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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands


GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands.

Commit message:
Fixed various string issues reported on Transifex and added some translators' comments.

Requested reviews:
  Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1421942 in widelands: "Unified term for "Black" and "Wasteland""
  Bug #1487887 in widelands: "Translation missing in editor and in replay tooltip"
  Bug #1530240 in widelands: "wrong text in the tribal encyclopedia for the battle ax"
  Bug #1530398 in widelands: "Wrong text above marble mine"
  Bug #1547909 in widelands: "Some strings in the editor cannot be translated"

For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/string-fixes into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'data/campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-03-03 17:07:13 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/atl01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
          _([[Ahh, but I think this is impossible to change. The preparing and eating of food is something deeply ingrained in us Atlanteans – it is a ceremony that we just need for our well-being. So I guess we cannot take this away from the individuals completely.]])
          .. paragraphdivider() ..
          -- TRANSLATORS: Colionder
-         _([[But we might find a compromise in between: for me, making bread is a troublesome task. Grinding the blackroot and corn to flour and then baking the bread is tedious and boring; I feel a more industrial approach would be helpful here. I for one would love to just have fresh bread delivered to my house every day.]])
+         _([[But we might find a compromise in between: for me, making bread is a troublesome task. Grinding the blackroots and corn to flour and then baking the bread is tedious and boring; I feel a more industrial approach would be helpful here. I for one would love to just have fresh bread delivered to my house every day.]])
          .. paragraphdivider() ..
          -- TRANSLATORS: Colionder
          _([[Oooh and even more important: the smoking of fish and meat to cleanse them and improve their taste is terrible. My house is full of smoke and stinks for weeks afterwards. Don’t you think that this could be done in a special building where the side effects do not matter? I think those two things would be accepted by the people and would reduce the cooking time without taking away the ritual.]]))

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-01-28 05:24:34 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/bar01.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
    name = "basic food began",
    title = _"Provide your miners with food",
    number = 3,
-   body = objective_text(_"Build a hunter, a gamekeeper and a tavern",
+   body = objective_text(_"Build a hunter’s hut, a gamekeeper’s hut and a tavern",
       listitem_bullet(_"In order to work, your miners need food.") ..
       listitem_arrow(_"A hunter can hunt down animals, while a gamekeeper prevents them from becoming extinct. The meat is then processed in a tavern into lunches for your miners.") .. " " ..
       _([[This is only the first example of a ware which has to be refined before being used in a secondary building – others will follow.]]))

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/bar02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/bar02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-05-02 15:33:14 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/bar02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
    title = _"Tracks",
    body = boldreth(_"Boldreth says:",
       -- TRANSLATORS: Boldreth
-      _([[Thron told me that he discovered tracks in the snow to the northeast of our settlement. He has instructed us to build a tower,  to have a greater visual range over the area around our hall to protect our people from sudden attacks.]]))
+      _([[Thron told me that he discovered tracks in the snow to the northeast of our settlement. He has instructed us to build a tower, to have a greater visual range over the area around our hall to protect our people from sudden attacks.]]))
       .. new_objectives(obj_build_a_tower)

