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Message #15064
Re: [Merge] lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1759857-territorial-lord into lp:widelands
Review: Needs Fixing testing
I wasn't able to reproduce the reported bug but it didn't crashed in my tests either. However, the final lost/won message is broken, since the land ownership is reported as:
Player 1 had 179000% of the land (3580 of 2).
Unfortunately I wasn't able to spot the error. It seems as if the local variable fields changes its value but I have no idea how that should happen. Apart from that, it worked without problems and the earlier status messages were correct as well.
I also looked roughly through the code and haven't noticed any obvious mistakes, but that doesn't mean much.
Diff comments:
> === added file 'data/scripting/win_conditions/territorial_functions.lua'
> --- data/scripting/win_conditions/territorial_functions.lua 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
> +++ data/scripting/win_conditions/territorial_functions.lua 2018-09-29 05:16:29 +0000
> @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
> +-- RST
> +-- territorial_functions.lua
> +-- ---------------------------
> +--
> +-- This file contains common code for the "Territorial Lord" and "Territorial Time" win conditions.
> +
> +set_textdomain("win_conditions")
> +
> +include "scripting/richtext.lua"
> +include "scripting/win_conditions/win_condition_texts.lua"
> +
> +local team_str = _"Team %i"
> +local wc_has_territory = _"%1$s has %2$3.0f%% of the land (%3$i of %4$i)."
> +local wc_had_territory = _"%1$s had %2$3.0f%% of the land (%3$i of %4$i)."
I don't really like the leading space in front of the percentage. Since the player names most likely have different lengths anyway, the whitespace just looks strange.
But it is an old decision, so feel free to ignore this comment.
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: get_buildable_fields()
> +--
> +-- Collects all fields that are buildable
> +--
> +-- :returns: a table with the map's buildable fields
> +--
> +function get_buildable_fields()
> + local fields = {}
> + local map = wl.Game().map
> + for x=0, map.width-1 do
> + for y=0, map.height-1 do
> + local f = map:get_field(x,y)
> + if f.buildable then
> + table.insert(fields, f)
> + end
> + end
> + end
> + print("NOCOM Found " .. #fields .. " buildable fields")
> + return fields
> +end
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: count_owned_fields_for_all_players(fields, players)
> +--
> +-- Counts all owned fields for each player.
> +--
> +-- :arg fields: Table of all buildable fields
> +-- :arg players: Table of all players
> +--
> +-- :returns: a table with ``playernumber = count_of_owned_fields`` entries
> +--
> +local function count_owned_fields_for_all_players(fields, players)
> + local owned_fields = {}
> + -- init the landsizes for each player
> + for idx,plr in ipairs(players) do
> + owned_fields[plr.number] = 0
> + end
> +
> + for idx,f in ipairs(fields) do
> + -- check if field is owned by a player
> + local owner = f.owner
> + if owner then
> + local owner_number = owner.number
> + if owned_fields[owner_number] == nil then
> + -- In case player was defeated and lost all their warehouses, make sure they don't count
> + owned_fields[owner_number] = -1
> + elseif owned_fields[owner_number] >= 0 then
> + owned_fields[owner_number] = owned_fields[owner_number] + 1
> + end
> + end
> + end
> + return owned_fields
> +end
> +
> +
> +-- Used by calculate_territory_points keep track of when the winner changes
> +local winning_players = {}
> +local winning_teams = {}
> +
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. data:: territory_points
> +--
> +-- This table contains information about the current points and winning status for all
> +-- players and teams:
> +--
> +-- .. code-block:: lua
> +--
> +-- territory_points = {
> +-- -- The currently winning team, if any. -1 means that no team is currently winning.
> +-- last_winning_team = -1,
> +-- -- The currently winning player, if any. -1 means that no player is currently winning.
> +-- last_winning_player = -1,
> +-- -- Remaining time in secs for victory by > 50% territory. Default value is also used to calculate whether to send a report to players.
> +-- remaining_time = 10,
> +-- -- Points by player
> +-- all_player_points = {},
> +-- -- Points by rank, used to generate messages to the players
> +-- points = {}
> +-- }
> +--
> +territory_points = {
> + -- TODO(GunChleoc): We want to be able to list multiple winners in case of a draw.
