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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/lua-driven-help into lp:widelands


> I got different segfaults... so i think it's not related not this branch. On
> the other side i had no trouble with other programs, so i think it's not my
> computer which causes such segfaults. Annoying was that the segfaults are
> irreproducable, sometimes there was no segfault. Because there is no Bugreport
> for this and we have no really need for this changes for build 19, i want to
> wait until Monday to make some more tests.

Ths segfaults you just posted look more like what I got... I have an idea on changing the code, maybe that will fix it. It will make the Lua a bit less elegant, but we can live with that.

> To the layout:
> - It looks a bit strange that there is only one entry "Introduction" on the
> left side and the right side is a bit small for displaying the texts. Is there
> a plan to have clickable headers on the left side which scroll the right side
> to the appropriate header (ore something similar)? F.e. On the left Side
> "Introduction /n Keyboard shortcuts" and clicking on the second entry will
> show the Keyboard shortcuts on the right?

This is waiting for the "About" branch, I don't want to fiddle with the same strings in 2 different branches. No, we can't automatically scroll down, but we can make separate entries.

> - I think the help button should always be on the same place. Currently it is
> on the outer right in Editor and during game play it is somewhere in the
> middle.

I noticed this as well, but I'm unsure there's the best way to put it. I guess general UI convention is to have it on the far right.

> - The help button during game play is called "Tribal encyclopedia" which
> should be changed then

I am rather fond of the "Tribal Encyclopedia" title - reminds me of Civilization's "Civilopedia".

Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/lua-driven-help.