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-01-28 05:24:34 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/emp02.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    title =_"Build a stonemason’s house and mining infrastructure",
    number = 7,
    body = objective_text(_"Stonemason’s house and Mining Infrastructure",
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Build a stonemason’s house and then a complete mining and production infrastructure (coal mine and / or charcoal kiln, iron ore mine, toolsmithy, weapon smithy, armor smithy and smelting works).]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Build a stonemason’s house and then a complete mining and production infrastructure (coal mine and / or charcoal kiln, iron mine, toolsmithy, weapon smithy, armor smithy and smelting works).]])
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
       listitem_bullet(_[[To produce some sustaining food for our miners, we could build up a tavern. To supply them with some good and strong drinks, we could build up a brewery and a winery.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Of course this means we will need more resources for preparing this food – like fish, meat or bread. To provide these foodstuffs, you would have to build a fisher’s house, a farm, a mill and a bakery.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Maybe you will also need a hunter’s house, a piggery, a vineyard and some wells.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[It’s up to you what you want to build. But remember – coal and iron ore mines need beer, marble and gold mines need wine and all mines need at least rations, which are produced out of bread OR meat OR fish.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[It’s up to you what you want to build. But remember – coal and iron mines need beer, marble and gold mines need wine and all mines need at least rations, which are produced out of bread OR meat OR fish.]])
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
    title =_ "Further Mountains",
    body= saledus(_"Saledus is excited",
       -- TRANSLATORS: Saledus
-      _([[By the Gods, this is an unbelievable stroke of fortune! There are two more mountains, and it seems that one has a large quantity of coal and the other of iron ore. I advise you to immediately build iron ore and coal mines (or at least charcoal kilns), smelting works, toolsmithies, armor and weapon smithies.]])
+      _([[By the Gods, this is an unbelievable stroke of fortune! There are two more mountains, and it seems that one has a large quantity of coal and the other of iron ore. I advise you to immediately build iron and coal mines (or at least charcoal kilns), smelting works, toolsmithies, armor and weapon smithies.]])
       .. paragraphdivider() ..
       -- TRANSLATORS: Saledus
       _([[However: for all these bigger buildings, we need better and more elegant building materials. So you have to build a house for the stonemason, who will cut columns from marble.]])

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-09-15 19:13:44 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
       p(_[[Granite can be mined in granite mines, but the easier way is to build a quarry next to some rocks lying around. As it happens, there is a pile of them just to the west (left) of your headquarters. I will teach you now how to move your view over there.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_arrow(_[[There are three ways to move your view. The first one is using the cursor keys on your keyboard. Go ahead and try this out.]]) ..
-      listitem_bullet(_[[Click the ‘OK’ button and then move the view using the cursor keys]])
+      listitem_bullet(_[[Click the ‘OK’ button and then move the view using the cursor keys.]])
    h = 350,
    obj_name = "move_view_with_cursor_keys",
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
    ) ..
    rt("image=images/wui/messages/message_archive.png", p(_[[‘Archive selected message’ button to move it into your archive.]])) ..
-      p(_[[Once you have deleted a message, another message will be selected automatically from the list.]]) ..
+      p(_[[Once you have archived a message, another message will be selected automatically from the list.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Archive all messages that you currently have in your inbox, including this one.]])
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
       p(_[[The message window is central to fully controlling your tribe’s fortune. However, you will get a lot of messages in a real game. To keep your head straight, you should try to keep the inbox empty.]]) ..
       paragraphdivider() ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Archive all your messages in your inbox now.]]) ..
-      listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, open the message window by pressing ‘n’ or clicking the rightmost button at the very bottom of the screen. The newest message will be marked for you automatically. Keep clicking the ‘Archive selected message’ button until all messages have been archived and the list is empty.]])
+      listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, open the message window by pressing ‘n’ or clicking the second button from the right at the very bottom of the screen. The newest message will be marked for you automatically. Keep clicking the ‘Archive selected message’ button until all messages have been archived and the list is empty.]])

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-01-28 05:24:34 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/tutorial03_seafaring.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
    body = rt(
       h1(_"Ports") ..
       p(_[[For everything you do on the high seas, you need a port at the shore. Ports are like headquarters: they can store wares, workers and soldiers. The soldiers inside will automatically come out when an enemy attacks the port.]]) ..
-      p(_[[Additionally, ports offer the possibility of transporting wares via ships. When you click on the port you already have, you will notice two additional tabs: wares and workers in the dock. They are waiting for a ship to transport them to another port. Currently, there are none because we have not yet built a second port. So let’s change this!]])
+      p(_[[Additionally, ports offer the possibility of transporting wares via ships. When you click on the port you already have, you will notice two additional tabs: ‘Wares waiting to be shipped’ and ‘workers waiting to embark.’ They are waiting for a ship to transport them to another port. Currently, there are none because we have not yet built a second port. So let’s change this!]])
    h = 350