> + last_winning_team = -1,
> + last_winning_player = -1,
> + remaining_time = 10,
> + all_player_points = {},
> + points = {}
> +}
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: calculate_territory_points(fields, players, wc_descname, wc_version)
> +--
> +-- First checks if a player was defeated, then fills the ``territory_points`` table
> +-- with current data.
> +--
> +-- :arg fields: Table of all buildable fields
> +-- :arg players: Table of all players
> +-- :arg wc_descname: String with the win condition's descname
> +-- :arg wc_version: Number with the win condition's descname
"version", not "descname".
> +--
> +function calculate_territory_points(fields, players, wc_descname, wc_version)
> + -- A player might have been defeated since the last calculation
> + check_player_defeated(players, lost_game.title, lost_game.body, wc_descname, wc_version)
> +
> + local points = {} -- tracking points of teams and players without teams
> + local territory_was_kept = false
> +
> + territory_points.all_player_points = count_owned_fields_for_all_players(fields, players)
> + local ranked_players = rank_players(territory_points.all_player_points, players)
> +
> + -- Check if we have a winner. The table was sorted, so we can simply grab the first entry.
> + local winning_points = -1
> + if ranked_players[1].points > ( #fields / 2 ) then
> + winning_points = ranked_players[1].points
> + end
> +
> + -- Calculate which team or player is the current winner, and whether the winner has changed
> + for tidx, teaminfo in ipairs(ranked_players) do
> + local is_winner = teaminfo.points == winning_points
> + if teaminfo.team ~= 0 then
> + points[#points + 1] = { team_str:format(teaminfo.team), teaminfo.points }
> + if is_winner then
> + print("NOCOM Winner is team " .. teaminfo.team .. " with " .. teaminfo.points .. " points")
> + territory_was_kept = winning_teams[teaminfo.team] ~= nil
> + winning_teams[teaminfo.team] = true
> + territory_points.last_winning_team = teaminfo.team
> + territory_points.last_winning_player = -1
> + else
> + winning_teams[teaminfo.team] = nil
> + end
> + end
> +
> + for pidx, playerinfo in ipairs(teaminfo.players) do
> + if is_winner and teaminfo.team == 0 and teaminfo.points == playerinfo.points then
> + print("NOCOM Winner is player " .. playerinfo.number .. " with " .. playerinfo.points .. " points")
> + territory_was_kept = winning_players[playerinfo.number] ~= nil
> + winning_players[playerinfo.number] = true
> + territory_points.last_winning_player = playerinfo.number
> + territory_points.last_winning_team = -1
> + else
> + winning_players[playerinfo.number] = nil
> + end
> + if teaminfo.team == 0 and players[playerinfo.number] ~= nil then
> + points[#points + 1] = { players[playerinfo.number].name, playerinfo.points }
> + end
> + end
> + end
> +
> + -- Set the remaining time according to whether the winner is still the same
> + if territory_was_kept then
> + -- Still the same winner
> + territory_points.remaining_time = territory_points.remaining_time - 30
> + print("NOCOM Territory was kept by " .. territory_points.last_winning_team .. " - " .. territory_points.last_winning_player .. ". Remaining time: " .. territory_points.remaining_time)
> + elseif winning_points == -1 then
> + -- No winner. This value is used to calculate whether to send a report to players.
> + territory_points.remaining_time = 10
> + else
> + -- Winner changed
> + territory_points.remaining_time = 20 * 60 -- 20 minutes
> + print("NOCOM NEW aqcuisition by " .. territory_points.last_winning_team .. " - " .. territory_points.last_winning_player .. ". Remaining time: " .. territory_points.remaining_time)
> + end
> + territory_points.points = points
> +end
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: territory_status(fields, has_had)
> +--
> +-- Returns a string containing the current land percentages of players/teams
> +-- for messages to the players
> +--
> +-- :arg fields: Table of all buildable fields
> +-- :arg has_had: Use "has" for an interim message, "had" for a game over message.
