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[Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/pass_through_infos into lp:widelands


The proposal to merge lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/pass_through_infos into lp:widelands has been updated.

Commit Message changed to:

Further untangle Interactive* classes.

- MapView no longer has knowledge of InteractiveBase instead it takes the Map. This means that InteractiveBase contains more of its own logic (like freeze of the selection marker).
- Give the Interacitve* classes their own draw() functions. Differentiating logic of drawing (for example visibility of fields and so on) can be moved into these functions to detangle the drawing code some more. This allowed to move draw_bobs() and draw_immovables() logic out of InteractiveBase into EditorInteractive.
- InteractiveBase::map_clicked and *::node_action() takes the node_and_triangle that was clicked instead of side loading it through the current fsel position.
- This fixes bug 1711816 with black terrains on fullscreen switch.

For more details, see:
Your team Widelands Developers is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/pass_through_infos into lp:widelands.