=== modified file 'data/campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
--- data/campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-09-15 15:33:30 +0000
+++ data/campaigns/tutorial04_economy.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
       p(_[[This is enough explanation for now. Now try it out yourself. We want to know whether we still have taverns, so you have to choose the ‘Medium Buildings’ tab. Close the building statistics menu afterwards.]])
    obj_name = "check_taverns",
-   obj_title = _"Look up your number of taverns in the building statistics window.",
+   obj_title = _"Look up how many taverns you have.",
    obj_body = rt(
       listitem_bullet(_[[Choose the ‘Medium Buildings’ tab in the building statistics window.]]) ..
       listitem_bullet(_[[Look up how many taverns you have.]]) ..

=== modified file 'data/scripting/editor/editor_controls.lua'
--- data/scripting/editor/editor_controls.lua	2016-05-01 09:57:58 +0000
+++ data/scripting/editor/editor_controls.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
          h2(_"Tools") ..
             -- TRANSLATORS: This is an access key combination. Localize, but do not change the key.
-            dl(help_format_hotkey(pgettext("hotkey", "1-0")), _"Change tool size") ..
+            dl(help_format_hotkey(pgettext("hotkey", "0-9")), _"Change tool size") ..
             -- TRANSLATORS: This is an access key combination. Localize, but do not change the key.
             dl(help_format_hotkey(pgettext("hotkey", "Click")), _"Place new elements on the map, or increase map elements by the value selected by ‘Increase/Decrease value’") ..
             -- TRANSLATORS: This is an access key combination. Localize, but do not change the key.

=== modified file 'data/scripting/win_conditions/artifacts.lua'
--- data/scripting/win_conditions/artifacts.lua	2016-09-19 06:06:55 +0000
+++ data/scripting/win_conditions/artifacts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -59,14 +59,17 @@
       local found_artifact = {
-         title = _"New Artifact Found",
+         -- TRANSLATORS: Keep this as short as possible. You can also translate this as "New artifact"
+         title = _"Artifact Found",
          body = rt(p(_[[Your team found a new artifact.]]))
       local lost_artifact = {
+         -- TRANSLATORS: Keep this as short as possible.
          title = _"Artifact Lost",
          body = rt(p(_[[One of your team’s artifacts was stolen by an enemy.]]))
       local stole_artifact = {
+         -- TRANSLATORS: Keep this as short as possible.
          title = _"Artifact Conquered",
          body = rt(p(_[[Your team stole an artifact from an enemy.]]))

=== modified file 'data/scripting/win_conditions/win_condition_texts.lua'
--- data/scripting/win_conditions/win_condition_texts.lua	2016-09-12 09:57:16 +0000
+++ data/scripting/win_conditions/win_condition_texts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -22,5 +22,6 @@
 game_status = {
   title = _"Status",
+  -- TRANSLATORS: This is an overview for all players.
   body = h3(_"Player overview:")

=== modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/mill/helptexts.lua'
--- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/mill/helptexts.lua	2015-12-02 04:01:09 +0000
+++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/mill/helptexts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 function building_helptext_purpose()
  -- TRANSLATORS: Purpose helptext for a building
-   return pgettext("atlanteans_building", "Grinds blackroot and corn to produce blackroot flour and cornmeal, respectively.")
+   return pgettext("atlanteans_building", "Grinds blackroots and corn to produce blackroot flour and cornmeal, respectively.")
 function building_helptext_note()

=== modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/well/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/well/init.lua	2015-12-11 16:54:00 +0000
+++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/atlanteans/well/init.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
       -- Translators: Short for "Out of ..." for a resource
       title = _"No Water",
       heading = _"Out of Water",
-      message = pgettext("atlanteans_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area."),
+      message = pgettext("atlanteans_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his well."),
       productivity_threshold = 33

=== modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/well/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/well/init.lua	2015-12-11 16:54:00 +0000
+++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/barbarians/well/init.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
       -- Translators: Short for "Out of ..." for a resource
       title = _"No Water",
       heading = _"Out of Water",
-      message = pgettext("barbarians_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area."),
+      message = pgettext("barbarians_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his well."),
       productivity_threshold = 33

=== modified file 'data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/empire/well/init.lua'
--- data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/empire/well/init.lua	2015-12-11 16:54:00 +0000
+++ data/tribes/buildings/productionsites/empire/well/init.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
       -- Translators: Short for "Out of ..." for a resource
       title = _"No Water",
       heading = _"Out of Water",
-      message = pgettext("empire_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his work area."),
+      message = pgettext("empire_building", "The carrier working at this well can’t find any water in his well."),
       productivity_threshold = 33

=== modified file 'data/tribes/scripting/help/building_help.lua'
--- data/tribes/scripting/help/building_help.lua	2016-09-21 15:49:41 +0000
+++ data/tribes/scripting/help/building_help.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -211,12 +211,12 @@
    elseif(building_description.type_name == "warehouse") then
       result = result .. rt(h3(_"Healing:")
-         .. p(ngettext("Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health point per second", "Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health points per second", building_description.heal_per_second):bformat(building_description.heal_per_second)))
+         .. p(ngettext("Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health point per second.", "Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health points per second.", building_description.heal_per_second):bformat(building_description.heal_per_second)))
       result = result .. text_line(_"Conquer range:", building_description.conquers)
    elseif(building_description.type_name == "militarysite") then
       result = result .. rt(h3(_"Healing:")
-         .. p(ngettext("Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health point per second", "Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health points per second", building_description.heal_per_second):bformat(building_description.heal_per_second)))
+         .. p(ngettext("Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health point per second.", "Garrisoned soldiers heal %d health points per second.", building_description.heal_per_second):bformat(building_description.heal_per_second)))
       result = result .. text_line(_"Capacity:", building_description.max_number_of_soldiers)
       result = result .. text_line(_"Conquer range:", building_description.conquers)

=== modified file 'data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/atlanteans/fortified_village.lua'
--- data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/atlanteans/fortified_village.lua	2016-03-30 07:23:59 +0000
+++ data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/atlanteans/fortified_village.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the name of a starting condition
    descname = _ "Fortified Village",
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the tooltip for the "Fortified Village" starting condition
-   tooltip = _" Start the game with a fortified military installation",
+   tooltip = _"Start the game with a fortified military installation",
    func =  function(plr, shared_in_start)
       local sf = wl.Game().map.player_slots[plr.number].starting_field

=== modified file 'data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/barbarians/fortified_village.lua'
--- data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/barbarians/fortified_village.lua	2016-03-30 07:23:59 +0000
+++ data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/barbarians/fortified_village.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the name of a starting condition
    descname = _ "Fortified Village",
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the tooltip for the "Fortified Village" starting condition
-   tooltip = _" Start the game with a fortified military installation",
+   tooltip = _"Start the game with a fortified military installation",
    func =  function(plr, shared_in_start)
       local sf = wl.Game().map.player_slots[plr.number].starting_field

=== modified file 'data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/empire/fortified_village.lua'
--- data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/empire/fortified_village.lua	2016-03-30 07:23:59 +0000
+++ data/tribes/scripting/starting_conditions/empire/fortified_village.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the name of a starting condition
    descname = _ "Fortified Village",
    -- TRANSLATORS: This is the tooltip for the "Fortified Village" starting condition
-   tooltip = _" Start the game with a fortified military installation",
+   tooltip = _"Start the game with a fortified military installation",
    func =  function(plr, shared_in_start)
    local sf = wl.Game().map.player_slots[plr.number].starting_field

