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widelands-dev team
Mailing list archive
Message #09927
[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1675179-lua-economy into lp:widelands
GunChleoc has proposed merging lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1675179-lua-economy into lp:widelands.
Commit message:
Added a new object LuaEconomy to LuaMap.
Requested reviews:
Widelands Developers (widelands-dev)
Related bugs:
Bug #1675179 in widelands: "Implement lua functions needed for Empire scenario 3"
For more details, see:
This is for the Empire scenario scripting. The new functions aren't used anywhere in the game yet, so the unit test will have to cover the testing for now.
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1675179-lua-economy into lp:widelands.
=== modified file 'src/scripting/lua_map.cc'
--- src/scripting/lua_map.cc 2017-01-30 14:40:12 +0000
+++ src/scripting/lua_map.cc 2017-03-26 10:55:25 +0000
@@ -3342,6 +3342,128 @@
/* RST
+.. class:: LuaEconomy
+ Provides access to an economy. A player can have multiple economies;
+ you can get an economy from a :class:`Flag`.
+const char LuaEconomy::className[] = "Economy";
+const MethodType<LuaEconomy> LuaEconomy::Methods[] = {
+ METHOD(LuaEconomy, ware_target_quantity),
+ METHOD(LuaEconomy, worker_target_quantity),
+ METHOD(LuaEconomy, set_ware_target_quantity),
+ METHOD(LuaEconomy, set_worker_target_quantity),
+ {nullptr, nullptr},
+const PropertyType<LuaEconomy> LuaEconomy::Properties[] = {
+ {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
+void LuaEconomy::__persist(lua_State* L) {
+ const Widelands::Economy* economy = get();
+ const Widelands::Player& player = economy->owner();
+ PERS_UINT32("player", player.player_number());
+ PERS_UINT32("economy", player.get_economy_number(economy));
+void LuaEconomy::__unpersist(lua_State* L) {
+ Widelands::PlayerNumber player_number;
+ size_t economy_number;
+ UNPERS_UINT32("player", player_number);
+ UNPERS_UINT32("economy", economy_number);
+ const Widelands::Player& player = get_egbase(L).player(player_number);
+ set_economy_pointer(player.get_economy_by_number(economy_number));
+/* RST
+ .. method:: ware_target_quantity(warename)
+ Returns the amount of the given ware that should be kept in stock for this economy.
+ :arg warename: the name of the ware.
+ :type warename: :class:`string`
+int LuaEconomy::ware_target_quantity(lua_State* L) {
+ const std::string warename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ const Widelands::DescriptionIndex index = get_egbase(L).tribes().ware_index(warename);
+ if (get_egbase(L).tribes().ware_exists(index)) {
+ const Widelands::Economy::TargetQuantity& quantity = get()->ware_target_quantity(index);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, quantity.permanent);
+ } else {
+ report_error(L, "There is no ware '%s'.", warename.c_str());
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* RST
+ .. method:: worker_target_quantity(workername)
+ Returns the amount of the given worker that should be kept in stock for this economy.
+ :arg workername: the name of the worker.
+ :type workername: :class:`string`
+int LuaEconomy::worker_target_quantity(lua_State* L) {
+ const std::string workername = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ const Widelands::DescriptionIndex index = get_egbase(L).tribes().worker_index(workername);
+ if (get_egbase(L).tribes().worker_exists(index)) {
+ const Widelands::Economy::TargetQuantity& quantity = get()->worker_target_quantity(index);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, quantity.permanent);
+ } else {
+ report_error(L, "There is no worker '%s'.", workername.c_str());
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* RST
+ .. method:: set_ware_target_quantity(warename)
+ Sets the amount of the given ware type that should be kept in stock for this economy.
+ :arg warename: the name of the ware type.
+ :type warename: :class:`string`
+ :arg amount: the new target amount for the ware.
+ :type amount: :class:`integer`
+int LuaEconomy::set_ware_target_quantity(lua_State* L) {
+ const std::string warename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ const Widelands::DescriptionIndex index = get_egbase(L).tribes().ware_index(warename);
+ if (get_egbase(L).tribes().ware_exists(index)) {
+ const int quantity = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
+ get()->set_ware_target_quantity(index, quantity, get_egbase(L).get_gametime());
+ } else {
+ report_error(L, "There is no ware '%s'.", warename.c_str());
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* RST
+ .. method:: set_worker_target_quantity(workername)
+ Sets the amount of the given worker type that should be kept in stock for this economy.
+ :arg workername: the name of the worker type.
+ :type workername: :class:`string`
+ :arg amount: the new target amount for the worker.
+ :type amount: :class:`integer`
+int LuaEconomy::set_worker_target_quantity(lua_State* L) {
+ const std::string workername = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ const Widelands::DescriptionIndex index = get_egbase(L).tribes().worker_index(workername);
+ if (get_egbase(L).tribes().worker_exists(index)) {
+ const int quantity = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
+ get()->set_worker_target_quantity(index, quantity, get_egbase(L).get_gametime());
+ } else {
+ report_error(L, "There is no worker '%s'.", workername.c_str());
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* RST
@@ -3682,7 +3804,10 @@
METHOD(LuaFlag, set_wares), METHOD(LuaFlag, get_wares), {nullptr, nullptr},
const PropertyType<LuaFlag> LuaFlag::Properties[] = {
- PROP_RO(LuaFlag, roads), PROP_RO(LuaFlag, building), {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
+ PROP_RO(LuaFlag, economy),
+ PROP_RO(LuaFlag, roads),
+ PROP_RO(LuaFlag, building),
+ {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
@@ -3691,6 +3816,18 @@
/* RST
+ .. attribute:: economy
+ (RO) Returns the economy that this flag belongs to.
