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Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/fh1-tutorial1 into lp:widelands


Review: Approve

I noticed no obvious errors in the diff. Some arrows have become bullet points, but I guess this is intentional.
Some feel-free-to-ignore comments are in the diff.

For testing, I downloaded the modified lua file and applied it to trunk. Playing through the tutorial worked fine.

Just a thought while playing the tutorial: Do we ever tell the player about the objectives list at the bottom? I think this should be mentioned sometime quite early. Admittedly that is no part of this branch.

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua'
> --- data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2017-12-16 10:48:12 +0000
> +++ data/campaigns/tutorial01_basic_control.wmf/scripting/texts.lua	2018-01-12 19:03:59 +0000
> @@ -308,7 +288,7 @@
>     position = "topright",
>     field = road_building_field,
>     title = _"Road Building",
> -   body = rt(p(_[[Or, you can directly click the flag where the road should end, like so:]])),
> +   body = p(_[[Or, you can directly click the flag where the road should end, like so:]]),

No () around the p() statement here, but in most (all?) other places.
I guess this is no error, so as far as I am concerned it can stay that way.

>     h = 200,
>     w = 250
>  }
> @@ -396,27 +370,23 @@
>     popup = true,
>     title = _"Messages",
>     heading = _"Introducing Messages",
> -   body = rt(
> +   body = (
>        p(_[[Hi, it’s me again! This time, I have sent you a message. Messages are sent to you by Widelands to inform you about important events: empty mines, attacks on your tribe, won or lost military buildings, resources found…]]) ..
>        p(_[[The message window can be toggled by the second button from the right at the bottom of the screen. This button will also change appearance whenever new messages are available, but there is also a bell sound played whenever you receive a new message.]]) ..

Maybe also add the corresponding icon here?

> -      p(_[[You have two messages at the moment. This one, which you are currently reading, and the one that informed you that a new headquarters was added to your economy. Let’s learn how to archive messages: first, select the message that you wish to archive by clicking on it in the list. Then, click the]])
> -   ) ..
> -   rt("image=images/wui/messages/message_archive.png", p(_[[‘Archive selected message’ button to move it into your archive.]])) ..
> -   rt(
> +      p(_[[You have two messages at the moment. This one, which you are currently reading, and the one that informed you that a new headquarters was added to your economy. Let’s learn how to archive messages: first, select the message that you wish to archive by clicking on it in the list. Then, click the]]) ..
> +      li_image("images/wui/messages/message_archive.png", _[[‘Archive selected message’ button to move it into your archive.]]) ..
>        p(_[[Once you have archived a message, another message will be selected automatically from the list.]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[You can also hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple messages, or press Ctrl + A to select them all.]]) ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[Archive all messages that you currently have in your inbox, including this one.]])
> +      li_arrow(_[[You can also hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple messages, or press Ctrl + A to select them all.]]) ..
> +      li(_[[Archive all messages that you currently have in your inbox, including this one.]])
>     ),
>     obj_name = "archive_all_messages",
>     obj_title = _"Archive all messages in your inbox",
> -   obj_body = rt(
> +   obj_body = (
>        h1(_"Archive Your Inbox Messages") ..
>        p(_[[The message window is central to fully controlling your tribe’s fortune. However, you will get a lot of messages in a real game. To keep your head straight, you should try to keep the inbox empty.]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[Archive all your messages in your inbox now.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[To do so, open the message window by pressing ‘n’ or clicking the second button from the right at the very bottom of the screen. The newest message will be marked for you automatically. Keep clicking the ‘Archive selected message’ button until all messages have been archived and the list is empty.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[You can also hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple messages, or press Ctrl + A to select them all.]])
> +      li(_[[Archive all your messages in your inbox now.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[To do so, open the message window by pressing ‘n’ or clicking the second button from the right at the very bottom of the screen. The newest message will be marked for you automatically. Keep clicking the ‘Archive selected message’ button until all messages have been archived and the list is empty.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[You can also hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple messages, or press Ctrl + A to select them all.]])
>     )
>  }
> @@ -455,49 +423,45 @@
>  destroy_quarries_message = {
>     position = "topright",
>     title = _"Messages Arrived!",
> -   body = rt(
> +   body = (
>        p(_[[You received some messages. See how the button at the bottom of the screen has changed appearance? You can destroy the quarries now as they are no longer of any use and just blocking space. To do so, there are two possibilities:]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[Burning down the quarry: this is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[Dismantling the quarry: a builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])
> +      li(_[[Burning down the quarry: this is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
> +      li(_[[Dismantling the quarry: a builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])

Add icons?

