, orange) | (blue, black) vs. (green, red) | (blue, black, yellow) vs. (green, red, orange)"

=== modified file 'scripting/win_conditions/collectors.lua'
--- scripting/win_conditions/collectors.lua	2015-05-06 07:15:40 +0000
+++ scripting/win_conditions/collectors.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 include "scripting/coroutine.lua" -- for sleep
 include "scripting/messages.lua"
 include "scripting/formatting.lua"
+include "scripting/format_scenario.lua"
 include "scripting/table.lua"
 include "scripting/win_condition_functions.lua"
@@ -108,9 +109,9 @@
          points = points + lpoints
          local warename = wl.Game():get_ware_description(plr.tribe_name, ware).descname
          -- TRANSLATORS: For example: 'gold (3 P) x 4 = 12 P", P meaning "Points'
-         descr[#descr+1] = [[• ]] .. (_"  %1$s (%2$i P) x %3$i = %4$i P"):bformat(
+         descr[#descr+1] = listitem_bullet(_"%1$s (%2$i P) x %3$i = %4$i P"):bformat(
             warename, value, count, lpoints
-         ) .. "<br>"
+         )
       descr[#descr+1] =  "</p>" .. h3(ngettext("Total: %i point", "Total: %i points", points)):format(points)
               .. "<p line-spacing=3 font-size=12>"

=== modified file 'src/editor/tools/editor_info_tool.cc'
--- src/editor/tools/editor_info_tool.cc	2015-02-24 13:51:38 +0000
+++ src/editor/tools/editor_info_tool.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "editor/tools/editor_info_tool.h"
 #include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
 #include <boost/format.hpp>
@@ -54,29 +55,33 @@
 	buf += "• " + (boost::format(_("Coordinates: (%1$i, %2$i)"))
 					 % center.node.x % center.node.y).str() + "\n";
-	std::string temp = "";
+	std::vector<std::string> caps_strings;
 	Widelands::NodeCaps const caps = f.nodecaps();
 	switch (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_SIZEMASK) {
-		/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: medium flag walk */
-		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_SMALL:  temp += _(" small");  break;
-		/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: medium flag walk */
-		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM: temp += _(" medium"); break;
-		/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: medium flag walk */
-		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_BIG:    temp += _(" big");    break;
+		/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: small building plot */
+		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_SMALL:  caps_strings.push_back(_("small"));  break;
+		/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: medium building plot */
+		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_MEDIUM: caps_strings.push_back(_("medium")); break;
+		/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: big building plot */
+		case Widelands::BUILDCAPS_BIG:    caps_strings.push_back(_("big"));    break;
 		default: break;
-	/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: medium flag walk */
-	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_FLAG) temp += _(" flag");
-	/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: flag mine walk */
-	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_MINE) temp += _(" mine");
-	/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: big flag port walk */
-	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_PORT) temp += _(" port");
-	/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: medium flag walk */
-	if (caps & Widelands::MOVECAPS_WALK)  temp += _(" walk");
-	/** TRANSLATORS: This is part of a list, e.g. Caps: swim */
-	if (caps & Widelands::MOVECAPS_SWIM)  temp += _(" swim");
+	/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: space for a flag */
+	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_FLAG) caps_strings.push_back(_("flag"));
+	/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: mine building plot */
+	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_MINE) caps_strings.push_back(_("mine"));
+	/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: port space */
+	if (caps & Widelands::BUILDCAPS_PORT) caps_strings.push_back(_("port"));
+	/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: units can walk on this terrain */
+	if (caps & Widelands::MOVECAPS_WALK)  caps_strings.push_back(_("walkable"));
+	/** TRANSLATORS: Editor terrain property: units can swim on this terrain (fish, ships) */
+	if (caps & Widelands::MOVECAPS_SWIM)  caps_strings.push_back(_("swimmable"));
-	buf += std::string("• ") + (boost::format(_("Caps:%s")) % temp).str() + "\n";
+	buf += std::string("• ")
+			 + (boost::format(_("Caps: %s"))
+				 % i18n::localize_list(caps_strings, i18n::ConcatenateWith::COMMA)).str()
+			 + "\n";
 	if (f.get_owned_by() > 0) {
 		buf += std::string("• ") +
@@ -86,6 +91,7 @@
 		buf += std::string("• ") + _("Owned by: —") + "\n";
+	std::string temp = "";
 	temp = f.get_immovable() ? _("Has base immovable") : _("No base immovable");
 	buf += "• " + temp + "\n";
@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@
 	if (map.get_nrplayers() > 0) {
 		buf += "• " +
-		       (boost::format(_("Players: %d")) % static_cast<int>(map.get_nrplayers())).str() + "\n";
+				 (boost::format(_("Players: %u")) % static_cast<unsigned int>(map.get_nrplayers())).str() + "\n";
 	else {
 		buf += "• " + std::string(_("Players: -")) + "\n";

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_random_map.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_random_map.cc	2014-11-30 18:49:38 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_random_map.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 		{"greenland", _("Summer")},
 		{"winterland", _("Winter")},
 		{"desert", _("Desert")},
-		{"blackland", _("Black")},
+		{"blackland", _("Wasteland")},
 	m_current_world(0) {
 	int32_t const offsx   =  5;