=== modified file 'data/tribes/wares/trident_steel/helptexts.lua'
--- data/tribes/wares/trident_steel/helptexts.lua	2015-11-06 19:10:10 +0000
+++ data/tribes/wares/trident_steel/helptexts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 function ware_helptext(tribe)
    local helptext = {
       -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Steel Trident
-      atlanteans = pgettext("atlanteans_ware", "This is the medium trident. It is produced in the weapon smithy and used by advanced soldiers in the dungeon  – together with food – to train from attack level 1 to level 2.")
+      atlanteans = pgettext("atlanteans_ware", "This is the medium trident. It is produced in the weapon smithy and used by advanced soldiers in the dungeon – together with food – to train from attack level 1 to level 2.")
    local result = ""
    if tribe then

=== modified file 'data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/miller/helptexts.lua'
--- data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/miller/helptexts.lua	2015-11-08 11:36:52 +0000
+++ data/tribes/workers/atlanteans/miller/helptexts.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 function worker_helptext()
    -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a worker: Miller
-   return pgettext("atlanteans_worker", "Grinds blackroot and corn to produce blackroot flour and cornmeal, respectively.")
+   return pgettext("atlanteans_worker", "Grinds blackroots and corn to produce blackroot flour and cornmeal, respectively.")

=== modified file 'data/txts/LICENSE.lua'
--- data/txts/LICENSE.lua	2016-10-02 16:37:50 +0000
+++ data/txts/LICENSE.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
       _"Copyright 2002 - 2016 by the Widelands Development Team." .. "<br>" ..
       _"This game is Free and Open Source (FOSS), licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) V2.0." .. "<br></p>" ..
-      p(_"You can find more information on FOSS and the GPL by visiting the following webpage:  %s"):bformat(a("http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0";)) ..
+      p(_"You can find more information on FOSS and the GPL by visiting the following webpage: %s"):bformat(a("http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0";)) ..
       p(_"You can find the full text of the license there as well as further information about its philosophy and the legal implications.") ..
       p(_"We are also shipping the GPL as a text document with Widelands itself.") ..

=== modified file 'data/txts/help/multiplayer_help.lua'
--- data/txts/help/multiplayer_help.lua	2016-10-20 19:29:28 +0000
+++ data/txts/help/multiplayer_help.lua	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
       result = result .. rt(h2(_"Client settings"))
       result = result .. rt(p(_"On the left side is a list of all clients including you. You can set your role with the button following your nickname. Available roles are:"))
       result = result .. picture_li("images/players/genstats_player.png", _"The player with the color of the flag. If more than one client selected the same color, these share control over the player (‘shared kingdom mode’).")
-      result = result .. picture_li("images/wui/fieldaction/menu_tab_watch.png", _"Spectator mode, meaning you can see everything, but cannot control any player")
+      result = result .. picture_li("images/wui/fieldaction/menu_tab_watch.png", _"Spectator mode, meaning you can see everything, but cannot control any player.")
       result = result .. rt(h2(_"Player settings"))
       result = result .. rt(p(_"In the middle are the settings for the players. To start a game, each player must be one of the following:"))
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
       result = result .. picture_li("images/ai/ai_normal.png", _"Connected to a computer player (the face in the picture as well as the mouse hover texts indicate the strength of the currently selected computer player).")
       result = result .. picture_li("images/ui_fsmenu/shared_in.png", _"Set as shared in starting position for another player.")
       result = result .. picture_li("images/ui_basic/stop.png", _"Closed.")
-      result = result .. rt(p(_"The latter three can only be set by the hosting client by left-clicking the ‘type’ button of a player. Hosting players can also set the initialization of each player (the set of buildings, wares and workers the player starts with) and the tribe and team for computer players"))
-      result = result .. rt(p(_"Every client connected to a player (who isn’t a spectator) can set the tribe and the team for that player"))
+      result = result .. rt(p(_"The latter three can only be set by the hosting client by left-clicking the ‘type’ button of a player. Hosting players can also set the initialization of each player (the set of buildings, wares and workers the player starts with) and the tribe and team for computer players."))
+      result = result .. rt(p(_"Every client connected to a player (who isn’t a spectator) can set the tribe and the team for that player."))
       result = result .. rt(h2(_"Map details"))
       result = result .. rt(p(_"You can see information about the selected map or savegame on the right-hand side. A button next to the map name allows the host to change to a different map. Furthermore, the host is able to set a specific win condition, and finally can start the game as soon as all players are set up."))

