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[Wintermute/Wntr] Building software


Hello guys, I am writing here to clear some Wntr building-related aspects.

First of all, before *any* attempt to build anything ensure that you have
installed wintermutesdk-scripts package (will be available as .deb today),
this is needed for CMakeLists.txt files to work and define important
variables, macros, etc.
Secondly, do *not* invoke CMake in the projects' root directory, instead of
that create 'build' subdirectory:
    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake .. <options>

Remember to provide at least CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable by specifying
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> option while invoking CMake; this defines
installation prefix.
You can also use provided Makefile by typing just `make' and this will
create build directory and invoke CMake with all needed options.

For those not liking building there is PPA; currently not up-to-date and not
having all of the software but this will change soon.