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map.cc	2015-07-25 21:12:32 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 	posy += 20 + spacing;
 	new UI::Textarea
-		(this, posx, posy, descr_label_w, 20, _("Descr: "), UI::Align_CenterLeft);
+		(this, posx, posy, descr_label_w, 20, _("Descr:"), UI::Align_CenterLeft);
 	m_descr =
 		new UI::MultilineTextarea

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc	2014-09-19 09:07:14 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/editor_main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	int32_t const offsy   = 30;
 	int32_t       posy    = offsy;
-	new UI::Textarea(this, spacing, posy, _("Enter Directory Name: "));
+	new UI::Textarea(this, spacing, posy, _("Enter Directory Name:"));
 	posy += 20 + spacing;
 	m_edit =

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/editor_player_menu.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/editor_player_menu.cc	2015-06-05 19:13:06 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/editor_player_menu.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -202,12 +202,8 @@
 	{ //  register new default name for this players
 		assert(nr_players <= 99); //  2 decimal digits
-		std::string number = "";
-		if (char const nr_players_10 = nr_players / 10)
-			number += '0' + nr_players_10;
-		number += '0' + nr_players % 10;
 		/** TRANSLATORS: Default player name, e.g. Player 1 */
-		const std::string name = (boost::format(_("Player %s")) % number).str();
+		const std::string name = (boost::format(_("Player %u")) % static_cast<unsigned int>(nr_players)).str();
 		map.set_scenario_player_name(nr_players, name);
 	map.set_scenario_player_tribe(nr_players, m_tribes[0]);

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/editor_tool_place_immovable_options_menu.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/editor_tool_place_immovable_options_menu.cc	2014-12-03 20:16:51 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/editor_tool_place_immovable_options_menu.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
    EditorInteractive& parent,
    EditorPlaceImmovableTool& tool,
    UI::UniqueWindow::Registry& registry)
-   : EditorToolOptionsMenu(parent, registry, 0, 0, _("Immovable Select")) {
+	: EditorToolOptionsMenu(parent, registry, 0, 0, _("Immovables")) {
 	const Widelands::World& world = parent.egbase().world();
 	   new CategorizedItemSelectionMenu<Widelands::ImmovableDescr, EditorPlaceImmovableTool>(

=== modified file 'src/logic/game.cc'
--- src/logic/game.cc	2015-04-07 06:49:51 +0000
+++ src/logic/game.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
 					 	 "no starting position.\n"
 					 	 "You can manually add a starting position with the Widelands "
 					 	 "Editor to fix this problem."),
-					 p);
+					 static_cast<unsigned int>(p));

=== modified file 'src/logic/map.cc'
--- src/logic/map.cc	2015-07-25 21:12:32 +0000
+++ src/logic/map.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
 #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
 #include "base/log.h"
 #include "base/macros.h"
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@
 	// <undefined> (as set before) is useless and will lead to a
 	// crash -> Widelands will search for tribe "<undefined>"
 	set_scenario_player_tribe(1, TribeDescr::get_all_tribenames()[0]);
-	set_scenario_player_name(1, _("Player 1"));
+	set_scenario_player_name(1, (boost::format(_("Player %u")) % 1).str());
 	set_scenario_player_ai(1, "");
 	set_scenario_player_closeable(1, false);

=== modified file 'src/logic/objective.h'
--- src/logic/objective.h	2014-07-05 16:41:51 +0000
+++ src/logic/objective.h	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 class Objective  {
 	Objective(const std::string& init_name)
-	   : m_name(init_name), m_descname(init_name), m_descr(_("no descr")), m_visible(true), m_done(false) {
+		: m_name(init_name), m_descname(init_name), m_descr(_("This objective has no description.")), m_visible(true), m_done(false) {
 	// Unique internal name of the objective.

=== modified file 'src/logic/player.cc'
--- src/logic/player.cc	2015-02-09 05:57:08 +0000
+++ src/logic/player.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -226,11 +226,11 @@
 		throw WLWarning
 			(_("Missing starting position"),
-			 	("Widelands could not start the game, because player %u has no "
-			 	 "starting position.\n"
-			 	 "You can manually add a starting position with Widelands Editor, "
-			 	 "to fix this problem."),
-			 m_plnum);
+				("Widelands could not start the game, because player %u has "
+				 "no starting position.\n"
+				 "You can manually add a starting position with the Widelands "
+				 "Editor to fix this problem."),
+			 static_cast<unsigned int>(m_plnum));

=== modified file 'src/network/internet_gaming.cc'
--- src/network/internet_gaming.cc	2015-01-21 20:57:11 +0000
+++ src/network/internet_gaming.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -582,12 +582,14 @@
 			if (subcmd == IGPCMD_CHAT) {
 				// Something went wrong with the chat message the user sent.
-				message += _("Chat message could not be sent. ");
+				message += _("Chat message could not be sent.");
 				if (reason == "NO_SUCH_USER")
-					message +=
-						(boost::format
-							(InternetGamingMessages::get_message(reason)) % packet.string().c_str())
-						.str();
+					message =
+							(boost::format ("%s %s")
+							 % message
+							 % (boost::format
+								 (InternetGamingMessages::get_message(reason)) % packet.string().c_str()))
+							.str();
 			else if (subcmd == IGPCMD_GAME_OPEN) {