> +--
> +-- :returns: a richtext-formatted string with information on current points for each player/team
> +--
> +function territory_status(fields, has_had)
Maybe use a boolean game_ended instead of this string construction?
(Old code, feel free to ignore this comment.)
> + local function _percent(part, whole)
> + return (part * 100) / whole
> + end
> +
> + local msg = ""
> + for i=1,#territory_points.points do
> + if (has_had == "has") then
> + msg = msg ..
> + li(
> + (wc_has_territory):bformat(
> + territory_points.points[i][1],
> + _percent(territory_points.points[i][2], #fields),
> + territory_points.points[i][2],
> + #fields))
> + else
> + msg = msg ..
> + li(
> + (wc_had_territory):bformat(
> + territory_points.points[i][1],
> + _percent(territory_points.points[i][2], #fields),
> + territory_points.points[i][2],
> + #fields))
> + end
> +
> + end
> + return p(msg)
> +end
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: winning_status_header()
> +--
> +-- Returns a string containing a status message header for a winning player
> +--
> +-- :returns: a richtext-formatted string with header information for a winning player
> +--
> +function winning_status_header()
> + set_textdomain("win_conditions")
> + local remaining_minutes = math.max(0, math.floor(territory_points.remaining_time / 60))
> +
> + local message = p(_"You own more than half of the map’s area.")
> + message = message .. p(ngettext("Keep it for %i more minute to win the game.",
> + "Keep it for %i more minutes to win the game.",
> + remaining_minutes))
> + :format(remaining_minutes)
> + return message
> +end
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: losing_status_header(players)
> +--
> +-- Returns a string containing a status message header for a losing player
> +--
> +-- :arg players: Table of all players
> +--
> +-- :returns: a richtext-formatted string with header information for a losing player
> +--
> +function losing_status_header(players)
> + set_textdomain("win_conditions")
> + local winner_name = "Error"
> + if territory_points.last_winning_team >= 0 then
> + winner_name = team_str:format(territory_points.last_winning_team)
> + elseif territory_points.last_winning_player >= 0 then
> + winner_name = players[territory_points.last_winning_player].name
> + end
> + local remaining_minutes = math.max(0, math.floor(territory_points.remaining_time / 60))
> +
> + local message = p(_"%s owns more than half of the map’s area."):format(winner_name)
> + message = message .. p(ngettext("You’ve still got %i minute to prevent a victory.",
> + "You’ve still got %i minutes to prevent a victory.",
> + remaining_minutes))
> + :format(remaining_minutes)
> + return message
> +end
> +
> +-- RST
> +-- .. function:: territory_game_over(fields, players, wc_descname, wc_version)
> +--
> +-- Updates the territory points and sends game over reports
> +--
> +-- :arg fields: Table of all buildable fields
> +-- :arg players: Table of all players
What about wc_descname and wc_version?
> +--
> +function territory_game_over(fields, players, wc_descname, wc_version)
> + calculate_territory_points(fields, players, wc_descname, wc_version)
> +
> + for idx, pl in ipairs(players) do
> + pl.see_all = 1
> +
> + local wonmsg = won_game_over.body .. game_status.body
> + local lostmsg = lost_game_over.body .. game_status.body
> + for i=1,#territory_points.points do
> + if territory_points.points[i][1] == team_str:format(pl.team) or territory_points.points[i][1] == pl.name then
> + if territory_points.points[i][2] >= territory_points.points[1][2] then
> + pl:send_message(won_game_over.title, wonmsg .. territory_status(territory_points.points, fields, "had"))
> + wl.game.report_result(pl, 1, make_extra_data(pl, wc_descname, wc_version, {score=territory_points.all_player_points[pl.number]}))
> + else
> + pl:send_message(lost_game_over.title, lostmsg .. territory_status(territory_points.points, fields, "had"))
> + wl.game.report_result(pl, 0, make_extra_data(pl, wc_descname, wc_version, {score=territory_points.all_player_points[pl.number]}))
> + end
> + end
> + end
> + end
> +end
Your team Widelands Developers is subscribed to branch lp:~widelands-dev/widelands/bug-1759857-territorial-lord.