=== modified file 'data/txts/tips/editor.tip'
--- data/txts/tips/editor.tip	2015-11-27 14:56:03 +0000
+++ data/txts/tips/editor.tip	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 [Tip 6]
-text=_"The number keys (1 - 0) allow you to directly set the size of the selected area around your mouse cursor."
+text=_"The number keys (0 - 9) allow you to directly set the size of the selected area around your mouse cursor."
 [Tip 7]

=== modified file 'src/editor/tools/info_tool.cc'
--- src/editor/tools/info_tool.cc	2016-08-04 15:49:05 +0000
+++ src/editor/tools/info_tool.cc	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 		   (boost::format(_("Players: %u")) % static_cast<unsigned int>(map->get_nrplayers())).str() +
 	} else {
-		buf += "• " + std::string(_("Players: -")) + "\n";
+		buf += "• " + std::string(_("Players: –")) + "\n";
 	buf += "• " + (boost::format(_("Author: %s")) % map->get_author()).str() + "\n";

=== modified file 'src/editor/ui_menus/main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc'
--- src/editor/ui_menus/main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc	2016-08-04 18:09:55 +0000
+++ src/editor/ui_menus/main_menu_save_map_make_directory.cc	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
             get_inner_w() - 2 * padding_,
-            _("Enter Directory Name: "),
+            _("Enter Directory Name:"),

=== modified file 'src/wlapplication.cc'
--- src/wlapplication.cc	2016-11-01 13:09:42 +0000
+++ src/wlapplication.cc	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -1032,18 +1032,19 @@
 		catch (const std::exception& e) {
 			messagetitle = "Unexpected error during the game";
 			message = e.what();
-			message +=
-			   (boost::format(_("\n\nPlease report this problem to help us improve Widelands. "
-			                    "You will find related messages in the standard output "
-			                    "(stdout.txt on Windows). You are using build %1$s (%2$s). ")) %
-			    build_id().c_str() % build_type().c_str())
-			      .str();
-			message += _("Please add this information to your report.\n\n"
+			message += "\n\n";
+			message += (boost::format(_("Please report this problem to help us improve Widelands. "
+			                            "You will find related messages in the standard output "
+			                            "(stdout.txt on Windows). You are using build %1$s (%2$s).")) %
+			            build_id().c_str() % build_type().c_str())
+			              .str();
+			message = (boost::format("%s\n\n%s") % message %
+			           _("Please add this information to your report.\n\n"
 			             "Widelands attempts to create a savegame when errors occur "
 			             "during the game. It is often – though not always – possible "
-			             "to load it and continue playing.\n");
+			             "to load it and continue playing."))
+			             .str();

=== modified file 'src/wui/building_statistics_menu.cc'
--- src/wui/building_statistics_menu.cc	2016-10-24 14:04:00 +0000
+++ src/wui/building_statistics_menu.cc	2016-11-30 08:11:15 +0000
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
         /** TRANSLATORS: This is the first part of productivity with input field */
         /** TRANSLATORS: Building statistics window - 'Low Productivity <input>%:' */
-        _("Low Productivity "),
+		  _("Low Productivity"),
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
-				unproductive_label_.set_text(_("Low Productivity "));
+				unproductive_label_.set_text(_("Low Productivity"));

Follow ups