=== modified file 'src/network/netclient.cc'
--- src/network/netclient.cc	2015-02-06 16:37:25 +0000
+++ src/network/netclient.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -1091,8 +1091,10 @@
 			msg = NetworkGamingMessages::get_message(reason, arg);
-		if (trysave)
-			msg += _(" An automatic savegame will be created.");
+		if (trysave) {
+			/** TRANSLATORS: %s contains an error message. */
+			msg = (boost::format(_("%s An automatic savegame will be created.")) % msg).str();
+		}
 		UI::WLMessageBox mmb

=== modified file 'src/ui_basic/spinbox.cc'
--- src/ui_basic/spinbox.cc	2014-12-06 12:22:35 +0000
+++ src/ui_basic/spinbox.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 	std::string unit_text = std::to_string(sbi->value);
 	if (! sbi->unit.empty()) {
 		/** TRANSLATORS: %i = number, %s = unit, e.g. "5 pixels" in the advanced options */
-		unit_text = (boost::format(_("%i %s")) % sbi->value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str();
+		unit_text = (boost::format(_("%1$i %2$s")) % sbi->value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str();
 	sbi->text = new UI::Textarea
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 	if (!was_in_list) {
-		sbi->text->set_text((boost::format("%i %s") % sbi->value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str());
+		sbi->text->set_text((boost::format(_("%1$i %2$s")) % sbi->value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str());
 	sbi->butMinus->set_enabled(sbi->min < sbi->value);
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
 void SpinBox::remove_replacement(int32_t value)
 	if (int32_t i = find_replacement(value) >= 0) {
-		sbi->valrep[i].text = (boost::format("%i %s") % value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str();
+		sbi->valrep[i].text = (boost::format(_("%1$i %2$s")) % value % sbi->unit.c_str()).str();

=== modified file 'src/ui_fsmenu/launch_mpg.cc'
--- src/ui_fsmenu/launch_mpg.cc	2015-01-31 16:03:59 +0000
+++ src/ui_fsmenu/launch_mpg.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
 			(this, "saved_game",
 			 space, y + buth + space, butw, buth,
-			 _("Saved game"), _("Select a saved game"), true, false);
+			 /** Translators: This is a button to select a savegame */
+			 _("Saved Game"), _("Select a saved game"), true, false);
 				 (&MapOrSaveSelectionWindow::pressedButton, boost::ref(*this), 2));
@@ -294,7 +295,8 @@
 			(_("Win condition is set through the scenario"));
 	} else if (m_settings->settings().savegame) {
-		m_wincondition.set_title(_("Savegame"));
+		/** Translators: This is a game type */
+		m_wincondition.set_title(_("Saved Game"));
 			(_("The game is a saved game – the win condition was set before."));
 	} else {
@@ -429,12 +431,13 @@
 		throw WLWarning
 			(_("File not found"),
-			 	("Widelands tried to start a game with a file that could not be "
-			 	 "found at the given path.\n"
-			 	 "The file was: %s\n"
-			 	 "If this happens, the host might have selected a file that you do "
-			 	 "not own. Normally, such a file should be sent from the host to "
-			 	 "you, but perhaps the transfer was not yet finished!?!"),
+			 ("Widelands tried to start a game with a file that could not be "
+			  "found at the given path.\n"
+			  "The file was: %s\n"
+			  "If this happens in a network game, the host might have selected "
+			  "a file that you do not own. Normally, such a file should be sent "
+			  "from the host to you, but perhaps the transfer was not yet "
+			  "finished!?!"),
 	if (m_settings->can_launch())

=== modified file 'src/wui/multiplayersetupgroup.cc'
--- src/wui/multiplayersetupgroup.cc	2015-01-21 21:21:46 +0000
+++ src/wui/multiplayersetupgroup.cc	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -358,7 +358,8 @@
 		if (settings.scenario)
 		else if (settings.savegame)
-			init->set_title(_("Savegame"));
+			/** Translators: This is a game type */
+			init->set_title(_("Saved Game"));
 		else {
 			std::string tribepath("tribes/" + player_setting.tribe);
 			i18n::Textdomain td(tribepath); // for translated initialisation

=== modified file 'tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 10:59:28 +0000
+++ tribes/atlanteans/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("atlanteans", building_description,
 		_"Plants trees in the surrounding area.",
-		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
+		_"The forester’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("atlanteans", building_description) ..

=== modified file 'tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua'
--- tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-26 10:59:28 +0000
+++ tribes/empire/foresters_house/help.lua	2015-07-31 06:40:27 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	--General Section
 	building_help_general_string("empire", building_description,
 		_"Plants trees in the surrounding area.",
-		_"The foresters’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
+		_"The forester’s house needs free space within the work area to plant the trees.") ..
 	building_help_dependencies_production("empire", building_description) ..

Follow ups