+ :returns: The :class:`Economy` associated with the flag.
+int LuaFlag::get_economy(lua_State* L) {
+ const Flag* f = get(L, get_egbase(L));
+ return to_lua<LuaEconomy>(L, new LuaEconomy(f->get_economy()));
+/* RST
.. attribute:: roads
(RO) Array of roads leading to the flag. Directions
@@ -6075,6 +6212,7 @@
register_class<LuaField>(L, "map");
register_class<LuaPlayerSlot>(L, "map");
+ register_class<LuaEconomy>(L, "map");
register_class<LuaMapObject>(L, "map");
register_class<LuaBob>(L, "map", true);
=== modified file 'src/scripting/lua_map.h'
--- src/scripting/lua_map.h 2017-01-25 18:55:59 +0000
+++ src/scripting/lua_map.h 2017-03-26 10:55:25 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <set>
+#include "economy/economy.h"
#include "economy/flag.h"
#include "economy/portdock.h"
#include "economy/road.h"
@@ -728,6 +729,54 @@
const Widelands::TerrainDescription* terraindescr_;
+class LuaEconomy : public LuaMapModuleClass {
+ LUNA_CLASS_HEAD(LuaEconomy);
+ virtual ~LuaEconomy() {
+ }
+ LuaEconomy() : economy_(nullptr) {
+ }
+ LuaEconomy(Widelands::Economy* economy) : economy_(economy) {
+ }
+ LuaEconomy(lua_State* L) : economy_(nullptr) {
+ report_error(L, "Cannot instantiate a 'LuaEconomy' directly!");
+ }
+ void __persist(lua_State* L) override;
+ void __unpersist(lua_State* L) override;
+ /*
+ * Properties
+ */
+ /*
+ * Lua methods
+ */
+ int ware_target_quantity(lua_State*);
+ int worker_target_quantity(lua_State*);
+ int set_ware_target_quantity(lua_State*);
+ int set_worker_target_quantity(lua_State*);
+ /*
+ * C methods
+ */
+ Widelands::Economy* get() const {
+ assert(economy_ != nullptr);
+ return economy_;
+ }
+ // For persistence.
+ void set_economy_pointer(Widelands::Economy* pointer) {
+ economy_ = pointer;
+ }
+ Widelands::Economy* economy_;
#define CASTED_GET(klass) \
Widelands::klass* get(lua_State* L, Widelands::EditorGameBase& egbase) { \
return static_cast<Widelands::klass*>(LuaMapObject::get(L, egbase, #klass)); \
@@ -904,6 +953,7 @@
* Properties
+ int get_economy(lua_State* L);
int get_roads(lua_State* L);
int get_building(lua_State* L);
=== added file 'test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/geconomy.lua'
--- test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/geconomy.lua 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/geconomy.lua 2017-03-26 10:55:25 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+-- ==================================================
+-- Tests for Economy that are only useful in the Game
+-- ==================================================
+economy_tests = lunit.TestCase("Economy test")
+function test_descr:test_instantiation_forbidden()
+ assert_error("Cannot instantiate", function()
+ wl.map.Economy()
+ end)
+function economy_tests:test_ware_target_quantity()
+ -- Get the economy off a flag
+ local sf = map:get_field(10, 10)
+ local hq = player1:place_building("barbarians_headquarters", sf, false, true)
+ local hq_flag = hq.flag
+ local eco = hq_flag.economy
+ -- Nonexisting ware should fail
+ assert_error("Nonexisting ware",function() eco:ware_target_quantity("foobar") end)
+ -- Now set and confirm ware quantity
+ quantity = eco:ware_target_quantity("log")
+ quantity = quantity + 1
+ eco:set_ware_target_quantity("log", quantity)
+ assert_equal(quantity, eco:ware_target_quantity("log"))
+ hq_flag:remove()
+function economy_tests:test_worker_target_quantity()
+ -- Get the economy off a flag
+ local sf = map:get_field(10, 10)
+ local hq = player1:place_building("barbarians_headquarters", sf, false, true)
+ local hq_flag = hq.flag
+ local eco = hq_flag.economy
+ -- Nonexisting worker should fail
+ assert_error("Nonexisting worker",function() eco:worker_target_quantity("foobar") end)
+ -- Now set and confirm worker quantity
+ quantity = eco:worker_target_quantity("barbarians_soldier")
+ quantity = quantity + 1
+ eco:set_worker_target_quantity("barbarians_soldier", quantity)
+ assert_equal(quantity, eco:worker_target_quantity("barbarians_soldier"))
+ hq_flag:remove()
=== modified file 'test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/init.lua'
--- test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/init.lua 2016-04-12 07:35:33 +0000
+++ test/maps/lua_testsuite.wmf/scripting/init.lua 2017-03-26 10:55:25 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
if not wl.editor then
include "map:scripting/game.lua"
+ include "map:scripting/geconomy.lua"
include "map:scripting/gplayer.lua"
include "map:scripting/gfield.lua"
include "map:scripting/gplr_access.lua"
Follow ups