>     ),
>     h = 300,
>     obj_name = "destroy_quarries",
>     obj_title = _"Destroy the two quarries",
> -   obj_body = rt(
> +   obj_body = (
>        p(_[[Since our quarries are useless now, you can destroy them and reuse the space later on.]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[There are two different ways of destroying a building: burning down and dismantling. Try them both out on your quarries.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[Burning down the quarry: This is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[Dismantling the quarry: A builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])
> +      li_arrow(_[[There are two different ways of destroying a building: burning down and dismantling. Try them both out on your quarries.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[Burning down the quarry: This is the fastest way of clearing the space. While the worker abandons the building, the wares are lost.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[Dismantling the quarry: A builder will walk from the headquarters to dismantle the quarry piece by piece. Thereby, you regain some of the resources you used for the construction.]])
>     )
>  }
>  introduce_expansion = {
>     title = _"Expanding Your Territory!",
> -   body = rt(
> +   body = (
>        p(_[[There is one more thing I’d like to teach you now: Expanding your territory. The place that we started with around our headquarters is barely enough for a basic building infrastructure, and we do not have access to mountains, which we need to mine minerals and coal. So, we have to expand our territory.]]) ..
>        p(_[[Expanding is as simple as building a military building at the edge of your territory. The Barbarians have a selection of different military buildings: sentries, barriers, towers, fortresses and citadels. The bigger the building, the more expensive it is to build, but the more land it will conquer around itself and the more soldiers can be stationed there. The buildings also vary in their vision range: buildings with a tower see farther than others.]]) ..
>        p(_[[As soon as a military building is manned, it will extend your land. I will tell your more about military buildings in another tutorial.]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[Let’s try it out now: build a military building on your border.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[The sentry is the only military site that fits on a small building plot. If your lumberjack has cleared enough space, you can also build another military building.]])
> +      li(_[[Let’s try it out now: build a military building on your border.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[The sentry is the only military site that fits on a small building plot. If your lumberjack has cleared enough space, you can also build another military building.]])
>     ),
>     obj_name = "expand_territory",
>     obj_title = _"Expand your territory",
> -   obj_body = rt(
> +   obj_body = (
>        h1(_"Make your territory grow") ..
>        p(_[[In Widelands, it is necessary to build many buildings, which take up a lot of space. To expand your territory, you have to build military buildings next to your border. Every tribe has several military buildings.]]) ..
> -      paragraphdivider() ..
> -      listitem_bullet(_[[The Barbarians have four different military buildings you can build: the sentry (small), the barrier and the tower (both medium) and the fortress (big). Just choose the one you like most.]]) ..
> -      listitem_arrow(_[[Remember that big buildings (green icon) cannot be built on small (red) or medium (yellow) building plots, but buildings can be built on a building plot that provides more space than they need. You should always keep that in mind when you search for a suitable place.]])
> +      li(_[[The Barbarians have four different military buildings you can build: the sentry (small), the barrier and the tower (both medium) and the fortress (big). Just choose the one you like most.]]) ..
> +      li_arrow(_[[Remember that big buildings (green icon) cannot be built on small (red) or medium (yellow) building plots, but buildings can be built on a building plot that provides more space than they need. You should always keep that in mind when you search for a suitable place.]])
>     )
>  }
>  military_building_finished = {
>     title = _"Military Site Occupied",
> -   body = rt(
> +   body = (
>        h1(_"Your territory has just grown!") ..
>        p(_[[Great. Do you see how your territory has grown since your soldiers entered your new military building?]]) ..
>        p(_[[Every military building has a certain conquer area – the more expensive the building, the more land it conquers.]])
> @@ -508,15 +472,15 @@
>  conclude_tutorial = {
>     title = _"Conclusion",
> -   body = rt(
> +   body = (
>        h1(_"Conclusion") ..
>        p(_[[This concludes the first tutorial. In order to learn more about the game, I suggest to play one of the other tutorials. Each of them covers a different topic.]]) ..
>        p(_[[However, since you now know how to control Widelands, you can also start a game (or continue this one) and discover more by yourself.]]) ..
> -      p(_[[To leave this game and return to the main menu, click on the]])
> -   ) ..
> -   rt("image=images/wui/menus/menu_options_menu.png", p(_[[‘Main Menu’ button on the very left at the bottom of the screen. Then click the]])) ..
> -   rt("image=images/wui/menus/menu_exit_game.png", p(_[[‘Exit Game’ button.]])) ..
> -   rt(p(_[[Thanks for playing this tutorial. Enjoy Widelands and remember to visit us at]])) ..
> -   rt("text-align=center", "<p font-size=24 font-decoration=underline>http://www.widelands.org</p>"),
> +      p(_[[To leave this game and return to the main menu, click on the]]) ..
> +      li_image("images/wui/menus/menu_options_menu.png", _[[‘Main Menu’ button on the very left at the bottom of the screen. Then click the]]) ..
> +      li_image("images/wui/menus/menu_exit_game.png", _[[‘Exit Game’ button.]]) ..
> +      p(_[[Thanks for playing this tutorial. Enjoy Widelands and remember to visit us at]]) ..
> +      h1(p("align=center", u("http://www.widelands.org";)))

Maybe no underline? Underlining implies that it is clickable which isn't the case.
And maybe change it to https://wl.widelands.org/ ? O:)

> +   ),
>     h = 450
>  }

Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/fh1-tutorial1.
